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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  July 28, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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dave's company just scored the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. high five! high five! -i'm in a call... it's 5 years of reliable, gig speed internet... five years of advanced security... five years of a great rate that won't change. yep, dave's feeling it. but it's only for a limited time. five years? -five years? introducing the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. powering 5 years of savings. powering possibilities. to muesli slash gosh, tv laura coates, live week nights at 11 eastern on cnn you're in. the cnn newsroom. hi everyone. i'm jessica dean in new york, and we begin this hour with just 100 days until the election in a presidential race that's been we completely upended since president biden exited the race, just one week ago, these
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past seven days, vice president kamala harris has moved too quickly, consolidated it's support from the democratic party raised historic amounts of money, and she has effectively erased former president donald trump's lead in the polls. cnn senior data reporter harry enten is here to run the numbers for us. so let's look at some of this polling harry, there's some new polling out today. what's it showing you? >> yeah, it's quite a shift from where we were just a week ago. these are net favorability rating. that's favorable minus unfavorable. once you look where we were a week ago, look at this both harris and trump, not particularly well liked, certainly better like them. former president joe biden. but look at this a -11 net point favorability rating, a -11 point net favorability rating. but look at where we stand right now since kamala harris became the presumptive democratic nominee, her net favorability is now actually in the positive territory at plus one point and look at donald trump, his net favorability has actually dropped from -11.2 -16 points. so the last week has
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been one in which kamala harris has received a load of good press while donald trump coming off of his republican national convention. perhaps not some necessarily good news for his vice presidential choice, j.d. vance. and what we we've seen is clear movement on this particular metric towards kamala harris. i think the question ultimately will be, as we get more of that horse race polling, does it translate to the ballot test? but certainly, i think democrats would argue that this is one of kamala harris is best paul's so far showing her much more popular than a week ago, while trump has fallen back a little bit yeah, and it is wild events, just a week in between those numbers. we know that this race is going to be so focused on these battleground states. show us the latest data that we're getting from there, how trump and harris are both fairing and some of those battleground states. >> yeah, so let's take a look at those great lake battleground states because i think that this will give you an idea of how tight the race is in the great lake battleground states, look at wisconsin, appoint race well within the margin of error unclear later, michigan tie pennsylvania tied, and of
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course these were states that post that first debate. in fact, the only debate between donald trump and joe biden, we saw that trump was picking up ground in these states in holding advantage over joe biden not the case against kamala harris why is that so important? well, so important, jessica, because if if kamala harris can win up in these great lake battleground states, wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania, even if she were to lose in nevada, arizona, and georgia. of course, those sunbelt battleground states does that joe biden won four years ago? look at that. she would get to exactly 270 electoral votes. she would win the election. so the fact that she's holding her own there definitely suggest that the great lake battleground states or a potential pathway for her to allow democrats to hold onto the white house and what was interesting was that was really biden's only path to potential victory. so, so very interesting to see those numbers as well what about how the polls could change from now until the election? we have 100 days. people are starting to click in, starting to pay
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attention to this race how, what historically have we seen in the changing in polls in this amount? at a time? >> you know, you mentioned that the great lakes was one pretty much the only joe biden pat than we have seen the polls shift so much just within the last week as biden has given way to harris as the democratic nominee. so i just want to note here, you know, the sunbelt battleground states even there might be seeing shifts in those polls, you know, because we know that harris has outperforming biden with black and hispanic voters. so even if harris were to lose in those great lake battleground states, she could sit, in fact, win in nevada, arizona, georgia, north carolina, and that could get her up to two inches and 75 electoral votes even within the last week, we have seen that shift in the polling nationally, which we believe may be funneling down into those swing states. and then of course, you're talking about a change within a week. how about the changes you were mentioning now until the election, which of course is 100 days there is still so much that could potentially change because i just want to give you an idea
