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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  July 20, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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hello and, welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world, i'm fred pleitgen in london. and here's ahead. what? here's what's ahead on cnn newsroom. president joe biden, facing fresh called to leave the presidential race here, how the white house is responding, donald trump and as vice presidential pick, j.d. vance are hitting the campaign trail today. see what's planned after the base rousing performance at the republican convention. plus a global it meltdown is still affecting people around the world as tech experts scrambled to fix an update gone wrong, what we know about how long it could last our top story though us president joe biden is vowing to stay in the race despite a growing list of fellow democrats telling him to drop out more than 30 democratic lawmakers are now publicly urging him to step aside. and
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that includes a dozen on friday alone, a source says, the president is quote seething at former us house speaker nancy pelosi, since some of her close allies are also joining those calls, were also learning that house democratic leader hakeem jeffries, he's not discouraging colleagues from continuing to speak out against biden's candidacy but that's not stopping the president even as democrats weigh the options ahead of their convention in one month, cnn's mj lee has details from the white house the biden campaign coming out in full force on friday to insist that president joe biden is not going anywhere. the biden campaign chair, jen o'malley, dillon, say now on television, absolutely. the president is staying in the race. the campaign also sending out a memo saying that there is simply no alternative plan right now to president biden. and also in a statement himself, the president saying that he is looking forward to getting back out on the campaign trail presumably, once
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he has recovered from covid he's currently isolating in rehoboth that defiance, of course, is in such stark contrast from the panic that is really starting to set in across the democratic party just today on friday, we saw democrats coming out in droves to say that they think that president biden needs to get out out of the race as of friday night, there were more than 30 congressional democrats who had gone public. we also know that many in the upper ranks of the white house and the campaign private that lee at this point believed that the president needs to get out of the race, not to mention problems in terms of money. we have heard from a number of major donors that have said that they are simply not going to be writing checks to the biden campaign anymore. so long as president biden remains at the top of the ticket. but as for right now, the campaign is insisting that they were emboldened by what they saw this week at the republican national convention including former president donald trump's speech. thursday night
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at the rnc campaign officials are saying that that speech really showed that the former president donald trump is the exact same as back in 2016, as in 2020 me, that he is all about himself and that the party really showed no agenda or vision for the future. so at this moment in time, despite the growing pressure, president biden is making clear that he is staying in the race. mj lee, cnn, at the white house many young progressives are standing with biden, like new york congresswoman alexandra ocasio-cortez on instagram live thursday night, she admitted that he's quote, very old, but said pivoting to vice president kamala harris would a mistake but i do want you to know what gets uncorked because if you think that's going to be an easy transition, i'm here to tell you that a huge amount of the donor class and a huge amount of these elites and a
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huge amount of these folks in these rooms that i see that are pushing for president biden to not be the nominee. >> also are not interested in seeing the vice president being the nominee olexander, our ocasio-cortez there and some political experts believe the infighting among the democrats could be doing irreparable harm and giving republicans the upper hand. >> here's what cnn senior political analyst it's ron brownstein, had to say earlier democrats did not want this to be this public. i mean, a week ago, i was talking to democrats who wanted him out of the race, but talking about giving him space and grace to make the decision on his own terms. but the white house and the campaign has had, i think unexpectedly and somewhat stunningly, defiant language as the pressure has increased, and thus people who want him out feel they have no choice but to go public. often in really
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personally damaging ways. i mean that seth moulton op-ed today from the college crispin from massachusetts, similar to george clooney saying this was not the man that i knew only a few years ago. so i think that if the white house and the president is in fact determined to dig in its only going to be a continual flow of this. and i think it's going to get sharper and more numerous. i don't know if the circular firing squad firing squad is the problem. it's the problem. if it all happens and biden doesn't get out. i mean, the reason the circular firing squad exists in the first place is because so many democrats fear not only that biden can't convince voters that he is up to a second term. he can't undo the damage done by the debate, but they also fear that he just at this point in his career is not capable of driving a cogent, coherent message of the kind that you're describing. you know, i covered biden as far back as 1988 presidential campaign and he was not a great communicator. then we're
