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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  July 18, 2024 2:00am-3:01am PDT

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scan the code. now and ask about the bosley guarantee. >> cnn this morning with kasie hunt next it's thursday, july
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18, right now on cnn this morning, president biden isolating in delaware after a covid diagnosis, it comes with calls for him to leave the race altogether seemed to grow louder and more prominent plus, this i pledge to every american, no matter your party, i will give you everything. i have jd vance takes center stage, accepting the republican nomination for vice president and trying to introduce himself to america then there's this you answer. >> the us senators demanding answers, confronting the head of the secret service on the floor of the rnc 4:00 a.m. here
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in milwaukee, wisconsin. >> it is 5:00 a.m. on the east coast. a live look at the fiserv forum. here milwaukee, the home of the rnc. i can't tell some of those people walking around are still actually head back to their hotel rooms after a late night there badges probably still say wednesday or say thursday. good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt. it's wonderful to have you with us president biden forced off the campaign trail by a case of covid-19. justice calls for him to leave the race only louder, president biden arrived to his home in delaware late last night, where he will be self-isolating with a mild case of the virus that's according to his staff the president is finding himself isolated in more ways than one with calls to step aside now coming from some of the most senior leaders of the democratic party's sources tell cnn, former house speaker nancy pelosi recently spoke to the president. her message, the polls show he cannot defeat donald trump in november. she
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also warned biden's candidacy could sink their chances of winning the house and keeping the senate the president reportedly got defensive, saying his own polls show he can win. but remember back to one week ago at nato when biden suggested he would only reconsider his campaign under one condition i'm much thinking back and say, there's no way you can win but people are saying that even the president's allies, adam schiff, becoming the 21st democratic congressmen, to call for biden to leave the race. >> he is the most prominent democrat to do so in public as of yet and privately, the pressure seems to be potentially changing the president's thinking. one senior party adviser tells cnn, quote, he's gone from saying camila can't win to quote, do you think kamala can win
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according to this adviser? quote, it's still unclear where he's going to land, but he seems to be listening, joining me now to discuss all of this, stephanie lie, politics reporter for bloomberg news, reese gorman, political reporter for notice. karen finney, cnn political commentator, former spokesperson for hillary clinton's presidential campaign, and lance trover, former spokesperson for doug burgum's presidential campaign. welcome to all of you early on this thursday morning karen, we very much appreciate you. >> thank you for laying here that's what the floor is yours look this is pretty remarkable because we saw obviously jd vance had his big moment in the sun at the rnc last night, but the reality was all anyone was talking about was the president of the united states last night ahead of that, anyway, and our jeff zeleny had a report that kind of rippled across the landscape where he said that one adviser they're says that
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president biden seems more receptive to these entreaties for him to leave the race. i'm wondering if you can kind of give us a sense of what the conversation is among democrats right now. clearly, nancy pelosi in particular, and i was talking to one democratic member last night who said that she is clearly making her moves behind the scenes, that she rarely lose it is what's the next turn of the screw well, look, i think that juror member as of right now president biden has the delegates to win the nomination. >> and these are people who ran specifically to be pledged biden delegates in their home communities in less than until there is some movement among those delegates and some chance that when the vote happens, he would not win again, i keep saying this. he's got the cards in his hand and again, members of congress don't get to vote until the second round of voting. so look, he's negotiating with a pretty strong hand here. i do think the polls matter i think the
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other piece though that will tell you that's rippling through the democrats. number one, i will tell you that most of his people are saying he's not going anywhere. he may have covid guess what? there's a whole new covid strain that we're all probably kind of get at some point this summer or fall, but the other pieces, i think people are i want to say furious in many corners at the idea that if for some reason president biden did step down that it wouldn't become a harris. the idea i think a lot of folks don't understand what a revolt there would be in the party if you try to step over this woman in favor of yeah. >> i mean, it looked by us on the one hand, i you're trying to say, well, biden is not going anywhere, but then on the other hand, if he does well, because that's the conversation people who are having, there saying, you know, i mean, even our own van jones said leave right no, i think it's just people really want
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them to leave and they're trying to throw out names of people like all will be so exciting and we could do this and the thing that i keep going back to is, okay, great. >> so let's have a food fight in august and then turn around auand at the end of august or early september and say, hey, you can trust us to run the country. i don't think people realize. and if it's not comma, were fighting for ballot access in every state were fired at that person has to basically start from the beginning in terms of staff and money in september. >> so it's a tough it's a tough climb for sure risk warming. what are you hearing from your sources this morning? >> democrats are, the covid biden having covid is just another example of them kind of being worried. i mean, now he's going to be taken off the campaign trail when they're already skeptical of the fact that it could be the nominee, i'll talk to some democrats earlier this week who were even before this all played out, they were really scared and then these conversations with nancy pelosi, chuck schumer, hakeem, jeffries. they don't leak on accident. they talked to them last week about this.
