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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  July 18, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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save an average of 5%. learn more at i'm pete muntean at reagan national airport. this is cnn closed captioning is bronchi by you, cora, help maintain a healthy urinary tract with you, cora, having utis for ten years, you cora, we make uti relief products. we also make proactive urinary we tried to health products. you cora, is a lifestyle tried today at you for i'm boris sanchez
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live in milwaukee at the site of the republican national convention. >> my good friend and co-anchor, brianna keeler is live for us in the nation's capital. and here are the convention. it is the final day tonight, former president donald trump will take the stage to formally accept the republican nomination. and deliver his first major speech since nearly being assassinated trump's original plans for what he described as a humdinger of a speech, getting scrapped instead, trump writing a new speech. he says to meet the moment. and in a new video, trump is talking about that terrifying incident last weekend. let's listen this, has been our best campaign and then i got was amazing,
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horrible thing, amazing thing. >> in many ways, it changes your, your attitude, your viewpoint are live and i think honestly, i think you appreciate god even more really do something something happened i was trump gets set to speak to what appears to be a unified republican party. it's almost the complete opposite on the democratic side, president biden is right now isolating at his home in delaware after testing positive for covid while facing deepening questions about whether he should exit the race for the white house. let's get to cnn national correspondent kristen holmes for the latest kristen, obviously tonight a big moment for trump. what should we expect from his speech? >> well, boris, it really depends on what happens when he takes the stage tonight. he is in complete control. nauta, he does have a speed. we are told he is still working on it. this was something that he wanted to write. we've been told by a
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number of people close to him that he had a different speech. but after saturday's event, wanted to make this about unity. but of course, the big question remains, what does you didn't mean to former president donald trump? and i spoke to a number of people who have been briefed on the speech, who have talked to him about the speech. they say that he is going to lean into what happened happened on saturday. he is going to talk about the fact that he feels like he is lucky to be alive, that there was divine intervention. but whether or not he stays on this message again, we will wait and see donald trump is one who gets very invigorated by the crowd around him. we know that they are setting him up in a kind of show style we'll performance. he has whole cogen, speaking. there's dana white of the ufc introducing kid rock, who then will put on a performance and have donald trump take the stage which persian of donald trump that you get people who are close to him. they insist that he is a changed man, that he had this harrowing experience. this is the first time other than that short clip that you just saw that we're going to see him speaking in public and directly
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addressing what happened on television. that's going to tell us a lot about where his mindset is and where he believes the report publican party and the country should go christiane. >> i also wanted to get an update on something that jd vance, trump's new running mate said during i believe was a faith and freedom coalition breakfast, he had a message directly for social conservatives this morning, following some pushback after republicans soft and other stance on abortion on their official she'll platform. what did he say this has been a point of contention between evangelicals and donald trump. >> and we should know that the faith and freedom forum is a very concerned aubut of group. ralph reed runs at. he's close to donald trump, but he is somebody who is very, very anti abortion. so it's not surprising that jd vance sudden essentially put but up a big tent saying that no matter what everybody is still welcome in the party, take a listen there has been a lot of rumbling in
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the past few weeks that the republican party of now and the republican party of the future is not going to be a place that's welcoming to social conservatives. >> and really from the bottom of my heart, i want to say that is not true. social conservatives have a seat at this table and they always will. so long as i have any influence in this party and president trump, i know agrees that is what he said. >> but obviously what he wasn't saying was anything about any hard line of abortion or anti-abortion stay his stances, they didn't mention any of this and that is because donald trump does not want to run on it. remember the platform of the rnc put through? it's one that donald trump dictated parts of. he has not wanted to talk about abortion almost at all other than taking credit for the overturning of roe v. wade obviously they do believe and this is his senior advisers that the pool party is welcome. they want anyone who is far right or christian conservative to vote for donald trump. what
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they do you believe it's at the end of the day? they can sell to republicans that this is a binary choice between donald trump and joe biden. and if you want someone who is more concerned you should go with donald trump kristen holmes. >> thank you so much for that reporting. we want to discuss further now with republican congressman mike waltz of florida congressman. thank you so much for being with us. sure. i'm wondering what you think of that reporting that we just heard from kristen, that folks close to former president trump say that this shooting changed him. and also i'm curious to get your perspective on what we're going to hear tonight. what do you think well, we have my wife and i had the opportunity to spend some time with president trump yesterday and he has very reflective anybody would be a millimeter away from a from a headshot. >> and i told him i've seen men and women in combat that fight or flight kicks in. you run and hide, or you stand strong and move to the sound of the guns in his first instinct
