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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  July 24, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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dave's company just scored the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. high five! high five! -i'm in a call... it's 5 years of reliable, gig speed internet... five years of advanced security... five years of a great rate that won't change. yep, dave's feeling it. but it's only for a limited time. five years? -five years? introducing the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. powering 5 years of savings. powering possibilities. 369369 i will proudly put my
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record against his any day of the week we're not afraid of hard work. >> we like hard work doorway and we will win this election these the same as biden, but much more radical. she's radical left person in this country, doesn't want a radical left person to destroy it were not being picky. >> i'm just, i'm we'll go anywhere in north carolina ahead are two flights canceled and we're on our third one tonight. >> hectic overbooking lack of communication am i surprised that it's inspired a whole all summer trend lime green is in live from london. this is cnn newsroom with max foster and christian d. macfarlane hello,
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and welcome to our viewers joining us from the u.s. >> and around the world. i'm max foster and i'm christina macfarlane. it's wednesday, july 24, 9:00 a.m. here in london, 4:00 a.m. in washington, where in the hours ahead, us president joe biden is set to address the nation on his decision to exit the 2024 race jim over the weekend has already brought renewed energy and enthusiasm to democrats with kamala harris. now the party's presumptive presidential nominee, holding her first campaign rally in the battleground, state of wisconsin harris looked to draw a sharp contrast with her likely rival in november this campaign, i promise you i will proudly put my record against his any day of the week i took on perpetrators of all kinds predators, who abused women fraudsters who ripped off consumers cheaters who broke
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the rules for their own gain so hear me when i say i know donald trump's type, we have doors to knock gone, we have phone calls to make. voters to register speaking about her record as a prosecutor as well, the crowd briefly chanted, lock him up in reference to donald trump, take a listen meantime, trump has wasted no time in attacking harris during a call with reporters, republican president nominee criticized her record on crime and immigration as a result of her dangerously extreme immigration policies, the largest invasion in history is now taking place at our southern border and it's getting worse, not better
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according to us customs and border protection, the number of people entering the country illegally has actually fallen by 25% since the white house and asylum restrictions early last month. so far new polling shows no clear leader in the race if a vote, vote between trump and harris were held today the reuters ipsos poll is the first we conducted since biden decided to end his reelection campaign. for her part, harris is trying to keep building momentum and says, she'll spend the coming weeks continuing to unite the democratic party. >> cnn's kayla tausche has the details vice president kamala harris taking the reins of president biden biden's campaign, though baton is in our hands her first rally as the presumptive democratic nominee in battleground, wisconsin, that path to the white house goes through wisconsin where she put a new twist on a familiar message. >> this campaign is also about two different visions foreign nation one where we are focused
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on the future the other focused on the past and a familiar foe stop donald trump's extreme abortion bans in just two days since president biden tapped harris to replace him on ticket, harris has rallied the party at breakneck speed raking in more than $100 million from mostly new donors, recruiting 58,000 new volunteers across the country. and racking up critical endorsements from her former staff, foreign policy experts, and prominent leaders of the party. >> i endorse kamala harris, 100% for this job as president, vice president harris has done a truly impressive job, securing the majority of delegates needed to win. the democratic party's nomination to be our next president of the united states. >> kamala harris is a common sense leader who knows how to deliver real results with
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delegates onboard to the democratic party moving forward to make her official in a process at pledges will be open and fair and conclude by august 7, in wilmington, harris helming, a rebranding of biden headquarters as biden tells staff, she's suited to finish the job president biden now back at the white house where he is continuing to work with advisers to craft a wednesday primetime address where he'll talk about his decision to end a decades long political career and the work that's left to do, kayla tausche, cnn, the white house. what hillary clinton is praising president biden's decision to bow out of the race and is offering her support to kamla harris, clinton, who faced trump in the 2017 16 presidential race, said a new york times opinion piece. but she's excited about harris writing quote, she represents a fresh start for american politics. she can offer a hopeful, unifying vision. she is talented, experienced, and ready to be president. and i know she can defeat donald
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trump, clinton also addressed the challenges she believes harris will face in this campaign, saying quote, i know a thing or two about how hard it can be for strong women candidates to fight through the sexism and double standards of american politics. >> i've been called a witch, a nasty woman and much worse, i was even burned in effigy. we want harris is setting herself apart from donald trump saying she knows his type having dealt with predators, fraudsters, and cheetahs as a former prosecutor and california bonior attorney general cnn's tom foreman lays out some of the extreme differences between these two political opponents right from the get-go, it's easy to see big differences between what kamala harris would propose, what donald trump would propose on the economy back in 2019. she proposed a state and a state he tax to pay for an increase in teacher salaries about $13,000 more per average teacher in this country coast-to-coast. and she wanted a higher corporate tax rate.