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almost 40 years later now and obviously, the democrats that i talked to it that is their biggest concern. i mean, that he is just unable to drive a message at this point and you saw that very clearly in the debate meantime, when asked about donald trump's performance at the 2024 republican national convention, brownstein had this to say over those 90 minutes, probably didn more to remind voters of why they tired of him in the first place. >> i mean, his retrospective job approval has been going up because people have been thinking that inflation it was lower in the border was under more control when he was president. but i think that speech actually reminded people of everything else that was going on when he was president. and they kept his approval rating from ever reaching 50% at any point during his four years. the only president in our history of polling to have that happen. so the speech i think showed, and i think democrats felt as the debate, trump's performance this is someone who still can be
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beaten. the question is whether biden is capable of doing that under the trump campaign and fresh off the republican national convention where he accepted the presidential nomination, donald trump is heading back on the campaign trail. >> new data shows an average of about 25 million people watched trump's accept then speech on thursday night. that's down 21% from 2016, but a slight increase over his speech in 2020. later today, the former president and his vice presidential running mate, j.d. vance plan to hold their first joint rally in grand rapids, michigan this will be trump's first rally since last weekend when a bullet grazed his ear in an assassination attempt in pennsylvania and law enforcement officials are planning to increase security and close more roads surrounding the event will be on now to our other top story, airlines at hospitals around the world are warning of possible continue can you delays this weekend because of friday's global tech outage? one tech expert says, it's the
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biggest outage ever on friday, and more than 3,000 us flights were canceled and thousands more were delayed the cause was a faulty software update to some windows computers, the company behind it crowdstrike says it has deployed floyd a fixed, but it could take a while to be applied to all of the computers that are affected, right now, united airlines says most of its systems have recovered, but there could still be flight delays and cancellations. here's a look at just some of the organizations affected by the outage jpmorgan, starbucks, delta, and united, even the paris olympics, which begin this coming friday our own tom foreman has more on what happened and how it's being fixed like i'm being completely screwed as airports and trains, hospitals, and emergency urgency services media retailers, delivery companies, and even the us space program grappled with the
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global cyber outage. >> a stunning admission a single glitch in a software update from the cybersecurity company crowdstrike, triggered the whole mess. >> we identify this very quickly. he and remediated the issue. and as systems come back online, as they're rebooted, they're coming up and they're working. >> this is how it happened. crowdstrike is a multi-billion-dollar cyber for security firm which helps many fortune 500 companies protect their microsoft operating systems from hackers and viruses that requires constant updates and normally when one is deployed, it will be tested extensively and they will work widely with the providers like microsoft and other organizations that run these platforms to make sure it is compatible with these networks. >> but this update was faulty causing affected computers around the planet to shut down. dave dewalt is a top expert in the field. he was up all night helping get them back online case crowdstrike was doing
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everything in its power to stop threats from occurring by doing the updates. but at the same time, the quality control broke down and we ended up with what we had happen government services for far and wide were affected by the outage including in the u.s. >> homeland security, the department of justice social security, and even some state 911 systems at the white house. the fact they could all be affected by one mistake is raising caution flags this digitization in technology has brought massive benefits, but every technology has its downsides as it is in new york. one of the famous billboards of times square was blanked by the problem in paris. final preparation for the olympics were rattled and all over the banking industry and everything else. a couple, a couple more hours, maybe the rest of the day and will be returned disputes about how long it will take to get back to normal. >> there are estimates that
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this is going to take some days, perhaps even weeks to fully recover from the impacts analysts call it a testament to crowdstrike that so many governments and corporations are relying on the company, but they also say it may be a warning that perhaps there should be some other options if one mistake can cause so much trouble tom foreman, cnn washington and cnn's hanako montgomery is live in tokyo with the latest on the outages, lingering impact on are things getting back to normal in your part of the world? hi fred, we are seeing some things begin to return to normal. we're hearing some airlines, some airports and some businesses of begin to recover from this massive global tech outage but what's slightly concerning, what experts are warning about is that in order for the whole world to make a full recovery, it could take days potentially
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weeks, and also a lot of money. now the reason for that is because the heart of the issue lies very, very deep, essentially, in order for these computers, in order for these systems to be back and running again. every single affected device needs to go through a manual reboot. we're talking about millions of effected devices. i mean, this is a huge undertaking. and if we're talking about fortune 500 companies or a massive airline, they likely have the resources or the tech support needed to reboot every single affected device but smaller companies, smaller businesses, they might not have the manpower or the resources in order to make those changes, which is why experts fear it could take some time before the whole world recovers from again, this tech glitch. now it's compounding. this issue is the fact that some of the servers that contain the information necessary to actually recover from this are also crashing and rebooting. so it's almost a
