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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  July 17, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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captioning brought to you by meso if you or a loved one have mesothelial, will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to 14000 i'm boris sanchez live in milwaukee at the site of the republican national convention. my co-anchor and good friend, brianna keilar is live for us in washington, dc. and here in milwaukee, it's day three of the rnc tonight, former president trump's new running mate, senator jd vance of ohio will take center stage age to deliver the most important speech of his political career. thus far. it's notable senator vance is the first veteran on a major party ticket since john mccain back in 2008. the theme tonight is make america strong once again with a heavy focus not only on border security,
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but foreign policy as well. today, republicans will feature some of trump's staunchest supporters as well as a slate of former service members and gold star families. let's get the latest now from cnn's kristen holmes and alayna treene. so kristen, what more should we expect from night three at the convention? >> well, boris, as you noted, that we're gonna hear from veterans gold-star families is actually a family of an israeli hostage that's going to be there. this is going to be kind of an outline or at least trying to build up donald trump's foreign policy credentials even though he doesn't really like to talk about foreign policy on the campaign trail. now, the most notable speaker, as you mentioned, is going to be senator jd vance. this is really his big debut. yes, he's done some interviews since he was picked to be donald trump's vice president. but this is his first time on the national stage, talking to the people. now, the other person who's very interesting is who's going to introduce them, which is his wife, usha vance. she herself is a fascinating human being. she met him at yale law school she was a trial lawyer and she is somebody that he has credited
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with almost all of his success. now, in addition to the two of them, you're going to hear from don junior trump's son, obviously, such supporter, also big ally of jd vance kellyanne conway still advises the president was in charge of his 2016 campaign as well as representative matt gaetz, bag hello, ally, nancy mace, et cetera. but again, big highlight tonight, big person everybody is watching jd vance and alayna, you have some new reporting on the substance of his speech. what should we expect? >> i do so i've spoken with someone who helped work on the remarks and they essentially said the big focus for jd vance tonight is about telling his life store and i think anyone can agree whether you like jd vance or not, that he has an incredible journey. you know, he grew up in a poor rust belt town in ohio. he came from a very unstable childhood. his family struggled with opioid addiction, all things he talks about in his book, hillbilly elegy. then he went on to become a marine. he went to yale law school. he was successful than i'm sure capital less than he's only been in the senate for a
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year-and-a-half and now he is donald trump's running mate. and so he's going to talk a lot about that now, kristen also mentioned a big focus on foreign policy that is actually an area where jd vance does very well. it's a key focus of his and i think you can hear, you'll hear a lot of his populist messaging when it comes to that. but of course, expect that everything he is going to say is are things that the trump campaign has looked at before, make sure they're aligned on, and that there'll be embracing when he talks. i do want to read a quote for you though very briefly because i think this just encapsulates and cattle so that's how they're thinking about this so the source familiar with the jd vance's remarks told me if you want to crack suburban women, get them to watch the screen adaptation advances memoir, auhillbilly elegy, his life story is so powerful, expelled, expect a lot of focus on his bio and life story. so again i think you're going to hear him really trying to pull on those personal stories kind of like what we saw last night with some of the other speakers. >> excellent alayna treene, kristen holmes. thank you both so much for the reporting. appreciate it. let's get some
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perspective now, with republican congressman dan crenshaw of texas, congressman. thank you so much for being with us. i want to start with last night because we heard speaker after speaker blaming democrats for crop i'm and for record numbers of undocumented immigrants entering the country. now, earlier this year, you said that republicans torpedoing the bipartisan senate border bill was i'm quoting you, the height of stupidity. do you think republicans bear some responsibility for the state of immigration policy? >> you're misquoting me. so i didn't say that. i said the height of stupidity is having an opinion on something that you haven't read yet that's very different than what you just said. >> so look, we should have come to a deal on border security. we should defend ukraine and that's what they, that's still in the republican platform because you don't want wars of conquest to continue in europe and give us another world war, ii but you should have to defend our own border, which is obviously the main theme of the
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rnc's the talks today so do we bear some blame know, because the first three years of joe biden presidency has been reversing every single policy that trump had in place that i thought was doing its best to mitigate the disaster at the border. there's tens of millions people that want to come to this country at any given time. and if you give them an incentive to do so, they will do so in joe biden gave them every incentive to do so. so that deal aside know, that's completely on joe biden. voters know it. this is on immigration than they do than they do democrats i apologize for using that quote in the wrong context. >> i must have misread it. i appreciate the correction. i do want to ask you about foreign policy because that's where the focus is shifting tonight. with a keynote from the vice presidential nominee jd vance. he said seems to favor this more isolationist america first view specifically on ukraine.
