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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  July 26, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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games. >> the police are moving homeless people but the problem is we can't just hide the poverty of the country without any solution i can't find them on the tree if needed. maybe i will take the train to continue to deliver my food i know these population is a lot of years where do you see this? my id with the three table for that oh, go to right now to see mottos, full story and nominate someone who you think should be a cnn hero. >> thank you for watching anderson cooper 360 is next tonight. >> a 360 vice president harris caps five days growing support from her party with former president barak obama ahmed, michelle obama's endorsement. there's also breaking news in the form of new polling, both nationally and state, a state that shows harris erasing former perimeter frozen at trump's lead. also, our gary tuchman with voters in michigan
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county, the democrats and republicans have split 50-50 the, over the last 20 presidential elections for the vice president's rise to the top of the ticket changes for them. and how they plan to vote. plus breaking news and the key question was donald trump hit by a bullet or not during the attempt on his life, the fbi has just weighed in good evening. thanks for joining us for vice president harris. it has been the kind of week that every new candidate wishes for, but few ever get. and tonight. there's new polling that reflects it one is from the wall street journal, the vice president is trailing donald trump by two points nationally within the margin of error, not in the lead, but six points better than president biden did in the last journal poll. last night on new york times poll showed similar gains also tonight from fox, the first new polling and key battleground states since the harris-biden changeup, it shows no clear leader in head-to-head matchups and wisconsin, pennsylvania, and michigan, and the vice president is up by six in minnesota in michigan, pennsylvania, and wisconsin were comparable pollings available. her numbers are roughly the same as president
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biden's were the vice president is day began with the final crucial piece of democratic party support falling into place. former president michelle obama's endorsement delivered by phone captured in a video released by the campaign i i can't have this phone call without saying to my girl, kamala, i am proud of you. >> this is going to be historic. >> we call to say michelle and i couldn't be prouder to endorse you and to do everything we can to get you through this election and into the oval office my goodness. michelle barak, this means so much to me. i am looking forward to doing this with the two of you, doug and i both the obamas took five days to give her the nod. >> but as you mentioned it, as will look at shortly, they're active support down the road could make a difference at the very least, there endorsement rounds out a week that appears to have done what president biden had not been able to, namely energize the democratic campaign for president as for donald trump, he's expected to speak shortly at a conservative event near mar-a-lago earlier
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today, he met with israel's prime minister, after which he had this to say about vice president harris's remarks yesterday, underscoring her support for israel while recognizing civilian suffering in gaza and calling for progress toward a ceasefire deal i think her mark remarks were disrespectful. >> they weren't very nice. >> attorney to israel i actually don't know how a person who is jewish can vote for her but that's up to them his running mate meantime, tried doing cleanup today from his past remarks about democrats and childless cat ladies, you can decide for yourself whether he was successful people are focusing so much on the sarcasm and not on the substance of what i actually said on the substance of what i said, meghan, i'm sorry. it's true. it is true that we become anti-family. it is true that the left has become anti-child, but the simple point that i made is that having children becoming the father, becoming a mother, i really do think it changes
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your perspective and it pretty profound way. this is about criticizing the democratic party for becoming anti-family and anti-child. a lot of liberals and a lot of people on the left will say, well, we can just replace american children with immigrants lot to get to tonight. cnn's kristen holmes is at the turning point, believers summit where the foreign president is going to speak tonight. so what's your sense of how trump and his campaign feel about j.d vance? >> tonight well, there's different orbits of donald trump, right? >> there is donald trump himself. there is this campaign and then there is trump's for bet overall. >> if you talk about people who are outside of the campaign, sure. >> there has been some questioning of j.d. vance. was he the right choice? is he too green, but all the indications that i'm getting from trump's actual campaign and his senior advisors is that they're very happy with j.d. vance, that they believed that this was going to happen. they knew there was going to be stuff that came out that he was going to likely take a lot of incoming fire from previous comments he might have made or just as people were learning about hand. now, the big
