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tv   Smerconish  CNN  July 27, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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work can be seen at the marion ebrahim gallery. >> his exhibition called the long run, wraps its run today for more on his work, checkout clotilde day jimenez, dot art. and thank you for joining me today. smerconish is up next the summer of surprises, how michael smerconish in
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philadelphia as my sirius xm radio listeners can attest a year ago, i started saying that this election would be influenced by people whose names we do not know and events we could never imagine. >> and still, i'm floored by what we've just witnessed since memorial day weekend think about it on may 30, after a six-week trial, former president trump became a convicted felon what a jury said that he was guilty on 34 counts for falsifying business records in the new york hush money criminal trial sentencing and was set for july 11 but trump got a political reprieve on june 27 when 51 million people watched a disastrous cnn debate performance by president biden. before days later, on july 1, the supreme court released its immunity decision ruling that former presidents cannot be prosecuted for actions related to their core powers of their office. where judge tanya chutkan must now wrestle with whether trump's conduct on and around january 6 was part of his core function is president. the scotus decision likely insulated trump
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against a trial before election day. and as a result of that decision, judge juan marshawn reset his new york sentencing to september 18 four days later, president biden sat down with abc's george stephanopoulos to address concerns about his health at a debate as to the success of his damage control ended when stephanopoulos himself told a fifth avenue pedestrian that he didn't think biden can serve four more years on july 10, george clooney, who had recently hosted a biden fundraiser, published an op-ed in the new york times calling for biden to end his campaign reports said that he first shared the essay with former president barak obama, who must not have talked him out of the publication and former house speaker nancy pelosi went on msnbc to say whether biden should continue was a decision for the president notwithstanding that the president was already on record saying he decided to stay in the race on july 11, biden held a high-stakes presser at the
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nato summit and accidentally called ukrainian president zelenskyy putin by now, according to the new york times, the biden campaign had begun polling on the viability of vice president harris. but the next day, biden headed to a rally and motown where he appeared full of them and vigor. maybe he's still had the fire in the belly one day later on july 13, at attempted assassination of former president donald trump, cast a dark cloud over the nation and the 2024 presidential race and iconic photo of a defiant trump would come to define that day still trying to jumpstart his campaign, the president had to cut short a trip to las vegas after testing positive for covid. footage of his return to andrew's showed him weakened, unsteady the hunker down at his delaware beach house as campaign spokespeople insisted, he was in the race to stay republicans gathered in milwaukee and welcome trump as a conquering hero for three nights, the nation watched as
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he appeared pensive and politically invincible. the final 90 spoken for the first 30 minutes, he seemed like a changed man which was then dispelled by the 60 minutes thereafter, where he deviated from the script and looked like his old self still, the republicans had an ear flawless convention observers, including david axelrod said the likelihood of a trump landslide was greater than a narrow biden victory trump was now leading both in national and all battleground polls. but last sunday afternoon, president biden announced he was leaving the race. and any hope for a blitz or many primary ended when he said that he was giving his full support to vice president harris republicans initially welcomed the news after all, senator harris had dropped out of the 2020 election before a single vote was cast. she'd been labeled the most liberal member of the u.s. senate. and regardless of her title, would forever be associated with the border crisis instead, she has owned
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the week the party leaders who pushed for biden to step aside have all embraced her rank-and-file. democrats have rallied to her candidacy, supportive memes have multiplied the celebrities have come home. there's a new found enthusiasm among women and the young money has poured in. and i haven't even mentioned jd vance's defense of the statement about childless cat ladies this sudden momentum shift has been born out in a brand new wall street journal poll that finds harris erased trump's lead with the two candidates essentially tied after biden's exit from the race. and so the most improbable and unpredictable election of any of our lives remains just that. and on the horizon that we know of includes her selection of a running mate, a democratic convention in chicago. and to previously scheduled presidential debate right after labor day and don't forget
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donald trump's sentencing on september 18, that and the people whose names we do not know and the events we can never imagine the only thing we know for sure is that it won't end until 100 days from tomorrow national polls and momentum aside, does harris have a path to 270? a fox news poll just released shows harris and trump tied in the rust belt states of michigan and pennsylvania, and wisconsin. trump is up by only one joining me now to break down the numbers is cnn senior data reporter harry enten harry, we appreciate you. here's what i want to ask. go on a 20 as you well know seven states, we're determined by less than three points. i'm putting them up in yellow on the board michigan wisconsin pennsylvania, nevada, arizona, georgia, and north carolina, where among the seven can harris move the needle i mean, you mentioned those fox news, paul's, i have them up