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what does his nomination tell you about ukraine policy in a potential second trump term? >> i mean vice presidents don't matter all that much trump is what matters and luckily, i have for years of a trump presidency to go off of and in that for years, putin didn't invade ukraine and the reason why this is, this is hearsay, but i'm sure everybody's reported on it. what did he tell putin? he said he would, bomb moscow if they invaded? creighton. he was a very tough talker. peace through strength actually matters, and the strength part is what's difficult. you have to say uncomfortable things, and you have to be willing to put your money where your mouth is, trump proved that over and over again, he tripped a proved 20 when he tooout soleimani from iran, for instance and he proved it when he escalated in syria. sometimes you have to escalate in order to de-escalate and to the beat isis so that you can pull out
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an a manner that's responsible. he did not have a disaster and afghanistan, the way biden did. so, what i actually look at trump's foreign policy, i'm generally pretty happy with it. i don't see it as isolationist. i don't see it as retracting from the world he says a lot of things that make allies uncomfortable, but because he's trying to get them to do more and that's a good thing i'm unclear on word on where the vice president stands on these things. he seems unclear on but in the end, it's what trump believes and look you cannot, you cannot go back to a pre world war ii, world where wars of conquest are okay. and we just greenlight them because you know what you're going to get a lot more of them and then your children will not have the same global economy that we have now so there's a divide on that, right? i'm on one side of it. there's other republicans on the other side of it. there's democrats on both sides of that that's always been a divide in american politics. it will continue to be, and w're going to continue to have those
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discussions it does seem like the vice president was pretty clear when he said that he doesn't care about what happens in ukraine either way, but you don't think that ukraine is at all at risk of losing support with trump in office? trump has never said that as jd vance said, that trump has never said that, right? trump came up with sort of roach of a trump is time up with a different approach. i mean, the reason we made it a loan, what did trump say? let's make it alone. that's basically the easiest slowed ever with no interest and no timelines on it. trump has always been pretty good about supporting ukraine when one of amo was giving ukraine blankets, trump is giving them weapons. so i'm not as worried about about the trump presidency. again, sure jd vance says ukraine doesn't matter all that much. >> well, the vice presidency doesn't matter all that much either. the president is what matters and that's who i'm voting for sure. >> i do want to ask you about china because beijing has also
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closely going to be watching this election and for the first time since 1980 taiwan wasn't even mentioned in the republican platform former president trump described the u.s assurances that taiwan would be helped by the united states in the potential chinese invasion as an insurance policy, he seemed to sort of treated as a transactional or deal. i'm wondering if trump wins. how do you think he'd respond to a chinese invasion of taiwan it's hard to say. i don't even, i don't know how biden would respond to a chinese invasion of taiwan. i don't know how the congress would respond to a chinese invasion of taiwan i don't even want to have that possibility in mind. what we need to be doing, what we should all be aligned and doing. and i think we are, this is pretty bipartisan is making sure that taiwan is impenetrable. you want to make it so costly on the chinese to even think about invading taiwan that we don't have to make that decision about whether we'd actually go
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to war over it now, it's worth noting the economic consequences of an invasion of taiwan are massive, massive for the world, right? 90% of the most advanced semiconductors are produced. there and that's not changing anytime soon. that's not just some infrastructure that you can just create all of a sudden and look, i, we have this argument with colleagues on both sides all the time. you have to understand global economics and the reason you have all the great things you do for the last 80 years ever since d-day and it's because america lead the world. and if you retract from that, your kids will have a much a much poorer and less prosperous lifestyle than you have. and that's a debate we're going to continue to have. that's why it's why american leadership is important. it is. and this is why i say to my friends to, you cannot call it america first when you basically are allowing and greenlighting china russia, iran, venezuela, north korea to run the world economy and run the world and dictate everyone's actions. that's america last, that will continue to be a debate
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congressman, dan crenshaw, we appreciate your joining us. >> look forward to expanding the conversation in the future. thanks thanks this just into cnn, adam schiff is adding his name to the list of those calling on president biden to step aside and let another democrat run for president schiff is of course, running for the senate and is the most prominent democrat to come forward and do this in a statement he said, quote, a second trump presidency will undermine the very foundation of our democracy. and i have serious concerns about whether the president can defeat donald trump in november. while the choice to withdraw from the campaign is president biden's alone. i believe it's time for him to pass the torch we'll have more on this battle and the democratic party and much more from the republican national convention. and another story we are closely watching an nfl hall of famer says he was unjustly detained on a united flight's cnn's live interview with him it's just moments away tomorrow,