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problem for j.d. vance right now it's not necessarily just these comments, but it's just the idea that this is not what they wanted him to be doing, not what he wanted to be doing in this span, what he should be doing is introducing himself not only to the american people, but to the republican party. there are still so many voters, anderson that i talked to on a regular basis who say they don't know anything about j.d. vance? this is supposed to be the opportunity for him to get out there to be doing these rallies, to be talking to people, to be retelling his story. and instead, he is spending all this time playing cleanup for remarks he made in 2021. >> it is dumped from still spit-balling lines of attack on kamala harris and he's still trying to figure this out. does it seem like he's settled on the main one? as yet it seems as though he is settled on what the messaging is, not necessarily just his lines. >> he's been testing out one liners at various events. he said some stuff during the meeting today with netanyahu. he said some stuff i heard at a rally in michigan. most of it
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is just trying it out. but as one consistent message, which is that kamala harris is a radical liberal california more liberal than joe biden. and it's going to up end everything that donald trump's administration stood for, even go even further than joe biden i've tried to paint her as the mastermind behind all of biden's policies, particularly the policies that are less popular, light policies on immigration like policies on inflation and crime. and you're going to see more of this anderson. we really are in a race here to define who kamala harris is. obviously she is doing her part republicans are trying to do their part as well to paint her as then negative light as they can. so we'll see what donald trump says tonight. this is kind of a fait event it's about believing in the ballot. donald trump isn't pushing for evangelical voters. so how far he goes remains to be seen, but obviously we know donald trump doesn't really care about that kind of thing kristen holmes, thanks very much perspective now from brian lines in 2016, trump campaign
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deputy communications director also, cnn political commentators, kate bedingfield and maria cardona and in tausche alford, senior correspondent for the grio natasha, just it's early polling. >> what do you make of the numbers that we're seeing now, now, tonight, i think that people have been craving something to be excited about, to vote for a rather than feeling like they were just voting against donald trump, kamala harris is energetic. she's passionate she has that edge. this sense that she is a prosecutor, somebody who is skilled at calling out people who manipulate the truth and donald trump has been able to get away with so much he's been able to spin and sort of talk his way out of a lot of the criticisms about him in the courtroom and outside of the courtroom. and so this sense that she can be a fighter. i think people are really rallying behind them the former president obviously is trying to define kamala harris before she can do it for herself harris has had by all estimations, a very good
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rollout thus far, probably better than anybody could have expected, but obviously, past statements that she has said are now starting to emerge and are going to be used against her now on that's true for any candidate. >> i mean, this is a critical period where she has the opportunity to really define herself. she has a record of having served as vice president for four years. she obviously has her time in the senate. she has a career as attorney general and the prosecutor so they're going to be things that are going to be surfaced from particularly her 2019 primary campaign. i think she and her team will have to make a choice pretty quickly about how they want to handle that. i think we've obviously seen some of the tax coming suggestion that she supported the defund the police, i think she can be very, very we're that she has spent her life in taking being tough on crime, but also that she's now had four years in the biden white house where she's supported biden budgets that increased funding for police. so there is absolutely runway for her to
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establish herself where she wants to be on these issues, but they we do need to make decisions i think quickly about how they want to tackle that because there's no question that trump-vance, the republicans are going to do everything in their power to try to distort things that she said and they need to be quick to get on top of that brian foreign prison trump does not like turning on the television and seeing his vice president you know, getting a lot of coverage for statements he has made over the years which have raised a lot of questions and talking about childless cat ladies, do you think he's having any buyer's remorse? absolutely not. first of all, thank you for having me anderson, i think just yesterday, president trump did an interview where he said he was proud to have jd on the ticket in here good. again, let's look at the rollout in the past week since jd has been rolled out his book, hillbilly elegy has sold 600,000 new copies. it's become one of the top rated films on netflix. so clearly there's an instance in interest in jd. it's a positive interests and you'll see it expand. he's got his comments to address. i was a consultant on his senate campaign. i helped launch the super pac for
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jd, you. so we've got to clean up comments, obviously, the media is going to do the best to distort those comments. we've seen that happen in the past week but it's hard to restore the childless cat, ladies stuff. i mean, it's sort of no, but i would talk about the distortion. is this criticizing jd saying that people with families who have more kids should receive tax credits. that's actually a thoughtful answer if you really think about it, most western countries are having huge which populations declines. they're having to figure out how to address it. you have japan that's suffering tremendously from a population of the crime and hungry, hungry has actually found a solution for that by incentivizing families from having kids. that's all i love. >> you guys love hungary. viktor orban, but look, policy decisions that was also talking about out replay that claiming the democrats want to replace please american children with immigrants. i mean what does that even mean? >> no, listen, i think if you expand the army, he says he says the democrats want to replace american workers with foreign, with illegal. >> he said that american children with immigrants, i don't know what that means. >> well, i'll tell you what it means. you're asking me to explain what he what he intended to say or what's what you guys are interpreted
