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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  July 27, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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powering possibilities. bank a lifesaver closed captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law mesothelioma victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. >> you may be entitled to a portion of that money all when 1808, 5-9, 2,400. that's when 808, 5-9, 2,400 you are in the
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cnn news hi, everyone. >> i'm jessica dean in new york and we begin with breaking news out of the middle the israeli army, calling it the deadliest strike on israeli civilians since october 7 official say at least ten people were killed by rockets fired from lebanon it's the biggest escalation yet in what has been a simmering conflict across israel's northern border, officials say the rockets struck a football pitch in the golan heights, a contest since territory going back several decades now journalist elliott gotkine is joining us now and elliot hezbollah has denied anything to do with this attack, which did kill children brynn israel, not convinced by that. what more are you learning jessica? >> since hezbollah started firing on israel in solidarity with hamas on october the eighth, israel says that it's fired more than 5,000 projectiles towards its, towards israel. and so they're suppose understandable that israel would make hezbollah the prime suspect. indeed, israel says that the rocket that killed the teens and young
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adults and the death toll now seems to be 11 according to daniel hagari, a spokesman for the idf but that came from a village called cheba in southern lebanon. it's about a couple of kilometers north of the border. and according to what israel describes as reliable intelligence information, hezbollah was behind it. and as you say, this was according to israel, the deadliest strike on innocent civilians inside of israel since october the seventh. and i suppose the big question now is what will the response from israel be? and then what would hezbollah's response be to that? we've already heard from israel's foreign minister, israel katz, saying in his words that we are approaching the moment of all out war in the north against hezbollah or iran. certainly there are some of the more right-wing members of prime minister benjamin netanyahu's coalition demanding that israel now, now go to all out war with hezbollah. but certainly that
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has not happened thus far. it's been almost ten months. and counting and it's clear if this is what is going to move, what's been a simmering conflict into one that, one that boils over. so certainly, we will now be awaiting the response from israel to this, to this attack. jessica and as we await that elliot, what kind of effect might this have on these ceasefire and hostage deal talks with hamas that are supposed to resume tomorrow. i suppose i fit the question in the sense that it seems that perhaps that in the short term, at least the best way to get some kind of common and for their guns to fall silent in the north would be to get a ceasefire deal between israel and hamas. and as you say, talks set to resume on sunday, i don't think this attack on much del shams in the golan heights is going to impact those talks box. they're due to resume in rome with bill burns, the cia director, and his counterparts from israel, qatar, and egypt, attending as
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well it seems there is still a number of issues that need to be resolved. everything from the ratio of palestinian prisoners to be freed from israeli jails in relation to the number of hostages being freed by hamas to the kinds of prisoners that israel would release, whether it would have some kind of a veto on those particular prisoners. and also whether israel would still be able to remain in control of the philadelphi corridor, which is the border between rafah and egypt, which israel has thus far been insisting, it must control to prevent weapons from being smuggled from egypt towards hamas. so there's still a number of issues to be resolved. and i was just checking back on my notes before and i see that as long as it was february when if you recall, president biden in michigan when he was campaigning chomping on an ice cream and saying, you hope for a hostage deal to be done by that weekend. we are now several months further down the line, still no sign of that deal being done. there is some optimism that we are inching closer, but we've been here so many times before. it's i'm afraid pace to be cautious and