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live from milwaukee, former president trump accepts his party's nomination for that the nation's highest office, jake tapper and anderson cooper lead cnn special live coverage. >> the republican national convention tomorrow at seven on cnn he was at trouble losing weight and keeping saying, discover the power of week over to the fbi what we gobi, i lost 35 pounds. >> as some lost the were 46 pounds. we go and i'm keeping the weight off he go help you lose weight and keep it off. >> i'm reducing my risk. >> we aove is the only fda approved for weight management medicine that's proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events and adults with no work disease and with either obese or overweight, we go vision be used for semaglutide or glp-1 medicines don't take week joey, if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer multiple endocrine neoplasia
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lacks, you but we start with this, in milwaukee and this is cnn we're following all the breaking news out of the rnc, but also growing questions today about why former nfl player and hall of famer terrell davis was taken off of a united airlines flight in handcuffs he says this happened after he lightly tapped a flight attendant on the arm to ask for a cup of ice for his son. >> the story going viral online after davis wrote about the incident on social media over the weekend. and now davis and his wife to meet go our speaking out and they are joining erin burnett for this cable exclusive, erin. >> all right. brian. thank you so much. i know it's brown is
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talking about it. this incident is extremely controversial. it touches on so many important issues in this country terrell davis and his wife to meet go are here with us now and thank you. both for being here. this isn't where you expected to be. you're supposed to be on vacation? yes. disney beach, california. that's where you were flying. >> and now instead you're here and you're here because your son wanted a cup of ice. flight attendant didn't hear cart move pass and you just reached to tap a flight attendant just like that. >> i mean, you described it. that was the only interaction i had but the flight attendant. and then once i touched them, or tapped him on his shoulder, he spun back and said don't hit me he left the cart there when into the cockpit or went up to first-class and we didn't see him for about five or ten minutes au at least five minutes? she was one of the side. and then he came back and he placed a cup of ice on my son's tray, grabbed the cart, took it up to first-class that was it. that was it. >> and what was the tap? i mean
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demonstrate a typical deadly yeah i said excuse me. any he didn't hear me. so i just tapped him. >> right. and then that's when his mom back and they pass you with there's three people in each, you know, you're trying to get the right. okay. right. so so did anybody say anything to you after that initial you know, when he said don't don't have me. yeah. >> as i was looking confused about what happened, there was a gentleman that was sitting in front of me at a window seat and he turned around. he said, do you didn't hit them? this i saw that you didn't hit them was like, of course, i didn't hit him. i was like, there's so that was it. and so he had seen what happened guy goes up there and then from there, i like i said a flight went on before it went on was he was a typical flight from that point on. >> so you didn't think anything had happened? i mean, other than this was awkward why but why would there was no exchange back normally, there's an argument there something and then you know, maybe there's a if there was there wasn't hit
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and until you just be clear, the flight goes off. you didn't even see this? no idea. right? because you are a family of five, so you've got one, you've got to exact and i've got my headphones on. >> i'm interacting with my daughter, enjoying the flight. so if there was this big commotion that warranted the reaction, right? it would have caught my attention then if nothing happens, you land, you're thinking, okay, we're going to disney and where you're going. >> and then the fbi, los angeles field office, which did confirm to us they responded to this report it flight incident they they board the plane? yes. >> okay when do you see this? >> will they told everybody to stay on the flight and stay seated? and i just thought there was like a medical emergency somebody gotten sick or something. and so good. i'm reading a magazine and just kinda just waiting for them to allow us to get up. and i hear it before i see it because i can hear like i can hear commotion, hear the radio, i could hear like, you know, you
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can hear when a board a plane and then i just looked up and i'm watching them and they're coming down the aisle and they just come right up to me. >> they're coming down now at this point, you still you're like, who is it? what do they need? >> and then they stopped. year. >> is that biden be gentlemen leans over. he has a big fbi honest on his jacket and he leans over and he's got handcuffs and now i'm looking at looking at him and he says, don't fight it, don't fight it. and he puts the cuffs on me and your boys are there and my boys are there and my daughter is there. my wife was there and it's like i felt so i go strip to my dignity. i was powerless ahead. i couldn't do anything. i'm wondering what's going on and they didn't ask me any questions. it wasn't i'd had no chance to even explain explain what happened or if anything happened so what i mean when they said we just don't do with handcuffs and boys are right there. was it three in a row? coach and you
