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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  July 29, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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rangefinder looking toward stage fyi, if you want to notify this ss which a secret service snipers to look out oh, i lost sight of him. so these text messages are going between each other. but the secret service clearly not on the chain. and certainly, i guess there would be a big lag between the time in which you're texting each other and the time in which the secret service found out about it again, this just points to the lack of structure and rigor around the communications that needs to be put forward for a large scale security events. >> when you have siloed communication like that. so good for the local law enforcement. they picked up immediately that there were suspicious activity that this individual has behavior was anomalous, you having a rangefinder again, all things that are warning signs that need immediate interdiction, they need to immediately confronted this individual and conducted field interview. but
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that communication was not broad enough. it wasn't put out to secret service and other local law enforcement entities for them to action off of that. again, so there was communication, but the breakdown was the bridge between local law enforcement the secret service in the coordinated response to this threat yeah. >> especially when he says i lost lost sight of him. and the secret service at that point didn't know that he existed at a point in time, jonathan wackrow. thank you so much for your great analysis. appreciate it, and new hour of cnn central starts right now this morning the campaign of vice president kamala harris as they see a big weakness in the republican ticket. >> j.d. vance, how they plan to use their new 200 million cash haul to exploit it? one of the nation's most restrictive abortion laws takes effect today. what you need to know about the near ban and troubled
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waters at the paris olympics as the sun is deemed too dirty to swim. here is an existential question is a triathlons still a triathlon if you only do two things kate is out today. i'm john berman with sara sinder. this is cnn news central new this morning, the harris campaign seizing on backlash against j.d. >> vance calling him a major vulnerability for donald trump. they're hoping to paint a stark contrast with harris, his own vice presidential pick, whoever that may be, and they're doubling down on a new attack line against trump and vance calling them, just plain weird it all comes as harris's campaign says, it raised 200 million since president biden's decision to drop out of the race eight days ago cnn's eva mckend is joining us now. how are they planning to take advantage of not only this
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opening that vance has made for them with some of his past comments, but all this money you know, sara, when i look at their strategy, reminds me there is a benefit to going second. we know that she is planning to likely make this choice by august 7. well, they're also planning to set up a stark contrast between vance and her own vp pick the harris campaign honing in on this argument that vance is a major liability for trump and in the coming days, they will continue to say he's weird, but now they're also going to sit. he's ill-prepared with biden out of the contest. they will attempt to argue vance is lack of readiness is a problem because of trump's advanced age each and will focus on vance not having any executive experience. now, transportation secretary pete buttigieg, he is one of the people harris is reportedly considering to be her running mate. he's putting this age issue front and center once again, let's listen i'm
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pretty sure voters are worried about the age and acuity of president trump compared to kamala harris, who represents being a generation younger. >> and how could anybody not watch the stuff he's saying the rambling on the trail and not be just a little bit concerned now to potential vice presidential contenders, pennsylvania governor josh shapiro and michigan governor gretchen whitmer, sara, they are set to headline a campaign event boosting harris in philly today. >> and the vice president will also be busy this week. she's holding a campaign rally in atlanta tomorrow and we'll be in texas later this week for a campaign event on wednesday and then on thursday for the funeral of sheila jackson lee, sarah, eva mckend. >> thank you so much for your reporting this morning. john all right. >> new this morning, major proposals to change the supreme court coming from president biden, 18 year term limits, a new cold code of ethics, a constitutional amendment
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banning presidential immunity, cnn's priscilla alvarez at the white house interesting that proposals ended up themselves, maybe not going anywhere kind of more interesting this morning, they're coming from president biden when he's no longer the candidate, priscilla while a reminder john, that he was set to announce these proposals before he pulled out of the race. he was going to go to austin to announce it following the attempted assassination of former president donald trump. but that trip was postponed all the same. he is proposing them plans to announce them later today in austin for for that rescheduled trip as he commemorates the civil rights act. now, of course, the vice president is also backing these reforms in a statement we received only moments ago from the harris campaign she says, quote, today, there is a clear crisis of confidence facing the supreme court as it's fairness has been called into question. us jim, after numerous ethics scandals and decision after decision overturning a long
