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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  July 18, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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timing get double the storage on us when you preorder it, t-mobile i'm boris sanchez live in milwaukee at the site of the republican national general convention. my co-anchor, brianna keeler is live for us in washington. and this afternoon we're witnessing two very different political campaigns. while democrats are calling for the incumbent president to quit his race for reelection republicans are celebrating
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accepts his party's nomination for president. >> his speech tonight could be different from any we've heard from him before. we're told it's been rewritten after saturday shooting and is now expected to focus on a message of unity. cnn's kristen holmes is live for us here at the rnc in milwaukee. and kristen what are you hearing about trump's speech and how are lawmakers expecting it to be a different version of donald trump tonight? >> i think that right now lawmakers that i'm talking to are waiting to see what exactly that speech looks like. there's always a lot of talk about donald trump changing pivoting is he a different person or not and not everybody has had a chance to sit down and talk with them since that assassination attempt on saturday. but if you talk to his senior advisers, they do who say that he is a changed man and he has told allies that part of his speech he wants to lean heavily into what happened on saturday and the idea that there was some sort of divine intervention that saved him from being killed on that
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stage. and we actually heard a little bit of that in a video from an earlier event, listen to this this has been our best campaign and then i got shot was amazing. >> horrible thing, amazing thing. and in many ways it changes your, your attitude, your viewpoint, or life. and i think honestly, i think you appreciate god even more really do something something happened now this particularly interesting coming from the former president who was not known to be a religious or spiritual man. and it's not just that he's saying this in public, it is something he has told people close to him that he believes as well, boris so expect to hear that later tonight, as well as obvious campaign themes. but he does say that he wants to strike tone of unity will wait and see
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kristen trump is the final speaker tonight, and we know there are a lot of other notable names taking the stage tonight, tickets through those did you just laugh when you said that? >> i feel like he might there are there are a lot of notable names. one of them, hulk hogan, another one, dana white. now they've been friends for a very long time and we know that donald trump loves a good ufc fight. he loved the interests, the interests he loves the energy that but as around it, that is somebody who's going to speak right before donald trump. so that's basically his introduction, but before you actually get to trump, there's going to be an entire performance by kid rock. they are really leaning into the trumpian kind of celebration performance aspect of this donald trump we know, likes a good show. they really saved kind of big names out. tucker carlson also coming out big ally of donald trump's also big fan of jd vance's. it's notable he was in the box last night. >> it's going to be a big performance angled night
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kristen holmes, look forward to that. >> thank you so much. let's discuss with cnn senior political commentator, scott jennings and a former governor of wisconsin, scott walker. governor walker is currently the president of the young america's foundation. thank you both for being with us. scott, a lot to get to first and foremost, hulk hogan, dana white, kid rock opening for president. what does that tell you about the republican party that it's not a former governor or former president opening for. >> it tells me where the party of that was winning elections in wisconsin. have we been the party of fun like this where the party and hoka mania tonight. we're going to do our training we're going to say our prayers. we're going to eat our vitamins. and that's how the republicans are going to win the election. now, look, the republican party is leaning in this whole week big tent big ideas, big conversations, big personalities it all fits the trump ethos and he has a chance tonight, not since george w bush ascended the rubble with the bullhorn has a american
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political figure, had our attention and the opportunity to truly do something magical and game changing. >> and donald trump's got the chance tonight and the people he's putting on the stage are the kinds of folks who have been beloved by and know how to communicate with the american people for a lot of years did you pay the staff to play metallica is let me let me tell you how much you man i do was my favorite, whatever the governor walker obviously, you he wanted to a lot of elections here in wisconsin it's a battleground state. one that democrats are eyeing very closely as part of the blue wall. >> what do you need to hear from former president trump tonight that gives you confidence that he's going to win this state. >> well, two things i think one, even before all this happened the last few weeks, we wanted a fighter who is fighting for us so affordability when i feel my gas tank up, the quick trip, it's a bucket order morning. >> it was four years ago when
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my kids my son and daughter-in-law are building a new home. it's caused him almost $1,000 per month more in their mortgage payments affordability is a big deal, so we need to hear that donald trump is going to fight for families like those we're seeing the gap between wages and caused out there. and that's a good fighter that's a fire that 116 not a fighter for the sake of fighting, but a fighter for them. the other part i think we just saw snippet of that little tease from the shot, the video that was taken at both scott and i reacted to that. he's going to be reflective who couldn't be you all hi, you were not just inches. you are just a fraction of an inch from dei that's going to affect anybody to deal reflect. i want to hear about the thoughts about his family, his kids, particularly grandkids, and i wasn't going to let them down. nor america doubt man, i'm ready to go with that. >> i just want to i just think we need a correction. i don't think that's kid right. initially thought it was because, they played metallic. >> were the fund party. we got tonight for goodness sakes
