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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  July 23, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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but my friends kamala harris is 1 million times worse donald trump's team already on the back trying to gain the upper hand against a keras. and one-by-one other democratic hopefuls line up to pledging their support to kamala harris plus this you think you just fell out of a coconut tree trying to secure that all in putin youth vote how harris, his team is trying to reach out to gen z all right. >> 6:00 a.m. here in washington. a live look at the white house. it's what all the fuss is about good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt. it's wonderful to have you with us on this tuesday morning. where that was fast. kamala harris now, her party's presumptive nominee after
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president during her first visit to campaign headquarters atop the ticket, harris walked out to the beyonce song, freedom, a source telling cnn, harris got permission from the superstar's team to use that song on the trail. that music, the energy. let's just say it was a striking difference from what we saw when joe biden visited his campaign headquarters back in february, it's a difference that really underscores the change that we have seen in this race in the last 48 hours and the guy we're running against, he is he not for anything. he's against everything. >> but hear me when i say i know donald trump's type we cannot we cannot we cannot lose this campaign for the good of
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the country. we have doors to knock on we have people to talk to. we have phone calls to make, and we have an election to win donald trump seems unhappy about the state of things overnight, he took to his truth social platform to post this both the democrats lied and misled the public about crooked joe biden. >> they also misled the republican party, causing it to waste a great deal of time and money the atlantic's tim alberta wrote this under the headline and this is exactly what the trump team feared. alberta says. he asked the co managers of donald trump's campaign what they feared most about president biden, about this election. and this was back around super tuesday honestly, it's less him, chris lacivita told alberta and more institutional democrats, susie wiles said she jumped in and finish lacivita is thought a republican source familiar with the trump campaign's posture, told me that they've been polling trump against harris for weeks and acknowledged
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privately to me that this is a very different race now than it was with biden, even and if they are publicly insisting, nothing has changed. my panel is here joining me now is zolan kanno youngs white house correspondent for the new york times, elliot williams, former deputy assistant attorney general in the obama administration. karen finney, former spokesperson for hillary clinton's 2016 campaign and mike dubke, former white house communications director for donald trump. welcome to all of you karen finney, let me start with you because you have really been at the center of so much of what we have seen unfold on this national stage in the course of the last 48 hours. because look, this transition could have been really messy. mean this was a massive risk to take. changing out the top of this ticket with just weeks to go till november. however, it's clear, amid all the headlines are look, she's already she's gotten the delegates. there's no real credible person stepping up to say that they want to challenge her for this nomination. it seems to be moving forward. obviously plenty of bumps in the road to go. but take us
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behind the scenes in terms of how this was kind of pulled together, why it came together the way it did. i'm still waiting for hakeem jeffries and barack obama. what are we going to see next on that front so well also schumer is going to believe it and hakeem are going to come out probably today and we saw last night a group of donors, and women donors actually, which was great to see some of the big donors in the party come forward and make clear that they're going to lead the charge in terms of the big donors. >> and we're seeing small dollar donations. >> look, i think couple things. >> number one, very quietly with all due respect to president biden, obviously, there were folks behind the scenes sort of just been just thinking about halloween, be prepared in case over the last several weeks with a thought that you know, it would be important for support to come out fairly quickly, certainly from as we saw, various organizations from labor to reproductive rights groups to environmental justice groups. and so folks were sort of
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getting ready that if and when it should have ben to be able to move fairly quickly and to recognizing that she would want to get on the phone very quickly with delegates to trick as it's all about the delegate count really at this point. and that's really what you've seen unfolding over the last, you know how many i can't even count how many hours it's been. everything's happening so fast to be able to both. but here here's the other piece that we couldn't have planned for. i'll just say very briefly, just the level of energy and excitement you and i were talking about this. i mean, there's a call that i'm on pretty much every sunday. we started in 2020, black women, women, black women usually maybe a couple of thousand people get on these calls every sunday, we have 44 thousand people on the call. we raised 1.5 million in small-dollar donations in a couple of hours so that and then last time, there was a call with black men, 20,000 people. so just to see that kind of organic
