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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  July 25, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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morning with kasie hunt tomorrow at five eastern closed captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law mesothelial more victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. >> you may be entitled to a portion of that money. all when 808 5-9, 2,400. that's when 808, 5-9, 2,400 the push for a
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ceasefire. >> president biden and says ending the war in gaza and securing the release of hostages held by hamas will be a major focus of his final months in office. the president and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu are meeting right now and we're following the latest plus insults flying on the campaign trail. harris saying, bring it on, unleashing fresh attacks sent a new campaign video as trump now says, i'm not going to be nice and counting down the hours until the opening ceremony of the olympics last-minute preparations underway in paris while we're also learning about new security concerns we're following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here to cnn news central right now,
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president joe biden and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu are meeting face-to-face at the white house. and this is happening as pressure is continuing to build on the israeli leader to get a gaza ceasefire deal across the finish line. the two men will then hold a joint meeting king with the families of american hostages being held by hamas, this all comes ahead of another crucial meeting for netanyahu. he set to sit down face-to-face with vice president kamala harris. that's roughly 90 minutes from now. of course, it comes as harris becomes the presumptive democratic nominee for the white house in 2024. let's get the latest from cnn senior white house correspondent mj lee, also with us cnn senior reporter, isaac dovere, mj. we want to start with you because you have new reporting about what president biden is planning to do in this meeting with netanyahu, walk us through that yeah. >> you know, these are two men who have obviously known each other for a number of decades. but that is a relationship that is really frayed since this war began back in october. and this
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meeting in person now that's going on at the white house comes at really a pivotal moment for each of their political careers. our sources tell us that the president is expected in this setting to push the prime minister with as much urgency as we've ever seen before to accept the ceasefire deal that is currently on the table. that of course would end this war. that is now just two months shy of reaching its one year mark as one senior official put it to me, we're closer than we've ever been and it's up to the israelis. released to accept that agreement john kirby, just echo that sentiment in the white house briefing room to reporters, he said that there are gaps that need to be closed. book, that the administration does feel like those gaps can eventually be close we should also talk about this meeting that is coming after that bilateral meeting wraps up, and that is a sit down with you he families of the american hostages that are still in gaza. we are told that the administration sees that as a second important opportunity to exert additional pressure on the prime minister as one us
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official tells our colleague, kylie atwood, they see this as a setting where the prime minister can really be held accountable to his commitment to this deal that would free the hostages that are remaining in gaza just as an important reminder, of course, there are still eight remaining american hostages believed to be in gaza. but keep all of this in mind in the context of the fact that the president is no longer running for a second term. and so whether this war can come to an end before his first term is over. and exactly what post-war gaza looks like those are now going to be really important features of the president's legacy as a one-term president certainly mj. >> thank you so much and we should mention will be speaking here with john kirby here in the coming minutes and isaac us reporting on how vice president harris is preparing for her meeting with netanyahu? >> yeah. look, it's all the context that mj just laid out as the background for this. >> but kamala harris is coming into this without a long-standing relationship with benjamin netanyahu, with a different view of maybe what
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this relationship should be like. she has over the course of the past months since october 7, been internally and somewhat publicly pushing for a more empathetic approach to talking about the palestinians and what's been going on there. and to be more skeptical of the israeli government that even joe biden has been should be pointed out that biden is for all the way that he is about this. he has been losing patience with netanyahu too, but really, we just don't know fully lee, what harris thinks about israel, and that's part of why her husband, doug emhoff got on a call yesterday, zoom call with a bunch of jewish and other israel supporting democrats to make a surprise appearance and just try to reassure them. let's take a listen to what he had to say. >> let me just make this clear vice president harris has been and will be a strong supporter of israel as a secure, democratic, and jewish state. and she will always ensure that israel can defend itself
