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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  August 2, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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august 2. >> and right now on cnn this morning finally, free. three americans wrongfully detained in russia. now, back tell us soil plus once we've mounted a lot and more us defense assets could be headed to the middle east as fears a wider conflict there drove 5:00 a.m. here in washington on a friday in the live look now at capitol hill. good morning, everyone. i'm jessica dean for kasie hunt. today. it is great to be with
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you this morning. they are home wall street journal reporter, evan gershkovich, former us marine paul whelan and russian american journalist alsu kurmasheva all walking off a plane at joint base andrews just before midnight eastern time last night, freed from russian captivity one by one, they were greeted by president biden and vice president kamala harris, and then the ultimate moment, there family, the largest prisoner swap since the cold war pulled off successfully, turkey playing the role of mediator in this deal, which involve 24 detainees and seven countries good chance fact for the family to me, this is about the essence we are as a country it really is about personal relationships is about families, about being able to have access to your own people you love and your door. this is just extraordinary testament to the importance of having a
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president who understands the power of diplomacy the freed americans and their loved ones just arriving in san antonio, texas in the last hour, they have been taken to brooke army medical center there for medical evaluation. >> and paul whelan just spoke to reporters about the moment this all finally felt real to him it didn't feel real until we were flying over england. >> i'm a british citizen. i were citizen canadian and american. so as we came over england and i looked down that's when it maria, what we flew over ireland, then canada, into america and then i knew i was homeless. so getting off the plane, seen the president, the vice president, that was nice. it, was a good homecoming so looking forward to seeing my family down here and just recuperating from five years, seven months, and five days of just absolute nonsense by the russian government the prisoner swap involve the release of 16 individuals previously detained in russia in exchange for eight individuals held in the u.s us, germany, norway, slovenia, and
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poland let's bring in former cnn, moscow bureau chief jill doherty. >> joel. good morning to you. this is this is a nice morning to be able to say that these americans are back home there, back on us soil. and we were just walking through there. how many countries participated in this? you heard the president talking about the importance of diplomacy, how complicated is it to pull off something like this you know, it's extraordinarily complex. >> jessica you have to think about how long this has been going on, because as paul whelan mentioned, he's been in prison in russia. actually in a work camp for more than five years, almost six years. and efforts have been going on, going way back. and then. i think a really interesting part of this important part is the fact that it wasn't just leave americans who were freed that you had these you can call them dissidents or opposition
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people, russian citizens who were freed. and that's very rare. so there are a lot of aspects to this. and now to mention, of course, where they all came from i think some were you know, when you look at the russians who are being held they were excuse me in slovenia. norway, germany, et cetera so seven countries. and this is extremely complex, right? >> and took months and months of tedious back-and-forth. and we also learned that alexei navalny was supposed to be part of this swap until the moment that he died. and it really underscores just how much time was of the essence here. and a lot of ways yes. >> and i was really struck watching the homecomings in each country. so here in the united states, at andrews air force base, you know, it's families. it felt informal in a way, children running out, et cetera, if you look at what
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happened in russia, i think it is symbolic of the way that putin looks at this there were soldiers in uniform. they had there rifles with bayonets, a very formal type of thing. and who comes down the plane? of course spies. people who've been involved in crimes like shakedowns and hackers, et cetera this is really what putin wanted i mean, we can look at it and say, yes, it's, it's fis, but that is what he wanted he is a former kgb agent. he wanted to get his guy back. and i think that in the context of russia, which right now i would argue is an extremely militarized so abby, that's his message. you fought for the fatherland years. you were loyal. we're going to welcome you back and they're two very different messages. >> right? right. and you look at the americans who were
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wrongfully detained, didn't do anything wrong. and to your point, just want to get back with their families yeah? >> no. i mean, the russians would say, well, there were spies, but of course we know there was never any proof that was given. >> and this was really pulled through the system or push through the system slowly in some cases quickly and others just to make a point, putin needs people in prison to be able to have future trades and as we know, there are, at least i think it's three americans who are left in russia who weren't allowed to get out. and so that's another chapter that will go on. but it's tough. i think this is there are so many different levels to this historic because of the size putin in the midst of a war that he's started and his but reasons for doing this and outgoing president in the united states, i mean it's
