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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  July 22, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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more it still weeknights at 8:00. >> tonight out 360 new reporting to get the full story. the will to fight how important is that? be? >> you have reasonable grounds to believe that alleged war crimes have been committed have compassion, and that's real trauma what you have been through seek truth is israel in full control of its territory and go with a search for answers takes you anderson cooper 360 week today on cnn
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it's monday, july 22, right now on cnn this morning. >> after weeks of will he or won't he, president biden end his bid for reelection, sending his party into an unprecedented scramble to find a new nominee plus the vice president's kamala harris, already attempting to earn and win her spot as the president's son plays but at the top of the democratic ticket and major players in the democratic party lineup to pledge their support for the vice president. but a few big names still sitting silently on merit endorsements 5:00 a.m. here in washington a live look at the nation's capital on a momentous monday just a few dozen series of days
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before we get to november. good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt. it's wonderful to have you with us for the first time in over half a century, a sitting president who can still run for reelection will not appear on the ballot. president joe biden, making the stunning announcement on sunday he said in part quote, this, i believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as president for the remainder of my term. the president reportedly coming to this historic decision while in isolation at his home in delaware as he continues to deal with his covid diagnosis he met with several of his top advisers over the weekend who laid out the case that a path for his victory is now quote, basically non-existent after his disastrous debate right here on cnn, that was filled with moments like this one he wants to get away with, get rid of the ability of medicare to ai for the ability for the u.s.
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>> to be able to negotiate drug prices with big pharma companies shortly after he stood down, biden threw his weight behind his vice president and formerly endorsed kamala harris for the nomination. >> in her statement, harris said this quote, i am honored to have the president's endorsement. and my intention is to earn and win this nomination au harris is now working to shore up support for her newly launched campaign. she received a flood of endorsements in the hours following the nomination donors also showing excitement with democratic aligned group actblue reporting more than $46 million in small-dollar donations in the hours after biden sent the letter, the single biggest donation day for the group in the election so far. and donald trump fresh off receiving the republican nomination already taking to social media about his new opponents saying this quote, were forced to spend time and money fighting crooked joe biden, he polls badly after having a terrible debate and quits the race now we have to start all over again right?
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joining us this morning to discuss our jackie kucinich, washington bureau chief for the boston globe reese gorman, politics reporter at notice and shelby talcott, politics reporter at semafor. welcome to all of you. thank you so much for being here this morning. jackie kucinich there was a lot of history that happened over the course of the last 24 day. >> oh my gosh. what i year. >> even this week has been. >> i know it's really quite something you've, you've covered this town for a long time. this clearly was it. we're going to process kamala harris, obviously in what is next for her but for joe biden, this man has been on the stage for half a century. basically and he clearly had a really hard time coming to this decision. it took longer than some democrats i think would have liked to but at the end of the day, he did it. and now we find ourselves in a place that we as a country i've never been before when he was running out of time, right. because we're barely 100 days before the election he had this covid
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diagnosis that was keeping him behind closed doors at the end of the day. it was just it was all too much. i mean, they they tried to plan to reinvigorate great him. they got him on the news. they got him out there on the campaign trail and it just wasn't enough to assure democrats that he was up not only to end the campaign, but to serve four more years. and when as those defections kept coming something had to be done. and now we're here and you could see, you could see in the reporting just how tightly this information was kept in, just how few people were around when he finally did decide to end his campaign and to pass the torch to vice president harris. >> got one reese, i mean, the reporting around who was actually in delaware with the president. he's he's secluded at his beach house in rehoboth beach it is the tightest of tight circles, right? it's his family than it's mike donilon, steve richetti to advisers that have been with him for decades. it's anthony bernal and annie tomasini, anthony bird all very close to the first lady.