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and clearly by did not heed their concerns. and so now they're trying to come out in public and forces in a public arena. because he's not listening to them. so they are really scared about the prospect of biden being their nominee from what i'm hearing, and there are grave concerns, especially from more vulnerable democrats. >> yeah. stephanie, let me let's let's show everybody kind of how president biden has evolved as well in talking about what would cause him to reevaluate his decision because he obviously, after the debate was very dug in, starting out with that interview that he did with george stephanopoulos. but another thing he said yesterday, also pick the years of democrats, let's watch this for more on mining cannot sit yogurt out of the race. i got the race. and lord almighty is not coming down. >> unless they came back and said, there's no way you can win unless i get hit by a train. >> yeah. i had some medical condition in emerged if somebody doctors came to me, said you got this problem with that problem some medical
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condition that emerged so some people are reading, i think over-reading this as well, covid could not be the excuse that he uses to do this, but at the same time, it's a change. it is and i think you're completely right in that interview yesterday, really did turn the page on what we were seeing from biden's response earlier when he was very stubborn about not dropping out of the race, not ceding control of the party and now it seems like he's more open to the idea of, you know, should something happen. kamala harris is perfectly capable of taking over the control of the white house. i do think that some of these conversations that we're hearing from democrats on the hill among senior top brass democrats. it seems like the more polling shows that other candidates could be donald trump, the more willing he seems to be. >> lance trover on that on that point about who is most likely to beat donald trump. i mean, it's clear from the conversations i'm having here the rnc republicans would
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prefer to run against president biden they feel like the battleground map is incredibly expanded. and then i talked to one source who says they've also tested kamala harris can see how the race would be different with her. i mean, they still feel i think relatively confident about taking her on, but it does change the dynamics. what are you hearing? some of our panel last night. last night, it was just a few hours ago, i guess i'm trying to remember it was david urban are scott jennings, but they were i kind of pointing out that i think was david urban that the trump team hasn't run the debate adds yet against biden because they don't want to push him out of the race i was i was thinking on the way over here, could life be any better for the trump campaign right now in there? >> every just in the last week alone means grant, i mean, he survived an assassination attempt. the court cases getting tossed out the unity that has been shown here in
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milwaukee with complete disarray on the other side but to your point, i think you're right. i think they want to run against joe biden. absolutely. they do not want to see him out of the race. and so i think yeah look, i they also there is an air of confidence here that they can take on that he is so strong right now. and i think you also saw just in case there was a kamala harris coming that was part of the strategic thinking of getting a jd vance, a 39-year-old guy who comes from the midwest and marine veteran and that type of stuff. i think they were also thinking ahead just in case because look, the age factor is clearly going to be a case going forward. >> one other point. let's talk about former president wesley clark and former president fred thompson and i think that to say, if you remember in both of those actions people were freaking out. wait another candidate, we need another candidate, au, both of those men got in and different moments and they tanked because here's part of what happened until you're actually the candidate and the theoretical looks great. to people because
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people put on you all the things they think the existing candidate does not i'll have then they go on the campaign trail and they start to hear and see and i'm not saying that these people who have been named or not great, but it's very different. and so i think they're to be really mindful. and again, i think in addition to that, it's part of why people are saying joe biden's not going anywhere. but if he is and i think more people, he would get more people supportive if some of the predominantly white folks in my party would stop talking about jumping over kamala harris? yeah. no, it's a very interesting point. i think one thing i'm gonna be digging in today in my reporting live heard from one democratic sources suggestions that the president may be feeling like she needs to earn it in a way and some sort of process. and i think if that's actually what he thinks, some of what you just said is going to light up pretty asked. >> all right. up next here. donald trump makes his triumphant return to the rnc night. he's. going to have his big moment on the maine stage,
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plus this republicans. rally around jd vance, his big moment on the main stage will show you some highlights. and in our morning roundup, journalist evan gershkovich back in a russian welcome to the now way to network. they switch to junipers ai native network now, everyone productive. >> they're operating at a higher gear. >> now their network is self-configuring, self-protecting, and stuff so there it team deals with up to 90% fewer network couple of tickets just the sound barrier. that's the now way to network at work with real ai putting you in the fast lane the last few years have been really tough on my family is never-ending cycle of inflation is taking more and more my