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about history. all right? how far are the polls off at this point compared to the final margin? how much? in the polls now differ from what the actual election results could be. well, on average, look at this. we've had an average shift of six points on average from now until election day in those final results since 1,972. but in this year in which things are so ridiculous, so crazy, so much has changed over the last week, over the last month when we held that cnn debate don't be surprised if in fact we get a larger change than normal and how large of a change could be talking about. i'm not sure it's going to be quite up to that 1988 level, but it gives you an understanding that things really can shift the biggest recent schiff was in 1988 when michael dukakis, the democratic candidate, was so far ahead of george hw bush at this point. and you know, who wanted not election george hw bush won that election and he won easily by eight points. so there's still a lot of time. we've seen a lot of things just shift within the last week as we spoke about them, as net favorability raings don't be surprised as we go into the democrats vice presidential
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selection, the dnc, and of course that final 60 to say at day sprint right around the dnc to the election thing thanks. can really shift jessica. it's truly an exciting life for someone like me, although i know some of our viewers at home may just want a little stability for just a little bit of while they are interesting times indeed. >> and i think if any of us have learned anything in the last week or two weeks, harry, is that we really don't know what the future holds when it comes to this it's a race we're going to have to watch it play out, but we're glad we'll have you here to break it all down for us. harry enten, thanks so much. >> thank you, jessica cnn's jeff zeleny is joining us now from one of those key battleground states that harry was just talking about michigan. >> he's at a harris campaign office in rochester hills jeff, what's it like? what's the energy like where people telling you? >> well, jessica, it is the 100 day mark as you know, until the election and we are here at one of the hundreds of campaign offices that now the harris for president campaign is running. and there was just an event here, just a little bit ago. several dozen volunteers we're
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here getting their information, getting their clipboards in their walking papers to go door to door, but quite literally, the signs on the office while have changed a week ago. this of course, would have said biden for president. now it says harris for president, but come on inside and take a look at this is just one store front office, but if you look here on the wall, days until victory pete, 100, this will count down every single day. this is an organizing office, a local organizing office, oakland county, michigan is where we are right now, just north of detroit. this is democratic credit leaning without question, about four years ago, joe biden carried this by more than a dozen points. so this is where kamala harris is looking to have a strong showing. of course the rest mr. michigan, much of it is blue, so gabby giffords was here speaking just a short time ago. other democrats who are rallying around this and what this is was a volunteer stop for people to come and get their precinct papers to go toward adored. we've been taught many of those volunteers and they say there's excitement at the doors, there is energy, there's also some questions
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about the vice president's position on issues. so jessica, we have never seen at the one 100 day mark, of course, a new candidate in the race. so everything is reset. a new and you can see just all of these campaign offices. you know, these well being on the road all these years on camera kane's as well. this is where the organizing happens. there's new energy and also perhaps some new anticipation yeah, it is, it is watching history unfold before our very eyes, which is so interesting jeff, i think a lot of people are so curious about who she's going to pick as a running mate. >> you've reported extensively on this that it could be happening soon she's going to have to it's a very truncated schedule. they're operating on what are you hearing today i'm going to walk over to this side. >> this is where gabby giffords was standing just a short time ago as she left just minutes ago, she was standing here to give a speech. gabby giffords, of course, the former arizona a member of congress. she's married to arizona senator mark kelly elie he is one of the leading contenders. we believe in this vice presidential
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campaign. of course he's not the only one. she of course has no idea if he he is going to be chosen or not, but she been here and traveling across the country rallying voters. but we also know that several governors are on the list. you saw them on the sunday shows, minnesota governor a tim walz, of course, pennsylvania governor josh shapiro, north carolina governor roy cooper, kentucky governor andy beshear, transportation secretary pete buttigieg. those six we believe are in the top contenders. we know that democratic lawyers are spending this weekend vetting these candidates. we also know that vice president harris will close out this with one-on-one interviews. we don't know if she already has someone in mind, but we do know that she is going to make her a decision before august 7, so this week marks the august 1 is later this week. so the seventh is just around the corner. so the point is she will have her running mate before that chicago convention on august 19th. and then of course, the race will be fully joined and these harris for president signs behind me also may have the name of her running mate as