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differently. he's talking about the mirror tricking people. don't want to be displaced and they're being displaced by the illegal immigration that's coming in, whether it's whether it's children of illegal immigrants. are you an illegal roads that are coming in? that's certainly displaced and you can't, you cannot say that 15 million illegal immigrants who have come in this country have not displaced workers in this country. that's just, that's just the assist mentally false. >> so maria, from earlier strategic point of view, what incentive does j.d. vance have to double down on the childless cat, ladies thing i mean, that is the question, right? >> anderson, because you would think that the very first rule of being a vice presidential candidate on a ticket is is doing harm to the trump-vance ticket because of everything that we're talking about now. >> and i have to suspect that trump is not happy with that because he's kind of outshining trump himself as he's getting all of this press and it's not good press. >> and the whole childless cat
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lady thing and i'm sorry, brian, but this has nothing to do with substance and nothing to do with good ideas. it has everything to do with j.d. vance looking down on families that in his eyes aren't traditional he is looking down on families that are blended. he's looking down on families that include stepchildren. he's looking down on americans who choose to or cannot have children. he has alienating millions and millions of americans. and at the heart of this anderson, let's be very clear about why he's saying this. he is saying amos because he is absolutely against reproductive freedom. this has everything to do with his hatred of women having the ability and the right to make decisions about their own bodies and guess what? some of those decisions might be that they don't want to have children. so some of those decisions might be that it's not the right time to have children if they get the pregnant. that's something he cannot stand. and i think that's going to be a huge issue in this campaign. >> natasha, how, how important
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do you think the obamas endorsement actually is? i mean, it's obviously been given that they're going to endorse her. and i mean, there's a lot of young people who today who can vote, who don't really have much memory of the obamas. >> well, there were people who were actually quite upset that the obamas didn't come out and endorse kamalaharris right away. so there were people who were looking for that validation, that confirmation that they were standing with her. i think that their cultural impact lives beyond even even people who were children at that time remember the stories of people celebrating in the streets when do you think they're really going to be aggressively out there because, i mean, often in the past it's been sort of just toward the end of a campaign, then do some big events. i mean, they said we have your back, right and i it remains to be seen how much they will show up at events are or how much they we'll speak at events, but i think that there is power in backing them and i think people want that connection the same feeling they had during the obama years that there was something to be hopeful about that obama was president for everyone, not
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just blue america, but he was somebody who was trying to reach out to people that is a feeling that people want to capture again, when i talked to shannon watts, who organize the white women answer the call 200,000 people showed up to that. she's saying that the energy she felt on that call surpassed what she felt in the obama era. so something special is happening. >> we're going to continue the conversation a moment, including about new cnn kfile reporting on what we've been discussing been already, namely kamala harris says past position on police funding what kfile found, and whether campaign is saying about it. now also later, the fbi weighs in on whether donald trump was hit by a bullet or shrapnel or something else? butler, pennsylvania details ahead tomorrow. a special howard, what happened if that would lead his olympic celebration? >> deadly, the fbi searched for answers and all the wrong places that are being remembered as a hero. >> he is remembered as either a victim for a guy they got away
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in new york is cnn the trump campaign has already attacking vice president harris over liberal position she embraced during the 2020 presidential primary and kfile's andrew kaczynski joins me now with one of the sets of comments after she dropped out, which could make her vulnerable to criticism. would you find well, we all remember those protests in the summer of 2020 after a police officer murdered george floyd, many progressives and liberals were talking about defunding police departments nationwide. >> one local radio show asked, then senator kamala harris, where she stood on the defund the police movement. take a listen to this defund. >> the police the issue behind it is that we need to re-imagine how we are creating safety and when you have many cities that have one-third of their entire city budget focused on policing. we know that is not the smart way and the best way or the right way