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>> and that's basically it. but we did get a sense that biden had started where did to change his mind late last week, there was a difference. i had spoken to a number of democrats, democratic sources who said something changed the tone that was coming out of the campaign was evolving, was different and it suggests that he was ready to make this decision earlier than he did, but it really all came together in the final moments. before this letter went out. what's your latest reporting on all of it yeah. >> i mean, things also really changed not just for biden boston for top democrats, just country and in congress, i mean, before they're saying pretty quiet and then you saw all these leaks about chuck schumer telling him to stand down, nancy pelosi, what it came, jeffries had told him. and so you started seeing democrats really kind of trickle out because he wasn't heeding their advice and private in-person, i started trying to make this public kind of push to get them out of the out of the race and i mean, biden has always been somebody that is kind of always had a few handful of advisers, trusted advisors that he's
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talked to. he's not like our past president trump who spoke to everybody oh, its just kind of leads always got to happen. so he's always been this occluded guy and when democrats are realizing that he wasn't taking their advice they really tried to push him out and that's ultimately what happened. >> shelby talcott talk to me a little bit about how republicans are going to receive this, how the trump team is taking this in. there seemed to be a couple of things. i mean, first of all, we, have this tweet from mike johnson, the speaker of the house kind of leading a charge that you're also going to see from other republicans have joe biden is not fit to run for president, is not fit to serve as president. he must resign the office immediately. november 5 cannot arrive soon enough now, the other line too, is one that we heard from j.d. vance, joe biden has been the worst president in my lifetime. kamala harris has been right there with him every step of the way he talks about the policy failures, but he also says that she lied for nearly four years about biden's mental capacity, saddling the nation with a president who can't do the job. and i was
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talking to some pollsters and others sources who say that line of attack against keras is potentially very potent with voters in swing states. >> yeah, and that's what you're already seeing from the trump campaign. that's been their focus, which is really notable. it has been less on the policies so far, which i do anticipate they're going to get into, they're going to talk about how she would she was tapped to fix it immigration and she didn't do that. they're going to talk about some of her policies from her past. but right now, it's all about tying her to joe biden, tying her not only to his policies, but to all of this drama and saying she knew what was happening, she is just as culpable and as he is is it has as the rest of the white house's. and so that's what you're seeing in the immediate aftermath coming out from donald trump's campaign and from also top republicans jackie, we're already seeing the trump super pac has already on the air attacking kamala harris yes. and you started to
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hear this even during the convention last week, you started hearing harris is name be woven into the attacks. so the fact that they were able to pivot this quickly is not terribly surprising. and on the other side, we know that harris was able to raise quite a bit of money last night those hours following this announcement? >> yeah, for sure. know, it was pretty interesting to kind of hear her look. i had a republican email me ten minutes or 15 minutes into the debate saying, well, the trump campaign's biggest mistake because if they allow this debate to happen early enough for them to replace joe biden i guess we made it here. all right. we've got so much to get to this morning coming up next, foreign leaders react to president biden's historic decision to step aside from his campaign, plus how the vice president looks to lock up support for the democratic bid for the white house. and big news here, independent senator joe manchin will join me live. it's his first interview since biden's historic announcement he is teasing his own auon
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>> how are you fred, fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the nerivan brain health challenge five good things. >> listen wherever you get your podcasts all right, welcome back. >> reactions of gratitude and support from world leaders pouring in after president biden's historic exit from the 2024 presidential race president biden deserves today, i think to be recognized for once again, not putting himself forward first but giving his first consideration to being what he believes his in the interests of the united states of america as his, as he has done his whole public life yeah, australian prime minister there others writing on social media, quote, he's a great man and everything he does is guided by his love for his country. that was canada's justin trudeau new british prime minister wrote quote, i
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know that as he has done throughout his remarkable career, he will have made his decision based on what he believes is best for the american people. cnn's max foster joins us live now from london. max, good morning. i, of course. we have been you and i have talked so much about how the president's reelection prospects the challenges he faced as an older man and how that was on display at various meetings is going to impact what is a central pillar of western security which is of course nato, the german chancellor said this quote, transatlantic cooperation is close and nato is strong thanks to president biden obviously, we're now looking at a completely different landscape here. how is everyone on your side of the atlantic taking this in? >> hello as you see from those messages, he, you know, he's got a towering reputation on the international diplomatic scene. he's got huge amount of
