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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  July 24, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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field day one x user joking, never check your work email on a day off. another post born to dilly dally forced to lock in the cocktail, getting so much attention, this x user anticipating the bar rush at el presidente, that is where the wolf blitzer is being served cheers to you, wolf, i will say apparently we did learn he wasn't actually at brunch before the coverage. this was from dinner the night before first the button, a little daydream, everyone. >> but i think it's very fun. i apparently my team had a few ideas for kasie hunt, theme drinks. this. >> i'm taking it risk here. i've not seen any of these ideas until right now can you see in korea, i don't think so guys, whiskey man hunt or a whisk kasie sour. how about a kasie breeze in the summer let's have a party. i'll bring a few cases of beer, guys, we need to work on this okay
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thanks to our panel, it's going to be very long day. i'm gonna be on our special coverage tonight, starting right ahead of the president's speech. so don't miss that. thanks to you for joining us. it's now i am kasie hunt, don't go anywhere. cnn new central starts right now the battle is on over the battleground, states vice president kamala harris, presidential campaign lays out their planned path to victory, brand new details this morning on how harris plans to beat donald trump. we also have new details on israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu's address to congress today, who will and will not be there day six of the delta debacle, the airlines still struggling to get back on its feet days after other airlines are pretty much back to normal sparking a federal investigation. now transportation secretary pete buttigieg is our guests. i'm kate bolduan with john berman and sara sidner. this is cnn news central breaking overnight
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a new campaign memo revealing how the hill heroes campaign is claiming their path to victory. >> the vice president's team believes having harris at the top of the ticket has caused a dramatic shift and created an expanded universe so swing voters, voters, the campaign is confident they can win over central to their plan to win is an optimistic, optimistic push to go beyond the so-called blue wall if wisconsin, michigan, and pennsylvania. today, the vice president heads to indianapolis before traveling to houston, texas. meanwhile, president biden is preparing to address the nation tonight. and the highly anticipated speech he's expected to reveal why has made the decision to drop out of the presidential race. cnn's arlette saenz's, that the white house, arlette, tell us a little bit more about the harris campaign and how it's believed that they've got this proper path to victory well
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sara the harris campaign is arguing that this 2024 race is now more fluid than ever as vice president kamala harris is expected to lead the democratic ticket against donald trump in november. >> but now the now harris campaign chair, jen o'malley, dillon released a new memo this morning outlining their views of the race, arguing that but they believe harris can expand on the support from 2020 specifically appealing to black latino, and young voters. and they also see an opening for her with undecided voters at this point in the race. now, as for the electoral map jen o'malley, dillon argued that they will be playing offense in all the battleground states in both that critical blue wall as well as the sunbelt, it's a bit of a shift from just two weeks ago when the campaign had argued that for president biden, the clearest path to victory was through michigan pennsylvania, and wisconsin and simply said that the sunbelt states are, we're not completely out of reach, so they really please view this
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realignment in the electoral map and the type of voters that harris can appeal to. and now that she's expected to lead the democratic ticket, vice president harris made her first stop in a battleground state as the presidential contender yesterday in wisconsin, where she really offered a first glimpse of how xi plans since to make her arguments against trump, really leaning in to where past experience as a prosecutor, prosecutor, she also spoke about the need to expand economic opportunity for middle-class americans and really leaned into the issue of abortion rights, something that she has championed for much of the past that's six months in this campaign. take a listen to what she had to say who believe in reproductive freedom donald trump's extreme abortion bans because we trust women to make decisions about their own now
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as you could hear the crowd, there was quite enthusiastic and the campaign is also pointing to some grassroots enthusiasm, asm that there seemed as of this morning, they say that she has raised 126 million as of sunday. now i put to the put that in comparison, biden raised $127 million in the month of june alone, really highlighting the fundraising momentum that she has at this moment now, back here at the white house, president biden is preparing to deliver perhaps one of the most important and historic speeches of his long political career. the president will be speaking prime time at 8:00 p.m. from the oval office. really outlining his decision to step aside in this race. we're told that the president has been working on this speech with one of his top advisers of mike donilon basically, since the announcement that he was dropping out of the race, went public and he's really expected
