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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  July 26, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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you never faithful these the deals on before their cars shot investigating an attack on 300 rail lines but. shut down travel for tens of thousands of people. police say key rail lines connecting paris were targeted in the attack cables today election whiplash, vice were set on fire and taken president harris's campaign apart. and workers say it'll launching it warp speed. >> we're just five days in and take days to repair the damage. let's get to juliette kayyem, top democrats are making it cnn senior national security clear here. they are all in the obama is just delivering their analyst, and former assistant secretary for the department of endorsement. will it be enough homeland security. she's actually in paris. juliette, to sway voters though? and coordinated sabotage hours what kind of impact is this before the olympic games? the having an end? do we know who opening ceremony, francis high-speed train lines are might be behind this? attacked. we're following the impact and the investigation >> so on the impact side is and they are the alleged it's going to impact a couple of hundred thousand travelers. leaders of one of the most they think over the course of powerful criminal organizations in the world. but apparently the time that the trains are for down, which will which is the u.s. simply trick these two cartel leaders and falling there are alternatives, lots of right into the hands of the fbi shuttles are being used. i've talked to a couple of team we're following these major olympic committee's national developing stories and many olympic committees there are more all coming in right here going to get that their folks to cnn news central happening. on buses as, as is the u.s. olympic committee, as to who it
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is. >> there's there's high likelihood incidents for one, now, former president donald the russians have always been trump is sitting down with israeli prime minister benjamin worrisome during this during this olympics. but this is not netanyahu. >> that will happen and at his the kind of attack that you we mar-a-lago home in florida, and expect the russians to do. they were generally use a cyber this is the first time that the two men have met since trump attack. this is more physical in nature. and so there's been left office more than three a lot of discussion about years ago today's meeting, a chance for the two men and to political groups maybe from the repair a once close relationship that has soured left wing. and the reason why since trump left the white there's people are saying that house the high-stakes sit down is as you'll remember, the coming at a critical moment in paris just went through this or the war between israel and france just went through this. hamas, and in the 2024 absolutely quick and crazy presidential race it follows alive section in which they really did head off the far the prime minister is separate meetings yesterday with right. but that there's still a president biden and vice coalition governments and a lot president harris. now the of these pieces are not in presumptive democratic nominee, cnn's alayna treene is place. there is always, as you following the meeting for us. know, boris it's also an anti alayna, we obviously don't olympic sentiment for any city know how it's going yet, but that's hosting an olympics. tell us about the relationship between trump and netanyahu and those people have been threatening and protesting over while brown, it's really the course of the last two or fascinating. three we the officials will >> you mentioned this, but this is the first time that the two leaders are meeting since focus on it in about i don't donald trump departed the white house more than three years know, four minutes the opening ago. and, both of them had
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ceremonies will start and it's right above it and it's plenty touted while he was in the crowded yeah. white house, they're strong >> i can imagine now these personal relationship. netanyahu even went as far as attacks were described as to say that donald trump was best friend. israel had had at coordinated, prepared and organized from your the time. but now a lot of that perspective, was this at all has changed. their relationship preventable? was this a lapse has soured in recent years, in part because donald trump in intelligence? thought that netanyahu was >> yeah it's hard to say. being disloyal when he congratulated joe biden for >> i mean, obviously there's the lapse in intelligence winning the 2020 race and for because we were not hearing agreeing to and saying he that they knew of anything, wanted to work with them and although i get a lot of these until we course, there were looked forward to that we're discussions about concerns seeing. a lot of these about this kind of vandalism. dynamics. you know, it's this was pretty well-organized. interesting to see how they may play out today, but we have seen some photos coming in and the ones silver lining is new video of them greeting each whoever did it. i'm not defending them. clearly, did other, donald trump and him shaking hands and smiling at not want a mass casualty event has done in the middle of the the start of this meeting in night. it's done in a way in mar-a-lago, take a look at some of this video it would have which it was clear that the trains would not be functional saved the middle east the biden in terms of a lapse. this is a administration now she's taken this is a country like most of over cheese worse than him. europe is very dependent on >> she's actually worse than him. so we'll see how it goes, real, there was real lines everywhere and they, a lot of but is it all works out if we them are vulnerable there in fields, they're and in suburbs and other places the train win, it will be very simple. so