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really quite, quite amazing it really is. >> and we have this map that shows again, i know can it up, but all the countries that participated in this to make it happen there it is, right there. and you mentioned this jill the president, really leaning on his relationships here and really trying to make the example. and again, interesting right? because he's, he's also one of the things he he wants to be known for is bringing together the west to backup ukraine against russia right and really trying to underscore the importance of these alliances and these relationships precisely. and in fact, some of the first comments that president biden may i believe it was still in the white house he said that the russians had been pushing him to do things that he could not do alone. and i really glad i'm done to that statement because it's really true. i
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mean, he could not deliver on his own what putin wanted because food or wanted his assassin fsb, assassin, who is being held in germany and obviously the american president can't tell them what to do, but the german chancellor said, i will do this for you. and so there were a lot of uncomfortable political decisions that had to be made on the part of germany and other allies. and the fact that biden was able to pull them together is part of his big message that the united states needs. it's allies. and this is obviously a political message that has resonance right now, but it's a very important part of the biden administration approach. and here the allies came together and really neighbors all right, jill dougherty, thank you so much. >> always good to have your analysis. we appreciate it sure up next the white house and reaffirming the u.s. commitment to israel as the american ally braces for a row retaliatory
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attack from iran. plus donald trump doubling down on his comments about kamala harris, racial identity and that feet of diplomacy we'll see what it took to get americans freed and back on us soil yeah, please. >> an awol we should not limit of what is capable ready to show the world how good i am. >> i train all over the globe. and that's what you're going to see an awol whole different we we wednesday night, dana month at 8:00 on tv zyrtec allergy relief works fast and lasts a full 24 hours. >> so dave can be via deliver dana okay. >> dave let's be more than are allergies seize the day with xhr tech morgan stanley is partnering with the women's tennis association to remove boundaries because this game
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regional tensions after speaking with prime minister benjamin netanyahu we have the basis for a ceasefire issue move on and they should buy your ruins after the assassination it's not helped cnn's ivan watson is joining us now, live from beirut, lebanon. >> ivan, iran, islamic revolutionary guard corps, promising quote, harsh, and painful response to the assassination what does that look like? and what is the u.s. expecting that retaliation to look like? as it prepares to backup its ally we just don't know and we don't know whether it's just purely going to come from iran or from its proxies around the region, including hezbollah. >> here in lebanon, which has been fighting a border conflict with israel. now for more than nine months in solidarity with hamas and the palestinians in gaza. but i want to turn to what's taking place right now
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and that is the funeral in the capital of qatar for ismail haniah, that former political leader of hamas who was assassinated in tehran this week presumably by i israel though it has not claimed responsibility for that, this hamas leader getting all kind of the accolades and respect from the qatari government as he's being laid to rest, and honored in the national mosque in the capital of doha that's the image of the wahhabi mosque the prime minister of doha of qatar, who was a mediator in the ongoing hostage stich release ceasefire talks between israel and hamas after hernias assassination effectively stated that what's the point of mediation? qin, when the door negotiator on the other side of the table is assassinate, which does not put
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much hope to any kind of cease fire, which president biden was just talking about. a need for that so that puts us in this position in the region where the so hopes for any negotiated peace are dwindling or have been torpedoed. and meanwhile, iran and its allies are talking about and threatening in some kind of attack against israel, which could only further escalate potentially, the for tat attacks and drive this region into a regional war. and that's really the worry right now. we're hearing reports that delta and united airlines have canceled their flights to tel aviv we've had some flight cancellations here to beirut's and that might just be the tip of the iceberg depending on what happens in the coming days jessica and thousands have turned out turned out thursday for for the slain political leader honea what can you tell us? >> what are we learning more about his assassination and the iranians failure to prevent
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that from happening on their own in their own country all right, that's a deep intelligence failure on the part of the iranians hernia was staying at a compound a guest residents that is reportedly a run and guarded by the iranian revolutionary guard corps, the new york times because initially reported. and cnn has backed this up, confirmed it with a source familiar with this, that peniel was killed by some kind of a bond that had been planted in that building. apparently in hernias room itself which killed him and his bodyguard that is a devastating failure on the part of the iranian security establishment. you've also had a parallel failure that took place here in lebanon where his bulla hours before hernias assassination, his bulla saw one of its top officials killed in an israeli airstrike claimed by israel in the southern suburbs of beirut
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how these individuals were found and slain so close together indicates that that these organizations, their security, has been compromised. so they're threatening retaliation against israel, but they also have some very serious questions. it's to ask about their own internal security. >> back to you know, alright, ivan watson for us reporting live. thank you so much for that. up next, the leader of the freedom caucus, bob good conceding after a recount in virginia, plus emotional moments on the tarmac. >> as alsu kurmasheva, how your family today's are daughters 13th birthday? >> president biden, celebrating her yesterday at the white house the birthday to you remember no, serious guy to 30