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well. >> that's right. more changes to come. all right. jeff zeleny for us there in michigan on the ground. thank you so much for that reporting. we appreciate it. >> and joining us with more on all of this cnn political commentator and republican strategist, shermichael singleton and cnn political analyst, laura barone lopez. >> she's also a white house correspondent for the pbs newshour, great to have both of you here. it is wild, it's only been a week. it has been almost felt like a year. so many changes and so many things shifting. but polling is suggesting that kamala harris has tightened this race against donald trump. we had that abc ipsos poll that harry was talking about unfavorability. she's leading trump 43 to 36% that represents an eight point bump for her in favourability in just a week. shermichael, let's talk to you first. what is the republican party thinking about all of this? the trump campaign? how are they metabolizing this new data that's coming in? >> i mean, look, jessica is
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great to be with you. the expectation was that the vice president or someone else other than joe biden would always perform better in terms of their competitiveness. this is certainly caught some people off guard, $200 million in a week, 170,000 new volunteers. but what you have seen from the trump campaign it's sort of a realignment of their focus and their efforts one pac just announced a couple of days ago, $100,000,000 ad campaign between now and november to sort of reframe the conversation around vice president harris's positions on the economy, on crime, on immigration, on foreign policy and i think as you look at some of these battles pro ground states as a strategist, i'm looking at one particular group here, jessica, that i don't think we've covered a lot. that's men and not just white men, but men across the board. donald trump from 2016 to 2020, improved his numbers with all men, particularly those without a college degree as well. i want to see how does the vice president performed? does she perform as well as biden in
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2020 or does donald trump maintain an 11 point lead as he did in 2016 with men over hillary clinton back can make a key advantage in difference in some of those swing states and laura, the harris campaign is for michael just laid out, having a phenomenally strong start and? >> just a week that 200 million raised two-thirds of that coming from first time donors, small, small dollar donors. meantime, the 170,000 new volunteers signing up how does the democratic party and harris keep up this pace for the next hundred days because it's she's come out and wowed everyone. and then they're going to have to sustain that. how do they do that? >> yeah, it's not going to be easy. i will say though jessica, it's been night and day for democrats. i mean, when i've been talking to democratic organizers in battleground states latino organizers that organized latino voters, black voters in states like arizona and wisconsin. and they say that it's totally different for
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them on the ground when they're talking to voters at their doors, that voters went from asking if president biden was going to drop out saying that they were reluctant to vote to voters now being more energized and asking questions about harris and young voters in those states, the organizer said are starting to come back to get democrats. and that's another he demographic that kamala harris is going to have to try to win back because president biden was struggling with young voters and they were a key part of his 2020 win. i mean, it's not going to be easy for them to sustain this momentum, but there are a lot of democrats now that tell me that they weren't necessarily going to to be as involved in organizing. and now they are they weren't necessarily going to be volunteering and now they are they have a new army of folks, people that weren't necessarily even volunteering before. and that could potentially help them in this rapid sprint to election day. >> yeah, it is going to be a sprint that's for sure. and let us remember, it was just
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two weeks ago. there was an attempt on former president donald trump's life which started this chaotic two weeks. but after that, the former president said, he really wanted to be a unifier for the country. he wanted to promote unity but here's what he has to say about that. now i'm going to play a clip they all say, i think he's changed. i think he's changed since two weeks ago something affected him. no, i haven't changed. maybe have gotten worse actually because i get angry at the incompetence that i witnessed every single day shermichael, what do you make of the president's kind state of mind and what he's saying now, two weeks after that because we've seen him essentially returned to a lot of the rhetoric, frankly that we'd heard before that assassination attempt know it could be, look, he's he's playing to his audience, giving them what they want to hear. but i would advise and i was
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just speaking with someone three or four days goes very, very close to the former president. this person actually worked with him at the white house, spends a lot of time with him to this day. and he asked if i can go to the former president and give him some advice from you, what would it be as it pertains to that assassination attempt? and i said that i think the former president should actually speak more about it. i wouldn't go negative. i would try to be more positive. i would be i would try to speak in an informational tone to speak about the future the american people want to know what the next four years potentially look like for them. and so reminding them of what the republican agenda would look like in terms of the economy addressing inflation, what the republican agenda and policies would be in terms of addressing the heightened number of individuals coming across the border illegally that's impacting cities and towns across the country. and also there is a concern among a lot of americans about foreign policy with ukraine and russia,
