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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  July 19, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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>> let's play some of what he said last night crime rate is going up while crime statistics all over the world are going down how does that check out absolutely false. our crime rate is not going up. in fact, it is declining sharply of violent crime declined approximately please. 6% in 2023, according to preliminary national fbi figures. and then another 15% in the first quarter of 2024. so we're talking steep declines even steeper decline in murder in particular. and now, both murder and violent crime overall are at lower levels than in 2020. trump's own last final calendar year in office daniel inflation is a huge issue for both campaigns and the country. >> let's play what donald trump said about that last time you can go back to any country that suffered great inflation. we've suffered the worst
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inflation we've ever had. our current administration groceries are up 57% how does this checkout those are two false claims we have not experienced nearly the worst inflation that we've ever had. >> we are currently at 3% inflation the us record is 23.7% inflation. now, we did have a four decade high in june 2022 when we got up to 9.1%. but even that was not an all-time record. president of course it since plummeted. and then this grocery claim is a gross exaggeration? yes. grocery prices are up substantially under president biden, but it's about 21%, not 57% a typical donald trump exaggeration still inflation is still a problem, just the degree to which it is described. >> it's good to see you, daniel. thank you so much. thank you. and new hour of cnn new central starts now all right. >> the breaking news a huge
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tech outage ground thousands of passengers, maybe tens of thousands of passengers all around the world. airline saying, do not even bother going to the airport unless you know for sure that your flight is leaving after a convention that largely, wow, donald trump's acceptance speech gives a new glimmer of hope to democrats. the long rambling speech can the after effects this morning. and the very latest on the state of president biden's campaign. we're getting new updates by the minute on whether he will continue his candidacy i'm john berman with sara sidner in new york. kate bolduan out in milwaukee. and this is cnn new central cnn breaking news we've been following it all morning for you and i'm sure you've been following it as well. airlines, hospitals, businesses around the world thanks as well, reeling from a massive tech outage just minutes ago charlotte-douglas international airport and american airlines
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hub told flyers do not come to the airport unless you have already confirmed your flight is going to take off. you can see here just how backed up airports are right now. look at those crowds all waiting for their flight. cybersecurity firm crowdstrike says, this is partly due to a software update, not a hack but this is what has happened because of it. it's all about crippling. it's microsoft windows customers after this issue happened in tech, we have team coverage around the world as you might imagine, isabel roadmap, rosalas is at the world's busiest airport, atlanta hartsfield, jackson international airport, and anna stewart and heathrow airport and the uk let's start though with cnn's tom foreman, who is in washington, dc tom, what is going on with the systems? they are saying that they are back working but the crowd's indicate that it's not helping them much crowdstrike is saying the key issue has been
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identified. >> we have a quote from the ceo where he talked about the notion that that basically we've identified this one thing. it wasn't terrorism, it wasn't incident or a cyber attack, but they've identified and they have isolated this one thing that they have to deal with here. and that's being updated around the world right now. that hasn't prevented the fact that over in the uk they had an emergency meeting about this to white house is tracking that are whitney wild was told that both department of homeland security, department of justice had been affected by this. their computer systems transit, shipping, trains, planes, banks, retail emergency services all over the world. they're problems. so even if they fix the core problem, this is like a leak in your basement even when you cut the water off, you still got a big mess down there to deal with. and in places like the pittsburgh airport, some of the passengers really unhappy about others stranded. listen right now, there are eight people in my
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party hundred $6 a ticket and they're giving me $100 that is this man is getting married we have reservations cars that we paid for. >> i paid $380 in a shadow to shadow everyone here this morning i've been here for me i've been here since 3:00 in the morning, hundred dollars. it's unacceptable i am i am at customer for legion and i feel like i'm being completely screwed over this yeah we all know what that feeling is like. >> everything is so dependent upon computers that when that breaks down there just aren't enough people to answer your questions that's where we stand at the moment. >> all right. we will see how quickly it resolves itself. in the meantime, let's go to atlanta. but of a swap of an airport as it is ad in this tech outage, isabel rosales, tell us what's happening hey, john, it is a mess out here.
