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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  July 23, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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ola and so they call me mom ella in 2019 during the campaign emhoff sprang to his feet to help protect his wife from an animal rights activist who had rushed the stage. he later tweeted this we're good. i love kamala harris and would do anything for her. emhoff was born in brooklyn, new york and raised in new jersey he has a law degree from the university of southern california and since moving to dc, has taught at georgetown law school. now with his wife unofficially at the top of the ticket. doug emhoff could become the country's inaugural first gentleman. and anderson emhoff schedule could get a whole lot busier. we understand that he will be headlining two fundraisers next week. he will actually be stepping in for first lady jill biden and headlining those one is july 29. that is set to include a conversation with david letterman that will take place in vineyard haven. message the truce, it's the other one is
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just a couple of days later in yarmouth main. we also understand that the governor of hawaii, josh green will be at that first fund raiser on july 29, and he is stepping in for first lady jill biden. but anderson, this really shouldn't surprise us. we expect that his schedule will ramp up because certainly in 2020 on the campaign trail, he spoke at a lot of rallies it was very active on social media and he was really out there. >> ready, kate, thanks. the news continues here on cnn a fraud next, harris wasting no time attacking trump head-on as the crowd in her first rally since biden dropped out when hi old were the vice president, governor jb pritzker, who was on harris, his vp list is my guest tonight, plus new reporting from kfile on exactly what j.d. >> vance once said about a woman who accused trump of sexual misconduct. this is trump faces questions about whether vance was the best choice and are young voters paris's secret weapon, we're going to talk to one tiktok influencer who's video those are getting millions of views
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to those views mean votes. >> let's go outfront and good evening. >> i'm erin burnett out front tonight the gloves are off. the campaign is on kamala harris hitting the campaign trail, wasting no time going after donald trump. in her first rally since securing enough delegates to clinch the nomination in the battlegrounds state of wisconsin they were reported 3,000 voters waiting to greet the vice president. it was so much interest. in fact, in attending this rally that harris's campaign. so they had to find a larger venue at the last moment. that crowd was energized, they were fired up. they clearly are enthusiastic and excited about the first black and asian woman who is now headed towards the top of the democratic ticket man this campaign, i promise you i will proudly put my record against his any day of the week. >> i took on perpetrators of all kinds predators who abused women fraudsters ripped off
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consumers cheaters broke the rules for their own gain so hear me when i say i know donald trump's type power to answer that question. >> and in the next 105 days, then we have work to do we have doors, to knock gone, we have phone calls to make. we have to register i mean, you can hear how that crowd responded and then listen to this but with just 15 weeks until the
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election, harris is now trying to define herself and to do it really quickly before republicans do it for her. >> today, foreign president trump repeatedly going after harris she's the same as biden, but much more radical. she's radical left person in this country. doesn't want a radical left person to destroy it. she's far more radical than he is. he wants open borders she wants things that nobody wants well as for president biden, he is now back at the white house for the first time since he dropped out of the race. and of course, since he had covid when he was on the campaign trail in las vegas last week, just think about this. what has happened in such a few short days. tonight, preparing to address the nation in tomorrow's primetime oval office speech about his decision to abandon his campaign for reelection. mj lee is outfront live outside the white house to begin our coverage tonight. and mj, what are you expect to hear from biden and also what what is his
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feeling watching the harris campaign just on day one, you hear that energy and that roar in the room. as he watches that. >> yeah. erin, what we are learning tonight is that the president has begun working on his oval office address that he delivered tomorrow, started working on it while he was isolating in rehoboth a speech that is no doubt going to be one of the most consequential of his decades long political career so far and sources say that he will use the speech to elaborate on his decision to drop out of the 2024 race. of course, we did see that letter from the president on sunday, but we really haven't gotten full explanation of how he got to that clearly painful decision we are also learning that he will use the speech to lay out his agenda for the remaining six months or so that he has left in office though, in terms of how specific he will be, we don't know yet, including how he envisions using potentially his executive power with the time that he has left. but the president is now eran, a lame duck president,