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did your are you thinking why? i am confused? >> but you're calm and i think that you're corral to, you know, he had no choice but to comply and that's a whole nether level to this. you know, i think he he's not given an opportunity to ask questions or to challenge or to say, wait, what's happening because the faa agent came right to them, not asking his name, not giving any type of explanation. the first words that the fbi agents told him was don't make a scene don't fight it. so what can he do throughout knows better unfortunately, historically in these situations, interaction with law enforcement in law enforcement as a black man, you can't fight, you can't resist, you can add and 90, don't want to say fight you can't ask. so thank god, my husband has the wherewithal, the class, the understanding to know in that moment, all he
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could do was sit there and comply and be humiliated in front of his sons. and the 200 whatever, how many people were on that plane. he hadn't they didn't give him any other options. >> and you're you talk about being humiliated did you feel in that moment you talk about historically and being but did did you feel your blackness in that moment that's what that's the perfect word to use in this case because it's not what you'd think it's how people make you feel. >> and i've certainly felt like that wouldn't have happened if i were a person of those white horse right. there would have happened. that's what i felt. now, whether that's true or not, that's a different conversation, but yeah, you felt like it was no degree of respect? or you to see or anything regard you know, i mean, when i saw this story, i had just flown back
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and i also have three kids. >> so we did the same thing we do two and one. and all i could think of and i know you don't know exactly what happened or what the motive was or what son was feeling, but i could just think to myself that i don't think that would have happened. to me or my husband. >> right right. >> and that's what we talked about it. and it has here's the other thing too. not only do i have my kids there, i'm always trying to tell them how you're be the model, right try to be an example to my kids on do the right things you know what, you don't have to worry about anything well, we did the right thing. >> right. when you do anything. but yet i found myself would handcuff being printed off of a plane and being treated like a black a lack of conduct. right and then this kind of you're guilty until you're proven innocent. applied in that in that situation, the damage had already been damage was done. >> what did your kids did you get to say anything to them as you get i don't blame. >> so the other heartbreaking part that i still just loops in
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my head is when they took me down on the hallway, they take me out to the jetway. >> they don't take me through the regular terminal at least the fbi agent had the wherewithal to say, listen, man. he brought my family out, my wife and kids came out and he asked for like a sweater some to prove my handcuffs, so nobody see me and i'm the look on my family's face when they saw me in handcuffs and i was going i was going out the back door and they were going up. what the i guess the the jet bridge. yeah. i can see the look on their faces and it broke my heart because my kids are looking at their eyes are watery. they don't know what's happening to their dad. he's got handcuffs on. nobody explained to them what was going on and i was powerless. i couldn't do anything about it. >> have you talked to them now? what do they what do they think your here not in california on vacation. >> they're sad. yeah. you know, they are the blessing if there's always a blessing, the blessing in this is that we were meeting family in california, so we had some time with cousins and they were able to run around and get a
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distract have a distraction. but, you know, the conversations are happening. would there was a simple conversation we were having us family about you know, some random story. i can't remember. and our daughters question was, did that person get arrested? so that's her register she's nine or youngest. >> that's her register right now. >> you trial you've talked about growing up as a black man and how you felt unfairly singled out at times. so now you have tween early teen boys so now, what do you tell them about this? >> always try not to use like always tried to go through a checklist of things that it could be and i tried to always use race are used race as like the last sort of possible thing and bualways tell them what applies to everybody else doesn't apply to you and you have to be a little, you can, you say something like my friends are doing it, so i'm no, no, no, no, no. jackson,
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you can't do that. mounts. you can't do that. so we're always trying to teach them that this consequences but we are held to a different standard and we, we've already had to talk a lot about. we give you if you get pulled over, this, this is how you act this what you do never tried to put yourself in that situation. that's the only thing we appreciate them. >> don't ever put yourself in that situation. and here i am would handcuffs on for something i didn't do and they were confused by that. >> like you did the right things that but you still even that moment when you know, you didn't do anything wrong, i guess your message be flashing back to well, the only thing that happened was the ice. >> but did you have any sense before that of how shameful it would feel or you talk about, you know, when he put the sweater over the handcuffs like that, how that moment would feel. i mean, you're standing up that in front of an entire plane in handcuffs and built my entire career in the public eye. you know, my public know.
