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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  July 20, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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you want to vote. for him? >> fine, but don't pray to him. >> he's already all in on being god-like. he said this week, the doctor at the hospital called it a miracle. i'm not supposed to be here. i'm supposed to be dead yes. so as dick cheney, but karma isn't cooperating and carmen isn't a thing all right, that's our show up until august 20 22, connecticut, july 27 in the comment, as you said tender seven and a riverside working in milwaukee september 8, thank well, more byron donalds thank you very much gentlemen ood evening to you.
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i'm sara sidner in new york. there is major uncertainty tonight over who will be at the top of the democratic presidential ticket. but one thing very clear, the contrast between the two parties could not be more stark at this stage. the race, republicans and celebration over their nominee, while democrats right now and desperation over, there's donald trump just had
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his first try al event with his the new vice presidential nominee, j.d vance. smaller patch now covering the part of his ear where he was shot, take a listen together we will fight, fight, fight, right and we will win, win, win in the meantime, president biden is isolating off the trail, recovering, of course, from covid and resisting the mounting calls so far from inside his own party to not seek a second term 35 democratic lawmakers now are publicly urging him to step aside. >> there they all are. it all began with his disastrous performance performance though at that cnn debate but after nearly three weeks of pressure to exit president biden still not ready to throw in the towel. we will begin the hour with the trump campaign this evening, the official republican nominee and his new vp pick j.d. vance rally voters and an indoor event in grand
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rapids, michigan, you know, that is a big battle ground-state. it is the first on the trail test for the secret service since a gunman shot the former president at an outdoor rally exactly a week ago, cnn as kristen holmes has the latest from grand rapids, kristen sara, this is the first time we saw and donald trump up there on a rally stage sense, that is as a nation attempt i'll speak in butler, pennsylvania and he seemed to be fully in his element and he spoke for roughly two hours. he engaged with the crowd at one point, he was pulling them on various aspects saying who should he run against, should it be joe biden, should it be commonly harris and other points he was riffing on various things that happened while he was in office completely off script, but again, feeding to the crowd, there were thousands of people full in this arena cheering for him. he came out with just a small band aid on his ear. he has replaced that gauze from that shooting that happened last week now one notable part about him being here in michigan, obviously, critical
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battleground state. he also appeared for the first time with vice presidential nominee j.d. vance on the campaign trail, vance introduced him, left the stage, then donald trump spoke. the reason why that is notable is a part of vance's appeal. least, you talk to people who are close to the former president, said he might be able to help with voters there's working class voters, particularly in areas like michigan, like pennsylvania, like wisconsin. all of those being again critical states of donald trump won in 2016 and then lost in 2020. now i do want to point to one specific moment during the speech where he tried to distance himself. again from project 2025. that of course, being in the overall plan transition plan put into place or at least developed by the heritage foundation and a bunch of other conservative groups that would be a plan for whatever the next republican president is. people who are authors of that plan. many of them worked for ford former president donald trump's administration are currently allies of his but it has come under a lot of fire for how conservative some of those
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policies are. take a listen to what donald trump said, like some on the right, severe right came up with this project 25 and i don't even know. i mean, some of them i know who they are, but they're very, very conservative, just like you have this sort of the opposite of the radical left. you have the radical left and you have the radical right. and they come up with this. i don't know what the hell it is. it's project 25. he's involved in project. and then they read some of the things they are extreme seriously shrimp but i don't know anything about it. >> now it is clear from the times that donald trump has made to try and distance himself from project 2025 that he and his team view this as some sort of vulnerability. however, it's not just them who's isabel our ability, president joe biden steam also has gone after trump on project 2025, linking him to a pudding, ads out, and attacking him on the various issues sara all right. >> there was our kristen holmes. there for us in grand rapids, michigan. now, for the
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other side, president biden is in isolation at his beach home in delaware as he is recovering bring from covid after testing positive, but he released a statement saying he's looking forward to getting back on the trail next week, cnn correspondent priscilla alvarez is in rehoboth beach, delaware following the president priscilla, you know, there's been a lot of calls. i know he knows about this. he's taken some of those calls himself for him to get out of the race sounds like he's not doing it now. >> he is certainly defiant as his his campaign, which has taken to the airwaves and in statements to say the president is staying in the presidential race, but there is no doubt sara but this has been a deeply frustrating and challenging time for the president and for this campaign, because those calls for him to step aside from members of his own party have continued over the course of this past week, but also over the course of today, including from some members who not long ago. and by that, i mean, after the cnn presidential debate, we're