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and there's no question that in the coming weeks, he is going to be turning his attention to the idea of his legacy to see what that legacy of the one-term presidency is going to look like. but as one source was telling me, he dropped out just two days ago. it is too early and those discussions have not i've started yet in earnest, but we have seen as you were saying, just such a remarkable change in the 2024 campaign, just overnight, you and i were in that speech and racine, wisconsin, just out of milwaukee when you interviewed him that day and that was just erin two-and-a-half months ago. and you'll remember he did get a warm reception from the crowd, but it was nothing like that raucous reaction that we just heard. vice president kamala harris getting in milwaukee earlier this afternoon and we have done so much reporting over the past few weeks on how much democrats watching the president's public appearances had been worried there was sort of a holding your breath kind of experience watching his public speeches and watching kamala harris on the campaign trail. it is very,
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very clear that she is a very different presidential candidate than the president erin. >> all right. mj. thank you very much. mj pointing out just the difference that the size of that crowd, the roar. i mean, that is something that we have not yet seen on the democratic side in this election season until right now. joining me now is democratic governor jb pritzker of illinois. he has endorsed kamala harris for president also, of course, governor, you had been mentioned as a possible top vp pick. so i really appreciate your time in joining me and i mentioned that enthusiasm that roar that we heard governor for vice president harris at that event today, we haven't heard it so far on the democratic side, this election until now when the vice president was in that room. a trump's top campaign pollster predicted today, but harris will get a bump in the polls. but he called it a quote, honeymoon. >> do you think that the bump, if there is one, it appears there will be one, but let's see, we don't have the poles yet. >> do you worry that it could be a honeymoon? >> the excitement is palpable.
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i've talked to a hundreds of people over the last couple of days people are ready to go. i mean, they really wanted to have this opportunity to be excited about the ticket. this is the big opportunity. and remember, young people, people of color, who people had concern about whether they would turn out people are showing up, they're excited. you heard that crowd in not very far from here. in wisconsin chanting for her. and that's what's happening. it's not a temporary thing. there's an enthusiasm in the democratic party because remember are issues are the issues of the american people fighting for american families, fighting for our working families across the united states, making sure that we're standing up for the freedoms that the people have come to expect, like a woman's right to choose, kamala harris is going to prosecute the case against donald trump better than anybody i know governor when it comes to her record, and obviously we've already seen this primary line of attack from trump in the republicans right now is the
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border. >> and i want to ask you about this because you support her. but of course, back in october you called the border situation untenable undocumented immigrants are being sent to your state. it took eight months more eight months after you call the situation untenable for president biden to issue his executive order. obviously, the vice president had been charged with being a point person on the border issue for the biden administration? how is this not going to be a major liability for her we've got to remember that joe biden, who was known for bringing bipartisanship to washington, actually put forward a border security bill and what happened, it was donald trump that blew it up, even though republicans and democrats wanted it to happen, donald trump told republicans bag off, don't vote for it, and he destroyed the opportunity to fix the problem. >> as by the way, he did when he was president, he didn't nothing. we need comprehensive immigration reform kamala
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harris and, joe biden both have been in favor of that. i'm in favor of that. it's what democrats stand for. republicans don't i do want to follow with you on that as i did with the attorney general in new york yesterday obviously, the republicans were responsible for that bill failing. >> that's true. >> but yet it's still took months for president biden to issue that executive order. do you hope that vice president harris would have done something differently? >> i mean, it's one thing to say, well, we didn't get a bill. it's another to just continue to allow an untenable situation to continue, which is what this administration did look the bill would have been the immediate solution. there's no doubt but it takes a lot. it isn't just about issuing executive orders. you've got to go negotiate with the leaders of mexico. they were in the middle of an election. you've got to negotiate with the leaders of south american central american countries. we've got to make sure that we're managing this well, remember, under donald trump, do you remember that people that were lining up to come to the border that we're trying to get into the united states. he did nothing for us