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your image, image, everything. i've spent years building you know, i'm very aware of that. you know, i try to be nice to people. i tried to treat people fairly. and this and then to have this happen to me it was, despicable you know, and it's like, well, you're a famous person. you're hall of fame. i mean, you're getting on the plane denver. i mean, you're every every kind of record that could have you have it mean you're known person so you know from this point on, unite united today's statement, they said this is clearly not the kind of travel experience we strive to provide. we've reached out to mr. davis, his team to apologize and we've removed the flight attendant from duty while we closely review this matter from that, i just want to show you a couple of things, but first, while the flight attendant on the flight attendant, i guess it's not even clear what the race of the flight attendant was right? >> to you? not at this point, no who is, the man it was a man, it was a match and this is where i'm furious. >> is that when you make that
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call like what your intent because you know, as a flight attendant, what these coal words are that would trigger a response that you got so you went to cockpit are front and you made a call and you use these words because they told me later this is why they responded the way he responded. that i struck him struck was the word that he used. >> is that what so you said? that the flight attendant reporting being struck by a passenger passenger, when they came on that information, they had was that that passenger struck a flight attendant and did they treat you when you had the back-and-forth with them and they released you had it all this essentially because they realized that this was nothing. >> right? how you got to deal with united, but in that moment, yeah, they took me through the process and the interview me and they said i didn't have to speak, but i said, you know what, i want to and i didn't eat it. it's an attorney there and i spoke and i told him what happened and you can kind of tell when i told them, he kind of looked at me like that's it. i'm like,
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yes, that's it. and he was like you could tell, he didn't believe what was happening. but i said there was a passenger in front of me who saw so thank god. you know, thank god. he was on a plane and they talked to him. they talked to him. >> and he said the same thing. right. and then when it came on, you're seeing a lot of people then i guess they start picking up their phones and recording yeah, as well as i was leaving there, they were recording the incident it was just the most embarrassing, humiliating experience i've ever had. >> and i just i just i don't want anybody i think, you know what i take away from this is that i don't want anybody to ever have to go through that. like a passenger on a plane now, i know you have some unruly passengers. i'd know i've seen him yet. but, you cannot i guess not that much power, that kind of incident or pull unquote. there was an incident and just take a passenger who has done nothing. and then believed the flight attendant and then treat them like they are a convict that's that's the product, the part
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i'm having a problem with is there's got to be some processes in place when he made the call. did somebody cooperathis story? >> right? >> i think like you said, when you alluded to like a convict, someone who's been convicted of something has due process steps are taken. there's explanation, you know, there's contexts. my husband had no contexts and is there any message you would have to that flight attendant? i just want to know why. i mean, i just i want to know why probably to talk to him. i'd tell him i want you to talk to my kids and i want you to look look, i'm in if any eyes and tell them why you did what you did. why did you try to harm your dad? potentially trying to harm this family potentially armed our families, he harmed our children, and to acknowledge their pain, to acknowledge the trauma to acknowledge the experience that they we can never take they will never forget seen their father handcuffed right in front of
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them. and it was because of that flight attendant i appreciate you both talking about it. >> i know that was a decision. you don't take lightly. and i know your children, you know, support you in that and thank you very much. thank you. it's important, people. thank you. all right. brianna, back to you all right. >> aaron. thank you so much for that interview ahead from rivals to allies, some of former president trump's most vocal former opponents backing him as the gop nominee last night, can trump unite the party behind him in a way that he hasn't before. we'll discuss next. >> the believes that it was meant to unite the route you may be king coming house of the dragon streaming exclusively on max. here's to getting better with age here's to beaten these two every thursday helped fuel today with boost type protein complete nutrition, you need without the stuff you
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questions you may have called now and we'll come to you 808 to 14000 we're following breaking news, california congressman adam schiff has become the most prominent elected democrat to call on president biden to drop out of the race. >> we have seen in chief congressional correspondent manu raju on this story. what are you hearing manu? >> yeah, this is actually a significant because adam schiff has a very prominent democratic member of the house who is running for the senate. of course, he emerged as one of the most foremost critics of donald trump in the trump era, wasn't impeachment manager in the january 6 select committee is someone who is very close to the former speaker. nancy pelosi, who has not yet called on joe biden to step aside, but there had been 19 other house democrats mostly rank and file members. and that includes actually one senate democrat as well, who have called on biden to drop out of this race, raising serious concerns. here's adam schiff, a prominent member, adding his voice to this effort to aos.
