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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  July 30, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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that's why chimes the number one most loved banking app 1968. >> sunday at nine on cnn let me back up for a minute this is
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cnn breaking news hello, and welcome to cnn newsroom. i'm lynda thank we're following breaking news. the political leader of hamas ismail haniah, was reportedly killed in tehran. that's according to iranian state media, which cites the country's islamic revolutionary guard corps. you can see him here earlier today meeting with iran's president just before the president's inauguration. of course, he attended that in any met with the supreme leader of iran in a statement, hamas claims that hania was killed in a quote, zionist raid on his residence in tehran. after that ceremony there's no official word from the israeli military when asked for comment, only a brief statement saying, quote, they don't respond to reports in the foreign media. idea was a longtime member of hamas joining in the late 1980s and rising through the ranks over
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the years before becoming the groups political chief in 2017, i'm going to go live now to haifa, israel, and cnn's jeremy diamond. of course, this hamas leader was once the prime minister of the palestinian authority germany give us a sense of the response in the palestinian well, make no mistake. this is an enormous moment in this. now, nearly ten month long conflict. smile haniah was not only hamas is political leader, but he was also one of the chief interlocutors at the negotiating table over these ongoing hostage and ceasefire negotiations. he was a key voice at that table. he was viewed as a more pragmatic voice at that table. and now there a major questions about what the impact will be on these ceasefire negotiations and on the internal power dynamics within hamas. but there's no question that overall all among palestinians and particularly palestinian
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leaders, there are outpourings of sympathy and praise for a smile hania, including from the president of the palestinian authority, mahmoud abbas, who quote strongly condemned the assassination of the head of the hamas movement, the great leader ismail haniah in a statement abbas also called this a quote, cowardly act, and they dangerous developments and he calls on the palestinian people to unite in the face of what he describes as the israeli occupation. now i'll be on the impact on the ceasefire negotiations, beyond the impact on palestinian political leadership. this is also a very tense moment in this region, and we have to ask at this hour whether or not this will be yet another of multiple steps that we have seen over the course of the last week that could potentially push this region deeper towards a potential all-out war. it is not that this is one step that would
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lead to that. but when you think about the accumulation of events that have happened over the course of the last week this is certainly a major, major question earlier this week, hezbollah carried out this rocket attack according to israel, on the israel occupied golan heights, killing 12 children the syrian druze community of much they'll shams, israel within the last 24 hours responded to that with a targeted airstrike in the southern suburbs of beirut that killed a senior has isabella commander and now over the span of the same 24 hour period, israel has apparently though it is not confirming or denying it as apparently carried out this assassination on hamas is on hamas's political leader inside iran. and so those are two very senior leaders of two key iranian proxies being killed in the span of less than 24 hours. and you have to think, how will iran responds? how will hamas respond? how will hezbollah respond? and
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this puts a region that was already very much on edge now, teetering potentially further off of that very, very dangerous cliff of escalation. >> yeah. as you say, jaremy, significant 12 hours really? the fact that we've got the leader of hamas assassinated in iran. and less than 12 hours earlier, the military commander of hezbollah killed in beirut. we'd already heard from the un and the u.s. after that strike in beirut calling for israel to use diplomatic avenues are both countries really what's the response likely to be from the international community at no doubt with tensions this high, the interest rate community must be on edge yeah, well, as we saw after that, hezbollah rocket attack in the golan heights there her calls for de-escalation. >> there was an understanding from the united states in
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particular that israel would have to deliver some kind of military response again, and hezbollah, but there were also urgings to moderate that response, to carry it out in a fashion that would not tip this region into all out war this long simmering conflict between israel and hezbollah into all out war. and so you can make no mistake that in the wake of this, there will also be urgings. on the other end or avoiding a further dangerous escalation. i assume that there will be back-channel efforts with iran, back-channel efforts with hezbollah, as well as hamas to but try and limit whatever response will come here. but there is no doubt that hamas will carry out some kind of response for this. the question is, will that come in the context of its war against israeli troops? oops, inside the gaza strip, or will it come in the form of further rocket attacks against israeli towns and cities and again, what will hezbollah do? hezbollah was