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to achieve safety. this whole movement is about rightly saying we need to take a look at these budgets and figure out whether it reflects the right priorities for too long. the status quo thinking has been you get more safety by putting more cops on the street. well, that's wrong. >> now, in another interview that same week, harris praised then los angeles mayor eric garcetti for removing $150 million from their police budget and investing that in social services. listen to this that's a legitimate conversation and it requires a really critical evaluation. i plot eric garcetti for doing what he's done now some important context here is even in 2020, polling showed that reducing police budgets was not popular. >> pew found that just 25% of adults supported using police budgets that year. and by 2021, that had decreased too, to what, 15%. now, it's also
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important to note that the biden administration, which of course includes then includes vice president harris passed the american rescue plan, which includes billions of dollars for cities to boost their budget for local police still, harris is trying to run on her history as a prosecutor and republicans are going to use some of these comments to portray her as soft on crime in house. the harris campaign responding so after harris was selected by biden to be vp, we really didn't see her mentioned the defund, the police movement again, in fact, the campaign explicitly put out a statement where they said it was a lie to suggest that she did. >> they said that she supported more funding for police, so we reached out to the harris campaign. we asked how do you square those comments in 20 in 20 and now and they give us this statement where they said whether as a district attorney attorney general, senator, or as vice president kamala harris has led the way to keep our community safe, to take on violent crime, and helped lead the nation to historic drop in
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violent crime to a 50 year low it because there's kyiv. thanks so much. and back with the panel. brian obviously this is something which the trump team would see as a vulnerability back then, it was interesting because the criticism among liberals, some liberals against harris when she was running that primary was that she was too conservative, that as a mr. attorney and former prosecutor for those two wanted and believed in defund the police. she was viewed as probably too far on the left. i'm not sure which is an accurate representation of what she actually believes, but clearly this must be seen by republicans as a vulnerability oh, it's 100% of vulnerable. >> i mean, she praised governor, she praised mayor garcetti for reducing the budget of the police department at a critical time. so that's dangerous, that is different and police there's almost make certain radically liberal at this point. it's going to be something we hit. i mean, she can't claim that she was tough on crime message provision of
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being tough on crime was prosecuting low offense drug offenders of people of color. but when she had a chance to prosecute a cop killer and give him the death penalty she chose against it when she had a chance to prosecute a murderer, an illegal and illegal alien. ms 13 person who murdered three people in the streets of san francisco. she refused to do the death penalty against the wishes of the family. so yeah, not only she weeks we call on crime, but she's weak on defunding the police and that's a dangerous position for everybody. we've learned, we've learned the consequences of that. certainly democratic party has learned the concepts. and so i'm not surprised to try to backpedal and i expect we'll see more moon-walking on to that effect there are a lot of republicans by the way, who right now we're talking about defunding the fbi. >> so they're republicans support for law enforcement this is a question as well, but what do you make of this line of attack? how vulnerable do you think vice president harris is yeah, i think a couple of things. >> i mean, first of all, i think at a 30,000 foot level, if this campaign, if the republicans want to make this campaign about the question of who is more extreme, i think that is a fight that harris and the democrats are going to win
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and because you have in donald trump and j.d. vance, you know, people who are saying things like women shouldn't be able to make decisions about their own bodies. they're not actually families if they're not defined exactly the way we define them. i mean what what vance and trump are doing is reaching into people's day-to-day lives and offering a vision that's about controlling the way they live. so i think if the republicans think that moving this race to a contest, a question, a framework of who is more extreme. i think that is a fight that republicans are going to lose on this specific issue of crime. we sort of talked about this a little bit few minutes ago, but i think vice president harris has a record that to run on, as you noted, anderson in 2019 in the primary, she was actually attacked from the left for being a cop. so she has a record of being tough on crime that she can run on. she has her record in the biden administration of supporting more funding for police, of rejecting out of hand and the notion that we need to defund the police. so i think she and her campaign can take this on
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directly, refute it move forward and then get back to the framework that they want this race to be about. and i think they have an opportunity here to do that. >> tasha, besides donald trump calling her garbage and nasty and all sorts of names at this morning crazy as he calls many women, that he disagrees with he called her more left or more liberal than bernie sanders. i just want to play bernie sanders response to that no, i don't think that is the case. i think that the vice president had a very strong record in the u.s. senate one word could working with president biden in the administration, but no, i don't quite think that her record is is where my nose in terms of being progressive this is clearly going to be major line of attack. >> yes, it is. >> but we live in to america's because on my page right now, people are arguing about kamala harris throwing black men in jail. thousands of black men
