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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  July 25, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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said was mr. netanyahu's plan. he really meant to go pursue. >> it would have been good if he had could have described who would take control, security in gaza when the israelis leap, because the u.s. >> has said it's unacceptable for either hamas or israeli forces to be providing that security he didn't do that it was more of a speech for the heartstrings. >> but it wasn't as divisive as he was in 2015 when he came to oppose the iran nuclear deal david sanger we look forward to hearing what the conversations with harris biden and trump will look like as well. thank you so much for joining us and his new book by the way, is new cold wars. >> thank you for joining us. >> and thank you all for watching our coverage continues.
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>> pass the torch to a new generation. great thing about america is here kings and dictators do not roll. >> that people do if you don't mind, i'm not going to be nice. is that okay? we don't want you here, we don't want you anywhere. kamala you're fired. get out of here. >> i will not rest until all their loved ones or home. i have a message for these protesters. you have officially become irans, useful idiots. >> live from london this is cnn newsroom with max foster and christina macfarlane. >> hello, a warm welcome to our viewers joining us in the u.s. and all around the world. i'm max foster and i'm christina macfarlane. it's thursday, july 25, 9:00 a.m. here in london, 4:00 a.m. in washington, where president joe
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biden has told americans about his painful and reluctant decision to bow out of the race for the white house, a choice he may still be struggling with your with family members in the oval office to support him, the us president delivered a primetime speech saying it's time for a new generation to take the reins and strongly endorsed vice president kamala harris. mr. biden, making it clear that he's put putting democracy and patriotism ahead of his desire to seek reelection nothing can come in a way of saving our democracy that includes personal ambition so i've decided the best way forward is a pass the torch to a new generation that's the best way to unite our nation you know there is a time and a place for long years of experience in public life. >> there's also a time and a place for new voices, fresh voices? yes, younger voices in that time of places now great
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thing about america is here. kings and dictators do not rule. that people do history is in your hands. >> the powers in your hands the idea of america lies in your hands you just have to keep faith keep the faith mr. biden never mentioned donald trump by name in his address, but his predecessor was watching. he wrote on truth, social, crooked joe biden's oval office speech will barely understandable. and so bad, one white house official says, many staff members, what's president biden's speech it's with tears in their eyes because they really love him. >> his deputy communications director posted this photo of the president speaking in the rose garden with his family lined up behind him. more now on this from cnn's karin caifa it's not about me. >> it's about you your families, your futures president joe biden, addressing
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his decision to step away from the 2024 presidential race. so i decided the best way forward. there's a pass the torch to a new generation and priorities for the final months of his term, i'll keep defending our personal freedoms and our civil rights from the right to vote to the right to choose. biden's oval office speech time to give the president's voice and opportunity to recover from covid-19 and deliver the address with vigor a senior advisors said regarding biden's decision to endorse vice president kamala harris to take his place at the top of the ticket. white house press secretary karine jean-pierre's said the president has no regrets. >> this is again a decision that this president made and i think he is proud to have made that decision. >> harris has had a quick start to her presidential bid. >> there's so much at stake in this moment there's so much at stake. >> and former president donald trump in north carolina for his first rally since biden's announcement wasted no time. giving his attacks a vote for
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kamala is a vote for four more years of dishonesty and competence. but back at the white house, president biden used one of the most important speeches of his long political career to stress the importance of november's election, even as he leaves the ballot history is in your he is the powers in your hands the idea of america lies in your hands. in washington, i'm karin caifa congressional democrats are praising president biden's speech a us senator amy klobuchar. >> he ran against him in 2020 for the party's nomination, called his remarks really beautiful. >> what the president did today is remind us of why america voted for him in the first place. what he talked about tonight is that we once again are now passing the torch to kamala harris. yes. but also to the american people because he quoted benjamin franklin and said, it's a republic, if you can keep and i thought it was actually a beautiful speech because he did some on his
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accomplishments of which there are many, but he also really focused on one thing. and that was our democracy and the risk to our democracy. i didn't find it one bit device if i thought that was funny to hear, that's what the republicans were attacking him on. it wasn't a vice. it was a man saying this is what i've done. but now it's on you and i'm passing on that torch. i thought it was really beautiful meanwhile, vice president kamala harris is going full steam ahead with her presidential campaign. >> the campaign is already vetting potential running mates and making the case in a memo that the shift in the 2024 race has created an expanded universe of swing voters are our new cnn poll shows harris has the support of 46% of registered voters in a hypothetical matchup lower than donald trump's 49%. but it's within the polls margin of error and harris is looking to close that gap yeah, cnn's kristen holmes has more on trump's attacks on harris. >> but first let's go to eva mckend for details on harris, his pitch to voters kamala