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was to stand strong and reassure the country that that he's okay. i think tonight you're going to see a continuation of what he started in iowa when he talked about unifying the party this week, you've seen nikki haley, you've seen ron desantis. he's unified the party. clearly. >> this week, i think that's indisputable and now it's about unifying the country congressman, i do want to ask you about a powerful moment. you spoke last night just before a video played these gold-star families and then eventually after the video, they came out and spoke as well, sharing the stories of their family members, their loved ones who were killed at abbey gate during the withdrawal from it afghanistan because of a suicide bombing. what did that moment mean to you when their names were being read aloud to the crown? >> well, i was really channeling the frustration of those families who haven't gotten the answers. they don't believe that they deserve to really what happened that day. not being able to get calls or
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meetings with president biden and one day i called up president trump and him being him, he said get them up here. michael. we schedule, we were scheduled to spend an hour with him. he ended up clearing a schedule and spending the entire evening had him laughing, crying, dancing, and two of the moms came up to me afterwards and said it was the best thing that had happened to them since they lost their son. he was he was a healer. he was consoler. he was a leader and i wanted the world to hear that story and then they came on stage and told their stories. >> it is a powerful story. it's contrasted with things that we've heard from former service members, high-ranking service members, and their experience with former president trump and his approach to service members. in fact his former chief of staff, his longest serving chief of staff, john kelly, went on the record with cnn to say the following, and i want to be precise with the reporting. he says, quote, donald trump is a person that thinks those who defend their country brynn uniform, or are shot down or seriously wounded in combat, or spend years being tortured as
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pows are all suckers because there is nothing in it for them. he's using quotation marks. there, quoting former president trump. he says trump did not want to be seen in the presence of military amputees because it doesn't look good for me who rants that our most precious heroes who gave their lives in america's defense are losers and wouldn't visit their graves in france. he says trump is a person who has no idea what america stands for, no idea what america is about. john kelly, we should point out as a gold star father himself yeah. how do you square those two versions of donald? >> course, i can just share with you in faculty my experience. i have never seen anything like that. you just saw half dozen gold star families saying he truly heal them and they don't trust joe biden with their sons who are still in the military. he has i don't even know how many pictures with congressman brian mast and amputees lost both his legs so i wasn't there. i don't know but i can just tell you my experience and i've never seen a man more compassion or more carrying to
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bear with our veterans, period, full stop. and just while we're talking that, i do want to talk daniel dale, the cnn lead faculty trying to get to that i mean, it directly got on air last night and spoke to my speech. right? i talked about biden's military and his misguided priorities let's get to that. >> so there was a cnn fact check of your speech. you mentioned that one point and i want to get this right you said that biden was focused on building electric tanks apparently that comes from this army climate strategy that said that they wanted to make tactical vehicles electric. let me, let me fact check your fact checkers. go ahead. i have here bloomberg reporting the u.s. army putting its electric tanks on hold because they have to further invest in and develop the battery technology. i have testimony with the secretary of the army this issue. i have the budget where they're investing in research and development on electric fighting vehicles in addition to the non tactical vehicle was mentioned in that climate strategy. so i would
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just suggest the daniel dale sit down with the chairman of the readiness committee who reviews and approves these budgets and has the testimony and has the actual facts before he questions someone's credibility on national television. >> i'm sure that he would be more than happy to sit down. >> he should do that before he publicly puts it. i mean, it's forever on the internet. he said it on air and when we talk about mislead king he's misleading the public. and so if he's misleading on i have all the facts. if he's misleading on that, what else is he misleading? >> if you're getting an opportunity to respond to now and i know is you know getting to the truth is a process. it's not as cut and dry as it may seem some time literally minutes after my speech, he's telling the world on this it's leading. there's no way he could review the army's budget, the research and development that testimony that i personally received under oath. or how about just google and get the facts? >> as i said, it's a process i'm sure he did. somebody saw that process. i would love to have you both on to discuss it at the same time. >> let's go to this afternoon.