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catch 22 situation if you will, fred, because in order to get to this solution, we're also having to deal with a secondary problem, which again could mean that we will see this tech outage continue for the next few days. now, looking ahead, the crowdstrike ceo has, of course apologize for this tech issue and has promised full transparency going forward about why a software update caused such a massive glitch all around the world. the ceo has also said that they're going to take the necessary steps more to prevent a situation like this from occurring in the future. now, what those steps are, he has an outlined exactly. but what the situation has highlighted is just the issues we're seeing with our global technology infrastructure at the moment, we have a handful of cybersecurity firm is that we rely on so that means when a single defect takes place in our technology, in this case, a defect in a soft where update it's felt across the world,
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the repercussions are felt across the world, potentially affecting millions of people. fred yes, certainly needs to be some pretty tough lessons learned. hanako montgomery live in tokyo. thank you very much, and still ahead here on cnn, signs of hope for a gaza ceasefire fire and possible hostage deal. us secretary of state offers his view on the negotiations ahead of a key visit from israel's prime minister. >> and political unrest just in bangladesh erupts into deadly violence as police and counter demonstrators clashed with protesters, stay with us i won't let my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis symptoms to find me emerge. as, you with trump via most people saw 90% clear skin eye for months. and the majority stay clear eyed five years cvs allergic reactions may occur, can fire, may increase your risk of infection the lower your ability to fight that tell you, doctor, if you have an infection symptoms or if you had a vaccine au planning to
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auvery zero tech allergy relief works fast and lasts a full 24 hours. >> so dave can be bva, deliver dance okay. >> days let's be more than our allergies seize the day with zyrtec welcome back everyone. >> israel's prime minister is set to travel to washington this weekend. benjamin netanyahu will hold a series of meetings, including with us president joe biden meantime, negotiators continue to hash out the details of a gaza ceasefire and hostage deal. the top us diplomat says, the talks are in his words, nearing the goal lines. cnn's jeremy diamond has more from tel aviv well, secretary of state antony blinken offering a very optimistic assessment of the hostage and ceasefire negotiations, saying that he believes that were quote, inside the ten yard line and
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driving toward the goal line in terms of getting an agreement, he noted the fact that hamas has effectively agreed to a framework proposal. >> the one president biden laid out in a speech several weeks ago, we know that for the last couple of weeks it does appear that israel and hamas effectively have a framework agreement to try and build out a final deal of for a ceasefire here. but over the course of those last two weeks, we've seen officials shuttling between doha, qatar, and cairo, egypt without actually clear sense of how close they are actually getting to a deal. so very notable to hear the secretary of state now offering this assessment at the same time, he did know that he doesn't want to be quote, naive, saying that sometimes it is those last ten yards that are often the hardest the secretary of state and president biden may have an opportunity tunity next week to convince the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu to get across those final ten yards as the israeli prime minister is set to travel to washington this weekend for a
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series of meetings, including with president biden as well as a an address to a joint meeting of congress. now, as all of this is happening, the internet national court of justice is issuing a very significant ruling, a non non-binding ruling, but one that is unprecedented in its kind as it relates to this situation. the international court of justice ruling that israel's presence in the west bank and east jerusalem is illegal, they offer that in an advisory opinion that stems from a request by the un general assembly in 2022 to assess the legality and the consequences of israel's ongoing occupation of palestinian territories captured in the 1967 war, the international court of justice us is ruling on this separate from its ongoing case regarding south africa's allegations that israel is committing genocide in gaza. but even this ruling from the international court of justice, an advisory ruling that is not legally
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binding, receiving harsh recriminations in israel, the israeli prime minister saying that the jewish people are not conquerors in their own land, saying that no false decision in the hague will distort what he calls a historical truth. jeremy diamond, cnn, tel aviv donald trump has agreed to meet ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy to talk face-to-face about ways to bring peace to ukraine. that is, according to mr. zelenskyy himself, who spoke with trump on the phone on friday. mr. zelenskyy says they agreed to discuss possible steps towards a fair and lasting peace the ukrainian leader says he also condemned the recent assassination attempt against trump and said kyiv is grateful for us military support and we stayed with the war in ukraine at least three people are dead, including a 12 boy after a new russian strike in southern ukraine, officials say a missile hit a playground outside this apartment complex,