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harris pressing forward. >> now the cheese, the presumptive democratic presidential nominee, when i am president of the united states, addressing the historically black sororities, zeta phi beta in indianapolis focusing on winning over women of color with your support i am fighting for our nation's future and praising her former running mate, president joe biden. >> he cares about the future. he thinks about the future. >> attendees here in indianapolis. see, harris is the right choice. >> she's being tried and tested. she's served as vice president she's said a political career as a senators. he said attorney general in california, the vice president's outreach today follows a speech to her own alpha kappa alpha sorority convention two weeks ago, more than 1,500 or four sisters are now sending support to the harris campaign in the amount of 19 oh, in honor of the
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founding year of their sorority. >> these extremist want to take us back, but we are not going back. >> the harris campaign also outlining their strategy in a memo today, sharing what they see as their electoral path to victory over donald trump, the path to the white house goes through wisconsin, saying they will play offense in the blue wall states of wisconsin, michigan, and pennsylvania, that biden was able to flip in 2020 and the sunbelt states of north carolina, georgia, arizona, nevada, where the campaign argues the vice president's advantages with young voters, black voters, and latino voters offer multiple pathways to 270 electoral votes a new cnn survey of previous poll respondents shows harris improving on biden's performance among crucial
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voting blocs seen this trouble spots for the president, including women, younger voters, black voters, and hispanic voters. >> those groups critical to biden's victory in 2020. >> and now harris is chances in november. and the vice president not only running a race defined by opposition to trump, she's also touting the administration's record, capping the cost of insulin at $35 passing the child tax credit, addressing student loans among other policy issues. eva mckend, cnn indianapolis former president donald trump, wasting no time going after kamala harris at that north carolina rally at one point calling her lying kamala harris tearing into her record on immigration appreciate and really working to paint her as a radical liberal and sometimes as the mastermind behind some of biden's policy, take a listen to just some of what he said. i was supposed to be nice they say something happened to me when i got shot, i became nice.
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>> they're very dangerous people. >> when you're dealing with them, you can't be too nice here, really can't be so if you don't mind, i'm not going to be nice. is that okay? this november, the american people people are going to tell her no thanks, kamala, you've done a terrible job. you've been terrible at everything you've done, your ultra-liberal that we don't want you here. we don't want you anywhere. >> kamala you're fired. get out of here one point, trump mocked harris has attempted to find this race as that between a former prosecutor and a convicted felon saying he doesn't think the people buy that kristen holmes, cnn, charlotte, north carolina occasions. >> all right of donald trump's 2016 campaign joins us now he's also a partner at mercury public affairs. >> thank you so much for coming in and joining us. i know you have touring europe at the moment i'm just wondering, as you look at the team. now advising trump you had a very clear message and attack line
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with hillary clinton, didn't you, during your campaign, do you think they're struggling to find one with camila? >> you know, i listen, i think it's fresh here. they may they may their pivot the democratic party, the donors florida said, biden, you have to go and they've moved to calmly and i think we're going to see you're going to see us to define who calm harris is. i mean, she is a liberal politician from california's san francisco, literally the most liberal city in the country, which is very much outside the mainstream. i don't think it's going to be harder to find. i actually think we're going to have a buffet of issues. i mean, first of all, she has to defend her record under joe biden. the voters have already passed judgment on the economy. the voters already passed judgment on inflation. the voters already passed judgment on the foreign affairs. three wars, and nash, or two wars. and now she has to defend her record, which has been proven to be the most liberal record we've seen in congress. and probably a century. and she's now the most liberal candidate who's ever row, who's run for president and probably the last one for years. and she has to defend what most people would say. we're socialist positions in san francisco, because that's very much what san francisco is. that is very much outside
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the mainstream of america, but it does seem that that's already an attack line that donald trump has perhaps toying with. we heard him yesterday saying up there on the stand saying lion kamala radical left luna kit. but what we can't get away from this, that this has really been a head-spinning few days for the republicans. i mean, if you just two weeks, it has. but in terms of the opposition within kamala harris raised a historic amount of money in just 24 hours. she's had thousands of volunteers sign up i mean, how are depart? party as you see it, adapting to that challenge right now because it's you know, it's not a sleeve one because it remember at the end of the day what you see in your poll that you guys just put out 49 or 46 three-point gap. that's the highest kamala harris will have. that is when the media that is when the left, they sort of organized and proper up and say, listen, she's the second comey. she's earning the people she's not earning anybody's vote. she's making phone calls for her house. you there's nobody voted for her yet nobody is voted for or they voted for joe biden, 14 million people voted for joe biden.
