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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  July 26, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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aris with xfinity. who get it done? >> prime minister netanyahu, who is waiting straight into the drama that is american politics. this week, as i just told prime minister netanyahu, it is time to get this deal done unfortunately, there's a lot of ptsd in this county because of the campfire in bear fire and other deadly and
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destructive wildfires that we've experienced. and did those in alberta and around the world who have experienced the magic of jasper the magic is not lost it never will be full dc, the school is solid on his shoulders his piece? cnn newsroom with max foster and christina macfarlane. >> hello, a warm up. because our viewers joining us from around the world, i'm max foster, christina off today. it is friday, july 25, 9:00 a.m. here in london, 10:00 a.m. in paris with the countdown to the olympic opening ceremony is on both top athletes are gearing up for an international competition like no other, of course. but we begin with developing news out of the area around paris, really francis
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state railway company says there were several coordinated malicious attacks, including arson that targeted hide speed train lines overnight, they say the sabotage has disrupted travel and damaged several facilities 800,000 travelers would be effective. officials say the massive attack was aimed at paralyzing the high-speed line network. and the tree lines will be disrupted through the weekend. now, of course, all this coming as the olympic torch relay hey, and it's the end of its long journey across france and just hours before the start of tonight's opening ceremony, cnn's amanda davies joins us now from paris. this where you are a very tight security operation but it's pretty clear there are several ways to cause disruption. and this is an example of that yeah, max, absolutely. >> i mean, you have to say there is no coincidence that's these attacks have taken place
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overnight head of one of the most heralded olympic opening ceremonies in history. this has really been that flagpole moment for this olympic games. an opening ceremony like never before with 300,000 fans and spectators invited to enjoy the occasion five or six times more really than you would ever see involved at an opening ceremony held in the tradition norway, in a stadium. this is very much news that has been emerging. all the buildup to this games has been dominated by talk of security concerns that the threat of terror attacks, we have been talking in the last couple of days. it's been very difficult, not to experience first-hand that the tightness of the security cordon, just if i looked down on the ground, the balcony believed beneath me, i can see about 30
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policeman with guns just in 200 meters stretch shot of this road. but what we are hearing is that whilst we're in the lockdown here around the banks of the river seine and some of paris's most iconic landmarks. these attacks have taken place on three of the state run railway lines owned by the sncf sc at sncf over overnight, as you said, we're hearing between 200 and 5,800,000 people will be affected. there are asking people if they don't need to travel, please do not travel we're seeing pictures on social media of people, thousands of people really gathering at stations. there trains have been canceled that their plans have been impacted, but it's not just the domestic network. we have had news from eurostar, of
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course, the high-speed line that connects great britain here with paris saying they're trains have been canceled, an affected the organizers of paris 2024 have long been saying that ticket's the greatest number of tickets aside from france have been sold from britain. many fans traveling here meant to be traveling here this morning. but the paris to lille section of the track has been affected. trains being diverted, its very much an emerging breaking news situation. we're continuing to follow, but we understand a news conference is set to be held aldean about half an hour's time by the sncf to find out a little bit more we've also just heard while she was speaking, amanda, that the olympic committee press conference due to be held on friday regarding the opening ceremony has been canceled. >> i mean, there's other worries as well, isn't there? not least the weather yeah. i mean, the good news for the organizers, it compared to this
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time last hour, i would sit out here on this balcony. >> it has dried up a little while. yeah, this is not the skyline that the organizers were hoping for with this unprecedented opening ceremony taking place along a six kilometer stretch of the river seine is going to be 100 boats, dancers on the bridges with the teams. all parading down the river on open top boats pal some of the most iconic paris landmark. so of course there's so much secrecy as there is always around these moments about what we should be expecting this huge rumors that lady gaga and celine dion are going to be taking part. we haven't been able to confirm those. i haven't seen either of them here in paris, but they are rumored to be here. they've had a few photos with fans, but the sports ministry, have said the party will go on. we will just have to sing in the rain. the question is, who will be
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doing the singing? >> we will wait and see you should be doing it. amanda. i know you'll be busy reporting around all of the events today. thank you for joining us. i hope it goes smoothly. >> now with a big day. now here the mayor of paris is reflecting on why her city applied to host the games in the first place and he and huddle says, it was an act of defiance against a series of horrific terrorist attacks in 2015, which left 130 people dead, almost 500 wounded. she told cnn's melissa bell, the city needed to show but terrorists won't win i didn't say some crazy towards the basket in a very strange way. it was because there had been attacks in paris in 2015 that i really decided to engage paris in the olympic and paralympic games moving you on the attack. we had just been attacked in january. we were attacked again in november 2015 because terrorists it's hate our freedom, always have living women's freedom, freedom in general they hate democracy. they attacked us from there. >> we had a reaction from the