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show me paris. xfinity internet customers can enjoy the ultimate entertainment experience and save on some of the biggest names in streaming, all for just $15 a month. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. the code now and ask about the bosley guarantee i'm stephanie elam in los angeles, and this is cnn it is, 23 minutes past the hour. >> here's your morning roundup. >> the u.s. recognizing venezuelan opposition candidate edmundo gonzalez as the winner of the country's contested election the country's electoral body declared incumbent nicolas maduro as the winner of the u.s.'s quote, it is clear maduro lost the popular so vote and gonzalez, one's dead. duro is under mounting pressure to release vote tallies bob good, the chairman of the house freedom caucus conceding the republican primary in virginia it's fifth district after a recount, trump endorsed john maguire, came out on top. that is requested a
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recount after the race ended with a difference of only 374 a belt and later this morning, pop star justin timberlake is scheduled to be arraigned on one count of driving while intoxicated. timberlake was arrested on long island in june. they'll appear at the hearing virtually well on a tour and euro there is dangerous heat spreading across all regions of the this morning, plus a tropical system in the atlantic set to bring heavy rainfall to florida meteorologist derek van dam tracking it all for us, derek, a lot of people going to be experiencing some very high temperatures yeah, that's right, jessica. and today's heat brought to you by climate change. in fact, according to climate central, a nonprofit organization who dedicated their entire business to study in climate change and the impacts on humans in the world. they say that nearly half of
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the u.s. population today experiencing heat influenced by climate change itself is just incredible 100 million americans with some sort of heat alert stretching from coast all the way to coast. that is why it's impacting such a large population. and what we're talking about here is not only what we considered extreme heat in the past to be the new normal, it is becoming more frequent. so we're seeing that climate shift, what we call in our earth's environment as well. and it's imperative and what we can see clearly in our temperatures here just shows the picture of a woman world really. and we've got our active wildfires that we're still monitoring mean over the western us. so many too highlight, but i want to get right to the tropics because this is also an important threat, something that's impacting has been yolo over the next 24 hours. but look at the 80% probability from the national hurricane center in the eastern golf. now the latest computer models have in this track over central florida peninsula event re-emerging into the atlantic ocean for the
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early parts of next week one thing is for sure it'll bring a lot of rain to florida and potentially the carolinas by early next week, jessica. >> all right. derek van dam, thanks for keeping us up to date on that. up next running water question allies matter. they do they matter president biden reflecting on an emotional and historic prisoner swap plus the return of the detained americans is already playing into the 2024 election he's meant looking at horn behind my back in hiding in lying about it with x amish boys is going to take a lot more patients i don't have time to weigh the baby. >> i am seriously done with the sunday attack on tlc when the internet said red lobster's going away, your boy flavor flav said, not today, grabbed a
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frank bred. >> how are you? >> fred fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory? joined the nerivan brain health challenge. >> anderson cooper 360 tonight at 8:00 on cnn it is a five-thirty here in washington. this is a live look at new york city. good morning, everybody. i'm jessica dean in for kasie hunt. it is great to be with you this morning and break breaking overnight. three americans back on us soil following the largest prisoner exchange between russia and the west since the cold war. president biden and vice president kamala harris there to greet the freed prisoners when they landed at joint base andrews in maryland late last night, their release a major diplomatic win for the biden administration. national security adviser jake sullivan, getting emotional while reflecting on the prisoner exchange from the president on down, we've stayed in regular and routine touch with them. i spent a lot of time with the families of evan and paul and
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all sue and most of the time, as you can imagine, those are tough conversations, but not today. today excuse me. today was very good day and we're going to build on it, drawing inspiration and continued courage from it. for all of those who were held hostage or wrongfully detained around the world joining us now cnn counterterrorism analysts, phil mudd. >> phil, good morning to you you listen to jake sullivan talking about that and you hear the catch in his voice and you have to think with so much going on around the world that he has his hands and then and talking to these families over a period of months and months when things maybe weren't going to go this way. today yesterday was so significant in such a good day for those families and for those who had been wrongfully detained. >> i think that's right. i mean, you look at this and you
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look at what the west at that is american, its partners traded and you might have some questions. i don't, but i could see people having questions about the individuals that that we sent back to the russians and our partners sent back the russians, including a murder. but the bottom-line question, if you're the president united states is bringing americans home and it's, it's a tough environment out there. if you look at what's happening in israel, lebanon, and palestine but man yesterday was a good day in this morning. i'm having a terrific cup of coffee it is a great day it is, and it's interesting, you mentioned kind of weighing the pros and cons and what, what america had to do to get these americans back. >> i want to listen to what john kirby said about that yesterday. let's listen to him nobody is delighted are doing backflips over here because mr. krasikov is now a free man. that's what negotiations are all about. they required tough decisions, tough calls. the president was willing to make that tough call in order to get these all of these individuals, not just the americans, all of them released. in the end,
