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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  August 2, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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an extraordinary day. >> all he said that is that kamala harris this is a chameleon. she prints students to be somebody different depending on which audience she is in front of. the greatest of all time. and she has the chain to prove it live from london. this is cnn newsroom with max foster and christina macfarlane warm, welcome to our viewers joining us from around the world. >> i'm max foster. christie is off today is friday, august the second, 9:00 a.m. here in london, 4:00 a.m. at joint base andrews in maryland, where
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three americans took their first steps on us soil since being released. from russian prisons as part of the biggest exchange of his kind since the cold war, us president joe biden, vice president kamala harris, welcoming home, marine veteran paul whelan. he spent the past six years in prison next off the plane was wall street journal reporter, evan gershkovich. she ran and to hug his mother and father before speaking with his colleagues also, returning to the u.s. russia, an american journalist alsu kurmasheva daughters, were in tears are not seeing their mother for more than a year. the president and vice president took a few minutes to speak with reporters when i said winds is making a difference a chance in a matter of law an extraordinary day. >> and i'm very thankful for
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our president kyiv has done career, but in particular, as it relates to these families and these individuals, what he has been able to do to bring the allies together? >> on many issues. but in particular, this one this is just extraordinary testament to the importance of having a president who understand the power of diplomacy well, among the others, released by russia kremlin critic vladimir kara murza, and the number of associates of alexey navalny, the white house says, he was meant to be part of the deal before his death in a russian prison my russia won the release of eight prisoners held in the west. >> president vladimir putin greeted them thursday in moscow, freedom for convicted assassin, not deem krata gauff, who was jailed in germany, was critical to getting putin to agree to this deal. others included the russians convicted of espionage slovenia, and cybercrimes in the u.s and
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there's nada bashir joins us now in london. what's, what's the process now then for the americans? because you know, great news that their home absolutely. >> and we saw in that video footage of the three americans returning a bit landing there. i mean, this isn't julius moment of the family members there. they were greeted, of course, by president biden and vice president kamala harris. all smiles at an emotional reunion, of course, for the family members waiting on the tarmac that they were given, of course, a moment to be reunited with their family members, but they are now on route to san antonio in texas. they will we are heading to the brooke army medical center where they will be undergoing medical checks, and evaluation and care there. some of them are traveling, of course, with family members as well. but of course this is an important step up, particularly for biden administration to ensure that they are in the best of conditions upon their return. but this will be a hugely emotional moment for all three and all of those returned
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really in a huge readjustment. of course, can't just talk quickly about the russian prisoners released. a lot of people talking about how unfair this is in a way in a convicted criminals serious crimes being swapped for people who should have been detained and then the first place that's really where that in questions to president biden yesterday from reporters, some have raised concern that this because essentially be used by russia in future as a bargaining chip that this might actually bolster russia's cards if you like, but they might. >> then again detain more americans, more foreign nationals in order to meet their own objectives. in order to serve their own purposes. so that is certainly a concern at present. biden addresses yesterday, take a listen to what he had to say that's the case for all of history my job is to make sure number one, they don't get do we get back i don't buy this idea that i
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can let you let these people rot in jail now of, course there are still a foreign nationals, american nationals detained in russia. >> there are concerns that other adversaries might perhaps take inspiration from this. that is a huge point of concern. we did hear yesterday from the u.s. national security adviser, jake sullivan. he was actually quite emotional in his statement in the white house saying that this was a very good day, but that the biden administration was focused on building on these developments, that this was a foundation point. he said, we are drawing inspiration and continued courage from it for all those who are held hostage or wrongfully detained around the world. so this will still be a focus and perhaps a starting point for other foreign nationals, american nationals detained overseas thank you so much. also joining me from france katerina katsura news director and host at tv rain. thank you so much for joining us, sir. what did you make of all this as it unfolded? >> hello, max. thank you very much. this is a great day and a
