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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  July 23, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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team usa is back! let's see that enhanced 4k from xfinity. wow. everything you'd want is right here when you say... “olympics” so, what if your favorite athlete is... "grant hollowa”" nice. or you can't get enough... “swimming” definitely adding that to favorites. now let's check... “medal coun”" and when is gymnastics on? “olympic schedule” it's that easy. find it, see it, count on it with the best seat in the house. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. jackpot party, a party and every spirit cnn this morning with kasie hunt next it's
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tuesday, july 23rd, right now on cnn this morning vice president kamala harris, in just a day's time locks down enough support to become the democratic presumptive nominee, plus democrats rejuvenated by the vice president opening their wallets to try and kick start her campaign ain as the race for the white house is reset and the director of the secret service faces mounting anger on capitol hill with biden i partisan calls for her to resign all right 5:00 a.m. here in washington. >> alive. >> look at capitol hill on this tuesday morning. good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt it's wonderful to have you with us there's now a new presumptive
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presidential nominee for the democratic party, less than 48 hours after joe biden announced he was dropping out of the race vice president kamala harris has now secured enough endorsements to win the delegates needed for the nomination. the vice president visited campaign staff in delaware for the first time in the top slot, and she delivered a preview how she'll attack her opponent. >> donald trump in those roles, i took on perpetrators of all kinds creditors will abused women fraudsters who ripped off consumers cheaters, who broke the rules for their own gain hear me when i say i know donald trump's type in, the hours following biden's announcement, democratic party donors and leaders quickly rallied to harris is side. potential rivals for the nomination at a contested convention cleared the field
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and endorsed harris. here was michigan governor and now campaign co-chair, gretchen whitmer. >> i think everyone was surprised by the news yesterday, even though there was a lot of conversation about it, and that means co-chairs included. so wanted a minute to check in with all my colleagues and let the dust settle and proud to be supporting the vice president the president donors also flocking to try and help the new harris led campaign. >> the campaign and outside democratic super pacs have announced they've raised more than $150 million in the 24 hours after biden left the race harris is going to be on the road for her first rally as the presumptive nominee later on today in wisconsin, joining me now to discuss all this, stef kight politics reporter at axios and mariana alfaro, she's politics reporter at the washington post. good morning to both of you. thanks so much for being here harris, of course, heading to milwaukee, wisconsin, which was the site of the republican national convention. and steph i mean, the bottom line here is that there certainly were concerns
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about whether harris is capable of beating trump. i'm not going to say those concerns have entirely gone away, but everything with biden got so bad that the risk that harris presented became a much more or preferable choice. and you have sort of felt this palpable sense of relief and excitement around harris his campaign in these opening hours. >> yeah. i mean, i think there's something to the fact that there were so many weeks of intense internal fighting, it was almost like democrats were like, okay, we're done let's move on and let's rally around the most obvious choice to move forward. >> someone who obviously has her disadvantages, but someone who that democrats feel will be better than they had with joe biden and that there's plenty of plus sides who were already kind of seeing them walk through their strategy, trying to show a contrast between her and donald trump, especially on the whole, prosecutor versus convicted felon situation. so there's clear excitement there. it's been pretty remarkable for all of us. i'm sure watching how quickly everyone fell in line, even those who are clearly aspirational for presidential runs in the future and marianna
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the immediate, of course, speculation is who's going to be her number two on the ticket because the reality is she's got a very short timeline. it looks like democrats are still headed towards planning a virtual nomination before august 7, which is just weeks away. it has to do with the rules for getting on ballots in all 50 states. of course, the actual convention not until august 19 but let's hear from a couple of these possible picks that she has. they've all kind of gotten quickly on board with her, including andy beshear. we do know we're not sure that andy beshear has received vetting materials that but josh shapiro, who has roy cooper from north carolina. let's take a look. >> i am excited to fully endorse the vice president to be the next president of the united states president biden yesterday endorsed vice president harris, as did i, as did many across this country