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currently it's 21%. she wanted to push it up even higher than joe biden proposed. >> all of that, leaning on the rich to pay more to make the economy work. >> donald trump points to his track record of wages rising faster than inflation in his administration. and once again, he's promising tax cuts and raising tariffs on imported goods, which some economists say actually could cost consumers. but nonetheless, many republicans think but actually work in a positive way on abortion. she supports legislation to protect abortion rights nationally. she's the first sitting vice president to visit an abortion clinic. donald trump promised to overturn roe v. wade and 2016. and once he got the right players into the supreme in court, that's exactly what they did. however, he opposes a national abortion ban perhaps mindful of the fact that most americans think it should be legal. and he favors leaving it to states to decide. and on the border kamala harris, back the bipartisan border security deal, endorsed by biden back in
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the winter. she's worked with countries in central america to deter illegal immigration opposed family separation when people are caught at the border, trump blocked that bipartisan border security deal endorsed by biden. remember the republicans rose up against it in february and wiped it out. and he wants to resume building the wall which you did not complete? you didn't his first term and closing the border and promising mass deportations. so just a few areas, but areas in which they are substantially different from each other now the head of the u.s. secret service has resigned a day after admitting to security lapses and the attempted assassination of donald trump in announcement by kimberly cheatle comes after combative hearing before the house oversight committee where she angered lawmakers by refusing to answer questions about the shooting here's what lawmakers had to say during that hearing you answered more questions with an abc reporter, then you have with members of congress, the notion of a report coming out in 60 days when the threat
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environment is so high in the united states, irrespective of party is not acceptable. do you really? genuinely in your heart, believe that you being in this role is what's right for america at this moment, you should have come today ready to give us answers? i call upon you to resign today because i think that this relationship is your retrievable at this point. >> well, meanwhile, pennsylvania state police commissioner revealed new details about the security failures at the trump rally, which has only raised more questions about what happened. christopher paris testified at a house homeland security hearing on tuesday he said the state police immediately notified secret service when they learned about activities of suspicious individual who turned out to be the gunman. but paris also said to local officers who were stationed inside a building overlooking the roof where the gunman was found, left their post to look for that individual moments before the shooting started conditions across taiwan
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getting worse as typhoon ghaemi gets closer to landfall, the storm is bearing down on the island, bringing heavy rainfall, gusty winds, and dangerous storm surge top winds are around 135 miles per hour or 220 kilometers per hour, the equivalent of a category four hurricane or the islands, mountain areas have already reported rainfall of up to 16 inches or more than 400 milliliter millimeters. >> and much more is expected, businesses and schools are closed across taiwan and as well as in the philippines, which has also recorded heavy rain and winds. government officials a shutdown in manila and the stock exchange. there is also closed after taiwan gave me is expected to hit china's fujian province on thursday before moving into other parts of southern china breaking news out of the pool, at least 18 people have been killed after a small plane skidded off the runway in the capital katmandu. >> local officials say one person survived the crash of
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syria airlines plane. all on board were employees of that airline the crash happened during takeoff just a few hours ago. airport authorities say the plane was headed to a nearby city for maintenance much more to come, including benjamin netanyahu's high stakes visit to the u.s. >> israeli prime minister is set to address joint meeting of congress today amid the ongoing gaza ceasefire negotiations more than half 1 million delta customers have their travel plans upended by delayed or canceled flights. >> we'll have details on how long the flight disruptions could last plus it's a brat girl summer, don't know what that is. >> actually. >> worry is going to explain coming up ocd is more than what you see on tv. and in the movies, it comes with unrelenting intrusive images, thoughts, and urges.