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and china and taiwan and so i think if you can present a case that speaks to the future versus talking about the past, less about anger, but more about positivity i think that is going to impact some of those voters in the middle, which is only around four or 5%. jessica nationally, who are undecided, the president's base will stick with him. the president has to reach former president rather has to reach beyond. i think he can do that if he chooses. we saw for a little bit my advice would be to get back to those thanks laura, we just heard from my colleague, jeff zeleny, who was reporting that kamala harris's is aiming to have her vp pick before august 7 we were not that far away from that date what are you hearing in terms of that vetting process? >> what what volunteers, what members of the democratic party and others may want to see in somebody that she chooses well, from what i've heard from sources in and outside of the
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campaign is that there venting about ten to 12 potential contenders, those ones that jeff mentioned plus a few more. >> they haven't said that they've necessarily narrowed it down yet. but that that that vp pick is going to come on or before august 7 because they have to be voted on as well during that virtual nominating process and democrats, a lot of the democrats that i've talked to you in congress say that have named josh shapiro pennsylvania governor, have named roy cooper north carolina gov on her and they've also named andy beshear, kentucky governor. those were the names i was hearing a lot of but there are a number of others on the list. and mark kelly from arizona seems like he could very well be a dark horse here because of the fact that he also has a relationship with the vice president or a cooper goes back with her to her attorney general days and so when she's thinking about this, it depends on if she wants a more person, someone that she has a more personal relationship with, someone that
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could has credibility in a battleground state. there's a lot of factors there at play that democrats are weighing right now and sure. >> my goal is, is there any one person in that mix or a couple of people that republicans don't want to run against that would maybe be they think tougher i mean, look, i think from my perspective, i can see some advantages and disadvantages with many of them if i'm looking at pennsylvania, was shapiro do you remove him will that help? >> maybe it increases the possibility of the vice president winning that state by one or two points. but in terms of effect would it be better to keep him there and pull someone like a senator mark kelly. but then when kelley then you raised the question of what happens with that senate seat. cave republicans potentially grabbed that seat. so there are a lot of dynamics from my perspective as a strategist that i'm going to be looking at, but he is even as you have seen jessica, these numbers increase vice president harris,
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it cannot be underscored the fact that donald trump is performing a heck of a lot better than he did in 2020. this race is incredibly close. when you look at whether race was at this point in 2020, it was not close a poll, numbers were pretty decisive that joe biden was going to win that election. >> we have no clue what which direction this thing is going to go this way route. >> and that's why i'm looking at again, men voters. i'm looking at white suburban voters, and i'm also looking at white blue-collar workers, looked at president obama's two races, and i was trying to do a comparative analysis from obama to hillary clinton to bind just to sort of see what vice president harris being a woman, but also women of color work as she potentially fall, she would need to add a minimum have some of the obama era, esq., coalition bought at least maintaining joe biden's 2020 numbers that as a heck of a lot to do going into november. and so from a republican perspective, we're going into this hoping that we can get this across the finish he's
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line that is going to be something to watch that's for sure. shermichael singleton and laura barron lopez. thanks to both of you good to see you, jessica. >> thank you. >> still ahead. israel warning hezbollah will pay the price for a rocket and attack that killed 12 children. how they plan to respond and what they're hearing from lebanon as tensions could escalate to an all-out regional war. plus california's park fire is spreading even more, torching, more than 500 square miles thousands of californians have been forced to evacuate their homes. we're going to tell you how firefighters are working get the upper hand out west and the goat is back and better than ever. simone biles proven why she is one of the best to grace the mat, the latest from the paris olympics you're in the cnn newsroom tonight. >> the whole story digs deeper into a historic weekend presidential politics. first, the rise kamala harris, followed by the story of joe biden's withdrawal from the race. the whole story with anderson cooper starts tonight at 8:00 on cnn.