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your day with nature. me. and try new zero sugar gummies every day dirt and grind settles deep within your tiles grout lines, staley steamers powerful, custom-made equipment removes that. >> you see in the dirt. you don't you're thailand route. isn't clean until so it's stanley steamer clique and so tonight, mr. chairman, i stand here humbled and i'm overwhelmed with gratitude to say, i officially accept your nomination to be vice president of the united states it's of america ohio senator jd vance, accepting his role as the new second in command of the maga
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movement, his rnc speech giving america a fresh look at his life's journey from appalachia to the marine corps to yale law and the u.s senate, vance also gave his pitch for his new running mate, donald trump from iraq to afghanistan, from the financial crisis to the great recession from open borders to stagnating wages. the people who govern this country have failed and failed again, president but trump represents america's last best hope to restore what if lost may never be found again. >> a country we're working class boy, born far from the halls of power can stand on this stage as the next vice president of the united states of america. alright, panel is back lance trover. i kind of want to dig into this speech a little bit because it honestly, i thought we were going to get like a super compelling like biographical story instead, it was a little bit all over the place. and it was clear to me that he seemed a little
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nervous, right. like this was a moment. he didn't have a lot of time to practice the speech what, one of the reviews, two hours maybe. look, i did i thought he projected an air of humility, which i think goes along way with voters. i do think he got elements of his story out there. this is an introduction. it's an introduction to not just american voters the republican voters as well out there. and i think he did a nice job of that and i thought he i was also struck by the contrast because when you think about his upbringing versus donald trump's upbringing, i was looking at that like two completely different people. but in a way, it kind of is an example of american as its greatest right? that you've got a rich guy like donald trump and a guy who grew up certainly very, very poor in the hollows, as he said of kentucky. and it's quite the contrast, but bringing that together, i think the trump team, they've been thinking about this for a long time, but i think they thought about the age factor. they thought about his biographical factor. they did put some thought into this and you can kind of see where we got to last night that how they landed
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on jd vance. and i think as a contrast to whether it is joe biden or kamala harris or anybody else risk gorman. >> let's watch the there was a moment where jd vance if people are familiar with his biography, it's likely from hillbilly elegy and there was a movie made with glenn close who starred as his grandmother and he talked about his meme as he called her, and how he was raised by her. but then there was a very touching moment actually, where he introduced his mom. let's watch that our movement is about single moms like mine, who's struggled with money and addiction. but never gave up and i'm proud to say that tonight my mom is here ten years clean and sober. >> i love you blows that kiss bag later joke that, well, maybe they can have the celebration at the white house quit something. >> i mean, i will say that 100%
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i heard from republicans when jd vance was first elected as a running mate, who were concerned about him as the running mate, did think he was too much like trump. he didn't bring much the ticket then after this speech that he gave, they were a lot more comfortable about it. they were telling me that the he kind of made this stark contrast and while there were some kind of maga moments in this speech, its belt like he especially this moment he touched a regular americans and the american voters. and also whenever he referenced these kind of midwestern states, whether we ohio pennsylvania, wisconsin, and michigan, that they realized that this is why trump had them on the ticket to appeal to blue collar working class voters and it kind of set them at ease and even some of the members that i talked to and they were like, we don't know if donald trump made the right decision was bad because he's too much like trump ever seen this kind of went back to them and they're like no see you the decision he made. i was not very familiar with jd vance as probably a lot of america isn't right. but this kind of, it's a chance for him to rewrite what people, what people think about him in this
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biography is a really strong set of things to bring to the table. >> all right, coming up here on cnn this morning special counsel jack smith announces his next move after the classified documents case against donald trump it was thrown out, plus a deadly inferno. a mall goes up in flames. that's in our morning round-up this election season, stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground. >> and the best political team in the business follow the voters, follow the results, follow the facts follow. >> cnn take a pea sized amount, apply it like a lotion pits under boob, saiful, not cracks, feet. >> is water-based cream. i'm telling you it's invisible on the skin. it works like a dream i didn someone think of this sooner i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program if your age 50 to
