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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  July 17, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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he's just scranton joe. i don't think joe biden knows much about what he is or isn't these days but the guy who actually connects with working people in this country is not fake. scranton joe, it's real president donald trump because they know because they know that he has their best interests at heart. he know they know that when he was president for four years groceries and gas, and energy and housing were actually affordable to a normal person in this country. and after four years of the biden administration, the basic trappings of a good middle-class life have become less and less attainable in my home state of ohio, the average ohio family is about $10,000. poorer than they were four years ago. and of course, ronald reagan famously asked in a great debate, i think it was jimmy carter, he said, were you, are you better off than the st american people in a
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debate with jimmy carter, i should say, are you better off than? he worked four years ago? and i wasn't alive when he asked that question, but i know millions of ohio families who would answer that question with a resounding no. and if you asked the opposite question were you better off in 2019, in 2020 than you were in 2016? those same exact families would say absolutely yes. it is time to go back to the leadership of donald trump. it is time to get rid of the corrupt biden harris regime that has broken this country. that is ruined its reputation in the world. and most importantly, has made a basic middle-class life less affordable for our citizens. let's get rid of them, and let's bring donald trump back to the white house i. >> got a little bit of a taste of this over the last few days because it turns out service detail you driving i thought about this a lot because i felt like she was present public seems this thing that's going
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on americans electric vehicles it hasn't heard the call 20 years. i know we have gripped the car to eight years because i'll tell you it's sort of sets by try to hop along vehicle we've been listening to the new republican vice presidential nominee, jd vance in his first public remarks, his first campaign appearance since being nominated to the vice presidency by president former president donald trump? of course, there was limited press access to that event. we were only allowed to listen to. about the first ten minutes of it, he said he would keep his remarks short because he has more to say later tonight. he said he's very excited about this evening to make what he says is the very easy case to reelect donald trump. he also then went on to attack the media. and its coverage of the attempted assassination of donald trump over the weekend. then began talking about biden's economic policy. would you describe as rampant inflation? and he cited
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statistics from his home state of ohio as well. let's get the latest reporting now with cnn's kristen holmes and alayna treene, who has been tracking the latest from the rnc since before it even began. kristen holmes is with us now, what should we expect to hear from jd vance later tonight christine? >> well, i just want to touch on what we just heard. right now because i think that this is really important. this is exactly what jd vance has been chosen to do to go out there and build up the big guy. and one of the things he said here was he was going to keep his remarks short because he wanted to get out into the crowd and talk to people. he actually has to do that. remember he has been on the national republican seen for a very short while. he's been a senator it's a junior senator from ohio since november of 2022. he has almost no exposure out there other than what we have seen in other than the years we saw of him trashing donald trump, there are a lot of people in the republican party who don't know anything about him and who really want to learn who this guy actually is. all he has done right now is one over
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president donald trump, president donald trump's family, and really the kings of the maga movement talking about charlie kirk, donald trump jr. et cetera. but not the rest of the republican party. they still don't know him so that's one of the things that he really has to spend the next couple times doing what he has to do on stage tonight. is tell the american people who he is. he's done a couple of interviews here and there. he's had immediate presence, but not really explained his life story other than in his book. and a lot of america obviously hasn't read that book. now, what we're expecting tonight from him, he'll be up on stage. he's obviously the keynote speaker. he will be introduced by usha vance, his wife she herself is a fascinating human being. she was a trial lawyer. she met him at yale law school. he credits are with all of his success. >> and the entire theme is make america strong again, what they're focused on is veterans you're going to hear from gold-star families. >> you're going to hear from a family of an israeli hostage. but the keynote speaker here is jd vance and kristen.