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parisian and french population, which was exceptional and an incredible capacity to say, you will not prevent us from living as we want to live that was the reaction of the population of paris, of the people of paris. and i said to myself, we have to put a moment an event, something that gives us air that allows us to be together and to show this creativity, this resilience, this taste for freedom and democracy on the question of the swim ability of the sen. this was one of the big gambles of the game. you achieved it. how are you feeling? first of all, i'm feeling good, very good and very happy because i love the the water, i love the sea, i love the rivers. >> but it's more than that it's cleaning the same cleaning the saying is cleaning. are life clean the seine is for our generation and
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next-generation live with the natural israel's foreign minister warning the french government of a potential terror threat during the games. >> and he says, intelligence suggests iranian operatives and other terrorist groups are planning to target the israeli delegation and israeli tourists were told the warnings are based on intel from israel's national security council says several related arrests have already been made, including two in april and in may. and the heightened security, the international olympic committee's president has been reminding everyone of un says that the olympics are about peace the olympic games. >> this was about sport said you spoke there are about more than you need wasp, our sport is health response board is conclusion let's sport is for this in all this solidarity to
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shoulder said that he is peace please tune into our special one-hour program, amy, the goal, this friday, seven in the evening, paris time, 1:00 p.m. eastern in new york, join cnn's amanda davis, melissa bell, and coy wire to share the excitement of the opening ceremony now, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is scheduled to travel to mar-a-lago today to meet with donald trump, the republican presidential nominee. this comes as mr. netanyahu is facing growing pressure to secure a deal for a ceasefire in gaza and the release of hostages benjamin netanyahu met with us president joe biden at the white house on thursday. the president's first meeting with world leaders since announcing he would drop out of the presidential race the white house says president biden stressed the need to finalize the deal. as soon as possible. us vice president kamala harris echoed that message, which she met separately with mr. netanyahu now, the presumptive democratic nominee to replace
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biden-harris express support for israel while saying she won't be silent about the suffering in gaza well, mr. netanyahu's visit to the u.s. capitol stood up protest this week, demonstrations on thursday remained relatively calm in contrast to the protests on wednesday, which included scenes frankly anti-semitism, cnn's salma abdelaziz is here with more. i want to go to them meeting with kamala harris because you were saying yesterday what you're looking out for is any difference between her view on the middle east and biden's view on the middle east because she's been really hidden behind what he thinks and has been signed up to it. i think we've got a really strong sense of that yesterday, didn't i think we did. >> and put the words to one side. i want you to listen to the tone that she is speaking with. i'm going to play you a sound bite take a listen let's get the deal done.
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>> so we can get a ceasefire to end the war let's bring the hostages home and let's provide much needed relief to the palestinian people and ultimately, i remain committed to a path forward that can lead to a two states pollution. and i know right now it is hard to conceive of that prospect, but a two-state solution is the only path that. ensures israel remains a secure jewish and democratic state. and one that ensures palestinians can finally realize the freedom security, and prosperity that they rightly deserve she had this sharpness about the way she spoke. she was very deliberate in using her words. >> she mentioned her concerns when it comes to the humanitarian crisis, when it comes to that horrifying death toll, thousands killed in gaza during this conflict it might not yet be a departure in
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policy, but it is a departure in approach, if you will, at least see. >> she said and tone, you had this lifelong friendship with president biden, you know yesterday, netanyahu sat next to him and called him. >> my friend, who also is zionists like me. he hurts something very different from camila and just take a look at the picture here, right? camilla stepping up to speak on her own without biden without netanyahu, there is a serious message in that, and that might be you're about to approach it tougher administration and you have to remember this isn't just coming from camila herself there is division within the democratic party, dozens of democrats paddock lawmakers, did not attend netanyahu's speech. there is a sense that maybe when people go to the polls in november, that might be a key issue. what are they doing about the israel gaza conflict in camila is very aware of the reaction difficult to, say because guess what, he's going to meet with trump today. so yet another meeting, i think if netanyahu was
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expecting to find a softer stance with donald trump, that's probably not going to happen. donald trump saying to fox news just a couple of days ago, he needs to get this done in reference to the conflict, israel has a pr problem that's what trump said you're not going to see a much softer tone in mar-a-lago probably. and then he also has problems back home, hostages, family saying he's dragging his feet on this why is he even there? why is this taking so long? there is a deal on the table. it's been there for months, us negotiators say they are nearing the finish line and a lot out of eyes on prime minister netanyahu is being accused of prolonging the conflict to hold onto political power. >> salma, thank you so much. fascinating. speak to you after about trump meeting as well vice president kamala harris saying she's ready to debate donald trump at any time. but the former president is saying, not so fast. trump says, he won't go face-to-face against harris until the democratic party formally chooses her. as its nominee to replace joe biden, because democrats quote,