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they didn't vote for kamala harris and so she's she has an uphill battle. were ready to attack her record because they're her record is very much i hate using the words of or a target rich environment. and from our standpoint, we're sort of looking forward to the next phase of this, and that's completely defined in or you've seen that on tv. we've been on tv defining her record for the last week or four days, you know, democrats have not put any money forward. we've made the reservations of tv advertising is going to play a big part. we're going to be fully funded campaign. she's gonna be fully and it campaign. the energy is going to be there. but the record for them is hard to defend. >> you say people didn't vote. kamala harris. she was on the biden-harris ticket, right? sure. but just i want to pick up on one thing here because we have seen republicans and trump allies in recent days, not unlike in 2016 when you're working on the case and going after hilary is gender and potentially how race as well. we heard the dei comment coming out in the last days also j.d. vance, the catwoman, comments, which hasn't exactly done them
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any favors. how careful does the republican party have to be here to cross certain lines when approaching this canvas. >> i think we have to be very careful and i think the best way to do is use joe biden's word joe biden described kamala harris as a dei person earlier in may of this year, he had he had an event in philadelphia where he himself said that his values were diversity, inclusiveness, and equity. that's dei sees as a positive yes, sure. but that's what he sees that the country doesn't see it that way. the country, california, which most on the country's diverse and sure. but they don't believe, they don't believe in set aside the country doesn't believe in silicides, even the most liberal state in the union, which as california does not believe in affirmative action, the voters have passed overwhelmingly that affirmative action is not something that should be considered at higher than joe biden decided to bring race into the issue. and he said, i'm going to before he looked at any candidate for vp, he said i'm only going to nominate a female, female black woman is latino. i find that offensive i just do it's like i should not be judged on the color of my skin. i should be judged on the character of my
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work and the character of who i am. so he injected race into this. i tell my republican candidates, just go back to joe biden's words. that's how he described her. every time you say she's a dei, which i wish they would but in say used to say, i'm using joe biden's words and point to the specific place where he said it. january, may 23, 2024. just a couple months ago, he referred to her as a dei hire. he referred to other people's a dei hire his administration. i would say use those words rather than be dubbed as making it your words because the country is clear we don't like affirmative action and are mostly liberal states. we've passed laws that banned affirmative action for playing a role in hiring and going into colleges and all these things. so it is a different time, but i would always use joe biden's words. you'll very connected with the trump team. >> you're in europe, you're meeting presumably members of what europeans would describe as the far right. i'm sure you would argue against that. how organized is that grouping? trump's team le pen's team, the teams in italy, austria here in the uk with reform, is
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there a coordinated effort there it listen, i think each political party in each country is a little bit different, but there is, there is a broader agenda you know, there is immigration or at least illegal immigration, refugee stuff that's where the parties throughout the order sort of align and work on their talking points and sort of work on their messaging because that impact has, led to the rise of the far right has led to the rise of sort of republicans coming back. >> was this unrestricted, illegal immigration and refugee status coming in? and so are they organized? do they all work together closely? they i would say they more sort of compare notes rather than offer strategy points in each pacific states because the issues are still the same. this is a world, this is a gust that's hitting the whole world with respect to inflation, which we still have here and we still have another countries. and it's in the war's effect everybody in the world and also a illegal immigration is causing huge, huge repercussions in some of these states, look at germany. so i wouldn't say that we had weekly conference calls with center-right parties throughout the world, but i would say from
