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tv   CNN Republican National Convention  CNN  July 17, 2024 9:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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switch sold for less than $20, go to deal and see how much you can save the republican national convention tomorrow. it seven on cnn and streaming on max alright to
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talk about what happened tonight when the maga era parent he took center stage today, we've got you covered here from the cnn political grill right here. >> you're in milwaukee on day three of the republican national convention, the very day when senator jd vance accepted the republican vice presidential nomination. now his speech tried to give you a little bit of this and a little bit of that saying some time reintroducing himself. and of course his biography, his childhood in appalachia, his lower middle-class to the marines to harbored trajectory. it also highlighted his deep distrust of washington and his prescription for reading the swamp a fever. he says that solution is donald trump from iraq to afghanistan, from the financial crisis to the great
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recession, from open borders to stagnating wages. >> the people who govern this country have failed and failed. again, president trump represents america's life last best hope to restore. what if lost, may never be found again. a country we're working class boy born far from the halls of power can stand on this stage as the next vice president of the united states of america. >> well, they're republicans. the room they did not hold back their excitement. >> they haven't throughout this entire convention, franklin, whether it plays republicans outside rahm who say that some no longer recognize their party. we don't yet know how it resonates, but we do know that there is quite a split screen happening. one that is maybe delighting republicans it's on the other ticking off democrats, who desperately want to turn the page, because while democrats are in the middle of a kind of a game of thrones filed back and forth over who should b, their nominee joe biden, the president, is
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publicly insisting that he is the nominee. >> end of story. >> but cnn reporting tonight so there are two key piece of information that might be signaling a kind of sea change. one, joe biden has gotten saying that kamala harris can't win to asking can she win? that may seem like a small turn of events, but it does show that he may be more open to possibilities, that it is not him and number two that former house speaker nancy pelosi, has apparently privately told the president that the polls show he cannot win versus donald trump, and that it will get worse that biden staying on the ballot will somehow sink any hopes of democrats winning back the house. but i can't help but wonder which came first. the conversation about them staying are people actually wanting to have that conversation will get to all of that, but furthest begin with the convention and joining me now is north dakota governor and former republican presidential candidate, doug burgum. family spoke tonight at the rnc. governor. thank you so
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much for being with me this evening. >> great to be with you. quite a party cnn throws here. >> i mean, we tried do we can, but it may pale in comparison to the excitement inside of that convention hall when senator jd vance took to that stage, people were wondering up until the the very last moment whether he would in fact be that vice president running mate your name was on that list. governor. what is your reaction seeing that he is now? person who will be there? >> well, it's all positive because i think president trump made a great pick with jd vance. you heard his speech tonight. and what an incredible person we'll story. >> i had an opportunity to beat his mother, who is when i met her. >> she's she's in recovery and should be celebrating ten years next january the first. lady of north dakota, is also in recovery. we are both celebrating his mom and he even said, look, if we win this race, mom, maybe we can celebrate your attempt. university recovery at the white house and that was one of
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the moments the night when most people were up on their feet. i think this tells us one thing for sure is the open-borders that the hundreds of thousands of fentanyl deaths that have occurred under joe biden, that this is an issue that crosses all party lines. the disease of addiction. and i think he's got a great message and then of course, serving in the marines he's got, he's got the aucertainly has got to approach which hey, we're back in the blue are back in the military, but also so his identification with the working people, the people that have built america in ohio, michigan, wisconsin, that was a reoccurring theme throughout the night. and those are states do we need to win? and then he kept talking about the energy workers in ohio and pennsylvania and president trump out if we unleash american energy, what that's going to do for the economy of those two states? so he was going right at the blue wall for the minute jd vance starting to talk until the end and he's got a great story that makes going to resonate across those five states you know, it wasn't very powerful and poignant moment when his mother stood up and received
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the cheers from the crowd and the chants of jds, mom and speaking about it, and there was a moment i think that many people wonder whether senator jd vance would be able to explain and the base you want 100 days out for election to have a vice president can't i can't pick who can do that. >> do you think that he will be essential to bringing in more voters? in the rust belt and beyond, given his policy positions. >> while i think when you're the vice president, you're policy positions, he might add in a senator the goal, by the wayside and he thanks so well, yeah, he said very clearly tonight that i'm serving president trump honored to be his pick and president trump's policies. absolutely. the coalition of the republican party now is common sense and working class families, if you're someone in our country who gets a paycheck jack you're getting crushed by inflation, interest rates all of these things that are economically real wages down under joe biden. they were up over $4,000
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per family he entered president trump. so we've gone from the trump economic miracle to this blaze that we're in now. and jd vance is going to be in a position to really speak to those work first, i'd like we saw earlier this week, the head of the teamsters endorsing president trump. and i think again, when you see truck drivers, it's not just the economics, it's the fact that job biden's got a war on american energy. and you guys that are driving these 18 wheelers, they're not they're not going to ever be driving an electric 18 wheeler because half their load would have to be batteries and it doesn't work in cold weather across these states, michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania, ohio. so jds, representing the policies of president trump. i think he's going to mow a path all the way through those states. >> i do wonder. i mean, obviously you have a kindred spirit. you've said in the past with donald trump about your business acumen and that and jd vance as a different obviously, bowl that he has played including in silicon valley. certainly he's had the working class background. i do wonder to what extent his past
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professional experiences either alienate or draw. in other voters on that point. but let me ask you, because a lot of the conversation has been about the vice president which will kick. and there is a vice president right now, kamala harris, who is being talked about on the other side of the aisle as potentially topping the ticket, one, what do you make of the democrats? having this conversation about a change in ticket possibly late in the game. >> and also, what would it look like for the policy positions of trump against a common lab? >> harris presidential candidate the chaos on the democrats side. >> i i don't even know how to describe because every day who is going to be the candidate, who is going to be divided? vice president, what will the process be to try to select one every day that that party doesn't know who they're supporting is another day closer to the election day in november. it's another they're day lost of fundraising. that's another day lost the building party unity. so that every day there's that chaos that's good, that's good for president trump and it's good
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for america because i believe president trump's policies are unleashing us energy, closing the borders, stopping the wars turning around inflation, getting our economy going. those things are good for everybody. there for independents, democrats good for republicans. >> but what a match with trump and harris with the deplatform fundamentally changed. do you think to address her capability? >> i don't think it's about vice president harris's capabilities i mean, one thing americans know that one of the things that she was asked to do was to be the borders are and the border is one of the biggest issues that americans are facing in 2016, invited been about immigration. now it's about public safety. now it's about nationals security. i don't think that she has an answer on that any better than joe biden does and certainly she doesn't have the background of saying, hey, i've got a plan on how to turn around the economy let me because she's tied to she's tied to the policy joe biden has said, i'm going to raise everybody taxes well, he has said that the wealthy should
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pay their fair share and he's pointed to corporate america in particular for that reason. >> but on the issue of immigration, agree with that, and i know you have in the past in the in the but when the president trump's tax cuts went in the share of taxes paid by the wealthy went up. and so it's all a talking point that the wealthy should pay more. they are paying more, they paid more since those tax there was so much money that was repatriated back to the u.s. when those corporate tax credits went down, that's part of the reason why the average working family in america benefited now, mike lee from the trump's economic miracle. >> and so when you get, when you actually look at the numbers, it's just a fact. >> people were better off under president trump. >> well, certainly there are for some economic successes that this administration can tout. but i do recognize that there is the economy overall and there's the personal economy of every individual one you see there grocery carts, they have different considerations when they think about the administration, but on the issue of immigration, i really am wanted to know your opinion on this. immigration as an issue has alluded successive
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presidential administrations. i mean, to suggest that one person could fix them border is a fool's errand. what precisely do you think could be done to try to change it? if the trump administration were to come back into power, i think number one is just go back to the policies when president trump left office, that january, when he left office, that was the lowest illegal immigration that we've had in a long time. >> and i think the charges shows that going down and then it shows it going up back up, but now it's what millions a year. and i've been down at the border. i think actually more times i know i watched the news workboard times that either harris or biden because we've had north dakota national guard down there. i think it's one of the most under-reported stories every day. there's something else what's going on you really report on that, but at the border with the crossings that are happening people on the terror watch list the amount of people that just come through get processed just a given a court date that's night
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2028. 2029. we have no idea. it's not even computer where they're given paperwork at how do we sort out where 10 million million people are in our country and so it is, it is absolutely, i don't know how you have national security. any nation in the world unless you have border security and of course we're at a place where people want to come, where the american dream, but we have to, we have to make sure that we're doing that in a way. and i don't think the republican party is ready to have it discussion about fixing legal immigration until we secure the border with the border is secure. i think ben that conversation has started. >> well, that's part of the concern in congress may elect many voters have said when will the conversation be complete, even when there is like genre table. but governor, thank you so much for joining. >> thank you, laura. >> sorry to be with you. >> thanks so much. enjoy well now, jd vance had a lot president joe biden, listen to what he said joe biden has been
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a politician in washington for longer than i've been alive 39-years-old kamala harris does not much further behind for half-a-century. he's been the champion of every major policy initiatives to make america weaker and poor. things did not work out well for a lot of kids. i grew up with every now and then. i will get a call from a relative back home who asked did you know so and so and i'll remember a face from years ago and then all here, they died of an overdose as always america's ruling class wrote the checks. communities like mine paid the price for decades, that divide between the few with their power and comfort in washington and the rest of us only widened from iraq to afghanistan, from the financial crisis to the great recession from open borders to stagnating wages. the people who govern this country have failed and failed again my
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panel has a lot of thoughts on all of that. >> we've got bryan lanza, ashley allison, mark preston, and harry enten. good to have you on here listen. >> many people have read book that he wrote hillbilly elegy. >> they may have seen the movie with glenn close and may have been those who do the cliff notes version of it. i do wonder as he reintroduced himself to the country do you think people have a better sense of who he is and laikum normally say that i didn't find his speech energizing. >> i didn't feel the proud pulling it down but what i did say is somebody who frontally relatable to a lot of folks across the nation. now whether or not they like his politics remains to be seen, but even though it was kind of they it wasn't a mediocre speech, perhaps the delivery wasn't as strong i still think that he was likeable. i really do. and i think that he will his personal story is going to touch the heart so probably a lot of people are crossing. but only be met his wife, we saw as mother, we learned a lot about what's going on as i burnout. >> what do you know when it comes to likability?