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standing by his side at his rallies. and so this has been a quickly developing story for the president and his campaign as they have sought to calm nerves, had the conversations hit the campaign trail and yet continued to get this incoming from members of the party, from allies, from donors who are just not convinced that president biden is the best candidate to go up against former president donald trump. but in the mint, in the meantime, the president is stuck at home because he is, he still has covid his doctor with an update today saying that he is improving his symptoms. are but he is still testing positive. so while the president had hoped to be on the campaign trail to do what the members of his party have asked for, which is to be out front to engage with voters. he had to get pulled off of the trail to recover from his diagnosis. so these frustrations and challenges are playing out behind closed doors
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as the president has sought to talk to with his inner circle and his senior advisors, many of whom au often travel well with the president along with his family as they grapple with this difficult moment that just isn't getting any easier priscilla alvarez live there for us, rehoboth beach watching the president's movements, and hearing that he's going to get on the trail next week. >> thank you so much. jdam alright, let's continue the conversation now. i am joined by congresswoman barbara lee of california. she is here on behalf of the biden reelection campaign. thank you so much, congresswoman lee, for joining us. i am a big fan of oakland. i don't care what anybody says live there long time and loved it when i was there. so i know that's one part of your district i. do want to talk to you about what we have been seeing hearing and what the president's been hearing. 35 elected members of your party think that president should exit the race, exit the campaign. why do you think they're wrong? well first let
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me just say thank you, for having me with you and yes. >> i love oakland. >> we're doing a great job here. >> lots of challenges, but moving ahead, the precedent is very clear that he is running in this race to win first of all, let me just say this. he has a record to run on he and vice president harris, they've delivered they've lured costs for people. they've been fighting for people fighting for reproductive freedom, fighting to make sure that insulin is capped at $35. so they have a record and they beat donald trump in the past. now that only is an indicator of what they will do in the future. and so i am one who, if the president decides that he's not going to run well, that's another thing, but believe you me, the biden-harris ticket has delivered and i believe that they will when this campaign we've got a lot of work to do. they've been connecting with voters. you see what the president has been doing. he
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was in las vegas in nevada. he was in wisconsin. he was in pennsylvania the vice president is out there. everyone is out there, and the voters are connecting with the president and vice president. and so i'm sticking with the president. if he changes his mind the person who would be the next person would be vice president harris. but i believe that president biden is in this to win you talked about vice president harris. >> you open that door if she were to become the nominee because president joe biden decided to step away from the campaign and step down from it. would you have your vote, which she had your bat? would you have her back well, first that's a hypothetical. >> ai and she has said over and over again that she is supporting president biden and i believe that it's important for us to unify around the biden-harris ticket. now, of course, the president biden changes as mind at the vice president and the president decided that they want to move in a different direction. there's no one else, but the
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vice president to support. i mean, she's prepared she's smart. >> she's been in the white house now for three years, four years. >> she knows what she's doing is she has experienced that. i no other candidate has so that would be the only option for myself, but that's not even an issue. and the vice president is out there campaigning connecting with voters making sure that young people, people of color, people who may or may not be decided on whether or not they're going to vote. she's out there making sure people understand that the dangerous of a donald trump presidency cannot be left to stay in home and not voting so she is making sure that seemed galvanize his voters because we have got to vote, because donald trump wants to set this country onto a dictatorship and dismantle our democracy. and that is not acceptable were on that drink right now with him? >> and we also know she is a
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fellow californian as well, but that aside i didn't know exactly i do want to ask you about a couple of things. one we're hearing from those who raise big money for the biden harris campaign and some of those donors are saying, we're not going to give any money to the down-ballot races, if you all don't get it together and push joe biden out, what do you say to those donors well i say to those donors that when we have got to take back the house, keep the senate, and win the white house. >> and so we've got to do all three. and i believe that the donors will understand that we cannot withhold money from candidates who can win if they supported candidates, but also the speaks volumes to why we need to get to public financing of campaigns. members have tough races. this was tough before the president debate.