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not only because of how honorably she has served in the past, but how absolutely ready she is to be president and to be the standard bearer for our party. if you want to nominee who can but donald trump's destruction of roe v. wade at center stage if you want a nominee who actually prosecuted criminals like donald trump. >> and if you want a nominee who can put trump's age and fitness and the forefront, kamala harris is the person so marianna, what is your sense of kind of how how this plays out? i've also heard mark kelly being mentioned as a significant possibility. yes. i mean, it has it can all note that these are people from swing states, pennsylvania, north carolina, arizona, and again, andy beshear, he is a very likable new dam. you know, he's rising, but again, he's not from a very swing states. i think that that might be the reason why we haven't really heard of he's done to these materials, but these other folks, shapiro, cooper, mark kelly, you know, they are relatively new wish phases. the
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democratic party nationally, they're not as well known as harris this was when she was chosen as vp and so now the test is to see how they play out in the national field. if people really connect to them and they bring this balance to the ticket that democrats are seeking in order to get those purple-ish votes across the country? >> stef kight, the sort of euphoric stage here for democrats is as donald trump really fully engages against harris, likely to start, start to face i think it was al sharpton called and told harris, this isn't going to be a prize fight, it's going to be a street fight. >> right? and so here was j.d. vance yesterday talking about what he thinks harris should be saying in a way that i think has a lot of undertones. >> let's watch if you want to lead this country, you should feel grateful for it. you should feel a sense of gratitude and i never hear that gratitude come through when i listen to kamala harris i mean,
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i'm flashing back to some of the criticism that michelle obama received when she, when her husband was running for president ai. and we also of course have at least one congressman coming out and saying, well, this is a deal aui pick, which is again very loaded language. >> yeah, i mean, it's wild. how dirty this has gotten almost immediately from republicans, both of those comments are clear that republicans see her as a threat. they feel like they need to go on the attack right away. they're not giving democrats a break despite the weeks of dysfunction, the democratic party has been in. were kind of moving past this whole lot let's tone down the language thing that we were in just a short few days ago following the assassination attempt on donald trump. they're ready to go on the attack. they recognize that she is a stronger for candidate than they had initially. republicans were very eager to keep joe biden at the top of the ticket. and now they're trying to pivot and you i've been reported that republican senators, the nrsc, is also including a category in their memo of just weird you're just going after kamala harris for some of her maybe more awkward moments, things that don't
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necessarily matter when it comes to policy and politics for a lot of voters, but they're trying to hit her in any way way possible and they're trying to see what sticks. >> all right. stef kight, mariana alfaro. thank you so much for starting us off this morning. i really appreciate it. >> all right. coming up next here. vice president kamala harris. says to skip israeli prime minister netanyahu's address to congress this week. plus how the quick rally of support behind harris is reshaping the race for 2024. and a bipartite servicing call as top leaders on the house oversight committee demand the chief of state the secret service step aside every day dirt and grime settles deep within your tiles grout lines, stanley steamers, powerful, custom-made equipment removes the dirt you see in the dirt, you don't your thailand ground isn't clean until it's stanley steamer clean start
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will tell my friends on both sides of the arm that regardless, sue the american people, choose as the next president israel remains america's indispensable and strong ally in the middle east but vice president harris will be notably absent from his address for team says, she had a prior voter outreach events scheduled for the same time. >> instead, the vice president will hold a separate one-on-one meeting with netanyahu later in the week he gets her first visit with a foreign leader since being slotted into the top of the ticket. join me now to discuss this dynamic between harris and netanyahu is cnn's max foster, who's live for us in london. max, good morning to you what a massive shift in dynamics in just such a short period of time? and of course, now we're gonna be talking about how a vice president harris might be interacting with the is future president harris, i should say, might be interacting with benjamin netanyahu as opposed to biden, we have a pretty good sense of
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where he stands here, right. and the longstanding relationship those two men have had over many years in public service back in december, vice president harris said this about israel's offensive in gaza. and now of course we should underscore these remarks are all made in the context of her being biden's vice president. so they do sound similar. let's watch president biden and i have also been clear with the israeli government in public and in private, many times as israel defends itself, it matters how the united states is unequivocal international humanitarian law must be respected. >> too many innocent palestinian since have been killed frankly, the scale of civilian suffering and the images and videos coming from gaza are devastating so this is something certainly that is going to be from a domestic political perspective heavily scrutinized for her, but it's