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period. that's who kamala harris is and so that's what we're hearing out of them as they try to make clear where that she is a strong supporter of israel. >> yet, when i asked her office whether kamala harris considers herself a zionist, which is a word that joe biden, as recently as two weeks ago said he is proud to call himself. i didn't get a direct yes or no answer. i got a long statement that talked about standing up for israel's right to exist and security, but also about the rights of the palestinian people. >> notable that that's one of the things we heard netanyahu say in the oval office next to biden, he thanked him for, he said 50 years of support for israel for being a proud zionists. we are still figuring out the contours of kamala harris is policy views when it comes to the middle east. but we do know where she stands on hamas and protesters that were here in dc, who expressed an affinity toward the terrorist group yesterday? yeah. and saying hamas is coming and that there is very a lot of support
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from some of the protesters who were in washington yesterday. and she put out a very strong statement this morning, unequivocal, saying that there's no place for this. it's anti-semitic and condemning it, also condemning the burning of the american flag. but if there were any questions about where she was on that and truly nothing that she has said or done should have prompted such questions because she is it's been pretty clear before that statement was very direct isaac dovere, appreciate the reporting. >> thanks so much and just to piggyback off of the ties that briana gave us some moment ago. we're actually going to be speaking with white house national security communications advisor john kirby about the status of a gaza ceasefire deal. so look forward to that. meantime social media has been on fire over comments that were made by donald trump's running mate, j.d. vance, back in 2021 on fox news. listen to this we are effectively run in this country via the democrats be at via our corporate oligarchs by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they've made. >> and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable
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too. and it's just a basic fact you look at kamala harris pete buttigieg, aoc the entire future of the democrats is controlled by people without children. and how does it make any sense that we've turned our country over to people who don't really have a direct stake in it. >> well that's, struck a nerve with a lot of people including actress jennifer aniston, who has been open with her struggle to become pregnant. she posted mr. vance, i pray that your daughter is fortunate enough to bear children of her own. one day, i hope she will not need to turn to ivf as a second option because you are trying to take that away from her two, let's discuss this with lee carter, former republican strategist and pollster. we also have with us natasha alford, a senior correspondent for the grio and the author of the book, american negra. and jackie kucinich, cnn political analyst and washington bureau chief for the boston globe, fig you all for being with us lee. what do you make of these comments from j.d. vance to the today show him to be out of
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step with trump and the base or actually right in line with it? >> i think it's an unfortunate reality that this is pretty pretty representative of the party at large at this moment. now, i think there's going be a lot of republican women who are going to be really angry that these comments are being replayed. i think there's a lot i've seen a lot on social media, but i think we're republicans quite a few of them are going to have buyer's remorse at the j.d. vance pick in this moment. now, how's he going respond to that? i'm not exactly i'm not exactly sure the question is, was he ever meant to go after the demographic that he's trying to pull from? i don't think that's ever a pick that was based on addition, i think it was about doubling down on his base so perhaps this will galvanize more folks, but i think it's a really, really risky strategy and i think it's going to alienate an awful lot of women. republicans independents, and democrats alike. >> i also wonder lee, i mean, this is sort of an old soundbite of his but pete buttigieg know now a father,
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kamala harris a stepmother, and was when he said what he said in that comment by j.d. vance, she has two stepchildren. i will say full disclosure. i personally am a proud stepmother, which has been one of the most amazing things in my life. it's rewarding hard under appreciated. i think those are the themes a lot of step parents have said to me when they talk about their roles but it is a big role. and there are so many step parents across the political spectrum. why do you think republicans think it's a good idea to diminish the role of one in this case i think it's a horrible idea to diminish, throw a half of a, half of americans are from you know, mixed families are blended families. i2, i'm going to step mom and it's one of the most important roles in my life. i look at my stepson as my family, he is the future and i'm invested in the future because of him and i i just i can't say that i relate are understand. i think this was a really, really, really bad
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comment that he's got to find a way he can't. he can't explain it away. and i think it's going to be it's going to be something that lingers as a problem. but let's not forget, there have been videos that have come back to haunt people that they've gotten away with as well. i mean, think back to two thousand and 16 the access hollywood tape, donald trump got out of that. >> so let's see how j.d vance is able to play through this. >> but i think it's going to be a lot harder in many ways because this hurts. so many people personally for so many reasons as you just mentioned jackie, i guess the point that he was trying to make is that the people running the country who don't have kids don't have a stake in the future what does that tell you about how that lands and republican politics that he's now the vice presidential nominee. >> what exactly is he trying to say this doesn't seem like a comment that made made by