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that was a disaster. we can't sugar coat that the campaign was very clear about that this was going to be a close race. and we have to hunker down and we have to support all of our democratic candidates. and we have to make sure that we support the biden-harris ticket make. sure that voters understand the dangers of a trump presidency. and i believe that that can be done and i'm going to do everything i can do and i know my colleagues all over the country are out there fighting hard to make sure that every single democrat wins and every and that the biden-harris ticket wins we will see what happens. but before we go, i do want to get your thoughts on the passing of your colleague and i know she was a friend of yours as well? sheila jackson lee of texas. she was i met her a few times myself and passing very remarkable and very, very committed. and firing she was she was into it her whole self
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was into governance. can you give us some thoughts on the passing of congresswoman lee i am heartbroken. i know sheila very well and she was a force of nature. she was a brilliant order. she was a brilliant legislator. she led the efforts on reparations. she led the efforts to renew the violence against women act. but you know what? she was a kind and gentle woman. i remember right after katrina i was in new orleans and getting ready to come back to california after that terrible, terrible hurricane shooting said no, you've got to come to houston with me and help these evacuees. i went to houston with what sheila let me tell you people loved sheila jackson lee she is a person who soared. she's a warrior woman, yes. and she was a fighter. >> but a lot of people don't realize what kind and sensitive and beautiful spirit she was
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and she loved people and listen, this world is going to miss sheila jackson lee fight for justice, her brilliance on the judiciary committee how she pull people together and she was dogging. >> she when she was determined to get something done, she got it done. and sheila and i i was heard professional photographer, you know, oftentimes we were in places. i mean, we've been to sudan and camps you've been all around the world together feeding hungry children. and sheila wanted to capture pictures to send back to her district and she would always get me here to take me there, take this picture. i've got to send this year with their yacht and i just ended up saying yes, ma'am, yesterday to know sheila is to love sheila and i had a chance to speak with her to her with her on wednesday and i knew that the time was eminent, but i'm telling you, we've lost a beautiful soul a great warrior, a mother, a grandmother, a wife a
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colleague. she was, she was the world to everybody and i'm always already missing. >> thank you so much. congresswoman lee, for that really thoughtful remembrance of sheila jackson lee who died after battling cancer. she was just 74-years-old. i appreciate your time tonight. >> thank you. so nice to be with you, sara we've not so much more to discuss tonight up next, you heard it a defiant joe biden reportedly seething at his fellow democrat crack nancy pelosi, who told him in private, he can't win citing the polls, how much is the powerful former house speaker pushing to get? >> biden to drop out of the race, plus new details about the would-be assassin of donald trump was doing just hours before trump took that stage and pennsylvania saying you're last weekend, we'll have that and more coming up when they
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females in a bonding mitchell get double the storage on us when you prefer order. now welcome back. we're going to open the conversation on the state of the presidential race now, cnn political commentator bakari sellers, the former democratic member of the south carolina state house, and natasha alford is host of the grio weekly welcome to the both of you happy to see you here bakari, i'm going to start with you. you've heard the reporting, you've seen it sources saying that president biden is seething tonight at former house speaker nancy pelosi tying her to the latest round of democratic defections calling for him to suspend his campaign when you hear that pelosi and schumer and others at 35 other or 35 democrats are
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telling biden to step down publicly. she's doing it in the background do you think this is a good idea even though voters voted him in the primaries so let me answer your question directly and i never thought i'd be saying this about somebody who are 11 adore like nancy pelosi and chuck schumer both have a great deal of respect for them. >> i think nancy pelosi will go down as the greatest speaker in the history of america i can politics. but they're committing political malpractice at best and what at worst it is, it's petty politics, local petty politics from california, et cetera. throwing itself onto the national stage look. i believe that that chuck schumer and nancy pelosi probably know and that probably they do know this american political system better than i, they know joe better than i. but they also know that joe biden is not going to bow to public pressure at all. this man said he's in the race and at the end of the day, nancy pelosi and chuck schumer and others, who instead
