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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  July 19, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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ab, even if you forget your wallet... (kaz) i got this. (ben) fargo, send kaz $145 dollars with zelle®. (kaz) smooth. (vo) fargo puts important information at your fingertips. (dad) fargo, what did i spend on groceries this month? (son) hey dad, can the guys stay for dinner? (dad) no... (vo) want to see everything fargo can do? you can, with wells fargo. leaf filter or visit lee today, anderson cooper with me 60 tonight at 8:00 on cnn closed captioning is bronchi by you, cora, help maintain a healthy urinary tract with you, cora, having utis for ten years, you cora, we make uti relief products. >> we also make proactive urinary cracks, health
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products. you cora is a lyptsi tried today at your donors bailing, poll numbers falling, more democrats bolting the president biden just sent out a new statement saying he is staying in the race and that he's excited to get back out on the campaign trail. >> plus a global meltdown, a major tech outage hitting airlines, businesses, and emergency services worldwide. we're going to explore what caused it and whether it could happen again. >> and american journalist evan gershkovich is convicted of espionage and sentenced to 16 years. in washington prison us has called this a sham case from the start. how the government is responding this hour, we are following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here. here to cnn news central president biden plotting his return to the campaign trail.
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but a growing number of democrats are saying it is too late. thank you so much for joining us. i'm brianna keilar alongside boris sanchez back from milwaukee here in washington. and just minutes ago, the president released a statement vowing to get back on the campaign trail next week peak but the list of lawmakers calling for him to pass the torch, it is getting longer, almost by the hour. >> still his campaign seems unfazed. listen look absolutely. the president's in this race, joe biden is more committed than ever to beat donald trump. >> and we believe on this campaign, we are built for the close election that we're in and we see the path forward let's, take. >> you now, live to delaware with cnn's priscilla alvarez. but first let's actually go to the white house with cnn senior white house correspondent mj lee. mj strong pushback today by biden and his camp campaign. what more are you hearing from sources? >> yeah. boris, the biden campaign is telecasting and every which way that the president is not going anywhere. you played the sound
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of the biden campaign chair saying he is absolutely staying in the race. the biden campaign also sent out a memo earlier saying not only is he the presumptive nominee, but it said there there's no plan for an alternative nominee. cnn also reported last night that senior-most west wing aides have had no discussions either amongst themselves or with the president himself about plans for him to drop out. and just moments ago, we got a statement from the president himself. this is a part of what he wrote. he said, i look forward to getting back on the campaign in trial next week to continue exposing the threat of donald trump's project 2025 agenda, while making the case for my own record and the vision that i have for america. one where we save our democracy, protect our rights and freedoms, and create opportunity for everyone. the stakes are high and the choice is clear together, we will win the camp pain is basically saying that it has been emboldened by the end of the republican national convention and particularly president donald trump's
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speech last night, they said it was clear that that speech was all about him ai he didn't present an agenda or a clear vision for the country, and certainly was not a speech of the campaign is saying meant to bring more people in to his tent. but boris, it gets important to note right now, the campaign can say all they want that the president is staying in, but democrats are continuing to remain incredibly concerned about the prospects of president biden continuing to campaign. we are seeing, as you mentioned earlier, democrats, by the day, continues doing two publicly call on the president to drop out. we have reported that there are many in the upper ranks of the white house and the campaign that privately believed that the president should drop out. not to mention donors who are freaked out and are not writing checks anymore. meanwhile, the president himself physically cannot get out on the campaign trail because he is isolated pleading after testing positive for covid. so at this moment in time, we cannot overstate just how much unease there is right
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now inside the democratic party all right, we are certainly feeling that mj lee, thank you. and priscilla, we're hearing that some donors are now threatening to freeze donations for house and senate races. tell us about this yeah, donors are saying they're willing to hold back big-dollar checks that unease that you heard about there from mj extends to the donor class. there has been growing anxiety over concerns about the viability of president biden and his candidacy one democratic strategist told this to our colleague john king, quote, they believe if joe is at the top of the ticket, the house and senate are gone too. they don't want to throw good money after bad. i have also talked to democratic strategists who have spoken with donors who are willing to give money to down-ballot races, but not to the top of the the ticket in hopes of at least trying to keep some democratic seats in the house and senate. but what this shows us is the state of play in the donor class. of course, campaigns need money