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there's no other way to describe this, and your experience really depends on which airline you have chosen to fly. with delta. the other side of the terminal over there, they have paused all flights, so people are just standing around there. they don't tell me that they don't have answers as to their next steps. southwest, for example, they say that they've not been impacted at all. here is the line first spirit, just moments ago, i heard an airline worker. south telling people that the flight to philadelphia had been canceled, giving them a card with a qr code. so understandably, people are very, very frustrated. hear an airport official told us that 300,000 travelers are expected to go through this area ford today. so this is a huge headache with real life consequences. let me introduce you to paradise musah, who's trying to make a flight to las vegas. so then go to la for a wedding and you're not just anybody you're bridesmaid? yeah. >> it's my first cousin's
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wedding shot at mariame. it's really stressful right now because if you guys know anything about being african or foreign, everything, i'm from our families originally from eritrea and my mom. right here has all the cultural attire for her and the jewelry and everything that goes into it, and the wedding is three days long, so we're really stressed. we've been here there for about five hours now, so it's just we're waiting for nothing now. we're just yeah, it's up in the air. >> and actually, what do you have in that luggage right there, that white luggage? >> we have like all the cultural tyre, it's called zodiac, which is like very, very pretty air rides, actual jewelry, right? she's depending on you, right? >> right. actual address to you and you're just waiting on them to call your flight. you've been waiting in this line, brown we've been waiting for a long time, so we're just waiting for them to call our flight. but every time we get to the front, we just get right back to the back because i know you saw me on the front earlier i am wishing you the best of luck. >> paradise, clearly a lot of folks dealing with a lot today, hopefully they make their flights. guys. >> isabel tell her not to tell anybody about where her jewelry
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is, like johnson, you're right all right. let's go now to anna stewart. as she's at heathrow airport. i've been in that airport when there wasn't a problem and it's alive it can be a bit rough. what are they dealing with? what's right now? >> yeah. he throw his problems on a good day, right. but today, of course, is also experiencing outages. and really i think you'd be hard pushed to find an airport particularly around europe right now, there isn't impacted in some way. some airlines more than others, some airports more than others. but at this stage, we're looking at around 1,400 flights globally that have been canceled. the number that are delayed by many, many hours, the state age, of course, much much more so in terms of a global it outage, having disruption on flights, i think it's fair to say this is probably the biggest we have ever seen at this stage. this is impacting so many people, airports like he's just telling passengers at this stage, contact your airline, check your flight is
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not canceled. check it isn't delayed before you even heads the airport to experience what clearly many folks fall in atlanta guys all right, good luck to all of you out there watching us from the airports, right now, we will keep you all posted. >> and thank you to tom foreman, isabel rosales, and anna stewart. let's get back to kate in milwaukee so people may not be able to leave milwaukee right now because of all of this guys. >> but there are definitely going to try and here is phi as the balloons have dropped the speeches have speech, and the republican party officially, they have their presidential ticket the republican national convention club losing out with donald trump taking center, taking the stage, and in the more than 90 minutes of trump's speech, he hit on a theme of message of unity, something that he promised after his near death experience you're scored and division in our society must be healed. >> we must heal it quickly as americans we are bound together
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by a single fate and their. >> shared destiny we rise together where we fall apart but that unifying message quickly and within the same speech morphed into kind of a classic trump campaign hitless drawing divisions pointing fingers, airing grievances decidedly not unifying, seen as alayna treene has much more on this after watching it all and this entire week, if you want to add it up, 11, what are you hearing from trump's team about last night and where they are today? well located last night, but also this entire week, i think donald trump's team is very pleased with how this convention. went. >> they did want to stress this message of unity, something we heard donald trump reference, of course repeatedly last night, but that's also what we saw throughout the week from many of the other speakers, including some of donald trump it's political foes like nikki haley and ron desantis and part of that is because one of the big goals of this week i was
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told by the trump campaign was to try and paint the state and the party around donald trump republican party in stark contrast with the democratic party and all of the hand-wringing we're seeing around joe biden and questions and calls for him to step aside. now you are totally fully right, kate, that last night it really was a tale of two speeches. we saw two entirely different donald trumps up on that stage, and that's because i had been hearing from donald trump's advisers pfizer is and his allies in the days leading up to his remarks, that final day last night, that he was going to be throwing out and tearing up his original speech, which was really thrown boeing, raw meat to the base, and instead opt for more softer version of donald trump, one where he recounted the harrowing experience that he went through during bring that failed assassination attempt. and we did hear the latter at the start of the evening, donald trump in a remarkably, i'd argue vulnerable moment for him. he he walked through what happened to him in detail. i do want you to take a listen to some of what he said i heard a