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also going to be one that our international partners are watching very closely yeah. i mean, it's going to be fascinating to see, obviously she can't move to offline with biden on such a key important relationship in the u.s israeli relations, but she will now be thinking about how she may french shape from an owl, express herself more freely, i guess, on that issue biden is seen as someone who wasn't necessarily as tough on israel as it should be in the context of what kamala harris is speaking to there, which is the massive amount of civilian casualties in gaza. will she be tougher on that? if you look back on some of the language, i mean, there are certain researchers who do feel that kamala harris has expressed more sympathy for palestinians and perhaps joe biden, will she be more balanced on that? because certainly, if you look back on all the presidencies in the u.s. joe biden is one of the most pro israel we presence there has been certainly in terms of his language and his
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actions and some would say the lack of pushback that he's given the israelis on some of the things he didn't approve of going on in gaza. so it'll be fascinating to be a fly on the wall in that meeting, but i'm sure she's not going to rock the boat whilst obviously joe biden is president because it would undermine that central relationship. ship to the world, not just the u.s and israel. >> yeah, it's a tricky line to have to walk. max briefly, what is netanyahu's goal with this address to congress well, he's in a lot of trouble for going there in some quarters of israel because until he signs a deal, he should be staying in israel indeed link with that. >> some people see this is just a political personal mission to increase his own profile in washington. but he does have a role there, which is this relationship which has been damaged certainly with joe biden. and to prove to israelis that he hasn't undermined the israel us relationship. so being seen in front of that big honor of that address to congress, i think will be really important to him, but also to israel to feel that america is still behind them
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yes. >> all right. max foster for us it's morning. max, always grateful to see you. thank you so much all right. >> coming up next here. donald trump trying to get his $454 million civil judgment tossed hi, a judge, plus the head of the secret service gets grilled both sides of the aisle today, i've asked for your resignation would you like to use my five minutes to draft your resignation letter? >> yes or no? you're full today. >> you're just being completely dishonest what? >> max, you every day in denial. there's one influential gluck that shapes the way we measure that create a big night change. the bible the impact is all the around. >> discover how and museum of the bible. you didn't live this strong this long to get put on the shelf like a porcelain doll. if you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and are at high risk for fracture you can build new bone with
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"soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. this is cnn the world's news network i 21 minutes past the hour. here's your morning roundup. donald trump i'm it's asking a new york appeals court to throw out his $454 million civil judgment. lawyers for the former president argue the penalty was unconstitutiona l and then much of the case falls outside of the statute of limitations the judgment found the former president, his sons, eric and donald trump junior,
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and they're real estate business liable wolf for fraud a massachusetts judge is now setting a date for karen read's new trial. she is accused of striking and killing her police officer let's her boyfriend with a car back in 2022. the mistrial was declared earlier. this month when the jury couldn't reach a verdict on the charges. the prosecutors say they want to try it the case again, the date set for january of 2025 2500s of us flights were canceled on monday as carriers still work to recover after that global tech outage, the transportation secretary, pete buttigieg has expressed frustration with the pace of deltas recovery and its ceo has apologized to strand did travelers nearly 70 wildfires are burning across the west this morning with hot and dry conditions leading to air quality alerts in multiple states. the mayor of riverside, california, confirming that this brush fire destroyed at least six homes it was sparked by fireworks. let's get straight to our weatherman,
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derek van dam with more on this, derek, good morning yeah. >> kasie, the mayor of riverside, also saying that how a 24 hours of using fireworks and then 24 hours later can cause 11 million the un dollars worth of estimated damages. it's not of course, just the financial losses. it's the loss of two people's homes, their livelihoods. i mean, look at what is unfolding here in riverside, california and also take note note of just how dry this vegetation that is. so it doesn't take much of a spark to allow for a fire to become uncontrolled and of course so active, we have nearly 70 active wildfires, large burning, active wildfires over the western us. here's the hawara and fire in riverside county, but there's others into south central california, trout fire, lake fire. you can see the containment numbers on there of the greatest threat of fire weather today would be within this area of brown. so the reason this is highlighted brown is because it's an area that the storm prediction center identifies that potential risk of dry thunderstorms. so it doesn't take much for a thunderstorm to