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someone who thought they were going to be the vice presidential nominee. >> because let's just look at the numbers here. >> they need, they need people to vote for them, right? >> and they need more women to vote for them. >> donald trump was making some inroads with women when joe biden was at the top of the ticket, if we could see that in polling. >> but now that you have a woman at the top of the ticket will see how this pans out. but democrats generally more women vote for them and then you have comments like this. i mean, it that it doesn't play well, we know but women voted against trump in droves because of his tone, because of the insults, because of some of the things that the key set in the 2020 campaign and having someone who's a little bit younger, kind of saying the same, your grading things are full things to a lot of people. you can imagine that's something they're going to want you to put an ad and put out there themselves for sure. >> yeah natasha, i wonder what you think. i mean, obviously it's an offensive comment does it move any needle well i just
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want to challenge the premise that people who have chosen to not have children are somehow miserable my child free by choice. >> friends are traveling they're enjoying the extra income they're actually very fine with their lives. and so i think that this whole separating of people and saying who who is worthy, this narrow notion of what an american family looks like. i think that is for j.d. vance and people who think like him to really wrestle with because they're ignoring huge swaths of the population. and i will say also as a mother, that for democrats, this is an opportunity to highlight the policies that republicans have opposed, which have made it harder to have families, right? so if you want people to have children, you want people to be parents and whatever form, perhaps you shouldn't oppose snap benefits be tried to cut snap benefits, or oppose the expansion of the child tax credit or oppose universal pre-k daycare costs. a mortgage right now right. so there's so
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many realities of trying to raise a family that make it so hard in america as it is. and democrats do have policies which support families. they can highlight that in this moment and then just the general hypocrisy and cruelness of saying whose life matters more. i think they can call that out and say, this is not the america that we want. we have in america where everyone matters and is included more broadly, natasha, i'm wondering what you make of the trump team, j.d. vance included trying out some new lines of attack on vice president harris. so i was talking to anthony scaramucci about an hour ago. we're so and he was essentially saying that he doesn't think that they've landed on something that works. and so you're seeing them sort of throw spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks well the whole democratic coup that they keep bringing up this line where they're saying that they're so concerned about democracy, it just rings as
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truly hypocritical when you look at january 6, when you look at this resistance to the peaceful transfer of power, when you listen to the recording of donald trump asking for more votes to be found in georgia so that way he can say that he won this election, right? >> this is just, it's not going to work. people voted for joe biden and kamala harris. they were a package. they had strengths that complimented each other. and you see by the enthusiasm, the millions of dollars raised, the record setting millions that were raised in 24 hours, 81 million for kamala harris, just in 24 hours, that people are excited, that they see her as an extension of that administration and the accomplishments and she just represents a new generation, bold, energetic her 59 years compared to trump's 78 years. quite a contrast oh i think those lines are just not going to land with the people who know what the truth is. >> jackie, how do you see the trump ticket navigating these
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changes on the democratic ticket? how do you see this situation before them? >> i mean, we've seen republicans this week, really scrambling, frankly and trying to try to settle on a message. i mean, you've already had republicans. i talked to you when you've already heard from republican leadership telling their members to talk about issues, talk about policies when they're talking about kamala harris chris and not start talking and we've talked about dei and some of the racist and gendered things that they've said just in the last couple of days, the more they're talking about that, the less they're you know, they're attracting more people and the more that they're putting out this very caustic message. gop leaders and republican strategist, i've spoken to this week are saying absolutely not, don't do that, talk about policies that you disagree with and keep it there jackie lee, natasha. >> thank you so much for the conversation at just an amazing
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moment. just want to step back and say that an amazing moment that we are at in this presidential race. thank you. and still ahead, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu at the white house for critical meetings. we're joined by white house national security spokesman john kirby plus the supreme court's recent decision on homelessness is already sweeping through california will explain what governor gavin newsom is ordering and a battle inside the murdoch media empire. >> as many people thinking of succession, the hbo show, why murdoch is trying to push three of his children out of control of his empire sunday the whole story digs deeper into historic weekend presidential politics. first, the rise of camila followed by the story of joe biden's withdrawal from the race. the whole story with anderson cooper starts sunday at 8:00 on cnn anchor appointment. i don't want to wait or have surgery for my patreons contraction. i want to