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certainly a lot more things need to be resolved before that deal can get over the line. jessica alright, elliot gotkine for us in london tonight. thank you so much for that reporting. back here domestically, we are just 100 days now until the election. and fresh polling showing vice president kamala harris is a sudden entrance to that race has up, ended it and change the dynamic into a tie for now, harris has essentially erased trump's lead it is now leading by just three percentage points that is within the margin of error in the latest cnn polling. and new polls from the wall street journal and the new york times this week showing the same thing a statistical dead heat this weekend, vice president harris is crisscrossing the country and cnn's eva mckend joins us now. eva, what more can you tell us? it's about this weekend of action as they're calling it's calling it, it's including a new massive zoom call push just the massive zoom calls it kind of came organically a rallying in support of harris over the past week, it began with win with
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black women and women black men fall flowed soon after several other coalition's, including asian asian-americans, queer men of color, white women, and now white dudes for harris, that's what they're calling themselves. >> they've got 25,000 people signed up to join their call next week. meanwhile, it was a busy day for the vice president. she spoke at a fundraiser in massachusetts. and is giving virtual remarks to the youth group voters of tomorrow. despite the momentum that she's enjoying though, she's cautioning supporters that she's still faces an uphill battle in this race. let's listen let us be clear we have we got we're the underdogs in this race. level were the underdogs but this is a people-powered campaign and we have moment now many of the governors that she's
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reportedly considering to be her running mate are out on the trail as well. governor waltz, governor beshear, and governor shapiro all out on the circuit. this weekend? yes and eva, you mentioned some of those governors. >> she is reportedly considering to be her running mate. this is a very kinetic since situation that that she is picking a vp candidate to run alongside her. it's a very high-stakes decision. how's that going right now, while we know that eric holder, the former attorney general, is involved in the process, as well as other team of democratic lawyers but ultimately just what this is going to boil down to is someone that she can trust. >> that is what we hear time and time again from people in her orbit all right. >> eva mckend for us. thanks so much for that reporting out of washington, dc. meanwhile, former president donald trump is speaking to a crypto conference in nashville before heading north to a rally in minnesota. cnn's steve contorno is in nashville. steve tell us more trump and his team
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still trying to figure out how they're going to message against vice president harris when they've really built their campaign to run against joe biden exactly. >> jessica and you're going to see him today, convinced this crowd of crypto entrepreneur doors and enthusiast that he is someone who will embrace cryptocurrency as president while biden and harris have been against crypto currency and have been trying to regulate it well, during the last four years. and it's an interesting argument because he is someone who is actually been very critical of cryptocurrency in the past, he has likened it to a scan he has said was not money. he said that the dollar is the actual currency of the world, not cryptocurrency. and yet he has just taken the stage here behind me where he is trying to convince this crowd trying to win over this audience. he is also coming here, coming off some controversial remarks he made yesterday, telling christians that they won't have to vote in four years. listen to what he said based on the way it's going you won't have to do it
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anymore four more years. you know what? >> it'll be fixed, it'll be fine. >> you won't have to vote anymore. my beautiful christians, i love you. christiane's, i'm max christian. i love you. get out. you gotta get out and vote in 40 he is. you don't have to vote again, we'll have it fixed so good. you're not going to have to a lot of now we asked the trump campaign for clarification about what he meant about when he said that. and here's the response we got. they said quotes president trump was talking about uniting this country and bringing prosperity to every american as opposed to the vis of political environment that has sowed so much division and even resulted in an assassination attempted wolf. but the harris campaign, though is seizing on these comments saying, quote, when vice president harris paris says this election is about freedom, she means that's jessica yeah, it's interesting. >> i didn't hear the word prosperity in those comments and he seemed to be talking to one religious group, but seaborne contorno, thank you very much for that reporting from tennessee appreciate it.