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blackstone retailer or blackstone now and make everything better on a blackstone ever worry. >> that you're, drinking too much. take back control with or health or health provides access to medication proven to make it easier to drink less or to quit drinking altogether qualified for treatment today at we're i feel like i lose track of at least $500 that's because you saw you spreadsheets haven't heard of rocket money, know what you're probably going to cut me up and tell me about it's not to automatically attracted spending in real time, larger bills fisa canceled sneaky subscriptions. sign me up stay on track with your finances and download rocket money today israel's prime minister will deliver are high stakes address to a joint meeting of the u.s. congress today. but the gaza ceasefire and hostage release talks are looming over his visit to washington benjamin netanyahu is under pressure from families of hostages being held by hamas to take the deal. when he met some of them in washington, he vowed to bring
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their loved ones home this is an important visit that will give us an opportunity to bring to the representatives of the american people, as well as the american people. >> the importance of their support in the efforts we are making together with them to bring about the release of all the hostages, both the living and the dead. >> israel's response to negotiations expected on friday, but may include 11th hour demands netanyahu touched on key sticking points. >> netanyahu will meet with us president joe biden on thursday, made vice president kamala harris, later, the vice president will not preside over today's joint meeting of congress citing schedules travel dozens of democrats are expected to skip the israeli prime minister's speech as the party remains divided over his handling of the war in gaza netanyahu will meet donald trump on friday at his florida estate, the former us president and republican nominee announced the meeting on social media writing quote, my peace
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through strength through gender will demonstrate to the world that these horrible, deadly wars and violent conflicts must end. >> netanyahu is looking to improve relations with trump and the events that he returns to the white house, their relationship that soured over the 2020 election when he congratulated president biden on his victory angering trump, nada bashir following developments for us now, if you look at these israeli media, doesn't seem anyone >> the united states and there has been those tensions and fraught relations between biden and netanyahu's and the timing certainly is interesting, but that pressure is growing on netanyahu to strike a deal. he met with the family members and representatives of hostage hostages held captive by hamas in gaza on monday. and he was again, pretty confident he said that the israeli government is still determined to bring back
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all hostages currently held captive. but of course it's been nearly ten months now and there has been growing calls from within israel for him to do more to strike a deal to ensure the safe return of hostages. but what we are hearing now as he continues his visit to the united states is a tone of optimism not only from the israeli side but also from the u.s. side, we've heard from biden saying that he believes all parties involved are on the verge of striking a deal. the state department said that the gaps in this negotiation process are narrowing that there are still some issues, some sticking points, but there is a certain degree of hope now that that pressure has really reached a boiling point. now that they made may well be a sign of optimism from the israeli side when they do come back with their final terms of this deal to be negotiated. so certainly some hope there, but again, that pressure is mounting and of course he will be addressing congress. he saw in that first tuesday, we've seen protesters now occupying a congressional
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building. so there is a huge amount of tension, not only politically, but also just around washington right now, they're huge protests taking place, this is a hugely divisive issue and of course this is an election year in the u.s. so that will be a hot topic, will be a week of pressure for him to respond to that separately. now, yesterday, we saw deal signed years of division what does that signify at this time? what are the hopes now for the future and the potential for building a government? >> look, this is a significant turning point in the internal relations of these palestinian groups fatah has of course dominated the palestinian authority, which maintains control over the west bank. hamas has my jenkins joel of gaza since 2007, after winning legislative elections, we've seen that division. we've seen that division result in violence between the two in the past. but this is a significant indication of where they are both heading politically and diplomatically. there have been those continued cause more a political solution, particularly looking towards a two-state solution in which