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>> this is the word that many pollsters hate to hear about. likability, aspirin, gaba. but ashley me, ask you about this which is more important to voters you think likability on that stage or policy. >> well, i've been saying for a while that but seems to be happening in politics right now. is there are facts and then there are feeling right now, the voters are feeling they're struggling but the facts are under so donald trump, the medium household income in middletown, ohio, where jd vance is from, what, $42,000 in 2024 under joe biden, it is $63,000. >> that means people under joe biden. >> are making more the poverty level under donald trump was 22% and that hometown under so joe biden, it's 19%. >> so the facts are, things are better for people the reality though is that people are not feeling it so that is the challenge that joe biden, and this administration has constantly felt is that they haven't been able to say, you might not be feeling the direct impact, but i am fighting for you.
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>> jd vance talks about i'm from ohio. i want so i will say i think we miss each other by three months, literally it's a matter of ohio is a labor unions how jd vance voted against the pro act which would protect labor her attention, jd vance voted against in lrb, the national labor review board restrictions to help protect workers so when we talk about who is fighting for the working people, i would agree democrats haven't done a good job in conveying that message. but the facts are clear that it's democrats, it's not gonna be jd vance and it's not going to be donald trump. >> why do you laugh at that? >> i thought you smirk a little bit. brian americans and affordable for the, for the working class limit. >> the question isn't direct result of joe biden's policies? >> remember, she just finished so she can cite whatever at me she wants. but if you can't afford anything, the number doesn't matter au double-check effects. he's says but if but but if you're going to say america feels better, you'll be because the economy is better. >> people don't feel that and they don't feel that the able they want to be here i want to
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hear what i would say is letting foreign ability crisis and donald and joe biden has not addressed it. it's actually made it worse. and so going back to the original point it's great that you say that the race is that the salary has gone up, not double checking, but if beijing goes up higher than that, nobody feels it. and that's why they don't feel if joe biden has not just a number one issue. i mean, and that's inflation for 40 months. he failed to get his own target of 2%. cow said, it's two 2% sentence transitional humans this failed dirty months, it's almost the equivalent of his entire term. when is he going to stumble on it and get it right? people want to know what he's going to do with inflation it for 40 months. he's failed and that's what and that's what jd he is for working class moods and fails that he's failed the middle-class committee by not addressing the most important issue. and that's in place where you know, both raised interesting point about the feeling versus back dynamic. >> and you know, i do wonder from both their positions why the disconnect. how do voters try to close that at of course,
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politicians were 100 and i think nine days away from the election, i feel the great frustration that's going on with my democratic friends over there. and it reminds me of sort of what i see on twitter, or i guess now x oftentimes republicans will say something about the state of the economy and how people feel. and then democrats will answer with a grant from the website fred, and it's essentially showing know the economy is better than you think it is. and it just falls short. and i think it comes down to you can talk about income come grow. you could talk about all these different statistics. low unemployment, but at the end of the day, it's the inflation factor. it's the inflation factor that all of us are feeling. you go to that super the market you compare it to what the prices are now versus five years ago pre pandemic three joe biden getting in office and it just the argument isn't working but i do want to bring this back a little bit and talk about jd vance and talk about the fact that he's from ohio. i remember when ohio was a competitive state on the president's very long ago, it wasn't very long ago and he filed and the rise of jd vance,
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the rise of the republican party in the state of ohio is reflective of donald trump's reach with the white worm working class communities and now increasingly working class communities and people of color as well. and that is part of the big reason that donald trump is ahead in this election right now i think it's also part of the reason that jd vance was in fact elected as vp because it's reflective of that as well. >> mark, i mean, is it going to make a difference? i mean, it will he really be able to get and bring out those? it's voters in that rust belt looking ai, vice president, it does said no, doesn't win an election. now, it doesn't. we've had this discussion. how many times have i gone on air on this network? and i shot oh, this table in which it say, okay, extremely important to your 2024 vote. number 1s, protecting democracy. nearly 50 are over 50%. the economy number two, welling the 40s down in the list, i can get down on the floor. it's trump's vp pick. >> yeah. but why don't i don't want cut you off, but your wife believe i know.