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to explain in more detail why he cited to make this move, but also try to lay out the path ahead. of course, president biden himself is heading into a lame duck presidency now, but he has insisted that he is not going away. he wants to get more done in domestic and foreign policy. and of course, he has pledged to remain out there supporting harris to get her elected november. >> it is historic. it is interesting. we haven't seen a speech like this since i think 1968 with lyndon b. johnson stepping away from the campaign, arlette saenz, thank you so much there live for us at the white house. jon so for the first time since vice president harris became his apparent opponent, we will see donald trump on the campaign trail today in a rare call with reporters first, we got a preview of what he might say cnn's alayna treene with us this morning with the latest good morning, lita good morning, john. so donald trump will step back onto the campaign trail today in an entirely new political landscape. and what has really shaped up to be an unprecedented election year. now this north carolina, right? ally is his first since biden
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ended his campaign over the weekend and also the first since kamala harris really seems destined to be the one to face off with donald trump in november. now, i've spoken with donald trump's senior advisers and they've been very closely watching what arlette just laid out, which is the surge and democratic donations ends and democratic enthusiasm. in recent days and we know that his, his team has been reworking their campaign playbook, which originally of course was designed to go after an unpopular 81-year-old and now they're re-imagining what that could look like if kamala harris ends up being the democratic nominee. now, donald trump has been workshopping new lines of attack on harris, some of which i'm told we should expect today during that north carolina rally speech. but he also previewed some of those during a call with reporters yesterday. this is the first type of call he is held this cycle. take a listen to what he said kamala harris was appointed borders are as you
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know, in march of 2021. >> and since that time millions and millions of illegal aliens have invaded our country. and as weak on crime prosecutor in sanctuary jurisdiction of san francisco camila refused to seek the death penalty against anybody. i agree to a debate with joe biden, but i want to debate her and she'll be no different because they have the same policies now, john, you'll hear it like i said, similar attacks on the trail from donald trump today. but look, his team has really racing to try and define kamala harris, even though she is the vice president, his team. i'm told believes that there is going to be a period where she's doing some more name branding and more of the countries getting to know her. so that's where a lot of his attention is going to be focused. i'm also told that they really are generally going to use the same lines of attack against harris as they would have with biden. they want to focus on crime immigration, the border, but of course, some people close to trump also privately
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acknowledged that the race is entirely different, and this has very much clear what it's going to look like with a new opponent. >> john, one thing is clear what he said about harris and immigration was not true. she was never appointed. border czar. she was put in charge at diplomatic efforts with the so-called northern triangle three central american countries which has seen a large number of immigrants coming to the united states. but the borders are comment is one we're hearing from trump and his allies there's no doubt land treene. thank you very much for that. >> kate. >> six days after that global it outage brought air travel to a standstill. delta airlines still trying to work it out. passengers still stranded, even as other airlines have been able to get back to business as usual, delta, now under federal investigation and transportation secretary pete buttigieg is our guest. next. >> plus newly released body cam video is showing officers and secret service gathered on the roof minutes after killing the man and who attempted to assassinate donald trump, the fbi headed to capitol hill today to testify about that
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investigation. >> and those security failures and too close for comfort. well, watching is awesome until the whale breaches and lands on your vote saturday on. >> the, whole story, political violence has always threatened our democracy after the attempt on trump's life. where does america goes from here? the whole the story with anderson cooper, political violence, america as bloody history. saturday at 8:00 on cnn, the edge and rat of moderate to severe eczema disrupts my skin night and day despite treatment, it's still not under control. >> but now i have run voc a once-daily pill that reduces the edge and helps clear the rash of eczema fast some taking invoke felt significant. it's really as early as two days. and some achieved dramatic skin clearances early as two weeks. many saw clear are almost clear
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who get it done washington crossing the delaware at us and invents the lifeboat the practical joke to tbs history in practical jokers, all new thursday's attack on tbs set your dvr now, the delta meltdown day six, delta airlines canceled more than 500 flights tuesday, this all having to do with that global it mess that brought us