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>> thank you for that reporting. let's get to alayna treene now, because alayna, you have details from folks that are helping jd vance craft this speech and he's going to lean into what kristen described that hillbilly elegy that that origin story that he first published in that book a few years ago that's right, boris and kristin was spot on what the goal of jd vance's speech did you tonight is to really introduce himself properly to the american public. >> sure. i think a lot of people who are here right now in milwaukee at this convention know jd vance very well, but there's so many americans out there who don't know his story do not know what he stands for and so he'll be expanding on that during his remarks. now people who, are working on his speech, they've essentially told me he is going to go deeply into his own life story from a childhood that was unstable with a family that's struggled with the addiction from becoming a marine, to going to yale law school to serving in the senate for just one and-a-half years before
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being picked as donald trump's running mate. that is what he's going to talk about tonight. he's really going to delve deep into his personal story and tried to connect with voters on that deeper level. and specifically voters and the middle-class and the rust belt area where he grew up, its the key states that really trump's campaign believes he can appeal to these voters and also the voters they see as being essential to winning in the election. now, i do want to share with you as well a different part of this is that donald trump's team really does believe if it that someone like jd vance, he's only 39-years-old, is the standard bearer of the party in specifically the maga movement. there were some questions during donald trump vp stakes process when he was considering his top candidates and some of the critics of jd vance had argued, i think he is too young. he's maybe too experienced it's an also he could potentially draw attention away from the former president in the white house because he is someone who is very young and has a long political career ahead of him.
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however, am told by donald trump's senior advisors that that's a pro and i want to read this to you, this one quote from a senior adviser, he told me, quote, the president's been very clear about the primary focus of his choice. being a person that he believes would have a great eight years of service after his next four-year term. so that's clearly showing that they want someone who can carry on the maga movement even after donald trump, boris alayna treene, we look forward to that speech later tonight. thank you so much let's discuss with republican congressman carlos gimenez of florida congressman. great to see you as always. you were supportive of marco rubio of florida senator for the vice presidential nomination. i'm wondering if you think it's a missed opportunity for donald trump to not have selected rubio. >> i think that president trump has every right to choose who wanted. he feels that senator vance is somebody who is better suited. i mean, he did a lot of talking different people. he vetted lot of people, and he
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took this is a very deliberate process and i think that the last statement was true. he knows that whoever it was that he chose to be his vice president. and once he got elected, that that individual be the presumptive nominee in 2028, and somebody that will carry on the tradition or his policies passed his four years. and i think that was very important to him. and so he felt that senator vance was the best person to do that. and so the entire party will be behind senator vance as we are behind president trump. >> i do want to ask you about those policies in part because i think there's some disagreement between your view of america's place in the world? typically when it comes to ukraine and the senator from ohio, he has said things like, i don't really care what happens to ukraine one way or the other how do you see that? >> difference. >> oh, yeah. well, we certainly disagree on certain look, there we felt like we don't agree with everything that every republican says no. so i may have some disagreements on
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that. i do believe that ukraine, it's important that ukraine remains free, that ukraine continues to fight russia. i mean, i haven't different background. i come from cuba obviously, right and the russians were there for 60 years. they have been part of the oppressors of the cuban people. and so my experiences with russia are somewhat different from senator vance, hopefully vice president vance, but also part of this experience will be a learning experience. as his vice president, learning from a great president and views change. i mean, even his views have moderated, changed over time. and so we're human beings and we need to grow. and i'm not saying that hit av grows. he's had to change his view, but i think that that disagreement is not necessary. it's essentially bad. >> so you hope that he adjusts his view of ukraine and doesn't allow it to wind up in russian hands. >> yeah. i mean, that's my i'm sure that he wants me to change my view right. so, you
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know, it's it's i have my own personal view on the issue. he has his and there'll be a lot of discussion about it. but all in all, i think that senator vance really is in line with what president trump wants to do and not only now, but carry that on for the next eight years after because one of the discussions i did have with president trump was that is i believe there's a pivotable pivotal election we need to change the direction of the country that this country is going in the wrong direction and i don't think we can change that direction simply in four years. we need additional time and so it was very important who he chose to be his vice president who carry on what he is going to start in the next four years if congressman you mentioned russia's involvement in cuba story that we both know well, china is also expanded it into cuba and there are questions about what american policy will be toward taiwan specifically in the future. >> now, earlier today, you had president trump essentially saying that this arrangement