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standing precedent. so even if president biden isn't at the top of the ticket anymore, the vice president certainly intend to keep this front and center in her campaign moving into the next few months. of course, she's already touched on some of those controversial so rulings over the course of the last year, the specifically the overturning of roe v. wade. but taking a look at these reforms, if you put them all together, it would mark a seismic changes in the way the supreme court operates. but even so, it's an uphill battle for any of these to pass. and in fact, there is very little chance of them passing, giving the divided congress as one of the complicated processes that have to go through it. for example, it would require congressional approval and the amendment that is proposed here would also require ratification of 38 states and that end of itself is a complicated process, but this does message where the biden-harris administration is on this and where the campaign intends to go on this, which is that there are concerns and
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questions over the supreme court. their rulings and their ethics, and that they do want to see change even if that change is hard to achieve. >> john priscilla alvarez at the white house, interesting to see this play out. thank you very much, sara. >> all right. >> with me now, is lance trover, former spokesperson for republican governor doug burgum's 2024 presidential campaign. >> and cnn political commentator, bakari sellers. thank you, gentlemen for being here this morning. i am curious from you, bakari, we've heard this it's line where the harris campaign is calling vance and trump just weird. vance really got a lot of bad publicity, if you will angered a lot of women by calling comma and others childless cat lady camilla, of course, is a stepmother, by the way what would you advise the harris campaign? keen to do with some of the things that vance has said or should she be concentrating on donald trump well, i mean, i think that one of the things is that the cake
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is already baked with donald trump. >> there's nothing new you can say about donald trump that would magnify any of his weaknesses per say jd vance's new on the scene? as someone who has little to no experience running absolutely anything is a very, very young united states senator and has shown himself to be ill prepared and not only that, but i believe lance would probably tell you his balls probably deserve to be picked as vp more so than a donald trump. donald trump junior tan temper tantrum they got j.d. vance on the ticket j.d. vance is probably the biggest mistake that donald trump has made along the campaign trail, particularly this year, because susie and jason miller haven't going in a good direction. but j.d. vance is a hell of a mistake, one that we have to capitalize on. >> lance, i'm curious for you agree that obviously you were there for burgum when he was running for president? president he was also this close. he told us that during the rnc to potentially becoming trump's vice presidential candidate, did they make a mistake with vance no you know,
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to bakari's point, it wouldn't matter who donald trump picked. >> they would be going after them. he would be saying the exact same things, whether it was doug burgum, or marco rubio or whomever the democrats are going to go after them. i think what we have to remember at the end of the day, it's going to be donald trump versus kamala harris. those are the two people who were at the top of the ticket. and the question is going when to be do they want more of the biden-harris policies overboard, open border policies, more of the runaway inflation that we've seen, and more things like that. that's gonna be the question in front of voters, not whether calling somebody weird isn't going to affect anybody when voters are out there saying, oh, you call somebody weird. well, how are you going to lower my cost of living? how are you going to get this border under control? those are the questions that voters are going to be asking at the end of the day. >> one of the issues here, obviously is that that hasn't been at the top of the attacks on the republican side, they've tried other things, calling names and so some of them are starting to go down. that rabbit hole and look at policy when it comes to kamala harris, i do want to ask you about what donald trump's said over the
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weekend, there was a lot of talk about this where he was talking to a group of christians. and here's, here's what he said in one part of his speech to them christians get out and vote justice time you won't have to do it anymore four more years, you know what? >> it'll be fixed and it'll be fine. you won't have to vote anymore, but you gotta get out and vote in four years, you don't have to vote again, we'll have it fixed so good. you're not going to have to there's a lot of consternation about what he exactly meant, lance, what do you think he meant i think it's a day that ends in y and we're having a discussion about something donald trump said at a rally. >> this is what he does, this is the hyperbole that he uses and rallies and every time we get into this and there's a question of okay, what do we think he meant? what he said it seemed pretty clear to me what he said. he said you know, i you elect me. i'm going to fix everything. we're gonna get it