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already likely to retaliate for the killing of its senior most military commander in the suburbs of beirut last night do they feel competitive? hell to escalate that response even further. now, that the leader of one of its key allies, a fellow iranian proxy, has been killed in an assassination in iran. just so, so many questions at this hour and developments that we're gonna be watching very closely. >> jeremy diamond, our jerusalem correspondent, good to have you on the case for us. thanks so much. when staying on this story and joining me now is greg calls how he is the middle east correspondent for the economist. he's also the author of how long will israel survive the threat from within good to have you with us. so within 12 hours, hezbollah's military commander killed in beirut, and now hamas's leader that's unaided. what's your reaction i think the strike in beirut we all knew there was going to be some sort of israeli retaliation for this
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rocket attack i can much that champs over the weekend, but i don't think many people, certainly foreign diplomats, that i had spoken to were expecting that retaliation was going to come in beirut. >> there had been a sense that the israelis were going to strike perhaps elsewhere in lebanon, but not strike the capital city. and so i think that took people by surprise and then waking up this morning and the region to the news that ismail haniah was killed, that was, i think, entirely unexpected. he's someone who had been on israel's hitless. i mean, i remember back in october, even speaking to israeli officials who said he was someone that they intended to assassinate for his role in october 7, but it happening they had happening in the context of everything else this week it was very surprising and talk to us more about the rise of ismail haniah within the palestinian leadership. >> and of course, hamas he is someone who replaced khaled meshaal, the longtime leader of
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hamas. he started as the leader of hamas in gaza and then left gaza some years ago and moved to doha, where he had been based since he feud that a lot with yeah. yeah sinwar, the current leader of hamas in gaza, and they have been really at odds since october 7. you've had haniah and some of the other hamas leaders outside of gaza pushing for a ceasefire. they're in favor of making a deal with israel, releasing some hostages and at least temporarily halting the war in gaza then you have sinwar, the leader of hamas in gaza, who has refused time and again any efforts at a ceasefire deals. so i think a big question now is what any is that there's going to mean for those ceasefire talks going forward, whether by removing someone who was an influential advocate for a ceasefire, that makes it more likely that the internal leadership of hamas, the leader their ship in gaza, will continue to reject the deal. >> and let's, let's not forget that there are at least 80 israeli hostages in gaza
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being held by hamas i'm sure their families fearing the worst right now, given the death of hamas's later, who was, as you say, a key to these negotiations for their release? who's likely to fill his shoes right in those families have been worried for months now about the state of the hostages it is being held in gaza, who's going to fill his shoes? >> i think that's it's very difficult question right now normally, hamas would have a process for replacing its leader. there would be a process of internal elections where influential members of the group would vote in the shore accounts so all the sort of governing body of hamas would have some say and who is going to replace him, but that's going to be very hard to do right now given the context of the ongoing war in gaza, given that so many leaders of hamas have either been killed over the past ten months or are in tunnels underground right now and very difficult to reach. so i think someone is going misstep in on
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an interim basis that might be khaled meshaal, the former leader of the group. he might come back in as a sort of temporary leader until they can find a permanent replacement. but in practice, what this is going to mean is sinwar in gaza who is already arguably the most important member of hamas. he is going to have even more influence, i think now within the movement, at least inside of gaza and the timing of this assassination is notable because it happened on the same day that the hamas leader had attended the swearing of the new you of iran's new president. >> he'd also met and sat down and had photographs where the ron supreme leader, given that this assassination happened in tehran how do you think iran might respond it's incredibly humiliating for iran, not just the timing of it, as you say, the fact that it comes hours prayers after he met with the new iranian president. >> but also it comes after months of israeli strikes in