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loud whizzing sound and felt something hit me really, really hard. >> on my right ear i said to myself, wow, what was that it can only be a bullet and moved my right hand to my ear, brought it down my hand was covered with blood. >> there was blood pouring everywhere in yet in a certain way, i felt very safe because i had god on my side. >> now, kate, you heard him just say there he had got on his side that is something i'm told donald trump has been feeling all week. he has been a very spiritual for someone who is not that religious and often remarking that he does believe divine intervention was at work over the weekend, but look, he has another rally tomorrow in michigan, he'll be joined by his running mate, jd vance. it'll be interesting to see whether we will see that
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version of donald trump that you just heard or the one we heard later in his speech, where he really rift rambling hold went off script and aired some of his grievances and painted a dark picture of america. if i were a betting woman, kate, i would argue it'd be the latter, but we'll see what happens tomorrow. >> going into the category of you can't help themselves, but it's a good question of which of the messages now that we know there can be two messages were more than one, which one applies best in the various campaign stops that they make will be very interesting. alayna, great to see you. thank you. >> john alright. >> it is 9:00 a.m. a.m. 9:12 a.m. actually, do you know where your presidential campaign is? president biden's reelection bid in limbo as high ranking democrat okay, crowds joined calls for him to step aside and just in the wall street journal is slamming russia's conviction of reporter evan gershkovich as disk graceful and a sham. they say they will not rest until he is released you're shipping
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com. >> my father chose me to succeed him no matter the consequences house of the dragon streaming exclusively on max this morning, outrage growing after a us journalist, evan gershkovich was just convicted by a russian court of espionage for doing his job. >> the wall street journal saying this journalism is not a crime, and we will not rest until he is released. the wall street journal reporter had been sentenced to 16 years in a maximum security penal colony in russia. he will see him there and that glass case during the trial this last year, he had been accused of espionage and has been detained ever since detention. the u.s. state department, by the way, designated as wrongful detention. his trial hell denounced as a sham. we turn now to cnn's chief global
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affairs correspondent, matthew chance, who's been following this from the very beginning what was gerskovich's reaction when that verdict was read? >> well, you can see that the very shaky television pictures that we've had come through to us, it's very difficult to get a sense of the expression on his face, but look, he pleaded not guilty at the prosecution asked for 18 years in prison for the crime of espionage, the court decided on 16 years. but i think what's remarkable about this whole episode, this latest installment of the saga is that it happened so quickly. the trial for espionage, obviously an incredibly serious offense, nearly began formerly three weeks ago. and the fact that the russian court was able to reach a verdict so quickly, give gives the impression, doesn't it? that due process possibly wasn't followed that there is a politicization of the russian legal system. we'll new, let's face it that this
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was going to be a guilty verdict. i think on the bright side, if you can draw any sort of positives from this it's that now that a verdict has been reached, even though it's a guilty verdict, it does remove sara, a bureaucratic obstacle. that the russians put in place. but in the way of a prisoner swap or a prisoner exchange, they said from the outset that even though the discussions underway for that they wouldn't consider an exchange until a verdict had been reached. and now that's out the way but that could still be months away. it could still be years away. it may never happen and so very stressful times for evan gershkovich and his family, of course still terrifying to be put in that position. his family fighting for his release, as well as the u.s. matthew chance it's thank you so much for all your reporting on this case, john. >> all right. this morning, president biden is in covid isolation and probably in a state of contemplation as he decides what his next steps will be for his political future. top democratic donors
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are threatening to pull donations to down-ballot races as long as the president remains the party nominee until the decision is made, there is still a campaign to run though. and this morning a brand new ad from the biden harris campaign is out that hits donald trump on abortion access and the impact on black maternal health schwann and more i'm a women's health nurse practitioner overturning roe was just the beginning. >> i think that spirit uncertainty i mean, my heart aches for patients needing care because we have the understand and legal landscape when it comes to providing reproductive health care, which includes of course, we'll with his now is senior adviser to the biden harris campaign, former mayor of atlanta, keisha lance bottoms, mayor. >> thank you so much for being with us this morning. a new democratic member of congress came out this morning saying he would like to see president