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with taiwan, the security arrangement that the united states has had for decades, is effectively an insurance policy. i don't think you see it and that sort of transaction away. what do you think? policy toward the united states would be toward china if it were to invade taiwan under a future potential second trump administration. >> well, i think that president trump was, was his administration was the one who said, hey, china is existential threat to the united states. and it started with him and he certainly was right when he was way ahead of the curve on that. he understands the threat that china is not only to the united states, but i think also to the rest of the world. look, china is getting alliances now with russia, north korea, iran, making this, this axis of evil, right? a new axis of evil that wants to establish a new world hold order, and guess what, the united states is in part of that new world order. i sit on the china select committee. i see the threat that china is. i know that the president sees the threat that china is. if china were allowed to take over, invade and actually
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conquered taiwan, they would now control 90, 90% of the world's chips and guests it's what the world kind of runs on chips right now. and so kept china would control commerce all kinds of things and to the detriment of america, to the detriment of the free world, because look, china, without a doubt, is a communist regime, a brutal communist regime. it's been accused of genocide uses all kinds of things and so, yeah, i don't i don't want to see china be the dominant world power, especially for my children and my grandchildren. and i don't think the president president trump, i think he sees it the same way congressman carlos gimenez, always great to get your perspective. >> thanks so much for being with us. thank you. >> still plenty more news to come on. news central, including a leading democrat on capitol hill adding his name to the list of lawmakers urging president biden to drop out of the race. also ahead, the about face from some of donald trump's onetime rivals from nikki haley to ron desantis just how his former critics are now falling in line. and minutes from now, members of congress are going to get more
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details on the trump assassination attempt. those stories still ahead on cnn news central tomorrow live from milwaukee, former president trump accept his party's nomination for the nation's highest office. jake tapper and anderson cooper lead cnn special live coverage the republican national convention tomorrow at seven on cnn. >> while i'm a paid actor. and this is an upwork has half the cost of our old recruiter and they have top tier talent and everything from pr to project management, because this is how we work now how many into abu dhabi for me was a moment now here, i can be my authentic self i knew this was the right move for my daughters. >> they are thriving you make friends, you make connection biden the good fight, right?
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haven't seen much movement. >> so you can look at the trend line, right? we can look pre-debate, we can look post-debate, and then we can look post the events of saturday saturday, and what we see is really there's just not any real movement there. trump was ahead by two, then you get a tie, then you have trump ahead by two. so look, this is a race that has no clear leader. it's within the margin of error. i should note that the reuters ipsos poll has tended to be one of biden's better polls. so the fact that trump is even the head there, even though it's within the margin-of-error, is a good sign for him. but in terms of movement, which is what i'm talking about here, there just hasn't been significant movement which isn't such a surprise given how stagnant things have been so far. >> morgue, obviously with the caveat that this is one poll historically, i think the sort of common expectation would be that after an event like saturday former president trump's numbers would go up. we're not actually seeing that in less. >> we would, we would think it'd be a seismic shift. we would think that the whole world now is behind donald trump. when you think that way, you forget that the country is so evenly divided, literally
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half the country hates donald trump the other country loves donald trump, and it's really that middle harry, right? that, that you're always looking at when you're looking at pennsylvania or michigan, or wisconsin, where we are nevada, georgia, so it's really that's the numbers that you're really going to be looking for. i think as we go down and see if some of those people. are peeling off and go straight to trump because they don't think that biden has the vigor and the energy to do it. >> harry, you were looking into a comment that was made by president biden during a bet interview yeah what was the comment? what did you find? >> yes. so essentially what will the comment was was it was essentially saying there are people like me, if you look back over the last seven or eight campaigns someone who's losing at this particular point can go on and win the election that was essentially what the comment was and so i decided to go back and look because joe biden's make the number of comments about the polls and that's my wheelhouse. that's my wheelhouse. and if you're going to come into my wheelhouse, you better have your facts straight. so i
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looked at the last eight elections, he said, okay what did the polling leader at this particular point go on to win the election or in the case of joe biden, which is what joe biden is hoping for, was in fact the person who is trailing go on to win the election. and what we found is in fact the poll leader at this point 0.6 out of eight times six out of eight times at 75% of the time has gone on to win the election. so it turns out that joe biden statement that he made in that interview with bet simply put, does not hold water. he is not i don't want to say he's not being honest because he just may in fact not understand what the polling data but the fact is joe biden's been making a number of statements. he made one in his press conference, i believe last week, in which he essentially said you know, presidents at this point, you know, a lot of them have been down, have worse numbers then i have either at this point or later on in the campaign and then he kind of closed off what he didn tell you it was presidents who have poll numbers like he does. they go on to lose. there is no president in modern american politics polling in which you had an approval rating south of 40%, like joe biden and a