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cnn as president joe biden meets right now with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu at the white house administration, officials are pushing back on this idea that biden has lost his leverage in gaza ceasefire negotiations since his time in office is now coming to an end at the end of this term. >> i want to talk more about this with white house national security communications advisor, john kirby and john you've said that you're closer than ever on a deal to end this conflict. why is that? >> because we believe that the gaps that are remaining brianna are of such a narrow nature that they can they can easily be breached. now, i say easily that's probably not a great choice awards on my part because if it was easy, we'd be there by now. but what i mean is that they are narrow enough that with some compromise and some leadership on both sides here, we believe that we can get this over the finish line. we're close. and as i said earlier, closer than we've been before we're still out there
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though. there is still work that needs to be done. >> what specific apps well, again, i don't think it'd be good for me negotiated in public in okay. fair so then let me ask you, so then let me ask you this. >> why should we not read this then simply as pressure on israel by the u.s. to get a deal done considering pressure on israel in the past, it has failed in it can easily be construed as that look, this isn't about some sort of pressure tactic. >> i mean, we have been very strident in our negotiations with our counterparts again, on both sides of this conflict that this framework deal we'll work. it will get the hostages home. it will get us six weeks of a ceasefire, and it will dramatically improve the ability for humanitarian assistance to get around inside gaza there's a lot of goodness here. it's really just a matter of working out the final details. if i mean, if you want to say that we're putting pressure on both sides because
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we are working on it so hard and continue to put teams in the field. there were them, i guess. okay. we're putting pressure on both sides. we want to get this done. 293 days. brianna? today that these people have been held hostage by hamas, 293 days, that their families who are here just over my shoulder in the west wing meeting with prime minister netanyahu and the president had been waiting in anguish sometimes for any word of their loved one, certainly for their loved ones to come home it's got to end. we've got to get we've got to get this done it's heartbreaking and you certainly get that talking to those families. >> prime minister netanyahu just highlighted this was one of the big things that he said during this meeting with president biden, he highlighted that he was a zionist is vice president kamala harris a zionist i can tell you for sure because i've been in the room with her since my two-and-a-half years of being here at the white house that
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vice president harris shares president biden's dead fast commitment to the nation of israel to security. >> the israeli people, to making sure israel can defend itself against attacks like they suffered on 7 october. she's been a full partner and emre john, let's listen in to vice president harris, so sorry. previously agreed upon september 10 debate, he agreed to that previously. now appears he is backpedaling, but i'm ready and i think the voters deserve to see this split screen that exists in this race on a debate stage. and so i'm ready, let's go. >> were you doing around the protests yet? >> all right. and we're back now with john kirby, but just to be clear, that's vice president kamala harris there at joint base andrews kind of i guess, challenging former president trump when it comes to a debate, she says that he is backpedaling on a debate, but she's ready. let's go so
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we'll see of course, without lands okay. but john, back to the question i was asking and i hear what you're saying that she shares his stance is she a zionist? does she embrace that label? because we have not heard that he was again, i won't speak for the vice president and that level of detail, but i can tell you having seen her at work, she absolutely believes in all the facets of a free, secure, independent israel the nation of israel and the safety and security of the israeli people. and she's been working harder than just about anybody to make sure that that as a team, we are looking after our commitments you our, to our neighbors and our allies, our friends in israel. >> in his speech yesterday netanyahu said, quote, israel does not seek to resettle gaza, but for the foreseeable future, you must retain overriding security control there. i wonder if that violates what
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the u.s has said it wants to see secretary blinken has been clear that israel should not occupy not just settlement should not occupy. it. does that violate with the u.s. wants to see know secretary blinken has also said that he understands. >> we all understand that when the war comes to an end certainly plausible that for immediate security concerns, there may need to be some sort of israeli footprint. there, but we're not there yet. we're not even at this ceasefire deal. it gives us a ceasefire for six weeks and no fighting in gaza. so we've understood that there may have to be some sort of interim presence by israeli defense forces for again, immediate security concerns. but the israelis have also said that they support our efforts. the united states efforts in terms of the day after making sure that there is credible governance in gaza that can meet the aspirations