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and they say that she's caught mullah and then on this other side, you kapila right cop cop mullah, like they've come up with a nickname for her. and on the other side, she's too radicals. so which one is it? actually think kamala harris answered the question of defund the police in a very nuanced way. she was talking about investing in communities to prevent crime, right? occupy a young people's time, give them something to live for, to work for and when you looked at her conversation on the view with meghan mccain, that was actually the stance that she took. it was defund the police, the actual words that was so controversial, the idea itself, there are a lot of people who actually support the idea of investing in communities. so i think that she will be able to navigate this. i think that she'd always been really careful about the way that she answered it and she just needed just to be clear about the fact that she supports both communities. >> maria, how do you see this playing out i agree with tausche that the vice president has already proven that i think she can thread this needle and do it well. >> because even in the clip that you played, anderson the
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way that she answered the question was a way in which a lot of leaders were thoughtfully trying to approach this issue of what our budgets therefore, how do you actually keep communities safer? and in fact, during that whole debate, you had a lot of law enforcement officers themselves saying that they did not want to show up at calls and feel like they had to play the role of the social services. and so what she ended up doing with at the side of joe biden during the biden-harris administration, is they did both they increase budgets for law enforcement and they also increase budgets for social services to be able to make it all about how do you actually keep communities safe? and i do think it's hugely hypocritical for republicans who then go after her for being anti-law enforcement when you had donald trump himself? siding with the insurrectionists who actually
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caused the loss of life of law enforcement officers and republicans don't seem to care about that came on towards the border. >> i mean, how much of a liability is the the border issue? legal immigration, obviously, republicans are for, are calling her the borders are democrats reply by saying, well, you look, there was a bipartisan border deal that the most conservative james lankford from oklahoma had, had helped get, get together and trump put the kibosh on it because he didn't want biden to have a win well, anything that could be perceived as a win during an election year, even if it would be beneficial and help the problem of illegal immigration yeah. yeah. i think that's an important argument and a compelling argument that democrats can make because you're, you're really putting the ball back in the republicans court and saying, you know, if you believe this is a serious issue, you believe this is a serious problem, puts syria solutions on the table, but you don't, you haven't donald trump has been at the forefront of ensuring that this is simply a political game for
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republicans. and we know that voters don't like that. they don't like what to feel like their elected officials are not working in good faith to try to solve problems. and i think by polling that bill, but that bill down, trump really put on display the fact that he views this as nothing more than political gamesmanship, and that is really a turn off, particularly to moderate voters, to independent voters. people who are not hyper-partisan on either side and really dug in or invested. but the people who are ultimately going to help decide the outcome of this election they find that kind of political gamesmanship really off-putting. so i think that is actually really powerful argument for the democrats i think for her on this question of, you know, being in charge of the border, first of all, i think it's important to note that wasn't the role she was giving. she was given actually the same portfolio that vice president biden had when he was vice president, which was dealing dealing with the root causes of immigration in the northern triangle as a foreign policy oriented portfolio that she was given important work,
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but not her responsibility to oversee the entire border. so i think that is an important clarification here. but you know, writ large, i think the argument for democrats is about putting this back on the republicans while also noting, by the way, that illegal border crossings have dropped over the course of this last year. so they have facts, democrats have facts on their side here too, as they're making this argument. >> thanks, everybody. up next, or gary tuchman, head show battleground county in the battleground, state of michigan voters, they're picking trump twice, obama twice. how vice president harris entering the race? may affect their votes coming up. plus the effect from prison, obama and michelle obama have already had in past presidential campaigns as they get ready to help out vice president harris will be right back at morgan stanley school hardware meets bold new thinking at 88-years-old, we still see the world with a wonder of new eyes helping you
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was life-changing for me, get growing at close captioning brought to you by rula law? i kind of brands up to 70% off retail at rula rubella you never faithful sees the deals on top before there south today the 2024 election could likely be decided by just a few key battleground states. >> in fact, he likely will including michigan, which president biden won by a close margin in 2020, and the former president won by an even slimmer margin. in 2016. a new fox poll shows no clear leader