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i'm going to work out and very stations i've been to a couple quickly. today are heavily fortified. >> if we don't get an end up the police presence is like with me could you wars in the middle east and maybe a third nothing. i go to a lot of world war, you are closer to a megaevents. this is my fourth olympics it's like nothing i have ever seen before part of third world war right now than at any time since the second that is because the opening world war you've never been ceremonies in a few minutes are on on the, on the seine river sold to us because we have in incompetent people running our in therefore quite open, but country thank you very much, i'm i'm standing above a line everybody oh. now, brianna, of about 40 cop cars with their very harsh words there from the sirens on expand on that former president, of course, because as you said, this is that was just part of this unlike other olympics where the meeting. we're hoping to learn opening ceremony doesn't take more once it wraps. but, but place in a stadium. look, i mean, donald trump has >> in public area. how does consistently said some more that change security plans? things that he just sat on that video, which is that he >> yeah it changed everything i believes that if he wins the election in the fall, he could help israel end this war mean, from the moment paris quickly. of course, he has not decided what this design would offered any specifics to how he be, people in my field had been hearing about what the, what would do that. he's also the security planning would be claimed repeatedly, both on the campaign trail, but privately around, write a very, very i that, that war would have never happened if he was in office. i think it's going to be stunning if it works event and also think it's really interesting because like i that is are going to have the said, their relationship has boats with the athletes on the soured, but donald trump has sand. they're going to have the energy tainment at various
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been very critical of how like little islands i was down netanyahu has handled this. he there earlier today, sort of in argued in the immediate the middle of the river. and aftermath of the october 7 then people sitting by their. attack that there was a so what does that mean security failure that happened security-wise it means it's on israel's part. he has every person who gets close to the sun has a qr code that has blamed netanyahu, like i said, for some of the roll and how to match their passport. i already went through it once that had malfunctioned, i about a week ago, they set up something called the silt area guess, but also he's been in which you literally could critical in sense saying that not spend the night close to israel has a public relations the sun unless you had gone through a background check and problem with israel. so it's they were they were rejecting very interesting to watch how people, there are snipers it's on every building. i can see a this goes today and also, if the two men can reset some of bunch on the just down the these relations and work toward street that are looking over a better working relationship moving forward, brianna, it the river and the goal is that will be interesting to see if it's protected enough in terms trump's animosity for harris of both both sides of the river bridges are closed. automobile is actually an incentive for him to work that out with netanyahu, alayna. thank you so traffic is closed that the much. i want to bring in cnn athletes can enjoy themselves. chief national security correspondent alex marquardt. there's lots i have to admit there's lots of buzz about celine dion beyond and lady now, how is trump's message gaga on the street. so different? then what we've heard from the white house, the hopefully in four hours, everything would've gone way that it's the same as they smoothly. both want this war to end soon >> yeah, we hope everything goes according to plan. trump as alayna just said, juliette kayyem, always great didn't really, it doesn't to have you on yes, through the really lay out how he wants olympics thank you. thank you.
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that to happen. his message for quite some time now has been to all be heading down now enjoy israel. you need to end this. you need to get this over with. next, the fbi wants to and mainly he says for pr interview former president reasons, but brianna, what does donald trump about the attempt that? but actually mean, does that mean wipe out the rest of on his life and the one element hamas in gaza? we know that of the case they still have they still have, excuse me, we questions about plus, democrats still have about half of their fighting force, some 14,000 had very few paths to victory people still on the this time last week, is it a battlefield, whereas the white different story now, with vice house would very much like this president harris at the top of war to essentially end today, they would like to see aspire the ticket, will discuss he, be to go into effect as soon as possible. you heard that from vice vice president harris just yesterday, the ceasefire is needed. now and they were hoping while netanyahu was here in town for the past few days to get netanyahu to a place where israel could agree to a ceasefire. we've been told that the ball is in israel's court and i've just been told on the edge moments that shaped our culture coming this fall on that there are high level cnn. here's to getting better ceasefire meetings that are due with age here's to beat these to resume in the coming days in two every thursday help fuel rome that would include the cia director bill burns, as well as today with boost high-protein mediating counterparts from egypt, qatar, and israeli complete nutrition, you need intelligence and netanyahu just without the stuff you don't so moments ago did confirm that he used to now pain pause on the