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joe biden from this race because of concerns about his viability. this is what he says in his statement. he says our nation is at a crossroads. a second trump presidency will undermine the very foundation of democracy. and i have serious concerns about whether the president can defeat donald trump in november, while the choice to withdraw from the campaign is president biden's alone, i believe it is time for him to pass the torch and in doing so secure his legacy of leadership by allowing us to defeat donald trump in the upcoming election. now, this is the first member who has come out since the assassination of time on saturday, a former president donald trump, and they needed aftermath of that, democrats were keeping their powder dry, they were not really speaking about this publicly they given the seriousness and gravity of the situation involving the former president than the republican national convention kicked off here in milwaukee, where i am right now and talk publicly has subsided a bit until just now. now the question is whether
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this will actually lead to more calls intensified calls for joe biden to drop out of the race. we know the b9 he said publicly, time and time again that he is a candidate, that he is running. he does not believe that there's anybody else who be better at beating donald trump, but there is many any members of the house and senate democratic caucus in particular, who are unnerved, who are panicking about joe biden's chances and want to do anything they can to get job i'm out of the race before there is that formal vote to lock him in as the party's nominee at the head of their party is nominating convention in august. so, so much on the line here in this presidential race and you hear from adam schiff saying, joe biden to step aside, pass the torch to another candidate. >> it is a huge development. manu raju. thank you so much for that report and its it's so interesting, boris, for you have one time allies of president biden now, turning away from him at the same time that you see donald trump finding allies in people that were at one point very hard to
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imagine. phil filling that role. >> clearly an effort by republicans to put forward this united front, brianna, they were once donald trump's toughest rivals and loudest critics. not anymore president trump asked me to speak to this convention in the name of unity donald trump. >> has my strong endorsement pairing you don't have to agree with trump 100% of the time to vote for donald trump has been demonized. he's been sued, he's been prosecuted. any nearly lost his life. we cannot let him down together. we will make our country safe again together we will make
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donald trump our president again let's discuss on day three of the rnc with david polyansky a republican strategist, who has helped run five republican presidential campaigns, including ron desantis and also with us, axios senior contributor, margaret talev margaret first to you, when you watch that video of these folks who some of them, just a few months ago strongly criticize donald trump. now come forward and draw an ovation from the crowd, endorsing him. what goes through your mind? >> it certainly makes sense for former president trump to try to galvanize all these disparate. the former rivals in the disparate parts of the republican party into one. i think nikki haley's appearance last night was potentially the most significant or important although she had sort of the weakest embrace of the crowd and she was sort of feeling it the least, right? i mean, her support for president trump was
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in the service of the republican party and then defeating joe biden, it wasn't of a full-throated endorsement of everything donald trump does and has said and believes in his policies and his manner and his character and affect the case. she seemed to be making was you don't have to agree with him. you just have to vote for him. the reason this could be important is because in the choice of jd vance as his running mate trump is speaking to the base and to a different segment of the party, the party that is more little more isolationist, a little more populist in terms of turnout. he does not have to worry about those voters who used to worry about the republicans who moved away from him since the time he was first elected and when he haley was doing was giving all of them not just a permission structure, but an appeal to go and cast their ballot anyway, even if they have misgivings, she repeatedly said you don't have to agree with him. all of the time and any pointed out of the crowd when she first came out, i heard some boos. there was a scattering of boos, but
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they eventually came around her, david tourists to get your perspective specifically on florida's governor someone who was pretty critical of donald trump now coming out and being a fugitive in his praise. >> well, look, i think the governor did a great job last night. governor desantis delivered a message that i think republicans and a lot of independence in this country want to hear and feel and i think look, you look at last night, you saw five of donald trump's former serious competitors to from the 2016 race, marco rubio and ted cruz, and three, vivek nikki haley, and ron desantis from this ranks i think what you're seeing is as we march out of here at the end of the week and into the real final push of the campaign, you're seeing two narratives. and i think last night played into it. it's the republicans are strong and united and democrats right now, look weak and divided and so we can talk about the strength. look, there's an assassination attempt on the former president. he gets up and fist