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excitement, i think was something we couldn't have predicted. >> what do you think? not that was all the talk about how black people were, what prop joe biden up and it was a congressional black caucus. there was the one bulwark that was never going to back down and black people led to joe biden's win in south carolina propelled him the presidency, but quickly it just seemed that black people galvanized behind the vice president in a way that i don't know if anybody really anticipated it in my reporting, it's always come down to when it comes to black voters, especially those following the democratic party. it's come down to who, what is the practical option to beat donald trump? and when in the pragmatic, very pragmatic, right? so when it came in the past couple of weeks, when there were concerns that joe biden didn't have the ability to beat donald trump in november, that it was very understandable if you've been following this that many black voters that there would be that energy for a candidate that could come in with energy and have the ability also based off of her record, looking at her prosecutorial record could
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going up against donald trump. i'm looking to see now though if this energy right now is, for the moment, for sort if people are going to be enthusiastic when you have a switch up on the ticket or if that can last going all the way to november. >> well, i'm certainly there are i mean, look the idea that we can sit here and say that we know how this camp i'm play out after the events of the last shouldn't believe absolutely not but mike dubke i did i found tim alberta's piece very interesting because basically the top two folks at the trump campaign, susie wiles, chris lacivita, they have been running it top tier campaign by i mean, when you compare it to any campaign i've ever car, it is. they have been running a good campaign. they acknowledged to tim that their campaign was built to be joe biden, right? right. and what they were saying there is that, well, we're actually a little bit afraid of the institution that is the democratic party, the machine running against that if they were to do something that would make it
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harder for him them and alberta tweeted this yesterday, the most striking thing i heard from trump allies yesterday was the second guessing of j.d. vance selection. they acknowledged that was born of cockiness meant to run up margins with the base in a blowout rather than persuade swing voters in a nail-biter, it does seem like they are going to have a tougher road against kamala harris than they would have against joe vize well whether or not they have a tougher road, i mean, first of all, i'd like to say thank goodness that the democrats are saving democracy by choosing a candidate and a backroom fashion. >> so first you are giving us the talking for him well, here's a new one. >> for you secondly, i'm also thrilled to watch the sugar high that democrats are on right now with the choice. but absolutely i was i was i was i was speaking with some folks on friday and the democratic party was depressed that's very different than today. >> but i will say this to get back to your question. the
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campaign is really been running against the vice president for a while now, they've put out an ad about a month, month-and-a-half ago that really targeted her. i thought there was a tongue in cheek tweet on thursday saying that they're not going to schedule the j.d vance vice presidential debate because they're waiting to see who vice president harris chooses as her vice president or presidential candidate so i think they've been prepared for this, and i understand the i understand the anxiousness of changing some of your some of your focus, but biden-harris is going to become one word. and you're going to hear that from the campaign over and over and over again. biden-harris. biden-harris. biden. sure. i mean, look, he's got a record to run on and they're going to attack it. >> i mean, i've seen already i mean, the chyrons on fox news still are biden. biden, right? but the reality is, i mean, like he's not at the top of the ticket anymore.
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>> i guess. i'm skeptical that voters are not going to be able to set, like, i think voters will be able to send one of the biggest knocks on joe biden from the trump campaign was he's all right, right. in addition to the record and typical partisan stuff, but his age was a significant factor that the trump campaign was capitalizing on. and it was like it was a factor now off the table. now, there's all kinds of ways to run against the vice president acknowledged that. you know, but but when you take that off, it's a very, very different race. >> i want to play something that j.d. vance said yesterday, and that's because i think right now the democrat, you are all on a high as kamala harris has embraced. this race is about to get really nasty, right? if we know anything about donald trump. and the way he conducts campaigns, we saw him run against a woman. we know what that was like. she obviously is also a black woman. j.d. vance said something yesterday that stuck out to me because it echoed something. i feel like michelle obama dealt with when she was
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the spouse of the candidate, the first black, eventual black president of the united states, barack obama. this was what j.d. vance about hair saying that harris should be grateful more grateful? for america than it seems like he thinks she has been if you want to lead this country, you should feel grateful for it. >> you should feel a sense of gratitude and i never hear that gratitude come through. when i listen to kamala harris i don't i think there's more there than just the words that he said. >> i've thousand percent in the minute i heard it as oh, we're going back to go forward. okay. so i mean, look, if you got nothing else, i guess you kind of try to retread and play the failure to play the hits. >> but look you know, shame on him. >> i've heard kamala harris talk very glowingly and lovingly about the united states of america, particularly sharp parents have an immigrant story. but here's the thing black americans, i believe are