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will be dispatching and is israeli team at the beginning of the week, i do wonder if trump and netanyahu see a things you love. common foe in vice president >> like brene, me go cool the harris, because according to israeli media, a senior israeli official is accusing harris of pain with bio free and keep on potentially making it harder to going file briefs green means reach a ceasefire deal. what can you tell us and the reason go this summer there's no they're doing that is because harris did come out yesterday with some very forceful comments. >> she did talk about the uss better time to experience the ironclad support for israel and latest mercedes benz hasn't to israel's right to defend offer make your dreams come itself. but she went on to say that it's important how israel true the choice won't be easy defends itself. and she spoken very sharp terms about the with exceptional offers on the eagle plus sudan c-class sudan plight of the palestinians, suffering of the palestinians cle cabrejo lay and cle coup and really showed her, her, her hurry. >> these dream offers both last empathetic side. here's a forever coming now through little bit of what she said after her meeting with prime september 3, we are in a minister netanyahu yesterday limestone cave letting extreme residue bill got to put what has happened in gaza over the past nine months is finished jet dry to them devastating. the images of dead dishwashers are designed to use children and desperate, hungry jet dry to defend against top people fleeing for safety. residues. for our practically spotlight shine when they saw
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sometimes displaced for the second third, or fourth time we dust settles and the engine roars, the thing you care about cannot look away in the face of is the job well done but when you get your tools from harbor these tragedies. we cannot freight something about the job feels different. your wallet, allow ourselves to become numb whatever you do, do it for less to the suffering and i will not be silent so an anonymous at harbor freight nothing comes senior israeli official has close to this place in the told israeli media traveling morning. i'm so glad i can still come here. you see i was with prime minister netanyahu that those remarks were diagnosed with obstructive hcm problematic. >> they took issue with how and there were some days i was much she emphasized the so short of breath. i thought i'd have to settle for never suffering of the palestinians because they say are according stepping foot on this trail to this one official, that, again, i became great at making that could show daylight excuses, but people who count between israel and the united on me. so i talked to my states provide an opening for cardiologist. i said there must hamas to complicate this. so be more we can do for my this is really official saying that this could make these symptoms. he told me about a medication called cancels. he ceasefire negotiations more said camps ios works by complicated. a harris aide told our colleague, mj haley i targeting what's pausing my obstructive hcl. so he don't know what they're talking about. prescribed it and i'm really glad he did kim's ios is used >> even as she mentioned, sexual violence perpetrated by to treat adults with hamas against israeli women, symptomatic obstructive hcm. >> kim's ios may improve your hostages taken by hamas, which symptoms and your ability to be she said to, note before she active. kim's ios may cause serious side effects, including mentioned that about gaza, heart failure that can lead to death the risk that's increased
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it's quite pick aside if you develop a serious infection or irregular conflict. alex marquardt. thank heartbeat, warm and taking you so much for us vice certain other medicines. >> so do not stop, start or president kamala harris is capping off for whirlwind week change medicines or the dose without telling your healthcare by nabbing a crucial provider, you must have echocardiograms before and endorsement. during treatment. >> former president barak obama f you experienced and former first lady michelle new or worsening symptoms of heart failure because of this obama, making it official a risk, camps ios has only video released today. here's a clip i can't have this phone available through a restricted program before taking camps, ios, tell your doctor about all of your medical conditions call without saying to my girl, including current or planned camila, i am proud of you. pregnancy today with kim xylose? i don't want my >> this is going to be breakfast. often my symptoms have proved helping me go from historic. >> we call to say michelle and expecting less to experiencing i couldn't be prouder to endorse you through everything more. my name is mike, and this we can to get you through this is my chem xylose moment call election and into the oval office. >> my goodness michelle brock, your cardiologist today and see this means so much to me. if a cam cnn this >> i am looking forward to doing this with the two of you, doug and i both let's discuss with democratic congressman james clyburn of south carolina congressman. great to see you as always. you said that you want to see a love fest at the convention, the party rallying around, vice president harris.