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on the screen right here. >> wisconsin trump plus one michigan tie, pennsylvania tied we can just simply say this. if she wins all those states in the great lake battleground, she could lose in nevada, arizona, and georgia and get this. she gets to exactly 270 electoral votes. now, you mentioned, of course, the seven there is that sunbelt pathway that she's hoping for. so let's say she loses in wisconsin, michigan, and pennsylvania, she called when in nevada, arizona, georgia, and north carolina, which of course trump won last time around the reason that the harris campaign believes they can be competitive there is because she's doing better with black and hispanic voters. and if in fact she is, it opens up this pathway, which to be perfectly honest, the joe biden campaign had given up on so harry, i know that former president trump and senator vance are headed to minnesota. minnesota is one of those states where democrats with president biden at the top of their ticket have had to play some defense. you can think minnesota you could think virginia, you could think new
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hampshire. is that still the case? are democrats still? going to have to play defense there this i think is the biggest change from what we saw when biden was in the race to now harris being in the race, we have new polling from minnesota, new hampshire, maine. >> look at this. there's a lot of blue on your screen. harris up by six and minnesota harris up by seven. new hampshire harris up by nine and maine, if anything? seeing the electoral map is constricting back to those seven core states that you spoke about at the top, because these gop reaches these states that might have been competitive in 2016 and 2024. they don't look to be competitive just like they really weren't competitive back in 2020 the vice president has a very important choice on her hands. she needs to select her own running mate. you know that josh shapiro and mark kelly are getting a lot of attention which of the two of them, in your opinion, based on data stands a better chance of delivering to the democratic column their home state yeah, you know, sometimes the data
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tells us a lot and sometimes the data gives us a little question. here's what we know. we do have up-to-date data on josh shapiro. look at this, this favorable rating in 2024 and pennsylvania, 61%. mark kelly, interestingly enough, we don't actually have any recent polling data. we do know that he was strongest dam statewide in 2022, but for my money for my money, mr. smerconish, i would choose this gentleman if you're trying to deliver a state because the fact is pennsylvania has 19 electoral votes. arizona only has 11. you put those 19 in your column that shrinks the gop is possibilities and donald trump's possibilities much that's more than if, let's say the 11 go over to the republican side, that's not as nearly as an impeachment as much as if donald trump wins pennsylvania is going to be awfully difficult for kamala harris to win this election. still possible, but difficult the folks over at 538, i know did an analysis when i asked question of what's the value of a running mate and they're
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thought was about half a point in the state of the individual who you select, which might not sound like much, but in a game of inches, when you look at the margin in pennsylvania last time could be significant it could absolutely be significant. >> and that's really the only measurable effect that we know for vp candidates, right? you go back to 1988, dan quayle was probably the worst vp candidate on record, although j.d. vance make him a run for his money, and of course, george hw bush won that election by eight points easily. it's really that home affect. you said half a point. i've seen some research that perhaps indicates it's more like two or three points, which of course would be quite significant. a state like pennsylvania, which the last two times around were won by trump in 2016. and of course biden in 2020 by between, i believe it was 0.8 points for trump and about 1.2 points for joe biden. a very tight state. that is why i think josh shapiro is probably the best bet. he's clearly very popular there and we have recent data to prove it harry enten, thank you. >> as always. >> thank you, my friend joining
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me now is whit ayres, a leading dc political consultant and republican pollster. >> he's also the founder and president of north star opinion research a public affairs research firm, he was recently interviewed by the washington post in a piece that was titled why a gop pollster is watching harris's impact in the midwest went nice to see you. why don't we begin their why are you interested in particular in the midwest? >> it's great to be with you, michael, we're interested in the midwest because of what your data just showed that the upper midwest stern states of wisconsin, michigan, and pennsylvania could be absolutely critical. it's interesting to see the harris impact on this she is doing much better than joe biden biden among non-white voters, there's a wall street journal poll out this morning that showed her coming from 51% for biden up to 63% for harris. but
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does it cost the party among the white voters of the upper midwest where joe biden biden was still doing very well. that's one of the reasons those states we're closer with trump then the sunbelt states. >> what by what harris may do is make the sunbelt states closer, but make the upper midwestern states more difficult for the democrats. what do you see when you read the tea leaves relative to gender well, the tea leaves relative to gender tell me that attacking kamala harris as a dei candidate is exactly the wrong way to go about it. >> if you're a republican, that diminishes the accomplish twins have any african american women in the country. and it's just a way to backfire if you're going after commonly harris, why in the world would you do that? you have a smorgasbord of far left-wing issues that kamala harris is on