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disapproval rating north of 50% like joe biden, who's gone on to win. there, you have to go all the way back, all the way back since 1,900 48 to find an incumbent who is his down as much as joe biden is right now. and actually went on to win the election in november. >> those are not great. >> now, mark, and they come, as you have, perhaps the most prominent democrat in the house thus far, adam schiff coming out saying that biden should drop out over the race. >> i mean, if you're joe biden, what are you thinking now? >> you're thinking boy, i really hope the democratic national committee gets this virtual roll call. go really fast. and then it's over. >> the shifting is really interesting because donald trump obviously this awful assassination attempt on his life clearly has sucked all the oxygen out of the room, probably gave some padding for joe biden because there's so much pressure on him, but i do think after tonight, going until tomorrow and certainly going into the weekend, you may see more democrats come back out because, just because what
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happened with donald trump on on this weekend? >> doesn't mean that joe biden is harry's noted. it doesn't have the same problems that he had this time last week. >> mark harry, always great to get your analysis and perspective. >> sorry, the band didn't play in the background and i was hoping they would around this time every day they've been playing. so i was hoping we might get some hotel california. >> oh, that's very nice. i will tell star smash mouth. i was hoping for a little neil sedaka myself, but whatever we'll have laughter in the rain together one day. okay. mark any any thoughts on what you want to see the band played her name who just wants to ban to wrap up. >> here we go i appreciate your fellows. >> thanks so much. still ahead, cnn's new reporting about what the man who tried to assassinate donald trump was doing in the hours and minutes before he pulled the trigger, has the secret service is now taking seoul full responsibility for the failures that led to the shooting it's hard to watch yourself. be pulled out of the building by a tornado cd for over 45 years,
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already asked for a budget reminder, made a better case tomorrow. >> jumaane by morning. got it. >> got it. boss, daughter, you got this rahel solomon in new york and miss is cnn happening now, the fbi homeland security and doj officials are briefing the house and the senate on their shooting investigation at this hour, the head of the secret service has just been subpoenaed by congress and the speaker of the house is calling for her resignation. also, new details are emerging about what the gunman was doing in the hours before he tried to assassinate former president trump. cnn's danny freeman is outside the gunman's bethel park home with more on the investigation danny tell us about a police photo that captured the shooter just about
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30 minutes before shots rang out yeah. >> brianna, i want to really take our viewers through each of these new photos that we're able to obtain from our cnn affiliate w p xi here in the pittsburgh area it's to get an understanding of like you said, what may have been leading up to this shooting. so the first photo is of thomas matthew crooks. that's our suspect here. and it was taken by local law enforcement, accorded wpxi before the shooting happen, like you said, potentially about at least 30 minutes or so before. now, this photo was taken specifically in reaction to something that we've been discussing that local law enforcement spotted crooks being a little bit suspicious near the metal detectors. and specifically because he had one of these rangefinder devices kind of looks like a pair of binoculars and is used to tell the distance between two points. often used by hunters are other marksman. then we have another photo and it looks like a backpack next to a bicycle. and the reason isn't that wpxi, it was able to obtain this photo is because they are reporting that the
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last time that local law enforcement saw crooks before the altercations on top of the roof. he had this backpack on his person. then we have these two other photos that really secret service killed him, you can see there is that cell phone which we know we've reported for the past few days, the fbi worked very, very hard to crack. they did access, but were unable to find any thing that pointed to motive. and then there's that transmitter device which we understand from law enforcement sources is used to detonate things like fireworks. so again, as we're learning bit by bit more about what happened leading up to the moment of the shooting. these pictures are really filling in some of the gaps. so far in this investigation, brianna alright. >> certainly our danny, thank you for that. danny freeman, let's discuss further now with cnn law enforcement contributor and retired fbi supervisory special agent steve moore. steve law enforcement still has not publicly identified a motive. investigators still not
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found anything on the shooter's phone or laptop they pointed to a motive, according to our reporting, as of relatively late yesterday, how unusual is that well, it's fairly unusual because it means somebody took some great pains not to let there feelings, thoughts, or plans be found i would suspect that this person soon probably looked at previous shootings like this, maybe the one in las vegas and saw all the ways that the fbi and the other agencies tried to find out motives and insights into their person. >> and so he likely, if i were to guess probably just did everything he could to keep all of his thoughts and impressions to himself, which means you got to look for other devices he might have used and discard it and the fbi will be doing an after-action investigation of everything that led up to this