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leaving 14 other people injured. the strike damaged three apartment buildings and a kindergarten. gradient president volodymyr zelenskyy later said, ukraine needs new measures to support its defense to russia now, and wall street journal reporter evan gershkovich has been sentenced to 16 years in a russian prison. a judge announced the sentence on friday after a short and secret of trial for alleged espionage. prosecutors claim he was caught spying on a russian tank factory for the cia. is employer and the u.s government deny neither charges and say the case was a quote, disgraceful, can the french foreign ministry has also issued a statement condemning the quote, outrageous prison sentence. france is calling on russia to release gershkovich and all political prisoners. both russian and foreign we love to bangladesh and hackers appear to have taken over the official websites of bangladesh prime minister, the national police, and the central bank. this comes as bangladesh is escalating its crackdown on
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continuing unrest, the government imposed a curfew and deployed military forces on friday. after weeks of student-led protests took a deadly and violent turn in recent days, doesn't have reportedly been killed this week with hundreds more hurt our own sophia saifi has details violence as protest on deadly and the bangladesh sheikh capital of taka students armed with six and drops clash with armed police and ruling party supporters after widespread anger erupted across the country a lot what we came here in the morning. soon after that, police and members of the charter league started to attack us protester ally said, referring to the ruling party's student wing. >> do students have been shot in front of me plumes of black smoke spilled over an overpass bridge and taka on wednesday as tensions boiled over. but thursday marks the bloodiest
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day yet with scores killed and hundreds injured. au, judicial invention estimation is underway students began taking to the streets earlier this month. their demands relating to civil service job quotas they say are discriminatory favoring the prime minister's ruling party creating a two-tier country where a politically connected elite benefit by their been receiving job security and higher pay and anger is rising, or the high unemployment now accusations of police and ruling party for his brutality are rising police say protesters attacked them, leaving dozens injured, and that officers retaliated 100 policemen were injured in the clashes thursday our the wmo, you know what the we want justice for our brother skilled said 18-year-old protester,
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bidisha amid the chaos a moment of prayer for those killed a symbolic coffins were laid out in the street thursday a near total, internet blackout. now in place in the capital. a ban on public rallies also audit for friday after government buildings, we're told jeremy herb on crime in his to shake hasina has called on protesters to await a supreme court verdict on the scrapping of the quarters the demonstrations serious challenge to her bow students demands. as yet unmet. >> sophia saifi, cnn, islamabad but and i do have some news just coming into cnn right now, at least 12 people are dead and 31 missing after a bridge, partially collapsed in china's northern province of shanjie. that is, according to chinese state broadcaster cctv authority, say a portion of the
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bridge collapsed friday evening after recent rains and flash flooding, search and rescue operations were ongoing as of this morning after 17 cars and eight trucks fell into the river, parts of china have been grappling with devastating floods. just week as after scarce rainfall and sweltering temperatures created drought conditions i'm fred pleitgen for viewers in north america, cnn newsroom continues after this quick break and for the rest of the world that is african voices, changemakers ron the whole story, political violence has always threatened our democracy after the attempt on trump's life. >> where does america go from here? the whole story with anderson cooper? for political violence. america as bloody history tomorrow at ten on cnn kinda reeva's support your brain health. mary janet, hey
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welcome back to our viewers in north america, i'm fred pleitgen and this is cnn newsroom, us president joe biden says he is ready to hit the campaign trail next week, once he recovers from covid, he ignoring new calls from members of his own party to drop out of the race. >> more than 30 democratic lawmakers are now publicly urging mr. biden to step aside, and that includes a dozen new names on friday alone, it comes after donald trump officially accepted his party's presidential nomination at the republican convention this week his speech on thursday night. so a 21% decline in viewers compared to his acceptance speech in 2016, according to nielsen data, trump spoke about his attempted assassination at a rally last week, and also called on the country to unite i am running to be president for all of america, not half of america because there is no victory in winning we're half
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of america it was the longest nomination acceptance speech in modern us history. the former president went off script many times while attacking his political rivals the use covid to cheat and never going to let it happen again. we have people that are a lot less than fierce, except when it comes to cheating on elections. if you took the ten worst presidents in the history of the united states, think of it the ten worst added them up. they will not have done the damage that biden has done anya van whacked and dong is a capital reporter with wisconsin national public radio and joins me now from madison in wisconsin. >> first of all, thank you so much for getting up. this early to speak with us i think in president trump's acceptance speech, he said that the republicans spent around $250 million in wisconsin during their convention how are people in wisconsin seeing it?