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great celebration for those who are released and for those families who were waiting for their loved ones for so long and i've i've been talking to people to relative of political prisoners who were released yesterday, and they just could not even imagine that this actually would happen. there were not expecting this what will they be going through now, do you think because they've got a completely recalibrate haven't they presumably the military would like to speak to them and then there'll be health checks. i mean, what's the process as you understand it? >> so there right now in germany they're going through the health check and then as understand, they will go to different countries. let me kara-murza, for example, citizen of russian federation, but also he is a citizen of the united kingdom. and he has a green card. he will go to the u.s. as an descend because he's wife if gain yes. she met frozen biden yesterday among
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other relatives. is there waiting for him? and they used to live in the us in washington, dc and others, they will reunite with their families in different cities in different european countries, as i understand, for example, in paris, france in different german german cities and towns so right now they're all together. but then they will start this new lives. this is very important to them to start breathing again because they were at the edge actually of the death of legendary kara-muza mind greg journalists and pass that political activists and politician. during glass years he was poisoned twice before he, before he was detained and they were trying to kill him. and then during the imprisonment in russia, unlawful imprisonment, there were torturing him, uh, putting him, throwing him that is a solitary confinement and
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so on and so forth he was actually under threat after the death, the murder of alexei navalny's liver fractured opposition. let him it wasn't the same position under the same threat of course, ilya yashin, one of the leaders of russian opposition, also was under this threat and we were we're all worried terribly scared for them to death. i would say that they would go through the same torturing punishments by vladimir putin system. but this is victorious day for all of us, for journalists in exile, for a political activist's, for relatives. of course i understand this the conversation about what would be the outcome of the swap. and was it a right step to take? because i know that for example, in a pair of that administer foreign affairs of germany was against this and all of scholtz was the one who was making decision process and
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understand the concerns, but you just cannot imagine how important is to save at least one person's life unlawfully detained persons life. and we are seeing right now more than ten people who are seeing their kids and families and if fathers and mothers again, i didn't know is there any price that cannot be paid to her that i really know that vladmir putin's killers would kill if he wants them to. >> and it doesn't matter if he brings this person back or he doesn't bring him back he would still kill is that working like that indicate be system. yeah. what you're referring to there as the assassin and the german prison who murdered someone in a park, right? and he has now released them back in russia. i just want to ask you about gershkovich though, because you're obviously a news director? what does this the challenge now is, how do we report within russia without
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taking the risk of sending reporters to russia? this is a regime that's going to become very difficult to report on, isn't it? because you're not going to rush to send anyone to rush your iu absolutely. >> my example. i think he says a lot because i cannot go there as a russian citizen is a russian journalist. i cannot cover my country because i would be detained and thrown to jail immediately, just like other journalists, independent journalists who were forced to leave the country after evan gershkovich was detained, more than a year ago, there were a lot of foreign journalists who decided to leave the country. and there were a lot of editorial boards of big media outlets, western media outlets who understood that there was no chance it's where they're reporters to keep on working in russian federation, there are still people there for us. there very brave colleagues, elaborate hours in moscow and
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st. petersburg in other parts of russian federation. but i think that as time passes there would be less and less people who would have an opportunity to stay there, who would have accreditations for ministry of foreign affairs who'd have an opportunity to cover at least something and we wouldn't get less and less professional reporting from russia. the only thing that we actually rely on right now but as russian journalists is citizen journalism, there are a lot of, i would say, tens and hundreds of people who are brave enough, smart enough, strong enough to cooperate with people like myself. and they are sending footage and they are reporting to us anonymously. this is the only way right now. one of the one of the few ways left for journalists to work in russia about russia, cover rush. >> yeah, it's a tough, tough call, isn't it? a kasserine? thank you so much for joining