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>> i don't believe age is such a huge issue in this campaign it's an important point to raise okay, so look at it this way. i believe that the debate really hurt joe biden specifically with white men. you could argue, well, democrats lost white man, but they still have for white men that are supporting him in the more of white men that you lose your hand after picked out up somewhere else and going pick it up with african-american, you're gonna pick it up. vision americans, hispanics, whomever, okay. i think jd vance, tonight kind of maidan appeal to that white and forgive me for saying this kind of bro vote. we know that i think that what it works. but it works. i mean, you walked around that did that convention hall today. i mean, they were bros. everywhere. it was like it was like a fraternity party for like twenty-five-year-old, but the polling shows that the democratic party is having a problem with their young vote 35 and under jd appeals, like why are they having a problem with the 35 been under if you look at the data, it says they don't feel hopeful about
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tomorrow. that is a direct result of joe biden's policies. another, the result of abdominal that's policies is a direct result. the last few years that the young people have lost hope, jd has the appeal to that and he's hopeful appeal. so he's this guy who picked itself up from severe poverty each jobs in chief, success, people under 35 are looking at and say, maybe it still exist, but it clearly doesn't exist under joe biden. >> well, i mean, right. covid may have had a little humbling people feeling hopeless last couple of years, we have more to talk about everyone. please stand by. there's big, big news on the other side of the aisle tonight, a possible inflection point and the efforts by some democrats to push joe biden out of the race including a major move by nancy pelosi plus a stunning scene on the convention floor, a group of republic but contenders chasing down the head of the secret service. >> there's the footage read back in a moment this election season, cnn has you covered no matter the question from more about the candidates to rules
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♪ ♪ million coin bonus jackpot party a party he in every spirit i'm elizabeth wagmeister in los angeles in this is cnn what we're back at a cnn political grill here in milwaukee, and we have some pretty major breaking news involving a democratic candidate would have here's a
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possible tipping point for president biden's state. >> cnn reports the former house speaker, nancy pelosi, has privately told biden that the polls show he cannot win in november and that he will take down the house along with him we're told the biden responded with defensiveness, which frankly is expected given that he is the incumbent who's got the delegates yes. and this all fours also comes as learned that senate majority leader chuck schumer has expressed similar concerns. however, we're also learning that biden has become a little more receptive about the future of the ticket even asking advisors, do you think tomlin can when on top of this biden is suddenly off the campaign trail why maybe mercury's and retrograde, i'd just don't know, but he tested positive for covid-19 can today and he's back home in delaware for the next few days. you've got brian and ashley with us. they've made don't worry about it. also, kaitlan mattingly are also year well, i got to ask you guys, first of all, the fact that this is happening in the ad joked about mercury retrograde. >> but gems can't catch a
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break. >> now, the president has covid yeah, it's because also we talk to white house officials and phil knows as well, we both have covered president biden from the white house. is that they were really hoping to hit a few home runs and this stretch tomorrow, we three two weeks since the debate, it's hard to think of that. >> and they were hoping to have him out on the trail doing interviews showing that he is capable and then it was just that one bad night and this is just the cherry on top of everything where he has struggled to break through. i think in those interviews with lester holt, one would bet these moments where he hasn't really milley really been able to kinda come out and show people that he is the president biden of 2022. they saw on the campaign trail then. >> but what are they looking for? phil, because men people are criticizing this conversation a lot of voters wrath, they're saying, let it go number one or two, you're moving the goalposts. you said you wanted to go out there and talk to people. he's doing what is the criteria that they think is going to impact it? >> well, they want the president to make a decision
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and the president has made the decision, right? repeatedly told him that the decision and their response i'll just under no, not that different distance away. and we're just going to keep asking a decision back in nor the incumbent, you're the candidate, you're going to delegates were going to give you time yeah basically this is, my kids terrorists person was like, i don't know about the meal breaks night i think what everybody's been waiting for is for him to reach the point himself. >> they know oh, that if you press your hand, if you pressure his team, that they very much get into a bunker mentality of we've always, you've always told us we are wrong and we've always proven wrong. and there is a long list examples of the problem this time around is that they don't feel like the people outside of that inner circle don't feel like they have the time. they're looking at numbers, they're looking at data. the data has what? and it's totally changed the game for everybody. >> and now you're seeing leaders, whether it's a keen jeffries, chuck schumer, nancy pelosi, either privately try and explain to the president what they're hearing from numbers without getting too far out or saying kind of ambiguous
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things on tv that make people say, wait a minute. >> that's the closely maybe has some issues here. instead he gets there. >> i had to i hate here. i mean, this is me telling you what i hate america, but what i hate is that there's all the ambiguity, right? if you had something to say, i'm of the opinion can you just say it and i know that's not how washington, dc always worked. you can already you laura, are you kidding me? yes, that's how the world works ashley, the fact that you're hearing a back his private conversations to kaitlan's 0.23 weeks after the debate. and there's still not the definitive statement that there happened to receive i mean, the fact that it's called pelosi, that it's jeffries that it might be schumer and others, an adam schiff, we know is that outward you go do that. >> what does that down is that going to be impactful to joe biden? >> i, will just say one of the most frustrating things about washington, dc is people are fake and they don't actually say what they mean and it's why i think our country doesn't get to move forward in the way they it deserved for putting that side to side to everyone's myself, back to our
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are the night one of many perhaps look, i knew and i had told some folks if joe biden had a rough night as the debate, some things we're going to shake up. >> did i think they were going to shake for three weeks or we wouldn't know what we were going no here's the thing that i think are frustrating with people who are out in the country particularly voters of color what's your plan? >> b if joe biden steps down, what are we going to do? and it feels questionable when it is not the camila harris would be the next person because she is on the ticket with joe biden already. she vice president. >> and yet you have people pulling and not even putting her in the race that to me, to some voters, a part of that coalition that i helped build in 2020 did very disrespectful and so the question is, what are we going to do? i actually don't care at this point. i just want to be donald trump because i am glad that he was saved on saturday, but i
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disagree with him. and every policy way, and i don't think he is the best path forward for our country. and so for democrats to defeat him, we need to decide and go forward. we cannot keep going on even even to the convention. it is very hard if it's not joe biden for someone to get name recognition on a nationals so these people are not amateurs that campaigning and they really are not as playing this, not just politics right now. this an actual people's lives that they're playing with. >> that will what the outcome of november, we ask you, ryan i should warn, you know, and i think people need to understand this. donors like i'm talking to you, kamala harris is the only other option i'm just gonna be completely blocked in the fact that people are saying, well, maybe we'll take a five week sprint or debates are many debates. there is one option. there's one option mechanically from a money the perspective from a message, perspective from an operational perspective, there's one option for the absolute backbone of the democratic base, which is if you pass the first african american woman to
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serve as vice president, what do you think is going to happen it's, it's insane. >> it's are you aore me if i'm wrong, you're talking it's insane to me. >> i saw you phil mattingly turns the camera and appeals to donors. >> i mean, it was a moment i got to ask you, ryan, i miss me. ask you because be careful what you wish for. you might just get it if trump going to want anyone but biden. >> well, yeah, we only we only want biden but we only want biden, but i'll say this, whether it's criminal or biden, remember there were they were behind in the polls before the debate. they are behind before the whole debate because immigration was fairly, inflation was failing. we had two wars and a third one was about to start that's why they're we're losing. that's why they catherine a hail mary. so the policies that calm is going to be judged on are going to be the policies of joe biden, which have led to these massive failures for the american people. so she's started a disadvantage in my view and not only that for kamala harris to be vp, i'm the californias. so you always kind of route for california regardless of who they are. but for kamala harris to become the nominee, she actually said come
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the president has joe biden said, i'm only going to step down as a doctor says, i should step down au the doctor says, mr. president, you should step down. you don't have neurological fitness to run for president how are you going to be president? so he would have to resign the pressure will be overwhelming for him to resign because a dog, you say you can't run for president, and then democratic party says no, no, he can stay still, remain president. those things don't swear and that becomes a problem for them. this all quickly. >> i only have to go, but why do you only want president biden if he because you think the campaign is lacking fatally to be able to sneak on anyone else. >> look at the disarray right now i mean, it's as long as biden's in there, the democratic's are going to the democratic party are going to continue to beat each other through november going to be another poll that comes out and they're going to say, see, we told you so it's not going to be as much money as they raised and say, see, we told you so this is a problem. so that changes their message going from the rest of the campaigns? he can't survive that message donald trump isn't tracking this very closely even while here at the convention preparing to speak tomorrow night, he is worried not necessarily that he's not sure that he can beat one of the
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well, the alternatives there in floated vice president harris, namely, but it's it's uncertainty in the race that it's not as guaranteed is they feel a joe biden defeat would be well, we have a clear path right now yeah, the path gets a little bit windy when it changes. i just want to say, i appreciate i fed people in washington dc aren't always honest that you saying that you actually want joe biden. i have not actually heard a lot of republicans say that, and i think that that's an important truthful facts. >> well, there you have it in the sadow political ground that truth serum. in every and a cheese curds everyone. thank you so much tonight, new reporting that the biden campaign is daring big donors and lawmakers to back away, even when phil mattingly makes an appeal saying there'll be helping somehow trump. so that's not scaring those doors. we'll talk about it next there's no war, so aid for the war between kim no more so bloody war between trackers