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assassination attempt. can you give us a sense of what that will look like? >> well, it's, it's going to be kind of tough between the fbi and secret service because the fbi is going to have to have some interaction with secret service on their operation. and they don't like to necessarily be judged by another organization. >> but, so, but you have to do that. >> the secret service has to determine what they what they did wrong, what they did right, what the local police did wrong, and what they did write. the biggest challenge in all of this is going to be will the secret service and the fbi play nice together and i'm i'm considerably, hoping that they go with this hand in hand because you're going to have to look at everything right down to individual agents. mainly, i would say the planng operation for this and then the delegation of tasks at
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the site because it seemed like we have number one, lack of communication, lack gov understanding as to who was responsible for what. >> and then no means of how to address a threat that came up, right in the middle of the whole thing. yeah. i mean, the shooter went through the magnetometers as we heard danny freeman reporting there with this rangefinder, the kind of thing hunters use to find yardage to a target. it should he have had surveillance? by the secret service or by law enforcement after that while in the 60s area, but also after he left the secure area if a person comes through a protectees protect ease event with a device that can be used to determine target range from a firearm i don't follow him anymore. >> i confront him. i pulled him aside. i talked to him and i
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want to say, who are you, why are you here? hey, what's the rangefinder for do you have golf clubs here or is there a firearm nearby? there is. there's none of this. let's be subtle. once you see a rangefinder come in, especially actually if you also had a transmitter who's us, you didn't necessarily understand. that is not a, let's watch this guy. that's, hey, pull him over here. we need to talk. >> yeah. you're the second it was also we're jonathan wackrow on formerly of the secret service, who said the exact same thing that you go and get a sense of what's going none steve moore, great to speak with you. thank you so much thank you very much. and let's head back to milwaukee and two boris we're following, breaking news now into cnn, as was widely expected, special counsel, jack smith's team has appealed the decision by judge aileen cannon to throw out the classified documents, indictment against former president donald trump, joining us now is cnn anchor kaitlan
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collins. >> kaitlan, this was not something that was unexpected, but it's still fast yeah, it's quite fast actually, in 30 days to do this. >> and so you are seeing jackson's this move very quickly to try to get this decision by judge cannon reversed. it was a shock decision that came down on monday, the first day of this republican convention in certainly news that the trump team internally was celebrating as judge cannon outright said, she was dismissing the case basically on a separation of powers issue, nothing to do with actual merits of the classified docs i convinced case which is actually viewed by a lot of people in trump's orbit and his former attorneys as one of the clearest cut cases against him, given they have audio of trump talking about classified documents meant they had the notes of his former attorney, evan corcoran that were they were able to obtain by piercing that attorney-client privilege. this is notable here because jack smith's team is appealing. this. it goes to the 11th circuit court of appeals that will review this decision and
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decide whether or not judge cannon made the right move here. they certainly could reverse it. we have heard from some people who believe that they will, some who don't know. it's kind of an open question of what but move they take. but of course the takeaway from that is that it takes time. and already this case did not seem like it was going to trial before the election. anyway, based on how long she was taking to rule on some key motions, boris, just to give you some insight into this court of appeals that is going to now be handling this momentous decision. they've handled other big decision as we've seen, their base of atlanta. how about half the judge is actually on that court were appointed by donald trump when he was president of the united states. but we've seen them rule not always in ways that you expect. remember when his chief of staff, mark meadows tried to get his dc or excuse me, his georgia indictment moved from being in a state court to federal court. they rejected that that and said no. and so this is going to be really interesting because they've already faced to this question of whether or not a special counsel is legitimate if they are picked by the attorneys general and
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not picked, nominated by the president and then confirmed by the senate. they did so when robert muller was the special counsel and when donald trump was president. so the question here is whether or not they'll rule any differently this time. it's still an open question as of this matter boris and kaitlan to tie it back to what we've seen here in milwaukee the donald trump's legal troubles have found their way into some of the speeches, including last night, we heard from the mother of a young man that was murdered, talking about manhattan district attorney alvin bragg and so even though these legal cases are still finding their way through the court system. >> here at the rnc, politics is front and center yeah, that was one of the loudest booms that i think we've heard so far. i've been spending a lot of time down on the delegation floor listening to people and how they respond to certain