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time to time, we sort of compare notes and say, hey, this is what's happening here in the united states. this is how we are addressing these concerns. what are you guys feeling there? because at the the end of the day, the issues are still interconnected. but just briefly bannon being caught up with his cases, is that a disruption to that effort? i don't think band and played that big of rule. listen to steve bannons, a friend of mine. i've known for a very long time. i do them before he got involved in the presidential campaign in 2016 abandons personality is is he doesn't play well with others, right? so, you know, having worked, having met and worked relationships with some of the center-right people, i can see why, like looking lappin, she didn't want anything to do with steve bannon. his personality isn't fit for everybody. it just happened to fit very well for trump. >> thank you so much for joining us and coming in. my pleasure. thank you for having mission amounts coming up. >> typing, ghaemi, expected to make landfall in mainland china in the coming hours after leaving a path of destruction in the south china sea the storm sat off the coast of taiwan for hours before finally moving ashore pummeling in the
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island with heavy rain strong winds, and damaging storm surge, at least two people were killed and hundreds injured. the storm was also blamed for at least 13 deaths in the philippines authorities there say almost 1 million people have been impacted by ghaemi. cnn's marc stewart is joining us now, live from beijing. marc tell us what's the latest on the frosty of this storm the storm is approaching china and there is concerned because we have seen such extreme flooding here all summer long and there is concern that any more rain will make a very bad tuition even worse. >> but right away, i want to show you some of the pictures that we have seen coming in to our hub in hong kong and we've been walking here in beijing, in particular, the philippines manila hit very hard intense flooding in the streets. we have seen rescue boats. we have seen families being rescued. we've seen children being rescued. we even saw a pet, but
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some children being wrapped up in towels to stay safe, the water levels are so high, it is up to people's chests. we are seeing dearly everything in the path submerged. we saw a bus that was pretty close to being underwater. another bus was stuck in the waterway in the city. so this is becoming a very big problem. in the philippines. one city to the north of the philippines saw about 55,000 people evacuated according to the government, according to a poster they put on x, as many as 16,000 of those people are family. so this is, this is impacting all facets of life businesses are closed, schools who is not in session and flights have been canceled and then there is taiwan, which is an area of the world very use to seeing typhoons what's interesting here is that the mountains actually served as a buffer
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almost preventing the storm from moving forward but it caused heavy storm surge once again, rains as well as very intense wind. and here's something else that's interesting if we look at the philippines the typhoon didn't even hit the damage we saw there was just from the bands of the storm. so that's an indication as to just how oh intense of a weather system this is back here in beijing, you can see that the weather behind me is not so good. we've had intense downpours all day. that is from a separate system, maxing christina, it has not from the typhoon, but concerning nonetheless mark those pictures are just extraordinary, aren't they? >> we will watch and see in the coming hours how this plays out. thanks so much for now. mark stewart there, live for us in beijing now flights. >> are beginning to resume from
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the airports in frankfurt, germany after demonstrations disrupted operations earlier today, climate activist group said six people glued themselves to the taxiway. >> as you can see in a post on social media frankfurt airport officials asked passengers to check the status of your flight before going to get yeah. potent allow extra time for travel yesterday, climate activist cause flight disruptions for several hours at germany's cologne ban airport to a still ahead israel's prime minister delivers a competetive and divisive speech to the u.s. congress details on what benjamin netanyahu said and. what he didn't say in a live report later this hour. >> and we're one day away from the staff at the olympic games in paris. and already there's controversy. the latest from paris coming up plus fans of taylor swift's folklore era or really any other areas can see some of the personal items right here in london, all those details coming up what does it mean to be outfront? >> it's going there. we are