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there would be well, it's done in control over both the occupied west bank and occupied territories east jerusalem and also, of course, the gaza strip. and what we've heard from both groups is that they believe that this is a historic junction for both groups. this is essentially laying the groundwork in their eyes to ensure that they are able to maintain palestinian control over gaza in any sort of post-war governance structure. and that is key because we have heard from israeli official suggesting that there might be some sort of israeli security control presence in gaza, which is of course drawn backlash from many in the region. however hamas is involvement is still dpp, problematic. this deal has drawn backlash from israeli officials, of course, but also in the u.s. the biden administration has that hamas can have no role in any sort of post-war governance structure. >> all right, now, the sheer thank you. >> not kenya, where police have used tear gas on protesters, tried to occupy the main airport in the capital nairobi. >> it's the sixth week of anti-government demonstrations which began as protests over plans to raise taxes, but have since evolved into a broader
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movement against the president william ruto. cnn's larry madowo has been in the midst of these protests reports quoting now, hear from nairobi were just interviewing people in this. you guys one more time. fabs, if you look here, there's an entire opened his absence coming. >> we were just tear guys think people in essential neighborhood essentially? >> and they got disbursed this is a lot of explosions for our residential neighborhoods flash bangs, tear gas, and what sound like either rubber bullets or emt runs. >> these are residential area we are by uconn fire, a live bullet like this one. and we have kids around because you have humanity i know that he was who have common sense. >> these people already in their homes, they're in the balconies. they can't go any
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further. there are off the streets and in this cargo side and police are still here. so i'm not sure how much further they could possibly go these began six weeks ago as protest against the finance bill when president ruto did drop that, we're supposed to fires entire cabinets. now escalated into protests about president ruto's own legitimacy, about corruption, his own government, about the high cost of living, and especially more recently about the more than 50 people have been killed in protests since they began, us support the young people who are protesting today because there most people died last week the protesters didn't achieve that total shutdown. they planned on. they didn't occupy the airport either, but they did keep parts of the city to a standstill president william ruto has expressed frustration with how long these does have gone on. he has declared enough is enough. but the response for
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the protesters appears to be they will determine when the call it quits. larry madowo, cnn, nairobi coming up donald trump. >> and his campaign are working on a new attack plan against an opponent who's energizing young voters and from june and juice to wine. >> and by gaetz, the one at least snoop dogg has the honor of being the olympic torch bearer, head of the paris games. details on that. >> scott's do with it stay tuned aturday on the whole
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story political violence has always threatened our democracy after the attempt on trump's life. >> where does america go from here? the whole story with anderson cooper, political violence? america is bloody history. saturday at 8:00 on cnn, you know, there's this thing called age and it sucks if you're over 50. imagine you could turn back the clock on your stiff achy joints by years introducing instant flex advanced on tour, i can't let sore joints hold me up. so are used insta flex advance its restored my joy thanks. without just temporarily masking my symptoms. when you can find a product that take that away to the point chip-in live your life again. that is a miracle to make. >> get a complementary sample. but bienz to flex advanced just by texting gleam to three-to-one, three-to-one instead, flex advanced targets. the root cause of joint sourness and stiffness with a unique combination of five key natural ingredients found nowhere else. key ingredients back by five clinical studies, i deliver male, walk in two to
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it's that easy. find it, see it, count on it with the best seat in the house. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. and ask about the bosley guarantee welcome back to cnn newsroom. here are some of today's top stories. the u.s. president's would explain why he decided to end his presidential campaign in a speech tonight from the oval office. joe biden is also expected to lay out his plans for the rest of his term. president returned to the white house tuesday after isolating due to covid cnn has learned that us senator bob menendez will resign from the senate on august 20 earlier this month, he was convicted on 16 counts, including bribery, extortion, and wire fraud. and then there's still insists he never violated his public oath of office and in southern ethiopia, at least 200 people are reported dead after two