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us. >> thank you. thank you. >> several americans reunite with their families, at least two others have stayed behind though they include senior karelina, a dual u.s. russian citizen arrested earlier this year whilst visiting her grandparents she's on trial in russia for allegedly donating about $50 to a ukrainian charity and teacher marc fogel, who serving a 14 year sentence on drug charges for bringing cannabis to russia his family says the drug was recommended by a doctor to treat severe pain. family members were hoping all along that fogel would be included in the swap, but its sister told cnn earlier, it took a phone call from a russian prison to find out that he wasn't we really hoped that they were going to get mark on the plane. >> we do that it was going to be happening very quickly. >> but mark called me yesterday morning and when i realized that he was in rybinsk, i knew
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that things were not going well because he should have been gone and it's it's been it's been a roller coaster well, a senior us official says the white house tried to include fogel in the swap, but it was unsuccessful. >> the official also said the administration will keep redoubling efforts to get him out of prison from a us marine, trevor reed was released from captivity in russia during another major prisoner exchange in 2022. here he is addressing criticism thursday's swap earlier on cnn i don't think anyone wants to see hardened criminals released from american prisons, especially if the victims of those crimes have been americans or the united states in some way. >> but i think it's important to remember that the first priority of the united states should be to get american
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citizens home. and i think that the biden administration has shown that they've made that a priority i think in other priority that the united states needs to have is that it needs to impose costs on countries on governments that forced the united states into this situations that argument that, well, you shouldn't let these guys go to get americans back as frankly pretty ridiculous every president that we have in the united states pardons dozens to hundreds of americans who have been convicted in us courts and they released them without the united states receiving anything in exchange. and to release a few russian criminals to get innocent americans home, i think is, is absolutely worth it read also has some advice for the newly freed americans. >> he's urging them to take it slow as they readjust to
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civilian life. now the news is being celebrated in the olympic village where wnba great and two-time gold medalist brittney griner told the associated press, she's quote, head-over-heels, happy for the families right now, any day that americans come home, that's a win. that's a win. griner played professional basketball in russia. and was detained there for nearly a year. after authorities he's found cannabis oil in her luggage. she was released in december 2022 in a prisoner swap involving convicted russian arms dealer viktor boot we have another update for you as well, the plane carrying the three americans released from russian prisons has arrived in san antonio in texas. there it is paul whelan, evan gershkovich and also charis mayor will be getting medical exams after returning to the u.s. late on thursday there, accompanied by some of the family members that met them when they arrived, at joint base andrews in maryland, just a few hours ago, the u.s. russia, five other countries
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pulled off the biggest prisoner swap since the cold war, as we were saying, and president biden calls it a testament to alliances. and diplomacy will follow the movements as they happen there in texas for you ahead, a key militant leader assassinated and threats of retaliation against israel. we'll have the latest on the turmoil in the middle east that includes details on the funeral ceremony for ismail haniyeh the political leader of hamas. those stories and much more. straight ahead every night. >> it's the same thing. after dinner you start so he's scrubbing, scraping is still top well, now you can wake up to a clean dream him kitchen every day with stole guard the slide on stove top protector that stops all the methods before they started. sauces are rinsed and sayonara gone in seconds, sticky messages are no challenge stove guard, macaroni
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priceless to learn more, go to lumi find a great deal for your ideal opened your vargo typing where you want to go, select your check-in and check-out dates, search, compare prices for the same hotel and save up to $30 a night hotel trivago president joe biden says he is very concerned about the growing turmoil in the middle east and is weighing whether to bolster the us defenses in the region. >> the high profile killings of several powerful militant leaders have led to vows of retaliation from iran, hamas and hezbollah. israeli military says it's on high alert and ready for a range of scenarios on thursday, israel claims responsibility for the assassination of one of the reported masterminds of the october 7 terror attack hamas military chief mohammed deif the israeli military says he was killed in a strike carried out in southern gaza last month. but they weren't sure