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just about three miles from the gaza border. it's context and curiosity. so you can be out let's go outfront. >> erin burnett, outfront weeknights at seven on cnn this source with kaitlan collins. >> weeknights at nih every night at. >> the after dinner, you start soaking scrubbing, scraping your job top well, now you can wake up to a clean that's regime kitchen every day with stole guard, slide on stove top protector that stops all the methods before they start sauces are rinsed and sayonara gone in seconds, sticky messes aren't no challenge for stone guard macaroni and cheese comes off in a brief even begun don caked on oil, oil's batson's class are no match for stone guard, the been part of cooking is the eating not the cleaning of the time that it takes to clean the stove, especially from oily products, is so long,
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guys, their wishes did not come to the us olympic men's soccer team fell to host nation france, three nail a great surprises there. the olympic soccer tournament kicked off two days ahead of tomorrow's opening ceremony in paris. i always find that quite odd. >> i mean, you've got to get old sports him while again, it's a lot a lot to fit in. hundreds of thousands are expected to crowd the river seine in friday's opening ceremony and we're still waiting to hear which artists will be performing along with who will be lighting the olympic cauldron and for more on all of this, let's go out to cnn's melissa bell is joining us live from paris. melissa, it's been so great to see the sport finally get underway after so much anticipation. but day one, it seems came with quite a bit of controversy. we're hearing news of a pitch invasion of the first football match of the olympic games and a very unhappy argentinian side christina, that lost out after that very controversial, chaotic gave me to pitch invasion as a gold that they
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scored canceled morocco in the end, the winners but a messy start to the football. >> also, we saw the israeli team being booed as it took on mali at the public purse here in paris. and there are other controversies ready? just one day in a covid, a small cluster within the woman's australian water polo team. but also allegations of spying that are dogging now, the canadian women's team, that is the allegations that down for the sat down in front of yourself that you said it sent you can wear canada's football teams bearing sake on new zealand's allegations of spying using a drone. so already some controversy, even though as you say, that big opening ceremony, yet to get underway at christina and max some of those controversies hope the organizers will be overshadowed what they expect will be a fairly spectacular ceremony, 320,000 people who are expected to line the banks of the river sand along six kilometers with organizers hoping that the weather holds up and there
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would be any issues to do with rain and alyssa's to do with that opening ceremony, we were hearing rumors of who might be in the offing that's celine dion was mentioned. >> i believe yesterday as a possible opening up anymore information you're hearing on the ground, there this is just speculation for the time being, prison authorities remaining very tight lipped christina, about who's going to be in that line up there, rumors of lady gaga being town ceiling deal and that has fueled speculation but for now, they're really not saying very much about not confirming either way. >> just like to show you, christina, this is paris's town hall, all decked out for the event, one of 26 fan zones that prisons authorities have organized for ordinary people to be able to come and watch these games. you can this either deck chairs put out giant screens in these fan zones and x expected that many prisons, those who haven't, for instance, been able to get tickets to some of the events, will be able to come and enjoy
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them nonetheless, at the heart of these games from the very beginning was the idea of inclusivity that they would be open to as many people as possible. controversies also followed about the cost of the tickets, the rising cost of metro tickets these fan zones are the answer from prison authorities. 26 of them around the city that they hope will widen the access to the event when it comes to the opening ceremony that has been very carefully controlled along that six kilometer stretch of the river, said, it isn't just that they've kept very tight lid on the 320,000 people will be able to come back in their identities, giving them qr codes, many of them refuse. they've also had to control the identity so you have 20,000 prisons that live along the river sand essentially, any windows that give onto the river itself so is a huge operation. that's taken place over the last few weeks and months to prepare paris for what should be say, prison authorities hope prison authorities, some of the most victims games ever held, not just the opening ceremony held for the first time outside the stadium and inside the city