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foreign policy experience. he's an internationalists, work very closely with allies and there from the germans, this reference to nato, which is really the backbone of that emphasizing what that means to america's allies the things i'm hearing, will he use the rest of his term now to really secure that legacy and maybe push a bit further on some of those foreign policy issues that he cares about ukraine, middle east, south china sea, those sorts of issues just wish he wouldn't have done if he wasn't falling out of the race. that'll be an interesting one also the big debate, of course, but who replaces him? kamla harris may continue a lot of what biden believed in, but we're not entirely clear on that until she asserts herself. but you'll notice none of those statements. they mentioned, obviously they want to get involved in that internal politics before it's decided fair enough. >> yeah, let's put up what president zelenskyy of ukraine
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said here, quote, will always be thankful for president biden's, biden's leadership. he supported our country during the most dramatic moment in history, assisted us with preventing putin from occupying our country and has continued to support us throughout this terrible war. now of course, it's also been clear that zelenskyy had been in recent weeks preparing for the prospect of a president trump in the fall my reporting had the general sense here is that harris getting in, she still has a lot of challenges around the fact that people are struggling with the economy here in the u.s. right she will be viewed as tied to the incumbent. and as we've seen where you are. but also throughout american history, when things are not going well, people tend to take it out on the incumbent. the bottom line is, she still has a really tough a race ahead of her. if she does lock down this nomination in relatively short order, what is your sense of
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how people are are understanding who they think is going to come out on top oh well, the covenant house doesn't have much foreign policy experience. she did go to various conferences, but before she was vice president, she hadn't really channeled that much. we didn't really know where she stands on those issues and how she will play them out, but she has been under president biden, who does have all the experience and i think that there's a general acceptance that she's got very strong internationalists advisors. so there's a huge amount of concern about her taking that position is just how it plays into who ultimately becomes president as you're suggesting, can she beat president trump? because i think frankly a lot of people, a lot of allies, would prefer to see her taking over rather than president trump because it's in more, it's in the interest of many allies to have someone that's fully behind that international way of thinking full support behind nato you know, being the world power, the world policeman,
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which the world desperately needs. donald trump isn't seen as someone that's going to push that forward, will have to wait to see what he eventually does, but she's a known entity. i think there's so much too many, unknowns as it were in relation to donald trump as president. >> again, many unknowns. all right. max foster for us, max always grateful to have you. thank you so much. >> all right. coming up next here. top democrats lining up to support kamala harris's presidential bid plus harris bowen, she will work too earn he would earn party's nomination in her own right the reeva's support your brain health night. janet, hey eddy, know, fraser, frank, frank bred. >> how are you? >> fred fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the nerivan brain health when your home needs work where do you go? >> angie. angie. >> that's where angie gay man with angie, find top rated certified pros in your area
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earn this nomination. au harris has received plenty of backing from high-profile democrats already, including a majority of senate democrats. and of course, from president biden. some democrats were supporting her even before president biden officially dropped out. here's what one former democratic congressman told me last week. >> i think she would smoke them. honestly she is the candidate in my mind. she will absolutely smoke him. she will rally our base she'll pull in young people she will she will energize democrats however, it is not quite that easy. cnn reporting that harris has spent more than ten hours on the phone on sunday making calls to more than 100 party leaders, members of congress, governors, labor leaders, leaders of civil rights groups, saying that she plans to work to earn the nomination in her own right? it of course, would be historic. she could be the first black woman and first asian american to lead a major party ticket panel joins me again. jackie kucinich, let's just talk about
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brass tacks here because a big part of the behind the scenes conversation among democrats were questions about whether or not kamala harris could win. i think it became clear through the data that biden was just so damaged that honestly, those concerns became less important. but she has stepped very carefully. she stepped very carefully around the president when the conversation was about her waiting in the wings. she very well could have done damage to herself. she did not. and now it's very clear that they are in the show so their work phase, right? like she wants to show that she is doing this in a way that does not make it seem as though she believes she is entitled to anything. >> why it can't resemble the campaign that she ran in 2020. i mean, that and it'll, be very interesting to see who she surrounds herself with who her vice presidential palace should she end up getting the nomination will be because that's another political hurdle that she'll have to clear. but yes, you're right up until this point. she's been very, very careful, very