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of rallying to the aid of kamala harris and pete buttigieg and joe biden are running to their local newspapers to write op-ed pieces have done more damage to the president of the united states than he did to himself. on june 27 will write the ship, will get on board because at the end of the day, you only have three choices. i've said this for the past six months and i think people are finally starting to pay attention to it. her, my brother charlemagne talking about it the other day. but you only got three choices in this race. you've got joe biden, donald trump, and the couch. make a choice that's pretty stark. >> natasha, so far in all this reporting, nancy hasn't explicitly actually called for the president to drop out, but she has said you can't win, which the message is clear what do you make of all of this talk and what it is doing to joe biden's candidacy for the public, which if you look at the polling, the public isn't so sure that he should go forward looking just directly
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out the polling when asked if he's capable of doing another four more years? >> well, sara, i think that the voters i talked to feel that their voices are being drowned out they feel that there are people who are somehow sort of being a puppet masters above them and not really being practical about this moment. i did a piece about black voters, in particular, who are very sober-minded, were very practical voting bloc. and it feels as though there are a select group of people who are trying to force this story, there were a lot of people who believe it or not, they thought the debate performance was disastrous, but they didn't think that that was the end. the campaign, they were still willing to vote for president biden concerned, disappointed, yes, but willing to vote for him, who listened to the substance of what he said. and i think it is so tragic that for the past few weeks we've been talking about this without
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even thinking about some of the actual answers that joe biden gave, even if his voice shaky even if he was coughing, we never actually engaged in the policy. and so it's disappointing. i think it's it's done a lot of damage to the campaign. i agree with bakari on that, and i think that time is running out as much as it makes for an interesting conversation. the practicality of this it really undermines the argument that people are making about, let's make a switch in the ninth hour bakari in the battleground states, when you look at the numbers right after the rnc or during the rnc joe biden lost some ground and according to the polls there, i mean, are democrats the ones that are coming out like this just simply scared yeah. i mean, i think you actually have a large amount of silent democrats are silent vote. it usually it's the flip side i remember in 2016, people were shamed to tell pollsters that they were
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voting for donald trump. i think a lot of that today but we have to, we have to if we're going to be sober and honest about this, acknowledged that there has been some slippage with the president since 2020. but let me also explain to people why joe biden, because this doesn't get enough play. well, let me explain to people why joe biden is actually the best person to run for president of the united states if you're a democrat joe biden has proposed performed better with white voters, white women, white suburbs, white, college-educated voters, 70% of the electorate. he's performed better than anybody since lbj, right and that's 70% of the electorate, and he's winning more than half of them brock obama in 2012 about 38% of those same voters, which means that an order for someone to win with that number of 38%, you have to have a turnout of black voters and black women and hispanic voters, young voters that is just astronomical. and that's a heavy burden to bear. joe biden puts you in the best position. we just have to i mean, get in
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line. i mean republicans fall in love. republicans fall in line. democrats like the following love. i'm just trying to beat donald trump natasha just quickly have to ask you to get your quick what do you think explains though that the peeling off of some particularly younger black men to donald trump from biden side and to be fair, since we are in the panel that we are in and you can look at the color of our skin there is always an impetus where black voters are talked about a lot as if they are the deciders and as bakari has rightly pointed out, white voters are the majority at this point, in this country yeah. look, i need everyone to pick up a book called steadfast democrats. and to understand that this conversation is actually not new, we often debate, we often hear the debate as a community about, well, why do we so frequently vote for the democratic party? what's behind that? strategy? there's a reason behind that. there were legislative wins for
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the black community that came with this realignment with the democratic party. and so there's a legitimate history there that i think that people should know. but when you look at the two parties, that it's a clear choice, just like mccarthy said the voting for trump, voting for biden, or the lbj a vote for the couch is a vote for donald trump and one is going to give the black community, there's at least a conversation you can have about what the agenda is. the other it's not going to give you what you think it is. and so i think that this is a moment of education, despite the real frustration that people have, we have have to engage people and let them know what the truth is. those are the two choices. >> natasha alford, bakari sellers. thank you so much for that open and honest conversation on this saturday. appreciate it. we will be back. you'll be back. i understand. so good. don't go anywhere. just go get yourself a little drink. maybe not a drink actually, just scraps that. but