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could still change their minds harris is locked in enough endorsements to win the party's nomination. however, they're not binding still, she is the odds-on favorite to take biden's place at the top of the ticket. democratic delegates are expected to vote virtually to confirm her as the party's nominee by august the seventh now arson is suspected in a fire that is raging out of control in california. that story, when we come back plus typing ghaemi makes its way across southern china, bringing even more rain to a region already devastated by months of deadly downpours and flooding. the details just ahead i will warn bro, i can't wait to see how you make, isn't equipment manager lysol laundrie sanitizer. >> it says here kills 99.9% of border collies back tearin, laundry, everything smell so fresh pain means pause on the things you love but green means
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already achieved, earn up to 90 undergraduate credits for relevant experience, and get the support you need from your first day to graduation day and beyond. what will your next access p was dishwashers, you as water lifts at finished tabs, more success worked well together every time burns on sainz get out shy and to those in alberta and around the world who have experienced the magic of jasmine the magic is not lost and it never will be albert, his government will provide the support needed to families and communities to recover and to rebuild stronger than ever. >> so that future generations can continue to experience this. one of a kind community and to feel the magic of being able to come home daniel smith, premiere of alberta, canada, really expressing her thoughts on what you're seeing here she
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estimated that wildfires are damaged or destroyed up to half of the buildings in the town of jasper. >> parts of jasper national park are burning and 25,000 residents and visitors have fled the area. the two fires devastating canada's largest national park of reduced areas within it to ash is hope cooler, wet weather. now, million will slow the flames prime minister justin trudeau is approved federal assistance for the area as firefighters from mexico have arrived to help combat the fire california so-called park fire continues to grow rapidly and has burned more than 145,000 acres or 580 square kilometers, with only 3% of the fire, there contained 42-year-old ronnie dean stout. the second has been arrested of suspicion of starting the fire by pushing a burning car into a ditch high winds and extreme temperatures of fueled the rapidly growing fire again, unfortunately, it's a lot of
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ptsd in this county because of the campfire and bear fire and other deadly and destructive wildfires that we've experienced so our citizens and butte county are very resilient and we have a lot of empathy towards them well, the largest active wildfire in the us states has scorched more than 270,000 acres or thousand square kilometers. oregon's derke fire has grown rapidly and is 20% contained high temperatures, dry vegetation should and erratic winds have caused the lightning induced fire to spread widely and quickly. more than 500 firefighters and resources from 22 states are battling that fire bolivia is declaring an emergency in the city of santa cruz as parts of the country struggle with growing wildfires and droughts, authorities say 25 fires have been reported across santa cruz with more than 300,000 hectares destroyed so far, the emergency decree will allow the government to move resources through the national finance ministry to
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help affected areas now, typhoon gaemi is continuing its path through southeastern china. it could bring up to 400 millimeters or 15 inches of rain to already soaked provinces in a summer marked by natural disasters, the world's largest greenhouse gas emitter is forced to come face-to-face. he's with a deepening challenges posed by climate change for more on this, i'm joined now by mark stewart, who's in beijing, marc access should point out that this flood concern this flood issue is something that we've been following long before. >> this typhoon turn tropical storm started to emerge here in south east asia. and even though it has lost some of its power, the flood threat here in china still very much remains tropical storm gay, the blast china with another round heavy rain. the latest blow in a summer of flooding a frantic
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rescue in central china and emergency worker clings on to this woman as she's hoisted into a boat she points to her grandparents, still trapped in the fast moving floodwaters. further south. another scene of desperation as elderly people are carried to safety after a deadly flash flood hits they're village in another province. this is what's left of a water ravaged bridge submerging at least 25 cars, claiming more than a dozen law scenes of devastation like this water-covered home as government scientists warn china is sensitive to climate change recent disasters have cost the world's second largest economy more than 10 billion in economic losses in the first half of the year. over 32 million people have been impacted according to government data he have according to the flood full
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cost for the critical period of july and august, flood me occurring for several major river basins as muddy water rages across the landscape china, a country working on a green energy future sure faces the immediate challenge of extreme weather and observers point out china is making progress when it comes to things such as flood warnings and infrastructure development but they also feel max a lot more work needs to be done. >> mark, in beijing. thank you so much for that, and i security tightening in paris after what's being called coordinated sabotage, cause massive disruption to the train lines in france just hours before the start of the summer olympic games, plus, we sit down with the ceo overseeing and ambitious program to expand and connects air passengers across africa. >> stay with us omorrow on the