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done. you don't have to vote again, i know the left wants to take this and turn it into some kind of thing that they election in 2028 is over. and look, this is donald trump. it's what he does. it's no big deal. >> he has floated though in the past. but it may be going for another term right during these rallies. and he has said he'd be a dictator they're just for one day. but when he got elected, bakari is laughing, so i'm going to let you go ahead. bakari and make your home at i just i just find it funny like it previously land said that we couldn't focus on on j.d. >> vance. it's about the people at the top of the ticket. and then when we focus on the top of the ticket is like, oh, well as donald trump is a miss a day that ends in y see the problem is that border crossings and contacts are going down violent crime in this country is going down. costs, inflation are going down. people are seeing that, people are seeing policies over the last three or four years and whether or not it's affecting them directly in their pockets. just yet is a great question to ask. we can focus on those things but we can also focus on the fact that when donald trump says stuff like that, yes, it really is just plain weird. we can also talk about the fact something that's not just plain weird that he put three justices on
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the supreme court that took away a woman's right to choose. and so there's a long litany of conversations that we can be having. but the fact is donald trump is the oldest candidate for president in american history. and so, yes, his record will be adjudicated. the weird stuff he says as well as the fact that the childless cat ladies man, that's running with him has said some utterly weird things as well. his record needs to be adjudicated because he's one breath and one heartbeat away from the white house. >> all right. so there is this landscape of people who are up for the potential vice president chill position with kamala harris, including it seems pete buttigieg, the secretary of transportation he has made some comments earlier, sort of speaking to what you are talking about bakari. let me let you listen to what he has said over the weekend but even before the pandemic, even before the pandemic america went into a manufacturing recession, which really hurt places like where i come from in the industrial midwest. >> but anyway, but my point, my
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point is he broke his promise for that kind of economic growth. he broke his promise to pass an infrastructure bill, right? he said he would do that. he failed to do it the biden-harris administration got it done even broke his promise to that january 6 mob when he said, i will be your side when you march down to the capitol, we actually did keep to promises he kept his promise to destroy the right to choose in this country. and he kept his promise on tax cuts for the rich. and if you want to know what a second trump term would be like, i would start by looking at those rare promises that he actually managed to keep bakari. >> that sounds awfully vice presidential to me. >> oh man listen, pete buttigieg is a bad man, like a bad man. >> he is one of the best basket. >> we have yeah, that was a colloquialism. >> there we go that sat word. i'm using this morning he is one if not our best communicator. but look but we
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have josh shapiro, mark, kelly you've seen governor waltz, who who's probably not at the top of my list, but i'm not choosing making some headway. you see pete buttigieg roy cooper, the governor of north carolina. i mean, there are a lot of good choices, a lot of good communicators, there aren't many minuses to the ticket. they bring governing experience, but i know a lot of reporters are chasing this story down about vice president. and i will tell them what i believe to be true. they commonly harris is looking for one real thing which is who will be a governing partner with her that comfortability, that level of trust, and i know that pete and his husband have a great relationship with the vice president. and the second gentlemen, i know there's some other relationships with the other candidates, but at pete buttigieg is is the vice presidential nominee. i'm not sure he will be, but if he is there will be a robust question of his the country ready? i'm grateful that it is, but that will be a question that is asked. >> lanes. i'm curious is turning this on his head. who
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do you think would be good for the republicans, for donald trump, for camila to choose someone that you could go after, for example i'm going to go back to what i said originally. i think look, she's got a she's got a choice to make on her own, but going back to what pete buttigieg was talking about, no one believes what he's saying. show me a poll where voters actually believed that the economy is headed in the right direction, showed me a poll that people are happy with the cost of living. show me a poll that said people think, oh, everything with the border is fine or that crime is going down, that is not the case for voters out there. so i don't really think it matters who she picks. again, i go back to it will be donald trump versus kamala harris at the end of the day. and how, how what has she done to fix the border? nothing. what has she done? she cast the deciding vote for the inflation reduction act, which sent prices skyrocketing even further in this case what was her role in the decision making to pull out of afghanistan? these are all questions voters are going to have, not calling people weird and not really figuring out who she's going to pick as her vice president that they want to know how she's going to govern at the end of the day. and based on her
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record, it's a pretty far left record of governing bakari. >> you have the last word very quickly i saw that no, i was just going to say he wanted a poll yeah, i was just going to say go look at the stock market. >> i mean, look at every economic indicated a figure it out. if you want to have a conversation about cost and the price of whiting at piggly wiggly, then that's fair. we can have that conversation. but if you actually want to look at nchu economic indicators like job growth, wage, wages, the fact that inflation is actually going down the stock market, those type of questions, then all of those indicators are pointing in the right direction. but i liked this conversation. it's better than most conversations we have when we're talking about the trash that donald trump speaks bakari sellers, lance trover. thank you, both. >> john bakari raising his hand there, just like me and my dinner table and try to get a word in right there, by the way, i've been reading about bakari in the washington post this morning this morning, one of the strictest abortion laws in the country has taken effect. what it means for women all over the country new reporting on how israel is planning to respond to the death and we attacks out of