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form in these areas during the summertime, but they don't have a lot of rain that falls from those thunderstorms were evaporates before it reaches the ground. it's called varga. and then that lightning strike, of course, reaching the dry tinder brush brown and that sparks fires. we all so have the air quality alerts that are ongoing across the western us. look at the kind of the evolution of the smoke impacting boise, idaho to billings, montana and points westward. and of course, the heat on top of that just making it oppressive for so many people, millions of americans feeling the triple index heat factor today, las vegas to palm springs, phoenix, fresno, and boise a little bit cooler they're in spokane, but still very, very hot. and again, very dry. that sounds like a bit of a broken record, but that's the major story over the western us. >> yeah, really tough out there. all right. >> i run a man, derek van dam. derek. thank you. i really appreciate it. thanks. >> coming up next here, the head of the secret service facing lawmakers on capitol hill to discuss the security failures that led to the attempted assassination of donald trump plus how joe biden
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wonderful to have you with us. democrats incredibly energized by kamala harris as presidential bid and they have lined up to help the vice president sees the moment for the party in just 24 hours. the campaign announced it had raised more than $81 million. that there were 30,000 new volunteers sign-ups in official telling cnn that in two battleground states volunteers quote literally showed up at field offices asking to help harris vowing to bring the democratic party together against donald trump over the next 106 days, we are going to take our case to the american people and we are going to win aren't going i together with you will do everything in my power to unite our democratic party, to unite our nation and to win this election the newfound momentum, of course, in the wake of president biden's decision to end his own campaign, the move offering
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democrats a reset former georgia republican lieutenant governor geoff duncan, writes this and the atlanta journal constitution quote biden might have created the necessary pivot point for his party to stave off the almost certain electoral disaster it was headed for in november. more important, he might have created the necessary pivot point for the country to save us from another four years of donald trump and geoff duncan joins us now, jeff good morning to you. always wonderful to have you. so you endorsed president biden before all of this unfolded as a necessary step to defeat donald trump, which of course you view as an unacceptable scenario. are you ready to endorse vice president kamala harris for president? >> well, i first endorsed joe biden because he's a decent man and i endorsed him over donald trump, who's not a decent man. in my opinion, morally bankrupt. and joe biden by stepping out of this race, really proved that narrative that he is a decent man. and
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did the right thing. this is probably the most epic pivot point in all of politics, at least in my lifetime and probably for the foreseeable future. this has given the republican party really a strong test. again, they were probably flat footed coming out of the debate or out of the convention, thinking that they were just going to read their own press clippings all the way through november and that's not going to happen now, somebody who cares about this republican party's future somebody who doesn't want to see donald trump continued to wreck the brand. yeah, i look up and watch a harris or shapiro or a whitmer for a cooper or bashir, anybody that the democrats pick in that grouping is going to be better short-term fix for republicans that want our party back and also want a firewall. this country against chaos and confusion that just follows donald trump everywhere he goes is there a reason why you're not quite at the point where you want to say, i fully endorse kamala harris for president well he isn't the nominee yet certainly there it looks like there's tracking her first day on the job as a
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candidate was about a solid as you could probably get the numbers i'm seeing are 80 plus million dollars in fundraising all of her or a majority of her alleged opposition is coming back to endorse her so yeah, it certainly looks like that train has left the station and yeah. >> look if vice president harris ends up being the nominee yeah. let's do this. let's go ahead and as a republican, somebody who it doesn't agree with her on all of these policies. but i will encourage her or whoever the ultimate nominee is is look us 10% in the middle are still going to determine this election right? i get it that they're base has got to figure out how to coalesce around a candidate. and that's certainly does look like vice president harris. but us 10% in the middle are going to determine who the next president is i? encouraged the democratic base to give whoever the nominee is if it's harris or anybody else, some leniency to be able to talk to the policies that matter to us it's in the middle which are immigration, which are inflation use some empathy to understand where we are at on some of these issues. even
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tough ones like abortion. we're not all the way there with where the left is. we may be in a different spot, and we'll just agree to disagree and use a tone that invites and encourages us to join this short-term journey of trying to win this election so we can. beat donald trump once and for all. >> really interesting way to think about it. jeff, i want to ask you about a moment i think i think i thought of you as i was we were pulling the show together this morning because i think it may speak to some of the reasons why you have been so outspoken okay. and in opposing donald trump and this is an ohio state senator who was involved in introducing j.d. vance yesterday at an event in ohio. i want to show you what he said and then i'll ask you about it on the other side. >> i'm afraid if we lose this one, it's going to take a civil war to save the country and it will be saved. it's a greatest experiment in the history of mankind. and if we