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some of the most gracious and green and we have some of the most gratitude and love of this country because, you know, particularly for someone like her who has been fired fighting and civil rights, we are trying to fight for this country to be its best self. and you only do that if you love your country but if they want to have this fight on those grounds, let's go for it because i think it's going to really turn off a lot of voters but i also think they're going to try to bait us into making this about quote, unquote culture wars, which i don't like calling them culture wars because they're just about who we are instead of talking about the economy. and talking about again, i think she has a great record to run on. >> mike. what was your read on vance there? >> well you know he's talking to a rally part of part of where you are, you go to extremes and rallies. we've seen that both with republicans and democrats so from that perspective, i hate when we pull quotes from rally speeches because they're meant to
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they're meant what do other than time. because from speeches and other there positions, i guess what i would say is that there is a there is a real line in the sand where republicans are talking about a level of, a level of patriotism when republicans are talking about love of country, it is a little different. it's talking about you know, our staff are standing in the world that america is a special place. and when you go to that position, you don't hear that a lot in democratic rallies that america is a special place. your point i think is very well-taken, but there are some there are some words differences that republicans and democrats use. and i think you're seeing that and pointing that out, biden consistently has been talking about america as a special place and noting that donald
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trump is the one who continuously is talking about america. it's sort of dumping on america so i actually think that's reversed in some way. >> i mean, i would just say that i think difficulty you have and what we might do here, we're very grateful to have you back, like it's a hard question to answer for a reason for you, right? i mean, it's like no, it's it's not a hard question. >> it's the setup for it is is such that i'm trying to carefully choose my words sitting here at six 13 in the morning. well, but but i do think that there are different ways we have two political parties and we have, we have very divergent. i think both parties and the members of both parties love america. there are just different vocabularies that both parties use and in this sense, that i think when you talk about love of country, you talk about love of the flag. you talk about patriotism to a republican audience. you do it differently than you talk
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to a democratic audience. so the reason i was bringing up the rally point was that these are words that are used to get the crowd cheering. and that vocabulary is different from both. so you brought me here's a communicator and i'm pointing that i look i appreciate it. i would just say that like our words matter what i think and the rally or a campaign rally is a place where you are delivering to people who support you. the message that you want them to hear. so i do think it is well more than fair game that we dissect anything that has said it's such rally. all right? let's let's move on here, coming up on cnn this morning, the veepstakes in full swing, one possible contender already taken herself out of the running i am not leaving michigan. >> i'm proud to be the governor. michigan plus fireworks sparked a massive fire in california and less than 48 hours into her campaign, republicans already speaking like this about kamala harris are you suggesting she's d she was at dei hire
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start watching at fubo tv it's hard to watch yourself when you pulled out of the building by a tornado i think it's really important that we do keep the focus on her this week. the vice presidential conversation needs to occur later. >> the only way i would consider something other than this current job is if i believed i could further help my people and to help this country if they do the polling it turns out that they need a 49-year-old balding engaged you from boulder, colorado? i got my number jared polis pretty
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good sense of humor there. >> kamala harris has just weeks to pick a running mate and that's honestly a little bit generous. cnn's learned that former attorney general, eric holder is handling the vetting of potential running mates. so far we know that it includes arizona's mark, kelly, pennsylvania's josh shapiro, north carolina's roy cooper and others. kentucky's andy bashir, who you see there did tell cnn last night he is not yet been asked to submit vetting materials. one governor with presidential ambitions taken herself out of the running for this job are you prepared to take the vice presidency if it's offered, ma'am no, i'm not planning to go anywhere if they offered you will not take it. i am not leaving michigan. i'm proud to be the governor michigan, i've been consistent. i know everyone when has always suspicious and asking this question over and over again, i know you're doing your job. i'm not going anywhere now cnn's reporting that harris has secured enough endorsements too in the nomination panel is back. >> so look, they only have until august 7. we think to do
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this right. because there's going to be the roll call vote. i mean, zolan what is your sense latest reporting. i know you've covered him harris for a long time and this is something i mean, obviously there's going to be focused on swing states who could help where and what. but this is also at the end of the day a human relationship and picking somebody that you trust is really important. where do you think that piece of it lands? >> no, that's absolutely right for one, i think you're going to hear denials right up until it happens. so i wouldn't dab put too much weight on that we those options that you listed, the vice president has had appearances with some of those people recently. i was at a rally with the vice president in north carolina where she was with governor roy cooper. she's had a couple of rallies there. i know democrats for awhile, although you know, you talked to political experts who think this is farfetched, thought that they had a chance and pop possibly at least galvanizing support and making republicans spend money in north carolina and having a contest there. we know that abortion resonates as well to be clear, we don't know at