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lebanon in this morning, the man accused of starting the huge part of the huge fire in california that is burning out of control appears in court we're getting new accounts from people who had to escape the flames we get out of highway and it is burning on both sides for ten miles it was driving through the five things podcast. >> but from cnn today's top five stories, all in one podcast the five things you need to hear in under five minutes. prime members can listen to fight things at free on amazon music hey folks, chris kuhnian here with lead filter, america's largest gutter and gutter objection company. >> leave filter as over 150 locations and has been installed on over 1 million homes. we've even protect and homes now for over 20 years our patented technology offers total protection for your home and comes with a lifetime transferable warranty. the process is simple. give us a call to schedule your free gutter inspection. if you decide to move forward to
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weeks of pregnancy, with some exceptions cnn medical correspondent meg tirrell is with us now. >> so what exactly is this ban in iowa? what does it mean for people who live there? >> yes. there was a legal battle going on over this law in iowa. it has now gone into effect literally at 9:00 eastern, 8:00 central. so about 20 minutes ago this shortens the ability to get an abortion in iowa down to about six weeks. so the law actually specifies that no abortions are allowed after cardiac activity can be detected on an ultrasound. so that is about six weeks of pregnancy. there are some exceptions to this law like we see in other states rape and incest have to be reported to the authorities that can be an exception fatal fetal abnormalities the fetus has a disease or disorder where it's unlikely to survive miscarriage care, and preserving the life of the person who is pregnant. although ai proponents for abortion rights argued that those are pretty narrow exceptions, the guttmacher institute, which researchers this issue and is in support of
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abortion access, says there are about 4,200 clinician provides it abortions in iowa in 2023 to give you a scope of the number of people who would be affected by this. that includes mostly people who live in iowa, but also some folks who traveled from nebraska where there is a 12 week limit on abortion, they had traveled to iowa to get access that will no longer be open to them. you can see that iowa is joining now three others states that have six-week bands, florida, georgia, and south carolina, and 14 states that have near total bans on abortion. >> just talk to someone who talked about the fact that there was a desert for maternal care in iowa? i'm curious what the knock on effect might be for outside of iowa since you said people were traveling into iowa. now, what yeah. >> this is really something we have seen when these bands going to place. they can affect the entire region. we saw this in florida, if you want to look at the impact of just the number of abortions access in the state from a six-week ban, we have data from south carolina where that happened in august of 2023. you saw abortions in the formal health care system declined by 71% in
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just the next month, september 2020 23 in terms of travel to nearby states, illinois is probably going to feel the brunt of it already. we've seen data from goodmark are showing almost triple the number of abortions from people traveling out of state into illinois in 2023, from 2020. we also heard from abortion providers in iowa. they're expecting planned parents they're saying they're beefing up their operations in minnesota and nebraska. there's going to be kind of a switch there because nebraska still has up until 12 weeks and then tirrell. thank you so much for explaining all that to us. appreciate it. all right. this is just into us right now. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu warning but consequences will be severe. a quote from him in response to that, hezbollah rocket attack were 12 children were killed, will live with the details next the moments that
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bring on the good stuff. businesses this is the home for the world's most essential stories in journalism. >> and now cnn has been recognized with the most emmy nominations of any organ the session this year this is cnn all right, some breaking news for you, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, warning of severe consequences for the hezbollah rocket attack that left 12 children dead in the golan heights. >> this after the idf conducted airstrikes against him hezbollah targets deep inside lebanon has the law has denied responsibility. cnn's jeremy diamond is in haifa, israel for us. jeremy, we're hearing these words from the prime minister. he just spoke what else did he say after the strike that killed so many kids? >> yeah. well, the israeli prime minister visiting the site of this rocket attack,