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about that until this week when they received new turn agents on his death. now, in just a few hours, a funeral procession will begin for the political leader of hamas ismail haniyeh will be buried in doha two days are due was assassinated in iran. hamas is calling for prayers and a day of anger over his killing cnn's ivan watson standing by for us in beirut. first, they were going to speak to selma. who's here in london and in terms of the in the turmoil, it up again today, because there's been another assassination, if i can call it that. >> well, it is yet another killing that israel has claimed this time it says it has killed a senior military figure in islamic jihad. this is the second most important militia group of course, second to hamas in gaza that it has killed a man who is in charge of their weapons basically, this is yet another assassination. so just in the last few days, we have seen israel claim responsibility for a hezbollah assassination and a senior has beloved figure. they
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have not claimed responsibility for the killing of ismail haniyeh, but that has happened as well in iran in now it's limbic jehad as well it begins to really bag that question. how many fronts, how many groups, how many different sides and angles is israel going to aggravate with these assassinations in what will be the response and how do you calm this down? how do you bring down the temperature? pitcher there was a ceasefire deal on the table that is very much in question. now, sasa nations president biden and the u.s. of course, leading this effort, president biden was on the phone with prime minister netanyahu again yesterday, asking him appealing to him to take that deal, take a listen to what he told reporters correct prime minister we have the basis for a ceasefire we should move on and they should
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he should move on it and he should move on it. >> now, just clarifying that is the sound. you should move on it now, in regards to that ceasefire deal, i think i also want to point out, max, that the pressure prime minister netanyahu is facing is not just from these militia groups, is just, it's not just the fear of this wider conflict eds at home, there were demonstrations yesterday in tel aviv, people demanding that those hostages be brought home and they're serious anger back at home domestically for netanyahu, not taking that deal in, not bringing those hostages home, he is increasingly under pressure as the temperature in this region continues to ramp up. >> ivan we have an irs funeral today and calls for a day of anger. >> so tensions only increasing that's right. >> well it's well honey, his body was flown from tehran where he'd been assassinated this week to doha, the capital
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of qatar, where he's been based for years now. and we've seen images of his widow weeping over his coffin, his funeral is expected to be held at the national mosque in doha. that's the other wahab mosque. and i think that highlights how important of figure he was considered to be by the government in that's her, which was also a key mediator in those. now flanked floundering or perhaps more urban ceasefire talks between hamas and israel. and it was none less than the qatari prime minister who issued a statement after hernias assassination and unparalleled phrasing, but it was basically what's the point of mediation if you assassinate the man on the other side of the negotiating table. so not exactly a a resounding endorsement for hopes for any kind of negotiated solution to
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this awful war that has claimed tens of thousands of palestinian lives in gaza. and threatens to erupt further here in lebanon we've seen that after two days of relative silence on the border between hezbollah militants and the israeli military. that overnight his bulla of fired dozens of rockets at israel he israeli military says that only five of those got through and they haven't reported any casualties or damage from that meanwhile, the leader of hezbollah hassan nasrallah, he gave a long speech at the funeral of what shakur, that's the senior hezbollah official that israel did claim responsibility for. assassinating in an evening airstrike on the outskirts of beirut on tuesday and nasrallah said that israel had crossed so many red lines with the assassination in tehran, which israel has not claimed responsibility for and for the
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attack here in the southern suburbs of beirut, and that there will absolutely be a response. take a listen not the down forcing. >> we are not seeing we are reserving the right to respond we will respond to this is definite. >> when unhelpful adobe enemy and those behind her enemies should wait for our definite response. >> there was no discussion or debate so, you know, there are real concerns that this could blow up. we are hearing about airlines like delta and united reportedly canceling their flights to tel aviv. some cancellations lufthansa not flying here to beirut. there was a fireworks display at a concert over my shoulder last night that really freaked a lot of people out here in beirut who didn't know quite well it was going to happen. now there's a final concern here. both the iranian government and hezbollah are vowing retaliation against israel. but there is one real factor too.