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green means go when you're the leader is disaster clean up and restoration. how do you make like an effort even? i've been happen sir, for like ever even happened i'm sunlen serfaty in washington in this is cnn israel security cabinet. now authorizing prime minister benjamin netanyahu, as well as defense minister yoav golan to decide the country's response to yesterday's deadly rocket attack in the golan heights already, the israeli military's say they have struck multiple hezbollah targets inside lebanon overnight. and now, the region and the world waits to see whether this will escalate further with us. now, jeremy diamond, who is on the scene in the golan heights and ben wedeman in the lebanese capital of beirut. jeremy, let's start first with you you know, the international community is urging restraint on both sides what are israeli leader saying right now well, jessica,
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there's no question that there is a flurry of diplomatic activity right now trying to de-escalate these tensions, trying to ensure that the israeli response to what they say was a hezbollah strike, right? >> here behind me on this soccer field will be a limited response. israeli officials have not indicated yet how limited that response will be, but they have made clear that there will be a response that there will be a price to pay for this attack that killed 12 children in this community of model shams the israeli security cabinet met this evening once prime minister netanyahu returned to israel from the united states authorizing him and the defense minister yoav galant's to move forward with a strike at a time and with a scope of their choosing. so remains to be seen how quickly that will actually come together. but right now, this is a community that not only is anticipating the possibility of that israeli
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response, waiting to see what will unfold from the events that have happened here. but it is also very much still a community in mourning. it is just after midnight here in model shams and you can see behind me that there are several dozen teenagers who have come here to just sit together to to speak to mourn quietly and to take in all that has happened over the course of these last two days, flowers have now been set up where that crater still stands. lights have also been pulled put up this is a very small, tight-knit syrian druze community, and they are definitely all feeling the tremendous impact of what has happened. an attack that has shaken this community to its core. and in many ways shattered its very soul. >> jessica, jeremy diamond. alright, thanks so much for that reporting. >> and ben, this has this has the lebanese government in a tenuous spot how are they responding? yes, the lebanese
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government is this really underscores jessica, just how weak the lebanese government is? in trying to determine the course of events. hezbollah is has in terms of military strength, has far more fire power than the lebanese army itself. now, we spoke today to the caretaker lebanese foreign minister, abdullah bou habib who've made it it clear that the worry of the lebanese government is that if israel attacks lebanon and hezbollah in particular did it could easily please spiral into a regional war you and not because of conviction but because of any attack on our country. >> we support as well as the yard but it's not going to be a hezbollah nor as i mentioned iran, foreign minister said
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yesterday, it will be hezbollah alone and you have to host this year and i can militias, you have militias in syria or not serious. but stanley, i've gotten religious and of course, the concern here is that if that happens life which at the moment is actually going on very much normally to my right, there's a disco party. >> sunday evening but people are enjoying the cool evening temperatures a little while ago we heard from very loud bangs, rushed out wondering if this was the much anticipated israeli attack. know it was actually fireworks just above our head. nonetheless, several airlines have either delayed or canceled flights into beirut and fear of an imminent as rarely attack and the u.s. embassy today reissued a
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statement strongly urging us nationals to reconsider travel the lebanon know i was at the airport today. i arrived in beirut. and what i saw was there was a very long line of people waiting in to enter the country. many of those from the lebanese diaspora many of them with american passports jessica all right. >> ben we them for us live in beirut tonight. thank you so much for that reporting still ahead nearly 4,000 firefighters working to contain the massive park fire in california it is now one of the biggest wildfires in state history. we're going to take you to the front lines and cnn newsroom right if you're in new york giant? >> yes, sir. that is doing our teams still add in pieces, still have the draft with the agency, think law and let's have a conversation patients. here, it's unlike anywhere else hard knocks off season with the new york giants
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questions you may have called now and will come to you 800 a31, 3,700 we are getting new images tonight. take a look at these as firefighters race to contain the massive park fire in northern california. officials say they are making progress that wildfire now, 12% contained. they say the fire started after a man pushed a burning car into a gully. he's now been arrested the fire has now exploded though into one of the state's largest scorching, well over 500 square miles in a matter of days, cnn's camila bernal is in butte county with the latest camila. what are you seeing on the ground there? >> hey, just unfortunately, about 350,000 acres burned. look, a lot like what you see here behind me, there's not a lot left even in areas that maybe had house or cars. what you're finding is ashes and what i'm being told is at the center of this fire it's still very active and it's still in