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syria and elsewhere that have targeted a number of top generals and top military officials from the revolutionary guard guard. so humiliating to have someone now killed on iranian soil. and i think a reminder to the iranian regime of how deeply penetrated it is, how many leaks there obviously are within iran, security apparatus allow things like this to happen. on the other hand, if you go back all the way to october 7, hamas when they carried out their attack in israel, they thought they were going to get direct iranian support the big support from iran's proxies across the region they didn't really get that hamas was disappointed that iran was not willing to go to war on its behalf. and i think something similar is likely to happen now, there might be a face-saving response from the iranians. i don't know whether they'll do that directly or do that through proxies find some way to lash out at israel but i don't think this is going to lead to a major escalation on iran's part. they are just not interested in going to war on behalf of hamas the other
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response and reaction we're looking at right now is how hezbollah in lebanon might respond after israel carried out that drone attack in lebanon's capital, about 12 hours ago, killing hezbollah's most senior military great commander what sort of reaction and response do you think we will see there? >> is it going to be this continuation of this for tat or could it be an escalation it could be an escalation mean anything is possible at this point, but speaking to both lebanese contacts and israeli contacts over the past 12 hours, i think the sense is that it's likely to be a continuation of what we've seen so far, hassan nasrallah, the leader of hezbollah, has been very, very clear for ten months that he doesn't want an all-out war with israel, partly because most lebanese don't want that. >> the country is very worried about the consequences of an all-out war with israel. and so he has tried to for ten months keep all of hezbollah as attacks on israel calibrated to stay below the level of all that war. and i think that is
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likely to be the case. again, there has been some very tough rhetoric coming from hezbollah about attacks on haifa, attacks on tel aviv, warning israeli civilians that there are big population centers might be taught forget it, but i don't think we're likely to see a big barrage of long-range missiles aimed to tel aviv or something like that. i think it will be a lesser response to try and keep them this below the level of fully fledged war gregg carlstrom, and to buy appreciate your analysis, good to have you with us. >> thank you we have more on that breaking news in just a moment. iranian media reporting is the political leader of hamas has been assassinated in tehran stay with cnn newsroom that was married how much is too much i think it's exceeded
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natasha bertrand at the pentagon and this is cnn welcome back. i'm lynda kincade more on our breaking news from tehran, a running state media report that hamas political leader ismail haniah has been assassinated. hamas issuing a statement saying that hania was killed in what it called a zionist raid on his residence in tehran on tuesday, he had attended the inauguration of iran's new president hania joined hamas in the late 1980s during the first intifada he was named the prime minister of the palestinian authority in 2006, and was later named as specially designated global terrorist by the u.s. >> to becoming the hamas chief in 2017 of my want to bring in cnn's paula hancocks live for us in done in dubai. >> good to have you with us. >> this is this was hamas's political later assassinated in iran. >> he of course was leading the
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ceasefire negotiations and hostage released hawks. what are you learning about the assassination will enter at this point we understand it did happen in the early hours of teheran and it was initially flagged by the islamic room evolutionary guard corps. now haniah was in tehran for the inauguration of the new iranian president's. he was there on tuesday that inauguration took place, and we believe, although we don't have exact timings at this zero point that it was wednesday morning when this killing took place. now, it is a very significant development and will have many on edge in the region ismail haniyeh had been a very significant parts of the hamas political leadership for many decades. you mentioned there the fact that he started with group back in the 80s during the first intifada. and he really
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highlighted his political leadership in about 2003, which is when he survived an assassination attempt to by israel while he was with the finder and spiritual leader of hamas, shake akhmed yassine. he had been the personal assistant to shake yassine, so had been a significant in figure within the group for some time. now, shake you to seem was assassinated several months later. and we know that back in 2017, haneed became the the political leader of hamas. no, he didn't spend a lot of time in gaza itself in recent years. we know he has been living in doha, qatar. we know he had a fairly free rein to travel around the region region as well. he had been seen many times in teheran. he had traveled to turkey as well for example, but he really had been very visible, very vocal, and a very very significant part of the hamas group. so this has