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>> yeah, really depends on who you ask. they came to milwaukee, which is the kind of center most democratic strongholds in the state. and so there was not as much of a warm welcome inside the city itself, but statewide it is a 50, 50 state and so insofar as he really energized his base at this convention. i think about half of wisconsin and it's following along with that. >> yeah. i think he called on the folks in wisconsin. he noticed them in the crowd. do you think that he's he's gaining and the republicans are gaining right now in the state pulling does indicate that particularly in the last couple of weeks where joe biden seems to be faltering a little bit and facing some headwinds from within his own party. >> but pulling here as always a little bit shifty. and as i mentioned, it really is the most purple of purple states. it's always very 50. the last two presidential elections and clear putting the last face off between trump and biden was decided by less than a percentage point. and so it's really too soon to tell what that means for this important
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battleground state yeah, we're just actually see as you speak, we're just seeing the election results 2024, wisconsin on our screen right now. >> so it does really appear as though the state right? now still is up for grabs even after everything that happened with the presidential debate and president biden not performing very well. there yeah, that's right. >> one of the criticisms that democrats are lobbying at president joe biden is that perhaps he could impact racist further down the ballot. and what's interesting here is that we often do see kind of split ticket victory so republican senator and a democratic governor getting elected in the same election. and so we also have some congressional races and our us senate race as well. and so there's also this question of how does this presidential race impact those downballot races? >> how did people in wisconsin and obvious, not just milwaukee feel about the national attention and the world's attention that they were getting all of this past week well, certainly i spent a lot
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of time talking to our delegation and there was a lot of pride that so many people were coming to the badger state and even within milwaukee, milwaukee is leadership is quite democratic, but the mayor helped bring this convention. >> and so there was also a lot of pride that people from around the world could see milwaukee and really experienced the city. but there were the protests in the street, as i mentioned, it's about an 80% democratic city in terms of voter turnout and presidential elections. and so there was a significant protest event on monday and signs and other kind of indications and the windows of bars and restaurants that some residents of milwaukee were not particularly happy by those visitors were obviously an international channel and not all of our viewers are familiar with the system of the electoral college in the united states. but we know that milwaukee is obviously is a very important place and the state of wisconsin obviously very important as well. >> what are the issues for
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voters in the state that are key to them as in many american states, it can really be divided between rural issues and urban issues. >> and so here, there's an argument that the path to the white house runs through wisconsin for democrats, what that means is milwaukee and madison and in a handful of other medium and large sites, cities for republicans that tends to mean the more rural areas and so that can mean economic issues. but those kind of play out really differently in rural and urban areas things like agriculture is really important in rural areas crime is really important in urban and areas. and so when the different candidates speak to their bases, it can break down along those lines of course the democrats right now, they seem to be getting one gut punch after the next president biden's performance at the debate, then he caught covid. >> there is, of course some democrats who are now
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essentially defecting away from him. how concerned are democratic supporters in the state? >> you mentioned the new lawmakers that joined that call on friday in one of them is wisconsin congressman mark pocan, who is among the more progressive members of the house. he was the first wisconsinites to join that call and so i think he has the i will say the first wisconsin ain't other sort of lesser offices have not added their voice to that call, but we will see if that indicates a shift here. and as i mentioned, this is such an important battleground state that that could really start to point to biden really needs wisconsin, michigan, and pennsylvania. that's kind of seen as the blue wall michigan representative has also added their name. and so it's possible that that could really send a signal to the white house van whacked and dong in madison, wisconsin. >> thank you very much for joining us this morning. >> thanks republican presidential nominee donald trump and his vice presidential running mate, j.d vance plan to