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areas that are very difficult to get to. and what officials are saying is that there's two things that have really helped over the weekend. one, lower temperatures and two more resources. so with the lower temperatures that means higher humidity. so that has helped a ton when it comes to the efforts of these firefighters and more resources, what you're seeing is more boots on the ground, about 4,000 firefighters are now here working this fire. and one of the things they can do is come to areas like this and assess the damage. so good news in terms of structures, they said now it's 66. so that number has gone down after you've had firefighters here assessing the damage. the other thing that they're saying is that they're keeping the priority to be getting people safe and back into their homes. they say they're very sensitive when it comes to the people of this county because they have lived through the deadliest fire in california history you know. a lot of the people in paradise,
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california, at least anecdotally taking evacuation warnings and orders very seriously this time around, people who have said, i will evacuate this time around. and so officials really trying to get them back into their homes and trying to keep these flames away from home. so again, it's first time that i'm hearing some optimism from firefighters. we've been here for the last few days. and finally today you're seeing that 0% containment go up to 12. and so that really is helpful and encouraging for these firefighters that are working around the clock. but the reality is there's still a lot of work to be done because we are talking of thousands thousands of acres that are still burning just yeah. >> no doubt about it. but like you said, nice to hear some semblance of some sort of optimism. camila bernal. thank you so much. still ahead. a taped ankle doesn't stop. simone biles from putting on a show stopping performance at the paris games. we are live in the city of lights it's highlights from day two of competition. that's next in the cnn newsroom the edge
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it was a party at this women's gymnastics team qualifier, celebrities on tom cruise, john legend, lady gaga, was in the house and they were all there to get a glimpse of the goat in paris? >> yes, simone biles. she comes out and she injures herself if she's limping when she's warming up, the arena gets quiet, but simone rises up, tapes up, rankle rallies, and dominates her coach, said, it's lingering calf injury, but biles dug deep, put on an iconic performance, the team qualified for the final and for the five us gymnast qualified for individual events led by biles in for them. so the goat has a shot at five more medals to add to her resume here in paris. now, there was a shocker in the pool team, usa's world olympic record holder and the 100 meter butterfly gretchen walsh, in her first ever games, getting caught down the stretch by her teammate torri huske. so us finishes there's one and two with the 21-year-old has
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who missed the podium in tokyo, becoming an olympic champion finally, usa fencing lookout, history. it a first american ever to repeat as champi and fencing women's foil competition. lee kiefer from lexington, kentucky, defending her gold from the tokyo games, she told me she is in medical school. if she's going to be a surgeon, we can rest assured she's going to have precision you didn't jessica part of a power couple to her husband, garrick, mine heart is a fencer in these olympics as well. kiefer defeated 21-year-old lauren scruggs from queens. so morning history as jessica this is the first time team usa has won multiple metals in women's foil since 190 and oh, by the way, lauren scruggs, and took the silver as a harvard student. she's the first black female fencer to when an individual olympic medal for the u.s inspiration abound. jessica, these athletes are absolutely credible at these games. >> know we love to see it all coy wire live from paris. thanks so much the chinese
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government has steered clear of commenting on the huge shift in america is upcoming presidential race. but as cnn's will ripley reports, the chinese are suddenly, suddenly learning and talking about kamala harris who is kamala harris a common question on chinese social media shows the meeting told up in a nation ruled almost entirely by men, many are shocked to learn the vice president of the united states is a woman some calling harris a female. >> obama, but online polls show most chinese don't think she has chance against former president donald trump. >> i don't know too much about her yes. i think a lot of people don't know a lot about her in china everyone that was about trump, the drama surrounding trump and u.s. president joe biden trending on china's internet for weeks on untouched by beijing's usually heavy handed government censors, a flood of comments criticizing the u.s political system as a circus, saying whoever becomes the next president, he or she is going