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been felt very acutely within that group and also within other palestinian groups. some reaction i wanted to give you, for example the president of the palestinian authority, mahmoud abbas, has reacted saying he strongly denounces and condemns the killing, saying it's a cowardly act and a dangerous development. we have also been hearing statements from other hamas members within the military and the political leadership saying that they are ready to pay various prices. another saying that this will not pass in vain. so of course the question is, what is the reaction or what can the reaction be from a significantly weakened hamas at this time and the question is also whether any kind of response would come from some of the other iranian proxies as well, not just hamas in the region. lynda and polar of course, it may be significantly weekend, but hamas is still
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holding least 80 is israeli hostages in gaza of course. is hania was responsible for some of the top the negotiations for the release of those hostages and cease fire what is going to happen to those talks now and any sort of negotiation who will fill that role well as we understand it, and certainly as the israelis and the u.s. >> officials have been characterizing this. yahya sinwar is the the most important person when it comes to these negotiations. he is the head of hamas in gaza, the head of the military leadership. he has believed to be in a tunnel somewhere under, under gaza and he was really the one who appeared to be calling the shots when it came to developments this potential
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hostage ceasefire deal. and we knew that it took some time to be able to get any kind of response from him because he was believed to be hiding underground in gaza. but ismail haniyeh, it played a key role in this as well. he was considered an important in indirect interlocutor with israel, if you like, the fact that he was able to or believed he was able to come and go as he wanted. the fact he lived in doha, qatar, qatar being one of the key mediators when it comes to this hostage and ceasefire deal so it is widely expected that this will derail the process, at least in the short-term, that there will be no appetite from hamas to continue speaking to egypt and qatar, the two mediators and also indirectly with the u.s. and israel trying to hammer out this deal. there were talks as recently as sunday, trying to finalize the details would see
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those israeli hostages being released from gaza and also seeing thousands of palestinian prisoners being released in return. and also a key point, a ceasefire and allowing significant when humanitarian aid into gaza, which is desperately needed, that we can only assume will be significantly derailed at this point, as i say, hamas not sounding too to have any appetite to be speaking indirectly to israel at this point. in fact, the statements we are hearing are very fiery suggesting that they will be in kind of retaliation than the right. >> paula hancocks for us in abu dhabi. good to have you with us. thanks so much. we will talk soon. we are staying on this story. miri eisin is a senior fellow with the international institute if the counter terrorism, recommend university. she's also an israeli military colonel in reserves, which it comes to us for toledo, spain. thanks for joining us here's that vowed
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to go after hamas, all its leadership after that october terror attack what's your response to the news of the assassination of the hamas leader terrorists leaders terrorists themselves should not feel safe anywhere. >> lynda, that's better for you and better for me. they shouldn't feel safe, not in the gaza strip. the terrorists themselves and not in iran. and if iran is a place where terrorists feel that they have a safe haven, we need to be sure that the islamic regime of iran and those photographs of showing ismail haniyeh sitting with the head leader of iran. there are additional photos from the last few days where he's together with the leader of palestinian islamic jihad and heartland who's also into halon, none of them should feel safe. >> as you point out, i must leader was meeting just hours before the assassination with iran's new president. and the iranian supreme leader how do
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you think a iran is feeling given that this assassination happened on their territory we're talking for the last 9.5 months about israel against terror organizations like what hamas did on october 7. >> but we don't talk enough about the islamic regimes direct involvement and what's happening with hezbollah on our northern border. what happens with the different proxies iran is the one that's been sitting quietly in its own way. i'm not going to call it the octopus with all the arms, but it most definitely is the one that's supplies ideas, all of the weaponry training, capabilities, and the islamic regime of iran should not i'll be allowed to get away for it by the world. i don't know who did this kind of attack at the heart of tehran. i do know that it takes a lot of udacity, a lot of intelligence that the islamic regime of iran should also be held accountable by the world for hosting the hamas leaders that you're seeing here, the palestinian islamic jihad leaders, all of these