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which is really officials say hezbollah was responsible for firing a rocket from southern lebanon that hit this soccer field where dozens of children were playing, 12 children were killed, several dozen more were injured in this absolutely horrific attack and prime minister netanyahu expressing his sympathy and shock with the victims, the families of the victims of this attack, meeting with several of them. and he also vowed that the israeli government, that its military will indeed respond, saying that the state of israel will not and cannot put this to rest. our response will come. he said, and it will be severe. the israeli prime minister's visit tomorrow, they'll shams comes on the heels of his meeting last night with his security cabinet to deliberate on a response that meeting ending with the cabinet giving the prime minister and the defense minister the authority to herman, the timing and the scope of an israeli response. and that is now the question,
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when will this is really response come first of all, and secondly, how severe, how significant will that response be? and at this hour, it is still unclear. we know that the u.s. government, among other israeli allies allies, are urging a measured response in the face of this trying to avoid this dangerous escalation that we have feared for so many months now, is this slow simmering conflict between israel and hezbollah is now entering its tenth month we know that the israeli government will respond. we do not yet know whether this will tip the region into that all out war, but i can tell you, having just returned from the community of mashtal shams, that this is a community that is absolutely devastated by the loss of these 12 children's still suffering, still struggling to comprehend how this could happen, how children could be the targets of this attack? they are still trying to put the pieces together including the father of almog, an 11-year-old girl who told me that he holds hezbollah
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directly responsible for this attack. he called them his enemy, and he said that he wants to see a response. sara so many children killed there, so many children killed in gaza as a horrible, horrible situation that is happening there in the middle east. and you're in haifa, very close to the lebanon border. thank you so much, jeremy diamond, stay safe with you and your crew. john. >> all right. with me now, is congressman gregory meeks from new york, the ranking member? of the house foreign affairs committee, congressman, thank you so much for being with us. what, if anything, concerns you about the possible israeli response to this deadly missile attack? >> escalation you know, let me first send out my condolences to the families that of those that were killed and injured it's horrific. >> and i know what we got back from secretary blinken, that his hezbollah is behind it and israel has the right to defend itself. >> but one of the things that have always kept me up late at
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night was having escalation in that area. >> it would be an all-out war and i worry about the many innocent lives that could be lost on both the israeli side and the innocent citizens of lebanon and it's why i think that president biden has been trying so hard to get an a ceasefire because i think some of this is related to what's taken place in gaza, also, to get a ceasefire. just last week, secretary blinken, say what was on the ten yard line, we about to get this deal done. so i'm hoping so that we can get something done to prevent an all out war in the middle east. in that regards, hezbollah has many more weapons and artillery is dead and hamas has and so i'm very concerned and very nervous about all out war breaking out on the subject of foreign policy. our friend josh rogin, who writes for the washington post opinion page,
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says he sees a difference in vice president kamala harris, her foreign policy as now, the likely democratic nominee, then the foreign policy of president biden josh rights. her words and actions as vice president tell us that she would pursue an evolution rather than a revolution in us foreign policy seeking to preserve strong us global leadership. what will the dose of humility that ethos could form the basis of a winning campaign message, as well as a solid foundation for a successful strategy. i wonder what differences you see with vice president harris going forward on foreign policy but i think that what's going to happen, you know president biden has done a tremendous job on foreign policy. >> mabrey, in my regards and i think that vice president harris has been a part of this. >> but you pass tom. >> and so therefore, given the circumstances that will turn up under her terminus, president shield, make a quarterly the
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step that she thinks are important. >> but i think that collectively what will happen is strengthening our allies and working together as president biden has done a strong on keeping, making sure we have a strong nato, strong alliances in the indo-pacific, a strong working with allies here on our own hemisphere. and i think that you will also add i'm talking about more was taking place on the continent of africa, particularly in places where atrocities have taken place like sudan and what's taken place here in haiti so all of those things that so i think she will continue the policies and the direction of which president biden has been moving in. and i think that you'll just notch it up and take it to another level. >> her campaign is a week old. i mean, really just a week old so much has happened this summer. it's hard to believe that it's just a week but what has she not done yet? that you
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would like to see her do as the presumptive democratic nominee? >> but as you said, it's just been a week. so i think that was going to happen going forward, there will be more press conference. >> they will are rallies and moving forward i think that you will see that she will be the country we'll get to see and get a feel of who she is one of the things that i think is really important that i've grown up with dr. king said that we're going to judge a person by the not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. and so people will see her character. we know that that the other guy the her opponent, donald trump, his character is very bad, has been indicated by just about everyone who has ran against them, including all of the republican, whether you go talk about nikki haley or you talk about the governor weld,