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bad luck anyway at fisher investments, we may look like other money managers, but we're different. >> now, so we're a fiduciary obligated to act in our client's best interests so we don't sell any commission-based products then how do you make money? >> we have a simple management fee structured, so we do better when our clients do, your clients really come first, then. yes, we make them a top priority by getting no, there finances, family, health, lifestyle, and more wow, maybe we are different at fisher investments were clearly different tomorrow, live from milwaukee, former president trump accepts his party's nomination for the nation's highest office. >> jake tapper and anderson cooper lead cnn special live coverage the republican national convention tomorrow at seven on cnn well, new tonight, a stark message for the biden campaign it's not coming from jack, former speaker nancy pelosi, top campaign adviser, jeffrey katzenberg, meeting with biden, private ones today,
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warning him that donors cash and to dry up amid increasing doubts around his ability to beat donald trump in november for more, i want to bring in some before reporter ben smith to the conversation, but that me here sure tell me what went down. >> this meeting today between katzenberg and biden katzenberg, who's a huge fundraiser and a real adviser to the family that with him in vegas to talk about a month now, other things, the money the challenge of raising money from wall street and from hollywood, where two big sources of democratic money. and i think, i mean not a surprise. you look at the state of this campaign and people have stopped writing cats, knew they say money is the mother's milk, the politics, and it has just stopped flowing. >> when do they stop the debate or the polling? saying or boat when i mean, i think i think it's it's it's all the same kind of vicious cycle. but since the debate, everything has been getting harder and political support is going away. it, is questioning him and now the money is really driving out. >> you mentioned hollywood and and i often wonder what role
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hollywood plays an encouraging the average voter what role? i'll have? is it concerning that hollywood in particular is starting to pull back? you saw the george clooney out that we haven't heard like the dam break among others, who've involved yeah. >> i mean, it's you know, i think that's the core power base. i think what you're seeing really in every sector of the democratic party as people are reluctant to so out and do more damage to the cause and they're trying to urge biden privately to step aside. i think you saw that with the leaked today, the chuck schumer ahead five days earlier told, you know, told by the thought he should go and i think that's sort of the usual cycle and politics you have a private conversation with somebody. and if you don't like what they do, then you leak it five days later. i think we're sort of seeing that cycle is that we think is happening for the undercurrent of going on what i'm telling you, i'm doing it privately. i'm trying to convey a level of respect to somebody who has been in politics so long or is it a matter of look, it's just not stopping. so now i've got to come now yeah. >> i mean, i think you're
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seeing kind of a growing panic and you're going to see this become increasingly public, increasingly damaging tell me about the impact this might have on down i'm ballot races. >> obviously everyone's equal to the presidential election wrapped up republican national convention. were talking about the tickets that republican side. there's a concern about down-ballot races obviously, the impotence of an executive branch without having legislative branch in their corner. what's happening and the conversations there. >> i mean, look, we don't know, right. it's hard good to predict, but the senator, the senate today, we reported was looking at some polling that showed them starting to slip around the country very important races. you know, seeing outcome to republicans wind up with 52 grief 54, 55 seats. and that is the nightmare for democrats. i mean, i think a lot of them believed to basically this country is so divided, so polarized that things can't move that much. and that's the question. i mean, that's what republicans are going for here to prove that wrong and say, you know what? don't forget, you can move to a 55-45
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republican victory. >> do you think there would be a reinvigoration and excitement among hollywood are wall street if it were kamala harris on top of that ticket you know, i think i mean, i think honestly anybody under 80 is going to like there were there would be some level of pizza big field coming back to the table. i think what's happening now is a sort of like boycotts situation. i think there there'll be some level of come back to table, but works there'll also be different him candidates, different factions of if it's, if it is very likely to be kamala, they'll probably be some stop thermal of faction that rises up. so i mean, it's incredibly messy. >> not what you want to be dealing with. this close to the even the convention for democrats or the alaska. and thanks so much for being here. ben smith. thank you for more on this entire race. i want to bring in 2020 for product presidential candidate andrew yang. andrew so good to see you. i just talking to ben about this. i mean, you got jeffrey katzenberg, who's now warning president biden about donor money drying yeah but at the same time, the campaign,
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dare and donors not to support the president. i mean this the tale of two campaigns in some ways, right laura, i met with a megadonor yesterday and this isn't just the president and his hold senate candidates in swing states. >> i will not donate to you in till joe biden passes the torch and i'm sure he's getting that feedback from others in the party where if you're a swing senator, i imagine having that phone call being told, you will not get a dime for your campaign unless you get joe biden out. >> i mean, that's a tremendous amount of pressure and i do wonder if that pressure exerted on that particular senator or member of congress could actually influence a decision by the president. what would that take to connect those dots we're starting to see it, laura, where chuck schumer, nancy pelosi, hakeem, jeffries are taking the concerns from their members to the president.
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>> the donor community has been closing ranks and setting the same the message. i think that joe biden is going to do the right thing, and step aside because right now this is untenable. you can't run a campaign without money, you can't have a nominee that most of the party wants to step aside. >> well, here's the concern there were millions of people who wanted him to be the person who is the nominee. and i do wonder what you think voters will think if it's the donor class as opposed to voters who are determining whether he should stay in the race that could actually backfire on democrats were talking about democratic principles could it not what is he saying? >> the exact same thing. i think 72% of democrats want you to step aside. and one of the things we have to keep in mind is that there's going to be a ton of enthusiasm for the new nominee because those voters do not want donald trump trump in the oval office next january, you're going to see in my opinion, eight or nine figures
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of resources, not just from big donors, but from grassroots $20 donors as soon as you have a new nominee to take on the donald trump jd vance ticket? >> on the republican side, you're talking about that ticket. i mean, there are a number of ceos reportedly feeling scared, stiff and spooked about trump's running mate jd vance. i mean, he's worked the dams like senator elizabeth warren to crack down on big banks he's praised the ftc chair and back in 2021, andrew, he made it pretty clear that he is fine with raising taxes on big corporations are these some legitimate fears from these particular dealing with the other side no i think jd vance has presented himself as a bit of an isolation, and so i know there are folks that are concerned about america pulling back from various various commitments internationally. i do think that there is an appetite for
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some of the policies you just described. and one of the problems for the democratic party is that they have felt like they haven't been championing the working class population as much as you might hope. and so i think there's an opportunity for republicans to take that case and get some voters from ohio wall high aos, not really a swing-state, but michigan, wisconsin, and pennsylvania where this election is going to be decided i mean, it was one a state that was a swing state or, you know, has changed decade or so, but vance, he has claimed to be pro worker last year. he earned i think a 0% score from the afl-cio when it came to backing working people. that's pretty significant. so how does the biden campaign? use this data to their advantage? is it a missed opportunity by not talking about it well, or jd vance has any number of positions that democrats france will i'm sure be advertising heavily and he's something of
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far-right populist he has a set of ai ideas that i think some americans are going to feel uncomfortable with. >> it was a competent picked by donald trump, in my opinion, in the sense that if you're going to win than you yeah, someone like jd vance who is going to be the heir apparent, is 39-years-old. these trends with donald trump junior i thought that he might choose doug burgum, ai, glenn youngkin and even a nikki haley or marco rubio to try and draw the base. i don't think that's jd vance's utility i think the trump camp thinks they're going to win and they think they're going to win in large part because because their opponent is an 81-year-old incumbent with 38% approval rating. and that's what i think should change hopefully in the next 48 hours what do you think is happening in next 48 hours i think that joe biden is going to be home in delaware and people are coming to him and he's going to realized that
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the best thing he can do for the country is my guest, the party people that do not want to see trump have control of the house, the senate, the white house essentially the supreme court so i think that we're going to have a lot of pressure coming to bear on the president, coming. >> i happen to know of another democratic member of congress who has not gone public yet, who will use those shortly? >> but that to me is the highest leverage thing that can change in this race. >> i'm certainly someone who wishes that joe biden will pass the torch and i think that he's going to see it the same way if people come to him andrew, the best thing. i think he's the best thing the torch au he's the greatest opportunity that they have. >> laura imagine a mini primary where the top six contenders show up for a debate or forum that will be must-see tv. maybe it'll be on cnn, but the ratings will be sky high because everyone wanted tune in to see who's going to be taking on the trump let's take
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it. and the democratic party actually has many up and coming governors and other officials a poll just came out that showed that there are four governors that are out i performing joe biden by five points in the swing states that are going to decide this race do you get some of those figures up on stage? and then there'll be tons of excitement among every day americans that at least one of the parties has managed to move on from it octogenarian or near octogenarian i wonder from voters whether you are progress waiting or underestimating the role of a contested primary this close to an election will have to wait and see what they say. >> i do wonder what you make of elon musk's commitment to donald trump and the trump-vance ticket i think a lot of folks in silicon valley, you think trump is going to win. >> they want to be on the winning team. they think that there are business interests will benefit and they're making a decision to back trump now, i'm someone who does not think that trump should be back
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in the oval office. and so it's disappointing. but i know some people in those circles, and many of them feel like they're joining the winning team. particularly in the wake of the debate. i mean, if you think about it, some of these commitments have been made in the last two weeks we will see what plans are as far as you're saying, 48 hours. >> but biden is saying he's going nowhere. we'll have to wait and she thanks for joining me tonight thank you, laura. great being here. >> we are learning tonight, disturbing new details about the gunman who tried to assassinate donald trump, including the pictures of holiday it's mission that investigators discovered on this ground. >> lawmakers say they are very unhappy with what they're hearing. talk about it us i won't prevent it's. two
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mattresses made affordable. >> i'm katelyn polantz at the federal courthouse in washington. and this is cnn tonight a new and downright frightening readout on the investigation into a would beat trump assassin. the information comes from a number of places, including a conference it's call with lawmakers. it private briefing with senators and congressmen that happened just this afternoon. but here is what we know.