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coming up. we are talking with congressman gregory meeks about kamala harris's first full week as the democratic candidate, as well as the deadly rocket it's attack in the golan heights in the cnn newsroom you it's hard to watch yourself when you pulled out of the building but a tornado precise designs subtle curves curated upgrades elevated design for thoughtful living. duma when it comes to losing weight, everything you need, everything you want, everything in one plan is here. >> you nutrisystem complete. it's the complete package that you asked for and nutrisystem delivered with everything you need to lose weight and get
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four president donald trump addressing this just moments ago in nashville, here's what he said. >> israel was just attacked. or severely attacked. and hizballah, it looks like and this is things that won't happen. i mean, he just can't they have to respect us. they have to respect they cannot do this. they cannot do this. what they did just that with that attack is terrible. just happened and so to all god bless everybody, this is so serious. they have to respect our country. this would never have happened with us joining us. >> now, congressman gregory meeks, democrat of new york, he represents queens. he's also the ranking member on the house foreign affairs committee and congressman, thanks so much for being with us on a saturday and we have a lot to get to, but i do want to start first with that breaking news out of israel. we were just talking about just to remind people at least ten people, including children, are dead dead after a rocket strike from lebanon into
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the golan heights. it is the deadliest day in israel since october 7 israel saying this is hezbollah that hezbollah has denied this. i just want to know first what your reaction is to this. >> derek, concerning it really is and, you know, absolutely israel has the right to defend itself. but i've always been worried this is what i've been worried about and why i thought that we needed to get a ceasefire as quickly as possible in gaza because the biggest headache was in with lebanon in the northern border of israel. i'm very concerned about a war escalating there, which would lead to thousands of innocent israeli and lebanese citizens dying, possibly in another war, there been trying to not know that the united states had several individuals over and tried to try to negotiate to prevent any escalation from there brett
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mcgurk aimed most hot skin as well as secretary barren for the cia. i hope that they could intertwine and there's some kind of negotiations to take place. but it's very concerning turning and very upsetting. >> yeah and you mentioned the u.s. officials, they're going to be in rome tomorrow as they try to get this deal done do you think that this attack will have any impact on those discussions tomorrow? >> it very well. could i hope not? that's why we were trying to get as much done and wanted to get this deal done as well. i think chief heard both president biden and vice president harris say we need to get a cease fire so that we could cool things down and try to prevent any escalation taking place i as i said, i hope that we can i hope decides
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do have some dialogue and conversation. i always worried about innocent deaths and if an all-out war breaks in that region we'll be a lot more innocent deaths on from the lebanese people as well as from the israeli side. and that concerned me. it's always concerned when i was asked by several people what at night is back or the innocent civilians that are caught up in all of this escalation of war in the northern part of israel and in israel. yeah. and now we have at least ten people dead, including children. they were just playing soccer today congressman nine now, i do want to ask you about politics for a second, because we've just had such a monumental shift in this presidential race, just in the last, it's barely been a week. now we have new polling showing that vice president harris has essentially erased former
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president trump's lead, kind of pulling it within two a margin of error race nationally the former president's pollster has called this sugar high, that it can't keep going. i'm curious. how do you think? democrats keep this momentum well, look, i think this is a real momentum that donald trump is really worried about. >> and i think that you see that and you know that i you keep it going. we're going to have a great convention starting in august. august 18. that's going to build even more momentum you see that the vice president is working hard all over the place. i think either donald trump will debate her on september 10 all pull out each, which would bring more momentum as we move into the elections in november. i think that his lies will be exposed more and xi will hold them accountable. it is basically anyone knows how to
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hold someone like him accountable. >> it is the vice president and i think that that will fire up individual even more this is absolutely amazing what we're seeing right now, and i'm predicting at you we will probably see. >> i never thought i would say this, but i i've said it before that this turnout in november may exceed the turnout of folks that came out for barak obama, and 2008, what you're seeing so far as it's absolutely never happened before and what makes you say that? >> because i hear the enthusiasm in your voice. what makes you think that this could be a bigger turnout for her even beyond what barack obama saw but it's two reasons. one is he such a dynamite candidates. she is the new leadership the baton has been passed as people are excited about her and her vision for america, moving forward. and they also know that this is the most consequential election of their lifetime. they know what the alternative it would be in