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get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. favorite pair of jeans today. i'm taylor available on the apple well app store or android. >> i, hanako montgomery in tokyo. and this is cnn all right. >> 24 minutes past the hour. here's your morning roundup. evan gershkovich's trial in russia resumed this morning for a second hearing. it was all held behind closed doors, the wall street journal journalist has been detained in russia for
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over a year on espionage charges the special counsel counsel's office has filed a notice of appeal in donald trump's classified documents case earlier this week, district judge, aileen cannon dismiss the case on grounds the appointment of special counsel, jack smith filing related the constitution this incredible video out of southwest china's smoke billowing from a mall after i've caught fire on wednesday, 16 people were killed, close to 30 people had to be rescued. initial investigations 0.2 construction work as the cause. and this the paris mayor and a bunch of other crazy he. >> been able to jump into the sun cnn's melissa bell joining the mayor of paris for a swim in the river sen. ahead of the paris olympics they. >> start next week. i really don't know how i feel about this. this is the mayor's way of making a point that the river is clean after it tested at unsafe levels of e coli last month, we're going to call melissa and about but i'll three days can make sure all as
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well. she's a champ all right. >> time now for weather after a week of severe storm, community storms, communities from the midwest to the east coast are picking up the pieces. >> new york governor kathy hochul assessing the storm damage in the city of rome, new york yesterday that national weather service says a tornado touched down there tuesday. let's get to our meteorologist, allison chinchar with more on this. allison. good morning good morning. >> good says was pretty significant damage for this area, especially given the time of year. we know severe weather takes place in the spring, but for summer, that's usually when we start to see that transition out of it again, pretty significant damage here just so you know, this was an ef2 rated tornado but for some context, the estimated wind speed was 135. had it been 136, it would have been an ef3. so this was about as high of an ef-2 rating as you can possibly get for that storm, that tornado was one of 23, tornado reports that we've had across the country just since sunday, over 1,100 damaging wind reports and almost 100 hail reports. some of them the size of tennis
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balls or even larger. now, in terms of tornadoes, has been a very active year since january 1. we've had over 1,400 tornado reports. normally by this point, we would have just under 1,000. so certainly above average, they're more severe weather is expected for today, especially across the carolinas and virginia, you'll see a lot of those storms beginning thank to ramp up late this afternoon and into the evening hours and continuing overnight. but also notice to this front isn't really moving all that much. that means there's going to be a tremendous amount of rain dropped. it in a very short period of time. so you have the potential for flooding from virginia all the way back through texas all right. >> allison chinchar for us this morning. allison. thank you very much. >> coming up next here. a heated confrontation at the rnc, the secret service director chased by lawmakers plot as trump is showered with praise here at the rnc biden forced off the campaign trail after testing positive for covid apparently the first signs of trouble for president were earlier today when he
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stopped at a restaurant and reporters noted that he looks slower and more pale than the day before. >> more pale how can you tell his foundation shade is already casper tonight, live from milwaukee, former president trump accepts his party's nomination for the nation's highest office. jake tapper and anderson cooper lead cnn special live coverage the republican national convention tonight at seven on cnn can reveal support your brain health mary janet, hey, eddy know, razor, frank, frank bred. how are you for up to seven brain health indicators, including memory, serves on the rebound amazon for the best deals of the summer, did you know that 80% of people have subscriptions they forgot about oh, that's dumb. >> i keep track of my subscriptions in spreadsheets and i always get it right. >> we'll see about that. all right. so i just don iraq money in your phone and it looks like you're paying for two meal delivery kits why is see sprawling my ex, i got a call
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a row, have been screen this up. here's a live look outside the cnn grill at the republican national convention were inside that building. you're looking at right there? derek, good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt. it's wonderful to have you with us on full display this week. two, candidates facing two starkly different political realities. president biden, testing positive yesterday for covid-19 and forced off the campaign trail. now isolated both physically and quite honestly, politically as he attempts to salvage his campaign with former house speaker nancy pelosi reportedly telling biden his candidacy could cost will cost democrats the house. meanwhile, donald trump riding high at the republican national convention this week alone, he survived an assassination attempt he scored a major legal win as a judge dismissed his classified documents case. he watched his former rivals one by one-by-one, bend the knee and endorse his vision for america he announced his vice presidential pick and tonight he'll officially become the gop nominee for president for