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come down to a civil war, i'm glad we got people like schmidt into bikers for trump on our side pretty ominous framing. >> i do want to note that that state senator george lang spoke to politico and said, quote, i regret the divisive remarks i made any excitement of the moment on stage, especially in light of the assassination attempt of president trump last week, we should all be mindful of what has set a political events. myself included the reality is, i mean, this, this sort of undertone has been there for a little while. it what's your reaction to hearing that? >> well, it's par for the course. i mean, i've been behind the curtain while donald trump make decisions. i've i've watched to make horrible selfish decisions around covid, around $1 trillion worth of money. we didn't have and spend it against republic looking conservative principles. i've seen him try to steal an election. i've seen him lie, cheat. i've seen the
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world who gets behind the curtain with him. i mean, it explains why he's entire former cabinet he's gone that kind of rhetoric happens because there's no guardrails winning an election more important than winning as a country. and look, that's what we got to january 6 that's how we got to the chaos in the streets here in georgia. that's how we get to all the chaos at funnels follows donald trump but it's not easy for a republican like me that believes in conservative sort of values to support a democrat. but it's what we need to do. i think history will be kind to us that stood up above party and did the right thing. and i'm certainly hoping that democrats were able to pull this off and beat donald trump to allow us to start to heal and rebuild this republican party for a gop 2.0 all right. >> geoff duncan for us this morning, jeff, always great. careful for your thoughtful perspective. thank you so much thanks, kasie. all right. just over a week after the assassination attempt against former president trump, the director of the secret service came in for it on capitol hill. lawmakers on both sides of the aisle taking kimberly cheatle
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to task over these stunning security failures that led to the shooting in butler, pennsylvania on july 13, have you provided all audio and video recordings in your possession to this committee? as we asked on july 15, yes or no? >> i would have to get back to you that as a no, you're full of today, you're just being completely dishonest. i just don't think this is partisan if you have an assassination attempt on a president, a former president, or a candidate you need to resign might want to, but you have an answer. i don't think you've answered one question from the chairman, the ranking member, are knee, we don't have confidence, not just in congress. i don't believe the american people tonight when they go to bed, are going to have confidence that the secret service is the best it can be. >> i will be joining the chairman in calling for the resignation of the director turning me now to discuss congressional reporter for the hill mychael schnell, michael. good morning to you. thank you
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so much for being here. >> this hearing was quite frankly disastrous for her and as has the aftermath of this, and i think the writing is really on the wall when you have someone like jamie rhome raskin joining someone like jim jordan to say you got to get out of here. >> what did you see yesterday? >> well, you know, this was the oversight committee which is typically a rancorous, very contentious committee hearing where are republicans and democrats are down each other's throats as they question the witness. but what we saw yesterday was this odd show of bipartisanship, both democrats and republicans strongly criticizing director cheatle and her handling of the investigation and her apprehension to give out details about the investigation of what happened on the day of the shooting and sort of these bipartisan calls, as you mentioned, for her to resign, there were a number of republicans before this hearing who would call hold on, cheatle to resign, but only one democrat and brendan boyle, that number rose after the hearing. jamie raskin, jared moscowitz, ro khanna, all three of them calling on cheatle to resign so what i found most striking aside from the content
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and cheetos inability to disclose key details about this assassination attempt on not just a former president but the nominee of a major party was the bipartisanship in terms of how they've all both camps, both parties came down pretty strongly on cheeto michael. >> what moments did they really zero in on in this hearing because i feel like the more we learn about what happened that day the more stunning the security failures seem. i mean, the number of minutes when law enforcement seemed to be aware that this guy was on the roof, the various things that seem to fall through the cracks, like where did lawmakers really put their focus yesterday, there were two striking details that came out that really elicited strong responses from lawmakers on both sides. aun cheatle said that secret service was informed between two and five times about a suspicious individual at the rally. there were photos taken of the gunman round the rally site that was one detail that they zeroed in on. and then the other thing