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and there is so much concern that it has become hard for some advisers to sell president biden as a candidate because of this intrapreneurs pretty revolt. it has been difficult to talk to the campaign according to some sources, who saved the campaign remains defiant and is not listening to some of the concerns held by those who are up until this point not willing to hand over those checks. now, president biden has not usually put in a lot of stock with donors and there are, there is the belief among some in the campaign that eventually they'll come around when it gets closer to election day and it's clear that it is election between biden and trump but let's also not forget that last week, george clooney, a top donor, also said that president biden should step aside. so this is still ongoing and unfolding and clearly a challenge that the campaign is having to grapple with. >> yeah, it's becoming a bigger challenge by the hour
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priscilla, thank you for that report. joining us now to talk a little bit more about this moment is congressman glenn ivey. he is a democrat from maryland, and he's also a member of the congressional black caucus. you said on saturday cr by the way, thank you for being with us so it is a really important moment and i think there were out right now. you said saturday that biden is the best fit to beat trump. do you still feel that way? >> i do. if i could add something to that. you heard just a moment ago directly from the press does it in about the record he's got to run on, which is outstanding and the vision for the future, which just to build on that. but for the people who are just saying we want to, we want to get out, we want him out. and they're passing the torch the one of the challenges i have is that they're not talking about who you would pass it to and part of that means there's going to be this big scramble that the convention which i think would send a terrible message to the public that the parties in disarray and on top of that, if it's not kamala harris, i think
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you've got a huge challenge about two things. one is african american voters feeling that she's been disrespected but secondly, you've got the financial piece of it. we're talking about donors, but biden harris campaign as i think last 90 plus million dollars in the account nobody else can get that if they're not named biden or harris. >> so what if it is kamala harris? >> i think she'd be outstanding and i've said before and i think they're a great team in the biden-harris team has been a very strong wind and she could actually run on the record that they've built together but for the folks who aren't talking about that, but saying they want him off the ticket, they need to address that piece and then the last part of it is the organization. they built a strong national office structure for grassroots campaign, which i think he's going to be pivotal this year. that doesn't pass off to somebody else either. they'd have to pay fair market value for the office base, the contracts, the leases, all of
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that stuff would have to be addressed. and you're asking somebody to come in and do that in like 60 70 days. most of the names i've seen other than biden and harris have no national name recognition, who can put together a winning presidential campaign in that time? >> well, there are calls saying that he already done that the election is as good as lost if joe biden continues at the top of the ticket and those calls are coming from inside the house this is what we're hearing from people at the white house and inside of the biden campaign. and i think that is something that may give a lot of democrats pause here. there was a, there was a memo from a risk respected democratic polling firm that says democrats who argue who make the case that biden is fit for office are in danger of been seen as dishonest that it is going to hurt them electorally. do you worry about that? do you see how your fellow house democrats and colleagues on the senate side worry about that. >> well, i'll let them speak
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for themselves on those kinds. the issues, but the point i was going to make though a moment ago was that the polls aren't bearing out this some kind of, the sky is falling scenario most to the polls that i've seen show that they're still margin of error numbers, pretty much like they were before the debate. and i don't know that the republicans help themselves that months with the weekend they just had normally coming off a convention, the party has a big bounce. i don't think they're going to get that here. and, you know, it's been interesting that even though he's had probably the worst thing three weeks that a presidential candidates ever had in american politics. he's still in the game from a polling standpoint we haven't even had a chance to focus back on his actual record. what he's accomplished in the first three years of his presidency. >> sure. but i want to do going to challenge you on that because there are people calling for him to step aside who wouldn't argue you had all about his record and about what he's accomplished. they would be in complete agreement with you on that. when it comes to the polls and what you're
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seeing, are you trying to argue that there has been no moment matt movement because he's doing worse than he was in the spring. there has been movement since the debate. there are concerning numbers, even done since the assassination attempt on saturday. what do you say to concerns about that? >> well, we may be looking at different polls because i think there was some movement in virginia, for example, but i don't see the movement, certainly not the floor falling out of the the room kind of numbers battleground states movement trending in the wrong direction. >> what i mean to the momentum that obviously other democrats are reading? perhaps differently than you're reading. well, why the polls to the side for a moment because i really don't think you've seen numbers there where he's no longer a viable candidate donors differently, they're looking at internals, right? >> they have internals to be to those. well, i just want to be clear. we don't we don't use because those yeah. they certainly speak to what they