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pumps and shows up here hours later versus what we're seeing with the incumbent president right now, we're his own party is worried about his ability, but more on the united front here look what we saw last but last night, this place is not just the speakers, but the party is energized beyond belief. i've never seen a convention of republican convention with this much enthusiasm. and you contrast it with the next morning and we've got democrats pushing to oust the incumbent president days after probably this convention. ends in just a week. >> you've got democrats watching this convention. yeah, and recognizing and what they're seeing and understanding that there is a momentum and energy, at least in this. this isn't every republican in the united states, but it's a lot of important republicans who helped turn out votes, i think after saturday this arena is more in line with the party base all across the country than we've ever seen as a party. >> they're also despite the show of unity, significant policy disagreements even
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within this room and you have someone like nikki haley coming out in supportive former president trump, whileis vice presidential pick on foreign policy doesn't really share a lot of overlap with the former south carolina governor. i'm wondering what you're looking for in jd vance's speech well, look, i think the value of a jd vance, he's the right pick for the right moment. i don't know that he would have been the right pick in 2016 and may not be the pick in 2028 when we nominate somebody now, somebody else. but for the moment when this is ultimately the fundamentals of this race are still about the economy. people are voting, people are making decisions based on their ability to pay for food on the table, to send their kids to school. even young couples who want to buy their first home and can't because of interest rates. and so his story, his background the story that he's written and sold in told, coupled with where he's from and what he represents, gives us as a party who recognize the only pathway democrats have in this race is to sweep the rust
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belt and we've got a guy who not only has the right narrative, the right story, he also represents it out there. it makes it that much more difficult for democrats to push through. so i think we're going to hear a very populous driven economic based message quarterly, margaret, your thoughts? >> i think no matter how much he talks about policy, this is not going to be helped. most americans watching it taken it and they're going to be trying to have an introduction to a person that they may not know yet, you've seen resales of his book skyrocket by the way, it's a beautiful book, but i would treat it as kind of a historical document on which this jd vance has emerged. if you read this book, you will get a sense of the feeling on the ground and appalachia, but you will not get a sense of his politics. his politics has changed dramatically since that character in that book. and we're going to get to know him tonight. and so as the country, you'll also read a lot of praise for barak obama, notably in that book margaret talev, david polyansky, thank you both so much. >> still ahead. an update on
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the investigation into the assassination attempt on donald trump. we have new details as lawmakers demand answers sir, is about exactly what transpired and potential security lapses. we'll be right back nothing dems my life i like a migraine with nortech ott. >> i found relief the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent all-in-one to those with migraine. >> icu pretty acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults don't take if allergic to nar neurotechnology team, allergic reactions can occur even days after you most common side effects are nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time. we all talk to a health care provider about nuctech ott from pfizer and sugar ray leonard do everyday tasks wearing boxing gloves hi bird and now putting on his new arch bit sketchy slip-ups, you just step in and go with comfort that will not view out to try new arch fit hands free
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and questionable singing voice. don't make them inherited final expense tab to i'm stephanie elam in los angeles. and this is cnn this afternoon, members of congress are going to get separate briefings on the assassination attempt against former president donald trump. >> the updates come as the department of homeland security's inspector general launches an investigation into the secret service this is handling of the attack. meantime, the director now says that her agency was solely
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responsible for securing the rally. amid growing calls for for her resignation. she actually spoke to cnn law enforcement correspondent whitney wild. so what more did the director of the secret service tell you what the director of the secret service really wanted to stress it's was that she again, as we had said, that the secret service was solely responsible and that's important because what is one of the key facts here is that the building where the gunman perched was outside of the perimeter? so that means that the secret service didn't sweep it. and that local law enforcement was on duty, responsible for being at that building inside, as well as inside and sources told us that there were local snipers who were actually perched inside that building. however, but director cheatle is making absolutely clear is that she does not blame local law enforcement for that failure. and is the secret services operational plan that put that building just 150 yards from the podium outside of the perimeter so again, director cheatle of trying to make clear that those law enforcement
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partners are critical. boris, that relationship is absolutely critical, that they have to have a good working relationship with the locals because the secret service has limited size. and when that you've been to tonnes of these, you see that there are always a lot of locals law enforcement there. and if there's a fractured relationship there, it is not just bad internally. it is bad because it is dangerous. and so that is what the secret service is trying to make clear that they do not blame the local law enforcement for spent and our still very trusting of their local law enforcement partners then we really want to build on that trust. what, you know, let's hear a little bit more from director kimberly cheatle on that particular day. >> a full advance had been completed, but this is also why we are doing an internal review and we look forward to the external review as well. >> and obviously if there are things that we need to change about our policies or procedures or methods, we are certainly going to do so was that perimeter too small? >> the perimeter encompassed the area that we needed to secure for the event that we