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is there any doubt at all in your mind that she is going to be the nominee? you have any indication that there might be resistance at the convention absolutely none whatsoever. >> thank you very much for having me. the fact of the matter is democrats have coalesced around this nominee in a way that i have not seen so it's maybe barack obama we believe in her we believe in joe biden. she was a partner with him in laying out a record that she can run on. and a record that all of us can defend as democrats. a record which i think is a launching morning with kasie hunt, pad for what will be a weekdays at five eastern new successful campaign for the presidency? today the trump campaign is >> speaking of that records, pushing back hard on the idea sir, that the trump team is that the former president was using some of harris his hit by anything other than a previous remarks about banning bullet one adviser calling it
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fracking, about demilitarizing the police, promoting medicare conspiracy, bs the fbi issuing for all to convince voters that a new statement saying that it has always considered the she is a radical leftist how do shooting in assassination you think she should respond attempt, but that statement follows testimony from director but is there a record she has a christopher wray, who told lawmakers that there is some record as a prosecutor in question about whether trump california prosecuted people was possibly hit by shrapnel cnn's evan perez is here. the who broke the law. >> she has a record as the fbi wants to speak to the district attorney for i'm former president. well, what more are you learning here? >> well, they want to speak to the former president because sorry, for the attorney general he's a victim of a crime. and so this is the standard for the entire state of practice. this is part of what they do in investigations and california a state that has every investigation of course three times what some of the but the context here is what biggest stage of the other 49 kind of has i think gotten a states and she hasn't record little bit out of control. there is a lot of people on as vice president of these twitter and other parts of the internet that i'm speculating united states. so irrespective about whether indeed there was a bullet or was it trapped now, of what the maga, republicans for the purposes of this may say she has to do, its investigation doesn't matter, right? it doesn't matter that the fbi has called this an bring attention to her record attempted assassination from the beginning. and that's what that's what speech the you heard from the fbi director
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probably have gotten here in he was asked a question by a pilot text today people just member of congress about, you know, do we know what exactly lie and lie and lie. and we are hit him? and he answered it in a very straightforward way. but tending to accept that as that took off in a different normal. that is not normal for direction because of the these united states of america politics of the day. and so when i was growing up here in that's what now we have going. you saw donald trump himself south carolina that was one of gone on his social media the worst pain she could do is platform saying there was no just to tell lives. but don't glass, there was no shrapnel. the hospital called it a bullet trump and the maga, republicans wound to the er and that is just lie, lie and lie. and we what it was. no wonder the ones storied fbi has lost the tend to accept it her record is confidence of america. he attacked chris wray because he very clear, for anybody who seemed to think that wray was wishes to take a look at it so raising questions about this we can't trust them to do it. and i don't think that's we democrats going to have to exactly what the director of the fbi was doing, but that's call attention to this record where we are now trump has day in and day out for the next criticized fbi officials many 100 and some odd days to make sure now the american people times before. do we know when get a good look at her record they're scheduled to sit down and go? >> that is statement. and not have to listen to the >> we don't know, but i mean, that's part of the process. i foolishness coming from the think one of the things that other side to be fair to the one of the questions obviously is is idolizing the bullet things that i pointed out in terms of medicare for all and fragments that are being demilitarizing the police are things she said early on in the recovered there at the scene.
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2020 campaign nevertheless, the other thing is will they congressman, i want to get your have access to his to his medical records? someone may reaction to this claim from an have examined the former israeli official traveling with president's ear and perhaps prime minister netanyahu, that the comments made by the vice may have had some kind of president after the meeting answer to this. i don't know that we'll ever get an answer to be honest. but for the with the prime minister purposes of the fbi jeopardized the potential for a investigation, you know, they need to make sure they talked ceasefire and hostage deal. to the victims to the >> what did you think when you heard those remarks well, it witnesses, everybody there, to seems to be a continuation of put together a complete picture of what happened as possible. >> it looks like he was shot by netanyahu's let's say, a bullet. i think when you just kind of look at it, some people sabotaging it two-state solution we are all in for a raising questions, i don't know that they're doing it and in good faith, nonetheless, you two-state solution. >> we've been trying to do know, christopher wray that as democrats, rep certainly made people raised some questions by what he said netanyahu is time and time is trump. do you think going to again. undermine those talk to the fbi? >> i think i think it because negotiations, trying to get to he's a victim. it's up to him. a two-state solution. we know and the fbi can't force him to how he came into office and do that. and again, his he's a private citizens, so even his medical records aren't really, doing those settlements against you know subject to the fbi. everybody will he has driven but the bigger question i think himself to the low 20s in