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biden step aside as the party nomination john casten of illinois he writes at the end of the civil war, president abraham lincoln said, he never doubted the union would prevail because there was always just enough virtue in the republic to save it. sometimes none despair, but still enough to meet the emergency. we need a messenger at the top of the ticket who can make that case? it breaks my heart to say it. but biden is no longer up for that job your reaction hearing that well, the beauty of our party is that we get to agree to disagree and we aren't banished. >> we aren't emasculated, and we aren't put out of the party unlike the maga republican party. so i don't agree with the senator president biden has said that he's staying in this race. he is still our nominee, but the senator, of course, has the ability to express his opinion. but as i'm talking to people outside of washington, dc, talking to everyday people
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people. i joined 1,400 other african-american women in signing a letter supporting the biden harris ticket? i believe that the 14 million people who cast their votes for president biden are still with president biden so i'm going to put my money on the 14 million voters and. not the handful of people in our party who decided that our president who earn this nomination shouldn't be our nominee. >> what's the feeling inside the campaign? right now with all these, that was a congressman, sean casten of illinois, who came up, but other people have come out to including senator jon tester last night of montana what's the feeling inside the campaign when more and more officials go public? >> on the feeling inside the campaign is that we've got to take it directly to the people that's what campaigns are doing. we are pushing full stay in my head until president biden tells us something differently. and as of now, he's not said that he will not continue to be our nominee.
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what you do when you are running racist successful races, you continue to talk to the people. i know something about being down in polls, going into the race for mayor. when i ran a few years ago, i was seven points down going into the election and i prevail. so no one said that this would be easy or this would be pretty. but this is what our democracy is all about. so right now, we're keeping our heads down, were continuing to do work. we're continuing to talk directly to voters and that's what you see in that ad reminding people that donald trump has now doubled down on these extreme position related to abortion by putting jd vance on his ticket you said until president biden tells us differently is there a contemplation going on right now that you're aware of? no, what i mean is that president biden is our nominee. i've not gotten any signal from the
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president, anyone close to the president who's in touch with him on a daily basis that he is changing his mind. he is our nominee he earned the nomination with the votes of 14 million people. ai was one of them who took the time to go to the polls and vote on election day. and i want to make sure that my vote matters. so president biden has said he's our nominee. >> they're discussions about what should be done, but there was ample opportunity during the primary for someone to raise their hand, put their name on the ballot, and we saw that nobody was successful in defeating joe biden. >> yet, the only person who was beaten donald trump and i believe that people will do. if there is new reporting this morning donors have been upset and some of the fundraising has backed off a little bit. but now there are donors threatening to withhold donations to down down-ballot democrats if president biden
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doesn't step aside, what do you think the impact of that could be well, obviously, it's not for me to decide what donors do with their money. it's their money they have the opportunity to do with it what they please. but what i would say is we aren't doing ourselves any favors by weakening our party as a whole, there will still be an election in november and when joe biden is still our nominee. the question that i've asked repeatedly, it's what's the plan to get our voters back to the polls? >> to get people to believe that the feeding donald trump has to be a number one priority and so i hope that we will trust the person that 14 million of us elected to be our nominee. >> that we will trust that he will lead us to victory in november. and of course, you need resources and dollars it's to do that. people get to decide what they want to do with their money. but if we want to preserve our country
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and the success that we've had over the past several years under the biden administration. we're going to need financial support to do based on what you saw last night, do you feel that donald trump is beatable and how donald trump couldn't even last 30 minutes pretending to act as if he had good sense. >> donald trump is still donald trump and that's what we should expect. i have ptsd watching donald trump give that speech last night because i was married while donald trump was in the oval office and it was a disaster trying to govern a city with the instability that was coming outside of the white house. so i do believe that donald trump is beatable. i do believe that we can hold on to the senate. i do believe that we can hold onto the house. there was this red wave that was expected during the midterms. it didn't happen.