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unbelievable. gotkine for gun away. and kid rock and he handed democratic convention right now there would not be this much fun happening. >> i mean, i urge you i do want to ask you about where democrats stand in part because we're waiting to hear yeah. from the vice president, kamala harris. she's giving a speech in north carolina a few moments. she's expected to respond to the republican nominee for the vice presidency, jd vance. she's expected to say about jd vance and his message quote, you can't pretend to stand for unity when your agenda is as devices and extreme as trump's, how do you think that's going to be american people see it that way because they're the ones defending a record right now. >> joe biden and kamala harris both have approval ratings in the mid 30s so if there is any unifying item in our politics right now it's as a democrat administration that's in charge. >> he has completely 85 plus percent of the american people don't think joe biden is capable of serving another
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term. i'll tell you another thing these democrats who are trying to grow, joe biden off the ticket right now, they say he's not but capable of being president in january. >> handsome guts hole for the president to resign today because if you don't think he is capable of being the president january that he's not capable of doing it right now. >> hence, some guts don't need political reasons hasn got to tell the american people about this man's capabilities. >> god, what do you think of this moment because right now it looks like republicans were riding high from his convention. democrats are in a space where they're questioning the viability of joe biden at the top of their ticket do you think that we're still too far out from november to have this sort of bullish stance on where the election is headed. do you have any caution about well, we're headed there right direction. who would have thought six months ago that republicans are united? hikki haley, ron desantis, you up on that stage tonight? talking about the need to elect donald trump, but not joe biden. and that democrats would be in such chaos as they are.
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>> but remember, a lot can happen in the next few months republicans, donald trump's head in the right direction, but this state will presumably still be decided by a few thousand votes and that's why we got to make the case as a republican. >> hear that we get you jd vance. jd vance helps because not just on economic policy, but on just getting the forgotten men and women. >> he lived that life. his mother's eventually talked about drug addict raised by his grandmother, lived in abject poverty. there's a lot of people here and across the country that feel forgotten donald trump has been there champion he is their champion again, he went here and across the nation former governor scott walker gonna do boris. when the largest punditry are in the world. >> fraud wild on us. once you go to, data know van jones vice thank you, gentlemen. >> appreciate you. meantime, on the democratic side, the biden campaign says the president is feeling fine as he isolates at his delaware home after testing positive for covid i want to
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bring in cnn senior white house correspondent mj lee, mj, obviously, the timing here as his aides had added events schedule, seemingly the contrast with the idea that he was in a diminished physical state. some of those events obviously or having it be rescheduled yeah. >> and boris, we've actually just moments ago gotten the first update from his doctor since he was diagnosed with covid, the doctor says that he does still have mild upper for respiratory symptoms that he is taking paxlovid as we know, but he doesn't have a fever and his vitals are normal according to his doctor. but he is going to be isolating, as you said, at his home in rehoboth for the foreseeable future until he feels better remember last night he had to suddenly cut his trip to vegas short by a couple of hours and fly directly back to delaware and what his covid diagnosis has done is shined a brighter spotlight on all of the questions that had already been out there about his age and his fitness the last 24 hours, there have been a couple of notable moments where the
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president seemed to be physically halting are struggling when getting on and off air force one, for example, a moment when he was getting in to a car in his motorcade, there was also a moment in bet interview or the president appear to be struggling to actually find his words. take a listen what could heat on yannick because i i named a sectarian defense to a black man named katanji brown. >> because of the people in terms of just how the white house and the campaign are planning on handling the next couple of days given that the president needs to continue isolating they're basically saying, look, we've done this before. >> the president has had covid in the past. remember back in 2022 when he was running the campaign basically came to a halt at one point when the pandemic broke out. so they said, you know, we got through those periods by doing a whole lot of video calls and we should expect more of this save as each tries to continue staying engaged and really