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>> the shooter's search history included pictures of trump pictures of biden, pictures of congressional leaders, pictures of rudy giuliani, and pictures of fani willis. the shooter also visited the rally by twice activists location was announced to lawmakers, telling cnn that according to cellphone data, he canvas the pennsylvania location for 70 7-0, 70 minutes. the 20-year-old gunman also looked for info on major depression disorders are republican lawmakers have what they learned in a word? >> no quote, this was 100% cover your asked briefing the public and john barrasso said but afterwards, and republicans have called for the secret service director to resign in fact, take a look at this because lawmakers were chasing the secret service director kimberly cheatle on the convention floor, confronting her with questions and cheatle has agreed to comply with the
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subpoena. >> now, from the house oversight committee, she will speak at a hearing next week we'll have more on night three from the republican national convention. here in milwaukee. that's next tomorrow. lie hey, from milwaukee, former president trump accepts his party's nomination for the nation's highest office. jake tapper and anderson cooper lead cnn special live coverage the republican national convention tomorrow oh, it's seven unseat someone needs to customize and save hundreds of liberty mutual wait, there's an elevator only pay for what she needs labor day , can tell you how much
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9-9-9 are visit home i'm bill weir on the california coast and this is cnn we ride or die with donald john trump to the united they did not break me and that will never break donald trump, who will make america energy dominant joe biden may have forgotten that our children died, but we have not forgotten. >> donald trump has not forgotten there is tough. >> and then there's trump tough. >> america is strong i officially accept your nomination to be vice president of the united states of america. i promise you this i will be you have vice president
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who never forgets where he came from well night three other public good national convention coming to a close right here in milwaukee. on laura coates up late as always, i love it at the cnn political, real cheers on the right, glue on the left, americans to political parties could not have a marked different night at this very hour, president biden is recovering from covid in delaware? yes. covid, he is effectively now sidelined from his campaign at arguably the worst possible time is that those came out just as paying democrats are trying once again, possibly to have conversations about him stepping aside and out of the race san reporting tonight that former house speaker nancy pelosi has privately told biden
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that polling shows him he simply cannot win. and now we're told there are signs that biden might be slightly more willing to hear his critics out. but of course, it's his choice in the end, they say all the while in milwaukee, there's no hand-wringing inside, just fist pumps in applause pause republicans cheering for a third straight night as donald trump made his way to his perch in the convention hall, trump in attendance to watch his newly minted good running mate, senator jd vance of ohio. take to the stage his speech was part introduction. maybe reintroduction parts, phrase a lot of it for us new boss. and their shared view of america president trump represents america's last best hope to restore what if lost, may never be found again a country we're working class boy, born far from the halls of power can stand on this stage as the next vice president of the united states of america. i want to
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bring in former republican congressman joe walsh, either from a commentator, ashley allison, typical correspondent for the word wall street journal, molly ball and cnn team data reporter, harry enten, all wait as alright, tonight was the night. i mean many people have read this book, others have watched the movie. it was sort of a, allow me to reintroduce myself is jd vance. is this the future of the republican party? >> this is trump's republican party and they are completely unified. it's not a republican party that i recognize hi, or belonged to any anymore. but it's a unified party. laura and it's running against a party right now that is frozen my late. >> listen so what van said about what was his vision of america? listen america is not just an idea it is a group of people with a shared history and common future. >> it is in short, a nation now
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it is part of that tradition, of course, that we welcome newcomers but when we allow newcomers into our american family, we allow them on our terms pete, that i mean, we allow them on our terms. >> molly, what does that tell you about his worldview will it's very much this populace nationalist conservatism that he as really been the avatar of and that's i think why he got the vice presidential nomination. >> it's very different as joe was saying, from the republican party ronald reagan or george w bush. it's, as he said, it's, it's about a nation as a collection of people and a piece of land some critics even would say blood and soil as opposed to a document or a set of ideas, as he said in his speech. so this is about it's about restricting immigration
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pulling back on foreign adventurism. it's not about free trade and free markets like we've heard so many republican vice presidential nominees talk about in the past very different from mike pence vision for example and he really embodies the new populist trump republican party has this flag i don't really get it. >> i don't get this whole thing with jd vance. sometimes i feel like i'm on the planet jupiter and everyone else is on earth. jd vance perform worse than any other republican running statewide in ohio in 2022, the idea that he's going to go into these graves like battleground states like michigan and pennsylvania, and wisconsin. and somehow draw in voters. there's nothing in the data to support this it's busy sorrow to me. now, the idea that he might necessarily hurt no, i don't necessarily think so. and i think it's important to digest and sort of look into his speech to understand where the republican party is today versus say 12 years ago when my friend over here was in congress. and it does tell us a lot about where the republican
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party has put in terms of how it plays i don't think it really plays all that much anywhere a week from now, maybe even 24 hours from now, 48 hours from now we'll be back to talking about donald trump. and more than that, we'll be back to talking about joe biden. and that whole entire mess that it's happening on the left. >> well, whatever talking not about trump and biden, but we're talking about the vice presidential running mates. i wonder how you think jd vance, according to what he's saying tonight, how does he stack up again? he's vice presidential, you know, not only candidate reelection, but current vice president kamala harris. >> well, when you look at the vice president's records she is qualified for that job. she was the attorney general for the second largest department of justice in the country. he was a senator for many years, many more than jd vance and now she's been serving as vice president for four years. here's how i think the debate will play out. i think jd vance can come in as a young whippersnapper that like, i'm going to change the country and could put centrally try and make a trope out of kamala
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harris as the republican party like a nikki haley has tried to do making this threat that this woman mike, come in now, i had an adjective, don't at me tonight that i was angry and i'm not just some passionate about my abuse. and so i could see a jd vance trying to get a camila harris in a position where he could be like, don't be so angry. kamala harris is smarter than that. she's savvy, she's a prosecutor. she can handle her own. >> and so i think that matchup could actually pay you're very well the reality though is jd vance has to accept the vice presidential debate invitation first and the language that he put out tonight, is that he hasn't and i wonder what well, here's a different adjectives. describe ashley allison astute. tell me what you make of her assessment even know more is going to be the match-up jd vance is show arrogant right now assuming he's going to debate camila harris, assuming he's in a run all over camila harris for are they're unified
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republicans are unified, but there's an arrogance in the cockiness right now. i agree i think they are so overplaying their hand on out there at well, home because i'm worried about i'm wondering about this. they are unified. but it wasn't that long ago that people saw that as at each other's throat. i mean, to people who spoke last night, nikki, haley, and of course, governor ron desantis they didn't agree. they they had to say, is it unified? about the premise or bathtub policy a couple of things i would say. >> first of all, there's a reason that you heard jd vance talk mostly about his biography tonight, is not talking principally about those ideas that divide the republican party frankly are somewhat unpopular overall, was the roe because his, his life story is objectively inspiring. everybody loved hillbilly elegy for what for, you know, as he was saying, the american dream that he embodies the fact that he was able to come from such hard scrabble and difficult
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beginnings and a family mired in tragedy and addiction ben have such amazing success. but the ideas are a little bit more divisive. so for example, he didn't mention ukraine, even though that's been the number one thing he has worked on. the u.s senate. the other thing i wanted to say to harry's point was this is a political bet that is defying the conventional wisdom. they are not trying to win back those college suburban women that trump lost over the course of his presidency. they're trying to juice up the turnout of working class white men in the rust belt and working class minority men all over the country. but they are not made taking a play for those voters that trump lost two things. >> number one, you mentioned hillbilly elegy, and you know, i got a very fun text from my dear friend, our executive producer here, susie's, you can, she said harry, have you look at how many more people are looking up hillbilly elegy on netflix, au, you are way up. how about buying the book? so people are interested, at least in his biography. so it's not surprising to me that
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he's playing it up. the other thing to go back to the congressman's point is there is no doubt that donald trump is ahead at this point, not just nationally, but those key battleground states, specifically in the great legs, wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania. but the idea that donald trump is up somehow 5678, 910 point. i feel like that narrative has gotten away from the truth. it is entirely true that donald trump is in a much stronger position than he wasn't? for years ago at this point, or even eight years ago at this point. but somehow the idea that this campaign is anywhere close to over, we still have more than 100 days to go. i know how how much polling can change in those final 100 days. let's get a little bit more down the line. let's it for see who exactly the democratic nominee is and then perhaps some of this cocky actually be warranted, but at this particular point, let's come au pay just there was a moment today to that was hard warming for so many including don junior because his eldest granddaughter trump, made a surprise appearance tonight and
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she and trump while he looked genuinely happy to see her, listen let me play golf together. if i'm honest, team, he'll try to get inside of my head and he's always surprised that i don't let them get to me but i have to remind him, i'm a trump two i mean, we're seeing a lot of his effort got to humanize him differently and i do wonder if there was a little thunder stolen or do you think this is something that is productive to voters? >> off to voters or irrelevant in the morning i think it's too late to try to humanize him and i don't want to sound to mean with that. >> but after eight or nine years, au donald trump in our grill every day doing the mean cruel the divisive stuff. he does pullout his granddaughter. >> now i don't think that
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makes much of a difference. well, i tell you it must been very hard to get into crowd of that size, so i do applaud her my ability to do so, but i do wonder from the voters perspective whether this is the messenger that they were importance of undecided voters are not everyone. >> please stand by so a lot more to talk about. and one of the questions is, does jd vance help republicans and critical battleground states my guest opinion on that tim ryan, who went head-to-head again jd vance joins me. plus could president biden be willing to reconsider staying in the race if you reporting and it's next tomorrow live from milwaukee, former president trump accepts his party's nomination for the nation's highest office jake tapper and anderson cooper lead cnn special live coverage the republican national convention tomorrow at seven unsc attends a man's of roofs across america are failing wearing out decades early and leaking.