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between vice president harris and the former president with both polling at 49%. but in the fox poll, when third party candidates are included, 45% say they would vote for trump, 43% say they'd vote for harris, would still falls within the poll's margin of error our gary tuchman went to a battleground county in the state and that's here's what voters, they're told him about the upcoming election just north of detroit and mccomb county, michigan a concert a woodstock tribute band it's where we find laura chinezi, who says she wants considered yourself and it's now over tyre defense department employee, you are a republican. yes. >> and in 2020, did you vote for donald trump yes. 2016 also yes. >> and now this year, had you plan to vote for donald trump? well, i did now tables might turn with kamala harris. yes
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you're not sure? not sure. >> so i got up i got to research a little more. >> what you'd like kamala harris? yes, i do. >> mccomb county were nearly 900,000 people live has gone for donald trump the last two presidential elections, and barack obama for the two before that in the last 20 presidential elections, republicans have won ten, democrats have won ten so we took a tour of this key county to see what voters make of the dramatic development let's in the presidential race, what we saw was a lot of reflection. john a bear is a retired marine of vietnam war veteran, a political independent. before kamala harris got in the race, were you undecided or did you know who you're going to vote for for president? >> i was definitely painting towards trump before she got in. >> and now how do you feel now that she's in waffle in a little bit at a beach park at lake st. >> clair that's over the fence we find a family with three generations enjoying the day mark crook because the patriarch, you're an independent. but after the
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debate, you were considering voting for donald trump? >> correct? yep. it just just at the buckle of it. it was a disaster for now, the kamala harris is in the race. >> are you still leaning towards voting for donald trump no, i i think i'm going to go camila, and it isn't just those who are leaning toward donald trump who are having second thoughts. you're a democrat. what you can, you were considering voting for rfk junior? >> yes and not joe biden? right we met down a charlton it escape park where she watched her grandson test his limits. so now the kamala harris is in the race. how do you feel that great i'll vote for her at henriksson driving range we made a golfer who says he's a left-leaning, independent who had been leaning towards not voting for president but now rob abrams feels he will vote for kamala harris. >> i liked that she's young. i like to she can put two sentences together. i like that she can she can speak with conviction at the sterling heights stellantis assembly we plan to mccomb county where they assemble the ram 1,500. it
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shift change time for the union workers. while many are enthused about kamala harris as they give her a chance to see what she can do we did run into plenty of fervent trump supporters who say the new challenger has only made more enthused about the former president. does kamala harris getting in the race changed the equation at all for either of you, change it, ruins she gets in, we're done. >> so i don't know either what america has done for and back at the 60s concert, i'm a stronger supporter of donald trump because kamala harris is in the race meanwhile, the vietnam vet who has been leaning toward donald trump says he will be paying close attention to the news in the days and weeks weeks to come her get in the race though, has basically opened up your mind? >> yes, it has and gary tuchman joins me now. >> it's interesting you found evidence of sort of her entering into the race, energizing to people on both sides of the political aisle in terms of thinking, energizing them to support trump more or
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to switch support very energetic people we talked to in michigan and that's what's really interesting. >> it's not just people who like kamala harris has also people who don't like kamala harris. they all wanted to be heard when we travel around the country over the last several months talking about this race and interviewing voters there's a lot of voters who are shy or reticent and just don't want to appear on camera we didn't see very much of that. people really wanted to talk about it. they're very interested in what's become of this presidential race on an know what the cover band when they are going to. >> very excellent taste, tragic bus barack obama, natalie, won mccomb county twice. he won the state as well 20 28 and 2012. today is we reported the top the former president and his wife, michelle obama endorsed kamala harris there's another look at that i can't have this phone call without saying to my girl kamala, i am proud of you. this is going to be historic we call to say michelle and i couldn't be prouder to endorse you and to do everything we can
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to get you through this election and into the oval office. >> my goodness. >> well, sources tell cnn the former president obama has been serving as a sounding board for harris over the last two decades, seed also been supportive of president biden's reelection bid. now, here's randi kaye with a look at how the obamas have helped other presidential campaigns i want those of you who've been with me from the beginning of this incredible journey to be the first to know that i'm with her i am fired up and i cannot wait to get out there and campaign for hillary. i'm with her with those words. then president barak obama throwing his full support behind hillary clinton's 2016 presidential campaign. >> i don't think there's ever been someone so qualified to hold this office soon after that vote of confidence, obama hit the campaign trail together with clinton this is a choice between whether we are going to