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whole story, political violence has always threatened our democracy after the attempt on trump's life. >> where does america? go, go from here? the whole story with anderson cooper, political violence, america as bloody history tomorrow at 8:00 on cnn. >> ever worry that you're drinking too much? take back control with or health or health provides access to medication proven to make it easier to drink less or when drinking altogether qualified for treatment today at were gladstone new you
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team usa is back! let's see that enhanced 4k from xfinity. wow. everything you'd want is right here when you say... “olympics” so, what if your favorite athlete is... "grant hollowa”" nice. or you can't get enough... “swimming” definitely adding that to favorites. now let's check... “medal coun”" and when is gymnastics on? “olympic schedule” it's that easy. find it, see it, count on it with the best seat in the house. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. get paid when you say i told story this hour. now, just hours before the historic opening ceremony of the summer olympics, police in paris are brief are beefing up security. after what authorities are calling malicious acts that targeted french train lines overnight france is state railway company it says there
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were several coordinated acts of sabotage. the disrupted travel and damaged several facilities of his say, about 800,000 people will be affected by the disruption and the urging travelers not to go to the train stations. and with rain also hitting the city, the olympic committee just canceled a news conference about the opening ceremonies. juliette kayyem cnn senior national security analyst, is on the phone for us from paris. i mean first of all, on these real attacks inevitably being linked to the olympics. this is going to disrupt it enormously. and it does show, doesn't it that despite the security within paris disruption is very easy from outside the perimeter that's exactly right. >> and i'm here right now just arrived, was walking around, carriers in terms of just the never seen honestly, i've never seen a security footprint like this in a major city but then just right outside of course,
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the city you have a multipronged targeted attack with arson. i apologize for the background noise and utilizing arson, it's a bit unclear the motivation we've been monitoring a variety of people who have protests against the olympics generally always that there's been a threat from strikes against events there's been some stuff related to israeli hamas war. we just don't know what this is right now, but we do know that the disruption is significant and the interesting thing is the police in paris are now being deployed to outside areas, which then means of course that the olympic opening events just a few hours from now will be impacted as well. and that's that explains i think why the olympic committee canceled that press conference. they're trying to figure this out.
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>> yeah, i just wondered what you thought that might mean for the opening ceremony because you've always got this rain issue, which was always going to be a threat yeah. >> yeah. i said it a little bit jurors lena, about 45% likelihood of rain. i think they had anticipated that could be a possibility. they have really no legitimate plan at one stage, there was talk of moving it from the center for security reasons over to colosseum. that would be almost impossible to do at this stage. i was just on the sun walking around and music was playing and it looked like people were testing systems. so i think they're all systems go with the opening ceremony but you are going to have two problems. one is of course, lots of people can't get into the city who may have tickets. >> and then the priority for the olympic committee has got to get athletes moving. >> athletes often stay outside of olympic village because for basically for comfort levels and so each, each national team you got me in an inventory of where their athletes are to
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make sure that they can experience what's essentially an event for them. >> okay. thank you so much for joining us for more updates as we get the impact of those attacks now we've also got christine brennan, i believe, as well, who's available to us from paris hi, christine i mean, you got your own brother out now. i mean, you were worried about this. i'm sure, you know, ruining the opening ceremony now, we've got the added disruption. it's such a shame, isn't it? for the all the french people trying to come in on trains. we've also got an issue with eurostar, so the brits coming over also going to be affected. and you're just not going to have a crowds you are expecting this is really unfortunate. i mean, this is the greatest day the opening ceremony at any olympic games. max is the greatest day. it's just the that all the anticipation, the seven, the eight years of planning from winning the games with the international olympic committee saying the name of your city
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harris, is going to host the 2024 games. >> all of the days, weeks, months, years, planning this and it is raining and it's raining harder now that it was an hour ago, it is a steady little drizzle, but how that will as juliette was just saying, how that will impact the events down the san the dancers, the all of the show that the music that is expected, we don't know yet, but clearly, this is that is their worst nightmare in terms of the weather. >> hopefully it will clear in the next few hours but and then of course, the disruptions and as you mentioned, all of the fans and the thousands of people who are pouring into paris today for the opening ceremony, obviously the events of the sporting events, swimming and other sports get going right from the get-go saturday morning this is a major disruption in everyone's life in terms of celebrating the greatest gathering of plates around the world, which of course is the olympic games.