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airlines across the board to a screeching halt and stranded thousands and thousands it's of passengers in airports for days. >> but while most companies have been able to get back online and back to normal since friday when this began delta has not an airline analyst estimates that the service meltdown has cost the most profitable american airline, 163 million just through monday of this week the department of transportation has now launched an investigation into what is happening here with delta. and it says that more than half 1 million passengers have been impacted. transportation secretary pete buttigieg joins us right now, secretary. thank you so much for jumping on. let's see what today brings maybe some signs that things aren't off to as bad a start for day for delta as yesterday, but the fact of matter is the other airlines have already bounced back. what is the answer you have been given for why delta has not well that's exactly why we're doing this investigation. >> more than once now, we've seen something happened where
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there's some kind of shock to the system, like a major storm or in this case the crowdstrike outage on friday and every airline is impacted most of them get on their feet, but one of them doesn't. we want to have a better understanding of why delta has said that their systems, we're more vulnerable, they were more reliant on things that were related to the crowdstrike software. but airlines need to have resilient operations. they need to be set up so that if something is out of whack or something goes down, they can absorb that and can recover. there's really two things we're focusing on in our investigation of delta one is that question, what's going on that makes them somehow less able to recover? then the other airlines and the other is the customer care piece of things. when you have a big disruption again, or they're talking about a storm, widespread, tech mechanical issue you got a surge your customer service capacity because what's even
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worse than getting stuck being an airport, wondering if you're going have to sleep on the floor is not being it will get a hold of anybody on the phone or even on these chat systems or the in-person, one of the most upsetting sets of images and stories that i've been hearing is about passengers in a line of about 100 people or more waiting to speak to one customer service agent at an airport there to help them. so those are the main areas we're looking at. the systems resiliency. how did this happen? and then the customer service, why aren't there more people? ready to help these customers navigate those disruptions get in the hotel, the voucher, the rebooking, whatever they need. >> you need to get answers to those questions next steps of course. but other than a scolding and i don't mean that flippantly, but other than a scolding, what is the actual accountability that could come from this investigation? >> well, we had a record enforcement action against southwest totaling 140 million
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in response to the meltdown that took place with their airline, which has some things in common with this. you had a big winter storm most of the other airlines got back on their feet within a couple of days. southwest went very differently. and the idea of having that high level of enforcement action is about 30 times what our department's ever done in the past. is that we wanted to send a signal to the industry that there is a new higher standard of expectation. and accountability. and by the way, importantly, while $35 million of that was cash fine, the majority of that that enforcement action, that penalty took the shape of money going back to customers it's an back to passengers. one thing that we have done a lot of work on, especially since we arrived as making sure passengers get their money back. and i want any delta passenger caught up in this to know if your flight is canceled and you don't take a rebooking, you are entitled to a cash refund. delta needs to provide that. and if they don't, let us know our website has not just good information for you, but
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also a way to file a complaint. let us know if you're having a problem yesterday, the chair of delta's pilots union wrote a letter to other delta pilots and ended. he said this, i share your frustration and seeing passengers stranded while we as crew members experienced the same unacceptable obstacles that we face during every irregular irregular operation. the acronym for it, the inability to contact the company in any capacity we and the feeling that we've been abandoned in the system. what picks up on what i picked up on here is that the obstacles we face during every irregular operation, if the pilots feel abandoned and feel like this is reoccurring can the department of transportation do anything to ensure this doesn't happen again well, that's again, part of the scope of our investigation and it's a really good point. >> this isn't just frustrating for passengers. this is frustrating for employees. when you have those flight attendants, pilots it of course did nothing to cause this problem. and i would urge those
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who are caught up in this too take note of that, that so many other people who worked for delta have been affected part of this is specifically because it looks like the meltdown relates to delta's crew scheduling system, which has not been able to keep up more broadly, nobody should have to deal with this and our authorities mainly relate to the care of passengers and customers, but now there's real concern about the effect this sort of thing has on workers to, and it's a reminder of the importance of every company investing in resilience to prevent their customers and their workers from facing these kinds of problems real quick, just on a human level, it just doesn't make sense that in today's day and age, you can't control alt delete and reboot a system. this many days later should people have any confidence that another it outage will not cause this kind of damage again we're bigger picture. this is clearly exposed a lot of vulnerabilities, not just in