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regards to donald trump. that's why you heard many americans say before that they did not want to match up between trump and joe biden. they wanted an alternative. so she becomes that alternative for those individuals who did not want to vote for trump in the first place, nor biden. that's not an alternative. >> as well as the fact you'll see overwhelming women coming out to vote because this election consequential to a woman's freedom to choose and they have control of a body it's essential and consequential because your c african americans and latino was coming out because they know that voting rights are at stake in the supreme court is at stake. >> this to the next president may be able to put into additional supreme court nominees. so the american people are now focused and everyone getting focused on his race as they get focused vice president harris gets the energy people are calling me every day saying, i want to sign up, i want to organize to
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boss. i'll pay my own way to go to the eight battle ground states. it is really exciting out there. and i think that that's excitement. we've got 101 days ago is just going to continually build and the race is on now to define her to voters they know who she is. but there is a chance to essentially re-introduce her to voters. and of course, the trump campaign is really trying to lean on some of these positions. far-left position she took during that 2020 primary, some of which she or spokespeople have hers who said she know what? hunger agrees with the harris campaign is out with its first ad. it's all about freedom. we saw the super pac supporting her campaign, introducing her with her biography, prosecutor attorney general, senator vice president how do you think the democrats effectively re-introduce her to american voters, some of whom? maybe concerned that she's two to left for them because what you just have to look at her
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work she's the best prepared person the take on donald trump actually, she's the former prosecutors, so she knows how to take on him and his kind. >> she can add she can talk about because she was a partner with joe biden when we got out of one of the worst pandemics of the our lifetime of the senate three when with covid you look at the returning of jobs, job creations in america right now coming back because of the ira and the infrastructure bill all of that was pot biden-harris teamwork, working together. qatar does past the harm. it's the same race is just not to protect. you pass the proton. people loved the work of joe biden, but he ran his part of the race to his credit than he decided to pass it on to the next
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person who take those issues and running a little faster. and that's what she's going to do and i think that when you look at her, she has the ability to articulate and talk to individuals no matter where they are. an america, whether it's in middle america, whether it's in south america, northern east, west, northwest southwest. she will be the great communicator and that's why you see that the number of states that are now closing in as far as the polls are concerned, where it wants, you one was looking at a wisconsin pennsylvania, and michigan. now you also have to look at nevada arizona, north carolina, georgia. all of these now and states that are excited about the candidacy of vice president harris, they will continue to do that and that's what's going to lead us to victory. they want someone that has common sense. they don't want to go back to. and when you talk about maga, that's make america great again nobody,
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knows what they talking about because i don't surely and i know individuals in my district don't want to go back to jim crow, didn't want to go back to when you have covered in white, they want to be more inclusive. they want women to be involved and you can hear the thoughts of what trump and vance have in regards to how they the great women and women are going to come out in great numbers are. so it's only appropriate that it's going to take a woman who happens to be of color to defeat donald trump, who has been the one you've heard. his words and his own words, what he thought about women. he's been one that has to pay. now because he lost a suit for assault woman and civil court. and he's a convicted felon. i don't think america wants a leader like that. they want a leader like the vice president kamala harris all right. congressman gregory meeks. thank you so much for your time. we appreciate it. >> thank you for having me up next. >> we're going to take you to california where firefighters are struggling to contain a
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wildfire that's already scorched an area bigger than los angeles 0% of that fire is contained so far, you're in the cnn newsroom every night. >> you're going straight to the source we begin with the breaking news tonight. inside the biggest stories, where is the common ground between you and the senate and the white house sharing the latest with you, this just with kaitlan collins weeknights at nine protect against rsv with the wreck sv, a wreck sv is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv. and people 60 years and older, a wreck sv does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients, those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache and joint pain. a wreck sv is number one and rsv vaccine shots rsv make it a wrexham kept the cabin for