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t-shirt it is, your right to have safe health care. >> that's it. >> go online, call or scan, right now jd vance, tonight, accepting the gop's nomination and giving a preview of the fight to come criticizing knows he says that the quote i'm trouble in washington for creating a divide between the elites. and he says, the rest of us listened from iraq to afghanistan. from the financial crisis to the great recession, from open borders to stagnating wages. the people who govern this country have failed and failed again that is of course, until a guy named donald j. trump came along well, i want to bring in former congressman tim ryan. he ran against jd vance for the ohio senate. now ryan eventually lost the race, but he joins me. now,
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congressman. so good to have, you on. >> we've just heard from now, the running mate of donald trump senator jd vance, and he has a very compelling backstory to many people. >> but you using been no one better than most. so i'm wondering from your perspective what more do you think voters should know about him in light of the fact that his name is now on that ticket well, i think he has some very extreme views. >> this wasn't a pick to try to get to the middle, try to get to independent and voters. this is really a double down. i think on the extremism has got very, very difficult positions on abortion, very extreme, no rape or incest exceptions. at one point, he wants national women should write yeah. and he want he wants women to stay in violent marriages for the sake of the kids he called he said america needs a caesar to come in and take over. these are
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very extreme views that aren't going to play well in broad swaths of those six or seven states that are going to be competitive i find that so striking because at this particular point we're what, 100 and some days away from the presidential election normally a candidate wants to broaden and widen that tent, right? but to have someone that you say might alienate overs is a striking tone to take and actually trump has said that he picked vance to help him win places like michigan, like pennsylvania. >> is he right about being able to secure them? so states no, i don't think so at all you know, he doesn't have any relationship with organized labor with workers, you know, no real support there for him. >> i don't think he's comfortable in those working class states even it because of his background you would think he would, but he doesn't. and i think it's not a great picture
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in my mind because it doesn't broaden anything out for him. it doesn't compliment trump in any way to add to it in those industries israel states. and so it'll be interesting to see the next four months how it goes. but i think it leaves him very, very vulnerable to workers it makes interesting choice for that very reason. >> and you know, you, unlike many people, had this unique experience and having debated jd vance and do i have to ask you if i didn't say it's in the race and there are questions swirling around that tonight. it's still seems and harris is the vp nominee and that ticket is complete. what would be your advice? hi, is to vice president kamala harris in a debate with senator jd vance i think camila harris is uniquely qualified against him because you have to pin them down he tries to deny things that he said, i think we had a we had a dust up over alex jones. >> he was saying how great alex jones was in i hit him on that
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and he tried to deny he ever said et it and you just have to pin him down. he wants to do the shape shifting. he wants to try to deflect. and that's why i think a former prosecutor would do very, very well to just hammer him down and pin him down and expose the lies that will be told well, he's already tried to address in some respects is what he i think he described as probably as an evolution of thought. i remember maybe in a different era be called flip-flopping, but people are seeming to try to evaluate and assess it differently. but you know, interestingly, you and i have been talking for several weeks at least now ever since the debate and you were one of the first people to call for president biden to step aside in the reelection campaign. we're learning tonight at cnn that there was a recent conversation station that former speaker pelosi privately held with biden where she told them that the polling shows that he can't win and he will take down the house with him if he stays and forth. for sources
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briefed on the call, saying that biden responded with defensive is which frankly, one would expect him and he is the incumbent and the one who has the delegates. but if this is from someone like speaker pelosi, according to reporting, how much damage is this? gonna do to those downballot races well, you know nancy pelosi is the godmother of democratic policies politics. >> there's no buddy who understands the data, understands the strategy, the inside game, better than nancy pelosi. so for her to intervene here, i think senate there's a lot a very strong message to the president and to the white house of how serious this is i worked with nancy pelosi my entire career from congress, 20 years, there's nothing she cares more about than making sure that people with values hold positions of power that we would hold the house and she would make those very difficult decisions that needed to be made in order for us to hold
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the house or win the house. and so that's what she cares about more than anything and above any personality and if she's saying that this could be very detrimental to down-ballot races. this i think anybody who's concerned about this race should pay very close attention because there's no buddy more shrewd that would would say that an understand that and then hopefully try to make the kind of changes we need to be able to win tim ryan. >> thank you so much for joining me thank you it's not just pelosi raising some concerns to president biden there apparently also reports that senate majority leader chuck schumer told biden will be vast if he bowed out. how biden replying to the pressure that conversation this election season. stay with cnn, with more reporters on the ground. and the best political team in the business follow those
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every smith learned fox on capitol hill well, we're told majority leader chuck schumer expressed concerns about biden candidacy directly biden in a private meeting. >> now, sources tell cnn that biden is quote, receptive. that's the word they're using. his private conversations with democrats on capitol hill. >> that's a pretty oh just a few days ago. but then in a new interview tonight, biden says, he is fit to lead what i understand what people say. >> look, look, i'm only 3-years-old and trump. >> okay i think a little better physical shape than he is the point is though that is not unreasonable, people say wait a minute you're 81-years-old. and so i think it's a legitimate thing from the race as long as i can demonstrate that a span affecting my
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ability to pete my the ability to get things done, my ability to literally lead the world lead the world my panel is back with me. >> my let me ask you, i mean, it's been nearly a month now since this debate. and now you've got poland aucn schumer reporting that they're having these conversations why now? and the fact that it's these two democratic powerhouses that's pretty impactful well, you would thank but the fact that we are hearing about these conversations means that they didn't work. >> if they had had a private conversation and it was effective he might not still be there but clearly, they they, these things have leaked to the media because the private nudge that they were hoping would be effective you know, this has been going on as you said, for weeks now, that people have been going to the president in private and trying to subtly indicate without being rude about it, without making a public spectacle, without hurting the party in public. and that hasn't worked. so
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they're having to get more aggressive and the concern that a lot of damage crowds have is that the president is making statements like that, that he believes that every time they see him give an interview where he can't read off the telephone prompter, he trails off and can't finish sentences. they are not encouraged by his ability to perform in this campaign. and so there's increasing anxiety about the urgency of trying to get him to see the writing on the wall. >> you know, i'm not really shocked by ego for a presidential candidate or incumbent with their takes a lot of ego to say, i i can lead what we call the free world so i'm wondering why this his, so it's sustained conversation. he is saying he's going to stay they're having these conversations doesn't it? weekend democrats chances down the valid if there is some indication if he does stay and they're saying they don't want them doesn't that make undecided? voters go? >> if you don't believe in them, why should i yeah, i do. >> i mean, i think that's why
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some democrats are frustrated for as many people that want to buy i didn out of the race, there are others that don't. >> and maybe they aren't. donors. maybe they aren't the democratic establishment, but there the people who are actually the vote in battleground states and support him and potentially send him back to the white house i've been saying it over and over again. they need to decide what they're going to do if they think that having a contested convention where the sitting incumbent president hasn't stepped down as a good play now and i worry that it won't be that people leave the democratic party and not vote for joe biden. and because they're going to vote for donald trump, is that they just might dissing and that is just as damaging my friend bakari sellers always says this is not about people lead on biden to go for trump. it's about people leaving biden and voting for the couch we have seen that in past elections and so folks who are organizing on the ground
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are saying is cut it out. folks were your it's already uphill battle and you're just making us carry a boulder on top of our backs going up the anymore. >> republicans are very happy. >> they love this and laura, you had you had the headline at the beginning. this has been a month this has been a month and we're still talking about that. that's joe biden's fault joe biden hasn't put this too bad. look, i'll support whoever the democratic nominee is, but joe biden it has not convinced people. he's still running. >> this is on him he has what could he do? >> i mean, in some respects, do i want you to finish your point a lot? >> he has gone out there. he's done interviews, he's had exponentially more interviews and donald trump has had since the debate, i should engine and his performances post-debate those interviews they're not all that different qualitatively than his pre debate interviews i think they've been progressively worse. >> he gave a speech yesterday on a teleprompter couldn't