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doing the daily work of the presidency as well. in addition to the political work that is so important right now. but as you said, boris, the timing truly could not be worse for this campaign. the president has said over and over again since that terrible debate performance at what he needs to do now is get out into the country and show voters, show his skeptics and critics that he can run for a second term and do another four years at the white house. but now he is going to be isolating in his home in rehoboth when at a moment when he is a completely politically isolated the two, we have lawmakers continuing to come out and publicly call on him to leave the race. we have donors saying the money is completely drying up. of course, there's our reporting about former house speaker nancy pelosi in a private conversation telling president biden within the last week or so that she believes the polling shows that he cannot win. so increasingly boring for us, the picture that we're getting is one that is just completely political untenable for the biden campaign right now mj lee live from the white
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house. >> thank you so much. we want to get you straight to north carolina because vice president kamala harris is they're set to give remarks in just moments. she is greeting supporters of this, of course, comes after a day when she was in michigan talking about not only the biden-harris campaign's efforts on reproductive rights, but the attempted assassination of former president trump over the weekend. let's listen into the vice president as she speaks in north carolina auover work and for your family and all that but if given to our country in service, and it is so good to be back with so many incredible leader hey my dear friend roy cooper and i served together when i was attorney general california, he was attorney general, north carolina.
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>> i've known him for almost two decades and he is an extraordinary leader. and i want to also thank the extraordinary leaders who are service members and their families who are here with us this afternoon. thank you one, of my greatest honors as vice president is to meet with our service members around the world. i have met with our service members from nato aos eastern flank to the korean dmz and from arizona to florida. and i will tell you what everybody here knows all our service members possess and extraordinary skill discipline dedication, and love of country and i know their families serve with equal dedication and i thank you all and i say it
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everywhere i go around the world we are so proud that the united states military is the greatest fighting force. the world has which is why president biden and i are proud to have passed the pact act the largest expansion of health care and benefits for veterans and military families and survivors. the largest benefit in decades. so thank you again, everyone here. and in particular on military members in your families for the service and the dedication that you you have shown so today, we are 110 days out from the election while many of us have been involved with these elections for every four years, practically, nearly every time we will say this is the one
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well, this here is the one the most existential consequential, and important election of our lifetime. and there's so much at stake what's the latest example so some of you may have heard donald trump's running mate deliver remarks at the republican national convention he talked about his life story, about growing up in southwest ohio. and it was compelling. it's a compelling story and it was not the full story. >> frankly what is very telling is what he did not talk about on that stage he did not talk about project 2025 there are 900 page blueprint for a second
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trump term he did not talk about it because their plans are extreme and they are divisive in recent days, they've been trying to portray themselves as the party of unity but here's the thing, here's the thing if you claim to stand for unity you need to, do more than just use the word you cannot claim you stand for unity if you are pushing an agenda, that deprives whole groups of americans a basic freedoms opportunity, and dignity you cannot claim you stand for unity. >> if you are intent on taking
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reproductive freedoms from the people of america and the women of america trying to ban abortion nationwide. as they do and restrict access to ivf and contraception as their plan calls for you cannot claim to be for unity if you try to overturn a free and fair election and threat and threatened to terminate the united states constitution and you cannot claim to be for unity when you're entire economic agenda is designed to prioritize billionaires and big corporations over the middle-class we too busy watching what you're doing to hear what just saying and let
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us unpack that last point about the economy this race can be boiled down to a single question. who fights for you now, we know whose side our president joe biden is on grew up in a middle-class family in scranton pennsylvania, and he has never forgotten where he came from with an ai, have been a firsthand witness with every decision he makes in the oval office he thinks about how it will impact working americans. he understands he understands everyday struggles because he has actually lived them friends. >> i say the contrast between joe biden and donald trump is like night and day but with the
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selection of his running mate this week, donald trump is also trying to distract people he wants to direct attention away from his record and his project 2025 plan to suggest that he and his running mate are going to prioritize the middle-class but we are not buying it we are not fallen for the okey-doke as many of you know i am a former prosecutor. so i say, let's look at the facts. shall we donald trump tries to claim he brought back american manufacturing the fact is under donald trump america lost tens
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of thousands of manufacturing jobs and more than 1,000 factories closed under his watch. the facts meanwhile, president joe biden and i have created nearly 800,000 new manufacturing jobs so it's been described as a manufacturing boom last night, we heard claims that donald trump is for fighting for our seniors what the heck can you claim? you fight for seniors when you intend to cut social security and medicare which we all know it's a lifeline for so many of our seniors let me be very clear. president joe biden and i will always protect social