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relations with central and south america and that really was the beginning of the cause of the problem at the border. so i'm very excited about the idea that kamala harris is going to lead us going forward. we have so much to accomplish in this country. republicans have been standing in the way donald trump wants to blow up all the progress that's been made. think about how we've rescued the economy has damaged her crowds across the country. donald trump wants to change that and go back to a world where frankly he's sending jobs overseas. that is what donald trump stands for. >> so governor, let me ask you though, because you heard the president today at the former president say that kamala harris is a liberal, makes it makes joe biden look less so that she's the radical liberal and that is an attack we're also hearing from the republican side. let me just play a few people she has even father left and joe biden, i didn't think they can pick anybody any worse, but it did joe biden was the kid the grew up in scranton, pennsylvania, the irish catholic kid kamala
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harris, is from san francisco. >> she is a san francisco liberal assem siskel radically when harris was in the senate, governor in 2019, gov track, which tracks bills in congress nonpartisan group ranked her as the most liberal compared to all senators. the most liberal to care to all senators. is that a good thing? >> did you hear them talk about any issues in those quotes you just played? >> none. >> they frankly are just throwing invectives, throwing names. the vice presidential candidate for the republicans is insulting women who own cats. it has a weird view of america honestly, and they're just, they love to throw names. that's what donald trump did. look at the quote that he put out there frankly, just saying, oh, she's too liberal, she's too liberal. how about let's talk about a woman's right to choose is that too liberal to stand up for a woman's reproductive freedom and our healthcare no also book bands
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republicans across the united states have tried to take books out of libraries. they want to end people's ability to access whatever they want to read. and it's democrats who are standing up for freedom. and i believe that kamala harris is somebody who is going to prosecuting the case against donald trump, who is a convicted felon already. but there are a whole bunch of cases yet to come. >> i know you love your job and you've made that loud and clear. governor but you are a possible vp pick and that is very clear. so let me just put the question to you this way. if you were asked to be on the ticket with harris, would you say yes? >> look, i'm going to work my heart out for this ticket i really believe in the values that democrats are putting forward you know, obviously you'd have to consider it if you're asked, but i have said and i really believe that the people of illinois elected me. there's an awful lot that i can get done here in the state of illinois and over the next it's hundred days, make sure that we're making the case for kamala harris and winning in
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november, it's vital because donald trump will be dangerous for america. >> governor pritzker, i appreciate your time. thanks so much, sir. >> thank you, erin. >> all right. now, two top veterans of the biden-harris administration, keisha lance bottoms, who is now a senior advisor for the harris campaign, and a former mayor of atlanta, and kate bedingfield, former white house communications director. so both of you know, the president and the vice president have worked with them and campaigned for them. there. if you you just heard the republicans trying to define vice president harris as too liberal and the statistic that i gave to the governor there, right. but she was the most liberal compared to all senators according to gov track in 2019 in terms of her voting record so what does this mean for her vice presidential pick? does this really put the pressure for a moderate or a centrist democrat or no? >> well, we know that the pig is completely up to vice president harris in traditionally, we think about
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balancing out a ticket, but it's going to be the harpic, all of the names that we've heard floated are certainly great, well-qualified candidates in certainly much better candidates than j.d. vance. what we know from the trump campaign is that they have doubled down on this maga right-wing rhetoric on that's not been healthy for our country. and i can just tell you the excitement that i'm seeing regarding vice president harris being our nominee really has exceeded my expectations and so many other people we knew that a change would be difficult at this point in the campaign, but i'm so excited about what we're seeing in so glad to be a part of this team no interviews with senator harris at the time, senator harris she was seen to be the leading contender to be joe biden's vp. is that whole process went through and at one point, when i interviewed her, i asked her what you know, what biden should be looking at for
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a running mate. here's what she said. >> i'm not going to tell joe biden what to do. i want him to pick the the running mate that that is best equipped to help him win because more than anything, joe biden has got to win, we cannot suffer for another four years of donald trump in the white house and obviously now she's in the same situation trying to prevent trump from returning to the white house. >> for four more years. so i guess it essentially could watch that it's groundhog day. but i know from your perspective, kate, you do have to democrats that stand out to you as what you think could be the best choice who? >> well, i think first i would say i think everybody who has been floated would be a good choice. i think for electoral reasons, there are a few, i think mark kelly from arizona, i think has obviously an incredibly impressive biography. of course, arizona is a state that biden won in 2020 and could potentially be part of a path to victory victory for vice president harris obviously, the experience that his his wife