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>> you have, has some competition, at least having you because it's an odd situation where the opening ceremony comes after doing after the opening of the olympics of you had some interesting events so far well, yes, i think the one that from a us perspective, and i think also just in sports perspective, the u.s women's national soccer team played and won quite easily. three, nothing yesterday. a good start for the united states, the u.s. of course, is is really the best known oh, and a women's sports team in the world. the soccer team, and may have had some tough times, including at last year's women's world cup. so a new coach to new players and a new start for the u.s. and i think it's important also, max up in touch with the usopc and they have made it crystal clear as far as athletes movement, the u.s. is not using any trains at all for its athletes they're all buses according to the usopc spokeswoman. also, everyone in
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the us delegation, going back obviously to some of the issues here with the trains, everyone in the u.s. delegate jason is on the international sos system. i have been told by the us olympic and paralympic committee spokeswoman. so the entire us delegation, family, friends, athletes they are all being kept aware to the minute by minute of anything that is going on here in paris i know doping is always the issue that you have to talk about these events do you see a change in systems that's improving things this year but certainly, i don't know that anyone max could have done anything more in terms of security. i have had so many conversations over the last year with sources, with authorities on background the way you report stories, i've been doing this to talking about the san river, talking about is this really a wise thing to do to have the athletes of the world and all of these others gather on the
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sen. clearly this is the first time ever in opening ceremony has not been in a stadium and assist stadium, of course, has so much more secure. you can actually plea secure and 80,000 seat 60,000 seats stadium in a way you just cannot secure a river and that is just a fact. and it's something i've asked over and over and i wondered if they would ever want to move the opening ceremony to a stadium. they've said, every man, every woman i've ever spoken with, no, we're going to stick with the san river. so what that tells me is that the authorities here and also in the united states, who i've spoken with have been so aware that there could be disruptions and protests. they've been so aware of the security issues and then here this morning in paris and around france this coordinated effort to disrupt the train system. it's almost amazing that it was able to happen because of the incredible focus as i said
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months and months that i've been hearing and my phone calls in my reporting. but here we are. this is the reality and it has happened. >> yeah, absolutely. christine back with updates from paris today. thank you. plane manufacturer, boeing. meanwhile, forecasting that african airlines could see a quadrupling in the number of passenger traffic. numbers across the continent over the next 20 years. it also predicts that it could result in the creation has 69,000 jobs across the sector according to its commercial market outlook. for 2023 morocco's royal morocco is one of those. i expansion across the continent with an order for more than 200 new planes. eleni giokos sat down recently with the ceo in this edition of connecting africa well, we are a nearly 70-years-old airline. we've started in 1956 and actually
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since the beginning, we had this dna that is an african dna. we've opened the first truth that was the car in 1950 the aid since 2000 we have launched new routes to connect the whole continent in order to build real south's out economy and links and exchanges between morocco and the other countries on the continent. and today we cover nearly the three quarters of the continent, mainly north africa, south, central africa, west africa. we don't cover yet, east africa. but it's coming mean what are the plans then? >> the plans is to expand our fleet from 50 planes to 200 in the next ten years so a rhythm of 12 to 15 new planes the year and tweaks and the coverage of the continent to reach all the destination in the continent starting by nairobi and jim in chad next year, and i will be the year after abuja this year
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even if we had the flown to lagos since 20 years now and then and all the rest of the continent. so it's going to be a huge program for us what kind of passenger numbers are we looking at? >> how many roots we have a flown? >> seven the 0.5 million travelers making $2 billion in revenues our target is to reach 30, 38 million passengers jurors by 2035 203510 years. so, yes, we have a very strong ambition. >> so what kind of opportunities or african continental free trade area offer oil mrr, to open up the whole continent like easy visa. >> visas and to fly from, from a destination to another the one without coming back as a blanca today, we cannot fly from lagos to add this directly, we have to a policy that's the issue. it has it is a policy issue and it has to entity will change. >> look in europe, it took