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cling to some imaginary past or whether we're going to reach for the future, then first lady michelle obama through her weight behind clinton to at the dnc convention gone every day all right we need to get out every vote we need to pour every last ounce of our passion and our strength and our love for them this country, into electing hillary clinton as president of the united states of america the obamas amped up their own and star power at this pennsylvania event, where bon jovi join them and the clintons on stage just days before the 2016 election michelle obama appeared with with clinton in the battleground state of north carolina this was the first time the two women shared the stage. hillary has done her job
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now, we need to do our job and get her elected president of the united states part of michelle obama's motivation to campaign against donald trump, his false claims that barak obama wasn't born in the united states she wrote in her book that trump's claim carried with it bigotry and xenophobia. adding donald trump with his loud and reckless and you windows was putting my family's safety at risk and for this, i'd never forgive him she spoke with oprah about it in 2018. >> i don't think he knew what he was doing that for him, it was a game that motivation continued in 2020. >> i'm so proud to endorse joe biden for president of the united states. i believe joe has all the qualities we need in a president right now, an endorsement, then stump speeches, even in the midst of the pandemic, i love joe biden and he will be a great president. >> this was flint, michigan my friend a real leader the next
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president of the united states of america joe biden in october 2020, michelle obama lynch, her voice to the closing argument for biden search. >> your hearts and your conscience and then vote for joe biden like your lives depend on it. >> and on the eve of the election, barack obama fired up voters in miami we will elect joe biden, had kamala harris and we will leave no doubt about what this country we love stands for. >> let's get to work florida let's bring this phone. i love your miami. hold up. you're fired up randi kaye, cnn tom beach county, florida well, just ahead, breaking news on the fbi's investigation to the assassination attempt against the former president and what they've concluded about his wound that day this election season's stay with cnn with
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highly processed pellets the farmer's dog is fresh food food made with whole meet and veggies. >> it's not drive food. it's not what food is, just a real food it's an idea whose time has come. >> cnn this morning? with kasie hunt, weekdays at five eastern tonight with breaking news in the investigation to the assassination attempt against the former president, the fbi tonight released a statement saying that trump was in fact struck by a bullet, either whole or fragmented in some smaller pieces. >> now, this comes after fbi director christopher wray this week said there were still some questions about whether trump was hit with a bullet or shrapnel. cnn chief law enforcement intelligence analyst john miller is with me. talking about what the latest is. >> well, the latest is that the director of put the put to bad this tempest in a shell casing which is this was it bullet was a trap know the standard is if you're grazed by a bullet, you are shot. if you're hit by a bullet fragment, you were shocked so that is kind of a
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day long battle about semantics that seemed to get way out of hand, which is the reason for this statement that came out late this afternoon. there's still going to do the work though, the fbi shooting reconstruction team has been on the ground, they've used the 360 degree total station platform that takes measurements from every point of the crime scene, which is quite large, to where the shooter was, to where the stage was to where donald trump was, where the other dems where they do that so that if there's a measurement they need later that they didn't take, they can go back into that system and task2, that measurement down to the smallest an actual machine they'd bring in it's a digital machine. the nikon total station or other brands that will do this 360 up and down pictures. so you can literally go back back to the crime scene and get anything that was recorded on the day you recorded that is still there in the measurements and everything else. but they'll look for beams, bullet impact
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mark. they'll look for bullet holes. they will take swabs, four lead residue, copper residue and they will match that to the bullet that's that we're still in the magazine to the bullets that were fired through the gun and they're going to go through all this to document as much as they can. >> and i know chris wray had testified that the shooter had looked up how far away was oswald from kennedy? that investigation is still very much underway? >> yes and that is about his preparation. he in his phone had numbers for the trump headquarters, had numbers for the biden headquarters had multiple pictures of both men and lots of pictures of other political figures but we know that just a few days before in early january when they announced that trump rally, he began the planning for that place. he did a reconnaissance trip there days before the rally. he purchased a ladder in case he needed it, but
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discarded it he flew his drone for 11 minutes, 200 yards back to get a complete picture of that roof so he was doing what the profilers call the pseudo commando. he had assumed this identity as this sniper with equipment and rangefinders, and extra ammunition and magazines homemade bombs, run by remote control he had become this other person and apparently where there's usually leakage of that hence dropped to other people we haven't heard much about any of that do we know is has his family cooperate? >> i know they haven't spoken publicly, has been totally co-operative since the very first night they were interviewed that night and established their son's identity through photographs that were taken of him at the scene before he was shot by law enforcement who was already tracking him they have been questioned once by those agents, again by other agents from the pittsburgh field office and will likely be