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different de-stabilizing terrorist organizations that feel safe and tehran, they shouldn't feel safe anywhere hamas later obviously is ismail haniah was a key negotiator in terms of the hostage release talks and the ceasefire talks, we know at least 80 hostages are still being held in gaza by hamas militants. how do you suppose their families react to this significant development? >> so when we talk in israel, at least we talk about 100 115 people. and what you're talking about when you say at is the possibility perhaps to those who are still alive because we do know a lot of pr, pronounced dead, but they were taken as dead bodies as bargaining chips by hamas. first of all, you're absolutely right. it will impact the negotiations. this is not a small event whoever did this in that sense has to take that into account. it's my haniah was not in the gaza strip and i very much agree with what paula was saying
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before that. the one who calls the shots is yahya sinwar, who is in the gaza strip his number to mohamad deaf, at least according to israel in that sense died or was killed by israel in the last few weeks. at least his disappeared. so these are different attacks that israel is doing. as i said, terrorists cannot feel safe. having said that we need to bring our hostages home we certainly do. >> and interestingly, just in april and israeli airstrike in gaza had killed ismail haniyeh's 33 of his sons. at the time, he said that wouldn't impact on the negotiations or soften hamas's stance. but clearly this will affect negotiations going forward. but overall, i want to ask you about the timing of not just the assassination of the hamas leader in iran, but also the death of the hezbollah military commander in beirut 12 hours, less than 12 hours
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apart. what reaction do you think they would be within israel and the israeli government israelis are going to feel stronger at the moment. >> we're showing in that sense, because when it comes to the hizballah number two, arch terrorist on every single list in the world. and that capability to go after him, israel, they're officially declared that we were the ones that attacked them and in that sense, that is something which is much more official when we're talking about the leader of hamas in iran into iran, that's a very different arena. nobody in israel or said anything but israelis in general are going to feel the capabilities of the intelligence of the long arm against these arch terrorists that have been attacking us, not just in the last 9.5 months, in a horrific war. and it's a horrific war for all sides. i realize that. but when it comes to physical violence, like nobody calls without and i think that israel and israelis are going to feel stronger not weaker. there's an impact on the hostages. my own opinion is
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that hamas is not a reliable organization that you can negotiate easy with it. in that sense, you want to make sure the terrorist never feel safe. that's my own opinion. there are certainly other opinions in israel miri eisin appreciate your time today joining us from toledo, spain. >> thank you thank you we have much more on our breaking news in just a moment, iranian media your reporting, the political leader of hamas assassinated in tehran stay with cnn newsroom plus the israel also says it killed hezbollah's most senior electric commander, the idf strike on a beirut suburb sparking fears of an all-out war in the region just ahead plus the israel also says it killed hezbollah's most senior electric commander, the idf strike on a beirut suburb sparking fears of an all-out war in the region just ahead all my life i haven't debit to
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10:36 pm and get paid. when you say anderson cooper, 360 tomorrow at 8:00 on cnn welcome back you're. watching cnn newsroom. >> i'm lynda kincade more now on our breaking news iranian state media says an investigation is underway following the killing of hamas political leader ismail haniah. he was reportedly assassin it's an aided in tehran after attending the inauguration ceremony of iran's new president hamas says, hi neil was killed in an israeli raid on his residence one of them hamas official calls the assassination a cowardly act and says, high-needs was killing quote, will not pass in vain palestinian authority
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president mahmoud abbas says, jaime has killing is a dangerous development live now to cnn's jomana karadsheh, who joins us from london. just how dangerous are we talking? jomana? >> well, lynda, the entire region has been on a knife's edge since this weekend since that that's attack on the occupied golan heights that killed 12 children and teenagers. and then you saw what was israel's response yesterday in lebanon targeting a hezbollah senior commander. and so you already have this region that has been on a knife's edge for a few days. it has been obviously since october concerns about any incident that could spark a wider regional conflict and now you have this, the targeting and the killing of hamas's political leader, ismail haniyeh taking place in to ron.