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>> possibly possibly i don't know where he is, but possibly the other also putting chinese made solar panels on the pentagon if we want to go down, the wrong priorities in terms of biden's military we can get to that, but i did want to get to the other question about thanks. it's all good. we can get to the other question about your speech because you ask something about chinese spy balloons you ask the crowd you didn't see any chinese spy balloons under trump, did you and there were not any reported spy balloons during the trump administration yet there were indications that cnn got from top ranking administration officials that there were these unknown objects that passed over us airspace continental us airspace during the trump administration. and later that i mean, this is reporting from who later said that they suspect that those were actually chinese spy for so we really get to make this comparison. number one, we have multiple trump intelligence
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officials saying they weren't aware, nor did they brief the president, but we had i mean, for the entire world to see a spy balloon hovering over our nuclear weapons site are strategic bombers site that command and control site literally for days and biden refused to do anything about it. i think that is night and day different than apparently some old intelligence reporting that may have skimmed the u.s. and we had no idea what it was back then. well, it was indisputable, was actually a journalist and the public who saw at first yeah now, unpacking it our command did see it coming and elevated the white house and he deliberately made the decision not to shoot it down. and what kind of response? another demonstration of america's week, i think part of the reason for the responses that they were concerned about where it might land. nevertheless, i do have a china question for you because as we saw the vice president speaking or vice presidential nominee, i should say speaking last night, jd vance, there a lot of questions about his
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stance on foreign policy. he favors a more sort of isolationists america first view that isn't the traditional republican, or at least reagan orthodoxy when it comes to america leading in the world when it comes to taiwan specifically donald trump made some comments yesterday about v assurances that the united states has made taiwan from a security standpoint, being something of an insurance policy it made it sound like it was a very sort of transactional arrangement. how confident are you that the united states would intervene in? taiwan to aid the taiwanese if china were to invade under a potential second trump administration to push back on the premise of the question a little bit. that's your characterization of isolationists. i think senator vance was very clear that when we punch, we're going to punch hard what we're likely did, in taking out baghdadi, like president trump did, and taking out soleimani like he did and sending cruise missiles into syria. and actually honoring a
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red line when a dictator used chemical weapons on its own, people, like arming ukraine, which happened under president trump, not under president obama, but at the same i'm time again, ai, i'm chairman of the military readiness committee. we can no longer afford to subsidize european security. i think it's a bismol that they've only gone to 30 to 50% of the bare minimum in terms of nato contributing to its defense despite a land war on its, on its own soil. so i think it's just taking a much harder look at what's in america's interest, what commitments are we making? what can we afford to do given 35 trillion in debt and all of the threats that we're facing and oh, by the way, we have cartels controlling our own southern brynn border. we just rolled up eight isis terrorists that were plotting an attack on the eve of pulse night or on the anniversary of pulse nightclub. so i really think it's taking a much harder look. and then finally, it's holding the pentagon accountable. everything they produce takes
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twice as long cost, twice as much delivers, half as much as it should system after system, despite the largest defense budget and the world. and i think that accountability and that tough look is what we need right now. >> there were a couple of things in there that we could have on taiwan to answer your question, a lot we have whether we have a long ukrainian port, et cetera. >> we have a longstanding policy of strategic ambiguity on taiwan. >> correct. and i don't hear anything along changing along those. >> it was the first time since 1980, i believe that taiwan was included in the republican platform. so that sort of raised some eyebrows, but we took it from 82 pages to 12th. the president was clear. i was co-chair of the party platform. the president wanted to make it much more digestible, understandable, and really something people can wrap their minds around. and i think we, i think we achieved that perhaps putting the ambivalence and strip but again, bivalents congressman always a pleasure to chat with demand, sanjay,
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thanks so much. >> thanks. of course still more to come on news central, the contrast could not be more stark in this moment in the race, donald trump is set for a triumphant night in the spotlight as president biden is fighting for his political future. >> sources telling cnn that former speaker nancy pelosi privately told biden that polls show he cannot win and may bring down other democrats in the process. we want to get details on that conversation now with cnn correspondent priscilla alvarez, she's actually in rehoboth traveling with president biden as he's isolating after he tested positive for covid priscilla, walk us through what we're learning about how the president responded in these conversations yeah the president is facing growing pressure from those within his party, including top democrats, like house speaker or former house speaker, nancy pelosi, over his candidacy. >> what we're learning from this private conversation that happened recently was that the former house speaker presented the president with polling that shows that he can defeat former president donald trump and that