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i got to take a break. >> casamigos were already in the past don't start with me, bakari. >> i got to take a break we will see all in a bit all right. au what do you do if you're kamala harris right now, the vice president you got to wonder what she's up to these days besides what we saw her doing in public, good good question. let's look at that ahead iphone 12 with superfast 5g dual camera system, then get real on limited data on the silver unlimited plan for just $20 a month for a whole year that's $300 in savings, less dollars, more sets. >> now it's straight talk ome
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find it, see it, count on it with the best seat in the house. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. to 23123 we won now news night with abby phillip weeknights at ten eastern on cnn closed captioning brought to you by if you are loved one have mesothelial will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to 14000 all right, let us continue our political discussion now, once again, joined by bakari sellers and itasha alford. bakari, you probably have had that drink, so now i get to ask you this question because there's got to be a hard one since you're riding with biden do you think? vice president kamala harris right now is trying to figure out setup work on the possibility that she could be the presidential candidate been
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what is she doing right now? >> no. >> i mean, i know kamala harris very well. i mean, i talked to people around her daily. what is she doing right now? they were expecting to raise $1 million in cape cod it's somewhere in rhode island where you know, i just paid off my student loans not long ago, so i don't really hang out there but it was he is nice. >> you can have a drink for that. that's. to celebrate what are these nice areas she and she and people who were supposed to raise $1 million, they raised $2 million you saw her in north carolina last week, you'll see you're on the campaign trail. >> i believe she's going back to minnesota, wisconsin this week. i can't recall the schedule, but what she's doing is she's being a good vice president and you've seen her just grow into the role over the past four years you see the accomplishments you've seen, the tie-breaking votes that was record setting. there was a picture i saw, i believe it was actually in our office of all the vice presidents of the united states and then you just
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see this little brown dot there represents her. and you saw the difficulty of not just the biden administration and i've been very clear about this and those people around him having an inability to deal with this black woman as vice president when they started. but also the media, having terrible time trying to figure out how to cover this woman pair her two others before she's, she's been doing great. if in fact the one person who can make this decision, joe biden decides that he is not running for office. kamala harris has been tested and she's passed every test as vice president of the united states, if that's not the case, shall destroy j.d. vance in anything from chest, the pickle well the cook and chicken thighs, to debating all levy. she's going hammering, had to bring her chicken thighs. you got to mean turkey rest yala from what i hear i just you all are both
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well-acquainted with out of oakland, california i find it curious. >> it was an interesting conversation. i did ask about whether she would back a kamala harris, a fellow californian, if joe biden decided to step down, she goes, this is a question i don't need to answer. so because joe biden, i'm with him and but then she answered the question by saying yes and she she listed all of the reasons why when you hear candidate when you hear congresspeople pivoting like that she is there something to read into? does it mean that they certainly thought about it and are prepared for it or or is it something else i think it's you're walking a tight rope, right? >> you want to convey confidence in the vice presidents while at the same time, not encouraging this, this faction that has turned against joe biden to use that as more reason to push joe biden aside. hi, which some of
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them actually want to push kamala harris aside to write, even though this is being portrayed as some sort of opportunity for kamala harris to be outfront. there certainly democrats who are not supported there was a recent poll that came out six in ten dems said that they are supportive of kamala harris, but that leaves four and ten, right two out of ten were unsure and two out of ten were against her so that's just within the democratic party showing that although the majority support kamala harris, there are still people that need to get to know her. they need to understand all the work that she's been doing. now, you have republicans to the mix. now you add independence to the mix. this is a country that although hillary clinton did win the popular vote electorally, right? she lost the electoral college. they would not elect this very qualified white woman so there's still sexism that kamala harris will face in addition to all other isms, right the racism, all of these things and so she's up against a lot i think that that is also