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security and we will always protect medicare all while we continue to fight to lower the cost of prescription drugs for our seniors it is because in biden ai that took on big pharma and finally capped the cost of insulin for our seniors at $35 a month here has a family member would diabetes to know what that means right but donald trump in his running mate, intend to get rid of our $35 cap on insulin they will side with big pharma and let them make prescription drugs more expensive not only that, on the issue of health care, they intend to get rid of the affordable care act donald trump and his allies tried more
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than 60 times to end the affordable care act, 60 times to give insurance companies back the power to deny people with pre-existing conditions. >> you all remember what that was like children with asthma women who had survived breast cancer grandparents were diabetes president biden ai on the other hand, have made the affordable care act more strong because you see we believe healthcare should be a right and not just a privilege of those who can afford it pull up the split screen, whereas the last administration gave tax cuts to billionaires we gave tax cuts to families through
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the child tax credit cut, child poverty in america by half and please do note there project 2025, agenda would even end head start to take away pre-school from hundreds of thousands of our children on the issue of the cost of living donald trump says he will implement a 10% tariff on all imported goods will understand, independent economists agree his tariffs would increase the cost of every day expenses for families, the cost of gas groceries, and clothing we on the other hand, have taken on big pharma, the big banks and big corporations to bring down
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costs it is weighing who have canceled debt, including student loan debt testify if you ever received it in fact, so far we have forgiven student on debt for nearly 5 million americans and twice as much for our public servants, including our teachers or nurses, and our firefighters we've been listening to vice president kamala harris live in fayetteville, north carolina, a state that democrats believe they can win in november of course, her remarks come as there are serious questions from democrats about whether joe biden, the president, should remain at the top of the ticket given concerns about his mental acuity dating back to a cnn debate. now, some three or
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four potentially weeks ago, i want to point out during the vice presidents remarks, she actually started by thanking service members, saying her and the president are so proud of the us military, even touting a health care expansion for veterans. this comes one day after perhaps most powerful moment thus far of the republican national convention, when gold-star families came forward, naming loved ones who died during the abbey gate suicide bombing during the withdrawal from afghanistan a moment in which they said that president biden mishandled the vice president, then went on to say that this is an existential she'll election. and took aim at the vice presidential nominee on the republican side, jd vance. >> she said that the vice presidential nominee has a compelling story, but saying that he did not tell the full story to the american people last night because he didn't talk about project 2025. >> she went on to say that if you stand for unity, you have to do the more than use the word. she said that she said
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that you can't stand for unity. if you stand for taking freedoms from women, for example, with reproductive rights or overturning a free and fair election, harris also adding that she believes that the vice presidential nominee and that president trump are attempting to distract from their record and their agenda senior democratic adviser tells cnn that privately president biden has actually began asking if the vice president could beat donald trump in a head-to-head race in november we want to discuss with harry enten, who knows a lot about polling and numbers so harry could, kamala harris win if she were to take on donald trump head to head i don't only believes she could win. >> i believe she stands a better chance of lng than the current president joe biden. and we can see that in two important states, right? virginia, which is of course just north of north carolina. and then the pivotal commonwealth of pennsylvania, which if joe biden it doesn't win. that map is cooked for him. so let's take a look at those two states. and what do we see there? what we see is in
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both of those states, we see that kamala harris is running stronger than joe biden is in pennsylvania. joe biden's down by three points of donald trump. harris is down by just one in virginia, a state democrats have won in every single election going back to 2000. yes as biden is ahead, but just by three, harris is ahead by five. and this is a consistent pattern that we've seen throughout the electoral map when you average the polls and you don't just look at any one individual poll. you do see harris doing about a point or two better and you may say to yourself, hey, that's not that much, but you know elections in this country are decided by the smallest of margins gins have more than that harris is able to do that despite the fact that her name recognition is not as high as joe biden, i believe she has more room to grow and the fact is given that joe biden is trailing, she really can't do considerably worse than he does how is he doing? yes. so there are always ways that i'm trying to understand just how bad a position job biden isn't. >> so i decided to look at it this way. we'll take a look at the national polling average and we'll look at the days that biden leads donald trump.