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of the palestinians who live there and they understand that what we want to do is achieve that through a revitalized palestinian authority that the palestinian authority has got to have a vote and a voice here the chairman of the joint chiefs, cq brown, just testified that are not testified. i should say spoken a briefing and said that israel has not shown the u.s. a. detailed day after postwar plan that does not have does not having that plan in your view, increase the chance of israel prolonging that footprint there in gaza and possibly occupying it in a way that the u.s. has already condemned well, the chairman is right. >> we don't have a plan yet, but it's something that we've been working on with the israelis since almost immediately the day after itself, the attacks of 7 october, this is something secretary blinken has been laser-focused on. and we're talking to counterparts in the region, not just the israelis had only seen a plan then he's
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saying he's saying that there's there's not a lot of detail that i've been able to see from a plan from them there is not a plan today that i can point to and say, here it is for the day after the war ends. that is why secretary blinken and the whole team here at the national security council have been working so hard with our counterparts to get some sort of outcome to that effect so that we have a day after plan here for gaza again and that meets the aspirations of the palestinians who live there. now as we were first question, going back to know, does this is going to the fact that there's no plan going to mean that the israelis will slow roll this or try to perpetuate the war. the israeli people want to see an end to this war and we want to see an end to this war. this ceasefire deal that we are so close to getting over the finish line could get us there. phase one gets you six weeks of a ceasefire but that leads you to negotiations on phase two. and phase two can get you to a real cessation of hostilities. there's no reason why we can achieve that.
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>> john kirby. thank you so much for your time. a big day at the white house as these hostage families, especially are getting the chance to meet with both of these leaders. we appreciate your time that you bet still ahead. >> california governor gavin newsom ordering state agencies to clear homeless encampments after a major supreme court ruling, how people are responding. there? >> ms bathrobe, so musty new fast-acting drop in tab a traps and traps excess moisture, eliminating musty odor sure. misprint prince business cards, but we also print these and those in grave that we print your brand on everything. so customers can notice you remember you've been falling love with you if you need it, we print it with 25% off for new customers at >> and brian gary. and today we're talking about the
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this situation room with wolf blitzer didn't knighted six points. >> cnn new today, california governor gavin newsom, issuing an executive order calling on the state agencies to remove homeless encampments. the order
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follows a recent supreme court ruling, giving local authorities more power to address the issue. let's get the latest in los angeles with cnn's natasha chen. natasha, what's the intent behind this order by newsome? >> now boris, let's go over what the order actually says here. a newsome wrote today this executive order directs state agencies to move urgently to address dangerous and campments while supporting and assisting the individuals living in them and provides guidance for cities and counties to do the same. the state has been hard at work to address this crisis on our streets. there are simply no more excuses. it's time for everyone to do their part. now, if you read that, it sounds as if they're going to be huge encampment sweeps right away. but the truth is, there have already been sweeps going on before he came out with that order this morning? these sweeps have been happening, especially after the supreme court ruling that you mentioned related to a case out of oregon
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where it is now made okay. to cite an even arrest people sleeping outside without having to offer them shelter homeless advocates are looking at this and looking at newsom's order this morning thing with a lot of disappointment. they say they were caught off guard. they told us that this is a waste of money because it's expensive to do these sweeps. here's one of those advocates talking about where these people are going to go this is really a punch in the gut we have a situation where folks are living without sanitation, access to water, electricity are so desperate that they're camping out by freeways where it's very noisy and completely out of the way. and the governor is saying, they want to basically crack down on folks who have no other choice. obviously they wouldn't be out there if they had somewhere else to be and she and other
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advocates tell us that they see in the numbers that beds for the people who want them and they see proof that when there very eagerly accept that they're talking about this issue of just simple s demand. >> now, big city mayors across california came out in support of newsome today with a statement, but also emphasizing the need for housing solutions. and one of those big city mayors is los angeles mayor karen bass, who put out her own statement pushing back a little bit, saying that strategies that just moved people along from one neighborhood next and giving citations instead of housing do not work and so she called on governor newsome to continue collaborating on strategies that do work force natasha chen live for us in los angeles. thank you so much. and tausche still ahead. a secret battle between family members over control of the murdoch media empire. now, spilling out an unsealed court documents.