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consider. >> they clearly have been compromised intelligence-wise for ismail haniah to have been murdered, assassinated in a heaven huli guarded compound controlled by the iranian revolutionary guard corps in tehran for flood, shocker to have been killed here in beirut indicates that israel had real intelligence to find these men and kill them where they were in very close together. >> again, israel has not claimed responsibility for the tehran killing, and those are security considerations that the iranian government and hezbollah have to take into account while trying to plot as they've declared some kind of revenge against israel max okay. ivan watson. thank you so much also to you, salma as well. we'll be following the funeral and what might happen afterwards. there's a lot of concern about that, but right now i want to go back to san antonio, texas three americans released from russian prisons are stepping off the plane.
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it's just arrived in washington there we have evan gershkovich, so they are expected to go for medical checks, perhaps speak to the military as well. but really the priority right? now is to ria climate ties get used to normal life again, and there's going to be a huge adjustment. they are accompanied by some of the family members as well that met them when they arrived at joint base andrews in maryland, which was just a few hours ago, we brought back to you live as well the u.s. russia five other countries pulled off the biggest prisoner swap since the cold war a hugely complex, complicated diplomatic mission there, very much spearheaded by the united states of course, but bringing in various other countries like serbia in germany for example. so this is a happy moment in a pretty grim news cycle right now where we see people who are wrongfully detained according to the u.s. state department. finally, back home it does raise the question of what cost we saw a convicted
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assassin released from a german in prison leaves a pretty bad taste, but all the experts really saying they didn't have much choice but to return them to russia, to clear them in order to allow for this moment here the families have been reunited. this is really about the processing stage perhaps they'll spend a couple of weeks in texas. that's what we've seen before with griner for example. and then really there's paul whelan, the former marine embracing someone there. and then they go through this process of trying to acclimatize back to life to be checked for medical conditions. but also, i'm sure they maybe he isn't conversations with it's a military base, so have some military will want to get glean what information they can as well from these three former prisoners in russian prisons to see what else they can find. got to remember, there are still americans in american prisons, so a bit of a bitter a sweet moment here but a huge
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moment in diplomacy, western diplomacy, working with russia to see this moment now, will this prisoner swap leads to warmer relations between washington and moscow? >> i small we'll have more on that after the break 1968 that was this eighth in the american spirit. >> i was happy. >> i shall not seek, and i will not accept the nomination. we should my party for another term. as your friend, 1960
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it at walmart welcome back. >> let's get you caught up on our top story this hour three us citizens are back on american soil following the largest prisoner swap between russia and the west since the end of the cold war. after arriving at joint base andrews in maryland, a few hours ago, evan gershkovich, paul whelan and alsu, kurmasheva have just landed in texas they'll receive medical evaluations they're also any treatments as necessary in addition prominent kremlin critic vladimir kara-murza is a dual british and russian citizen and a permanent resident of the us. he was headed to germany. >> they are among the 16 people who were held in russian detention in exchange for their release, russia got back eight of its citizens. >> they include a former fsb colonel convicted of murder, as well as several alleged or convicted spies and cybercriminals let's have a look now at those us arrivals from cnn's alex marquardt an
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extraordinary moment as a small private jet carrying the 3d americans freed from russian custody touched down at a military base just outside i'd washington, dc, first down the steps was paul whelan held by russia for almost six years, then greeted by president joe biden and vice president kamala harris it's before being reunited with his sister, elizabeth, then evan gershkovich, the wall street journal reporter, who like whelan, had been convicted of espionage by russia and sentenced to 16 years in prison. >> finally, russian-american journalist also kurmasheva, whose two daughters and husband rushed across the tarmac to hug her and emotional moment for all on a truly historic day that saw 24 prisoners in total exchanged seven different countries involved president biden spoke with reporters at joint base andrews and emphasized the partnerships with other countries that made this moment happen.