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record supporting, whether it's banning fracking, banning offshore oil drilling, ban in private health insurance instituting mandatory gun buybacks or decriminalizing illegal border crossings. that's a smorgasbord that of issues that may play very well in san francisco, but don't play very well in the rest of the country. and that's how republicans need to go after right? >> i think that watching the tone of the former president is going to be key. i take note of the fact that in his speech that he just made in florida, he spoke of her being quote, unquote, three weeks ago perceived as a bum and i thought to myself, how does the people who are in the room who are applauding that they're already on his side. but in my neighborhood in the suburbs of philadelphia, that's not going to work you're exactly right. >> but what might work is talking about her far left-wing positions and intense of an eu banning fracking is not going to be a particularly popular issue. when why is the number
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47 or i should say 47% something that you think we should all stay focused on donald trump got 46% of the popular vote in 2016 when he won, he got 47% of the vote in 2020 when he lost, he seems to have a ceiling, right around 40 47% he never had a majority of the country who approve of his job performance when he was president so if donald trump can break through that we lost wet okay. i think what he was about to say is that 47% is sort of the mendoza line for the trump campaign. that if he can break through it, he can't be defeated, but he's got to get to it. you've heard the line before about trump having a high floor, but a low ceiling. in other words, that he is very limited in how much additional reach there might be for his voters the other point
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that i was going to make with whit ayres that i was going to ask him that is the third party factor because we've spoken a great deal here in the past about third-party candidates, namely robert f. kennedy jr. but in this latest polling from the wall street journal, i noted that they had bobby kennedy coming in and only about four or so percent of the pole. and here's something interesting. do you remember all the conversations that we had? in the past as to whether rfk junior helps or hurts biden? well, in that wall street journal poll, can we flash that back up on the screen catherine, that we used in the intro, the poll that showed where biden, pardon me, where harris and trump stand and how it's trump by to thank you for that, right? so take a look at this and i'm doing this from memory, from reading in this morning, but i'm pretty secure and what i'm about to tell you. so it's within the margin of error. i don't want to make too big of a deal over it, but it's trump by two. but when you throw robert f. kennedy jr. into that mix, it
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reverses and it becomes harris by two points, which i find really interesting. and one of the things that i've learned from doug sosnik among the others, it's this when you look at the national data, always remember that in this case, vice president kamala harris probably has to be up by four to 4.5 so as to indicate that she's doing what's necessary in the electoral college. so if you see harris tied or harris by two, it's probably not where she needs to be based on what we saw in 2020 and based on what we saw in 2016 hit me up on social media. i'm in all the usual social media places you can find me. i love reacting to some of what you have to say during the course of the program. what do we have from the world of youtube? why call it a coronation? people had the choice to get in, but decided to back her. nobody put a gun to their head, get over it, michael. okay. so travel with ravi? i guess ravi is a travel agent. are there still travel agents? yes, there are
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responding to me previously here saying that i thought what was in the best interest of the vice president of the democratic party and the nation was a competition you know let let? her earn it by standing on this stage and competing with the likes of gavin newsom and josh shapiro and mark kelly and beshear and cooper, et cetera, et cetera. and seven therefore, there wouldn't be a perception that it had been handed to her, that she had emerged victorious from this process. and by the way, ravi, i wasn't alone. i thought that that carville thought that nate silver thought that many, many people thought that was the best thing. it's not where we are because nobody wanted to step in front of the freight train that is now the harris campaign still to come will the next eight weeks of the presidential election match the last could they with only 101 days left until election day? what can previous president? it's an actual campaigns tell us about what's in store this november. historian douglas brinkley is here to weigh in. and as usual, i want to know what you think
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answer today's poll question at, who will not should who will vice president harris select as her running mate? andy bashir roy cooper for mark kelly, josh shapiro, or somebody else, while you're there, sign up for my free daily newsletter for which speak of coronation? scott status drew this five good things. >> listen wherever you get your podcasts when the land of the byrds now nature, boy it's a male thin they give see two females in a bonding ritual