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senator from south carolina don't want to call your names in the senator from florida and the senator from texas they're all have called him unwieldy things. >> you see an individuals who were when are in the trump administration some 24 who have did not show what to the republican convention. many of them, like vice president pence and general kelly madison, former attorney general, barr out whitney speak against and say that this guy is characters. not what we need to have him as president of the united states. so i think that you'll see on the road and what and the character of the vice president. and that will make all of the people of america know what the choices are when they go to the polls this november. >> congressman gregory meeks from new york. great to see you this morning. thanks so much new details from local swat team about the communication breakdown before the assassination attempt on donald trump i'm text messages show concerns were raised 90 minutes
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before the shooter climbed onto the roof a major wildfire has now burned more than 360,008 acres, forcing widespread evacuations. and the man accused of starting it set to appear in court shortly this election season stay with cnn, with more reporters on the ground. >> and the best political team in the business follow the voters, follow the results, follow the facts follow cnn have you ever considered getting a walk-in? well, look no further safe steps. best offer. just got better. now, when you purchase your brand-new save step walk into, you will receive a three shower package. >> yes. >> a rain shower package. and if you call today, you'll also received 15% for entire order now, you can enjoy the best of both worlds that therapeutic benefits of a warm, soothing bath that can help him.
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never met with them face-to-face. they spoke to abc news about the lack of action after a local sniper texted about someone suspicious we had a text group between the local snipers that were on-scene i'd sent those pictures out to that group and advise them of what i noticed. know what i'd seen, what do you think is transpiring once you send in what you've sent in i assumed that there would be somebody coming out to speak with this individual or find out what's going on? my friend erica turkey, their text messages also reveal that the issue of the gunman was raised nearly 90 minutes before shots were fired at the former president. cnn's zach cohen here with the latest this morning, zach, what are you learning? >> yeah. john, members of the swat team describing both a failure in planning and a failure in communication. and they told abc news that it started with this briefing that they were supposed to have a face-to-face briefing with us
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secret service snipers before the rally took place, but that never happened. take a listen to what they told abc news this morning. >> we were supposed to get a face-to-face briefing with the secret service snipers. whatever they arrived, and that never happened. so i think that was probably probably a pivotal point where i started thinking things were wrong because that never happened. and we had no communication with the secret service some members of the swat team say they had no direct communication with the secret service at all on saturday, which is amazing until after the shooting happened that includes warnings that they picked up and they were talking about amongst themselves about this suspicious individual who would turn out to be the would-be assassin that were raised hours in a group text with just the local snipers in it, about 90 minutes before the rally took place. >> and i want to read some these text messages. they were obtained by chuck grassley, the republican senator from iowa, who is investigating the shooting trump's rally. one of
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them in particular, for 20, 6:00 p.m. again, this is an over an hour-and-a-half before the rally started. one of the local snipers texts kid learning around building. we are in a little type of there. i did see him with a rangefinder looking towards stage fyi, if you want to notify ss snipers to look out, i lost sight of him so this. local sniper saw that would be shooter an hour-and-a-half before the rally started, texted the concerns about the shooter an hour-and-a-half before the rally started. and it's unclear if that warning ever made it to the secret service all right. >> good reporting this morning. >> zach zach cohen, thanks so much for being with us sir. >> this morning, new firefighters can make headway against the nation's largest active wildfire. since it erupted last week and has ravaged more than 360,000 acres in northern california. right now, it's just 12% contained an evacuation orders and warnings are in place in four separate counties. cnn's camila bernal is in butte county in northern care california. what
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have you been seeing? the scenes are just devastating it really is heartbreaking sara, just so much destruction and just think about the fact that thousands and thousands of acres look very similar to what you're seeing here behind me, just destruction and what fire officials are telling me is that the center of the fire is still very active and it's still in very steep terrain areas that are very difficult to access for firefighters. >> but there are two things that were very beneficial this weekend one, better weather conditions and two, more and more resources. we now have nearly 5,000 firefighters here in this area. and they were able to do two things. one, they were able to put boots on the ground to do assessments here. and so they have changed the number of structures destroyed, but they're now saying about 100 of them have been destroyed. and then the other very important thing that officials have told me is that they were able to do this direct very aggressive attack on those flames. and that