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was the other detail that they had zeroed in on was the fact that this rally can can you to go on despite those two to five warnings of the shooter being made very clear to secret service. so those were just too details of a number of them and also just her apprehension too. come out and give core details. she didn't an interview with abc news after the shooting, some folks had said that she gave more details and more information during that interview. then during a congressional hearing. so a lot have outrage with those two moments we're really specific in terms of what they zeroed in on that really, i mean it's it's really just quite stunning i mean, if if they had been warned to five times before and it was so many minutes before. i mean, it seems like they this seems to show i can understand the frustration on the part of members of congress because it seems to show they have plenty of time to prevent donald trump from walking out on that stage at all. but it's really hard to actually say that definitively because there are so unwilling and sort of give details on that note a lot of lawmakers had pressed cheatle on saying, you know, do you have a timeline of what exactly
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happened on this day in the leadup to the rally, cheatle said she did not heavy detailed timeline to provide that. also ticked off a lot of lawmakers for sure. >> all right. mychael schnell for us this morning, michael. thank you. very grateful to have you. >> all right. coming up here on cnn and in this morning, the vice president getting ready to hit the campaign trail for the first time as the presumptive democratic nominee. and we're joined live by congresswoman jennifer mcclellan as the democratic party rallies behind kamala harris if you have chronic kidney disease, you can reduce the risk of kidney failure sega, because there are places like to be for seekers can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract regina yeast infections and low blood sugar. >> a rare life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur, stopped taking for sica and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infections and allergic reaction or ketoacidosis power ii trades award-winning trading app makes trading easier with
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>> checkout four for certain cnn news central. today at 7:00 eastern closed captioning brought to you by meso if you or a loved one have nice ophelia's will send you a free book to answer questions you may have called now we'll come to you 800 a31, 3,700 president biden decided to drop out of the 2024 presidential race. it is a historic move typically on sundays, everyone thinks about quitting their job, but biden is the first hurdle to actually go through with him all right, in the two days since president biden's historic exit from the 2024 presidential race, democrats have swiftly lined up to support vice president
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kamala harris as the party's presumptive nominee biden's abrupt reversal and harris's bid energizing democratic donors, lawmakers, and voters, many of whom had this reaction to sunday's news and i'm relieved and hopeful like i feel like i can breathe again because i didn't feel sadly, like we had the opportunity that we may have now joining me now is democratic congresswoman from virginia, jennifer mcclellan, congresswoman. thank you so much for being here. good morning so you and i had spoken in the waning days as it turns out, of president biden's campaign, you were insisting, of course, at the time you were really speaking on for a campaign surrogate that he would stay in. >> obviously, that's changed how would you say the level of excitement has changed among democrats now that kamala harris is the presumptive nominee. well, there's an excitement. >> i haven't seen in a very long time. everything from on sunday night, i was on a call with 40,000 black women that raised $1 million in a couple
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of hours last night, there was a call with 45,000 black men who are all ready to go, ready to get out and knock on doors and go ahead to victory in november. >> what does it mean to you as virginia's first black congresswoman, that she's going to top this ticket. >> well, it's it's very exciting. i mean, first she's the most qualified candidate running and definitely going to step in with a very strong record and ready to lead on day one but in making history in the process, that's very exciting. not only is the first woman president, the first black woman, first woman of color, but the first-generation ex president. so it really is handing the torch and i remember the moment after the 2020 election when she came out on stage and my daughter said, mama, who is that? and i said that's the first president of the united states. and i looked
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at her and i was just like now, she knows she can be whatever she wants if she put her mind to it and does the work so let's talk a little bit about, you mentioned the calls that you did with black women. it seems very clear. they are very galvanized by senator harris. i'm interested in your thoughts on black men because the trump campaign has been very focused on them. there was some clear erosion among black men in donald trump's direction when biden was at the top of the ticket, what do you think vice president harris needs to do to reverse that in her campaign? >> well, i think she needs to do what democrats have been doing for a while now, and that is getting out and talking it to them about what the biden-harris administration has done as opposed to the trump administration talking about the dangers of project 2025, particularly clearly for the black community on everything from economic opportunity to rights. and when we have done that through roundtables or