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had on that day. >> what happened is a terrible incident it should never happen. and we are obviously going to make sure that moving forward, we take whatever lessons that come out of this and adjust accordingly there are many more questions to answer that department of homeland security office of the inspector general launching an investigation. >> so boris every time we learn something, we have a new question and so this is going to continue for a while. >> yeah, we'll see how she responds to members of congress, including house speaker mike johnson calling for her resignation. whitney wild, thanks so much for that reporting, brianna, i will send it back to you and boris, we are also getting some alarming new information about what the gunman was doing before he tried to kill the former president, law enforcement officials tell cnn that thomas crooks was spotted at the trump rally site about three hours before the shooting and he arouse suspicion jen, when he actually pass through the magnetometers carrying a rangefinder, which is a device that is used to measure distance when setting up a long-range shot authorities did
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not stop him. >> they did keep an eye on him. in fact, at one point, law enforcement watched crooks i'm police through the device. crooks eventually left the secure area and later returned outside of the screen area with his father's rifle. the working theory, of course there is that he went to his car to retrieve that weapon and these police photos that were obtained exclusively by our affiliate, wpxi were taken of crooks, at least 26 minutes before he fired his shots. and those photos had been sent up. the command chain we have learned our affiliate also reports that the photos show the cell phone and the transmitter device that police say were found next to crooks, the moment just moments after the secret service killed him, we've also learned that crooks gained access to the roof by scaling an air conditioning unit at the base of the building. let's bring in cnn law enforcement analyst and former secret service agent jonathan wackrow. i mean, so many details there the of
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questions for you about. i want to start with going through the mags with a rangefinder, which of course, hunters will be familiar with golfers may also be familiar with. should he have had surveillance i mean, clearly they were watching him inside the secure area. what about outside? should he have had surveillance outside the secure area once he left? >> yeah. brianna, good afternoon. in listen, when you're working a magnetometer post as an officer or as an agent and you see someone bringing in something that's anomalous, like it's yes hunters in this area probably have rangefinders that are on them, but are they bringing it to a political rally? someone should have keyed in immediately. that that is anomalous. and not only just you surveil them, but a protective intelgence team should have gone up in done a field interview just to fully assess, double-check, right. trust. trust, but verify that this was an honest mistake bringing it in. but now we know it wasn't an honest mistake. this individual from our reporting is showing classic
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pre-attack behavior, right? he's trying to find distance to the target, trying to figure out where their potential vulnerabilities in this site. so he ended up leaving that checkpoint, that magnetometer site, and then going back back outside, was not followed so no one saw that weapon, him attaining that weapon and then going to what he perceived was the best attack site based upon his observation of the security structure that was established. there are a lot of questions that the secret service must answer and it starts right there with why didn't someone address that moment in time? >> and also we now know that one sniper saw him on the roof of the american glass research building observing a counter counter-sniper position through a rangefinder, what should have been done at that point in time? >> so this is where you need to take immediate action, right? because you don't know that
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that is a threat yet. you, so that counter sniper team is not aware that that is a threat. however, they do know that that person shouldn't be there. so local law enforcement different secret service teams should have responded to that location where where he was. and again, done another field interview. hey, how did they get up there? they could have prevented that this tragedy from happening because at that time, the if the counter-sniper did not see a weapon, he's not seeing that as a threat. he's just seeing that as an unauthorized person in that location that needs to be adjudicated quickly. and now we know that it wasn't okay. >> can i ask you just quickly, should they have shot him because i think at this point in issue of getting a police officer there that didn't work, right? it that point. it should a counter sniper position of taken a shot if they weren't sure that he had a rifle well, at that point in time, it's it's unclear whether or not he presented a threat, right. law enforcement counter snipers, our law
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enforcement officers. they're only going to escalate to deadly force when they feel that is absolutely necessary. and there's no other alternative if there's no gun president brianna, then they're not going to take that god, but they are going to communicate. they are going to try to get people to that location to assess the situation firsthand and clearly, there was some sort of communication breakdown as to why that didn't happen all right. >> jonathan. thank you so much for your insights. we do appreciate it and this just in the biden campaign has justin a new potential date for the vice presidential debate on august 12. this is on the heels of former president trump choosing senator jd vance, of course, as his running mate more ahead. stay with cnn swamp, i'm sorry. there was a long line at the thai place he, had the. aos i
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