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center along the river, but also of course, the swimming events that they hope with the weather if it stays as it is, that they hope will be able to take place in the river itself. so huge ambition on the part of the organizers. and at this point the great hopes that everything will go smoothly. christina max. >> yeah, i cannot wait to see those swimming events in the san room in the rain taught me that's the one event that can carry rain and the wind. >> just like melissa did actually, she was in the center. >> she was ahead, of the list, still standing. >> she was wonder woman isn't shame, alyssa. thank you so much. >> not hospitalized yet. you guys looking forward to it. >> and of course, be sure to watch our special one-off program aiming for goal this friday at 70 in paris time. that's 1:00 p.m. eastern time in the u.s. we'll be bringing you the sights and sounds from the opening ceremony of the olympic games in paris still ahead, us president joe biden will host israel's prime minister of a high-stakes talks at the white house. >> details on the meeting, and benjamin netanyahu is combative address to congress aura
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joe biden said, serving the nation than has been the privilege of his life. he also said defeating donald trump was more important than his own personal ambition and that is why he ended his bid for a second term. >> so i think ghaemi is expected to make landfall in mainland china later today, the sway moving storms sat off the coast of taiwan for hours. >> wednesday, devastating the island and killing at least two people there, at least 13 people died in the philippines due to the storm. crowdstrike is attempting to make up for their huge tech failure last week and offering spend as a $10, uber eats voucher. but if you're personally affected by the outage, you're out of luck. this offer is not for customers israel's prime minister set to meet with us president joe biden for key talks at the white house today. the visit follows benjamin netanyahu's nearly hour long address to congress on wednesday lash out at critics of his handling of the war in gaza israeli did criticize the international criminal court and allegations that israel is
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starving palace but they suggested accusations of genocide were anti-semitic the icc is trying to shackle israel's hands and prevent us from defending ourselves. >> and if israel's hands are tied america is next. and i'll tell you what else is next. the ability of all democracies to fight terrorism will be imperiled that's what's on the line so let me assure you, the hands of the jewish state will never be shackled. israel will always defend itself mr. netanyahu also disperse the protesters who've openly opposed his handling of the war i have a message for these protesters when the tyrants of tehran who hank gains from cranes and murdered women for not covering their hair appraising, promoting and funding. >> you you have officially become iran's useful idiots following his speech protest
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did erupt near union station, the main railway station in the u.s. capitol sometimes flags and effigies of netanyahu and unpro hamas slogan was spray painted on a monument the white house called the scenes disgraceful. nine people were arrested. salma's here iranian idiots. >> i mean, let's start with a fact check because i think he painted the protests with this broad stroke brush saying that they were all funded by iran and that this was all backed by iran. that's simply not true. and it is detective of the tone i think of the speech or this hour long speech, which was extremely combative in divisive. and one could even say maybe catered to who was inside the room because it's important to know who was not in the room and that's dozens of democratic lawmakers, some who boycotted the speech, some who attended alternative events with families of hostages and other events and including former house speaker nancy pelosi, who said it was one of the worst speech from a foreign dignitary ever that that was her quote on twitter. >> and it's significant because this was his fourth speech to
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congress. >> that's more than any foreign dignitary, any world leader has ever addressed us lawmakers, winston churchill spoke to lawmakers he times four times for netanyahu, extremely significant to also see what you did not speak of in the speech. and that's very intensive ceasefire negotiations that are underway. that was barely mentioned. that is sort of a snub to us officials who are leading that effort and working hard to make it happen. >> yeah. to your point, what he didn't say was that there would be any indication that israel be looking to sign a ceasefire deal soon. we know that he is going to go on to have meetings with president biden with vice president kamala harris i mean, what are the hopes now for him to even compromise on this issue? >> take a step back and just think of the three figures. he's going to meet in the next 48 hours. harris, trump, biden. those are three very different meetings with three very different views. i mean, the tight rope he has stock biden,