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are putting stock in and you just heard our report that they are saying they're going to withhold money for down-ballot races because they're trying to mobilize members of congress like yourself, like others, to come out against this they have real concerns. >> let me address that and then backup to the other point. but, you know, one of the things that democratic party is really thought about is to what extent were our moneyed interests party into what? we are a party of the people and being controlled by the donor class. i don't think since the right message at this time for the voters were trying to reach out to swing voters persuadable voters, african american not constant voters, but irregular voters that's not the message that they want to hear. some, the big big-dollar folks are telling we want somebody else. and the 14 million people the cast votes for joe biden already. i don't know that they want to hear that their votes are going to be preempted because big moneyed interests have a different view, but to backup to a moment to what you were saying a moment ago,
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there's momentum out there, but it's it's not necessarily coming from the voters. there a lot of momentum from donors media, and the like that. keep focusing on this issue. >> and i'm not saying that they're okay. within the biden campaign. my wife, my colleagues, i don't know about the anonymous folks. >> i can't okay. but real voters aren't moving in the way that you guys are talking about and we haven't even really had a chance to focus on the actual campaign messaging, which is talking about the scary things you heard this week coming out of milwaukee, and the positive things that we can do going forward, the project 2025 piece, which people are just starting to get a sense of, for example, well, they want to eliminate the department of education. i think that's going to have an impact on voters. and when you listen to some of the things that you heard this week with respect to trump and vance particularly on abortion rights, for example, i think that's going to be problematic if we can get to the point where we can get back to actually campaigning, give the
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president and the surrogates a chance to speak about what we want to do for the future of america especially with respect to pocketbook issues i think he can get the numbers close and we can win this race, but we will win it with the circular firing scot's squad that's for sure. >> well, we'll see who wins out in that argument that is happening. we're watching it play out before our eyes. congressman glenn ivey, thank you so much for taking some time to be with us. >> appreciate it. thanks for having me a global tech outage with just crippling impacts from airlines to banks, to 911 services. >> so what causes worldwide meltdown? and how do you stop it from happening again? and new details on what the trump rally shooter searched online before the attack. we are live from pennsylvania's stay with cnn news center the edge moments that shaped our culture
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pet food. i'm katie bo lillis in washington. and this is cnn a massive cyber outage that at least some experts are saying is the largest in history, continues to cause chaos and disruptions around the globe. >> in fact, we've just learned that ups and fedex or both warning that there could be some service delays it's also led to gridlock at airports worldwide. and the u.s. alone more than 2000 flights are canceled thousands more delayed. >> and along with air travel, banks, and other businesses have been knocked offline. hospitals, government agencies, and then some 911 systems have all been impacted here cybersecurity firm crowdstrike says glitches in a routine software update caused this chaos, not any sort of cyber attack which is quite alarming in itself. the company says the problem is gradually been fixed. cnn's isabel rosalas is live for us from atlanta's hartsfield, jackson international airport. it is the world's busiest airport
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indeed what are you seeing there? what's the situation on the ground brianna boris, people are understandably frustrated. >> they are anxious. i've spoken with a lot of folks today. they're trying to make important functions, birthdays funerals, weddings heck, going back to work and this is what they're experiencing, having to wait in these massive lines. because even if flights have resumed from the earlier ground stops that we saw this morning across all of the carriers the problem is in processing these customers and getting them to check their luggage and getting them checked in and making their way over to tsa, which has been not impacted today. this airport is not only the world's busiest, but also the site of the most cancellations in the u.s. so for more than 600 flights here have been delayed and canceled. and today we're expecting 300,000
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passengers to make their way right through atlanta, hartsfield-jackson airport. let me introduce you to kimberly over here, who has been visiting family trying to get back home to la. how would you scribe your experience and others here today au upset. >> i'm not going to lie. i just got a text message right now that they delayed my flight. so i'm going to allegedly we're going to leave around 530 when we're supposed to leave at 3:30 so that does put a damper on my plans and trying to get home on time and i mean you're traveling with children that makes this even more complicated, right? >> yes. they're a little hungry, frustrated. they want to rest and can't really do that. we're just trying to check in our back eggs are at this moment and what i've actually seen has been airline staff coming out one with a megaphone, yelling out in order of the flights that are taken off by retired icing, those saying, hey, los angeles while if not, we wish los angeles, tampa, new orleans, all of that and that's how they're having to manually check people in.