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and if you look back in the 2020 cycle through this, it was 100% of the days every single day in 2020 joe biden led donald trump in this particular year. if you take a look at the polling average, it's a big fat, zero, it is zero, folks. he has led nationally. none of the days when you take a look at the average of polls, this race has been consistent and it's been consistently bad for joe biden. and i think that's part of the reason why democrats are wondering, hey, why not take a shot? we put harris in the front seat as some democrats are also wondering if there are potentially others that may be better positioned in that front seat to take on the former president. >> what do the numbers say? >> yeah. i think one of the things that's just so important about this is, you know, okay. if joe biden steps aside, who's going to actually take the mantle? be the nominee. and that's not necessarily the easiest thing to do in the world, right? because you have it right now a very divided democratic party. so you want to find someone who can take that mantle. and most democrats can get behind. so
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very interesting question that was asked in a recent poll, which is essentially saying, okay, would you be satisfied if kamala harris was the democratic nominee, if joe biden stepped aside, this was asked of democrats. and what do we see? we see the vast majority of democrats, 77%, who say they'd be satisfied if harris were the nominee. so if democrats are looking to subpoena somebody who has a better chance of winning the general election and somebody who can satisfy the democratic base i'm not really sure they can do better than vice president harris especially given of course, if you know anything about campaign finance, she can take all the money that the biden harris campaign has raised far, and put on the air no other democrat could do it. another democrat would start off much further behind in terms of name recognition and in terms of building the campaign infrastructure, that of course will be needed because every single day that we go on, we get closer and closer to november. it looks like the dollar and the numbers point in a certain direction. >> i would say so, i would say so president biden were to step that's going to be the big
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question. >> it's obviously going to be up to him, but obviously there are a lot of democrats at this point want him to step aside. but at the end of the day, he's got the delegates will see what he does. >> harry enten always great to have you. thank you, sir i had much more from the republican national convention here in milwaukee, as well as the growing panic in the democratic party over president biden's chances in november stay with us cnn news central brought to you by viking exploring the world in comfort explore the world, the viking way from the quiet comfort of elegance small ships with no children and no casinos. >> we actually have reinvented ocean voyages designing all inclusive experiences for the thinking viking voted world's best by both travel and leisure
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panic over president biden's candidacy is not only growing, it is now coming from the biggest influencers and the party according to the washington post, former president barak obama, has told allies here in recent days that biden's path to victory has greatly diminished, and he thinks president biden needs to seriously consider the viability of his candidacy. >> sources tell cnn, the top democrats in the senate and house, chuck schumer and hakeem jeffries as well as former house speaker nancy pelosi, who of course, wields so much power still have all expressed similar concerns directly to president biden an abc news is reporting that schumer went further forcefully urging the president to bow out. schumer's representative say that that report is speculation. let's talk about this now we have meghan hays, who is a former biden white house director of message planning and a consultant for the democratic national convention. and laura barron-lopez is a cnn political analyst almost and white house
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correspondent for the pbs newshour do you think the president is going to drop out meghan? >> i don't i think that he's made his his points very clear here. he's ben and saying the same thing now for three weeks, i think that they are going to take this time to focus and to refocus their efforts on to donald trump. and i think that every day that the democratic party isn't focused on fighting donald trump here, they are, they're missing, missing the thread here and being hamilton to take their fight to the party and someone like obama saying what he's saying has no bearing on president biden. >> now i think it has a bearing on him. i think obviously he takes all these things into consideration. i think he's taking all this stuff in, but i think that he's out in the states he's talking to voters and voters as you've seen in the past couple of days, have been very forceful, not wanting him to drop. so i think he he's out there and he's talking to people on the ground out there just yesterday. >> he's been today. he's and were hope, yes, he has that, it's fair, but he was out in nevada. >> he was in michigan. he's been constant. he's been in these battleground states talking to voters so i just am