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the third time, running cnn political commentator van jones, i was sitting next to him last night when he said this they have a terrible day just pull back and look at this thing strength versus weakness a bullet couldn't stop trump virus, just stop biden so here's how my colleague, stephen collinson, he is a friend of the show and he kind of paints all these big pictures for us. he describes the past few weeks this way, quote, a white house race that's slumbered for months has suddenly erupted over a momentous three weeks bookended by biden's cataclysmic debate performance and the attempted assassination of donald trump, a whiplash of events unseen in half a century and i do think karen, some of this is still sinking in just how how much this race has changed in the past couple of weeks. the
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history that we are all living through on van for that's really that comment was really over the top even when donald trump got covid, he had to any of us when we get covid. that's what you're supposed to do is isolate that who knows what's going to happen in this race. i think what we've learned, we have forgotten 2016 where every day, every week was a new adventure. with donald trump living it's teen or the entire trump administration. but i was in the 2016 race and let me tell you it was really something at least you had the levers of government to slow him down a little bit but look, i think we're being reminded, right that this is a tumultuous race. it's going to go up and down as you and i we were talking about yesterday, it's only july we've done weeks to go before we see how miles to go before we sleep exactly. we have we have a vp debate. we may have a presidential debate
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right? >> so yeah, expect more action. >> but the reality, i mean, stephanie, like the trump campaign reportedly won't respond to the vp he debate invitation because they're not sure who's going to be at the top of the democratic ticket more in the second slot. >> yet strategically it doesn't make sense for them to do anything at this point, you know, once they wait for the democrats to officially nominate joe biden, kamala harris, that's when they might have more wiggle room to say, okay, let's sit down, let's happens debate we have reported that senator jd vance, and vice president kamala harris have already spoken and i have discussed this topic, but it doesn't seem like the teams have come to a conclusion regarding what outlet to host the debate on and also the date in which they would hosted. >> yeah let's dig in a little bit more. >> this something karen brought up in karen, let's let's continue can you this conversation but i would like to hear some of your reporting around this question about kamala harris. and in the event, because this is the back half part of the reason why democrats have been so paralyzed and why biden himself
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seems to be wrestling with this decision so much is that at the end of the day, they don't want to make a change at the top of the ticket if whatever they bring in next is going to have the same result or potentially worse, and there's so much unpredictability here at kamala harris is the other person on the ticket. it is the biden-harris ticket. but there are concerns among some democratic corners about how well she would run. what are you hearing? about kind of where those conversations stand the way that i'm interpreting it right now, is that it's a broad conversation. there are definitely some people who would prefer not to see harris at the top of the ticket. but it's kind of a joint conversation. okay. if we do have harris than this person should be her number two, it's kind of all tied together and i think a lot of the more serious conversations while there are people that are or have concerns about vice president harris, a lot of them are kind of they've just come to the fact that if biden were to drop out harris would be the nominee. >> i mean, as karen alluded to, is really hard to start from scratch with anybody different if you have a team money,
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whatever. and so this is kind of something that they're looking at there being like, oh, well, harris is the inevitable nominee. if biden were to drop out of the race or to withdraw whatever it maybe. and so that's kinda what they're thinking. i mean, even the biden campaign as the new york times reported is polling harris against trump. so even there looking at the fact of being like, well, if he can't do it, then it's going to be kamala harris. >> well, and this was some of the most interesting reporting at karen from our jeff zeleny, who kind of broke this. it's now been been picked up in the times and elsewhere that the reason why some people are interpreting president biden's current state of mind as being more receptive lived, potentially stepping aside. is that his way of talking about kamala harris has shifted instead of saying while kamala harris can't when he's asking people around him, well, can she win? >> yeah. i mean, look, here's the reality democrats can win if we believe we can win and actually unify behind that person and do the work to win we get into this magical
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thinking. i love my party, but they make me crazy. this magical thinking that we're just going to have this personality that's going to save everything. know, you still have to do the work. and one of the things that i think they're forgetting, the issue landscape is still the same. project, 2025, which the donald trump and jd vance are running on, is dangerous for this country. and the person who has been out there prosecuting this argument more effectively than just about anyone is kamala harris. so the idea that some other magic person would leap over the first black female, vice president yeah what message does that send? i'm just i will tell you my tax chains last night and didn't the last couple of days black folks, black women i mean, there would be a huge revolt and i don't know how any other person could get those folks back and democrats can't win without that synergy. >> yeah, for sure. all right.