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the airline sector, but in the entire global economy. >> the fact that a simple glitch like this ricocheted around the world is a real cause for concern. and again, i think the real watch word here is resiliency. how can we make sure our systems, our positioning? and to quickly recover when something like this happens. but i want to note most of the airline sector did quickly recover. things were different at delta and that's exactly why we're investigating them secretary pete buttigieg. >> thanks for coming in this morning john all right. this morning, eviction rates in big cities around the us hitting record highs. we've got new reporting on what is causing this surge in altered images ai and deep fakes misinformation surrounding vice president kamala harris has skyrocketed since she entered the race very special holiday happened event and search for suspects how it
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you its hard to watch yourself be pulled out of the building but a tornado new
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this morning, a troubling mix of surging rent and expiring covid era protections is catapulting evictions to levels higher than they were before the pandemic renters living in cities like las vegas houston, phoenix are all seeing this spike hitting a record number in january. >> cnn's matt egan is here with us with more. this is a huge issue, not just for those being evicted for property owners as well. this has been a big contention and now we're seeing these numbers. what, what's going on? >> yes, sir. >> a growing problem, and it's a bit surprising given how low unemployment is right now, but we are seeing in cities across america the eviction lab at princeton university tracks all of this and they find that eviction filings have climbed well above pre-covid levels in las vegas, used in phoenix nashville, minneapolis, gainesville, florida, most not all, but most of those cities
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are actually in the sunbelt where we know millions of americans have flocked to in recent years, they trekked 34 cities and they say more than half of them are above those pre-covid levels. and the vast majority of these evictions are four issues of race later, to, not paying their rent. so why is this happening? well, there's a few things going on. first of all, during covid policy makers, they came to the rescue of renters. they were these eviction moratoriums. there was almost 50 billion in aid all of that has dried up layer on top of that, the fact is life is just more expensive right now, right? americans are paying more for daycare and car insurance and groceries, leaves less money to pay for rent. also, some of these cities and states, they've actually made it easier, cheaper, faster for landlords to give renters the boot when they're not paying. and then perhaps most importantly, it's just affected rent has gone up, right? americans are paying on average 20 1% more than they did in march of 2020. but in some
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cities, in some cities were evictions are up, like las vegas, like columbus, ohio the cost of rent has gone up even more. one economists, that apartment list, he told me there's just been this erosion of affordability especially at the low end. he said affordable housing has just disappeared. and i spoke to a woman here in new york who works as an actress. she said she fell behind during covid on rent because their roommate moved out and she didn't want to get a random room. it can't blame her, right? eventually though she owed $15,000 and her landlord gave her just days to come up with that money. she said it was humiliating that she felt like a failure and she did what a lot of people are doing in this situation. she turned to gofundme. she started a campaign, ended up raising more than enough money to avoid a vision. but listen that's one of the positive stories here. there's a lot of people who don't have that kind of network to raise that much money that fast. and they end up in a worse situation. >> what's interesting here, matt, is that you named certain places that are not known for having high rents like houston or phoenix. those are known in
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those areas for having a lower rent. so it's just interesting to see like how difficult this is for people and bad news for the economy is like, yeah, we've got to keep an eye on matt egan. thank you so much. you, sir. >> i'm kate. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is headed to capitol hill today. he's going to, he's going to be addressing a joint session congress, a divided congress at that over his leadership during israel's war against hamas why lawmakers say they are not attending his speech. and we just learned burn, who will be the female flag bearer for team usa at the olympics opening ceremony. >> fear that on the edge, moments that shaped our culture coming this fall on cnn will be a gold mine of local inns and tell us about this corn
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festival. >> he got your corn, putin's, how is it safe around here? >> sometimes know eyebrows. >> think about light, it'll feel in the summer, we kind of run 11,000 more neighborhoods to go i still have to serve snowboard. and of course scape. so i take qdot magnesium to support my muscle and bone health queue knows extra streak high absorption, magnesium helps me get the full benefits of magnesium kunal, the brand i trust here's to getting better with age. here's the beaten these two every thursday, help fuel today with boost type protein, complete nutrition, you need without the stuff you don't so years to now home where routine meets remarkable with unexpected moments of inspiration around every corner. >> and through every window my mornings in the sun with port-au to new world and fine