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>> how would you bribe the impact this is having to travelers like yours yourself. >> it's very different, very frustrating. this is something i have been seen before. it's kinda like you know, chaos, but kind of, you know, controlled chaos this is definitely something yeah, you can, you can stay home, please stay home. don't travel right now. >> has been the advice. stay home or, start driving? i don't want to get home. somebody just yelled out guys. the air ford has also been helping out these passengers, giving out waters, just trying to make their time that they're having to wait here as easy as possible minimize the stress that already exists with traveling isabel rosellas from atlanta. >> thank you so much let's discuss with lance ulanoff. >> he's the editor at large for tech radar our lyons. thanks so much for sharing part of your afternoon with us. let's start with crowdstrike. what exactly is it? and
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obviously how does it outage? it sounds like it was a glitch on an update. what does that mean? >> so crowdstrike is a cybersecurity firm that really serves the globe. it has thousands of customers. it serves a huge part of the u.s. government. it serves most states. so it's baked into a lot of infrastructure. on crowdstrike is really about protecting windows systems, right? window systems are all over well the world. how do you do that? by constantly delivering updates that makes sure that it gets ahead of the latest threats. so it's pretty regular for crowdstrike to deliver these little software updates just to ensure that everybody can't be hacked or attacked. and of course, this was not a cyber attack at all. it was corrupted data that was delivered. apparently it was a corrupted file that was not caught coming out of crowdstrike and was not caught going into all of these systems and went into all of the systems at once and then of course the systems windows in particular crash. we got the blue screen of death. we got a
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lot of systems that rely on windows in that backend that went down xbox live what's that? all of these different systems who are unavailable and of course, it affected systems like 911 at alaska and flight systems and screens that you would just look at to get information. so all of that kind of went kaput because windows when could put, but really because crowdstrike delivered a bad file, i wonder lands whether this is a whether it's like a flashing red alarm light, or if it's sort of a silver lining in how it is revealing a vulnerability when you're talking about how disparate the different entities these are that are impacted here. yeah yeah. >> yeah. and there has been some talk over the last few hours about diversity of software because crowdstrike's serve so many the way business and it and infrastructure and enterprise works is that they tend to look at, well, who are my cousins, my partners using maybe i'll use the same thing. so they all use the same thing. and one funny thing that happened along the way here is
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that a different security firm, because first case like this one have happened if he used us, but it's kind of ridiculous. i mean, this is what people are using. i think the big alarm here is that when you have so many people using one system and they make one small mistake can have such a big ripple affect a lot of us have been talking about like 24 years ago, we wondered what y2k would really be like. oh, guess what? this is, what it would really be like i am wondering how this affects different sectors and even different companies, different ways. and i'll give you a bit of a personal anecdote i flew in this morning from chicago after covering the rnc in milwaukee we the last few days. and there were folks that i was close to who were taking a flight on a different airline, same destination. almost the same exact departure time. but because it was a different airline, they got stuck and i was able to fly out could you explain how this affects different airlines are different sectors in different ways well, you have to
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understand that crowdstrike is dealing with the platform and stealing primarily with windows and protection of that on these enterprise systems. >> but windows is a platform that means that it has about, it's so disparate, like what kinds of software that each company is using are each business or piece of infrastructure is using, they're not all use the same thing even in the same industry. they're not all going to use the same thing. so different health care providers will use different systems and some you know, some may be more vulnerable to a glitch like this than others that is fascinating, unfortunate to be here and unfortunate to share the afternoon with you. >> lance ulanoff. thanks so much for the perspective appreciate it is my pleasure. i'm fortunate. i mean, i'm i'm very glad you're here to me that we'd have to do a lot yeah. we have plenty more news to come, including the breaking news, the number of democrats calling on the president to quit this race, growing seemingly by the minute,