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>> i asked him to do some things against her immediate self-interest very difficult for me to do germany slovenia, so really came into last minute i tell you what chancellor was incredible to accomplish the deal the united states had to convince germany to free a russian assassin and other european countries to release russian spies that they had caught the u.s. sent three russian prisoners back to russia and moscow in turn, released 16 prisoners, including the three americans and pulitzer prize-winning russian dissident vladimir kara-murza, who is a us resident but the essence of the moment was summed up by evan gershkovich, who walked over to talk with reporters including his wall street journal colleagues, and said, simply, i'm home. alex marquardt, cnn, washington russian citizens, including convicted assassin vadim krasikov, returned to
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russia as part the massive exchange. but a top us national security official tells cnn that washington and moscow are still very much at odds. take a listen i would caution anybody against reading anything into the relationship between the u.s. >> and russia other than that, it's in a very difficult place and it's in a very difficult place. because russia has chosen to commit some unconscionable acts in the world. first and foremost, its war of aggression on ukraine. nothing that's happened today, changes that we are fundamentally still at odds but on the other hand, we did a find a target of opportunity through very hard no's diplomacy with russia close collaboration with our partners and allies, including some very difficult questions we had to ask if some of our friends to help us here, and then very careful execution of what was a logistically it diplomatically and politically complicated exchange to execute today that went off without a hitch well, us republican presidential nominee, donald trump question the prisoner swap on his social
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media platform. >> he speculated about what the u.s. may have given up in exchange and call the negotiators and an embarrassment, he writes, quote they're calling the trade complex that's so nobody can figure out how bad it is. well, trump had previously suggested that he was the only one who could get vladimir putin to release evan gershkovich that turned out to be untrue as the massive prisoner swap marks a major achievement and legacy defining moment of joy biden's presidency. they argue still to come us vice president kamala harris delivered a moving eulogy for the lake congresswoman, sheila jackson lee with some high-profile guests as well. well, on stage he be on the edge, moments that shaped our culture coming this fall on cnn. i'm jonathan
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when we're young, we're told anything is possible... ...but only a few of us go out and prove it. witness the greatness of anna hall on a connection worthy of gold: xfinity mobile. only xfinity gives you the most powerful mobile wifi network, with speeds up to a gig in millions of locations. and right now, xfinity internet customers can buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. less pain. learn more us senate majority leader, chuck schumer is predicting that democrats will hold on to the senate, come november. >> he's insisting the vice president, kamala harris is the right choice for his party's presidential ticket. shimon dismissed concerns that her left leaning policies could
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hurt vulnerable and. it democrats in montana and ohio on thursday, harris gave a eulogy for the late congresswoman sheila jackson lee at a celebration of life in houston, texas, she praised jackson lee's legacy of service, dedication she truly was a force of nature when it came to her constituents, there was no task too big or too small for the congresswoman. if it needed to be done, she made sure it was done and done right? when it came to crafting policy, there was no detail to minor or point of order to obscure meanwhile, donald trump is defending his appearance at the national association of black journalists convention, which was contentious and combative at times, he says, he showed up whilst kamala harris didn't at the convention on wednesday, he attacked harris is racial identity and falsely claim that she quote, happened to turn black a few years ago
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donald trump's running mate, j.d. >> vance, is defending those comments. he spoke with cnn's steve contorno on thursday republican vice presidential nominee, j.d. vance, visited the u.s. mexico border on thursday in arizona. i had a chance while he was there to talk to him a little bit about those controversial remarks. by former president donald trump where he asserted that vice president harris was quote, all of a sudden black i asked him as the father of three biracial children. to trump's remarks, give you pause at all, listen to what he said. >> they don't give me pause at all. look, all he said is that kamala harris is a chameleon. she goes to georgia two days ago. she was raised in canada. she puts on a fake southern accent. she is everything to everybody and she prints citizens to be somebody different depending on which audience she is in front of. i think it's totally reasonable for the president to call that out. and that's all he did. i mean, look, she's running as a tough on crime prosecutor cuter even though she implemented open border policies, she's saying that she wants to support the police, yet she
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wanted to defund the police just three years ago. it's totally reasonable to call out the fact that she pretends to be somebody different depending on the audience she's talking to. >> you, use that word chameleon yesterday as well. you're someone who was an unabashed critic of the former president previously. now you're his running mate. you are someone who have text messages. the text messages out there, that say, i hate the police now yesterday, you said i back the blue by your own standard, are you a chameleon? look? i criticize donald trump ten years ago and we've talked about it and i've made a good argument to the american people about why he think he was a great president and why he, i think he deserves reelection. >> that's different than going to georgia two days ago and putting on a fixed or their accent when you were raised in canada? so i think it's totally reasonable to change your mind. has kamala harris stood for a tough debate with you and explain why she wanted to ban fracking and now she doesn't or why she wanted to defund the police and now she doesn't or why she wanted to open the border, but now she doesn't it's reasonable to change your mind. it's not reasonable to run and hide from the media and not answer the american people's questions.