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joke some travelers belong in the history books in practical jokers, all new thursday's attack on tbs set your dvrs day speech at the capitol today is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu will address a joint meeting of congress ahead of his speech, hundreds of protesters stage a sit in inside the capitol calling for a ceasefire in gaza dozens of democratic lawmakers are plenty to skip the speech as the party remains divided over his handling of the war. >> cnn's lauren fox is with me now. what do we expecting today? lauren? >> yeah. this address is coming at such a tumultuous time and not just us politics, but also israeli politics. and as benjamin netanyahu faces challenges back home, this is a high high-stakes speech for him, given the fact that there are lawmakers who are going to be in this audience who have serious questions, serious his doubts about netanyahu's leadership right now. and that includes some republicans. i was talking last night to
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senator joni ernst. she serves on the armed services committee and she said she has to hear a very clear and concise message from netanyahu today about the path forward in this war and how he is going to get hostages home. she said it is far beyond time for that to happen. but you are also going to see many democrats and not attending this speech today. there are more than 80 house democrats who we know are going to be boycotting six us senators who are going to be boycotting, including patty murray hurry, who is a top democrat in leadership, who is not going to be attending this speech today overseeing it is going to be senator ben cardin. he's going to be presiding and i think that that just says a lot about this moment right now as netanyahu comes in to give this address, there are some democrats who are going to be having alternative programming. this is congresswoman pramila jayapal, who said in a statement, instead of attending
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benjamin netanyahu's address, i will attend a panel discussion, led by the center of american progress and other organizations on the path to peace. this event will feature a palestinian leader, a jewish israeli leader and a former idf soldier all of whom are dedicated to finding a path toward peace and security. and i just want to remind people that this address is happening after the initial invitation went out from speaker mike johnson. obviously, it's going to be really interesting to see what house republicans think of this speech. meanwhile, last night on the senate floor, a series of democrats address the issues that they see happening and concerns that they have about benjamin netanyahu coming this is independent senator bernie sanders it. >> will, be the first time in american history that a war criminal has been given that order frankly, this invitation
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to netanyahu is a disgrace and something that we will look back on. width, regret and earlier this year, remember majority leader chuck schumer actually called on the israeli people to hold new election and replace benjamin netanyahu lauren fox in washington will watch this very closely, lauren. >> thank you very much. okay. >> so just minutes after president biden endorse kamala harris to replace him at the top of the democratic ticket lies altered photographs other misleading claims flooded the internet what could be a preview of things to come in the now sprint to the finish of a presidential race that completely reset overnight. seen as donie o'sullivan tracking this one for us is joining us now. donie, what are you seeing? >> hey case. yeah, look, as you said, they're just every sort of conspiracy theory imaginable, floating around online. it's really like a lot of prominent trump supporters are trying to test out as
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seeing what will stick as such and look some of these folks are hiding their racism better than others other people are being very blatant about it. i mean, just to give you a sense of the range of what is being said, there is even a birther conspiracy theory and tro back to trump and obama. of course, there's no basis at all whatsoever that the current vice president is eligible to be president. also, we're seeing a lot of altered videos and images some of them are quite crude. i want to just give you an example of one which i think we can show a side-by-side here there is an image of the vice president there, which as you can see on the right-hand side, her husband the second gentlemen, and obviously been manipulated there on the left to put in a photo of jeffrey epstein. so look, stuff like that is pretty simple. it's pretty crude, but
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when there's so much stuff of it floating around online or can re-emerge and be used to kind of paint. these various it's different narratives online and even though you might look at that image side-by-side and say, well, you know, clearly that's a fake sometimes as people encountered this stuff on social media on their own, it's not always as clear and i can kind of play into this idea. and i think one thing that's important to mention here as well, kate, as we were boat at the oren, see last week and one thing that struck me from being there is that we saw so many different these new kind of propaganda outlets. the type of outlets that steve bannon is on, the michlin della is posting. these outlets are growing hugely. they're pushing propaganda, pushing this kind of misinformation at the same time as local newspapers and journalists are being laid off across the country. so really making the waters much murkier as we go into this election great perspective and context.