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now, is one of the reporters who broke this story. new york times writer at large, jim rutenberg. all right, jim, why are the three siblings going up against lachlan and rupert? >> well, thanks for having me and i just would say it's really why is rupert going against the three siblings? because this is rupert murdoch changing what's called her irrevocable family trust that when he dies would give his four children the three you mentioned and his son, locklan, who currently runs a company, shared say, in its future. rupert has made his designated air lachlan murdoch and he anyone's laughlin to have full control and block out his three siblings? >> so this in your reporting, though the trust is irrevocable, it contains a narrow provision allowing for changes, don't in good faith. and with the sole purpose of benefiting all of its members, how does this particular thing impact this fight?
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>> well, this is kind of fascinating. what part of what, according to the court records that we've obtained we see here is that rupert murdoch is basically arguing what he's doing. he's allowed to do only if it benefits of the errors, including these three siblings. and he's saying that if if, it were to happen, that they would move aside. their brother laughlin, and take over the company. those three are more politically moderate than lachlan is understood to be. perhaps they would change the political orientation of fox and the rest of the company and that would affect the value potentially. so what he's saying, he's doing is protecting the value two of the trust for all involved, including these three against their own instincts, which he would say were the wrong instincts because explain that the sort of political inclinations of these four children and how that could affect rupert murdoch's legacy well, it's understood that
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especially the son james, it's james prudence and elizabeth of the three. james is more moderate than lachlan. when the two ran the company together a few years ago, they would sometimes clash about the direction, for instance fox news in the trump era was fox news getting to kind of pro-trump and over and kind of leaning into content that james wasn't comfortable with. they would clash about that. they've disagreements. lachlan one, james, presumably if he were to try to take control and that's that's a dispute whether he would. but if he were would he run reorient fox now, i don't think james would ever turn fox into some liberal network. i think what, what as we understand it, what was talked about was just a more sort of were classically journalistic, less lots of the opinion we see at night that's dre's into territory such as, you know, they got sued by dominion voting systems for some that content. so this is where the two don't see eye to eye per say, and would would the whole
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company kinda change if james and his sisters were in charge? an open question, but one that rupert does not want to see answered and rupert murdoch name this project harmony that's as we understand it, it was named tragic harmony. >> the argument being that right now it's set up for these four to hash it out amongst themselves. and apparently, rupert's, he's at as a recipe for ongoing fights between the siblings. this is again they appear to be arguing in these court papers potentially bad et for the trust and the companies that it manages or that it overseas. keep thought maybe this would be harmonious, that it will be answered. there's one person in charge that's laughlin, nothing to fight about. well, it didn't really work out that way as now, they are locked in a court battle in nevada over this trust yeah, certainly they're not feeling the harmony. the other three kids in this jim, great reporting. thank you so much for taking us through that. we appreciate it thank you so much. and still ahead. security concerns at the
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paris olympics, how officials are dealing with last-minute preparation patients, as we're now just hours away from the opening ceremony the best things in life come in twos two scoops of ice cream, two thumbs up, and now by any phone, when you switch to consumer cellular and get two months of service free, that's right, two months free. all the fast, reliable, nationwide coverage make the switch today a us bank we know how good it feels to reach your milestones but we also know what really goes into getting you there. that's why we introduced cobras, which connects you to a real banker in real time to help you do anything from adding a new debit card, 30 how to save smarter even created spending one if i'm struck the one with cole brauer, we're always on your road to hear because there's nothing as powerful as the power of us it won't be hard to find someone to fix this. >> but before i started,
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in washington. >> and this is cnn let the games begin tomorrow. >> we're officially one day from the start of the paris olympics, 1 billion viewers worldwide are expected to tune in as more than 10,000 athletes sale down the sin as part of the opening ceremony. let's go live to paris now with cnn's melissa bell, melissa, the countdown to the games is on. >> there's a big focus in paris on security. >> we should know because boris, this is a city after all, that is used to having or his had so many terror attacks over the years. >> and this year's olympics, the opening ceremony that we're now counting down to is so ambitious in its scale. the