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suffered through the gun violence that she suffered through, and the work that she has done since, and that he has done alongside her on gun violence, i think is a really compelling story for democratic voters and for moderate republican voters who want to see your guns on the street and see less crime, less gun crime in their communities. so i think he has really powerful story. i also really liked governor walz from minnesota. i think he's a terrific communicator. again, represents a blue sometimes purple states. so if you're thinking purely about the electoral politics here, i think both of them our particularly compelling, but i will say every person who's been put forward on this list would be a great governing partner for vice president harris and, you know, there's a lot of x's and o's people work through what is kind of the war game? what's the theory of who can help the most? and of course that's a piece of the calculation. of course it is but it's also really important that the person has rapport with vice president harris, that they get along, that they have a trusting relationship that is a huge part of being a successful
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vice presidential candidate and then vice president, i remember when they filmed then you, senator harris getting the call from joe biden? back in the day, mayor bottoms, right. and i think am i am i crazy, but i remember she was in basically black workout gear with their hat on when she gets the call and the whole point was to show that she's a casual, normal person and then she gets this call then they didn't know each other, right? now. they say that they now have had at a very positive working relationship, she brought it up today again on the campaign trail. here's what she said it has truly been one of the greatest honors of my life to serve as vice president to our president joe biden joe's legacy of accomplishment over his entire career and over the past 3.5 years is unmatched in
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modern history so marriage, do you expect to see him on the campaign trail for her campaigning with her as much as he would have really for himself because he was not going to be on the campaign trail anywhere near as often as she will be, you know, i can't speak to what the president's schedule will be, but i can only imagine that he will continue to be her biggest cheerleader is kate can attest to during our time in the white house, it was very clear that this is the biden-harris administration. every single win has been celebrated graded by the president and the vice president. and she's been such a strong partner and leader of all of the work that's come out of this administration over the past 3.5 years. so the president had planned on having a very robust campaign schedule. so i can only anticipate that he's going to continue to go out there and do everything he can to make sure that vice president harris is
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successful all right. >> mayor bottoms. thank you very much, kate. thank you next, we're going to hear from a key group of voters whose pick in november could actually determine the entire election. so what do they think of kamala harris replacing joe biden? >> i also think that she hasn't done enough publicly to work against them but those negative narratives plus former president trump on whether he regrets choosing j.d. vance as his running mate. now that joe biden's out of the race and for the first-time video of the authorities, handcuffing nfl legend terrell davis on a united airlines flight. you remember davis on the show saying that this all happened because he asked for a cup of ice meet the jennifer's gen x, gen y, and gen z each planning their future through the chase mobile app gen x is planning a summer in portugal with some help from jpmorgan wealth plan.
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not a done deal. of course, that's a must-win senate seat. let's just be clear. must win for the democrats. it comes as prominent democratic donor, joe ravage warns that is party deserves to lose if kamala harris is anointed too quickly rabbit writes in the economist and i quote his op-ed, if they simply fall into line supporting an incumbent baggage heavy vice president, then they deserve to lose. danny freeman is talking to voters in pennsylvania, the must-win swing state, to see what they think and our voters outfront series the past few days have felt like whiplashed pennsylvania voter becky egg berg, how have you been feeling about this election so far ancient, excited now though excited because she feels vice president kamala harris has jump-started democrats in the presidential race. >> i think she has more of a chance to win then i do dislike her mentality, her mindset and that she is a woman and she stands for what i stand for. >> i think i'm feeling a
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little bit more hopeful than i have in a while. >> lindsay troy is a progressive who is thrilled for the new harris hype among democrats. but worries republican talking points are sticking. >> she has been villainized really well. i think the messaging, negative messaging against her has been successful. but i also think that she hasn't done enough publicly to work against some of those negative narratives. i think there are some things that were really valid concerns or maybe criticisms of her even from the beginning. >> i think they're valid pennsylvania is one of the crucial battleground states that could determine the election in november. joe biden won the commonwealth in 2020 by about 80,000 votes, flipping a state former president trump won in 2016. >> you excited about the news? >> i am excited get out there popular governor josh shapiro, a potential harris running mate.