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this is what is so dangerous about this. this is what is so significant about this. it is perhaps really something that hamas and others in the region we're expecting israel made it very clear. of course we have to remind viewers because hear that israel has not confirmed or taken responsibility for the killing of ismail haniyeh. but all indications are that it was israel that carried out this killing right now the question is, of course, there has been this expectation that they will be going after hamas figures beyond gaza. this is something that israel has said from the start saying that all hamas has leadership is in our sites from day one after october 7, you saw them targeting and killing a another senior figure from hamas earlier this year? >> in beirut and now ismail haniyeh, of course, again the
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concern here is this is taking place had taken place in to ron. what kind of a response are we going to be? seeing from the iranians to this what kind of response are we going to be seeing potentially from other iranian proxies around the region? and this has been always the concern. this is something that we have seen over the past few months that while you have that very significant, indeed dangerous moment in the region where for the first time we did see iran and israel exchanging fire directly with those attacks earlier this year. it has been iranian proxies across the region, whether it is the houthis in yemen, whether it is hezbollah, whether it is the iraqi militia groups in iraq and syria and carrying out attacks targeting israel,
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targeting us troops it has always been the concern that these groups might even carry out more attacks, that there could be further escalation at something that region jilin leaders have been warning could drag the entire region into all out war that everyone has been so concerned about since october. lynda ismail haniah was not only the hamas leader, but prior to that, he was the leader of the palestinian authority what sort of reaction do you think we're going to save from hamas, especially given the fact that hamas militants still hold at least at israeli hostages in gaza okay. i think a big question right now is what impact this is going to have on the ongoing negotiations, the ceasefire negotiations to release the israeli hostages. but one would expect that this is not going to have this will have a very
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negative impact, obviously on this. but if you look at these talks, they have stalled for months and months. there hasn't been much movement and much progress being made when it comes to these talks. but again, lynda you would expect that the hamas, its leadership was expecting something like this. remember, a few months ago the children ismail haniyeh were killed by the israelis in gaza and his reaction at the time seemed to be one of on who was expecting this sort of response from the israelis. i think it is very significant. lynda, again, that this took place into heran ismail haniah was a face and international face of the movement. he is someone who has been living in doha, qatar. he has travel to other places in the region,
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including turkey, for example the decision of the israelis to go after him in ron and not target him on the soil of a us ally like turkey or or doha. obviously very, very significant. but we'll have to wait and see what sort of impact that this is going to have. of course it will all depend on the response coming at a very, very dangerous and volatile moment in the region. >> yeah, exactly what we have heard that a mosque, of caught him, a martyr and say that his death will not pass in vain. we will continue to stay on this story. jomana karadsheh, good to have you with us from london. thank you were joining me now from brisbane is retired. it's really an army major general, mick ryan, he is also a former commander at the australian defense college. good to have you with us. i just want to get your response to the news that not only the leader of hamas was
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assassinated in iran, but also the top military commander of hezbollah killed both within less than 12 hours yes, it's been an extraordinary day and a successful one we i guess for the israelis, hezbollah military leader is the second key later that the israelis have killed in beirut this year. they killed a senior hamas leader there in january but i think both of them but dangerous for the security of the region. >> but in combination, it really could be jet fuel on a fire for the region at this point in time and that is certainly a frightening prospect izmail, haniah was of course, a former pelosi, authority prime minister close ties with iran leadership as we saw just before the assassination, he was spending time with iran's new president and the supreme leader. >> but of course he was involved in those hostage release negotiations. how could iran respond? do you think
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given its relationship with hamas well, it will be interesting to see what they want to do here after the israelis struck the air defense site in the wake of the iranian missile attack on israel, the iranians really took the view of nothing more to see here. thank this incident, however, will be harder for them to do that i think that it will face the new iranian president in a very difficult position. >> he will have to probably take a hard line here so i don't see this being just turn the other cheek material for the iranians. i think they will do something either themselves or would their proxies to strike back at israel and of course, israel hasn't claimed responsibility for the assassination in iran, but it has taken responsibility for the death of hezbollah's military commander the idf spokesperson saying, we're not for war, but we are prepared for it. i just want to play some sound from the idf spokesperson after that strike