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not sure that the elites of the party or correlating to the people on the ground. >> okay. he's not going to be out there for days because he does have covid what are you hearing? what is your expectation, laura? >> i think the current situation isn't tenable and a lot of the democrats, i'm talking to whether it's lawmakers, staffers on the hill or democratic donors feel as though there is momentum right now to potentially convince president biden to step aside. now, again, even though they feel is that there's momentum, there are a lot that think they could very well enter a scenario where he doesn't, where he sticks it out, where he fights it out and says, sorry, i'm not listening to you, but i was just texting with a senior hill aide who is saying that a lot of members are looking to the leadership looking to those conversations schumer pelosi and jeffries are having with president biden and hopeful that somehow that can that can sway him. now, one key person who hasn't turned on president biden is congressman
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jim clyburn. he is a longtime ally of the president, and you haven't really seen any major voices in the congressional black caucus break from president biden and the big question will be, do any in the coming days, especially as more defectors are expected. >> and i think what the unions to write, the unions are still standing behind him and i think that's really important in some of these battleground states. and i think that that's it's one another place to watch for if people start to affect, you, have people considering what they're going to do i wonder, we're watching today. we're watching kamala harris. she's just giving this speech in fayetteville, north carolina and the president cannot because he is isolating at his home in rehoboth beach. >> should we be viewing this you think is something different, not just maybe for the first time the vice president campaigning for reelection, but perhaps a future maybe not too distant presidential candidate, who is out there on the trail. >> how are your sources looking at this? >> i think they're watching her very closely and a lot of
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the democrats that i've talked to think that if president biden ultimately stepped aside, kamala harris would be the person that would have to be the nominee, and then they're looking at some of the other stars on the bench to potentially be a vice presidential pick like a josh shapiro from pennsylvania. and that's something that i'm also hearing from voters. i've sat on a lot of focus groups in the last few days even after the assassination attempt. and there's two time trump voters who said, who said that they wouldn't vote for either ticket right now. but that if democrats replaced the person at the top of the ticket, some of them said they'd consider the democratic ticket and so i think that's what a lot of your hero rina, a lot of focus groups and polls do show that a lot of democratic voters want president biden to be replaced. so even though president biden says that when he's at these rallies voters are with him. the polls are showing a different store and even the focus groups that i've sent him on to show a difference is that getting through to him because there are polls that show clearly exactly what laura is talking about. and these are
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critical days is he is there isolating with covid? but is that getting through to him? >> you not the president is not living in a box and isolation. he has a phone, he watches tv, so i assume that he is walking the same coverage that we're all watching. so i assume it is getting through to him what people are saying, but whether or not he chooses to step aside as something different, but i will say about the vice president, she has been out on the trail for a long time. she's been quite a bit recently or not recently, but she's been out there a lot and i also would say she's polling really well with moderates and independence with i do think as a strong point if they do, if the president does end up stepping aside so very important moment in this race sort of a feeling that who knows what's going to happen? laura barron lopez, meghan hays. thank you so much to both of you really appreciate it. the last time that a republican presidential candidate won new york was 40 years ago. but could former president trump become the first to do that since ronald reagan back in 1980 before something that democratic dysfunction could actually put the empire state in play i'll be asking it. we
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will be asking a congresswoman from new york for her take stay with us for that tonight, live from milwaukee, former president trump accepts his party's nomination for the nation's highest office. >> jake tapper and anderson cooper lead cnn special live coverage the republican national convention tonight at seven on cnn. >> it's so easy to get your windshield or place using safe flight, telling people why you haven't done it started off as a ship and it just keeps going. so what do we do now? i have scheduled an appointment as safe day by rupert safe replace that. >> we are safe like be placed upset stomach, i bureau guest indigestion, a bureau gassed, bloating. i bureau guest. >> thanks to a unique combination now verbs i bureau guest helps relieve six digestive symptoms to help you feel better. six digestive symptoms, the power of nature, ai bureau guest, liberty mutual customizes my car insurance and i saved hundreds with all the money i saved not advise still so many oh, look, no line at