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looking at your screen we're now at 30 lawmakers stay with cnn. >> we're following the latest after careful review of medical guidance and research on pain relief my recommendation is simple. >> every home should have salon pause, powerful, yet non-addictive, targeted, and long-lasting. i recommend salon paas. it's good medicine if you look closely around the bag, you'll find a clue as to where these delicious pistachios are from well done sherlock. you found it wonderful pistachios are the pistachios had a wonderful what the word wonderful on them can the reeva's support your brain health night? >> janet hey eddy, know fraser, frank, frank bred. >> how are you fred fuel up to seven brain health indicators including your memory, joined the near-even brain health challenge. if you have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease, put it in check with rent folk a
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>> call, 1803 558999, or visit home closed captioning, bronchi by meso if you or a loved one have neizha helium will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to 14000 calls from democrats telling joe biden to step aside. >> you see here they are growing louder, they are growing more numerous. the number right now standing at 30 lawmakers. and there are other calls as well in some of those calls are coming from inside the house the white house, to be exact, and the biden campaign where many senior officials believed the president, there boss, must abandon his reelection bid, but the biden campaign has developed a case of selective deafness, and it is proceeding in a bit of a denial mode today with a new memo battleground state director dan cannon in writing this, that there is no
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plan for an alternative nominee. he says, we also have immense opportunity and a clear path to victory. and he goes on to say, i will not sugar coat the state of the race. we have our work cut out for us this to win this november, but as we said, many democrats believe that biden has already lost and here is why new cbs yougov poll from last night conducted after saturday's assassination attempt. and you she adhere trump up 52 to 47% over biden nationally. of course, this election is won or lost in battleground states. and the picture there is also bleak. look at these seven key states. trump is now ahead and four he is ahead in the other three, but it is within the margin of error there. so that is a statistical tie in those states. do note though biden's doing worse than he was in the spring. so you see there public polls flashing red will so too
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are internal polls cnn has obtained polling from democratic donors that shows post-debate biden is losing ground to donald trump in 14 key states across the country that includes the five that biden flipped against trump in 2020, arizona, georgia, michigan, pennsylvania, and wisconsin. and we should note that partisan polling does not meet cnn standards, but it's important to look at this because this is the window into the alarming data that the party is looking at and certainly is putting stock in. there's a research firm, another research firm, well-respected in democratic circles, and it has a warning. it is saying that defending biden's fitness for office is an untenable position for down-ballot democrats that they're worried that it will be viewed as dishonest because quote concerns about the about president biden's fitness for office are pervasive among voters. and then look at this poll out this week, a 65% majority of democrats and
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democratic-leaning independents say that joe biden should with draw and allow his party to select a different candidate. it is a big and growing number, or is the biden campaign calls it quote some slippage in support? >> it has been a small movement and, you know this, the reason is because so much of this race is hardened already, the american people know that the president is older. they, they see that they knew that before the debate let's dig in on this subject with larry sabato. he's the founder and director of the university of virginia center for politics. larry great to see you as always, it feels like we're kind of stuck in a holding pattern here because we've talked about polls, post-debate before, but now we have a larger sample of data to give a picture. for of any potential path at joe biden might have to win in november. do you see when i see the one that everybody else sees, which is when everything that biden
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won in 2020 with the exception of of georgia, nevada, arizona, maybe that district in nebraska. >> and then absolutely positively carry wisconsin, michigan, and pennsylvania, except biden really isn't ahead and any of those now, look, he has a path to victory, but it's a narrow path. he does not have alternative paths that i've seen. i don't know what the campaigns spokesperson most talking about there may be another one i'm not thinking of, but there aren't very many. and donald trump has quite a few paths to that tree. he has a path have to a little over to 270. and he also has to pass to well over 300. and i do mean well over. so this is an argument that they can't win except with the one person who matters. >> joe biden. >> i think he's inclined to believe what they tell him on this because he wants to believe it. he doesn't want to step down and one can