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first time ms happening outside the stadium and along a river, six kilometers of the sen. that have been entirely locked down. the advantage, say prison authorities, is that it means that it's going to have the biggest crowd ever watching an opening ceremony, some 325,000 people will line the banks of the river. send a disadvantage, of course, is that presents a much greater security he can challenge. it's taken 45,000 policemen, 18,000 soldiers to ensure that this huge perimeter is safe, 20,000 prisons we live in the flats that overlook this riverhead to have their identity papers checked and their security details. checked as well to ensure that this would happen safely. so huge and its ambition but huge also in the security operation that's taken place still prison authorities say that they're ready. boris, melissa, we're now in the final stretch of the torch relay what can we expect before the opening ceremony? >> this is a torch relay that began bars. you'll remember
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back in april in greece, the torch has now made its way through most parts of france it's in its final leg tomorrow will be the 68 stage of that torch relay. and it should be pretty spectacular it goes going through parts of suburban paris, sense underneath specifically, and it's going to be carried by people like pharrell williams and snoop dogg before it then makes its way to the center of paris to join that opening ceremony lots of speculation about what then happens beyond the athletes making their way down the river center has been a great deal speculation about some of the artists that might take place in that des, might take part in that opening ceremony, sending jewel, lady gaga been spotted in around paris for now, prison authorities saying very tight lipped bars, just saying that they expected to be spectacular. we spoke to the mayor of paris earlier who said, look, paris belongs to the world and tomorrow's opening ceremony will be the joy for the whole world to watch boris i'll look forward to seeing some surprises.
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>> perhaps melissa bell reporting from paris. thank you so much still ahead. >> an emotional and historic speech on the house floor today, how congresswoman jennifer wexton who's battling a rare neurodegenerative disease, found her voice am i got i got to, get out ziprecruiter helps us hire qualified candidate who can keep up. >> we needed a project manager yesterday and we posted a job at ziprecruiter and had our guy on site in five days. he was qualified and everyone ziprecruiter finds the best candidates for all our jobs may help us build our dream team. and you did it fast because that too fast one four out of
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>> i love it lead with jake tapper. >> next on cnn closed captioning brought to you by if you or a loved one have mesothelial, not will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 800 a31, 3,700 there was a powerful moment on the house floor today that we want to share with you, democratic congresswoman jennifer wexton of virginia, used a new artificial intelligence generated model of her own voice to communicate. wexton last year was diagnosed
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with aggressive super supranuclear palsy a condition that is robbed her of the ability to speak fully. that though, has not stopped her from having a voice in congress. here's that historic moment. >> i used to be one of those people who hated the sound of my voice when my ads came on tv, i would cringe and change the channel. but you truly don't know what you've got till it's gone because hearing the new ai of my old voice for the first time was music to my ears. it was the most beautiful thing i had ever heard and i cried tears of joy i'm not going to sugarcoat the difficulties that i faced the past year. but what has brought me a renewed sense of determination is the opportunity to use this unique platform to try to help others the supportive messages i've received has been overwhelming especially from those facing similar speaking or movement challenges who see someone like me who just happens to be in the spotlight, person severe in the same ways that they are how amazing to see that. >> and this actually isn't the
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first time that wexton has made history for using assistive technologies on the house for back in june, she used a text to voice app and that spark conversations about accessibility issues and technology in the workplace, walks announced in september that she is not seeking reelection citing her health concerns and this is something she's struggling with. it presents somewhat similarly to parkinson's and some of the symptoms. and president biden signed into law the national plan to end parkinson's act, which was named in part for her she's really making history, really special moment and one that is unifying in these rare circumstances where you have a very divided congress. it's heartwarming to see that yeah, certainly is the lead with jake tapper starts right now in, an exclusive interview, nikki haley talks to us about jo


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