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don't wait, scan the code now and ask about the fire as leak guarantee us authorities have arrested two alleged leaders of mexico's sinaloa drug cartel, who have alluded law enforcement for decades now, including the son of notorious drug lord el chapo working guzman lopez was taken into custody and el paso on thursday, along with ishmael as ambassador garcia, who is known as el mayo and thought to be the current sinaloa leader. officials say el mayo boarded a plane thinking he would be inspecting a property for sale in mexico, but that plane went to the u.s. where he was met by the fbi. both men are facing charges for allegedly running what the attorney general calls one of the most violent and
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powerful drug trafficking organizations in the world kamala harris's u.s. presidential campaign is beginning to take form, and the vice president has just released her first campaign ad but will her message resonate with the swing voters that she needs to win over? nick valencia is in georgia with the latest if the election were held today, margarita eber line doesn't know who she vote for the elevation of vice president kamala harris in the race, hasn't made things any clear. >> no, it's not exciting to me. it's not like, oh wow, they easy answer. it's not an easy choice for me. it's still isn't. people are assuming that because i'm a latina woman that oh, i'm going to be excited about her and it's not that easy for me because i worry about character. we had somebody that was the right hand of somebody that was not healthy see, who was silent about it. and that concerns me. >> airline leaves in gwinnett county, a key suburban county in a swing state where she
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believes her vote is more consequential than ever. in, a recent memo, vice president harris, his campaign said it sees securing swing voters like every line as part of a pathway to victory. do you think a lot of people are burned out with politics? but this absolutely 2020, joe biden won georgia by less than 12,000 votes, becoming the first democratic presidential candidate to carry the state since 1992. but in 2024 we're finding that democrats have their work cut out for them if they're hoping for a repeat, how is it changed your opinion seeing her as a potential nominee for the democrats oh, yeah. 50, 50 yeah. >> you still have to learn more in research. more? >> yes if the election was today, you wouldn't know which way you would vote i am so no in doubt. right now. by diane gave me up place about two months it'd be ready. it's not like, you know, i want to vote for her because she is black. >> that's not the reason this year. it's just because we
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just to make sure trump is not elected. >> what makes you want to vote for trump what aber martinez doesn't need any more time to make up his mind. >> he saw our camera and shouted, trump 2024, are rather vote for trump. no matter what they're going to keep bringing the liberal agenda i'm not for it. >> i'm just sorry for margarita. every line, some progressive policies are troubling, but it's trump's rhetoric specifically on immigration that makes it hard for her to support him. i'm a conservative person and i just cannot make peace with anybody that uses hatred in their rhetoric. rick and that uses division as a strategy. >> i really stroked every line. also questions whether either outcome will even make a difference for her and her family. i'm not from a privileged background. i was the first in my family to go to college and i went to a really good university and all of that and i feel like i've checked all the boxes but relatively speaking, like my life's not
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easy and no matter who wins, the financial implications are not necessarily going to be easy for me or biggest takeaway and talking to voters throughout the day is just the overall lack of enthusiasm about the upcoming election. >> flexion, the voters that we spoke to say they're just not animated in the same way they were in 2020. and perez instrumental as georgia was in handing biden a victory four years ago it's. clear to us is that the democrats in 2024 are fighting against a lot in georgia. and the name of vice president harris just has an injected the excitement or enthusiasm to those swing voters. we spoke to nick valencia, cnn, atlanta house speaker mike johnson tackled a familiar republican theme. on thursday, slamming the biden-harris administration for its border policy was touring a port of entry along the san diego border with mexico. johnson described it as the epicenter of the biden-harris border catastrophe. his visit comes nearly two months after president biden's executive order on immigration. new figures from the department of homeland security said the
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number of migrant encounters is down 55% but border patrol members say those numbers don't reflect reality, and that migrants are simply going to other places to turn themselves in millions of venezuelans are expected to go to the polls on sunday in one of the most important elections in the country's history, voters will choose the country's next president. and this time, there's a possibility that opposition candidate and mondaire gonzalez could actually defeat authoritarian president nicolas maduro. but there's also a chance that true political change could be thwarted by a corrupt government. and if that happens, many young opposition voters say they're ready to immigrate. experts predict if maduro stays in power to one-third of venezuela's population will be looking to get out of the country, will be right back last dishwashers use it less tasks, more worked well together every time right on