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landslides in his victims were buried in the first landslides caused by heavy rain the second landslide on monday killed rescuers who have gone to help digging with shovels and their bare hands i would call it how is poised to become the democratic nominee for the us president? >> it's a whole new election campaign, and that means donald trump needs a new strategy. his team is wasting no time trying to discredit harris cnn's kristen holmes explains how his campaign is turning its attacks away from biden and towards the fisa president former president donald trump in his campaign are still figuring out how exactly they're going to go after vice president kamala harris as this race has taken a huge turn now they argue that they are ready for this, but they have been preparing for there to be an alternate candidate to president joe biden for months, an i've been focused on the fact that it would be harris. >> they have prepared opposition research, however, there are still allies that are close to donald trump who acknowledged the race, has
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fundamentally changed. now we saw a little bit of a highlight of what these attacks on harris are going to look like earlier today when donald trump spoke to reporters, take a lesson she's the same as biden, but much more radical. she's radical left person in this country, doesn't want a radical left person to destroy it. she's far more radical than he is. he wants open borders she wants things that nobody wants. >> now the big thing that trump's campaign is advisers argue, is that kamala harris might have name id a d, but she doesn't have what they call name agitation, meaning that most people don't know anything about harris. you hear donald trump there talking about her time in california. we are expecting that to come up a lot. they are going to try to use this education gap to fill the void with negative information we know right now it is a race between donald trump and his team and kamala harris to define her in this race. now the other interesting thing that trump said in this call with reporters that he wanted to debate kamala harris, but that he never agreed to it
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or he hadn't agreed to it yet. they need only agreed to debate president joe biden's. so clearly saying he wants to do it, but leaving the door open there for him to not actually take harris on. one thing is clear we are now in uncharted territory and everyone is trying to figure out what this race looks like ahead of november. >> kristen holmes, cnn, washington oh controversial remarks made by trump's vice presidential pick, j.d. >> vance, three years ago, have recently resurfaced and are going viral during an interview with fox news back in 2021, vance tries to insult democrats, including kamalaharris by calling them childless cat ladies we're effectively run in this country via the democrats be via our corporate oligarch's by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they've made. >> and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable too. and it's just a basic fact you look, kamala harris pete buttigieg, aoc, the entire
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future of the democrats is controlled by people without children well, we have to point out that vice president harris has two stepchildren and transportation secretary pete buttigieg and his husband adopted twins. >> since that interview. let's also not forget that many people who have cats i'm not children not children are quite happy about that. i mean, it's a bizarre argument. >> it's not an argument. he's going to win. i don't think a lot of friends who have told us cat, women who are quite comfortable owning it yeah. >> the us government is opening an investigation into delta airlines, ongoing flight disruptions over 6,000 flights have been canceled since friday's global tech outage impacting more than half 1 million travelers. >> airline official said it could be a week before it's all sorted out. cnn's isabel rosales reports it's been an experience it definitely has been an experience delta airlines still struggling five days after a massive crowdstrike outage caused the
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airline systems to fail, leaving its customers stranded, while other airlines are back to normal united airlines seems to get back up and running. >> delta has canceled more than 6,000 flight since friday and accounts for 66% of all the flight cancellations in the u.s. on tuesday, atlanta's hartsfield-jackson airport, delta's headquarters and largest hub has been left in chaos, rows and rows of bags line the floors of the world's busiest airport even celebrities like charles barkley are searching through it. >> i'm looking around is going to be a minute. >> go, sis a lot of luggage here. >> i just flew in today, didn't have any issues. well, i don't know to get i'm found my golf club frustration is everywhere. >> we're not being picky. i'm just i'm will go anywhere in north carolina but he booked us some tickets and before well, we got out of the airport. they had canceled them five minutes later is out of control. >> it's not it's not okay. >> dozens of delta employees from all different departments of jumped in to ease the pain for passengers.