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in beirut for trucker was the right-hand man to hassan nasrallah hizballah as leader. >> and he's a divisor in planning and directing attacks and operations for trucker. was the commander responsible for the marginal champ's massacre, in which 12th children were murdered so we've had this so-called for tat between israel and hezbollah for many, many weeks, months really a bit now, the death of hezbollah's military commander hezbollah retaliate or response this time, do you think well, when they have been previous israeli attack that killed senior hezbollah members and commanders like this. >> there has been a response for up to 100 rockets or more we've seen a slow escalation,
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but a definite escalation of attacks across the border since seven october now when they fail sends so i expect we'll see something significant from hezbollah. but at the same time, they may wish to calibrate it so the situation doesn't get to added control. we should note the israelis have said, this ends the matter in the wake of the death of those 12 children. but both sides get a vote in this. >> unfortunately we did hear that the u.s. was given advanced notice of that strike in beirut the u.s. vice president and presidential candidate, kamala harris, spoke about, i just want to play some sound what we know have the right to defend itself against terrorist organizations, which is exactly what has collided and all of that being said, we still must work on it. >> what do you think the u.s. will do to reduce tensions in the region right now well,
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it's probably going to send more naval vessels to the region, one to try and deter a reaction from hezbollah, but also positioned itself for any evacuation of citizens that might be required of something that goes wrong. clearly, it will be talking to the israelis to try and ratchet down tensions but we should pay one other thing in mind. >> this could be an israeli attack to try and break down the cohesion of his in advance of any potential israeli attack into southern lebanon in the future as well? >> now you make an interesting point that, that attack in beirut that killed the military leader, of course, came after in retaliation for the strike on a football pitch and the golan heights on saturday, which killed 12 children. it was the deadliest attack in israeli controlled territory. since the hamas attack back in october lebanon's foreign minister said that this would surely lead to a war and a war against lebanon is a regional
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war that's certainly a frightening prospect, right? >> that's a terrible prospect now, wants to see a war in southern repaid for it. or hezbollah certainly wouldn't want to because they didn't do so well last time and so i think all sides will be now looking at this going. how much further in this escalate? before we step back from the brink, that might be a far more destructive conflict than what we've seen even in gaza mick ryan coming to us from brisbane, australia appreciate your time, thanks so much for joining us. thank you well, mass is vowing revenge after the reported assassination of a top leader will have the latest on our breaking news just stay tuned 1968, sunday at nine on cnn wow
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years. you cora, we make uti relief products. >> we also make proactive urinary tract health products. you korea is a life they tried today at your hello, i'm lynda kincade, an update on our breaking news. >> hamas says the assassination of its political leader will not pass in vain iranian state media report that ismail haniah was killed in tehran after attending the inauguration of the country's new president. israel says it does not respond to reports in the foreign media. eye nears death is showed a complicated gaza ceasefire and hostage negotiations as he was heavily involved in those talks with egypt and qatar. cnn political and foreign policy analyst barak ravid explains what this means for the ongoing gaza ceasefire it goes well, i think this is first the most significant israeli operation against hamas since october 7. >> is melania is, is militarily is not that significant, but
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politically, he's the he's the political leader of hamas mass and he wonder internal elections within hamas to get this job is in charge of hamas's international relations, and he's the key interlocutor for the egyptian and qatari mediators on the gaza hostage and ceasefire deal. so his assassination will have significant influence on those negotiations earlier, i spoke with israeli journalist and filmmaker shalom me eldar. >> i asked him because reaction to the assassination of the hamas leader in iran i met this melania in 1994. my first meeting with him smile hernia, i think he is he changed and he's the story. what happened to hamas movement he was one of the moderate leaders of hamas. and he has been changed, especially the military coup in
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2007. >> i think that now when we are taking hamas leader we shaped it and designated the u.s. >> after october 7. hamas leader a war crimes, or war criminals what they've been doing what they have been done this is, i think israel must act against the hamas leader about, i think that today when i've heard that ismail haniyeh was assassinated it clipped me. think that we've been left with the extremist leaders of hamas, like if you've sinwar and all other the military group. but again, in israel decided to assassinate its melania in tehran this is a message, a message to all hamas leaders no more, no more taking
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israelis normal taking hostages, and no more murders, killing civilians in israel well, thanks for joining us for seen and used. >> remind me the kincaid, becky anderson will pick up our breaking news coverage from london then after short break, stay with us, you watching cnn all my life i haven't done it. >> to my house. on the round somehow none of it matters we are at war so you said to my throat who side? >> you want know, warren circle to defeat? house of the dragon
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