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to target china officially, beijing has no comment on biden dropping out of the race and endorsing harris calling it a us domestic affair. harris met with chinese president xi jinping in 2020 signaling how a future president harris would handle one of america's biggest adversaries we do not invite conflict, but we absolutely are prepared to and engaged in what is necessary to compete. >> people in china are posting pics of the presumptive democratic nominee alongside cartoon character lisa simpson from that episode when she became president. we even had to quite a budget crunch from president trump some are calling the simpsons episode from 24 years ago, a presidential prophecy. and for all the doubters in china about a woman beating a man allen in beijing says, all bets are off or the other i think kamala harris has a better chance at winning this election the most talked about thing the way harris laughs chinese social
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media users nicknamed harris sister ha-ha some call her dramatic laughter, crazy and cringe. others say it's enduring and even sign of good fortune. and all of those silly camila means being allowed in china partially because there seems to be an effort to dismiss kamala harris's presidential candidates see as weak state media actually describing her whitehouse performance as mediocre, pointing out that she doesn't have significant experience in dealing with china, but in the end, analysts say they expect a continuity in u.s. china trade and foreign policy regardless of who wins in november. and that china says is a policy that is largely hostile to beijing will ripley, cnn, taipei thank you. >> well, still ahead. what we're learning about how effective a new blood test is for determining whether memory loss is due to all himars and
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how it will help doctors that over disease dr. sanjay gupta explains next tonight the whole story digs deeper into a historic weekend presidential politics. >> first, the rise of kamala harris followed by the story of joe biden's withdrawal from the race. the whole story with anderson cooper starts tonight at 8:00 on cnn how far would you go to control the fragrance in your home? >> there's an easier way, dry air wake vibrant with two times more natural essential oils, but up to 120 days of amazing fragrance per duel now, that's a breath of fresh air. wck to type two diabetes. >> discover the ozempic tries zone i got the power of three. i loved my a1c cbo chris and lost some weight and studies the majority of people reached an a1c under seven and maintained it. >> says ozempic lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death, and adult let's also
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sanjay there have been so many exciting developments when it comes to the world of alzheimer's. >> and this is another one. >> we're talking about a two-part blood test here to give you an idea of how much amyloid you'd likely have in your brain. >> it's an amyloid probability score. now, i want to be clear. this is not an all-timer as test per say, you can't take the blood tests and say you that have all timers or you don't, but it can provide a lot of information for people, especially those who are worried, could the memory loss they're experiencing actually be due to all timers. so specifically, we're again, we're talking about two specific blood test here. one is called p tau to 17 that's measuring for tau protein and something known as beta-amyloid 42. that's another biomarker of alzheimer's disease now, again, these are blood tests in the past you had clinical exam where you had your doctor's sort of examining you and trying to determine what your risk or your probability of
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alzheimer's disease was and or you could do a lumbar puncture are there actually taking fluid from your spine, from your cerebral spinal fluid and examining that that's a much more invasive procedure. this would be a blood test specifically, i actually had this done recently as part of a documentary that i was working on. and you can see it's i mean, it's a blood test. there's nothing more to it. they take those salman bulls, they send them off and you get these results back. the real question i think in part of the reason there's so much enthusiasm is how predictive is it really, and how predictive is it against what is typically out there? and what you'll find is that the accuracy and determining if memory loss is likely due to alzheimer's disease with this blood test, around 90% compare that to neurologist memory specialists, around 73% primary care doctors, around 61% so again, i want to be clear. this is an amyloid probability score. it's not an all-timer tests per say saying either you have
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it or you don't. but it's another tool that doctors are likely to start using as part of a more complete evaluation. there's also these new medications out there with these new blood tests, you might be able to follow along how well those medications are working, take the medication, did the amyloid scores start to improve as a result of that? you can do that in conjunction with actually looking at someone's real life functioning so again, these are exciting days when it comes to alzheimer's disease. a lot of progress being made and the idea of having a blood biomarkers for the brain. that's another step toward, towards all those advances all right, sanjay gupta for us, exciting news there. thanks so much still ahead. we are now 100 days away from election day. we're live in michigan, a critical battleground state with what voters are saying you're in the cnn newsroom ready? >> new york giant. yes, sir.
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as helped me a lot with the wrinkles, shaving market patience is going to radically improve this case has been a lifesaver chasing life with dr. sanjay gupta. >> listen wherever you get your podcast you are in the cnn newsroom. hi everyone. i'm jessica dean in new york, and we begin this hour with just 100 days until the election and we've arrived here after but one of the most consequential weeks ever witnessed in american politics, president joe biden exiting the race in favor of his vice president, kamala harris. >> and in those sen