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>> delta twice a week for 24 years to always been fantastic. i've never had an issue but in fairness though, they can't do anything about this, but the department of transportation does not agree secretary pete buttigieg today launching an investigation into delta, the airline ceo ed bastian, has apologized to passengers. the airline responded in a statement saying in part, delta is in receipt of the department's notice of investigation and his full we cooperating we remain entirely focused on restoring our operation. delta teams are working tirelessly to care for and make it right for customers impacted by delays and cancellations, such meltdowns are not new earlier this year, dot reached a 140 million settlement with southwest airlines following an investigation into similar systems problems triggered by weather over the 2022 holiday like with that meltdown, delta system that schedules cruz for flights failed that would cancel the lay bob and then it would start all over again. and
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it could be several more days of headaches for passengers dealing with delays. these cancellations, and lost luggage, just like this, we've also gotten a clear picture of the impacts of what's become now a delta meltdown pete buttigieg does secretary of transportation, saying that half 1 million delta passengers have been impacted. his office has received received over 3,000 complaints about this issue and about delta isabel rosales. cnn lynda now alphabet, the parent company of google, has posted better than expected revenue for the second quarter, driven by strong digital sales and demand for its cloud computing services, revenue up 14% from april to june, almost $85 billion for the year. >> alphabet stock is up around 30%. >> the company it is competing with microsoft and amazon as all he continued to spend billions on artificial intelligence ai tesla meanwhile, sorts profits, plunge in the second quarter,
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reporting and chocolate more than 40% from a year ago, it's the first time tesla is reported consecutive quarters of declining sales shares of the electric carmaker fell about 8% after hours trading on tuesday, it has also warned it's vehicle growth rate this year may be notably lower than last year. cnn's clare duffy has more on the challenges the company has facing it's kind of a surprise. we actually saw revenue tick up about 2% year over year, which is sort of a good result for them given the fact that deliveries were falling. but it's this continued increased competition in the ev market. tesla has been cutting costs, trying to bring consumers back, but doesn't look like they're buying it at the same time. had to notice that tesla acknowledged in this report that it's operating expenses. expenses are increasing because it's investing in ai. and so it's having to continue to invest in this movement that all of the big cut tech companies are taking at a time that's really tricky for this company. i think we'll be waiting to hear if elon musk
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talks about things like the self-driving robotaxi that is supposed to turn things around. but right now, things are not looking great well, president joe biden at the age of 81, was struggling to win over younger voters. >> it seems his 59-year-old vice president and now presumptive presidential nominee is brat good thing. >> currently, according to gen z anna stewart explains what brat actually means last summer, the world went pink. circle. >> boss is shop fronts and billboards. >> this year thank is. out lime green is in from cosmetics retailers. >> this now, tiktok, famous delhi in charleston, even london zoo got in on the action. charli xcx ban this trend with the launch of her breath album in june slime
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green basic fonts. it's irreverent. am i surprised that it's inspired a whole summer trend i'm going you can look to music videos like 360 inspiration, all get the definition from the artist herself, but it can also be like show, like trashy, just like a pack of cigs, a bic lighter? yes. >> like a strappy white top with no bra that's like kind of a union beyond that. it's hard to really nail down what bragg girls summer looks like. do you know the answer to this question stumbling upon film director, a good write was worth further investigation i'll see zx them again, or you bragg samah. >> yes. >> i hope so not today. i don't think i am today, but the boots kind of spf in your girlies what does that even
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mean? >> this is just the latest micro trend recent ones include gop cool, coastal grandma, and last year's tomato girl summer, i think it has a bit of that. >> if you know, you know, angle if you understand it, you want to buy into it. it doesn't guarantee viral success but it just very easy to hop on and people will enjoy it with engagement that easy, even politicians are having a brat girl summer. it was a bratty election campaign for the uk green party. and now us vice president kamala harris harris is hoping slime green will appeal and charlie approves go and do your brackets on my god. >> thank you. you to have those other fry fellow summer anna stewart, cnn, london. do you know what practical summary i know you were struggling with this concept yesterday, but now
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that you've seen this, what do you think your girls, so it's like it's like being a brat, like a whole is bigger then just one idea isn't it? >> it's like a whole styles, whatever. yeah. >> i think if you claim to be a foreigner, well, i mean, i don't aspire to rats. let's just put that out there. however, as a child of the 90s, i think i just inherently am. but you don't want to look at the pictures? >> i don't think any parent really encourages almost we've got a long way to go yeah. >> maybe barbie over brat. anyway, with just two days to go before the opening ceremony of the olympic games, paris prepares for its moment on the world stage when we return on the edge, moments that shaped our culture coming this fall on cnn, university of maryland global campus is a school for real life, one that values that
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successes you've already achieved, earn up to 90 undergraduate credits for relevant experience, and get the support you need from your first day to graduation day and beyond. >> what will your next access be? >> ever worried that you're drinking too much? take back control with or health or health provides access to medication proven to make it easier to drink less or to quit drinking altogether qualified for treatment today? that we're i love this moment when the audience knows the show's about to begin a great show tells a great story transport you it makes you feel this summer, wonder about greatest stories will be told in a way never seen before when the opening ceremony of the paris olympics, he staged here on the san the wait is almost over just you know that 80% of people have subscriptions. >> they forgot about oh, that's dumb.