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people thought that joe biden wouldn't be our nominee at 2020. it happened. >> so i would just encourage people to keep up i'll eyes on the prize that is to defeat donald trump in the donald trump that we will expect to see if he, god forbid, is elected president again, is the one that we saw last fischer last bottoms, great to talk to you. thanks so much for being with us this morning. we appreciate your time thank you all right. just days after calling for unity, as you heard there from the mayor, former president trump takes the stage at the frenzy with a speech that no one would say what's particularly unifying for kids summer break is the best for parents well, that's why makes it easy to find
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conversation went here. >> it's unlike anywhere else hard knocks all season with the new york giants streaming exclusively on max this morning, two presidents and their campaigns in two very different spots. >> donald trump officially accepting the republican nomination, closing out the rnc, leaving milwaukee, projecting confidence it's an projecting party unity for sure. president biden. meanwhile, is becoming increasingly isolated, isolated for one, for medical reason for a couple of days because he got covid, but also increasingly isolated politically, more democrats publicly and privately, telling him that they think he no longer can defeat donald trump. the turmoil really splintering biden's party around him, joining us right now, tim hogan, democratic consultant, former spokesperson for hillary clinton's 2016 campaign, and former trump state department official, matt mowers. it's great to see you guys. >> thank you. >> let's play a game. i played it in the 7:00 hour. let's see if we can tap it. tim finish the sentence if last night's speech did one thing to help
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the republicans helped donald trump it was that he could maybe stay on message for 15 minutes 30 it was it was it was a little i mean, he he spoke for a very long time convention, the diehards were falling asleep and i think the speech was a layup and he missed a little bit and i think there was an expectation that we were going to have lowered temperature, but we really just got lowered volume from him. >> we still heard the hits crazy nancy pelosi, democrats destroying the country, immigrants invading the country, everything against him, a witch so the expectation that there would be some reset in this speech, i think is gone now they half reset if there's a half. >> okay. so matt, you get to finish this sentence. if last night did one thing to hurt the trump campaign, it was i think it's just some of the coverage after the fact. and then honestly, the fact that the longer speech just drew it out so late, how many voters surely saw some of the substance of it? if you look at especially the second half speech that's where he's really getting to the vision and the issues when folks are saying, you know,
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what are the issues that matter to me that was on the second half of this speech was later, so i'd say, you know, some folks may have missed out on that. but look, we're all going to focus on the first half an hour, right? revenue minutes of him. i mean, i can't imagine, by the way, if anyone, god forbid, ever gets shot, you have a right to speak for as long as you want. on five days later publicly, i think that's built into a right and so you're just hopefully the fact that voters really saw, i think a human side of him in a lot of ways, he seemed personally affected by what happened on saturday. do you do democrats have to acknowledge that too? >> i mean you could democrats can you can spirit thighs all over all else? well, i want for real or for show in terms of the the more humbled, somber what we saw in that first 20 minutes but you can make of it what you want, but you cannot deny the fact that it was different those first 30 minutes. that was a more vulnerable donald trump than we have seen since he walked down that stirred it was and he gave a speech at the beginning and it was different, but i think the outcome of the convention
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of the coverage going forward is different than the 30 minutes that he spoke at the convention. i mean, we still saw folks waving around signs, mass deportations. now, we still saw accusations that democrats cheated and that's the only way that they can win elections and apologizing for january 6. so i really don't think it changes that much and i will say to this republican theme of unity, very interesting, this place was unified, right? but all conventions mostly are unified. you get people on the floor cheering. but i will say you didn't see mike pence. where was mike pence or where it was mitt romney, where it was george w bush was paul ryan. it's those folks. and then it's also his former republican party where was mcmahon? fast where it was madness, where it was asked for all of these people are not part of this republican party. so we did see a new republican party here. but i think it shrinking, but i say it's growing, i've been at every conventions, his republican convention since 2004 with the exception of 2021 is canceled from covid and this was the most diverse lineup of speakers, both by racially diverse, you know, you had the first openly gay cabinet member ever in american history speak and ric grenell, it really was