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>> this week, working to boost enthusiasm and vouch for the brand new candidate thank anchor's we were excited and energy and listen to be able to pit the prosecutor against a guy with 34 felonies. i liked that matchup. i feel pretty good about that but pennsylvania republicans, we spoke with tuesday were not deterred he's landed biden step down. >> i think it was elder abuse, putting him up there and shaming him like betty doughty voted for trump in 2020, and plans to do so again in november are you concerned that harris is a stronger candidate against trump? >> now why not i don't want to be unkind, but i don't think she's got it. ron butker feels the race is a toss-up, but still thinks trump can win. >> are you concerned that harris is a better opponents than biden? no. >> no. >> i don't think she is the better if biden had his
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faculties his opponent, then now harris, because you just younger now, erin, i'll note in the past hour or so, we actually got a press release from the harris campaign, specifically here in pennsylvania saying that it has seen a record surge in engagement and volunteers sign-ups in that 24 hours between when president biden dropped out and then president harris took over the campaign and stepped up the campaign, pointing to this as a clear example of building enthusiasm for their new nominee aaron right, danny, thank you very much. >> so i want to go straight to the wisconsin lieutenant governor, sara rodriguez, who greeted vice president harris when she arrived in milwaukee, was with her at that raucous rally today in wisconsin. so lieutenant governor, i appreciate your time and i just want to give you a chance to respond to what we just heard from danny is reporting democratic voters. they of course, in pennsylvania yeah talking about how the negative messaging against harris made working and that she hasn't done enough to prove that
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she's up for the job. the question for you is, does she have enough time? to make her case i absolutely think she does. >> and if we can look at the rally that we just had in wisconsin, that is making her case. we had over 3,000 people at that rally and that was a last-minute thing to get all of those supporters together. i people texting me saying, how can i get in and we had already reached capacity. and so this is that grassroots excitement, that grassroots energy, and it was palpable in that 3,000 people that's the most from the biden the harris campaign it's the most i mean, certainly more than we ever saw hesitant biden. >> i mean, let me just play a brief clip just to give everyone a sense, lieutenant governor of how she was received by the crowd in that room where you work today? >> who believe in reproductive freedom stop donald trump's
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extreme abortion bans because we trust women to make decisions about their own what now, look, jack r, that's the enthusiasm in that room. you know, i was in milwaukee or nearby and racine to interview president biden just about two months ago and he had had, you know, before we did an interview, he had a brief sort of a campaign event with the group vote union workers obviously, it wasn't like this, right? as you just said, this is the largest crowd that has come out for the democrats this entire election season, you have seen biden crowds. you have seen harris crowds. how different was the energy today?
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>> the energy was so different, it was so exciting. we know we're going to have to work, we know that the road to the white house goes through wisconsin. and so we're not we're not going to sit back and not roll up our sleeves and do the work to make sure that we have the next president, kamala harris. but yeah the excitement was there, the energy was palpable. you can hear from the crowd how much they liked her. and i would also say that they actually brought in over 100 million in just a little over 24 hours and 60 a little over 60% of that we're first time donors if you're talking about how new people are getting energized, how this has been a change the race that's the statistic you need to look at but there are actually people who did not donate before, who are now very, very excited to donate to the harris campaign. >> i want to play something that j.d vance, obviously trump's vp candidate. he said back in 2021, that's getting some renewed attention now, and
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actually the illinois governor just brought it up when he mentioned childless cat lady let me play it were effectively run in this country via the democrats be via our corporate oligarch's by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they've made. >> and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable too. and it's just a basic facts you look kamala harris, pete buttigieg, aoc, the entire future of the democrats is controlled by people without children of course, harris is the step mother of two children. >> but what's your response these are incredibly accomplished people and pete buttigieg does have two children, so i'm not sure what he's talking about. thank you have after he okay so number one, he's wrong, right? >> number two, these are accomplished amazing women and vice president harris is the most accomplished person for this job. she's been doing