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and z fold6 when you trade in your current phone. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. >> jackpot party, a party in every spirit all eyes on paris, as the city prepares to host the summer olympic games, we are just two days away from the opening ceremony where thousands of spectators will gather along the banks of the river sand security will be tight. >> france's interior ministry says its jet did about 5,000
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security accreditation requests for olympics workers the olympic torch relay has traveled from versailles to the outskirts of paris. >> and will make its final journey to the city. me more athletes are arriving at the olympic village as events for games kicked cough today with men's football and rugby you have seen all sorts of tiktok videos about those cardboard beds. again, i'm gonna be a comfortable month. it's not just the world's best athletes arriving there in paris for the games snoop dogg yeah, it'll be when the final torchbearers of the olympic flame, the rapper says, he grew up watching the olympics and is thrilled to see the incredible athletes bring their a game to paris. >> very exciting. he will carry the torch through the neighborhood of sandoni, which is the flames final stop before ending its journey at the eiffel tower, cnn's saskia vandoorne joins us now much more than the athletes saskya is there to norris. >> i know my god different sas, great to see you the excitement saskia clearly building the
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announcement that snoop dogg is going to be in town and we're also hearing some rumors about a possible celine dion involvement as well. what can you tell us? >> well, let me tell you more, chrystia max, it's so at first of all, a few months ago, the french weren't that enthusiastic about the games, but i'm happy to report that this morning. i've been talking to some french people here and excitement is finally building. as you guys said, at the competition kicks off today. so we've got france facing offered to us in the men's soccer and rugby. now you also mentioned that they've been arriving at the olympic village i was lucky enough to visit it recently. and let me tell you guys, they have really made a big deal about this being a sustainable olympic village as you said, you've got those cardboard beds, stools quite similar to what? they had in tokyo. you've got these solar rooftop panels everywhere. so it really is like a neighborhood that is meant to be sustainable, but also that's been built to last. so the buildings are also
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then going to become apartments and offices. wants the game's over, but meanwhile, i here in central paris. max, it has changed a lot from when you came for the elections several weeks ago. i'm here on the poor nrf within the security perimeter. and it is so rare to see this bridge without any traffic on it and that is because we are within the security and of course, everybody is talking about the opening ceremony that is set to happen on friday. >> so it's the first time that opening ceremony for the summer games is going to be taking place outside of the stadium. >> so it's very ambitious. it should be spectacular it's going to happen here up on the said, on a six kilometer route. you're going to have up to 7,000 athletes on those boats and over 300,000 spectators cheering them on. and as you said, chrissy, we don't know who's that we performing yet? celine dion did arrive yesterday, maybe daft punk,
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maybe do at epa. we don't know yet. christiane max kristie. thank you so much. i mean, that's just shows the security pressure doesn't it? i mean, you've been to so many olympics. they're always in a stadium. >> i've been to three opening and closing ceremonies, all in the stadium. the fact that this is on a river it the scale of the ambition. i have no idea what to expect it's been on a boat, presumably, could be better than saline on a boat with some fireworks, make it happen. paris history being meantime, olympic organizers are trying to keep athletes safe from air pollution. cnn's derek van dam has been showing us how here in the olympic village these air purifiers are here to help athletes breathe easier. and their inspiration comes from an often overlooked feature of the city skyline you see athletes performance could be in danger because the paris region has a serious pollution problem with over 8,000 deaths a year with a nearby highway spewing fumes into the olympic village air quality experts are concerned. it's crazy it's a