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talking to the behavioral analysis profilers. we're going to have different questions more about what was home life like, what was your son talking about? how much time did he spend doing different things? did he ever hint it anything like this or miller? >> thanks so much. appreciate it. still to come the summer olympics kicking off in paris with a grand opening ceremony or harry enten will share some of the olympic first expected during the games next what does a robot know about love it takes a human to translate that leap in our hearts into something we can see and hold etsy i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. thanks. the sky resy i'm playing with clearer skin three out of four people, which sees 90% clear skin at for months and scaries. he is just four doses a year after two starter doses, theory is allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you
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it's piled high with tender beef that's slow cooked and smothered in tangy memphis style barbecue sauce. it's no fuss, no muss. just tons of flavor. the best barbecue beef is only a togo's. try one today. i'm stephanie elam in los angeles and this is cnn the 2024 summer olympic games are officially underway in paris. >> the rain didn't stop the opening ceremony near the start of festivities, the crowds, so giant plumes of blue, white, and red smoke the colors it's office said the french national flag rising above the bridge that led to a parade of nations, which for the first time took place outside of a stadium with boats carrying each team through the center of paris on the river sand, on the team usa boat that's nba star and flag-bearers, lebron james next him, tennis star coco gauff who was also selected for
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the honor. it's going to be an exciting 16 days in paris with a 10,500 athletes from more than 200 countries competing in 32 sports. and our harry enten joins me now with more what excites you about this this event. you know, one of the things that's really exciting to me is we're going to have a first-time event break dancing which has very fun for me because breakdancing is from the bronx. i don't know if you knew that or not. were you a big break density? i was i was a huge break dancing the early 80s back in the early yeah, that was definitely want maybe the late maybe the late 80s, maybe. but i think the real thing that a lot of people would love about the olympics is that in fact, how could you as you're yourself has an average person against these olympians have any idea how good they are. but fortunately, we have a wonderful example of you doing exactly that how about if i get to dive and i get to do freestyle? >> one lab you go into our hallway, you can breed and you can tell let's do it.
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>> and you'll still be okay i'll take your maher we didn't take a single scroll down. he just did the dolphins. >> what does it feel like to raise michael phelps? i couldn't tell you. it moved by me so quickly and never even saw on but i want you to fascinate because you see them running and they're all kind of so close to each other. but when a normal human, a normal human being, you just can't keep up with them. you dedicated yourself to science, but i want you to not feel so bad. so i decided to try and do my best regular gaining. we have here one wow come on right there is that not a regular game? >> that was yeah. no that's not it's not regular game. >> i thought i could go for the olympics diving. yeah. no, that doesn't look good. it doesn't look so what are some of the
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other first is your percentage breakdancing? yes. so you know, one of the other first this year which i think is so interesting is that for the first time the summer olympics will close with the women's marathon instead of the men's marathon. don we closed the fortnight with the women's marathon, basically closing out the festivities and, you know, i think that people don't that's really compelling to me. that's very compelling, but it's truly compelling because i have a really good understanding of how strong these women are. because you once again dedicated yourself to science. let's go i see what this segment is about ready it's just, it's always about that jumped out at first sheline with or even flowing take a look, right incredible, laughing all the way she completed the quarter mile in about 79 seconds almost there but you know, if that was truly know why i do these segments
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for six months. i don't know why you do those segments or 60 minutes. i don't know why you do them with me, but i myself have actually try i ran a mile for charity. i want to raise money for my girlfriend running and so i wanted to give you an idea that you're not alone and go hampshire inability to run a guise wow are you actually running? they're is that a run it's kind of a run are you carrying iteration? i am. >> i'm carrying a gator, right? i didn't want to collapse. i will note i was wearing these ground cobble shoes during that run though, same exact shoes that i wear it here. you can see them right down there and the same socks. same socks right there i'm not exactly a nike shoe wearer. i'll put it that way. alright. >> harry enten. thank you very thank you for allowing me to have fun with you and with america as well. you put yourself on the line. i appreciate it. harry enten, thanks. the news continues right here on cnn outfront next the breaking news harris closing the gap with trump