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this. they've had the most successful administration in decades. >> they've gotten so much had been seen and have been seeing record breaking unemployment. the most people working that is from the biden-harris administration. that's the economy that we're talking about. that's what we want to keep continuing for the next four years. and economy that works for everyone. >> we still got work to do. we do, but no, what this is the trajectory that we're on. we want to keep going in that direction. >> alright, lieutenant governor, i appreciate your time. thank you very much next, trump's vp happened. j.d. vance, who of course we were just talking about singing a much different tune when it comes to trump's accusers than he used to our kfile has uncovered video video of j.d. vance of what he once said about trump's accusers plus, he was one of biden's most popular supporters online. >> he was young and is young and talked about young voters and was trying to energize them for biden tens of billions of views for those are his
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followers with him and backing harris, he's my guest i still love to surf snowboard. and of course skate. so i take kuno magnesium to support my muscle and bone health kuno extra streak high absorption magnesium helps me get the full benefits of magnesium kunal, the brand i trust the darkness of bipolar depression make me feel like i was losing interest in the things i love. >> then i found a chance to let in the light discover, capital ayta. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar one, capital ada is proven to deliver significant symptom relief from both bipolar one and two depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. >> capital. it can cause serious side effects. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts right away antidepressants may increase these risks and young adults elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke, capitalize has not approved for dementia related psychosis, report fever,
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>> it's never been easier to put on your shoes and help pets and need at the same time with new hands-free skechers, both obs for dogs, sports lipids to slip in and go and they've already helped save over 2 million pets tonight, trump telling reporters he doesn't regret choosing jd vance's his running mate. >> now that harris is now at the top of the democratic ticket i do the same pick. he's doing really well. he's he's really caught on comes as our kfile uncovers vance's own words supporting a woman who accused trump of sexual misconduct and fundamental level. this is sort of a, he said she said right. and at the end of the day, do you believe donald trump, who always tells the truth? just kidding. or do you believe that woman on that tape? >> kfile's andrew kaczynski is outfront now. i mean, andrew, this is this is front and center topic for trump when you talk about the stormy daniels case is 34 convictions. e. jean carroll, the entire pantheon of
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issues that have come up on this. what more did you find on this from j.d vance? yeah. and look, we already knew that j.d vance was a donald trump hater in 2016, but this really takes it to a whole, another level repeatedly saying implying that he thought donald trump was a sexual or repeated sexual predator. i think it's important to remember the context of when is happening, right? it was just after that access hollywood tape came out. it was after all of these women came out following that tape accusing trump of sexual assault. and that's when vance take a look right here of what he wrote on twitter during that time, he wrote what a percent of the american population has tagging him at real donald trump sexually assaulted, and that reel, it isn't all of it. he also liked to tweets, implying that trump committed sexual assault, including one that said, quote, trump was a thug, real estate barons who commit serial sexual assault. and he also liked this other tweet in 2016 where he said, i
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wish there was a second vice presidential debate just to see mike pence deny trump saying that he grabbed and this is all very ironic, right? because now vance is the one who has to defend those very comments from trump as the vp beck so that was then this is, this is a now take a listen after you heard that first clip to how vance is defending trump i think fundamentally the lawsuit is about something that happened 25 years ago. >> it's a he said she said situation and i trust my friend and the guy that i've known and gotten to know so obviously, you know, it's just saying, well, i got to know him better now. i don't think you did those things and you use the same language there to he's like it's a he said she said, but now i believe donald trump and i believe the he alright. now, you also found a flip flop on another major issue which is obviously now at the center of this entire race would have been anyway, but it
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certainly currently is. the way that vice president harris is putting it that is, of course, abortion and vance had a very different view on that not long ago. >> that's right. and abortion has become such a huge losing issue for republicans every time that abortion has been on the ballot over the last couple of years, republicans have lost, and now vance is taking donald trump's line, which is that it's a state issue. the issue has been returned to the states. it's not a federal issue, but that's not what he was saying. a couple of years ago. take a listen to this i certainly would like abortion to be illegal nationally. let's say roe versus wade is overruled. ohio ohio bans abortion in 2020 2000 let's say 2024 and then, you know, every day, george soros since a 747 to columbus, that's a load of disproportionately black woman to get them to go have abortions in california. and of course, the left will celebrate this as a victory for diversity.