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>> i also had a chance to ask senator vance about former president trump asserting that he doesn't believe the vice presidential pick will have any bearing on this race. and j.d. vance actually agreed. he said that ultimately, voters will choose between donald trump and vice president harris and not the vice presidential pick so i asked them will then, why are you here? why are you spending your time on the campaign trail if you don't think you will have an effect. and he said, well, ultimately we can help articulate the message of the campaign. just another example of him explaining on behalf of the former president and he will be doing more of that this weekend. the two are expected i did to appear at a rally together on saturday in atlanta, georgia. steve contorno, cnn, tucson, arizona. >> kamala harris and other democrats have recently been saying that trump-vance and republicans in general, a weird, and it may be getting under trump's skin as well. the republican presidential nominee is pushing back in a new radio interview, insisting he's not weird. harris is i've ever seen her with a laugh and everything else that's a weird deal going on there there. the
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weird ones nobody has ever called me weird. >> i'm a lot of things, but weird. >> i'm not well, still ahead. >> we go live to paris where today's olympic competitions are getting underway. or amanda davis will recap team usa's big wins and today's must watch event ever worry that you're drinking too much. take back control with or health or health provides access to medication proven to make it easier to drink less warm to quit drinking altogether qualified for treatment today that we're university of maryland global campus is a school for real life, one that values that successes you've already achieved earn up to 90 undergraduate credits for relevant experience, and get the support you need from your first day to graduation day and beyond. what will your next success p, find a great deal for your ideal hotel opened your vargo typing where you want to go. >> select your check-in and check-out dates, search, compare prices for the same hotel and say up to $30.09
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judge threw out a multi-billion-dollar verdict against the nfl on thursday, a jury has ordered the lead to pay more than 4.7 billion for anti-trust violations for its sunday ticket package. >> but the judge found issues with the trials expert witnesses and said the jury's decision was based on speculation. evidence. the case is involved in nfl package that required fans to buy a bundle of games in order to watch teams outside their home markets in a statement, the nfl says it's grateful for the ruling today's. competitions at the olympic games are underway right now, china has the most gold medals, the u.s. trails closely and has the most medals overall. thursday proved to be monumental for us gymnastics plus main biles. and it was also historic for swimming sensation katie ledecky. and while all eyes were on biles and the decky team, usa's women's fencing team made history in their own
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right. but the excitement of the games is far from over track and field events kick off today in just a few hours. american track star, as trickery richardson will make her long awaited olympic debut. our amanda davis joins us live from paris and you've got one of the hot tickets yesterday, didn't you? >> i did. i was fortunate enough to be there for the gymnastics max and there's not many people who can get away with celebrating with a diamond encrusted, though necklace it's around your neck. but if anybody can sit bone can and that's pretty apt. so when it comes to her gymnastics performances as well, it really wasn't privileged to be there. the atmosphere say it was everything you've been hearing about. the game has changed the likes of vogue and vanity fair where they're seth rogen, steph curry, kim kardashian and everybody wanting to get in and see the action in history play out certain biles does have some pretty tough competition from brazil's rebeca and draw jay, she won silver last time out, a us teammates, suni lee, who took the gold in tokyo, but