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he could destroy the chances of democrats running in house races. the president, according to sources, responded defensively pointing to his own polling. and at one point in that conversation the former house speaker asking to get his senior advisers, mike donilon on the phone to walk through the data. it is this type of private conversation that really captures the tension within the democratic party as there have been so many questions questions circling this campaign over the viability of president biden as the democratic candidate. now in reached out to the white house about this, they said, and they maintain that the president is the nominee and that he can win the former house speaker's office saying that she is in california since friday and has not talked to the presidents since that time. but certainly a lot of democratic lawmakers have been raising these questions about president biden. in fact, also yesterday, representative adam schiff's calling for president biden to drop out of the race and privately, the president has also fielded and receives these direct appeals. the biden
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campaign for their part maintains that there is no plan b. take a listen the vice president is a part of the biden-harris ticket our campaign is not working through any scenarios where president biden is not the top of the ticket, he is the democratic nominee. i think when it comes to if he's open are being receptive to any of that book, the president has said it several times he's staying in this race. i talked to the president every single day. >> now, a senior democratic adviser has told cnn that the president is receptive to these conversations. of course whether that leads to any change in terms of whether he continues to run in this election. very much unclear. the president, of course, again, you self isolating here and his residence we're hoping rehoboth beach, delaware, where he is around his closest inner circle, which has always played key influence. and whether he runs for any seat, include aid for a second we obviously hope
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the president's health improves. priscilla alvarez live from rehoboth beach. thank you so much. >> i had much more on this deepening crisis for democrats. >> we have new, fresh reaction from capitol hill plus a strange twist. investigators combing through evidence in saturday's attack assassination attempt of former president trump now believe an account in the shooter's name is fake. we're going to take you live to pennsylvania as officials dig for answers. stay with cnn new central. we're back in moments tonight, live from milwaukee, former president trump sepsis party's nomination for the nation's highest office, jake tapper and anderson cooper lead cnn special live coverage the republican national convention. then cnn, at morgan stanley, old school hard work meets bold new thinking to help you see untapped possibilities and relentlessly work with you to
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gave it a lift ask about rayleigh and learn how abby can help you save nature. >> boy, was that bird it's a man finch they give seats females, are bonding ritual get double the storage on us when you preorder now february's have you tried these new for brees carbon clips? >> the new intensity dark as you total control. >> i can turn it up or turn it down. nice and light. >> enjoy 40 days of freshness your way around i'm sara murray in washington and this is cnn former speaker nancy pelosi raising red flags privately.
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>> but the evidence is out in the public for all to see a new ap poll showing 65% of democrats want joe biden to withdraw from the race for the whitehouse. it also found a majority of americans overall do not believe that either biden or trump have the mental capability to run the country 70% were not confident in biden 50 one 1% were not confident in trump. joining me now is congressman raja krishnamoorthi of illinois. sir, thanks for taking the time to be with us today. do you still think that joe biden should be? he's a democratic nominee well, you've been reporting on allow these conversations that we as members have had with him and he's actually been very receptive to are very serious input and i respect his privacy right now to make a decision i think he ultimately knows the stakes of what's kind of the decision that the american people have as a ranking member of the china committee, i'll just 0.1 thing that donald
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trump said the other day, which is he thinks that effectively taiwan should be given up to china for instance. >> and so this is like weighing on all of us right now. i think the american people ultimately will have a stark decision to make between the two parties. >> it sounds like you're shifting a bit in your assessment, you're giving him the space to make a decision but earlier this week when my former colleague, chris cuomo asked you if you thought there was a less than 30% chance that your party would get a nominee other than biden, you said you thought so. has that changed? do you think that it's greater than 30% now? >> not necessarily, but i do think that they're just more conversations right now happening. you know, i was part of a couple of them and i can say that he was very receptive to the various concerns that people had on all sides. it was kind of a no-holds-barred type of conversation, quite frankly, which is good. that type of candor so again, i think that he's weighing all the options
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and i respect that. >> so one of the calls you're talking about was one that he had with some democratic lawmakers over the weekend just before this assassination attempt on former the president trump and according to puck's julia yaffa, who viewed a recording of the zoom call biden was telling these democrats they need to be out defending him, even as some said hey, we have polling to show that you're in danger and that you're a danger to house members but according to a memo from a well-respected democratic polling firm that cnn has reviewed defending biden's fitness for office is an untenable position for down-ballot democrats is biden in touch with reality in your opinion on what down-ballot dems are facing? >> well, i think actually in that call, what he was really talking about was defending his record with regard to the inflation reduction act that $35 a month insulin benefit, for instance, or the bipartisan infrastructure deal, or the chips and science deal. which