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a very different party saying the other night i don't think there's many face tattoos and mitt romney convention in 2012. >> it was clearly broadening a different image for the republican party if you're reaching out to folks effect, we had hoke hogan speaking last night. i mean, we're reaching out to different demographics that have not looked at the republican party before that adventure that happened to this, that i think is the key is, do you get with the whole hogans with the amber rose is do you effectively reach out to those voters who are not paying attention and don't really give a hoot about policy all it takes for so many cycles. let's turn to the democrats but what do you think? what do you think is the deciding factor in what is being contemplated publicly and privately about joe biden. and as what does it feel like as a campaign staffer to be to be living through this. >> yeah. >> i mean, it's difficult. there's no question about that. and i think we see every day the biden campaign has to come out and sort of issue the same statement, which is he's in he's running he's not dropping out. he's the
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nominee. we sought. this morning as well. but one thing that i've reflected on his the conversation that we're having, although it is grueling and it's been a very tough three weeks and it's very tough for staff. is also a sign of a healthy functioning party. we are not a party that has sacred cows. we are not a party that is based on a cult of personality we're a party that cares about winning and improving people's lives isn't wherever this conversation goes, that has been the impetus for the conversation that we're having. and i would say that is the one functional political party that we have right now. you have another one that's got someone who has been convicted of 34 felonies and they're not having that conversation at all defining functional these days, i think is a graded scare is a awaited scale. >> we'll see in chicago so what makes sure really looks like he we've got a lot to say, okay, we've got a lot to force a caucus. just hold on. it's great to see you guys. thank you so much. john. >> all right. thank you. so much. here is a quote. have patients, the new strategy by
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joined now by sarah matthews, former trump white house deputy press secretary. sarah post, the rnc what will this message be? will it be what we heard from donald trump at the beginning of his speech, where he stayed on message with the prompter or the darker part of his speech, which she did for the next i don't know. 90 less than 90 minutes? >> i think that what last night showed us is that while trump did at the very beginning of the speech, go for that unity message, he can't help himself and he's going to always slip back into his old ways and revert back to his old messaging. and so i do think that once they get back out on the trail, him in his vice presidential pick, jd events. i do think that he's going to fall back into that same dark rhetoric where he's talking about democrats destroying the country that he's the actual one saving democracy. and it's all going to be doom and gloom. and he's going to be talking about his grievances rather than the problems facing the american people. and that is what the latter half of his
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speech last night showed. and so while you can kind of contain him for a little bit and maybe in the aftermath of the assassination attempt on his life, he is reflecting a bit as we saw in the beginning of that speech. i do think that it showed us also that not much has changed when it comes to donald trump sir, you've been in the business for a minute i'm curious if you've thought of what it would be like to change candidates midstream to be the deputy press secretary for a candidate one day. >> in that and have that candidate not be running any more, but possibly still be working on the campaign. what would that be like i certainly do not envy the position that the democratic party is facing. >> look that would be a challenge and needless to say obviously, if president biden does decide to step aside, the most natural pick than would be, i think to fall and to his vice president, kamala harris
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you could retain the team and it would be rocky, but a little bit of a more smooth transition. there. probably all familiar with what the message would be. i think that's the message is all going to stay the same and turns in terms of running against donald trump, so that is the one benefit of it. you do change the ticket but say there's a contested convention and it's a totally different candidate who's not currently on the ticket, then they might want to bring in their own people. and so with three-and-a-half months to go, that would be definitely a challenge, especially when you're running against a candidate like donald trump, who no running presidential campaigns, that's already extremely hard running against donald trump is an extremely daunting reality. it's very difficult to run against someone who is a pathological liar. and so, no matter what happens with the democratic party, whether they maintain biden or switch candidates. it's going to be an uphill battle. >> a challenge to say the very
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least, i do want to ask you though are republicans looking at this and hoping that joe biden stays in because another candidate may have a bigger chance. the polling showing that biden has lost ground and some of those battleground states, even during the rnc, should they be worried about a change there's no doubt that the trump campaign wants to run against joe biden. >> they've modeled all of their data around running against him and he is the weakest candidate in the democratic party that they could go up against. and they know that their candidate also weaknesses. and so if i were a democrat though watching trump's speech last night, i think that the inevitability that he was going to win in a landslide kind of faded away a bit. i think that it showed us that he is beatable and so if i'm a democrat, then i'm thinking, hey, why aren't we nominating someone who's younger, more energetic, who could run? circles around that rambling old man. but obviously, it seems like president biden is digging his heels in. and so if he stays in