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she's credited both of them with pushing and inspiring her to do what she does. she did have a wobble on the uneven bars, can't all be perfect that brought a massive intake of breath, but then put in a great performance on the beam and the floor, ultimately stepping up and doing what she does to become the first woman to win nonconsecutive all around titles. the first woman to win two since 1960, her sick olympic gold medal in all it was on dry j claiming silver lee the bronze. and if tuesday in the team event had been dubbed the redemption tour. i'm not not entirely sure what you call this, but there is potentially more to come, but she's still got three fine and it was left which she says an ally of hence where she can have some fun, more fun, i guess. but from the most decorated us gymnasts too a woman with the title of the usa's most decorated female olympian across the board. katie ledecky, she wrapped up an incredible 13th metal last night in the pool helping team
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team usa's and silver in the fall by 200 relay behind an australian for that set a new olympic record on route to gold for ledecky, it completes a set of medals for this games. one of each color. and later this evening, she's got a chance of another in the event she's still voted for so long, the 800 freestyle but she is going to have some time off competition from the next gen, canada's 17 sensation summer mcintosh. she took her second gold of the games last night. >> yeah and take us through what you're looking at today. it's quite exciting. the less x is starting, it always sort of creates a new wave of energy, doesn't it yeah, as we kind of have the baton being passed and it sha'carri is the big attraction for today. >> she's waited a really, really long time for this olympics debut. as you mentioned, after missing out on tokyo, having tested positive for marijuana at the 2021 olympic trials, she is the favorite. she is the reigning world champion. she ran the
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fastest time of the year. this year's us trials, 10.7 one and she is the person carrying the host looking to end the jamaican dominance of this event. she has been giving a helping hand by the fact that the tokyo gold medal winner elaine thompson-herah isn't here because of injury. shericka jackson has withdrawn interestingly, to focus on the 200 but we have to give a shout-out to shelly-ann fraser pryce is her last her all her fifth straight olympic games as swan song. after three olympic golds at olympic medals in all day take back to beijing in 2008 and paris is treated her well in the past and it's you saw those images of sha'carri the other day has gone by the big and bold with a hair and nails. the nails are definitely still there, but the hair is more low-key and she's really determined that this time it's her performances that are gonna do the talking okay good stuff. amanda, back with you later. thank you so much for joining us from paris stories in the spotlight this hour to
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ukrainian athletes have won accolades in paris without winning any olympic competition. the city's mare awarded than the city's highest distinction on thursday for their bravery and their perseverance. the athletes say they had to train in the shadow of the war whilst keeping an eye out for airstrikes. and worrying about loved ones. the ceremony also on the ukrainian athletes killed in the conflict ukraine's olympic team has so far but one medals, won silver, and won bronze within the chairman spotted dolphin, it's frequently considered a good thing, but one seen swimming in the river thames. two walk central london is causing concern to the welfare group, british divers marine life rescue, the adult mammal may be disoriented and that's indication it might also be in distress. this year alone. they say at least five dolphin pods have come far inland via the river. sadly, three didn't survive them into obviously be going the other way. but i think one positive people are saying is that it's clean enough to swim in, at least
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hopefully he'll get his orientation back. finally, this hour, britney spears most while his best-selling memoir heading to the big screen, we're told universal studios has landed the rights to the book, the woman in me, arthur competitive bidding war is being developed as a biopic of the pop star's life to be directed by jon m. chu, who directed the heightened the anticipated wicked movie coming out later this year as well on thursday, spears posted on social media that she's excited about working with the oscar winning producer, mark platt. news also attached to the movie that is joining me here on cnn newsroom, cnn this morning is up next i'm thinking i'm going to die and i thought that was it finally, earth with we have schreiber now streaming on max i'm jonathan larson here to tell you about life insurance
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