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or maybe the next hundred joining me now is douglas brinkley a presidential historian, rice university professor, new york times bestselling author, and contributing editor at vanity fair, his latest piece is called chicago blues who's next up a make or break convention for the democrats. douglas great to see you does what we've just witnessed compared to anything that comes to your trained eye? >> well, it's a very speedy july, right? there's ever been anything quite like this. i mean, we remember the summer when richard nixon had to resign and gerald ford got brought in and then quickly pardoned the nixon who flew up to san clemente but this is different. i mean, this is right in the throes of an like you did that great timeline from that from the debate, debacle per biden all the way to this moment where kamala harris is searching. it's mind-bending really interesting
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and tells you that the progressive democratic movement was just waiting to kind of poor forward right now, it's going to be a nail-biting election you wrote an essay about what's to come, namely in chicago, i'm going to put something from the vanity fair piece up on the screen and i'll read it aloud. >> you said, if there are any flare-ups against police, any mistreated american flags, donald trump will instantly sees the law and order mantra as nixon did in his efforts to reclaim the white house come november. talk to me about the dnc in chicago well, i think chicago is much more secure than it was in 1968. >> and we also have to remember what grant park was, right there at lake michigan. >> that was where all the yipes and black panthers, all the police altercations occurred in 68 we, have to remember that same park in 2008, brock obama chose to give his victory speech. he had 250,000 people there, not one single arrest or
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ticket given. so chicago can do security. >> the fear is with gaza, israel, as we saw with the campuses, that they're starting to be american can flags bird in chicago, or there is some sort of altercation between police and protesters. >> and you will see trump pull a nixon that i'm the law and order guy that democrats are lawlessness. and i represent order. so i think for the democratic party, dnc, the more security, the better in in chicago, as long as they don't overreact the way that mayor daley's police did i want to show a picture to the audience? >> it is vice president kamala harris recuperating from covid. and if you look carefully and we remove that chyron, there we go. circled. i don't know if you can see but your book, american moonshot, is on her desk. know maybe i'm reading too much into this, but it would seem to me she's got an interest in the space program
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if she's got an interest of particular interest in the space program, might she be thinking about mark kelly? >> you know, i loved that question i think josh shapiro's amazing. pritzker, but kelly of arizona is it's hard to be. he's an all american hero. i often thought that thought that john kerry lost the election in back in 2004 or when he picked when he picked edwards, of north carolina and looked over john glenn you ever kelly goes arizona. he's not just seen as a senator. he seen as a war hero and an astronaut. >> and somebody that's undeniably has national security clearance in his van and it didn't ready to go. >> so i'm a big kelly fan, but i love space. i love space exploration and i was pleased that vice president harris had read american moonshot were you aware of the fact that she was
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a reader of yours in that book before that picture was publicized no. >> but the her husband, doug, posted that with they're his on his twitter feed. so i got a lot of emails from people when that moment happened. it is true that was when she had covid and now this past week, biden had covid. she loves space, loves nasa ever since lyndon johnson was vice president kennedy, it's been a role vice president's tend to pay attention to. so she was boning up on how kennedy did it in course, you can never go wrong with john f. kennedy's speech at my university, september 12, 1962. why do we go into space? why do we go to the moon? because it's a challenge and we're now looking to send women astronauts back to the moon. we're doing mars exploration. and so and of course we live in a satellite culture this past week, japan is trying to do, do
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explorations on the moon. so it's a field that everybody loves and our universities, stare very stemmed, driven. and i've been teaching for a long time, michael and they love hearing about the heyday of nasa and the 1960s with mercury gemini and apollo, we all do yeah, smithsonian love, love going to aaron space. thank you. got this. nice to see you. we appreciate you thank you more social, media reaction from the world of youtube? yes, i have a youtube channel. i'll bet trump wishes. he chose a woman for vp, you know, eric some speculate that with j.d. vance having defend the comments that he made, a couple of years ago, said he was sarcastic when asked about it yesterday about childless cat ladies. some have wondered whether if the events that occurred differently what do you have tried to woo to the extent that she needed to be wooed, nikki haley i don't know, but i think he hangs with vance. i don't i don't put any
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stock in some of the speculation that he's going to change horses i want to remind everybody answer today's poll question. it's not about the republican selection of vice president. it's about the selection that vice president harris now needs to make who will she take? i'm not asking who should i'm asking you to be predictive is it going to be andy beshear, roy cooper, mark kelly, josh shapiro maybe somebody else, maybe somebody like admiral james stavridis. think about that. still to come more of your social, did i just float like a trial balloon? the admiral might be upset with me for doing so. coming up more, of your reaction and later, nearly a dozen potential vp candidates are said to be in the midst of getting vetted. two options are making waves across social media and opinions who will be the last standing at the democratic convention, makes sure you're signing up for my newsletter when you're voting. steve breen drew this for us.