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>> that's kinda if that happens, do you need some federal response to prevent it from happening because it's it's really creepy and i think what's interesting about that clip, as he says, the reason he wants a national abortion ban is because he doesn't think women should be allowed to travel between states for abortion. so obviously it's not a state issue and how he was saying it then that was obviously before the dobbs decision change, the whole calculus for the politics around and abortion for republicans, but that is probably the strongest anti-abortion language that we've seen from him. >> all right. thank you very much. andrew kaczynski with kfile, so i harry enten joins me now to go beyond the numbers. and harry, i mean, this is the thing you trump. trump, of course, is going to say what trump is going to say. he doesn't have a choice. whatever he really thinks he's got to stick by sam with his man now. sure but danny freeman asked voters when he was just on pennsylvania, at what they think of j.d. vance. and here's what they said. >> what do you think about vance he wrote hillbilly elegy
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time to read back well i do you think? now, knowing that kamala harris is going to be likely the democratic nominee, do think j.d vance makes the most sense? >> i mean, your mom, which rahm? >> yeah. >> it's a little late now. >> how do you feel about trump's vp pick j.d vance. >> he's kind of like a little loud i'm not just you see him several dominated, but you've been looking at the numbers? yeah. >> and kristen soltis anderson, pollster told me recently, you know, you need a day or two to see things settle, but you often can see things pretty quickly. what do you see right now? >> frankly, i don't really understand the pick and apparently neither american voters, because we take a look at the net favorable rating for a j.d. vance. that's favorable minus unfavorable. it's a negative net territory. look at that negative six points. i will tell you, erin, i've gone all the way back since 1,980.
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he is the first guy after immediately following the convention of vp pick, who actually had net negative favorable rating, that is underwater, the average since 2000 is plus 19 points j.d. vance, making history in the completely wrong way. >> i mean, it's some hazy plus 19 and i know people talk vp's, don't usually matter, but they're usually you really dealer. >> usually the popular in this case, he's dragging trump down. >> all right? and then there's also ohio, which i have been around long enough to have been there on an election night. and the reason i was there because the person who ends ohio wins the white house, right ohio is red state now. yeah. >> so what does the j.d. vance pick due for trump? obviously, he has senator from ohio. >> there's this whole idea. oh, j.d. vance is you know, can i help out in ohio for helps perhaps help out in those rust belt, those great lake battleground states. but if you look at ohio, if you look yeah, j.d. vance won in 2022, but he only won by six points. that's worse than donald trump didn't
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2020. it's far worse than mike dewine did in 2022. he is the was the worst performing republican candidate in 2020 22, up and down the ballot in the state of ohio. he adds nothing there. >> all right. so trump does very well with white working class voters. that's one of his superpowers so what does vance add? >> yeah, what what does vance said? look, he one white working class voters, he won white voters without a college degree in the state of ohio, but pretty much every republican winds white working class voters and if you look again, the margin that vance put up was the weakest performance of any major republican. it's worse than trump didn't. ohio, it's worse than mike, the wind didn't ohio. the j.d. vance pick makes no sense from a statistical polling perspective, erin. >> all right. thank you very much and are going to watch all these polls start to come in the next days and next though, we do have some breaking news because hillary clinton tonight has just broken her silence about the vice president kamala harris. you'll hear what she says next. plus never before seen video of police handcuffing nfl legend terrell davis, who told me that it all happened because he asked for a
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get double the storage on nice when you pre-order at at&t breaking news, hillary clinton just now speaking out for the first time about kamala harris's candidacy, writing in the new york times, and i quote, she represents a fresh start for american politics. >> she could offer a hopeful, unifying vision. she has a talent let did experienced, and ready to be president. and i know she can defeat donald trump. those are the words of hillary clinton coming just hours after harris fired up the large crowd out 3,000 people at her first campaign rally, california why were not? >> but going back? >> because is a fight for the future harry system is outfront. >> he's a 21-year-old tiktokker who was one of president biden's most vocal supporters online is video has got as many as 15 million