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really helped that containment number go up. the other thing that they're telling me is a priority is getting people back into their homes. fire officials are very cautious about the fact that the people of this county, butte county, have gone through a lot. they lived through that 2018 fire, which was the deadliest in california history. and so they want to make sure that all of the people of the county are aware of what's going on and can get back home safely so again, it's really the first time that i hear some progress that i hear some optimism from firefighters. but there's still so much to be done here. sara station is wide it's vast and it's still just 12% contained. >> thank you so much, camila bernal to you and your crew out there in butte county da alright. worst-case scenario, we will convert it to a duathlon the new plan this morning from the world triathlon president as the water in the seine remains to dirty for olympic athletes to swim in. >> much sure about this plan
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small businesses i'm alex marquardt in washington and this is cnn now to france were official, say, vandals targeted telecom, fiber optic lines in six different locations overnight new images just shared by the ceo of french internet provider metallus, shows the damage. this is just the latest attack being described as quote major sabotage. it comes just three days he's after the country's high-speed railway infrastructure was targeted by vandals. it's unclear whether the same groups are behind both. and the olympic triathlon
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training swim canceled again, this is the second day that's happened. it turns out the river son not as clean as it needs to be. cnn's coy wire is live in play in paris coy. >> john is perplexed by the plan that it might turn into a biathlon if that's even a thing. >> is that really a thing? >> that is potentially going to be a thing starting as early as tomorrow. sara, look, french authorities have invested $1.4 billion over the last decade. but according to some locals i've talked to? they said they even pulled entire old sunken vehicles out of the river to prepare the river for this moment. but here we are a day before the first triathlon competition and organizers and reps. of the world triathlon canceled swimming practice in the sand for a second straight day. they met this morning after water quality tests showed bacteria levels were just too high to straight days of rain pummeled paris. and that just overwhelmed the city's sewage system, sending
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untreated water with high levels of e coley flooding into the river. organizers say with higher attempts, more sunshine the next 36 hours, they are confident that they will see acceptable limits by tomorrow's calm competition. and as i mentioned if they have to cancel that swim portion, they're going to go with a run cycle, run triathlon that big, tough news, sara, for all the strong swimmers who have trained and who've been counting on that portion of their race. let's go to another type of water, sara, a shocker in the swimming pool last night? team usa's world and olympic record holder in the 100 butterfly. gretchen walsh caught down the stretch by your teammate, torri huske. walsh takes us silver with 20 21-year-old stanford student husk who barely missed the podium in tokyo, becoming an olympic gold medalist. but she pulled her teammate walsh up to the top of the podium to share the moment at the medal ceremony. monday, that's cool stuff. there are five swimming metals up for grabs today with americans mois, katie grimes in
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the 400 in luke hobson in the 203, ryan murphy and the 100 backstroke lily king and the 100 breaths and clare weinstein in the 200 free. and the seven time defending champs team usa women's hoops taken the court for their first time at these paris olympics facing japan at three eastern it's a rematch of the last summer olympics gold medal game seven olympians returning from that squad, asia wilson, diana taurasi, breanna stewart, and brittney griner returns think to international play on a team stacked with future hall of famers and wnba all-stars look two-time gold medalists, lebron james still playing at 39 is impressive, but diana that's rossi at 42 already with five olympic golds and a chance for another. this is going to be fun to watch all right, thank you. >> coy wire. john scott, things to say. well, we don't like just so unimpressed with the plan for the triathlon like i said, is the oldest river in europe. >> everyone know, is like the send doesn't sneak up on, you
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know, it doesn't sneak up on you here. they've been planning this for every kind of have a plan be and you can't have a trial along without the swim. >> he's upset as an alliance as an olympian himself, he is one of myself outrages me thank you so much for being with us today. enjoy the day. it's gonna be another great day in paris. except if you have to go anywhere near this and that's all proceed at new central cnn newsroom up next for russia for trying to spy on us we were spying on them i'm sorry, frank this is a war, but secret wars, secrets and spies, a nuclear game. >> now streaming on max university of maryland global campus is a school for real life, one that values that successes you've already achieved, earn up to 90 undergraduate credits for relevant experience, and get the support you need from your first day to graduation day and beyond. >> what will your next access
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