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this point who she is going to pick. she could go and turn towards the south and look for somebody pragmatic at a border state like sand or mark kelly as well, who might be able to neutralize some of the attacks that would come over the border and migration. maybe she goes for another younger governor, like governor josh shapiro or beshear, all of these are names that democrats have floated in the course of our reporting but we do you know that the vice president spending that time in the senate does have a relationship there, but also as vp, she has held these events with each of the governors, say, listen, well, eight, it just seems like the bottom line is, it's going to be white dude. it's going to be white he's coming in this person is ready to step as president if need, be, given all of the last
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several months. >> but number two, how does this person contrast? did jd? vance in some way because you don't put them on a stage like think that casey, what you said, it is a human relationship and that's got to be somebody that you can work with and somebody that you trust and who can be a governing partner. >> and i think she's going to look for someone who can who will tell her the truth. because ultimately i think presidents recognize that sometimes your vp is the only person who is empowered to do that. maybe you're aos your vp. so i suspect she'll be will on sometimes the vp, it doesn't end up working out that way, but yeah, helpful when it does, yes. >> all right. coming up next here, donald trump. finally getting his golf challenge against joe biden. >> know plus vice president harris france, walking onto the campaign trail in style with a little help from beyonce the, lead with jake tapper today at 4:00 on cnn i feel like i lose
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call now and we'll come to you 800 a31, 37 hundred right. welcome. back. a quick moving fire in california, burning over 500 acres and already causing 11 million in damage the fire burning close to homes in riverside, forcing thousands to evacuate. investigators believe the fire sparked by fireworks hot and dry conditions was sparked nearly 70 wildfires out west. let's get straight to our weatherman, derek van dam. derek. good morning yeah. >> kasie, there's a reason why fire fireworks are banned in this part of the country, right? so this dry timber box conditions mix that in with a spark. and of course you've got the recipe for a disaster just like this. you can see the firefighters working overtime to help contain this fire. there are now 66 active large wildfires over the western us. and you can see many of them across the state of oregon and into california dry thunderstorms, that means thunderstorms that don't produce rainfall to the ground, but produce lightning and can
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spark fires quite easily. possible today across portions of montana and idaho and eastern sections of oregon also with the wildfires burning, we have air quality concerns, air quality alerts in place for many states over the western us, over the eastern parts of the country. this is where we're following flooding rainfall potential at least for the next couple of days across southeast texas. look at houston in another two to four inches of rain coming your way au casey. >> all right. derek van dam for us this morning. derek. thank you so much. i really appreciate it. all right. >> i cannot hear still ahead on cnn this morning you are full of today. you're just being completely dishonest the director of the secret service getting grilled on capitol hill by lawmakers in both parties. >> plus, we look back at the well, it's that we're say dramatic consequences of the cnn debate less than one month ago et me introduce you to
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biden said, first off, he said he's going to hire a black female, vice president in that not just skipped over. what about what about white females? what about any other group? it just when you go down that route you take mediocrity and that's what they have right now as vice president are you suggesting she's d she was a dei hire 100%. she was a dei hire okay. our panel is back. elliot williams. yeah yeah. >> well, look, he's he's onto something. he's onto something in so far as it's really troubling that a candidate is led by someone who got into law school partly on the basis of gender and a number of characteristics about them that bumped their chance at a await. that's j.d. vance. i'm sorry, j.d vance, by virtue of being from a diverse part of the country first-generation college student. and right now male all would necessarily have
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helped his chances of getting it. that's diversity and dei, when you use the term consideration of people's backgrounds in their advancement. and so this whole debate is sort of nonsense. it's a slur, it's a buzzword. he knew exactly what he was doing there yeah, it's a bullhorn dog. was born i mean, it's offensive and again, i think we're going to see is an effort to trial on the part of the gop to draw democrats into this kind of argument and this sort of let's talk about culture wars and let's talk about racism instead of the issues they would rather see us defending them and having a conversation about that, then the issues. >> but it's also let's be honest whether it is it is it is othering it is a way to undermine her credibility, her collagen, i mean, we see this with women candidates of color. all the time so i don't think it's going away. i think donald trump is not going to be
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able to help them something that's mild. well, yeah. and based on where where i think will be brought to that point, let me see if i have it here the our friends over at the new york times right? yes, this is maggie haberman, jonathan swan, mr. trump, for his part, has been trying to soften some of his harshest rhetoric about seeking vengeance on his rivals ahead of the general election. but over many years, he has turned off a sizable proportion of college educated voters in suburban women with his rhetoric on gender and race and the harris candidacy introduces the risk of mr. trump lashing out at her and further alienating those voters. and i had one person who used to work for trump who emailed me and said, this is just going to play right to the worst of his instincts. >> so let me jump into this pool there is a first of all, i think when you see these tweets, it's clickbait. again, we talked about words matter and context matters and all of that. so i think for these members of congress, they're using, they're saying these things to a certain extent for clickbait, more importantly though, and this is a debate