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thousands of people have fled as the fire started by an alleged arsonist now ripped through homes and buildings and cars. cnn's camila bernal is on the front lines in forest ranch, california and camila, this fire showing no signs of slowing down and we see just the destruction behind you hey, jess yeah. firefighters describing it as uncontrollable. they've told me this is a challenging fire, a very active and aggressive fire and what they're saying is that this fire is in an area that's very difficult to get to. it as in very steep terrain. and so without that access, it creates that space for for this fire to grow. so quickly. it's burning between four and 5,000 acres every single hour and leaving so much destruction in its path, you know, already more than 100 structures have been destroyed. and just in this area where i am right now, there we're three homes. these are three families that we'll get to this neighborhood and find all of
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their belongings reduced to ash. i spoke to one of the neighbors here who told me that the firefighters got to his home just in time. take a listen to what he told me brutal the wind shifted everything came this way in a big swings, like anyone else, open, they could stop it, but they had plane's going up down and helicopters and they did a great job saving houses here. it was amazing. >> i'm grateful the firemen left a note. >> they said we got here just in time, and the deck was burned in the back of the house this was scorched, so the house is there and there are more than 2000 firefighters working really around the clock. >> i was told that some of them were working 48 hour shifts another group it was told was woken up in the middle of the night because how fast these flames were spreading, they are expecting more resources. but unfortunately, as you mentioned, jess this fight i are started by what authorities believe was a man who was pushing a burning car down an embankment. he is in custody
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and is expected to appear in court ford on monday. now, another thing to point out here is that we are in butte county this is a county that already lived the deadliest fire in california history 385 people died in 2018 and we spoke to one family who lived through that fire and is living all of this all over again. they describe bribe just smelling the smoke and trauma that it brings back. they described how emotionally difficult it is to have these evacuation war warnings in place because the city of paradise, all of it is actually right now under an evacuation warning. so they described just how difficult it is to relive all of this, but also how grateful they are to be alive, comparing it to that 2018 fire with so many people that lost their lives just were just looking at aerial pictures while you're talking camila, it is devastating. alright, thanks so much for that reporting. we appreciate it. >> and we're learning new details today about the arrest of two alleged drug cartel leaders. the son of the
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infamous kingpin el chapo, has been moved to a federal prison in chicago while keen guzman lopez and ismael el mayo zambada garcia were taken into custody thursday stay officials saying guzman lopez actually organize their arrest by luring zambada onto a flight that was met by federal agents in el paso, texas. cnn's rafael romo is joining us now with the latest. this is quite an operation. rafael, what more are you learning about? >> but you're quite an operation indeed, jessica and we now know that clocking guzman lopez, son of joaquin el chapo guzman, has been transported to chicago and is in custody at the metropolitan correctional center. that's a prison for both male and female offenders for the capacity for 490 inmates. regarding his myelin my you some bad. he is to chicago in the coming days. you as law enforcement source told cnn one of the alleged drug drug lords was lured with the help of the other. while the mexican government says, there's a difference here,
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they don't know whether that was the case or if they turn themselves in a us official familiar with the investigation? told cnn dot joaquin guzman lopez, son of joaquin el chapo guzman lord, some on a flight to examine a piece of land he thought was in mexico. but the plane flew straight into the u.s. landing near el paso, texas, were federal agents, including from homeland security investigations, arrested the two alleged cartel bosses, but the top mexican security secretary said on friday that they don't know if some somebody was captured or turn himself in and they're waiting to hear more from us officials. meanwhile, president andres manuel lopez obrador said that regardless of whether somebody turned himself in or was captured, the fact that he's now in custody is an important step. forward in the fight against drug trafficking in a new development mexico sent 200 members of its elite special forces core, part of the mexican army to the state of sinaloa on friday to reinforce security and analysts fear that
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regardless of how my you some bother ended up in us custody, there's a potential she'll for bloodshed and sinaloa and elsewhere in mexico. let's take a listen to what one of them had to say normally, when you take out a drug, cop or a drug leader, you're going to have in finding because a lot of individuals are going to want to control but corn tell and many times these cartels will splinter. >> and then all of a sudden you have all these different groups finding, again, for territory and bron routes. and that can translate into a very bloody war that we've seen that before. and in a statement, president biden commended the work of view as law enforcement who arrested some ambala and guzman lopez, whom he called two of the most notorious leader of leaders of the sinaloa cartel, one of the deadliest enterprises in the