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speeches. obviously, you've seen people like kari lake, the senate candidate in arizona, go after the media that prompted some widespread boos from the audience. you heard it from others talking about it. not really any during nikki haley or ron desantis, notably to critics who were quite praiseworthy of donald trump on stage last night. but when that mob, whose son was a veteran, brought up the district attorney in manhattan, there were a lot of boos that you heard in the audience here. and yes, you hear a lot of people also people like vivek ramaswamy the tying donald trump's legal troubles to what happened to him in saturday on saturday in butler, pennsylvania that attempted assassination. they keep using the word day without really specifying thank you for who they are talking about that saying they're after him legally. and then they also tried to kill him. obviously, those are unrelated circumstances. we don't know the motive of the shooter on saturday night, he was actually a registered republican, but it does speak to the moment that we're in and also how all of donald trump's legal troubles have kinda loomed over this entire camp in pain. but even this convention would that
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decision from judge cannon coming on monday, i'll tell you in a few hours, we do plan to speak with todd blanche, one of donald trump's lead attorneys we'll get his reaction to jack smith's move here to appeal this decision by judge cannon. judge cannon and try to get a reversed kaitlan. >> thank you so much. for that. obviously, the start of the rnc just about two-and-a-half hours away still a lot to watch out for and plenty more news to come on. news central, including from cutthroat to complimentary, the delicate dance from donald trump's onetime opponents as they fall in line, we're going to speak to another republican who ran against trump to get his take cnn is live from milwaukee as republicans unite behind their nominee, his vp, and their planning to take back the white house fellow cnn for complete coverage. >> the republican national convention coverage continues all week on cnn and streaming on max as a gynecologist, i'm embarrassed to say this. we use deodorant on our armpits and we
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that rally saturday, saturday night in butler, pennsylvania. we have not seen him yet in this kind of a setting. he came out in public for the first time at this convention. he sat in the box that is actually right here to my right, that is the vip box where he and other surrogates and members of his family emily, have been sitting, but we haven't seen him on stage since that assassination attempt. and so i think just seeing that bandage on his right ear also speaks to how different things are in light of what happened on saturday and clearly, the security measures that we are seeing being taken here as he is preparing to address this convention. not tonight. he'll be speaking tomorrow night. it will be senator vance, his vp pick that'll be the headliner at this evil and kaitlan, there has been much speculation about the content of former president trump's speech on thursday night, i was actually speaking to senator markwayne mullin of oklahoma earlier, and he shared that he spoke with donald trump
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soon after the shooting, and apparently trump confirmed to him that he was rewriting his speech to strike a message of unity. >> i'm wondering what you're hearing from your sources about what we can expect to hear trump say yeah trump has described this is kind of rewriting the entire thing, saying that he had a barn burner of a speech as he described it obviously that you would expect to heavily focus on president biden, but saying that he has he has shifted itself. >> now, i think it's a great question and to obviously say, wait and see what it sounds like of what it looks like you know, you never want to say what something is until you've actually listened to the speech ourselves and you saw a big difference in the tone of speeches from last night compared to on monday night when they were much softer yes, they had their political differences with democrats and obviously their policies last night, that was a bit different with the speeches from kari lake, marjorie taylor, greene, vivek ramaswamy, obviously
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donald trump taking a picture with some people who are on stage with him right now and yeah, i do think it'll be it'll be a different speech. how different it is and what what tone he chooses to use is notable. i will tell you, they're also looking at this it's through not just what happened, the lens of what happened on saturday night, and how scary it was for his family, for his children. we've talked to eric trump and donald trump junior about how long it took them too. fueled actually get in touch with their father after that. but they're also looking at this through a political lens. obviously, we're four months out from an election, a little over 100 days and so of his advisers from what i've heard, had been urging him that if he does stick to that tone of unity and does make that outreach, that it is going to be politically benefit special to him come november, i mean, you saw nikki haley on stage last night. clearly an appeal to reach the public and voters who were not in donald trump's camp. but maybe in hers and mainland send to her when she says it's more important to be unified for the republican party, than two, even if you don't agree with
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everything that donald trump does or says kaitlan, please stand by as we watch the former president seeming to test out the angles up there at the podium on the stage of the republican national convention. >> we want to get some perspective now from asa hutchinson, the former republican governor of arkansas and former 2024 presidential candidate, who had some sharp words for the former president governor, you actually endorsed nikki haley after you dropped out of the raisa i'm wondering what is running through your mind as you're watching someone who you opposed, stand up at the podium, ready to receive the nomination of the republican party for presidency well, my first thoughts are, thank goodness he is safe. >> and at the assassin's bullet missed him and he's had credible convention the unity, the excitement of having a hero come back after escaping that attempt on his life. and so there's a great deal of enthusiasm. my thoughts are that his tone, that he wants to