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bring your own team together with customers and here it gets started today at i'm bill, we're on the california coast and this is cnn here are the republican national convention. >> it's clear there are republican party is unified behind donald trump and is working to expand its outreach as for president biden, polls
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show a steady erosion of support even in the deep-blue state of new york, a state that biden won by 23 points four years ago and we are democrats outnumber republicans two to one. let's discuss with republican congresswoman of new york, nicole malliotakis joins us now, congressman, thank you so much for being with us. something that struck me about this convention is that from sean o'brien, a union boss, to the rapper amber rose, too. two even a jd vance himself being talking about working class people and the effort to dismantle corporations and that sort of thing is that the republican party is seeking to not only expand its base, but also to redefine itself do you get that impression? >> well, i think that we're attracting everyday americans, people who may not have voted for republicans in the past had quite a few speak that voted for biden in the past, but they see how destructive the democratic policies have been
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for the country from the open or open borders. that have created mass migration in cities like fine in new york were literally two cops were shot by an illegal immigrant of 13-year-old girl was raped by an illegal immigrant. and so many other crimes being committed as a result of this open border policy to the economic issues they can afford to put food on their table gas is now about $1, 25 more today than it was when president trump was in office is because of the anti-energy policies of this administration that are fueling inflation as well as the highest interest rates in two decades. americans, young americans can't afford to live the american dream purchase, a home for their families. and i think it's just gotten to a point where americans are saying, hey, we're not better off than we were when president trump was in office. or perhaps they believed a lot of what his opposition were claiming about him. the vile rhetoric, the lies that tried to destroy president trump professionally, personally and economically. so i think there is a shift
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happening in this country. i think people are seeing that this administration has taken us it's too far to the left and there's a correction that's to be made. >> what are you anticipating from the president's speech? we understand that he's rewritten it following saturday's attempted assassination well i think it's going to be a unifying speech. i think that president trump is not just unifying republicans as was evidenced this week, but he is getting that cross party appeal. you mentioned a couple of these individuals that smoke, but to have a teamsters president speak and say that he's the man that's been creating jobs for our members that he he's the one that can bring economic prosperity back to this country, having a nicaraguan immigrant who said she voted for president biden, but will no longer do so. she is now at president trump, having african americans speaking in support of president trump, i think that he is uniting america and really the division has gotten to a point obviously where it
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is dangerous for everybody. we need to find a way in this country to unite, to debate policy based on merit, whether it's going to be on the house floor where this is going to be in the media. or whether it's going to be at the ballot box. but i think it's responsible for all political we'll candidates, all elected officials to tone down the rhetoric to speak with unity. and i think that you'll hear that from president trump today. i think you can see the gentler side of president trump. the human side that we heard his granddaughter talk about yesterday. this is a family man. he is a job creator. he loves his employees. he loved of the people around him, his fellow new yorkers regardless of race and religion. so i think that's where you're going to see tonight. >> i think you were in france and from friends and family box last night, did you get a chance to speak with the former president? >> i spoke to him briefly and look, i just i just told him i'm happy that he's with us today. thank god. he is ok. and it was just a brief exchange,
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obviously, because we were watching the speeches and i think one of the most incredible moments was the gold-star families standing on this stage and tears talking about their loved ones who were killed because i was i listened to those hearings when we had these individuals come speak before us, they were to opportunity it's to stop the individually isis k fighter that set off that bomb. one was when they closed bagram air base and all those prisoners were released from jail that released this individual onto the street. and then the second time was when a sniper saw him and this was testimony that came before congress sniper, i saw him and they didn't take them out. they need couldn't get the permission to take him i'm out. those 13 lives. that was preventable and that is a failure of leadership that is why we need president trump back. we had peace through strength. we had somebody who would do more to keep our military men and women safe abroad. we have somebody who had a border secure was not letting in these dangerous people that are wreaking havoc in cities like mine again, he made it very clear. he supports immigration is wife's an