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world. the president also added that too many of our citizens have lost their lives through the scourge of fentanyl, one of the illegal drugs officials say the sinaloa cartel is known to smuggle into the united states. jessica all right. >> rafael romo. thank you very much. >> still ahead. cnn's kfile uncovering previous comments from vice president harris for more than four years ago, supporting the movement to default under the police, something the biden-harris campaign later said she did not support. we'll talk more about it. you're in the cnn newsroom i wouldn't really happen to the atlanta unliving bombing premieres tonight at nine on cnn, you will never smell better everywhere. >> like you will with looming, it's so easy to use it's just a pea sized amount like this, rubs in like a lotion controls or for three days, i'm pits feet, privates, anywhere you have odor but wish you didn't know before you say isn't that what's soap and water is for? i'm here to tell you that your shower doesn't work as well as you think it does. and lumi is clinically proven to work
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how good i am i've trained all over the globe, and that's what you're going to see an awol whole different bst we wednesday night, dynamite at 8:00 on tbs the trump campaign is already tacking, attacking vice president harris over liberal position. she embraced during the 2020 presidential primary and kfile's andrew kaczynski is joining us now. with one set of comments that could make vice president harris vulnerable to some of that criticism. andrew, what did you find in the summer of 2020 when there were protests all across the country after a police officer murdered george floyd, many progressives and liberals were talking about defunding police departments nationwide one local radio show as two then senator kamala harris, where she stood on the defund police movement. take a listen defund the police the issue behind it is that we need to re-imagine how we are creating safety and when you
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have many cities that have moved third of their entire city budget focused on policing we know that is not the smart way and the best way or the right way to achieve safety. >> this whole movement is about rightly saying we need to take a look at these budgets and figure out whether it reflects the right priorities for too long. the status quo thinking has been, you get more safety by putting more cops on the street. well, that's wrong. >> now, in another interview that same week, harris praise than los angeles mayor eric garcetti for removing $150 million from their police budget and investing that in social services. listen to those comments. >> that's a legitimate conversation and it requires a really critical evaluation. i plot eric garcetti for doing what he's done now some important context here is that even in 2020, polling showed that reducing police budgets was not popular. >> a pew research poll that
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year found just 25% of adults supporting reducing police budgets and by 2021 that support had decreased to 15%. it is also important to note that the biden administration, which of course included vice president harris did pass the american rescue plan and that did put billions of dollars two cities to boost budgets for local police still, as harris tries to run on that history as a prosecutor, republicans are going to use a lot of these remarks to try to portray her as someone who is soft on crime andrew, how is the campaign respond the harris campaign after harris was selected by biden to be vp, we didn't see her mentioned support for the defund, the police movement, really at all, and the campaign actually explicitly went out there and said that she did not support defunding the police they said it was a lie to suggest that she did. >> so we'd reached out to the harris campaign. we asked them how do you square what she said? then versus what they're
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saying now? and they said whether as a district attorney senator, or as vice president kamala harris has led the way to keep our community safe take on violent crime and helped lead the nation to a historic drop in violent crime to a 50 year low and andrew, you've also reported recently about a backpedal on the republican ticket, more than two years ago, senator j.d. >> vance said he was open to a national abortion ban. what more do you know about that? >> yeah that's right and abortion has really become such a losing issue for republicans every time that abortion has been on the ballot, republicans have lost. now j.d vance is saying that he agrees with what donald trump is saying, that it is a state issue, but that's not what he was saying just a couple three years ago. listen to this fundamental level. >> this is sort of a, he said, she said right. and at the end of the day, do you believe donald trump? who always tells
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the truth, just kidding. or do you believe that woman on that tape sorry, that was actually the wrong clip that was trump j.d. >> vance talking about trump's the sexual assault accuser, what vance said in that clip was he said, i would like abortion to be illegal nationally. and vance who is now backtracking on that, he said he didn't want report. he didn't want women to have to go to other states to get abortions. so he said, it should be illegal and we have really not seen language that harsh from vance. so that is going to be something that we see playing out through this whole campaign. >> all right, andrew kaczynski, thanks so much for that reporting. we appreciate it or back after this tomorrow, the whole story digs deeper into a historic week in presidential politics first the rise of kamala harris. kamala harris is a glass ceiling breaker. >> it has truly been one of the