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factoring into joe biden's decision that i'm sure it's weighing heavily on his heart, that if he steps aside, he has to assure he has to feel confident that camila at the top of the ticket will win because this is about democracy at stake. and i do think sometimes we lose that like trump and biden are, are not the same candidate, right? the stakes are so high and he has said, the reason he ran for president, i'm sure he could have been relaxing somewhere in his old age page was because of the threat that donald trump presented to democracy. he ran for that reason. i think that's also weighing into his decision about what to do next bakari, i have to ask you because i you open the door and it is a question that needs to be asked is america ready for a female black south asian woman to be president of the united states? yes. i believe in the
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better angels of our nature and even more importantly, i recognize the work of fannie lou hamer, ella baker of shirley chisholm of hillary clinton chipping away at that glass, hillary clinton was the most qualified candidate. we've ever had to run for president of the united states on either side of the ticket. and she came up short, but they have put chips in that glass. i think kamala harris is more than qualified you know, as vice president of the united states, she's been tested and she's, she's aced every single one of those tests and so the answer to the question is yes. and i think that she can put together a robust ticket at that time comes. let's take it that would be shapiro or mark kelly i take it that would look like mark cuban or admiral mcraven or whomever it may be and that is more than formidable. when you're looking at someone like trump and vance, i would love to see
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kamala harris be the future for my twins and i would think there are a lot of not women, not just black folk, but americans would be extremely proud of what she represents because it's not about what this country was or what it is, but commonly harris represents what this country can be i'm listening to him. it was just should you should you might want to think of about politics. >> oh, wait, i was, i was just going to say to you bakari before we go here as you went down, sort of the litany of things that it sounds like you've thought about the possibility of her becoming vice president but also, you are in a we're in a season in which poll after poll shows that americans are dissatisfied with both of their choices and, you know, depending on what happens here, we will see maybe they'd be less saturday less dissatisfied with a new person at the top of the ticket, we will see bakari, natasha. thank you so much as she's she's in line anyway she's she's in
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line to be the president anyway, just something think about guardian tausche. >> thank you so much for the combo will be right back iphone 12 it's superfast 5g in a dual camera system think it really limited data on the silver unlimited plans for just $20 a month for a whole year? that's $300 in savings, less dollars, more sets now with straight talk, remember when i said we need to screen for colon cancer, was that after i texted the h2 screens now 45 because i said cologuard. he there where did he come from with me. >> you can screen at home. just don't your provider will stream of color guide do it my way. cologuard is one of a kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive is for people 45 plus at average risk, not high-risk false positive and negative results may occur desguin provider for me, cologuard thinking i'm
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fire shots at trump behind the podium, joining me now is christale clinic who was a senior special agent at the us secret service chris, there is a lot to talk about, but i want to start with trump's rally it was indoors tonight it's likely to remain in the future because of what happened in the outdoor rally where he was nearly assassinated a father and firefighter was killed and two others injured well, first things first, a good evening, sara, and thank you for having me i can only imagine that. yeah, that's probably going to be the case at this point in this late stage of the of the campaign that better safe than sorry, they probably will lean more towards indoor rallies as opposed to outdoor ones for what would pretty much obvious reasons in endure, rallies are easier to control. their easy to maintain. >> an overall safer. >> so i would imagine that they would be pushing more for them
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than for obviously, he since the outdoor rallies i'm curious your assessment on some of our reporting that says that the gunman apparently used a drone for reconnaissance over the trump rally just a few hours before the president was there on the podium. >> what does it tell you about his state of mind, but also what does it tell you about the secret service and how they handled this clip? surely admitting that they made some very big mistakes well, i like to answer those questions in reverse order that you ask them. >> i can't speak on what they were thinking at this site, but i can say that i was an agent while the drone craze, if you will? we'll became what it is today and the secret service absolutely has policies and procedures in reference to drones and drone activity so i would imagine there's going to be a lot of questions in regards to how this individual, if in fact it's true he did
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use a drone to do basically surveillance that strikes me is a little odd that service did not take greater actions against the drone now, regards to his mindset it appears he was doing his homework by using a drone to do surveillance. that's something that's being utilized more both with law enforcement and even with military where you are able to get a bird's-eye view if you will, of an area that you're planning to infiltrate. so if in fact he did do that then yeah, that's becoming standard operation procedure for bad guys, if you will. >> certainly premeditation for many of the different things that he did i do want to ask you this question that the public and all the victims, families often want to know. it doesn't change things in any way. it doesn't take away the hurt, but they want to know why, what was the reason exactly? a week on we still