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what this means for the relationship with the fbi and popularity in israel. that all donald trump, because we know he has already said that he plans to fire chris wray if he tell you all you need to know about that yeah. so for him to becomes president again chris wray, you know, his job would see her words as being definitely be on the line this problematic asked him why is doesn't help that relationship. obviously evan this popularity so problematic perez, great to get the reporting. in israel and congressman, >> thanks so much for being with us. >> next to an elaborate sting operation here, how the alleged going back to the campaign we leader of one of the world's saw there the video released by most powerful and violent drug the obamas. >> their endorsement of vice cartels was duped into flying directly we into the fbi's president harris and also an offer that they would do hands sunday, the whole story anything they could to help get her elected i'm wondering if if that means hitting the campaign digs deeper into a historic trail. where on the map do you weekend president and you'll see the former first couple politics first, the rise of kamala harris, followed by the being most effective every story of joe biden's withdrawal from the race the place there is a map barack whole story with anderson cooper starts sunday at 8:00 on cnn here's to getting better obama, the first time out carriage, the state of north with age here's the beaten carolina did do it a second these two every thursday help time, but did the first time. fuel today with boost type >> and if you've done it before, you can do it again. i high-protein complete nutrition, you need without the
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do believe he will be at tremendous benefit in those stuff, you don't so used to states joe biden failed to now we're in a limestone cave, carry the last time out letting extreme residue bill bringing those democrats back got to put finished jet ride to the test dishwashers are into the fold. so there's not a designed to use jet, right? to state the he will not be defend against top residues. helpful then. so i'm looking for our practically spotlight shine pain means pause on the forward to him being on the campaign trail on behalf of this great ticket notably, you things we love. like green me mentioned your neighbor to the go cool the pain with bio free north, north carolina democrats are bullish on flipping. and keep on going bio freeze >> that state and your recently green means go every day, more touted the governor there, roy cooper as a potential vp pick for harris. do you think he people are deciding its time for a fresh approach to pet would be the best fit for her food developed with made from real meat and veggies portions well, when he be the best, he would be a good fit i've for your dog and delivered right to your door. touted pete buttigieg as a good fit walks. >> it's smarter, healthier, pet food with priceline vip >> i didn't minnesota great family, you can unlock deals five times faster. you don't shapiro of pennsylvania, even have to be an actual outstanding. these are people family. >> the dad on the day that i know and i think you she physically, it's clear that
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i'm the dad. okay. >> so which dad is pain? has a great bienz when which >> you're when life spills? i'm not looking at all the numbers that there'll be looking at when you start vetting a running partner, heartburn. how do you spell there are a lot of things that relief for aids? rolaids. do go into that vetting. they will have all that information. i active formula begins to don't all i have for the neutralize acid on khan relationship that i've had over attacked rolle's spills relief the years relationship with superhero, with buttigieg urge, with bupa, with box. i served the box and consider him to be a very good friend. we campaign why always the couch? >> does he need to get a puppy together. i then middle so that school, get his little puppy he's an outstanding person. i diploma know much ever been just like these guys and i think would make good partners. spending on the slogan? when your questions about life but she has to make a decision turned into questions about based upon how the vibes money, there's erica, the virtual financial assistant to between her and whoever were help you spend save and plan charged may be the smarter only from bank of all-important vibes. yeah. got america what would you like the to make sure those are good. power to do most deodorants congressman james clyburn appreciate you sharing a friday afternoon with us. thanks. just do armpits dove does more >> thank you very much for meat del the whole body do for having me. >> of course. >> still ahead this hour on cnn news central accusations of thighs, shoulders nice and
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those dry new dove whole body backpedaling as the trump campaign says, it will not commit to a debate. again, as vice president harris plus, deodorant at the jeep make this we're learning the fbi wants the summer event. you can take to speak to former president a vacation from payments on the most capable wrangler ever. are trump as it investigates the assassination attempt against most affordable suv jeep him. we have the latest on that i'm going probe and a massive compass. the only open-air pickup jeep gladiator. and the coordinated attack on francis most awarded suv ever jeep train lines officials calling grand cherokee. hurry. and do you jeep brand dealer and make an organized sabotage coming the most out of summer with just hours before the opening great deals plus no payments ceremony of the olympics. these for 90 days during the cheap make this the summer good to stories and much more coming your way in just moments you're $1,000 bonus cash collins on select 2024, jeep gladiator, and select 2024 jeep wrangler gas-powered models and dealer record label is taking off. stock. >> but so is your sound >> okay. let me move. you said it the most i spike it. i'll engineer. tell them how liberty mutual >> you need to hire a new indeed. customizes car insurance. so >> indeed, you do indeed they only pay for what they need. got it? instant match, instantly livers >> you get only pay for what quality candidates matching your job description, visited team usa is back! slash higher let's see that enhanced 4k from xfinity. wow. everything you'd want is right here when you say... “olympics” so, what if your favorite athlete is... "grant hollowa”" bounce-back from helpful in nice. or you can't get enough... “swimming”