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>> i was just thinking it was just last week you and i sitting together talking about conspiracy theories that were swirling over the attempted assassination patient, have donald trump. and now we've got a whole new batch. man. oh man. the times we're in donie. thank you john all right. >> this morning, a brand new memo from the harris campaign campaign chair jen o'malley, dillon, rights this expanded universe of winnable voters is highly accessible. to vice president harris. i think we have a graphic of this we have a clear advantage on issues they have been supportive of democrats in the past, and many are supportive of democrats down ballot. it is the job of the harris campaign to win these voters with me now former democratic presidential candidate, vermont governor howard dean, who was also wants chairman of the dnc. quite a resume they're sir, one of the things this memo lays out. jen o'malley dillon says that maybe under president biden, she suggests they were going to focus on the so-called blue wall, pennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan. but this sort of
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re-expand the map to the sunbelt states, arizona, nevada, georgia, north carolina. you were the architect of the 50 he stayed strategy in the arts 2000 ats. do you think that's realistic now, how does harris expand the map is not only realistic is this essential first to do it in this presidential election. and we should never give up on a single state because if you do that then you can sign yourself to for election after election, after election to try to climb up this, this red wall. so i welcome this. i agree with the funding's i saw some very surprising poll. i think it was writers, but i'm not sure that showed harris up by two over trump nationally now we all know that national numbers don't matter as is the 50, 50 states that matter. but yeah, that her strategy jen o'malley, dillon in the vice president's strategy is exactly right. and they
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shouldn't be doing that and they can win in north carolina and georgia thank you what's the difference between harris and biden then in those states there's an enormous difference. >> the biggest one of all is that this is going to help her a lot. she's 59-years-old. trump is now the old guy in the race, 78-years-old, and he's got a few cognitive problems himself so the shoe is completely flipped upside down here and now, i think that that column has a great chance of winning this race. young people are starting to rally. your previous section talked about all the propaganda on the internet well, that goes both ways. we, on our side, we generally don't use us crazy stuff like epstein, but there's a ton of stuff on instagram of young people getting excited about harris. that was not going to happen under joe biden. so this is a big step forward. >> you would a little experience with a surge of us
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support and your presidential campaign before 2004, 2003, the young people we're all with you kind of until they warrant. i'm not trying to rip off the band-aid here are supposed to soar, but it's sort of true. the young people can be with a campaign and then dissolve, right? >> well, the young people actually stuck with me that what happened was the scream speech, which was sort of an artifact of cable television. but that was a really eye like in my situation to biden's, i couldn't change the narrative after that. i couldn't change the narrative and joe shouldn't change he's the narrative about his age and his dementia and all this other stuff. and you just, you know, it's not fair, but that's politics. i think common is the antidote to all of that how does she need to differentiate herself? >> from president biden on policy, on how she would be a different president the one that the issue i can think of
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the most is because this is going to really significantly help her and states among anti, among young people is i think she needs to call for a, an immediate ceasefire a permanent ceasefire in the middle east that is an issue that is harder, that harmed biden with young people in at harmed biden in key states like michigan and wisconsin and minnesota. >> and so that's the only policy thing i can think of immediately. there's some other things that i think she she you know, she of course didn't speak he got against any biden policies, but she has her own views on policy. when you're the vice president, your job is not to speak about those views as support the president, which he's done. but i think we will see some additional discussions from her on policy issues. there won't be a huge amount of daylight between her and biden. but she will be probably more more progressive than biden now, i think biden did a great job and he was one of the great domestic presidents we've seen since lyndon johnson really but
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i think carlo will be able to articulate that better. and i think she'll be supportive of somewhat more progressive policies. >> howard dean, great to see you this morning. thank you very much. >> thanks for this morning. >> we have new body camera footage from officers showing the moments immediately after the attempted assassination of donald trump and then it is kind of a miracle that i am alive that is the message from a man this morning. can you just sort of salt? that right? there it is again what happened when he was out on his boat? >> oh, a humpback whale jumped and landed on it happens all the time, not really that is shocking video. >> we'll hear from the guy who was onboard saturday on the whole story, political violence has always threatened our democracy after the attempt on trump's life where does america go from here? >> the whole story with anderson cooper, political violence, america as bloody history saturday at 8:00 on
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i'm isabel rosalas at atlanta's hartsfield-jackson airport. >> and this is cnn happenings dead israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu will address a joint meeting of congress, several democratic lawmakers say they are planning to skip the speech as the party remains divided over netanyahu's handling of the war in gaza, joining me now is democratic congressman josh gottheimer of new jersey. he is also a member of the house intelligence committee. thank you so much for coming on this morning out there in the heat right outside of gobble hill when you look at what is happening in gaza, there is an extreme amount of concern. we're talking more than 30,000 people that have been killed. many of them women and children, hamas has hostages and keeps hiding in tunnels and leaving people with no refuge there. but israel still responsible for dropping the bombs and killing civilians. do you have any sense of where the ceasefire agreement stand at this hour?