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greatest honors of my life. just serve as vice president to our president joe biden, fumbled by the story of joe biden's withdrawal from the race what changed behind the scenes that led to the president's decision? the whole story with anderson cooper starts tomorrow at 8:00 on cnn the power of the swing the speed of the flight the precision of the pot to advance the future of golf, pga of america chose t-mobile for business with 5g powered innovation have analyzed player performance and expand coaching tools and data-driven broadcast acknowledged giving fans unmatched t-mobile mattel pga of america it out the game is played experience game-changing in innovation, redeemable, verbit our right to reproductive health care is being stolen from us. i can't believe this is the world we live here where we're losing the free it took control our own bodies. >> we need your support now
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washington and this is cnn just moments ago, american swimming legend katie ledecky won her first medal of the paris olympic games, taking the bronze in the 400 meter freestyle, right now, australia is up in metal count with china and the u.s close behind. cnn's coy wire is in paris with the latest and khoi, an exciting day, a big win from the men's swim relay team give us the highlights yes, team usa winning their first gold medal of these gains, winning the men's four by 100 meter freestyle it's all really it's their third straight olympic gold in the events. >> jack alexey chris giuliano, hunter armstrong anchored by
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caeleb dressel. they beat out the australians and dressel is now going to be taken home as eighth olympic gold of his career. he's never won any other color of metal and have more for opportunities to do so. snoop dogg was in the stands alongside dressel, his wife, meghan, and their baby boy, august. now that is a memory of a lifetime also in one of the most highly anticipated events of these games, the women's 400 meter freestyle, featuring seven time olympic gold medalist american katie ledecky canadian teen sensation summer mackintosh, and the defending olympic champs australian ariarne titmus, the so-called terminator from australia ending her crown in dominant fashion, winning gold by about a full bodies length in a time of three minutes, 57.49 seconds mackintosh took the silver ledecky, the bronze team usa snag their first metal of these games earlier in the day, thanks to sara bacon and cassidy cook, who once silver
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in the women's diving synchronized three meter springboard competition. it's the first olympic medals for both divers and the first american metal one in the event since 2012 cassidy cook sara bake in longtime friends. their nickname is cooking bacon. i mean, what's not to like about that. i caught up with earlier just a bit ago to ask about this incredible moment growing up, we competed against wondering one another in junior diving. >> so that's kind of where we would always go 12 at like the junior nationals so that's kind of where the cooking bacon started as like a little joke like, oh, who's going to win cooker bacon. but ever since then when we started doing sinker, i was like, it's it seems meant to be it's a great a great little tool. very american and just got to say, shout out to my, to our dads for the last names because lots of opportunities have come our way because of but then those
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metals, they were hanging around their neck. there have a piece of the original eiffel tower in them. they were heavy and they were making those big smiles that we saw look, the fund has begun the pool party has begun here in paris, and there'll be more fun to come tomorrow in the forecast says that the rain is going away in this sun will be shining again to, so look out. >> it's going to be so nice, coy, and it's so, so great to see people who've worked so hard and trained so long to achieve their goals well, those smiles were megawatt great to see things. >> all right, we'll see you soon. >> thanks, coy. >> still ahead this weekend marks the 100 day sprint to the finish line as both trump and harris hit the campaign trail tonight, we'll have live reports for you we're also following breaking news out of the middle east with the idf calling a strike from hezbollah, the deadliest attack against israel citizens since october 7. how israel is vowing to respond. >> you're in the cnn newsroom
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why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. often has gone to right now. >> so what are you waiting for cnn the world's news network you're, in the cnn newsroom. >> hi, everyone. i'm jessica dean in new york, and we are just 100 days until the election for the white house and fresh polling showing vice president harris is sudden entrance has up into that race and shifted the dynamic into a time hi, for now, harris has essentially erased former president donald trump's lead. he's now leading by three percentage points. that is
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within the margin of error in the latest cnn poll other major you're polls have similar findings this weekend, harris and trump are crisscrossing the country. >> trump just finished speaking at a crypto convention in nashville. he went after harris as he sharpens his message against her very smart people to congratulations at all that you've accomplished. this room is amazing. the people in this room, higher iq individuals, i'm running against a low iq individual. her i'm not even talking about him. her i got a low iq individual cnn's steve contorno is in nashville and seek trump and his team still trying to figure out exactly how they're going to message to confront their new opponent. >> their campaign was built to attack and run against joe biden. so what more do you know about this well, today just couldn't message was all about bitcoin and cryptocurrency. >> and you know, a few years ago, he called bitcoin, quote, a