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who is on the way out, a lame duck, president, 50 or relationship with israel, the cornerstone of his board the policy in some ways has been this really close relationship with israel, this really tight friendship with netanyahu. he is focused, biden is focused on his legacy on trying to see that negotiation, that ceasefire come true. but he has only a matter of months. then of course, he's also meeting with kamala harris. she could be president in a matter of months but we don't really know her position. she's just been in lockstep with biden. what vision will she present and finally, a meeting with trump on friday at mar-a-lago. we know what president trump's position has been in the past on israel. he could be a staunch supporter, is netanyahu running the clock, waiting for what happens in a matter of months. i mean, look at the diplomatic battle in seeing act he has in the next 48 hours asking you all about it after those meetings he is a master of playing for time, isn't as some abdulaziz. thank you now, just a few days into her campaign, us vice president
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kamala harris is already dealing with pointed attacks, including one that she isn't fit to lead the country she because she doesn't have biological children remembered this we're effectively run in this country via the democrats be via our corporate oligarchs by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they've made well, one of the people coming to harris is defenses kirsten emhoff, the mother of harris's two stepchildren. >> she'd denounced those comments saying, quote, these baseless attacks for over ten years since coal and ella were teenagers, camila has been a co-parent with doug and i. she's loving, nurturing, fiercely protective, and always present. i love our blended family and i'm grateful to have her in it well, sunlen serfaty has more i've had a lot of titles over my career and certainly vice president will be great but momma law will
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always be the one. >> that means the most. >> it's a tidal vice president kamala harris is proud of family is our beautiful building, coal and ella, who call me mom lula. but now that she has been elevated to the top of the ticket, that title stepmother is again in the spotlight. >> my family means everything to me with some conservatives suggesting she should not be president because she does not have biological children. >> really simple underdiscussed it's the reason why kamala harris shouldn't be president. no children a conservative lawyer who worked on ron desantis, his campaign wrote this week on social media, adding and no becoming a step parent to older teenagers doesn't count that echo similar comments made by now republican vice presidential nominee, j.d vance in 20 21 were effectively run in this country via the democrats be via our corporate oligarch's by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they've made, which are being resurfaced a new as he
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and his running mate, donald trump's seek to define harris for voters. >> it's just a basic facts you look, kamala harris pete buttigieg, aoc, the entire future of the democrats is controlled by the people without children. and how does it make any sense that we've turned our country over to people who don't really have have a direct stake at if harris does have children, two adults stepchildren colon ella, who were 19 and 15 when she married doug emhoff in 2014 we have a very modern family. >> they're blended family. >> she has joked, is almost a little too functional, which she credits to the close friendship she has with emhoff's first wife, whom she calls an incredible mother, one of the keys to my relationship with colon ella is their mom. >> ella emhoff says their family died any mix work. >> they are really a unit like a three-person parenting squad. it's really cool creating a modern political family. >> the thing about blended families, if everyone
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approaches it in the way that there's plenty of love to share, then it works and kyrsten emhoff has been a defender of harris in the past with numerous posts on social media about her campaign. but this statement feels significant that she is the one been put forward by the campaign to defend their blended family as kamala harris faces questions over her motherhood, sunlen serfaty, cnn, washington a developing story out of california, the park fire in the buck county has turned as burned more than 6,000 acres according to calfire, with 0% containment fire crews, say the blaze is spreading rapidly. mandatory evacuation orders are in effect throughout boot county at this hour. this is the same area that was ravaged by the camp fire in 2018, which led to 42 deaths please are facing outcry here in the uk in manchester after officers were caught on video beating several men at the city's airport we'll have the latest on the disturbing incident this election season.