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cautious and you would imagine at this point, she really, she will need to get the entire party behind her and time is running short. convention is just a couple of weeks away. >> oh my gosh. >> yes. yes the end of august is the convention, just over 100 days left until election day reese, one major thing i was looking at yesterday and still am watching. you had both bill and hillary clinton, they put out a joint statement. they endorsed harris president obama. however, has not yet. he put this out. what will be navigating uncharted waters in the days ahead. but i have extraordinary confidence the leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges. and he says that the convention and joe biden's vision for opportunity of everybody will be on display at the democratic convention in i guess what's going on here? >> yeah. i mean, this is it's not just obama to its nancy pelosi, it's i came jeffries, a lot of these people are not immediately backing harris, but neither did ami to obama's point that he made there. i mean, endorsements are great,
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but she needs delegates. she needs to get delegates in the convention. i was talking to one state democratic party chair last night who they are saying that harris, while these members are endorsing harris at the end of the day, he is going to have to call these delegates call these stay party chairs and try to get their delegates for the convention. and it doesn't matter if they're senator of their state is endorsing kamala harris at the end today, she's going to have to make an effort to win these people over. i think that's what a lot of them are thinking. yeah. >> shelby talcott, obviously, americans have gotten to know kamala harris through her role as vice president over the course of the last four years. but it is still very different to be the number two than it is to be the number one. people don't a lot more about joe biden one thing we've seen a lot of on social media are two emojis in a row, a coconut and a tree there may, be people who are just trying to, who maybe are not as online as all of people who do it doubly understanding why what that means. let's just play the sound of where this kind of originally comes from. and then we'll talk about it. watch you
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think you just fell out of a coconut tree thinks in the context of all in which you live, and what came before you so the beginning of that is she's saying that her mother used to say this to her, right? that you think you just fell out of a coconut tree like no, that's not how it is. can you explain are you online enough to explain more about this and how it evolved? i'm to online and it's funny that you bring this up because one of my younger brothers sort of dubbed her, who is also very online, dubbed her as like the potential meme president. >> and if you're on tiktok, which i unfortunately am, you'll see this sort of younger, younger kids are making her into memes and it's just this is one of the things i think that republicans think that they can capitalize on as these sort of odd moments where she says something and it becomes a me and it's, it's
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unknown. some people are laughing with her, some people are laughing at her. and so it's this sort of, thing that she's going to have to deal with if that she's already become really a meme online in terms of the folks who are very online but in terms of the folks who are right everyday voters who are less online, they have no idea what this stuff is. and so i don't think it's going to necessarily impact those kinds of voters which are really, i think the kinds of voters that are going to ultimately decide this alive yeah, i mean, briefly jackie, i mean, the thing that that is hanging out there is the fact that she is black. she is a woman i actually had a republican source to used to work for donald trump. say this combination is likely to bring out the worst in him like we're going to see some very ugly stuff here. >> i yes. >> unfortunately, i think that is true. >> and the real question is, how not how far does it go back? does this, does this create the same kind of
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environment that really turns off voters, particularly women voters that we saw in 2020. i mean, there they can the sense you got coming out of the republican convention was that, you a little bit of a spiking of the football? i think that has to go away now and it has to be can they stick to policy? i don't think so. >> but but this person was basically like, well, if trump was able to kind of rise above the fray, which we saw him sort of failed to do in his nomination speech for example i'll just point to that kamala harris would make it even less likely, right all right. it 29 minutes past the hour just before five-thirty here here is your morning roundup. >> on july 13th. we failed. >> that's part of the message. the secret service director kimberly cheatle is going to deliver to the house oversight committee later today cheatle is tested defying for the first time since the assassination attempt against donald trump the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu will meet with president biden at the white house on tuesday. this all of course, an incredibly
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momentous time of day after the decision that the president made to withdraw from the race, amid stalls in a ceasefire deal between israel and hamas more travel headaches, thousands of flights were canceled sunday in the wake of friday's global tech outage, about two-thirds of those were delta airlines flight it's more than 600 flights already canceled in the u.s. today, according to so check it out before you head to the airport. alright, still ahead here on cnn this morning, kamala harris is stacking up critical endorsements as she looks to solidify her son spot as the new democratic nominee but could one outspoken centrist senator throw his hat into the ring? senator joe manchin joins does live what is the dumbest thing you've ever wasted money on? ai was paying for two netflix accounts over three years. >> that's like thousand