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views. he now supports kamala harris perry you and i met you were talking about biden and i want to get to that because you supported him and you believed in him all the way through but the clips from harris's first campaign rally that was just a few hours for though are flooding tiktok. so what are you seeing and what are you hearing from people that different from what you heard before? >> yeah. you know, erin, it just feels like this energy has been injected into the democratic party. there's an excitement that i haven't really felt since 2020. i think people are really lining up behind kamala harris. she's more in line with younger generations. she has policy that younger generation support and people are really feeling her candidacy and like you just mentioned, the rally, the crowd, there was insane enthusiastic, excited, and we're kind of just seeing that also in person, but also online as well. >> and so you're friends who were like who are you you're out here doing politics. that's awful. what's wrong with you? what are they saying now? >> yeah. so i've had people
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haven't spoken to in a long time in just friends. i also speak to who are not interested in politics, reaching out to me saying, how do i get involved? how do i help vice president kamala harris beat donald trump? and for me, it's just shocking. i just haven't seen anything like, wow, you're incident what i do. >> right tiktok at the videos with the the brat. >> obviously, we're hearing that coconut tree clip that we were talking about, but everyone scene now, these are moments that republicans that were bad. they were playing them to say, look at how awful she is and yet on social media it appears to be doing the opposite is that's what you're seeing yeah. >> exactly. right. i think this shows a broader trend in politics that the republicans are completely out of touch with young people. they take these clips of kamala harris like laughing or having fun and they're like, look at her, she can't be president, everybody else in gen z is like she seems kinda fun. she seems like somebody i'd want to hang out with and you're seeing that on tiktok right now with all of these viral videos. >> so let me just ask you about biden, because when we spoke,
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you came on last time you were talking to president biden, you believed in him and you told me harry, never once have i ever been concerned about the president's age. now that was before the debate. i understand that, but i just want people to understand as a 21-year-old, you believed him and you didn't think he was too old? hold and you saw and you saw positives in that is there any part of you that feel sad or wishes he would have stayed in the race? >> i think my immediate reaction to biden's decision was a mix of sadness and appreciation, sadness because my colleagues and i, we love joe biden like he's a good, decent man, but also appreciation in the sense that he put the country before him self. he put the country's interests before his interests and step down. this is not something we see in american politics. it's certainly not something we see in global politics. so i'm appreciative with the president and i'm excited for the future. >> all right. well, harry, thank you very much. good to see you again next for the first time we're seeing the authorities arrest nfl hall of famer terrell davis just because he asked for a cup of ice on the airplane there's no
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i'm taylor available on the apple app store or android i'm natasha bertrand at the pentagon. >> and this is cnn tonight you're looking at a new video of police handcuffing nfl hall of famer terrell davis on a united airlines flight happened after davis said he lightly tapped a flight attendant on the arm to ask for a cup of ice you can see davis, his wife, tamiko, there looking absolutely shocked davidson. >> his wife spoke to me shortly after this happened. stephanie elam is outfront this new video shows the moment two real davis was escorted off a plane in
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handcuffs by law enforcement earlier this month, the hall of fame running back, not putting up a fight as other passengers look on all of this david says springing from a small interaction earlier in the flight. i think the davis family has stolen sean davis and his wife were traveling with their three children from denver to orange county, california. when one son asked for a cup of ice during beverage service, davis says the flight attendant either didn't hear or ignored his request and continued past their row in an interview with cnn's outfront, he showed how he says he tapped the male flight attendant on the shoulder i said excuse me, any he didn't hear me. >> so i just tapped him. he's fallen back as said don't hit me he left the cart there, went into the cockpit or when up to first-class and we didn't see him for about five or ten minutes and then he came back and he placed a cup of ice for my son is trey grabbed the cart to get up to first-class that was it. that was it. but at the end of the flight, davis thought the commotion on the plane was for someone else, and
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i just thought there was a medical emergency and then i just looked up and i'm watching them and they're coming down the aisle and they just come right up to me. now i'm looking at looking at him and he says, don't fight it, don't fight it. and he puts the cuffs on me in the video, davis, his wife, tamiko, can be seen across the aisle from him speaking to fbi agents as they handcuffed him and took him off the plane terrell knows better unfortunately, historically in these situations, interaction with law enforcement and law enforcement as a black man, you can't fight, you can't resist, you can add and 90, don't want to say fight you can't ask all he could do was sit there and comply and be humiliated in front of his sons. >> and the 200 whatever, how many people were on that plane, the fbi's los angeles field office did confirm to cnn that they responded to a report from united of a violent assault. and the person who was detained for questioning who they did