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football team, has been suspended for the remainder of the game. are over allegations that drones were used to spy on rival teams, the canadian team beat new zealand to one on thursday. as women's football took center stage with a us easily defeating zambia. trinity rodman open the scoring for the americans with a turn and strike. then two more goals came within eight minutes. for our final score of three nil now, just 20-years-old coco gauff is the reigning us open champion and the world number two player. now the american tennis star is gearing up to make her olympic debut in paris plus, she's going to be carrying the flag for team usa alongside nba icon lebron james, our coy wire caught up with her to ask how she's processing it all i'm sure she's very excited to be here at her first olympics and some pretty special moment. i want you to walk me through this moment here thing because you are so special. you have the
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honor a wearing this jack been doing the opening ceremony and megan, flag bearer was abroad, django what's going through your mind at this point? at this point, i just thought, you know, chris is like a brother to me and he always talks about how proud he is of me. and so i thought he was just doing a little bit too rich talking. and then yeah, once i got told that i was going to be flag bearer, obviously you can see by the reaction i was just shocked and i didn't really know what to say. i think a lot of people were laughing at me saying, oh, because they really didn't know what to say. >> have you started the process yet that you will be rep. in your country alongside lebron james know, i like i don't know when i'm going to meet him, but i'm already like stressed about it really. so you've never met him before? >> no, no, i've never met before i'm excited to meet him and i'm excited to be flag-bearers alongside him. there's no other athlete they i think i would have chosen to do this with you've talked about the racquet has the potential to change the world
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as divisive as times are right now with everything going on what do you make of it all? and also, what are your hopes for the games potential ability to bring people together. that's what sports can do. >> yeah, i just hope that being a person representing team usa and i think all of the i don't want to speak on behalf. all olympians on the team you say, but i feel like majority of them agree that we all just want to promote positivity through our game and through our sport and thorough competing. and i think that we all just wanted to show how passionate we are in share that passion with the supporters that we have. it hopefully have a lot of success to not to stories in the spotlight this hour. good news for main street ended up being a mixed bag for wall street the nasdaq and the s&p 500 heading into today's trading in the red eye with dow in positive territory, that's despite yesterday's announcement, the u.s. gdp growth beat expectations in the second quarter reaching 2.8% much stronger than economists
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had actually predicted. stocks initially surge after the announcement, but they later pulled back let's texts got stocks fell, prince harry opening up about his court case against a major british tabloid last year, he told itv that he felt vindicated after a monumental victory against the mirror group newspapers prince harry said, he believes that his battle with the tabloids was a central piece of the rift that formed between him and his family. adding that anything he says about his family, quote results in a torrent of abuse from the press and finally, this hour, billy joel is moving out of madison square garden. the beloved singer songwriter and piano man wrapped up a ten year residency at the thing new york venue and that was on thursday night, tv host jimmy fallon was on hand to present joel with a banner marking the musicians record breaking 150 shows performed at the garden. the banner will live on in the rafters. joel's daughters joined him on stage during one of his songs, a touching moment to cap a legendary run thanks,
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joining me here on cnn newsroom. i'm max foster in london cnn this morning is up next russians, were trying to spy on us. >> we were spying on them this is a secret, war. secrets and spies now streaming on max i have moderate to severe crohn's disease. >> now, they're sky resy things are looking up, afghans him control at macron's means everything to me. >> feels significant symptom relief at four weeks with sky rosie, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements
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five years of advanced security... five years of a great rate that won't change. yep, dave's feeling it. but it's only for a limited time. five years? -five years? introducing the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. powering 5 years of savings. powering possibilities. spread. cnn this morning with kasie hunt next it's friday, july 26, right now on scene and on this morning for show and i couldn't be prouder to endorse your to do everything we can to get you through this election and into the oval office kamala harris securing anothema


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