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crazy, it's not a good place to put unimpeded age. it's crazy yeah. >> the engineer behind these giant vacuum cleaner says his air filters suck in polluted air and filtered out harmful particles starts the device. >> i owe filter one by one oh, you can hear. you brize the same as if you were at the top of the alps? bryce this is good. you can press you feel it. >> i feel it, it fits these air filters have the ability to clean the air of the equivalent of 40 olympic-sized swimming pools volume per hour, acting as a barrier from the adjacent highway, providing the cleanest possible area now for the athletes. >> the concept of purifying the air on a large scale came from a different hobby of jerome's hot air ballooning let's have a flight. know thunderstorm is coming. as this thing safe get a little wobbly this is like a
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real life climate lab but on a balloon. >> now, not only is there a carbon dioxide being measured by this very box right here, but we are also measuring methane, ozone, and even pollen counts. jerome, notice that while this balloon was flying, it was extracting pollutants from the surrounding air. >> and so order particulate matter who are positively charged come oh, and go straight to the balloon. >> and with the balloon's visibility to over 400,000 people across the city. he could turn this into a useful tool for all parisian's if the balloon is green no action is required. if the balloon is orange, it's a warning to parisian's that they need to take extra precautions. but if this balloon turns red or violet, that's when they need to take action. back at the olympic village. these five filters remove at least 50% of air pollution, but the reach is limited to a few dozen meters
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and even after the 14,000 athletes leave, their expected to live on, derek van dam, cnn, paris. >> are you sport debuting at the olympics? why this athletes says his mission is to represent his country. and the breakdancing events, something that you were champion on it i wish every night it's the same thing after dinner, you start soaking, scrubbing, and scraping your stove top it's a nightmare well, now you can wake up to a clean dream kitchen every day with stoke guard, flight on stove top protector that stops all the messes before they start. >> oh, we gooey cheese and maccarrone, thick red staining sauce, even this sticky, melted candy, they just rinse right off in seconds and your so safe, sanitary, spotless, and clean, so you can we lost and live more the fun part of cooking is the eating, not the
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moment, athletes as voice of ukraine yeah, an important moment for him. he says he's been preparing for the summer games in poland, where he's lived since 2013. stories in spotlight are rare and uncorrected proof copy of the first harry potter book. i feel i talk about the first harry potter book all the time and setting a new record. the philosopher's stone will be auction on thursday. it was the first-time that harry was introduced to the world and print making it a sought after item, apparently, the uncorrected burke is one of only 200 ever printed and is riddled with misprints. >> even the name of the author, jk rowling is misspelled i mispronounced is misspelled. >> the title page so it's given as ja rolling. >> so obviously the a should be a k and it's missing a period, probably the most notable misprint that carries over into the first edition. and of course is present here in the uncorrected proof is on page 53
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under the equipment that mr. harry potter needs it says, one wind and stoop located twice, one at the top of the list, one at the bottom of the list now, a deep breath for this one this is europe's highest swing its top of berlin's hotel and leaves businesses dangling hundred and 20 meters. one only 400 feet above the city not for me. the swing provides stunning views of daredevils who are pushed at the speed of their choice. >> several say they were nervous. because they've got lots of security stuff no, not for me. i think it's cool. >> hotel swimming pool for me. thanks the team for maine was fishing with his brother when they witnessed an unbelievable sight the 16-year-old was filming the water with his iphone. >> what a whale breached slamming into a nearby boat unbelievable. >> the brothers raised to help rescue the passengers on the
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boat when it capsized thankfully none of them were injured well, was just having a laugh, isn't it? but now i've i was reading up trying to find out if this was deliberately done by the whether or not i don't know. is this natural for whales to, in their words? bouncing, to go for boats. i mean, you see them bringing think so. >> anyone knows status know we should be having the answers with her anchors. i'm not we'll come back with that information. will come back with that information anyway, frightening video. and that does it for us here at cnn newsroom i'm max foster and i'm christina macfarlane, cnn this morning is up next after a quick break russia were trying to spy on us. >> we were spying on them this is a secret. secrets and spies. now streaming on max no application fee. >> if you apply by august 29 at university of maryland global campus, an accredited university that's transformed
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