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using most common side effects are nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time. we are talk to a health care provider about nortech ott from pfizer. >> i'm natasha bertrand at the pentagon thank god this is cnn 5:35 a.m. here in washington. a live look at the white house on the morning after the race to have the right to live there, come next year, just completely changed as we have all lived a remarkable amount of history in the last 24, 25 if days good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt. it's wonderful to have you with us with president biden. now out of the presidential race, vice president harris is trying to stack up as many possible endorsements as she can as she tries to solidify her bid to be the nominee. president biden was the first to endorse harris, leading to a flood of elected democrats also throwing in their support as they do try to coalesce around someone as quickly as possible there's
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going to be a lot of speculation about the vice president. >> and this is going to be a bit of a speed dating situation because there's not going to be a lot of time. and i think that the fact that vice president harris has shown her stuff as a world leader, she brings receipts to this campaign. she's a fierce debater. he's going to be able to take on donald trump and prosecute the case. she was a prosecutor harris also making her first white house appearance after all of this today although the appearance of course, was prescheduled some sometime ago, she is hosting a white house ceremony honoring college championship teams as president biden is still resting after his covid diagnosis. the panel's now joined by tyler pager. who is white house reporter at the washington post's. tyler, welcome. you have covered joe biden for quite some time. this is kind of earth-shattering for you. can you kind of take us behind the scenes and explain
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how we got here after weeks quite frankly, of the presidency stubbornness, winning out with most politicians. they are in the race and full steam ahead until the moment they are not in the race. we've seen this play out many campaigns, cycles over the years. and so that was the case that happened over the last few weeks. any sign that he was thinking or are considering withdrawing would have been enough for his potential rivals are people that wanted to get into the nomination to jump in. and so they made it very clear that he was not going to do so until the very moment he did and i think there were just a lot of factors that made it increasingly clear that there was not a tenable path forward for him. and when we look across the board from people oh publicly calling for him to step aside to donors withholding money to the polls, showing a huge erosion among support in the key battleground states, there was just this flood of signs that the party was no longer going to be standing by with him and
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ultimately, it came down to just the over the weekend, joe biden and his because this hate in his rehoboth beach house as he is recovering from covid making this remarkable decision that has upended american politics in the race for the presidency. with, as you just said, just over 100 days left until the campaign, truly a remarkable moment in american politics. >> well, and jackie, some of that data showed just the collapse of biden's support in swing states the point that the map was starting to change, i mean, people were talking about minnesota, new mexico, new hampshire, some even virginia at potentially being in play for donald trump, moving not from just a situation where the president was behind, but from where he was facing a potential landslide against donald trump, what you saw biden's language started to change, some of those later interviews, he started talking about if it looks like i can't win if the data shows, i can't win. and when you see that start shifting in swing states, those look like dollar signs to democrats, right? like they did not, they didn't think they were going to have to spend in those places and with democrats
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and particularly in the house, but also when the senate there, they're hoping to keep the senate wants to keep their very, very tiny majority. and the house really, for, for months, they've thought that that would they would be able democrats to be able to take the house so down-ballot democrats were really starting to get nervous in these, in some of these swing states that you're seeing not to mention those in those districts and in the traditional swing states, reese, let's talk about the effort from kamala harris, his team to kind of bring the various coalitions and partners together. >> i mean, some of the people that we're gonna be watching in the coming days. >> president obama. but also unions you know, what kind of other corners of support in terms of the party. so far, there doesn't seem to be another i mean, we're going to wait on joe manchin. we talk about him in a second. but in terms of someone inside the party apparatus, i mean, you have seen all of the governors that were most of the governor's anyway that were plausible potential people to step up. josh shapiro andy