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that's really happening in corporate america and other places in america where you're seeing esg, dei, this language, these, these acronyms kind of lose some of their luster because there's been a bit of an overreach in terms of where they affect every day americans in terms of the hiring process and other things. so i think you're seeing a cultural backlash against this language with that, i think the republicans are trying to take advantage of companies are doing away with the term dei. they're now talking diversity. they're doing away with the term esg and they're talking about other parts of environmental concern so again, language matters, words matter. this is a bit of clickbait. yeah, but there is an open debate in this country about whether or not we've gone too far. the other side. >> but i think it's chicken and egg because folks turned those acronyms into slurs and buzzwords no one in america, i assure you can tell you many
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people cannot say what dei stands for or what it represents in workplaces and businesses so a lot of people probably couldn't tell you what crt critical race theory stands for, but right away, opponents found a way to sort of turn this into a buzzword, but don't say gay bill on the left, let's say ron desantis, right. >> so that is this is this is your point that words matter acronyms. acronyms can be turned into two weapons. in this case. but at when i say chicken and egg, it's sort of, it's not necessarily always the left weaponizing it. >> i think the folks who were opponents were very, very successful at turning these things into problems. >> i mean, look, this is a debate, discussion. now we're going to be having basically every morning amara ahead here. >> on cnn this. morning we're going to be joined live by senator chris coons to discuss his party's whirlwind last 36 hours plus kamala harris is presidential campaign getting yawn, say treatment choice
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hurry. there'll be gone in a flash designer sales at up to 70% or so of today i'm going to continue to move until we get the total ban on the total initiative relative to what we're going to do with more border patrol and more asylum officers president trump. i really don't know what he said at the end of that sentence. i don't think he knows what he said either moments like that one on the cnn debate stage in atlanta, sent the democratic party into a tailspin, nearly, but not yet, one month ago the lead up to the debate was being billed as a make-or-break moment for biden struggling campaign. >> and of course, we now have the answer. it was break joining me now, mark mckinnon, former adviser to george w bush and john mccain. mark always grateful to have you in no small part because before the debate, you wrote something right along these lines in vanity fair, he said this quote, if biden it goes down in this first match, democratic bedwetting could become a
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firehose. and i know it's not the strategy that team biden intends, but under this scenario, there really could be a mass cry among delegates and party mandarins for a plan b at the convention well, we have not even gotten to the convention and all of that, which you wrote as come to pass. i honestly, i just like to hear kind of what you think about both what we saw from the president, but also kind of the way harris has really stepped in so efficiently in the ensuing 48 hours it's really amazing, isn't it kasie? i mean the other thing i wrote is that it could be the most consequential debate in american history. and there's no question that it was the first campaign i ever did it with james carville 40 years ago and last fall and the last episode of the circus, i interviewed him or we interviewed him and he said that the era of strategic certainty is over any predicted. he said the only thing i'll predict is a year from now, we'll look back and say, tim, i didn't see that one
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coming. >> so here we are. >> and this is a really exciting a time for the country and especially for democrats obviously, because now their enthusiastic and that was the big problem for democrats really. they had a 25 point and fuzi asm gap. and for those of us who do campaigns, we know that's a really important metric here. >> your base, your supporters have to be excited about voting. >> and as much as people like pickton respective joe biden, they weren't excited and they're excited now yeah, it's i mean, it's a great point. >> it's it's really fundamental mark. i mean, one of the things that we've been talking so much about a minute and it speaks to the excitement and why there's excitement of the democratic base, but it also kind of previews the dark campaign to come. and that's race, which is already we just played comments from congressman tim burchett, who called vice president harris a dei hire. there was a moment at the j.d. vance rally yesterday where he said that he doesn't feel that kamala harris has regularly express his gratitude for america and the way she talks. and then there was this
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moment where he talked about diet mountain dew and also racism does this watch it democrats see that it is racist to believe well, they say it's racist to do anything i had a diet mountain dew yesterday and one today. >> i'm sure they're going to call that racist too, but it's good you guys there were some please clap vibes, i hate to do this to you, but let's just recall like what happened with jab back in the day. >> watch this yeah. >> yeah. ptsd egypt. >> next president needs to be a lot quieter, but send a signal that we're prepared to act in the national security interests of this country to get back in the business of creating a more peaceful world please clap obviously funny moment there