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is brought tremendous manufacturing back to america. he asked for all of us to talk about our accomplishments and make them connected to people's everyday lives. and so i think that's the takeaway that i have and i agree with that but biden told chrissy houlahan, according to our reporting into what has been seen on the zoom call that he would send her talking points. when she said polls support voters concerns about his viability isn't that right? >> i don't recall that, but i do remember chrissy bringing up the notion of pennsylvania being so important. she's obviously a representative from pennsylvania. and the and the polling and the current state of the race being in a place where we would like it to see his standing and democrats standing improved. and so i think that's what we have to continue to do. and i think president biden agreed being a son of pennsylvania turning to
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the assassination attempt on former president trump. what questions did the briefing that you received yesterday raise for you on that well my biggest questions are this, why was this shooter identified as a potential dangerous person before the rally began? >> and yet the secret service allowed for the rally to actually begin. instead of apprehending him first. a second question that i have is, how could it be possible that someone could be perched on a rooftop outside the perimeter with within sight of the podium. and that rooftop not be guarded when the secret service knew that local resources were insufficient to do so those are a couple of the questions that i have so i wonder if investigators addressed that, that that was a 19 minute gap between identifying the would-be assassin is suspicious and then him taking a shot at
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the president. >> did they talk about that at all? >> this is something that is a big mystery to me. it remains a mystery and i think that this is going to be brought up next week. there's going to be a monday hearing on this assassin attempted assassination. there might be a second hearing the following week suffice it to say i wasn't anticipating that i would be participating in these types of probes, but that's where we are and we have to approach these in a bipartisan fashion at this point. >> are you confident the secret service director will show up to that hearing on monday? she's been subpoenaed. and do you think she should resign? >> i'm not confident and b i'll assess after i listened to her testimony, you can usually tell within the first ten minutes of the question-and-answer session whether a person is owning up to there problems, whether they're trying to change what needs to be changed, and they take accountability and i would
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respectfully submit she needs to do all of those things at this point congressman, thank you so much for taking time to be with us, obviously, this is a critical time in this race and for this country and we do appreciate it yes, ma'am pudding division behind them, republicans rallying around, former president trump, but isn't going to work, especially after a primary that showed how many voters do not want trump at the top of the ticket will have that next oh, what a good time. we will teren, for long-lasting arthritis pain relief aid sent easy to get your windshield or place using safe flight. >> delta people, i am done already moment. >> let's start off as a chip and glued to a crack and it just keeps going. so what do we do now? >> i went ahead and schedule an
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it's hard to believe that this is the same party that less than a year ago struggled to land on a house speaker after an ugly primary season, republicans are looking more united than they have in months. as former president donald trump prepares to deliver his major speech tonight joining us now to discuss marc lotter, former special assistant to president trump, and chief communications officer at the america first policy institute and david urban, former trump campaign adviser, republican strategist, and cnn senior political commentator, david first to you, what are you expecting to hear from president trump tonight? >> au, i don't know what to expect, right? that's the whole that's why we're all going to tune in because the president has said, i ripped up my speech and i'm going to, i'm writing a different speech, a different speech based on this post assassination attempt, i a different viewpoint, perhaps have life in the party and his vision for governing america and making the country better. so i'm, i'm actually very excited to hear what he's going to say and how he's going to deliberate. i've been watched him sit in the box and he's a little bit little bit it looks taken in a little bit
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differently. it seems he's a little more introspective perhaps. so i'm excited to see what he says tonight. be interesting, more juicy, a more introspective former president trump, i think when you come an inch away from not being here to make this speech tonight, i think it will make every man, every person pause. >> i don't know what's in the speech, but i would expect that he would build on the policy diller's that we have had going here all week. so you're going to get a lot on inflation, economy energy, secure the border, rebuild the military deal with national security in the world. wars that are going on right now. and then bringing it all together with the unity message of, we can we have the plan to move forward. >> i was just chatting with congressman mike waltz of florida and he was talking about how so far the convention has been about unifying the party he wants to see donald trump try to unify the nation. how do you think it goes about doing that? >> i think if you talk about those issues because really those issues with the overwhelming issues facing the american people, according to all the public opinion in polls. so when you talk about the issues and your solutions for them, i think you bring