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here's what he couldn't read the speech that set off real alone. >> i absolutely did. if you can't read a speech off a teleprompter, how the heck are you going to perform in that second debate if it happens? you can convince people who already think that you're too old to be an effective president, that you're not? yes, some of these performances in some of these interviews were fine. what you have to be better than fine given that debate performance that he had back in atlanta. and at the end of the day, though you know, we're talking about this contested convention. >> the last two democratic contest to conventions, conventions, at least where we weren't 100% sure who the night how many was going to be, but it's still at a pretty good idea. >> you could either argue was 1984 with fritz mondale and gary hart or i think the better argument is 1980 when jimmy carter and ted kennedy, well either way, the result coming out of that convention in 1980, as well as a result in 84 was a
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democratic party that got totally annihilated in november that you're easy wins for ronald reagan. and honestly in both really 84 and 80 as well, you had a united republican party. this is the likes of which united republican party and divided democratic party that we have not seen in my lifetime. and for voters under the age of 40, they don't remember this is truly something a throwback to yesterday year ago, we'd like to start in this country. and if you'd like to stop, i think republicans really like this to ask you though and ashley he's now sidelined. he's gotten covid for how is that going to impact what he can do going forward to have these convincing moment? minds of people say, think he's lacking, look, i don't actually think we're in a posture of persuasion for people who want joe biden to drop out and people who don't, you either, you've made your decision, you made it probably the night of the debate and you either publicly said it immediately or you didn't i think that right
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now democrats are playing a game of chicken and who's going to blink first? that's a risky bet when we talk about, you know, one thing that i probably will never say again is that kimberly guilfoyle said this is the most consequential election shouldn't have our lifetime. and i agree with and for different reasons, she's saying that because she thinks that like having a more diverse and equitable and inclusive country is the wrong direction. but we're saying it because we actually want to have another election after this one. and so this chicken game and they're saying, well, we just maybe hold that covid will take them out and that'll be the blow to have worked like, i don't know joe biden like a best friend, but i do know. i mean he's the president. he thought just going to bao. >> what do you think molly, in terms of how this is going to play, especially the sidelining aspect of it. and back when he was running back in 2020, he was accused of campaigning from the basement obvious not the fault. it was covid. >> well, look, i think when you
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talk about the impact of contested conventions in the past bring up chickens again, it's a chicken and egg scenario right now because the reason that contest two inventions contested is because the party is in a panic because they think they're going to lose the division in the party party has already happened whether or not there's a contested convention. they are in a panic because they're afraid they're going to lose to donald trump and because as ashley was saying, thank two democrats that as an existential crisis for our nation so i think these, i don't think it's going to end even if he does make as clear as he can't, even if they had the convention tomorrow and he was definitely the nominee, the panic is not going to end because democrats do not win, want to lose this election? they see that as many of them now see that as all but certain. it is worth doing anything to prevent that. >> well, to bring up chicken again, have chicken on the menu at this, you now what role could i have a chicken sandwich, bradley, i notice behind me ai weiwei it's
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delicious standby everyone while we inherit goats explore how to get that food to the actual table. well, anyway now it's all jumps her to take center stage. will he stay above the fray and give a speech focusing on unity? >> as you said, he will do that's a big question i'll ask omarosa manigault newman next tomorrow. >> live from milwaukee, former president trump accepts his party's nomination for them the nation's highest office, jake tapper and anderson cooper lead cnn special live coverage. the republican national convention tomorrow at seven on cnn dangerous ladders, gutter, mac yeah. no wonder you hate cleaning your gutters. good thing. there's lee filter or patented filter technology keeps leave there's some debris out of your gutters forever. guaranteed. >> call 3-3 lee filter to get started and get the permanent gutter solution that ends clogs for good. >> they took the time cancer all of our questions say really
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of 700 credit score don't me at time, i'm katie bo lillis in washington and this is cnn all right we, are hours away now from donald trump's big primetime speeches. he is intending, of course, to formally accept the republican nomination for president trump campaign senior adviser, saying the former president has been personally dictating exactly what he wants to say previewing
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the toll will be notably different. well, joining me now now former senior adviser to president from omarosa manigault newman. she's also the author of unhinged an insider's account of the trump white house omarosa so good to see you this evening. i have to ask you hearing about a notably different tone. it would have to be a complete one ad frankly, and i'm one wondering in light of everything that has happened over just the last week, do you think that trump is capable of that change tone are staying above the fray? right well, first of all, thank you so much for having me donald is able to stay on message for very short amount of time i, understand that he has been exercising some discipline in terms of communicating so that he continue to enjoy that bump that he got following the events that happen? >> and then the last week. so in terms of tone, i believe that he understands how important the moment is. there
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are times that he rises to it, but we'll just have to wait and see if he can stay disciplined. and stay on message won a big frustration for so many voters, strictly democrats has been opened over the years has been this idea of a double-standard. >> the characterization of discipline even for a short amount of time being seen as presidential. and yet a sustained discipline for other politicians he's not viewed in the same way and i know that the rnc has been making an effort to court black voters with a variety of different speakers. and i just want to play some of the highlights of those moments. listen to this i heard a little earlier today if you know, bove down, shove, you ain't black america is not a racist country i realized donald trump and his supporters don't care if you're black white, gay, or straight. >> it's all love neglected
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communities like mine are suffering and who he is second? >> hi, end up being sick and tired omarosa, amber rose getting a lot of publicity about this as well these, are my people. >> this is where i belong and there's been a lot of backlash m commentary with respect to all the different speakers. i do wonder among the messenger than events elected do you find that these will resonate with the very voters they're trying to get to vote for them i find it very interesting that they selected amber rose to carry their message. >> she doesn't identify as an african-american. she has proclaimed that she is an atheist and so she is working against what the conservative movement has said that there are about but she's an influencer and you'll remember
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that previously they use diamond and silk to carry their message and so with the passing of one of the two ladies, i suppose that they've gone to amber rose to care alright. their message as an influencer, to take the place of diamond and soap. so that really was her role. >> i don't think this she moves the needle very much for african american voters but she does have 24 million followers on social media. >> and so maybe they're relying on her to reach, a group of people who might just be swayed, but i just don't think this she moves the needle. laura you have to wonder about the selection. >> i know she identifies. i think she's talking about being biracial well, the idea of obviously there's a lot of conversations happening still surrounding the former president about whether in fact he is racist, his viewpoints and policies is history because family's history as well. this is not an issue that is going away for this candidate. >> do you call that they are effectively trying to counter
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that position that he is racist well, they have to because so many things have transpired that that he has initiated, right everything from charlottesville to his policies that have impacted the community african american community in such an adult verse way. but more importantly, donald trump is really having to address his past. i mean, we can't forget about the central park five we can never forget about the fact that he equated both sides being good people. and so donald trump has to account for the policies that have really impacted with african americans. and a very, very adverse way. so i have to see if donald trump understands that it's not just talking the talk, but walking the walk. it is his actions that the call to question whether or not he is racist. it's not just people calling it out from the streets, just randomly. it's things that he has done omarosa i wonder as well in terms of
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what's happening on the other side of the aisle, you you're in las vegas, you haven't attending the national bar association also the blaze national convention as there were for president biden just recently spoken talked about that vice president kamala harris could be the president of united it's about saying that he was stepping aside. >> any rounding was talking naturally about her qualifications. >> but cnn is learning tonight that president biden is being receptive about the future for up his candidacy. >> and it advisor even saying he's gone from saying camila can't win to do you think kamala can when you attended his speech yesterday for the end of laci he what were people saying about the future of a biden-harris ticket or even maybe a harris something else. ticket well, i attended with a group of african american attorneys, most of them were black women. >> so of course there's an excitement for the possibility of us in our a lifetime seeing an african american woman lead this country. she is a graduate
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from my alma mater, howard university, and she represents for us the future, right people are excited the thought, the possibility that a black woman because sit in the oval office now in terms of whether or not president biden recognizes the important asks that that she is the people in the audience at that speech definitely recognize the power, the strength, the possibility that kamala harris represents and for the african american humidity omarosa manigault, newman. >> thank you so much for joining us thank you for having me well let's talk about with my panel, who is joining me right now. >> i mean, first of all, i harry, this has been an effort by this canvas candidate to try to woo black voters. in particular yeah, i do wonder about the messengers are they going to resonate these messages aren't going to rest right?