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that was left behind. but even meso three yom victims call now after all this time your $30 billion in trust money has thyroid disease could still been set aside. change restoration is still >> you may be entitled to a portion of that money call 1808, 5-9, 2,400. that's when possible learn how you could 808, 5-9, 2,400 brand new give your eyes a fresh start at details about how us officials ted, wow, incredible, pulled off a potentially huge victory against the cartels two amazing. my go-to is looming men accused of flooding the u.s. fbi eye drops. luma phi >> with tens of thousands of dramatically reduces redness in pounds of fentanyl cocaine and one minute and look at the other drugs are now in custody. difference. >> my eyes, the brighter and there, allegedly leaders of mexico's powerful sinaloa wider dropped to eight hours, luma phi, it's kind of amazing cartel and authorities say they see for yourself, times may finally captured the pair after change, but some things remain one, essentially set a trap for the other. josh campbell has timely. >> i've been using the wto the latest for us josh, this more than 25 years. >> dove is one quarter was a so-called lower operation. explain what moisturizing cream i feel happened and also the silky, smooth we're in a complexity of a sting like this. >> every just an incredible capture here by homeland security investigations, the limestone cave, letting extreme residue bill got to put fbi and federal prosecutors across the country. now, in the finished jet ride to the test fbi was involved in many of these law operations and dishwashers are designed to use jet dry to defend against top everything has to go write that
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residues. starts with good intelligence. >> for our practically spotlight shine by one what essentially, you're getting someone who is untouchable where they are to one other place where they can then be taken into custody. the hope is that they won't become suspicious. they won't abort works i'm just telling their travel plans. here, it turns out, according to cnn's evan perez, that it was guzman everyone by one pair, get one free for back-to-school vision lopez who has actually helping you and us investigators to get works. see the difference. >> pain means pause on the some bottle onto an airplane things you love but green means under false pretenses, that aircraft then landing in the u.s. where both men were taken into custody. now, a short time go cool the pain with bio free ago is and bata was presented and keep on going. in federal court in west texas, >> bio freeze green means go where he pleaded not guilty. that attention status of guzman lopez still somewhat unclear when the land of the bird's now right now, but i am told that an fbi aircraft that's nature boy now get some mail. frequently used for extraditions left el paso last night and landed near sure. casago early this morning, guzman lopez faces an indictment in illinois. so if he was indeed on that aircraft, brianna, expect that we will be finch they get seeds two seeing him in federal court soon. >> and guzman himself is under females in a bonding ritual indictment. your why would he possibly help with his own capture?
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>> yeah. this is the big question is somewhat unclear, but you can imagine a world where perhaps there was a deal with fast sides, create factory, great visual solutions made with the u.s. government, to perfect your process that perhaps for some type of leniency. i mean, we have seen other cartel members who've been captured in the past. perhaps he thought it was just a matter of time before he eventually was perhaps picked sides, make your statement when up by mexican officials. he is somewhat young so you can lifestyles, heartburn, how do imagine that maybe that was a you spell relief or aids? calculus, maybe to get some type of leniency. but what's so interesting his here is how >> rolaids do active formula begins to neutralize acid on this actually affects the contact rolle's spells relief cartels. i was speaking with our colleague polo sandoval earlier and polit polo has this deep understanding of the i'm coy wire in paris. operations, the histories of these cartels you've pointed >> and this is cnn now to the out that if it's true that one of them was flipping on the other sure. here, you can debate over the next imagine the potential ripple presidential debate. effects. and just as shows the >> right now, it is up in the modus operandi of these cartels were essentially every man for air because trump's campaign themselves. so as we watch what is refusing to commit to this september 10, face-off until happens to these two men in harris is officially the court will also be interesting democratic nominee, the trump to watch how this impacts the cartel at large. team releasing a statement, it >> yeah, they're going to worry this could happen again says, quote, it would be within the cartels, josh, thank inappropriate to schedule things with harris because you so much. we do appreciate