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were three living just because but i mean, look, tell me what you think about what vance is doing. i mean, this is going to be a trump has been firmly on this terrain before. i think we have seen how he's handled it. i have talked to republicans who aren't concerned about his inability to not go there. this is new territory for j.d vance, and he clearly is already struggling with it a little bit yeah. >> really crazy, cringe moment there and it testifies to what we're hearing more and more of which is that trump campaign is really having second thoughts about j.d. vance. he was the guy that they pick when they all assume that biden was going to be the nominee? and they thought that they weren't a comfortable position. they could double down and pick a guy who would be very popular with the maga base. >> but he doesn't there's no addition in the j.d. >> vance equation. he doesn't add any voters, he doesn't expand the tent at all and in fact, he contracts that temp by doing this sort of comments like that about dei with the race-baiting on dog whistles. >> this really problematic, i
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think for the campaign listen, i think that despite the, you know, the history that americans are more than prepared to not only vote for a black candidate as they prove it barack obama, but for a woman, i think they're anxious to, and i think they're ready to. >> and so i think taking i think it's a real mistake for the trump campaign to go there. i think the place they ought to go is just to say as joe biden, times to that, joe biden was old and out of touch kamala harris is just younger, but she's more out of touch and i think keep it on the border issues on on policy issues like inflation. but to go to dei and that territory, i think it's a huge mistake. >> marc very briefly, i just want to ask you the question since you've done this so much that members of my family are asking me, which is, do you think kamala harris can win this election? >> i do absolutely. i mean, i think first of all, i'll say
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the obvious, which is she's got a much better shot than joe biden. >> and listen, you can just feel it in the last 24 hours. >> one thing about kamala harris that i'll say is i think she is a way undervalued stock i think people kind of heard all this negative stuff about her. and you've seen her and listen, she's a she's a perform and you don't get to be the attorney general, the united states and the vice premier madden states by not having some really good chops. and she's just gotten better and better and better. and i just think that she's come out of the gate really fast, really hard. and you can really feel the excitement and the democratic party. so i think she's going to weigh exceed expectations and i think she's absolutely gotten all right. >> mark mckinnon always grateful to have you, sir. thank you so much for your time thank all all right. minutes past the hour. here is your morning roundup. donald trump's lawyers trying to get his 450 $4 million civil fraud penalty thrown out in an appeal filed this week, they argue the case should be thrown out because the allegations are too
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old court of appeals could take up the case as soon as september and this this is going to be one of the greatest round to golf ever played donald trump finally getting his golf tournament, not going to be against joe biden though today, trump will challenge 2024 us open golf champion bryson dechambeau, the two men will try to score less than 50 from the shortest tee boxes over 18 holes dechambeau says he invited both trump and biden to play. >> oh, i guess this is another thing that underscores how the race on the 2024 campaign trail has changed when we're talking about handicaps. anyway vice president kamala harris made her first visit to campaign headquarters in delaware since becoming the presumptive democratic nominee and she offered a sharp contrast. democrats have been demanding between her and donald trump harris also received a phone call from biden who delivered this message directly to harris
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and staff that was working for him. and now working for her i want to say to the team embrasure, she's the best i know yesterday's news is surprising and hard for you to hear but it was the right thing to do want to kick a luxury? >> okay. joining me now, democratic senator chris coons of delaware, senator, always wonderful to see you. thank you so much for being here thanks, casey. >> great to be on with you. it was great to be in that room yesterday here in wilmington, delaware where vice president harris and first second gentleman, doug emhoff came and fired up the crowd, got there campaign team here in wilmington, excited for the path ahead and wear president biden called in and spoke with everybody, engaged them, challenge them, and got them excited about supporting our nominee, our most like, how nominee for president kamala harris so senator, you did, i will say tell abc news back
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right after the june presidential debate that you thought that president biden was quote, the only democrat who can beat donald trump and quote, would you like to revise and extend those remarks? i would welcome a chance to revise and extend those remarks because underlying that was my confidence that the record that president biden and vice president harris have built over the last three-and-a-half years is the strongest legislative record of any first term presidency in my lifetime. >> and kamala harris was right beside joe biden every step of the way as they strengthen nato, as they came up with creative and powerful combinations of allies and partners in the indo-pacific. >> as they got to the president's desk, legislative accomplishments, that reduce the price of prescription drugs that invested in the fight against climate change. that made our community safer with strong gun safety legislation. i will say that on every one of those core points, vice president harris will continue.