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understand why. but the fact of the matter is democrats are in deep trouble and they know politicians are good even in the absence of polls at sensing where people are moving they have a pretty good idea of what they can't put precise numbers on it. >> they know what's happening yeah. he certainly has experienced so larry, it sounds like you're already saying this, but when you look at what you're hearing from the campaign, what you were hearing and not hearing from president biden does it reflect the reality of what you just laid out about the paths that he does and does not have to victory. >> oh, absolutely not. but then they would would they there's only one person who can make this decision. and as president biden, and they're all going to deny that anything is going to happen or that decision will
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be made in the negative. that is, he will drop out until the moment he makes it and then they set up the announcement and of course, he should be the one to announce it. so it's not surprising that they would all deny it. what is surprising is there appears to be no real movement under the cover as to what is going on and how this election can be revived for the democratic party. and let's remember if this were a normal republican, this work donald trump and you had one of the normal republicans they used to get the republican nomination. i think probably this election would be effectively over, and the republicans direction but because it's donald trump, it's easier for president biden and his staff to convince themselves that, well, there's no way in the end that people will elect donald trump and we're all reminded of other circumstances. where i remember what a 1980 when jimmy carter
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was up for reelection and they all said, and his staff no way will the country elect while reg and he's too far to the right and we know the ending of that. they did elect ronald reagan quite handily. and then reelected him by more in 1984. you can connect yourself with anything you want to. but the reality is donald trump thanks to the electoral college, at least can win another term you can convince yourself of anything you want to a powerful point from larry sabato, appreciate the perspective. >> thanks. >> thank you still to come, president biden says he's pushing hard for the release of american journalist evan gershkovich after he was sentenced to 16 years in a russian prison for espionage up next, we get reaction from a journalist who was wrongly imprisoned. >> any ron jason rezaian joining us live in just moments
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personal limit of what is capable ready to show the world? how good i am. >> i train all over the globe. and that's what you're going to see an awol whole different bst. we wednesday night dynamite at 8:00 tbs wall street journal reporter evan gershkovich is now staring at a sentence of 16 years in a russian prison after being found guilty of espionage. >> the 32-year-old appeared in a glass cage, as today's verdict and sentenced were read. the kremlin says that he he's a spy for the cia. they never offered any proof of that though, and both the state department and the journal deny it. the newspaper outraged by the verdict saying, quote, this disgraceful sham conviction comes after evidence spent 478 days in prison wrongfully detained away from his family and friends prevented from reporting. all for doing his job as a journalist the trial speed has also fueled speculation that gershkovich
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could be used in a potential prisoner swap. we want to get some perspective now from washington post opinion writer jason rezaian jason, for those who are not familiar with your story, you endured an 18 month wrongful detention in iran until 2016 first, i just want to get your reaction to this sentencing. >> morris, when i hear the sentencing, if you swap out the name, evan with jason and russia with iran, it's exactly the same story that i was subjected to almost a decade ago. and, you know, it's heartbreaking on the one hand to get this news on the other hand, the whole situation, the entire procedure was an absolute farce up until this point, we knew that the sentence would be coming and i want to remind people that this is not a court like the sort of thing we recognize in the free world and ultimately, they had to be a sentence to move the ball forward. so i'm hoping
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that there's some, some action on a swap are some other kind of release. very soon. >> yeah. no, that's a good way to look at it. and that certainly is a hopeful way to look at it. i do wonder, jason, can you speak because so well, few people have been in this kind of experience. yeah, this is completely illegitimate the way this has been conducted. and yet, what is it like, even knowing that a sense doesn't change anything, he's being detained to legitimately what is it like? for a person like yourself or like evan to hear a sentence of that length coming down the understanding that the judicial process is a farce and everything about his ridiculous doesn't take away from how serious the specter of such a long time i'm hanging over your head feels like and trapped in a confinement without the benefit of having access to people that you care about. >> people who are similar