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hold their first joint rally in michigan later today, and security, as you can imagine, will be tight as the rally comes one week after trump's ear was grazed by a bullet in an assassination attempt, assassination attempt in pennsylvania. >> more now from cnn's kristen holmes former president donald trump, will appear with his new vice presidential nominee, j.d. vance, on a campaign stage, really for the first time and what we're looking for is to see how the two of them interact when they take that stage in grand rapids, michigan, what is the chemistry like? one of the things that we heard about why trump chose jd vance was because he thought that they got along. well, they got along better than some of those other top contenders. well, what does that actually look like when it comes to a campaign? how do these two interact? i both on the stage and off the stage? how does this campaign look moving forward now the other thing we're looking at is what does that security like? remember this is the first campaign event, the first campaign rally, that convention separate. obviously, but sentence that rally in butler,
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pennsylvania where there was an assassination attempt on donald trump. how have they changed security? and we are told but there are a lot of new measures in place. one they are closing the roads around the venue. that is something that we don't often see two, they are adding officers, both agents on the ground and local law enforcement, they have requested, for example, for about 50 to 60 local law enforcement agents, extra to what they had already asked for. we are also told that as a whole well, not just about tomorrow, they are assessing what the security looks like moving forward, what these actual events look like. and part of that is going to be what the venues of life whether there aos okay. doors, or indoors. and we're told that part of the consideration is those field rallies like what we saw in butler, pennsylvania, potentially going away all altogether because they believe there's more success purity on those inside rallies. and of course notable saturday's rally will also be indoors. >> kristen holmes, cnn grand rapids, michigan and on that topic a ladder and a backpack thought to belong to would-be as trump assassin, thomas
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matthew crooks have been found a person believed to be crooks is seen here shortly before the shooting in video obtained by cnn affiliate wtae the items were discovered on the side of a road outside the pennsylvania grounds where the shooting took place. and are now in the possession of federal authorities. investigators have also found a drone belonging to the gunman and believe he may have used it to survey the rooftops of the site on the day of the rally? and tributes are pouring in for us congresswoman sheila jackson lee, who died friday at the age of 74. jackson lee announced last month that she'd been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. the longtime democratic congresswoman from texas was an outspoken advocate for progressive issues and black americans she was one of the sponsors of the bill to establish juneteenth as a national holiday. the congressional black caucus describes her as quote, a tightened and a fierce advocate
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for social, economic justice, homeland security, and children and working families. senate majority leader chuck schumer, posted on social media that this is quote a tremendous loss he added that she fought so hard throughout her life to make our country a better place and we'll be right back bad up for a minute ever wonder what the experience app can do. the benefits are all around. you see your fico score for free basic instantly before your next big purchase by the new credit card that matches your lifestyle download the experience app, and it for free, can to riva support your brain health. >> mary janet, hey, eddy, know
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fraser, frank, frank bred. >> how are you? >> fred, fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the nerivan brain health challenge if you're living with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis or active psoriatic arthritis symptoms can sometimes take you out of the moment now, they're sky resy so you can come up with clear skin and show it off with, sky resy. you could take each step with 90% clearer skin and if you have psoriatic arthritis, sky resy can help you get moving with less joint pain stiffness, swelling, and fatigue, and sky resy is just four doses a year after two starter doses, serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms had a vaccine or planned to thanks to sky there's nothing like we were skin and less white and that means everything your
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doctor about how sky was, he can help with your skin or joint symptoms. >> weren how abby it help you save after careful review of medical guidance and research on pain relief, my recommendation is simple. every home should have salon pause, powerful, yet non-addictive, targeted, and long-lasting. i recomm the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title.