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>> and what let's be very clear, hamas continues to attack israel other proxies and other iranian proxies in the region, including the houthis continuing to attack israel continue attack our service members. so this is israel as not just being attacked by the united states and our interests are being attacked, right now. my number one objective has to be to get the hostages home, including, of course, the eight americans. one of my constituents is from tenafly, new jersey at don alexander it remains a hostage after all these months. so the key and i think what's gonna be talked about today and i'm hoping the prime minister addresses is this is a bipartisan issue. when you do everything we can and to get a pause to get the hostages home, to continue to crush hamas and other proxies who are our enemies as well as israel's. so that has to be the focus of today's speech. course talking about what the world will look like after we get this pause and after this war is over the palestinians who are suffering there can't be with us, obviously can't leave gaza. >> but we have been able to
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speak with a hostage who was able to get out and her husband is still in the clutches of hamas. let me let you listen to what she told us i think that he wants the war to continue because he wants to win the wall. and it doesn't go together. but coming with getting keith and the hostages and it needs to stop the wall and get kicked out under. thank biden i love him for all what he's doing. he's given me the feeling that he's doing everything he can and i want to ask him that if bibi doesn't get kicked out i want a big biden, please get him out of the when she says bhbh, she is talking about benjamin netanyahu. she is angry with him for not finding a solution to get the hostages because out and she wants the war to stop. what are you want to hear from benjamin netanyahu as he
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addresses congress today why now by another yesterday and with other the hostage families is just so heartbreaking. >> and i think we're all focusing, of course, of course, this administration, all of us in congress. and then intelligence committee doing everything we he can to get the hostages home right now. and i think that's has to be the most important topic of conversation today in the speech of what we're doing to get this pause you have the hostages home and to make sure that we're secure in the region. as i said before, i actually saw this quote from hezbollah one of the leaders of hezbollah said israel is merely a tool the main war, the real war is with america. and i think part of what i'm hoping the prime minister talks about today is a ran and what we're doing going to stop not just hamas, but how jointly we're doing what we can to stop all of their proxies continue to attack our service members continued to take america. they see this as well, a war against america as well against democracy. and i think that's
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very important theme that this is bipartisan. there's nothing partisan about, about this war and making sure we do everything we can to stop it and get the hostages home, and get humanitarian aid in. i think those are all critically important themes. and i think we need to focus on every step that's being taken to do that. again and also an appreciation for all the united states has done to make sure that we stand by our key ally i, israel. it's a bipartisan relationship and that's why i'm hoping among the topics that the prime minister addresses today, look, i haven't worked in the region having been to gaza, having spoken to leaders of hamas and of course, leaders in israel, they're watching everything hamas he watches everything that's very calculated. it looks at how the world is responding. are you concerned about what, what is a fray and that bipartisaness, which is you've got several democrats product lawmakers who are boycotting this speech. they do not think that netanyahu should have been invited and the vice president, vice president
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kamala harris, who is now the presumptive democratic presidential nominee, will not be attending. she has a previously scheduled situation, but she will be meeting with him or are you concerned about the message this set? >> well, i do think when my colleagues some of them, you just mentioned do anything to show favor to hamas. i think that's totally unacceptable. i think as far as the vice president goes, she's meeting with the prime minister this week and i think sitting down privately is critically important. and having that relationship and that's happening this week. i think it's also surprising and they'll, one's talking about the fact that senator j.d. vance is not actually attending today and a little okay. kara, why he's going to a campaign rally and not showing up here and it's a little curious. i don't know if you find it curious that no one's talking about that you've got them both. >> someone who wants to take her job and the person in the job not going to be at this speech, but as you mentioned, vice president kamala harris will be sitting down with bibi, will be will be sitting down