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bashir, others endorsed harris and i think a lot of this kind of plays the fact that, i mean who else could do it. >> i mean, harris already has the biden camila kind of apparatus, campaign apparatus and the money that's already time locked up. you saw the kind of transferred biden's funds and campaign the accounts into her name already and it would have been extremely difficult for anybody, even if they have a a war chest and their state to kind of come make a team and then run a race with just over 100 days to go. and so i think that's why you're seeing a lot of these people kind of coalesce brown for governor wes moore, as we reported yesterday, is going to be endorsing later this morning so there's really not a prominent challenger outside, maybe joe manchin even then. i mean, you were hearing names like kind of like gretchen whitmer, a gavin newsom's those kind of people and they're all kind of come into the forefront and endorsing harris alright, so speaking of manchin, sources close to the west virginia senator now an independent told cnn's jake tapper, he's
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considering registering as a democrat, re-registering as a democrat to run for president. >> manchin, notably split from the biden white house over the past two years, he is retiring from the senate when his term ends in january. here's a little bit of what he said on state of the union is recently as sunday about president biden's possible exit. again, this was before what we saw yesterday from the 2024 race you would not run you would not pursue if joe biden said he was not running for reelection, would you i want to support a new generation, your generation have a new generation euro been i'm talking about people that i know have the ability because they've shown their skill sets under fire that was sunday morning. we are going to be joined shortly in our next hour by senator joe manchin to talk a little bit more about what he is considering, what he is thinking about because clearly has evolved and changed since he did that interview with my colleague, jake tapper, shelby talcott. what impact do you think a mansion attempts to win this nomination would look like? >> like joe manchin has been
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for a long time. he's sort of been a thorn in this administration. side. and i think it would certainly complicate harris's run. but in terms of how much support he has, this would be an uphill battle for, joe manchin because of all the things that you just noted, she already has the money. she already has a ton of this support in order for joe manchin to become the nominee, it would throw democrats into a new level of disarray that i just don't think a lot of the party leaders and a lot of the folks are interested in quite frankly tyler pager jeremy, what are you hearing from your white house sources and campaign sources about the possibility that there could be a real kind of scramble with manchin or someone else? >> yeah. i don't think they're all that concerned about that possibility. if you look at just what happened shortly after biden dropped out and endorse kamalaharris, many of these states allegations have already pledged their support to kamala harris a, process is well underway and there's no serious formidable candidate getting into the race at this point are officially declared. and also let's remember joe
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manchin is not even registered as a democrat up this point for these delegates who have already been selected based on their pledge support to joe biden and kamala harris as the ticket. it's going to be nearly impossible for anyone else to i mean and rally enough support to really pose a serious threat. and i think part of what we saw yesterday was this scramble. there was rumors and reporting that biden was considering dropping out, but he did it in a way that i think most people did not expect just putting that statement out on social media. most of his closest aides and almost no one on the campaign knew it was coming, so it didn't give any other potential so challengers time to prepare a bit against kamala harris, making her path much easier than it could have been, had there been some time a leak that he was going to do it and before he officially went out and did it, put it out on social media and sort of shortly after endorsed harris really preventing other people from organizing a real bid to challenge harris? >> and i will just say to that if you're one of these people, if you are a josh shapiro, for example, who has ambitions, does it make sense to cut in
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line in a way that's going to anger a third of your party out of the gate. >> and also for many of these people, they see their best chance is being her running mate. so we saw the people that are rumored to be top contenders very quickly fallen mine and support her. and we're seeing we just finished a veepstakes on the republican side and we're starting a new one here on the democratic side, and we're seeing those same sort of processes play out, doing tv interviews, doing some surrogate work. so it'll be interesting to see, especially on this compressed timeline, usually a vetting process takes months and months and so harris, should she secured the nomination? got to move quite quickly. >> weeks and weeks, just weeks really. >> okay. >> guys. thank you very much for being up early with us today. i really appreciate it coming up next here inside president biden's decision to drop out. plus how democrats are bonding and what's next can the riva support your brain health? mary janet, hey now, fraser, frank, frank bred. >> how are you fred, fuel up to
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the toughest decision of his long political career, cnn reporting, biden decided to end his campaign within the last day and-a-half consulting with family and top advisers by phone while he recovered from covid source telling cnn and then he came to the decision after meeting with two of his closest advisers on saturday and seeing data that showed no clear path to victory following his sunday afternoon announcement, biden was met with overwhelming support and gratitude from fellow democrats this is a president who is a remarkable record of achievement in handy, decided to put his country first. i am emotional about the president's decision because this president joe biden has been a transformational president, he's got amazing accomplishments, truly transformative but today it's about what joe biden did. he gave america a lesson in