2:44 am in britain for certain on pete muntean at reagan national airport. this is cnn welcome back everyone. >> airlines around the world are gradually restoring their operations after friday's massive global commodity peter outage, but the backlog from the thousands of flights canceled on friday could lead to problems today. so look out for that if you're traveling and the cause was a faulty software update to some windows computers. the company behind it, crowdstrike says it has deployed a fix, but it will take time to apply that fix to the millions of computers that were affected at airports on
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friday, many passengers were frustrated when i got here. >> i just thought people, so many people wondering what's going on. let's go hang on. i tried checking in other catholic and the like. okay. there's nothing and then that's when i ask people at what's going on, like my fight is on 649. they're light au, the system is down just terrible. >> we spend people spent thousands of dollars to go on vacation or go home we'll go visit family. and this is the situation that we get put throw between these airline companies that make millions of dollars maybe frustration there and it wasn't just airlines that suffered because of the outage, the glitch lead to delayed surgeries temporary bank shutdowns, and even 911 outages. >> earlier, i spoke with global security adviser jake more about how something like this could happen phones or computers, they always need dating. >> we probably get them weaker monthly and some people might even find them a bit of a pain. >> but there's so vital and keeping those device safe and
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crowdstrike have done. >> here is created this update, which has sent out to all those windows machines all over the world but that update was unfortunately faulty. it just had this critical error inside it. maybe it wasn't tested fully enough. we don't really know exactly why it was given away without all that extra process involved. and it's just knocked over about quarter of the world's computers. and that just goes to say that this testing process is so vital in making sure this doesn't happen so do you think that or does it appear as though crowdstrike got complacent clouds wasn't acting here it enough what do you think caused us to get so out of hand au i don't think we know yet. we may never know it could be a whole host of different issues, so it could be human error. it may be the fact that the testing looked okay in the test environment
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wasn't fully tested on all those different versions of machines or just something went vitally wrong. and this is just the, the problem that we have with computers. things can go wrong. we've never seen anything like this on such a global scale, but i'm sure we will learn from this and all the other companies that have to push out these updates which are so valuable also be learning this as well why do you think it's taking so long to get things back on track because you would think that if this was some sort of security update or something, you just send out a new update and everything's fine, right? yeah that's it. that would be what would normally happen if the computer is normally running, say an update goes out and there was a mistake with it, but the computer still looks normal and opens up in windows. then you would just get another update sent out and that would be done instantly. pretty much the problem here is we've seen computers go to this blue screen the death, which is this critical error, which is what you see on the screen and it just says it can't work unless it goes into what's called safe mode. and that's a manual
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process. >> so we're looking at all of these computers, meeting people at the computer to actually run it in this particular safe mode, then send out the fixed, which is available, but it has to be put through this process and then restarted again. so it will take a long time, possibly days until we see these computers back up and running and ivan weather update for you 31 million people in the western us are under heat alerts today with some areas expecting temperatures 20 to 30 degrees above normal. >> while in other parts of the country, they can expect storms and floods. cnn meteorologist chad myers has the latest forecast stormy day later today across the eastern half of the u.s. >> some of these storms will of course have lightning that's why they're called thunderstorms because the lightning has produced the thunder later on today though, things will get a little bit bumpy, but you have the heat, we have the humidity, we're going to have heat index is running up in the middle 90s. and when you get that kind
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defeat, especially when there's not a lot of heat on top of you. you get those bubbling storms, they break through the cap and then we all of a sudden get some pretty heavy rain showers. it'll be a widely scattered bit, but there are some spots i said are going to see two to four inches by later on tonight, the heavy flash flood threat, a level two threat is back out here in the west along the mountains when we start to see some monsoonal moisture, some humidity coming back in out there. typically we talk about the desert southwest of the u.s. while it's not going to be the desert anymore because this is the time of year when the humidity starters to pick up. temperatures are about normal here across the eastern half of the u.s. for today and even for tomorrow, a pretty good looking weekend, i think below average as we work our way into next week, that will be some welcome relief. i think maybe you'll air conditioner will take a little bit of a breather. now back out to the west, the heat is going to be back in, especially in the civic northwest. and this is going to be saturday and also on sunday. and things aren't going to change much throughout the middle of the week. we're going to see those heat warnings all across the west in places that saw heat. a couple of weeks ago, kind of cool down a touch and now we're