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democrats very well could still it. coming up. a woman shot and change their minds and vice president harris said the killed inside her own home former president is quote, back after she called 911, the pedaling and she tweeted out former officer who pulled the this quote, what happened to trigger is now charged with any time? murder. and today we're morning of more red flags in >> any place. let's dig into this with pete seat, former his past the athletes, and white house spokesperson during the george w bush administration. he's now the vice president of bose public affairs group and erin perrine, nato, you are pushing the limit a former press communications of what is capable all right ready to share the world how director for the trump 2020 good i am. campaign. she's currently a >> i've trained all over the republican strategists for globe, and that's what you're axiom strategies. so erin is going to see an awol whole different be dealt with. this gamesmanship or is there >> he wednesday night dynamite like a legitimate reason for at 8:00 maybe looking nature boys once that ban get some trump to be sort of stepping away from this debate are threatening to its gamesmanship, right? that this resets the totality of the election for them to then say, hey, we're going to wait until democrats pick their nominee. mail. finch it gives see two it's a little bit of just hot air are there, but trump will debate any has to debate, females in a bonding mitchell especially ahead of early voting starting in late september for some of these states, you have a shorter runway now to try and define kamala harris and to pit her on positions not debating would be
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a catastrophe. and the trump don't let that ship spoil your team needs to make sure i would say and highly recommend they train that happens a lot, but keep the same format they had for the last debate because no audience and muted mics worked in trump's favorite, kept him controlled and focused. >> pete, how do you see the safely could have helped chip harris element changing what it ultimately this debate, whatever the details that are repair is faster, cheaper, and worked out are how do you see easier than a new windshield. it? >> changing things? >> and with your insurance, it's usually free so don't >> well, i'll agree with air let that chips fall. your trip and i think a debate is going booked today comes down to this to happen and what the trump campaign is doing here, or what they're signaling is. the unexpected swiftness, the blink of an eye, of democrats moment unbelievable meet the consolidating and coordinating kamala harris, the trump camp pain, thought that if biden dropped out chaos would engulf the democratic party and they want to keep top of mind for voters, the oddity of this process and this unprecedented way in which she will become the nominee. so i think they
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have to do the debate thanks, aaron makes a great point. the jennifer's. format is helpful and favorable >> gen x, gen y, and z, each to donald trump, but it's planning their future for the something that's going to mobile app gen x is planning a happen and were just watching politics play out do you think summer in portugal with some help from jpmorgan wealth plan. there might be an additional >> let's go whiskers. debate? >> there was talk among the >> and why? he is working with trump team of adding one on or the banker budget for her birthday. perhaps replacing the one on >> you only turn 30 once. >> and gen z, her credits go abc with one on fox do you see then, hello, new apartment three jens getting ahead with that potentially happening i chase solutions that grow with you. one bank for now, for leader, for life chase make honestly i think they should do as many debates as they can if more of what's yours we are in the trump campaign is certain a limestone cave letting that they can portray and extreme residue bill got to put define kamala harris finished jet dry to them, text negatively. >> why shouldn't he want to be dishwashers are designed to use on a debate stage with her? jet dry to defend against top same thing for kamala harris. residues. if they think they have a >> for a practically spotlight shine the darkness of bipolar positive record to run on why shouldn't she want to be on a debate stage as often as depression make me feel like i was losing interest in the possible to reach those things i love. undecided and camila curious >> then i found a chance to let in the light discover, voters that are out there and capitalize unlike some potentially willing to cast their ballot for her when they medicines that only treat bipolar one, capital ada is
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weren't willing to cast her ballot for joe biden? proven to deliver significant >> aaron trump seems to be symptom relief from both the polar one and two depression. saying the policies are the and in clinical trials, same, whether it's harris or movement disorders, a weight whether it's biden, but you gain were not common. can't ignore that these are >> capital. it can cause two very different people serious side effects. call your harris and biden, right? so how doctor about sudden mood does it change for trump? changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts right away, antidepressants may increase >> so you heard donald trump in these risks and young adults, that first rally after camila elderly dementia patients have was announced as the new increased risk of death or stroke. capitalize has not nominee, where he called her approved food for dementia related psychosis, report ultra liberal what he is doing fever, confusion, or stiff muscles which may be there is defining her early life-threatening or because as a primary candidate uncontrolled muscle movements in the 20 race, she was to the which may be permanent, common left after bernie sanders. side effects include sleepiness >> she was listed as the most dizziness, nausea, and try mouth. these aren't all the liberal senator. she believed side effects in the darkness of in medicare for all she believed in these extreme left bipolar one and two depression policies she had to moderate a kept belated can help you let bit more as the vice president in the light. ask your doctor under joe biden. so for them, about capillary that's can by saying she's ultra-liberal find savings and support a capitalist and think she's untrustworthy, >> here's to getting better with age. which is something else donald trump said, no matter what position she takes, there'll be >> here's to beat least two every thursday, help fuel today able to say she flip-flopped she's changed since the 20 with boost high-protein, election. oh, she's abandoning completely attrition, you need her record because she can't run on it. whatever it is they're going to define her without the stuff you don't so and say that she is being here's to now fabrice high, i