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mutual protesters gathered outside a police station in manchester overnight. after videos on social media showed officers beating people at the city's airport. a warning. the images are disturbing they shave police, roughing up at least three men, including one who was kicked and stamped on while he was already on the ground. please say they were attacked on responding to an assault which led to three officers being injured. four people were arrested, while one officer is now suspended from all duties. >> cnn can't independently verify what led up to that incident, but it's adding to the outcry over the use of force by police here in the uk sebastian has been following the story, joins his hair cut it's really hard to watch them. >> he actually quite shocking when i first saw it this morning, what's the backstory here? what prompted this? the play out? yes, it police are providing greater amounts to
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but he's providing a little bit of the context. >> they said that there was an incident, reported an assault at greater manchester airport. we believe this happened on tuesday. they responded three officers were apparently injured, including one female officer who had a nose broken and that is what led to this incident that you see on the video. then as you said if we can independently verify it, but they are very much trying to get out in front of it. they are providing that context, but they are not trying to justify it going to manage to police themselves. according this truly shocking, they have, as you say, now, suspended one officer from all judy's. they initially just suspended him from active duty is and they have referred themselves for investigation to the uk's police watchdog, but this is a case i think of where videos have gone viral online and that has escalated the situation on the ground. we then saw that protest at that police station in rochdale, which is an area outside of great amount. what's inside greater manchester, outside the city of manchester, which has a very large muslim population. we don't know yet the identity or the religion of the men involved. we don't also don't know their condition but paul
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was who is the mp for rochdale? he's come out and said that one of the men arrested was from rochdale. he plans to meet with them today, so we may get more on that and tell mama uk, which is a group here in the uk which tracks anti-muslim attacks, has put out several tweets on this and they say that clearly there needs to be some very we serious community engagement by greater manchester police to calm things down. so that is what we see now are real concerted effort from police, from local officials to try to engage with the community to diffuse these tensions. but obviously, as you say, this will raise questions in the uk about disproportionate force by police and about the potential for racism, which is a charge that has been leveled against british police forces, including specifically greater manchester police. >> and that's what this plays into that conversation about racism. so this the context isn't just what led up to this context about how police have been behaving with minority groups, particularly in the midlands and the north of england in recent years, right? exactly in rochdale is an area with a large muslim population.
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we've seen that play into politics vary clearly in the uk. and i think, look, we don't know yet it's whether these men were muslim, as i said, we're going to find out more details about that. but there have been reports in the past that have accused police, as i say, including greater manchester police of institutional racism. so this is going to face very serious scrutiny and obviously they're going to be calls and they already are calls for the new government we take this very seriously clare. >> thank you so much. we'll be right back by more than liebermann at the pentagon. >> this cnn with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, my skin was no longer mine. my active psoriatic arthritis join symptoms held me back don't let symptoms define you emerge as you with trump via most people saw 90% clear skin, eye for months majority stake clearer eyed five years from phi is proven to significantly reduce joint pain, stiffness, and swelling. it's just six
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you have to read the script saying taylor swift's eras tour i mean, anyone that doesn't know that hasn't been watching any sort of yet. >> but fans might not know that here in london, the items from all of her different areas, things like guitars costumes, dresses customized cowboy boots that she was at the beginning of her career. and the cardigan from the famous cardigan music litigate video. now, all of those 13 installations are at the victoria and albert museum at here's how the curator described the first of its kind exhibit so these objects are from the taylor swift archive. so it's been wonderful to borrow those and to see how they could work on display in the museum. it's a first and it's the first time we've done a trail in this way and it's the first time these objects have been seen in the uk. so it's incredibly exciting and it's free there's a bit of a debate of course, about how at what point in your career do
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qualify? >> to be in the v&a because there's loads of historic figures, but the reality is that he seems these get people in as well and she is an icon. >> she is, and she has been around a long time. >> yeah. yeah. >> like she's just popped up in the last five years. i mean, there's a whole 22 decades at the material here and i think it's a great idea. i mean, frankly i'm probably going to head down there much shut around i'm not sure, but you'd rocket max for sure? >> yeah. >> well, it begins this expression, i believe on saturday eighth of september, i'll be taking my daughters. >> well, you my, tickets. i'm sure they also allow normally happens, isn't it? >> yes. >> elsewhere the famous butter statue at the ohio state fair is taking a look inspiration from the upcoming olympic games the traditional cow and calf are still there, but this year, sculpture depicts the nation's top athletes moving on, please. thank you to victory.
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>> there's a track and field athletes of gymnasts, cyclists a high jumper. the display is made with about 2000 pounds of butter and took about 450 hours to complete do with it at the end of the olympics, make a sandwich. >> a lot of buttered toast tay i mean, it's extraordinary. >> well, i mean kudos to them. i would never have even thought no crossed a very very much for joining us and i'm christina macfarlane, cnn this morning is up next after this quick break home the place where you create those special moments. we celebrate the home and the way you live in it. at three-day blind we help you create that special place. and because we know you're busy, we bring the showroom to you at your convenience and provided design expert to help you find perfect
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