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one-on-one conversations the conversation shifts because up until recently, democrats don't always do a good job about bragging about the work that we have done. but when we do people see a very clear contrast between the dystopian view of donald trump and j.d. vance implementing project 2025 versus building on the biden-harris administration's legacy they are going to vote for kamala harris congressman hakeem jeffries, the democratic leader, has been in touch with members serving them throughout all of this as the anxieties about president biden grew, he still has yet to formally endorse kamalaharris. we saw nancy pelosi came out and did it yesterday. do you expect him to do that shortly? what's the holdup? >> well, you know, i think any any good comms person would tell you we don't put out all
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of your endorsements on the same day, you want to time them out. and so i think he will make that announcement at the appropriate time, but his brother gave us a little tease saying that his his wife and his mother are both aks and he understands the assignment that of course, the sorority. >> right? >> vice president harris i covered her for many years as a senator as well that's great so i mean finally do you think there's any hesitation among people in tough districts about backing kamala harris there shouldn't be i mean, again, when we talk to the american people about the clear contrast between donald trump, who has said he'd be a dictator on day one. >> who now with j.d. vance, they're the most extreme ticket in american history to the far-right. they have a playbook in project 2025 that is very unpopular with the american people. concluding in swing districts and compare
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that to the vice president who was a partner in the most consequential administration in my lifetime i think that once they talk to their voters and meet them where they are about what's at stake in this election their voters will, will vote for her and they will get behind them the ticket as well. all right. congresswoman jennifer mcclellan. thank you very much for being here all right. time now for sports lebron james will carry the u.s. flag at the olympics thank opening ceremony. the first he carried team usa and i come back when in the final tune-up before the games begin, andy scholes has this morning's bleacher report, andy, good morning. >> good morning. thanks. kasie so team usa, they're heavy favorites to win gold in paris, but they've had a back-to-back shaky wins now against south sudan and germany and abroad telling them out and both of those games the 39-year-old had the game winner against south sudan and the final seconds, then yesterday against germany, lebron's is taking over down
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the stretch score joining us his final 11 points of the game. he finished with 2016 usa with squeaked by, again, beating germany and 92 just to add another competition sees opportunity the moment sanam open, that's all it's animal. >> all right. to do you guys opens play in paris on sunday against serbia. not only will abroad be leading team usa on the court. he's it's also going to be one of the flag-bearers during the opening ceremony on friday. that will be lebron's fourth olympics. and it's the first time ever a men's basketball player was picked harry, the american flag understand it right now i didn. >> country is so divided au, this moment, in that moment this brings together before that split here for those split seconds, those hours that we're trying to cross that war
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appears so my whole job responsibilities honor. >> i las vegas summer league. meanwhile, wrapping up with the heat and grizzlies and the title games. second round pick pele larson gets the ball here with a game tied i didn't he it's a float or for the game winner, won 21 18. the final miami wins first time ever the heat when the summer lee are finally wanted brothers discovery, the parent company of cnn and tnt, announcing yesterday that it will match amazon's $1.8 billion per year offer to remain league partner erin games. this means that if the matching deal is approved by the league, the iconic inside the nba show will continue beyond this upcoming season, which is the last of warner brothers discovery is previous rights deal. the nba aua board of governors still has to reprove the 11 year deal. nba games have been on tnt's since the channel launched in 1988. kasie, i know a lot nba fans, including mine so really hoping this works out because inside the nba with chuck, kenny jack and an array,
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one of the best shows indeed it is, it's really fine all right, andy. >> thank you so much. i really appreciate it coming up next here. vice president harris rapidly shoring up the support she needs to become the presumptive democrat radek nominee, plus democratic senator chris coons joins us live to discuss the latest developments in this brand new presidential race if you, have graves disease, gritty eyes could be more than a rough patch. >> people with graves could also get thyroid disease or ted, which may need a different doctor find a ted eye specialist at is-it >> shake up your shower with a flavor for every feeling this stub russians you up wind down, this stuff leads you glowing and this debris keeps you going. so whatever care you care about, there's a dove for everybody at morgan stanley old
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but my friends kamala harris is 1 million times worse donald trump's team already on the back trying to gain the upper hand against a keras. and one-by-one other democratic hopefuls line up to pledging their support to kamala harris plus this you think you just fell out of a coconut tree trying to secure that all in putin youth vote how harris, his team is trying to reach out to gen z all right. >> 6:00 a.m. here in washington. a live look at the white house. it's what all the fuss is about good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt. it's wonderful to have you with us on this tuesday morning. where that was fast. kamala harris now, her party's presumptive nominee after


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