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necessary better. shapiro in pennsylvania or kelley in arizona, the margin for trump has been larger in arizona than it has been in pennsylvania. and i think we need the dust settled to evaluate the polls relative to eating vance's lunch? i think vance's good on a debate stage. and i think that shapira, i think be a hell of a match that's a debate i would pay to see what else came in in terms of social media reaction to today's program? i thought you didn't want coronation of kamala harris. now, you have fallen in line. did you get marching orders from cnn? call me joe. what the hell are you talking about? i said last week and have been concerned assistant, remember me, the guy who told you three weeks ago it wasn't a question of whether biden was going to step aside, but when he would do so and additionally, from the get get-go, i said and if it happens as i predict, it will, there ought to be a mini primary. we weren't then using the words blitzer primary, but no, i think that that was in
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the best interest of not only harris and the ds but also the nation letter get as they put it in a preseason parlous, some touches in a little preseason action before all of a sudden you get to the big game. next, i've got time for one more. i think dems were desperate to find a viable candidates. so they talk themselves into elation over kamala harris, the giddiness and relation will erode once her ultra liberal policies and unimpressive vp status become clear to voters, carville was correct in saying be cautious, i'm going to wait for the dust to settle. i'm not here to tell you how it all plays out. he's got a record. she's going to have to defend and that record, i think is going to be presented as and based on fact as a very progressive record, can that be sold in middle america and in the states that we've been discussing, that remains to be seen, but it's too soon to know we have a horse race on our hands. that's all you can say with confidence. remember, i want to know, go to the
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website. it's who she going to pick, who will be the selection? the sheer cooper, kelly shapiro, or somebody we're not even discussing up ahead, speaking of which the race to secure the democratic vp slot on full display with the harris county campaign promising to make a selection by august 7. that's 11 days away. who is it going to be? let's talk about mark kelly. let's talk about josh shapiro if to local journalists who covered both extensively. and we'll get their insights next. make sure you're signing up for the daily newsletter jack ohman sketched for us this week the ceo well, it's about to takeoff there's no one that goes the things i were personal limits of what pro wrestling can be the, wwii wednesday night dynamited aid on tbs, choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel for any
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atlanta. >> this is cnn as this unprecedented cycle heats up, the harris team said to be vetting about a dozen possible vice presidential candidates to names appear to be rapidly rising and likely to fill the number two spot. >> senator mark kelly from the great state of arizona and pennsylvania governor josh shapiro from the commonwealth well, for pennsylvania, both preside over essential swing states for democrats, they're considered to be well-liked among their constituents. the harris campaign pledging to select a vice presidential candidate by august 7. that's 11 days away. here to discuss, is arizona's kpnx tv political reporter and anchor, bram resneck and spotlight pa investigative reporter angela columbus. so bram, i know that he's got this central casting resume. how is he on his feet? >> how is the honest feet you might be asking the debate question. i'd say that might
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be the weakest part of his game. if he's on his feet, he can answer questions from reporters in a scrum that's fine if you're going to put mark kelly in a debate against someone like a j.d. vance he will do a solid job and not more than that. he's not a prosecutor coincidentally back in 2022, he won his us senate race against blake masters, who like vance is a peter teal acolyte heavily financed by peter teal and mark kelly held his own. held his own. if you've watched the debate, you might say which ones? the republican here, because he's, he's pretty moderate for a democrat, but that's how you win arizona angela, every four years, the nation gets a lesson on the philly burbs. >> well, this time potentially there could be a candidate born raised, and residing in those philly burbs. josh shapiro yes. so josh shapiro has grown up in pennsylvania. he's been in
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politics and pennsylvania for 20 years. he's got huge name recognition. he was a state legislator. he was a state's attorney general now basically the governor for the last year-and-a-half he does very, very well. and the vote rich pennsylvania, philadelphia suburbs he's from there. they, they truly like him and he has appealed not just with democrats, but he also has appeal in that boat rich area. with moderate republicans. and that is a big constituency. if you can get it in pennsylvania and if you can win that area, you win the state so i happen to think that vice president kamala harris needs a sister soldier moment and it occurs to me that with regard to both of these candidates and bram, i'll start with you. she gets that insofar as mark kelly has a border posture different from hers. do you agree with me that
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his stance relative to the border is an asset, not alone? viability that might be his greatest asset in this case, you know, his biography, which is just cold in mark kelly, his wife, gabby giffords national figures in a lot of ways, but kamala harris's and the biden administration's weakness on the border is something he could couldn't show shore up its funding before the interviewer just going back to 2022, looking some of the coverage and recall, he called president biden dumb for ending title 42. >> you wasn't alone. sounded are other senator kyrsten sinema, but they stood up to that, stood with republicans and he's not afraid to do that. he is in a race taylor contact with republican communities down by the border, republican and democratic. he gets the border in a way that i don't believe that biden administration ever has. >> and that's going to be a big issue here. i know that's also a big issue across the country now, right in the northeast midwest as well as
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arizona immigration is one of the top three issues. and she desperately needs that kind of help okay. >> and angela relative to josh shapiro, i know what i'm here to argue that i think that as kamala harris has portrayed as being very far to the left, it would help her to have a running mate who is seen less so. and in josh's case, might school choice give him some means of saying, hey, i'm i'm not as progressive as she is. >> oh, absolutely. first off, he is a moderate democrat from a must-win wind swing state, right? and he has been able during his time in public office to forge relationships with both the business community and others for republican leaning type factions. and one of the ways that he has garnered some support among republicans is his position on school choice.