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let's go down to this story because of course, watching reporters chase senators through congress to try to get them to answer questions is, something i have participated in quite often when i was on capitol hill reporter, but there was a twist on this last night during the rnc in the halls of the arena? a group of republican senators led by marsha blackburn confronted the secret service director, kimberly cheatle. they wanted her to answer their questions. about saturday's attempted assassination of donald trump. when cheatle tried to excuse herself and say it wasn't the right forum for the conversation look up at the senators went right a lot i'm with her chasing her through the halls of the fiserv forum, shouting questions at her exactly what we're doing today well she looks like she's had some practice doing that. she eventually left the arena
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without answering any further questions mean the only thing she could have added lands was the chuck schumer fake phone call they do in the halls yes. but they pretend talking on the phone occasionally they actually are, but i was reminded reporters of that. i think of what campaign trackers do the same thing when they're running between buildings do it is going to think of that for sure. but lance, i mean, look the reality here is this has the way that the leadership at the secret service, and i, every single time we talk about this i want to say that those agents to tackled donald trump to the floor after this happened, there obviously heroes. the people that were on the ground there put themselves in harm's way for him. but this was a massive six the more we learn about what happened that day, the more clear it becomes that this was a massive security failure. i mean, the number of minutes before this person was identified as a potential security threat to when those shots were fired is an astonishing gap and the secret service director, it has not been willing to step into the breach so far my sister was
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in the secret service in particularly sympathetic like you to the agents and what they do. >> so i understand that yeah. here's the problem. there are a lot of other questions, but the more we learn about this and the fact of the stonewalling and seeming to not want to answer questions. the fact that us senators felt the need, i mean, these are due senators are typically not the kind of go do that au expect that more out of house members to do that. >> if it had been matt gaetz, i would not have been like john barrasso, but i'd like for them why is the level of frustration clearly that they and i'm guessing a lot of other members are feeling out there right now. and so i don't know. i think the secret service, you get a little pr lesson or two here to figure out and she even i mean, she came out yesterday and said, that, while sorry, i can't make your date of monday and that lasted about i don't know, 30 minutes before all of a sudden actually she was available on monday, lance, at so interesting your sisters in the service, there are some on the right who have been suggesting that female secret service agents that were around trump or not up to the task. >> eric trump and jason miller was on this program yesterday saying that's not the case. >> not the case. she's no
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longer in the secret service and the fbi now, but yes. but yeah, i look, i i think that's kind of crazy. i think i think i think i look at my sister and what she has been able to accomplish and things that she's done i certainly don't agree with that at all. >> yeah. alright. still ahead here on cnn this morning, congresswoman jennifer mcclellan joins us. she's a democrat to talk about the state a president biden's campaign, floss how congress is handling this investigation into the secret service will talk to show me, nancy mace, a republican about that kinda reeva's support your brain health. very janet hey, eddie, know appraiser, frank, frank bred. >> how are you for up to seven brain health indicators, including memory, searching, the river on amazon for the best feels of the summer. >> i'm jonathan lawson. here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if your age 50 to 85 and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget. remember the three ps what are the three ps
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another item to his growing list of things that could convince him to drop out a medical condition but for now, he seems adamant about staying in in that interview. >> he also addressed his past statements saying he was a transitional candidate. >> originally ran. you may remember it. i said i was going to be a transitional candidate. i thought that i'd be able to move from this to pass it on to someone else. but i didn't anticipate things getting so so so divided that may not be the whole picture though a senior democratic adviser telling cnn that in private during his conversations with leaders on capitol hill, quote, he's being receptive adding that biden has quote, gone from saying camila can't win two, saying, do you think kamala can win joining us now is congresswoman jennifer mcclellan of virginia. she is a democratic congresswoman. thank you so much for being here we're also reporting this moment of this morning at cnn that the house speaker former house speaker nancy pelosi, also met or talked with