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will get the job done, and donald trump, the former president, will roll it back. donald trump and j.d. vance don't think climate change is real and they will reverse the progress we've made under biden-harris. they've made it clear that they will revert the reduction in prescription drug prices and that they will reverse the investments that have been made in reducing student loan debt and investing in our infrastructure and manufacturing and in making us stronger on the world stage by choosing a vice presidential pick and j.d. vance, who doesn't believe we should fight for ukraine's freedom. donald trump's made it clear the direction he would take us on the world stage by standing next to and working alongside biden, vice president harris has made it clear she would continue his directory i should have making a stronger and safer around the world. >> i appreciate your message delivery here, sir. i do want to ask you you know, i love
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having you on the show very much, but i want to ask you, we know that the one of the principle lines of attacks, and i've talked to sources who say the polling shows this is a serious vulnerability that republicans are going to say that kamala harris knew that president biden wasn't up to four more years. >> i mean, they would say that about you, i think as well, and they're going to allege a coverup. they're going to say she knew she covered it up how do you answer that charge considering what we have seen transpire over the last month first, i think it's bs second. >> i don't think it's particularly relevant because with the american people are going to be looking at in november is donald trump versus kamala harris. and that is a fundamentally different race going forward. and a different electoral challenge and a different direction for the american people than we were looking at before vice president harris is a generation younger than donald trump. she's younger by 20 years. she has energy
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engagement, and enthusiasm she's got a record of accomplishment as an elected prosecutor, the attorney general of our largest state as vice president, alongside joe biden and let's look at what's just happened donald trump had to go find a new vice presidential candidate in jd because his vice president from his first term and his chief of staff in his secretary of defense, and his national security adviser from trump's first term. all running foreign campaigning for his vice president i never saw any episode or incident with joe biden as we saw on that debate stage. i don't think that there is a huge cover up underway here, and i frankly don't think that matters to the discussion and the debate going forward because as she said here on this stage and wilmington engaging with this excited and fired-up campaign team this is going to be the prosecutor against the felon as
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the attorney general cornea kamala harris, had quite a strong record sewing after fraudsters cheaters, and frankly predators and donald trump has been held liable in a court of law for commercial fraud for his trump university for his ways, but she defrauded loans and lenders. and for sexual assault. i think the contrast you're going forward on whose truthful and who is a convict is going to be sharp. >> all right. senator chris coons, i'm coming up against the top of the hour, but i'm very grateful to have you. thank you so much for your time thank you. >> kasie. >> see you soon. all right. so i want to turn to me now that i tend to love about both baseball baseball and politics, what is your walk-up song? we learned kamala harris is yesterday here was her campaign anthem of choice harris making
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a big entrance that campaign hq to be on seas freedom, the popstar gave approval to harris to use the song throughout her presidential campaign. the vp is walked out coinciding with another pop culture phenomenon, the harris campaign is embracing charli xcx is rat album. >> i'll be candid. i had to ask about this after the singer posted that camila is a quote, bratt tiktok has been swarmed with camila edits like this one 360 think you just fell out of a coconut tree julie. >> thanks the. >> princess tree so julie all in which you live and what came okay. >> is there anyone on the set who is able to explain this to me? >> i will say this is more brat pack, then bragg but what did i
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had to ask him as well when it strikes me is, as i understand what brett summer is, it's a excuse for making mistakes during your summer. during your summer between school. so if that's what they want to push out there, that i'm unfortunately lost to have a good response so far though, to show that it's culture like this is culture is said, we embrace her. let's have some fun with that. do you think there's some here, some there their terms of how she is in this space in a way that a lot of political candidates, politicians are just not absolutely. >> and in a very online gen x and that's their appeal as you can say, i have john but look, what all i knew the bratt thing because there's an atlantic article on the rise of the bratt starting grad. >> it's brad not what i meant


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