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have no motive investigators saying that they're not sure they haven't found the exact motive do you think we'll ever know that there's been this long they've talked to 100 people, including family members and friends. look, there is social media. look through his phone and we still don't have a clear answer. >> yes. to answer your question, i do believe that they will eventually find it. i know that they've sifted through, like you said, hundreds of witnesses. all of his all of his videos, all of his social media accounts and they have not found anything distinctive as of yet, but i have faith every one of these experiences that i've seen in my law enforcement career, and it's spans over 35 years. there has been a motive. sometimes took a while to find it, but there has been and i firmly believe they will find that motive in this individual. and it may not be the motive
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that we are thinking it might be, but there will be one most assuredly chris, thank you so much for taking the time this saturday evening with us from boynton beach, florida, a place i am very familiar with. i appreciate it anytime, thank you for having me, sir. all right. just ahead this president presidential election may have some folks feeling real onset of unsettled frustrated, maybe even angry, but haven't we been here before? we'll talk all about that coming up iphone 12 with superfast 5g and a dual camera system. >> then get real on limited data on the silver unlimited plans for just $20 a month for a whole a year that's $300 in savings, less dollars, more sets. now with straight talk
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condemned israeli strikes on houthi targets in yemen. >> the iranian foreign minister now warning of escalating tensions and the risk of war in the entire region houthi run tv says at people were injured in the strikes today, the iranian backed rebel group claimed responsibility for a strike in tel aviv yesterday that killed one person. our jeremy diamond has more on the story for months now, houthi militants have carried out attacks against israel as well as those shipping lanes in the red sea. but this is the first time that the israeli military has actually struck houthi targets in yemen. and the reason for that is that drone attack that's struck central tel aviv on friday, killing one israeli citizen and changing the calculus for the israeli government. i told that these strikes were carried out against dual us targets in the area of the yemeni port of al hudaydah, energy infrastructure
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targets in a particular, here's admiral daniel hagari talking about those strikes on saturday the houthis attacks are acts of aggression. have violation of international law and a threat to the international peace and security today, israel stepped up its actions in self-defense against these attacks these really air force conducted a precise strikes on houthi military targets in yemen the military target was the al hudaydah port used by the houthis as a main supply route for the transfer of iranian weapons from here, from iran to yemen like the uav itself that was used in that attack on friday morning and israeli prime minister also saying that these strikes make clear that there is no place that israel cannot and will not reach. >> also, focusing on the link between these houthi militants and iran, which according to
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the really government provided houthi militants with a very same type of drone that was used in friday's attack. these really military says that was a sammad, three drone. i'm also told that this was a 100% israeli strike carried out by the israeli military, not in conjunction with the united states or the united kingdom and that's notable in particular because because over the last several months, israel has really let the united states and the uk take the lead in carrying out strikes against houthi militants in yemen. but because this drone strike on friday actually resulted in israeli casualties that change the calculus here. and israel carrying out this strike alone, i am told however, by an israeli defense official that the israeli defense minister yoav galant's got on the phone with his american counterpart, the u.s defense secretary lloyd austin, to give him a heads-up on the strike ahead of time. jeremy diamond, cnn, tel aviv
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alright, i hope you're not sick of me because i'm going to be here for at least another hour. >> the state of the presidential race tonight still to be determined, we will be right back and talk all about it. >> i phone 12. it's super 5g and a dual camera system. then get real on limited data on the silver unlimited plan we're just $20 a month for a whole year. that's $300 in savings, less dollars, more sense. now it's straight talk. >> some days you can feel like a spectator in your own life with chronic migraine 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting four hours or more botox prevents headaches and adults with chronic migraine before they started and treatment is four times a year in a survey, 91% of users, which they'd started sooner. so why wait talk to your doctor effects of botox may spread hours two weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye
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