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he supported a voucher school voucher program in his first term and in his first year, a little less. so this year it's been a bit of a double-edged sword for him while it has drawn some support from republicans, it has also alienated some traditional support from democratic factions particularly those that are very pro public school factions so that remains to be seen how it's going to play for him and as potentially him on the presidential ticket bram, such a game of inches, not only in the presidential race, but also in the u.s. >> senate that i've heard some say, well, what would happen to that kelly seat if he were to be the running mate and when can you give me 30 seconds on that well, the governor or democratic governor would appoint a replacement for mark kelly and that person would serve until 2026. that means
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there would be a midterm election for the u.s. >> senate in arizona midterms. historically not great for democrats there were pretty good in 2022, but democrats get some good democratic candidates running up against some pretty weak republicans. so that's making some democrats nervous right now. i do want to let folks know now, we're often thought of as a purple state. we just got some new registration numbers last night talking about whether mark kelly can deliver a sweet swing state during the biden years democrat, democratic registration as lost, three points of market share. >> if you've looked at it that way democrats trail republicans by two-by-two hundred thousand, 250,000, independence by 200,000 registration that's a pretty big hill to climb for anybody during a presidential election year, let alone a midterm election year in two years. >> so a lot of people on the one hand, might be excitable.
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mark kelly, perhaps getting the vp nod on the other hand if you're a democrat, you're a little bit worried about what happens in 2026 and whether he can hold on to the seat angela columbus, i'm limited on time 20 years ago, you first met josh shapiro as a freshman state legislator. first impression oh i've, been he was within a couple of years of taking office. >> he was considered a rising star in the democratic party. if you've seen him speak, he is smooth, he's polished, he's good on his feet and that has only gotten stronger as he's gotten more experienced thank you both. i really appreciate your insight will say we'll find out soon. i appreciate each of you checking in on your social media comments. what do we have relative to this issue? i hope harris team realizes that shapira would cost her michigan because of israel. really are we that simplistic oh, he's jewish. i guess we're going to now lose michigan. i don't think so. i don't buy into that
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logic, but i'll read on and kelly could cost a seat in the senate. bashir is the best running mate, but does he deliver kentucky? he knows how to talk to rural voters and can make inroads in his jobs creation record. look jack, maybe you're right. i don't know. we'll see. i'm giving you four choices. and you still have time to vote at right now. here it is. who will vice president harris select as her running mate? i'm giving you andy beshear, roy cooper, mark kelly, josh shapiro, and the all-encompassing other in case you're thinking of somebody else while you're voting subscribe to my free and daily newsletter, what will you receive? you'll get editorial cartoons like this from rob rogers ever wonder what the experience app can do the benefits are all around you michael score for free. >> raise if instantly before your next big purchase by the
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to be seen, but i don't underestimate that. there's a bit of a shell game going on here and that we're all focused on josh shapiro when mark kelly and maybe there's somebody who's not on our radar right now who's going to emerge in this climate? going back to where i began, its possible enjoy your week cia i wouldn't really happen to the atlanta unliving bombing premieres tonight at nine on cnn pain means pause on the things you love but breen means go through the pain with biofuels and keep on going bio freeze green means go, shake up your shower with a flavor for every feeling this stub questions you up. this stub wind down. this stuff leads deep glowing and this dub keeps you going. so whatever care you care about, there's a dove for everybody my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis held me back now with sky resy, i'm all in with clear your skin. thanks,
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