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the race and it is going to be much more difficult for democrats to defeat him. and look, i think the biggest tell is like i said, the trump campaign wants to run a campaign against joe biden, and that's for a reason sarah matthews. >> thank you so much for coming on this morning with us john. >> thank you so according to an internal memo obtained by cnn just moments ago, the u.s. >> justice department has been affected by the global tech outage. they say the issue is significant and there's currently no estimate what it will be resolved just you know, that 80% of people have subscriptions. they forgot about au, that's dumb. >> i keep track of my subscriptions in spreadsheets and i always get it right. >> we'll see about that. all right. so i just don't iraq money in your phone and it looks like you're paying for two meal delivery kits why you see sprawling my excellent got a colon cancer and so way with rocking one, you can cancel subscriptions. >> you don't want right from the app would just a few taps. >> well, i still lost $400, but
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go to slash shave to claim your $7 trial. >> i'm sara murray in washington and this is cnn former president donald trump is the latest victim of
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political violence and assassination attempt. american history though, has been violent assassination attempts have been part of american politics for about as long as the country has yes. did for us presidents have been killed while in office and countless others have been violently attacked or nearly killed this week on the whole story with anderson cooper ai examine the history and motivations behind those attacks heartfelt conversations with members of president john f. kennedy's family dr. martin luther king junior's family and president ronald reagan's daughter, who sat down with me and talked about what her gut reaction was to president trump's attempted assassination i mean, one of the things that i was struck by in the footage that we've all seen 1 million times now, the shooting on saturday obviously it was the fear that he was going to die. >> it was the not knowing i mean, it's you know, it's a strange experience in that there is such an apparatus around the president and their security.
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>> there's, there's there's this apparatus around them, but yet something like this happens and they're just flesh and blood. there are human being and life can end in a second with a single bullet so there's that, there's the humanness of it. but then there is still that apparatus. i mean, i didn't know any more that day that long day than everybody else did. i was sitting in front of the television. i couldn't get through to my mother in the hospital. i tried and i didn't know anything. i didn't know if he was going to live or not. my most lasting memory was the shift of mood in this country. and the people who, who came up to me, who i'm sure we're not all supporters of my father. we're politics was set aside and they were simply coming to me with compassion and with humanity and with the awareness that i had almost lost my father and i wish that we were
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back in that place again, i don't think we quite are what was your gut reaction when you saw that yet another assassin tried to take out, in this case, a former president after what you've been through. >> well, i mean, i did think of his about his family and you know, no matter what one thinks of donald trump and all of them. i mean, again, it's a human being and other human beings were shot who were attending that rally. so it brought back all of that, but it did bring back also my my memory of the shift and it's sort of suspension of politics in the country. but 1981 was very different than now. first of all, we didn't have social media so i'm not naive. i know that there were people who really didn't care if my father was shot but i wasn't
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aware of them because without social media, you have you can stay in the bubble of your own experience with some of the attendees after donald trump was taken off the stage, turning around to the media and giving them the finger and you could read their lips and the words that were coming out went right along with that middle finger i thought really like this is your response someone just died in the stands behind you to other people are critically wounded the candidate who you have come to listen to, who you obviously support was just taken with blood in the side of his head and that's your reaction what do you think is wrong with us what's happened what i think is well, what i think is that we are awash in anger and, i don't think anger springs out of nothing. i think that anger
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comes out of fear an all new episode of the whole story with anderson cooper airs sunday night at 10:00 eastern and pacific right here only on cnn look that it's such an important discussion in a lot will be determined on how the candidates physically donald trump speaks, speaks absolutely now, going forward as he takes the campaign real obviously there's a lot going on and the other side as well, just tons of developments this morning in the future of president biden and his campaign, his campaign made integer has been talking, it says the campaign is still going on, although you heard mayor keisha lance bottoms state and say to me until president biden decides otherwise, which is a strange way to phrase it. >> obviously stick with cnn for all the breaking news, cnn newsroom up next the ones who keep facilities up and running know that even the smallest
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