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change will be manifested in his speech tomorrow night, the big question and jd vance's introduction to the nation is what will he be saying? and will he be an attack dog as some vp nominees are? or will he follow the leadership of donald trump and turn in terms of toning down harsh rhetoric. >> well, soon after the shooting, he did put out a tweet, essentially blaming democrats and harsh rhetoric for the assessment it's a nation attempt to, or are you anticipating that we'll hear some of that in tonight's speech? >> well, i think first of all, jd vance needs to tell his story and that to me is one of the attractive things about him coming from poverty and having success that people identify with that. and then a point of interest v is, is he going to address ukraine thus far is not that much been talked about twice that i've heard it mentioned it's all been about withdrawing support from
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ukraine. this is disconcerting to our allies, but that's a signature issue for jd vance and for donald trump's so how's he going to address that tonight? lot of things i'm watching, but i hope that he accentuates the opportunity. this is the first time the nation has to know jd vance. he needs to make it positive. he needs to make it human. and hopefully it will going back to former president donald trump. >> and what we can anticipate to hear from him, we heard kaitlan collins talk about people close to the former president telling him that if he strikes a tone of unity, he can draw a lot of folks that have been outside of the republican party into the fold. and we actually were just speaking with one of our top numbers people, harry enten any pointed out a reuters ipsos poll that was done after the shooting on saturday. i think the conventional wisdom is that after something like that, we see huge support for a president or political
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candidate. but there didn't seem to be a huge shift in the numbers. and in speaking to our analysts, they essentially they say, well, look, the country is very divided. so what do you think former president trump can say during his speech to unite the country, to bring those who he has not swayed over in the last eight years or so onto his side well, first of all, it's important not just politically, but in substance that you work too reduce the harshness of the rhetoric that some people take to violent extremes. >> and that's true on both sides of the aisle. and i think it was a great moment for america when president biden issued his statement say, and let's, let's slow it down and donald trump mirror that. and so let's see how that speeches. but i think it is important right now. he's got a cap because we're so divided in our country as to how he could rise in the polls. but people like the strength, it was spontaneity putting america
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in mind as he, as the bullet missed him, that was incredible moment and so he needs to take advantage of that, not just tonight, but into the fall and have a more healing message and that you could be tough. you could say, we've got to secure our borders of what you can do this in a way that doesn't further divide our country and shows leadership. and what we've seen is that people will follow donald trump's lead you're ship here at the convention. if he says tone down the rhetoric, it'll be toned down as good for american as leadership. >> we've seen that from some of his former rivals, including who you endorsed, nikki haley, did it surprise you last night that after some of her criticisms of donald trump a criticisms that republicans have launched that president biden saying that he's diminish that is mental acuity may not be all there. that he's unhinged, that he's a chaos agent. did it surprise you that she fully endorsed him, period, as she said last night, i
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expected her to do so and she was smart to she did it at the very beginning of the speech that put the audience at ease. so i expected her to make the endorsement the big question in my mind is, was she going to articulate what she did in the campaign about the importance of america's leadership in the things that she differed with donald trump on. she did it in a soft way, but effective and saying we can disagree and we're going to fight those battles. but he's the nominee, so she protected her political future. and by making the endorsement and i think she made a good point that we can be different. we can disagree, fight those back helge within the party. >> she got an ovation after she said that, and i were sitting near the podium and i actually heard scattered boos when she first walked out on the stage, not after that initial statement, which you pointed out came at the beginning of the speech, there is a foreign policy question i had for you because as we're watching,
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donald trump do his walk through of the stage here at the republican national convention. and we're sitting here from jd vance later tonight. obviously, they're both proponents of a more isolationist, less interventionist worldview for the united states. not only necessarily in ukraine but given recent comments from donald trump on taiwan, i wanted to get your perspective on them. he essentially said that the united states is assurances of protection for taiwan. should there be a chinese invasion amount to an insurance policy. and he sort of saw it as a transactional thing. i'm curious what you make of this disagreement among republicans on the united states place in the world and its commitments to taiwan well, i'm a reagan republican that believes in america's leadership and that we ought to be the pro-america party and other pro-putin party so we can, but this is the beautiful thing about it. >> the republican party needs to have debates within itself.