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people naturally together also when you've seen the diversity of voices and faces that have been up there all week. they're telling you it's okay to jump in the water, come on board with donald trump. we've got the plan to take make america great again. and so i think if you build on that, you sound presidential. you're going to accomplish it. >> yeah, i was gonna say i agree with marc. it has been an incredibly diverse convention from viewpoints, from ethnicity, from economic backgrounds. we had, we had ahead of a major labor union here, give a keynote address and talking about bringing people into this party that not may not what i've always felt comfortable so that message of unity, not just unity inside this building, that sincerely inside the party, but unifying america. there's a lot of room in the republican party to that point about diversity of voices. it strikes me that some of the top speakers going before the president tonight are not big name republican governors, former presidents, as we've seen at other conventions or a big name lawmakers on capitol it's dana
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white, the president of the ufc. kid rock, hulk hogan. >> it does that stand out to you, david? now listed i think it's it's it's culturally relevant. these are people that i speak to everyday americans, right? boris this isn't a party of like the coastal elites. this is the party of working class men and women everybody across america where inclusive, right? people in america, love hall coga, they love kid rock, they love, they will love the ufc. they love these people. these are cultural icons to them and they speak to middle-class america, people who make up the backbone of this party, people will fill us arena. people who serve in our military. if you heard those families names read last night there not a lot of jones's and smiths has a lot of hispanic names and immigrant names and that and those are the people that fight our wars. and that's the backbone of this country. they loved those things, they love usc, they love dana white, they love kid rock. they love those different voices. and i think it's refreshing to see that in our party to have different people showing up quickly, i want to get your thoughts, mark on the fact that we're still weeks
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and weeks away from the election, a few months away, it seems like right now, the republican party is riding high on this convention. things on the democratic side are a little bit uncertain. you have some democrats calling for for biden to step away from the top of the ticket what do you see potentially changing in the race from here to november, do you think republicans are going to hit a landslide the way that some have predicted? >> well, i never i would never want to use those words her make that prediction. i think everything is lining up now, obviously for a very strong election night i don't think regardless of obviously what's being reported about the president, what a president biden, whether he'll stay on the ticket, not stay on the ticket. i don't think it matters to the trump campaign because the policies aren't changing. it's not like kamala harris is going to say, i want to drill, baby, drill, or suddenly after 3.5 years of being borders are that we need to secure the border. those policy failure phil years are going to be the policy of whomever the democrat nominee is. so i think based on this convention, based on the president trump's speech the mission, the campaign stays the
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same. it will just be plugged in play. whoever's the bumper sticker on the democrat side and david, last word to you, there's no configuration of democrats you think of the ticket is real range that gives you any pause or concern for no. listen. i agree. i agree with marc. we talked about this off air before we start a little bit right? the titanic's headed for the iceberg. it doesn't matter who the captain is. like mark said, if your run if gretchen whitmer run, she can't run away from the democratic party. she can't say the biden harris administration sucked josh shapiro can't say that they're not gonna be able to change there policies. the policies have failed america that are failing america currently are harming this ticket, not joe biden, not kamala harris. their ideas are bad. this is about a marketplace of ideas. let's have those ideas exchange. i think people will choose the republican ideas over the democratic da's marc david. >> great to get your forces. of course next, an update on the attempted assassination investigation while agents are looking for a motive, laura makers are demanding accountability from the secret service, including here at the
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convention, the latest, after a quick break can the reeva's support your brain health? >> know, janet hey eddy, know fraser, frank frank bred. >> how are you? >> fred fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the nerivan brain health check. >> all these games and directv and no satellite on the roof. think about this blue jays cardinals, orioles. what's missing? >> the andean condor? now, while not brain pigeons, they'd rather neighbor came after sachs, be fair, were not very athletic the darkness of bipolar depression made me feel like i was losing interests it's in the things i love. then i found a chance to let in the light, discover, capitalize unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar one capital letter is proven to deliver significant symptom relief from both bipolar one and two depression and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain, were not common