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privately told joe biden that the polling just chose that he cannot be donald trump and that she warned him that he could ruin democrats chances of flipping the house of representatives do you think that nancy pelosi is right? >> i don't former speaker pelosi hakeem jeffries and schumer have related concerns of some members of the house and senate caucuses. i have a different view. i believe that joe biden and kamala harris to ticket that we have now, can win. and i believe that democrats are united behind defeating donald trump this november i mean, look, i don't doubt that there are united behind defeating at donald trump. >> but i just have to push back. i mean, what convinces you that democrats can win or that the president can win? i mean, when you look at some of these, when we can put up states where he's lost ground after the debate. i mean, the
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conversations that i'm having with people are now focused on states like minnesota and new hampshire are potentially going for republicans. i mean, can you help explain clearly president biden? it doesn't believe a lot of this polling data. >> why don't you believe it? i think the polls are all over the place and what the polls have shown before the debate. and since the debate is that this is going to be there not all election and season. >> there's simply not there, simply not all over the place well, for example, in virginia on the same day you had a new york times poll that showed that joe biden was up by three. you had another vcu poll that showed he was down by three with a margin of error of 4.8. we have known from the beginning, this is going to be a close election. and when democrats do what we need to do to communicate to voters to meet them where they are, to talk about what the biden-harris administration has done, to talk about what they will continue to do going forward and to talk about what
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a second trump administration would mean as outlined in project 2025, which are policies that are not popular with the american people democrat we'll, when president biden has said that he is not stepping down, that he is our nominee. he has the right to change his mind. he has the right to move forward, but 14 million democrats voted for him to be our nominee. and we're going to do everything within our power to make sure that he wins you cited those virginia polls. i take your point that you've got a couple of different ones, but they both are very different from what happened in 2020, which was that president biden won virginia by ten points what's going on in virginia that it's so much closer, if not, this reaction after president's debate performance it is still early in this election and the biden campaign has started knocking on doors has been going to voters where they are communicating those messages are breaking through outside of
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the media. >> a lot of voters have not started paying attention until recently, but we had seen in the past weekend the number of volunteers coming out to knock on doors a number of offices at or opened people are paying attention and are going out talking about how dangerous a second trump administration would be if he implements project 2025, which has policies that are very popular, not just in virginia, but across america. and i believe that we will defeat donald trump this november given all of that, what you said, i mean, if democrats lose the white house, the senate and the house, i mean, isn't that what what nancy pelosi is warning that if they control all levers of government, all of the things that you just outlined come law that was true two months ago. that is two now, which is why we are out talking to voters where they are about the dangers of project 2025, about how donald trump has a playbook to implement policies
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that will hurt the middle class that will further erode reproductive freedom that will gut the affordable care act that will roll back all the progress that we have made on addressing climate change. we're talking to voters about the issues that matter to them. and they are listening and they are going to come out and vote accordingly. >> all right congresswoman jennifer mcclellan. thank you very much for being up early to join us. i really appreciate your time. >> thank you all right. >> coming up here on cnn this morning. >> and every. single day for the next four years when i walk into that white house to help president trump, i will be doing it for you jd vance has his moment in the spotlight officially accepting the republican my nation for vice president. >> plus next hour i'm joined by former congressman rodney davis or republican on what he hopes to see from donald trump at the rnc tonight can the riva
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be salvo about this in milwaukee and this is cnn it's thursday, july 18, right now on cnn this morning, president biden now off the campaign trail after testing positive for covid, tough timing as more top democrats warn him to get out of the race completely flawless ai officially accept your nomination to be vice president of the united states thanks of america from relative unknown to the gop's vice presidential nominee, jd vance puts himself in the race for 2024 and you senators chase down, the director of the secret service at the rnc, insisting on answers over


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