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positioned to you is very, very, very difficult. although the entire world is calling for evan's release and called for my release. very hard not to feel quite alone in those circumstances it's difficult to do imagine those circumstances to begin with. >> jason president biden says that his administration is pushing hard for evan's release what's the likelihood in your mind? but he actually gets released through diplomatic negotiations between the us and russia i think what we've seen across multiple presidencies including the biden administration, is that when a person is taken hostage, by a state like russia, like the islamic republic of iran, like china they only come home in diplomatic settlements. so i think that the process, the discussions have been ongoing since almost immediately after evans detention as they were in my case. >> and so many other cases in
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the intervening years and i think that although the circumstances in the relationship between russia and the u.s. has maybe never been at a lower point than it is right now. as we've seen with the release of brittney griner or trevor reed and others? the conversations are ongoing. things can still happen i just hope that evan and paul whelan, who's been held for more than five years, also, kurmasheva, radio free europe, journalist. and my colleague of vladimir kara-murza a political prisoner in russia, also being arbitrarily detained by the state. i hope that they are all released very soon. their health depends on it their families need their loved ones home jason and you understand and you've talked about this and you've written about this in your book. so much is outside of evan's control right now, is he is in prison there and i know that there were some ways the you were
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able to sort of manage your mental health and try to take back some control. can you speak to what you were able to do in ways that he may be able to find a way to weather this well, when i see the pictures of with evan of evin in the courtroom in that glass cage sometimes with a smirk on his face. >> i say to myself, this, this young man still has his wit, his sense of humor, he understands how ridiculous this is. the first thing that i tell people is that in tough situations like this, you really have to be able to laugh at the circumstances if you can't, you're lost and the other thing and i think i can gleaning this from looking at images of evan before and after of myself before and after staying physically active keeping your body in motion, getting exercise, even in those tightly cramped circumstances i'm also very heartened to hear that evan has the
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opportunity to receive letters and write letters to the outside world, something that i didn't have the benefit of but he also has books and i think keeping your mind engaged by reading for me and so many others has been a game changer circumstances jason. >> thank you so much for being with us. it's a really sad day, even as you say, maybe this paves the way to some movement forward. we certainly hope that jason rezaian. thank you so much, and we'll be right back who are you? i mean, a child in if you really need life is some fricking torque wow were. shot wanted our to the total torque doubt crossover right now during the dodge make this the summer event to get 2.9% financing for 72 months on the 2024 dodge born at rt, go to and hurry to your local dog dealer today. here's to getting
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that's based in part on his recent web history, which are actually included searches related to the 2021 school shooting in oxford, michigan investigators think that trump rally shooter chose the former president's event based on its timing and proximity. let's get the latest on the investigation now from cnn's kyung lah, killing, bring us up to speed. >> well, the how they get to the fact that they still don't quite have a motive is that there was no manifesto left behind that investigators could find no clear clues about why he did this, but what they are starting to begin to have a better understanding of is his mindset and that's where they're starting to build this, potential theory about wanting to commit some type of mass shooting. he did search online on his cell phone for information as he pointed out on that 2020 he won michigan mass shooting the shooter himself as well as his parents, who are both later convicted of involuntary manslaughter and then a few days after the trump
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campaign announced the butler campaign rally what he did was, is that he started searching for political figures, both democratic as well as republican information about the dates of the dnc. and not only did he look up president trump, he also searched for president biden. those are two important things to note and on the day of the rally, he did look up the location of the rally itself in butler. he also looked up information about a local gun store. it is something that he did on the day of the rally where he would later by the bullis again, all of this before he even opened fire at the rally and something else that's important. boris and brianna is that he did not appear to have any clear political leanings that this simply was a location that was convenient law. >> thank you so much for that update. still had the list of lawmakers calling on president biden to drop his reelection bid is growing by the hour and moments go. we've got breaking
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