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businesses this is cnn. the world's news network federal investigators are revealing new information about the man who tried to kill donald trump. >> law enforcement sources say an account on a gaming platform in thomas crooks name is believed to be a fake. now, this is the same account in which the fbi found a cryptic post that seemed to reference the day of the trump rally. cnn senior investigative correspondent kyung lah is outside the gunman's family home in bethel park, pennsylvania, bring us up to speed on the latest what we are understanding a bit more are some of his movements boris, in the days leading up to his shooting, it's a timeline that is slowly being established. >> what law enforcement sources have been able to say is that they do believe that he visited the site of the rally at least twice. the exact timing of it
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is a little unclear, but what is clear is what happened on the day of the shooting. as far has movements i want you to take a look at this video. this is video that was trying to capture the crowd overall, but captured in the very back. you can see a figure moving around. >> it appears to be thomas crooks, the would-be shooter, the man who became the gunman, walking outside the perimeter. >> this was captured about an hour prior to the shooting cell phone data does show that crooks was on-site at the rally outside that perimeter about 70 minutes for the shooting. now fast-forward some minutes from that point where that video was taken and then lost. someone, a law enforcement source did say that he was spotted as being suspicious and then after that notation that he was suspicious, they lost sight of him for 19 minutes. so the question is, is what happened during those nights? 19 minutes the next time they spot him, he's on the roof. as far as a motive, boris, it's very unclear still, but they were
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able to law enforcement was able to gain some access to the cell phone. they were pictures of former president trump as well as president biden. some other lawmakers, both democrat and republican. and in looking at the search engine of the phone, there were some unusual searches. the dates of the democratic national convention, as well as these words, major depression disorders. what this all adds up to still remains a mystery as far as a motive, boris a lot of questions yet to be answered. ken law from bethel park, pennsylvania thing you so much. well, democrats debate joe biden's future. people are very closely watching vice president kamala harris. she's campaigning today in a potential swing state, north carolina as her name is floated as a possible replacement at the top of the ticket. we're going to take you there live after a quick break oh my gosh meanwhile, at
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start your design today, had >> i'm jeff zeleny in milwaukee, and this is cnn
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closed captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law mesothelial more victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. >> you may be entitled to a a portion of that money all when 808 5-9, 2,400. that's when 808, 5-9, 2,400 this is just into cnn. we have received an update on the president's condition from his doctor, kevin o'connor says the president is still experiencing mild upper respiratory symptoms associated with his recent covid 19 diagnosis he continues to receive paxlovid. he does not have a fever and his vital signs remain normal. the doctor goes on to say that biden is conducting the business of the american people people, and that the doctor will provide regular updates and we're going to bring those to you as we do receive them. and happening now, vice president kamala harris is in north carolina, camp i'm painting for the ticket. this is happening as some democrats hope to see her replace biden on the ballot. cnn's eva mckend is on the ground and
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fayetteville where the vice president is about to speak here eva any idea what she's going to say brianna, despite the chaos, she is expected to focus on the accomplishments of the administration this is a military community here in fayetteville and we've already heard several speakers talk about how this administration work to pass the pact act and do a number of polls let's seize to help veterans in this community. >> she's also expected to respond to directly to jd vance, his speech last night from the rnc saying that his kemp to catch trump as a hero for the middle class is not something that americans are going to buy. she's also going to push back against this unity that she says is coming from the rnc saying that it rings hollow given that in her estimation that republicans are pursuing what she'll characterize as a divided agenda. and lastly, brianna, she'll really hold up the president. she'll argue that president biden is someone who
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actually lives out middle-class it's values, values that resonate with communities like this one. we spent some time speaking to people in the crowd. they tell us that despite the back and forth still standing behind the biden-harris ticket, that even if president biden does step aside, they would support harris or any other democrat that ascends to the top well, the ticket that ultimately what is of most consequence to them is that former president donald trump doesn't get re-elected brianna eva mckend, we know that you'll be monitored but during her comments, there and so will we donald trump on stage while joe biden is on the ropes next, we'll be looking ahead to trump's big moment is he accepts the presidential nomination in milwaukee. stay with us hey, with priceline vip family, you can unlock deals five times. you don't even have to be an actual family. >> i'd be the dad on the day physically, it's clear that
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timing get double the storage on us when you preorder it, t-mobile i'm boris sanchez live in milwaukee at the site of the republican national general convention. my co-anchor, brianna keeler is live for us in washington. and this afternoon we're witnessing two very different political campaigns. while democrats are calling for the incumbent president to quit his race for reelection republicans are celebrating


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