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patriotism all right, joining me now is democratic congressman dan kildee, congressman. >> good morning. thank you so much for being here a momentous day. >> you have endorsed kamala harris to succeed president biden in the nominating fight. what was your reaction when you heard what the president was doing and what do you want to see happen next? >> well, i wasn't overly surprised because we knew that this was in discussion inside the white house. i was not one who called for the president to step down, but i'd had conversations with them so it wasn't a big surprise. my reaction look, i love joe biden as a president and personally, he's the third us senator ever met bits that besides don regal and carl 11 he came to the university of michigan when i was a freshman this was more than a decade ago double it, and i got to go and i got to know him and we've spent a lot of time together over the years, especially during his time as vice president and then president. so my reaction is more about joe in this
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incredible legacy, the three-and-a-half years that he served as president, he's accomplished more than most two term president could ever hope to but he saw that it was time to pass the torch and i think that was the right call for him. and i do think the country now has a chance to go to the next generation of leaders. and kamala harris is a talented person who we know. we've, we've seen her as senator. we've seen her as vice president. we have confidence in her that she can lead this country and i'm doozy asked about her candidacy. >> do you think she can beat donald trump? >> absolutely. >> no question about it. >> what do you think is going to be her biggest challenge and doing that? >> well, i mean, the challenge is the timing. we've got four months we've got four weeks until the convention. first, we have to get through that. it will be an open convention. people are debating, well, what will this be? >> the delegates get to choose who they want to choose a lot of us are coalescing around kamala harris. >> i think that'll be the choice. but the challenge will
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be obviously to lay out a vision for this country she isn't joe biden. she has been close to him. she's been his partner, but she's a candidate with her own record. and has a definition on to herself and she'll have to make sure that to present herself to the american people in a way that they can have the same confidence in her that so many of us that have known her and worked with her in her i mean this was a big part of the president's decision, right when we reported here at cnn late last week that the president biden behind the scenes have been saying camila can't win. that evolved in late last week, he started asking people, can she win did it just get to the point where everyone saw that things were so bad for joe biden that that word free stopped becoming an issue. >> well, first of all, joe biden selected her because he knew that she could be the president of the united states. he helped she helped him win the white house in the first place. so i don't know the internal machinations, but i do think when it became obvious
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that it was time for the president to pass the torch it was clear that this was the best choice for this country and that he i believe he and the people around him absolutely have the confidence that she can win. otherwise, i don't think he would have made this decision republicans are going to use the line of attack that she was aware that president biden had health challenges. >> they're already calling it a cover up that she was complicit and covering up his home health problems. what's your response to that? >> the republicans have no credibility on the issue of covering anything. first of all, joe biden has been our president. we've seen him, we've worked with him, we know him that's a talking point for them. i get it. there covering up a record of criminal activity, a record of failed businesses a record of racism and xenophobia, a record of a former president who doesn't really believe in the principles of democracy, who insults his way around the world and will essentially if he is elected president exact
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revenge on the people who he does not like if they want to have a conversation about the dynamics between joe biden and kamala harris. let's have a conversation about the dynamics between the sycophants in the congress who have pledged fealty to a guy who has no moral center will have that debate, right? >> congressman dan kildee, very grateful for your time this morning. >> thank you so much for coming in. >> i come up next here. the fallout from president biden's decision to become the first incumbent president in more than 50 years? to not seek reelection. plus the independent senator joe manchin joins us live for his first tv interview since cnn florida, but he may be considering throwing his hat in the ring to run for president after biden left the race do, not buy generic viagra until you check out this program, giving away
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monday, july 20th, second right now on cnn this morning it difficult and historic decision, president joe biden is not seeking reelection, becoming the first president to do so in over 50 years and upending the 20 24 race. >> now, vice president kamala harris, hoping to make the move into the oval office, how she plans to earn and win the vote of the people plus this i do think she's the best candidate here for calm because pamela, it's been here for the american people several top party leaders backing harris, one big name hasn't given an endorsement just yet though, and that is barack obama. plus, could senator i'm joe manchin, you preparing to check?


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