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>> everybody we're, done know these messengers aren't going to resonate, but i think we should take a step back and understand perhaps why the trump campaign republicans are trying to do this they are looking at public polling that for better or worse, shows donald trump in a better position with black voters and hispanic voters than anybody. and at least in a generation. and what comes? it's a black voters, the best position for a republican candidate since 1,960 and richard nixon. now we can discuss why or why not that the case. but the fact is the black vote, at least according to public polling, is more in play for republican candidate than any point. and i believe any our lifetimes, i think based upon the age, i was only question maybe more i wasn't going to say anything because i think you're young thank you. >> thank you ashley me, ask you this question though, because there is obviously this
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enthusiasm gap that we've been talking about, right? i mean, people aren't having the yes. all the time. moment, which by the way, politics that wasn't always the way it was. anyway, let me ask you, could camila harris, though that enthusiasm gap? >> she could for some people, when you look at a coalition, you pull 20% here, 20% here, 20%. here you fill in the rest the map, right? so colonel harris definitely could energize young voters, voters of color, women voters. but i think someone said it earlier maybe not a working class white male voters. she should be able to she should have a conversation with them and have, and be able to engage them. but it would be a little harder. >> here's one thing i'll just say i'm going to give some advice to my democratic friends black voters are potentially, i don't believe the polling that i'm seeing. i'm seeing some other polling where the hole sample are only black voters and the numbers aren't matching when you have just a smaller portion of the sample impose
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being black folks black folks are saying deliver for us don't take us for granted and right now, we have a democratic party where black voters are telling them just leave the ticket as it is. and if you don't support commonly harris, if democrats do something else in that that's actually feeding the narrative republicans are trying to say that dems aren't listening to them this is a tricky moment that democrats find themselves in. >> what you cannot say year after year after year that black folks of the base of the democratic party and then ignore it and one of the most critical moments of this election for black women in particular we ask you about this mali because i mean, tomorrow is going to be a huge night donald trump will be speaking. >> he has said he is ripped up one speech, falling. what happened on saturday is going to give another address. there are many different obvious points in the room is going to have to make. what are you anticipate about his ability to convey a message that will
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unify not alienate, and then get the voters he needs well, i am fascinated to hear what he's going to say because of precisely that dynamic that you describe. because he has said that he wants to try to set some kind of different tone. and he really has not given any kind of really public remarks since the tragic events of saturday night would but many people who've spoken to him have said that he's a changed man. now, look, i'm old enough to remember, meaning i'm over 10-years-old several supportive of trump pivot right? over and over and over. aujoe. well, he didn't think he was going to get elected president, but surely this will humble and changed him over and over and over. and it never happens he's been? the same guy and that's why the polls are so close, frankly, yeah. no matter how bad the democrats do, people do remember how much they disliked the donald trump presidency well that being said if he is going to try to do something different and he does like to surprise people. i'm
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i'm very, very interested to hear how he thinks he's going to pull that off. off because he does not have a history of being of even trying to be a uniter, a unifying candidate that is a feature, not a bug of his candidacy when all the other politicians were coming out and saying these phony stuff about, let's all come together. he was the one who said no. >> i'm not like that so can he do something different? i'm we'll see exactly where he's got a crowd of people who've been cheering him on. >> that will be a test certainly. thank you so much, everyone. hey, i had that new video from our affiliate wtae appearing to show the trump rally shooter an hour before his attack were going to go through it. >> now on the edge, moments that shaped our culture coming this fall on cnn well, i'm a paid actor and this isn't a
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doing today anger at the secret service boiling over on the floor of the republican national convention. >> group of gop senators chasing down. but chief of the secret service, kimberly cheatle and may are demanding more answers over the assassination attempt against donald trump. and are blaming the secret service for a cascade of security failures. and tonight we're getting a new look at what they're upset at about new video here showing what appears to be the trump rally shooter, just about an hour before opening fire for the obtained by cnn affiliate wtae. >> and you can see a person wearing clothes similar to what the gunman was wearing the building. >> he's walking around is the same one that shooter climb to carry out his attack is video coming as cnn is learning that the shooter visited the rally site twice after the the event was announced. and one dop senator who was briefed today hosting that the shooter was identified as suspicious, a
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full 19 minutes before the shooting. that's all we're learning either the slider has more about what was found on the shooter's phone jessica yeah, our team is getting a lot more information about that would assassin including the fact that law enforcement authorities found pictures of both former president trump and current president biden on the shooter's phone plus pictures of other political figures, including rudy giuliani house minority leader hakeem jeffries, and how speaker mike johnson. >> now the search history of his devices it says it also shows him looking up the dates of the republican and democratic national conventions. also inquiries about trump's planned campaign events now, two of the officials have told our team him that thomas matthew crooks did search for information on major depression disorder and treatment, but officials are noting there was actually no indication he was actually diagnosed no st. with depression and earlier today, lawmakers were actually briefed
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by law enforcement officials from the fbi and also the secret service, the fbi revealing they haven't found any information that might speak to the ideological or political leanings of this would be assassin. the fbi saying they've already conducted more than 200 interviews. they're vowing to leave no stone unturned. as this investigation continues and as for the investigation, the homeland security inspector general did announce that they will be investigating the secret service and any security lapses and the secret service director, kim cheatle, she is scheduled to testify before the house oversight committee on monday laura jessica schneider. >> thank you so much. and hey, thank you all for watching cnn's coverage of the rnc continues next tomorrow he from milwaukee, former president trump accepts his party's nomination for the nation's
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highest office. >> jake tapper and anderson cooper lead cnn special live coverage the republican national convention tomorrow at seven on cnn you're loved ones are getting older and they need your support is here to help. it's an easy way to find background check senior care in your area from companions and helpers to chores and meal prep connect to the support you need when you need it so your loved ones can stay independent and you can have some peace of mind. cy, millions of families have trusted care, go to now to find senior caregivers liberty mutual customizes my car insurance and i saved hundreds with all the money i saved. i thought i'd by stilts being so tall definitely has its advantages you go get ready to go. >> yep there it is i guess it
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