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with bibi netanyahu did, which i think that's critical, having having that private conversation, talking about the importance of the uss relationship, how it's critical to america's national security, to our fight against terror as we're seeing. and how critical it is his to keep the pressure on a random all its proxies, hamas, hezbollah, palestinian islamic jihad, the houthis who continue to attack america. and our interests. i think those are key seems for today and critical for making sure we're strong future between our two countries congressman josh gottheimer. >> thank you so much for joining us today. appreciate your time. >> thanks for having me all right just in, we learned that coco gauff will be the female flag bearer for team usa at the olympics opening ceremony is on friday alongside lebron james. the competition actually starts pretty much now, the u.s. men's soccer team will face host nation france. this afternoon so an incredible scene at yellowstone, a surprise hydrothermal we'll explosion of rock, water and steam sent people running in the park biscuit basin. luckily, no one was hurt, but the area was shut down for
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safety precautions and this is why it's nice to stay on the beach teenagers fishing off the new hampshire coast, caught the exact moment, a whale crashed into a nearby boat capsize the whole thing. there were two fishermen on board dropped the rod and i just looked up and i was just like i kind of just saw that the vote tipping and i said the only way to avoid this is just going to jump horizontally away from that so the team is actually rescued him and the other fischer and in the water and everyone is doing okay, including kate. >> we think the humpback he's fine. >> he was like, what was that little it was like a mosquito. what happened lather. >> okay so there is new video out offering new perspective on the moments after the attempted assassination of donald trump are warning you may find some of this video disturbing bodycam footage showing officers on the roof after thomas crooks was shot and killed. >> and in the three-minute video, they're discussing when they first saw the shooter and
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how one sniper took a photo of him. but also lost sight of him later. >> this is the guy that aren't yes yes. >> he beaver county this is him. >> okay. >> in the back on that we don't know. we don't know. i don't know treating that as suspicious device. >> once i got i believe the sniper that scene isn't send a pitcher's is right. and that is building joining us right. now is former secret service agent cnn law enforcement analyst jonathan, jonathan wackrow. jonathan, what do you see in this video well, what i what i see in here is, is actually what we've been talking about all along, which is a breakdown in communication when you have local law enforcement doing micro communication point-to-point around a suspicious person or a threat that's not being broad broadcast to the entire law enforcement stakeholder group at the site.
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>> that right there is a problem. what we heard through testimony yesterday was that officers that were assigned to cover basically an old overwatch position to cover this point of vulnerability, this roof, they actually left their post to go address the threat or go try to find the threat somewhere else. so what we're seeing here, coming out through this investigation are two main themes. it's roles and roles. roles and responsibility. we're not clearly articulated from the secret service to local law enforcement around the criticality of their posts and their responsibilities in to a breakdown in communication, whether it was a communication from law enforcement to the secret service or how messages were priority her ties between the law enforcement groups centered around specific threats that were identified. >> you're pointing to some of the critical pieces, but still preliminary pieces of the puzzle that we're putting together. the fact that the police commissioner says that two of the officers left their vantage point to in order to
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look forward, they saw was that something suspicious which was crooks? then you have other data points which is there was a text thread going on among members of the butler county emergency services looking for him at some point, he utilized a rangefinder and their level of suspicion was heightened on on and on. the more we learn, the more troubling things seem to appear. is there one moment that you can point to, right now? i'll of like fatal error in the plan and the communication or does it seem like this is headed toward a just a systemic failure it seems like this is moving towards a systemic failure, right? >> there's not a single point of failure here. what we're seeing is overlapping failures that compounded the situation in worsened it as time went on. i mean, we're hearing reports that the shooter was up on the roof anywhere for two to three minutes, potentially. i mean, that is alarming to hear however, if the law enforcement of


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