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we can have disagreements. and that's one of the reasons that i'm engaged is because i want to america to continue to support ukraine i want us to value our allies and not push them out in the global arena and say we don't want to be a partner with you anymore. america certainly is the priority, but we have to have those alliances. that's been the history of our country. and i want our goodness to be reflected donald trump has a little bit different approach to that, but you've also, and i remind our european friends that we've got congress, we've got a senate that's very supportive of ukraine. so just because donald trump goes that direction, does it mean to hold party goes that direction despite the fact that he is our commander would be our commander in chief former governor asa hutchinson. great to get your voice on. appreciate your perspective. thanks for you, boris. of course. >> we're tracking the latest on cnn news central, including the fight over president biden's place at the top of the democratic ticket. that flight clearly not over stay
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consultation. again, that's 1807 and the one to 3,800 eva mckend in washington this is cnn today, congressman adam schiff became the most prominent democrat to call on president biden to bow out of the 2024 race. the california democrat saying in a statement, he's not sure if biden can beat trump in november next hour, we'll hear from the president as he is courting latino voters, speaking at a conference in las vegas, cnn's kayla tausche is traveling with the president. kayla, this call from schiff is coming on the heels as well of some bad polling for the president. what kind of reaction are you hearing from the biden campaign brianna, it's true that schiff is a bold face name in the democratic party pretty but the belief that the campaign and the top grass and the white house have long-held. >> is that until leadership in congress be at hakeem jeffries on the house that are chuck
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schumer on the senate side publicly calls for biden to step aside that he is safe and it is true that even in the wake of shifts declaration, the president biden is staying the course course, the campaign believes that it's just noise at this point and a new cnn reporting about the tenor of some of the calls that the president held with vulnerable democrats over the weekend when they presented him with polling showing that they could potentially lose their district and tip the scales in favor of republicans, president biden refused to acknowledge or engaged with it any of that data. the president is here in nevada this week trying to counter program the republican national convention with policy rollouts on the economy and immigration mirroring what republicans they're talking about on the main stage. in milwaukee and sitting for interviews to try to generate confidence in his abilities to serve another term. he said in one interview with black detainment television that only a medical condition would cause him to reevaluate and his own party is pushing forward with a plan that many democrats have
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been angered by two virtually confirm him as the nominee in a roll call process that happens before the convention. a memo that was sent by the co-chairs of the dnc's rules committee, sebi this earlier today, we believe a virtual element is the wisest approach because it ensures ballot access in the state that we need to win in november and avoid potential risks if there is delay in the process, none of this the co-chairs claim will be rushed. now, biden also said that he believes after labor day, some of the more critical constituencies to his reelection will begin engaging with the process that's more but of course that remains to be seen at some of the numbers. brianna are currently trending against him it's interesting that was a concern because of what was happening in ohio, but that that concern has been dispensed with kayla tausche. >> thank you so much. and cnn's coverage of the republican national convention in milwaukee continues now on the lead with jake tapper


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