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immigrant, but it has to be legal and it has to be right. and people commit crimes they need to be deported. and so i think that there's a stark contrast between president biden and president trump. and i think americans are saying, gee, you know, president trump is making more sense here, is going to be better for me financially for the economy, for jobs, for secure borders, for safe nation and peace through strength, not appeasement of our adversaries. >> i do want to ask you about that because there is some disagreement even within the republican party about the approach to foreign policy. and i think that's encapsulated by senator jd vance and his comments about ukraine saying that he doesn't really care about what happens in ukraine. also, for the first time i know you're on the taiwan caucus for the first time. taiwan wasn't even mentioned in the republican party platform since 1980. how do you see foreign policy being a part of the republican platform moving forward when there are these disagreements so on ukraine and there's still sort of a transactional view of the
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security assurances that the u.s. has made to partners around the world i think when people look at president trump there saying this is somebody who brought peace through strength, right? >> we did not have these invasions when he was in office and he is somebody i think who can prevent in this remember this is a deal maker. he has the ability. i think and he's a strong strong presence. so i think he was preventative in what happened and it wasn't until joe biden came in and showed weakness on the world stage with some of his policies. rubber stamping the nord stream, two pipeline, what killed while killing our own lifting some of the sanctions on iran and allowing them to prosper once again these are decisions that i think we're wrong decisions re-entering the paris accord without requiring china and india to play on a level playing field. these were bad decisions for america. they helped our adversaries. and i think that that's the difference here. so i think there is maybe there is a place where we need to get together and figure out what we're
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going to proceed on foreign policy. but one thing we know for sure is that president trump is the courageous and fearless leader that we need. i think that he really brought respect on the world stage. and look, the bottom line here is isn't people ask, well, how do you know this just wouldn't happen because it didn't happen. that's the best evidence you have, is that it didn't happen for four years. and here we were on the brink of, what seemed to be world war three for quite some time and it's gotten a little bit, i think under control and we're seeing china now step back from potentially invading a taiwan. but the threats are still there and we need to again project peace through strength in this country. and i think president trump is the one to do it. >> i have a lot more questions for you about v idea that china is seeming to move away from invading taiwan. unfortunately, we're out of time though. nevertheless, congresswoman nicole malliotakis, we do appreciate your perspective. >> thanks great to be with you. thank you. >> still ahead. hundreds gathering to remember the former firefighter killed at trump's rally last weekend as
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services are underway right now for corey comperatore, the fire captain, who was shot and killed at saturday's trump rally, while shielding his wife and children from gunfire. there is new information about the man who tried to kill former president trump and what he was researching in the months leading in up to the shooting. let's get the latest now from cnn senior investigative correspondent kyung lah, who's actually outside the shooter's home killing. what have investigators found well what investigators were hoping bore is by looking into a cell phone, looking into the search history is to try to get a better idea of what the motive might be unfortunately, they're not really getting quite a full picture. >> and here's why when they looked at the cell phone, there were pictures of president trump, former president trump, but also pictures of president biden and other lawmakers, other politicians. but both democrats and republicans in the search history of the cell phone, there were specific a specific search for the dates of the democratic national convention and also this a
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search under these words, major depression disorder. and what this all adds up to there we're hoping for a better picture, boris at this point, the motive still remains unclear based on what they found off that cell phone young law live in bethel park, pennsylvania for us, kim. >> thank you so much. >> the next hour of cnn new central starts right now welcome back to cnn special live coverage of the republican national convention. >> i'm boris sanchez coming to you live from milwaukee. my good friend and co-anchor, brianna keeler is live for us in washington, dc and just hours from now, donald trump will for the third time in his political career, take the stage and accept the republican nomination for president. his speech tonight is expected to be very different from what was originla


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