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ramping back up again. we're not back up as high as we were, but temperatures are still above normal, especially even like vegas, where you should be around 105 and your temperatures are going to be eight to nine degrees warmer than that today. and maybe seven or eight degrees warmer than that tomorrow we're so keep that in mind. he does on obviously it's summertime. we're expecting that he does not on here in europe, scottish wind and weather are challenging the world's best golfers in the open at royal troon, we'll have that and much more when we come back after the short break if you were moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks you stelara from the start and move toward relief. >> after the first dose with injections every two months stelara may increase your risk of infection. >> some serious and cancer before treatment get tested for tv, tell your doctor if you've had an infection like symptoms, source new skin girls have had
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allergic reactions may occur, can fight, may increase your risk of infection it's a lower your ability to fight that tell you, doctor, if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine au plan to emerge as you emerge drum phi, it asked her doctor about trump via here's to getting better with age here's the beaten these two every thursday helped fuel today with boost tie high-protein complete nutrition, you need without the stuff you don't so used to now nothing dems my light like a migraine with nortech audjt. i found really the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent all-in-one to those with migraine. i see you for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and a preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults don't take if allergic to nar teco d dt, allergic reactions can occur even days after using most common side effects are nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. >> it's time we talk to a house care provider about
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including your memory joined the nerivan brain health challenge closed captioning. >> is brought to you by skechers slip in pants, looking for the most comfortable, stylish, easiest pants around, trying new sketches, slip in pants, just slip in an experienced skechers innovative comfort technology, fabric sketchers, slip in pants sports news now and tiger woods tied a personal record at the british open. but unfortunately not in a good way. andy scholes joins us now with more on andy. what is going on with tiger woods? well, you know, for as we always hope that he gets sometimes cap or capture that magic when he goes into these majors. but but it's just not happening so far this year, you know, for the third straight major tiger woods, he's not going to be hanging around for the weekend. he missed the cut at the open championship, just the second time in tiger's career, he's missed the cut at three straight majors and tiger, he ended up 14 over after his second round that tied his worst 36 hold total in his he's major championship career. and despite his struggles, hagari did get a standing ovation as he walked
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up the 18th fairway and he did remain positive about his progress i've gotten better even though my results really haven't shown it but physically i've gotten better, which is great. and so does seem to keep progressing like that. and eventually start playing more competitively and start getting into the competitive flow again the third round is underway right now with everyone chasing shane lowry, the irishman carding a two under 69 and windy conditions on friday to give him a two shot lead over dan brown and justin rose lowry, won the opening back in 2019 when it was played in northern ireland. >> back stateside, alicia gray making history at the wnba all-star weekend, opening night in phoenix, the atlanta dream start putting on a show winning both the three-point and skills competition she's the first player in league history to capture both events on the same night great takes home a check for more than $115,000 for sweeping those events. caitlin clark meanwhile, opted not to
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take part and the three-point contest, saying she needed a break, but she will be on the floor tonight in the all-star game and for the first time ever, she will be teammates with rookie rival angel reese it's going to be fine. i think obviously as two rookies, like getting to share this experience for the first time, like super rare to be here as a rookie. and then had two of us here. i think it's really great overall. i think obviously the fans are going to be very excited about it. but i'm excited to share the core honestly with everybody and i'm looking forward to when everybody came out that get along shirts together for one day at least so i know a lot of people are going to come and watch this and see all of us. but there's not a lot of talent within both rosters. other teams, so they're in for a good one. >> yeah. so clark and reese will be on the wnba all-star team. that will be taking on the u.s. women's national team tip off from phoenix is tonight at 8:30 eastern. all right. finally, what was last time you went to a shopping mall while arena football league fans had to in order to watch the
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championship game or renewable 33 taking place? it's in the middle of new jersey's american dream shopping mall is great. the billings outlaws would beat the albani firebirds into game 46 to 40 watts. so how about that? fred, you can get yourself a slice of pizza, maybe some ice cream and it goes shopping and have a football game right in the middle. >> you know, i look it looked kind of cool actually in that shopping mall, you're pretty close to the game. you can see things pretty well. thank you very much, andy. and that wraps this hour of cnn newsroom. i'm fred pleitgen, cnn this morning is next tomorrow on the whole story, political violence has always threatened our democracy after the attempt on trump's life. >> where does america go from here? the whole story with anderson cooper political violence, america as bloody history tomorrow at ten on seat at the jeep, make this decision some are event you can take a vacation from payments on the most capable wrangler ever are
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