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untrustworthy, which for the american people is probably a big part of who they're going used for breeze fate to fight to vote for hypothetically you plug, and i use this for reese were giving advice to kamala has a microchip to control sent release, so it smells first day harris, who would you have to fresh for 50 days, 50 days. look most closely at for vp >> i just refillable mind to pick? >> yeah, this seems to be the question of the moment right light means i'll never miss a now we're in veepstakes to 0.0. i think josh shapiro is an day of freshness for breeze plug when life spills, heartburn how do you spell incredibly compelling candidate for her. i don't think any vp he candidate is going to relief or olap aids rolaids. do electorally changed the map. it's never panned out that way. it's just not a reality active formula begins to neutralize acid on contact of the race, but who can help bolster her message and show a rolle's spells relief shoes, new age in the democratic party. i think he really does that. i think he does it better bad bill liquid gels for than senator mark kelly, who faster, stronger and longer while he would be held before, especially on the immigration lasting relief than tylenol, issue for democrats is i think rapid release jailed because as likable on tv is, i think advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. josh shapiro would be pete, >> so for faster pain relief, what do you think about the veepstakes well, i think if advil, the pain away, because i was offering 20% off any sub you're looking for someone who any size 20% is fine to say, is a strong communicator and messenger. >> she should pick the other hoosier, pete. pete buttigieg 20%, i've served a foreign to eat your love, 20% off the he doesn't bring her the state of michigan, which is where he point is any any size 20%
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currently resides and move to a offered subway i'm bill, we're on the california coast and couple of years ago, but he is this is cnn vice president a stroke hong communicator and undoubtedly so is j.d. vance. i think that would be an epic debate between those two, but she will likely go the kamala harris picking up a electoral college route. i major endorsement as her campaign actually disagree. i think a shapiro or mark kelly could help bring in two very critical states in pennsylvania and arizona interesting. yeah, good conversation. we appreciate it pizzi erinperrine. thanks so much for joining us. >> thank you and let's get now to kristen holmes. >> she is just left the meeting between former president donald trump and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. kristen, what can you tell us yeah brianna, they let us in for just a few minutes, but i was able to ask a number of questions of both prime minister netanyahu and donald trump won. >> i asked netanyahu where a ceasefire talks were if they were any closer closer, he said they were still working on it.
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i also asked for a reaction from both of them to kamala harris's remarks after she sat down with netanyahu, donald trump said that they were disrespectful to israel. he went on to tout his record and israel his record in the middle east while he served in office. and then went on to attack kamala harris on surprisingly, you using the same kind of terms we have heard before, calling her radicals saying she's a san francisco, california radical liberal. i also asked netanyahu what next steps might and also what their relationship might look like. did they talk about what it would look like if donald trump was to be elected in november. and trump said that there was never anything wrong with their release relationship. that of course it would be phi they didn't need to talk about it because they've always had a good relationship. bianna, of course, i will remind you that they have not they have had a relationship that really soured the last several years, particularly after netanyahu congratulated president joe biden on winning the election, a move that donald trump sought thought was disloyal, but i was talking to a photographer but who was in the room before i even got there, who said that the relationship between the
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two of them that they dynamic when he first saw each other seemed as though they were still old friends and 1.9 yard so in this photo is doug mills of new york times and posted it online, asked to see donald trump's ear and the wound that he had from that assassination attempt. so i think it is safe to say that the two of them seem to be on a different page than they were even just a few months ago. of course, we're trying to get another read out from the part of the meeting that we weren't in as soon as we have that we will bring you those updated those updated details. >> yeah. fascinating that he would say we've always had a good relationship revisionist. yeah. >> kristen holmes plus palm beach. thanks so much for those details. coming up. we're following a massive attack on francis train system just as the olympics are set to get underway, the country already on high alert and now hunger thousands of travelers are stranded tomorrow on the whole story, political violence as
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always threatened our democracy after the attempt on trump's life, where does america go from here? >> the whole story with anderson cooper, political violence. america is bloody hand story tomorrow at 8:00 on cnn. >> did you know sling has your favorite news progress for just $40 a month my favorite news for just $40 a month my favorite news for just $40 a month. >> faulty dollars a month like favorite for just $40 a month $40 get your favorite news or $40 a month sling lets you do that we are in a limestone cave, letting extreme residue. >> bill got to put finished jets ride to the test, dishwashers designed to use jets, right? to defend against top residues for our practically spotlight shine when life spills, heartburn.
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