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brett, when you weigh it, yes. these are all criminals on the russian side and yes, they're all innocence on the west side in the balance i think we could all agree that it's better to have innocent people no longer rotting and run russian prisons for the rest of their lives and fill it sounds like we're looking at those who were freed in exchange for the americans, but fill it sounds like based on what you were saying, you will agree with john kirby in the broad strokes of that that it's better to have these americans who are wrongfully detained back in america i do. when you go into would difficult, difficult situation, whether it's intelligence, which is what i did law enforcement, i did that as well are in this case diplomacy, you have to have what we call mission focus is the mission focus to bring innocent americans home, some of whom paul whelan have been there for years, or as the mission focus to try to do it without giving up something significant in exchange. if you go in with mission-focused saying you've got to bring americans home. that's going to be extremely painful. but the pain is worth
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it. you can't get these people out without giving something in return. that's more in some cases, more painful than what you got as i mentioned, giving away a murder, but that's the story go in saying you got to get him and they got them. >> yeah. >> we're also learning all of these details about how intricate and delicate and and difficult this was to get done. the new york times reporting that quiet negotiations between the us and russia over a possible prisoner swap had dragged on for more than a year. but the june meeting change things according to accounts from american and western officials. they go on to say the russian spies took the proposal back to moscow. and only days later the cia director was on the phone with a russian spy chief agreeing to the broad parameters of massive prisoner swap. the deal between longtime adversaries negotiated mostly by spies and sometimes through secret messages, hand-deliver by couriers, secured the release of mr. gershkovich, mr. whelan, and 14 others americans, right? russians and europeans.
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>> it is. >> when you read it, it sends a chill up your spine. it's, it's kind of amazing that in 2024, it's spies and couriers and diplomacy and biden calling on his allies. there was so much here that had to go right for this to happen. >> that's true, but there's a kernel in here that i think most americans will miss. again, it's, it's a proud day for americans are currently you can be proud of if you're an american and that is look at the name of the cia director bill burns, one of the most remarkable, not just cia director's diplomats. his background is diplomacy. one of the most remark remarkable diplomats in washington, highly respected. one of the most remarkable people i've ever met. so if you look at all that spy business, there's a great book in here somewhere. i'd like to write that. >> it got to look at this, that is to cia director and understand that he's trusted by the white house and by the secretary of state, and he is at his origins, a diplomat so think of it that way. >> it's spies, but it's also diplomats. >> yeah. and years of all of
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those years of experiments, of experience doing his work and also with, russia, they'd all, it all came into play here. >> phil mudd, thanks so much. >> good to see you. >> thank and as the end of president biden's time in the white house gets closer. >> he's cementing his legacy with thursday's historic freeing of americans detained in russia. he had one clear message after that deal was sealed so running wanted to questions. >> was allies matter? they do they matter today as a powerful example of why it's vital that friends and the this world vice president kamala harris saying the two never stopped fighting for this for many years, president biden bringing detained americans never stopped but there fight. their
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stuff gives me great comfort to know that they're horrible. deal. finally joining us now axios senior contributor, margaret talib, margaret great to have you. good morning. thank you eat strikes me. >> is interesting that president biden has hung so much of his tenure. and what i think he hopes his legacy will be on foreign policy on his relationships with american allies, bringing them together to protect their can try to backup ukraine, but also israel when iran was striking, really bringing together these coalitions, any lean on that once again to get these americans home do you think that he will be remembered ultimately? for that sort of thing absolutely jessica, you know this is certainly a case for multi-lateralism when you have all these countries evolved and it's just it is such a moment to try to imagine that as president biden was contemplating what was going to need to be his announcement that he was not going to go
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forward through real election campaign. he's like hours earlier, closing the deal with slovenia to make this thing happen if extraordinary i think this certainly will impact his legacy. it will impact the history of the united states it also may impact the presidential race, which will be vice president harris's race to run. but it does set up politically. now a contrast where you are making the case for nato long-term multilateral alliances. the idea that every arrangement with an ally is not transactional in the moment that there are you know, you kind of different countries have different stakes in the game. sometimes you need to lean on one country and you kind of get, you get to call your chips and later that's certainly the case that they're going to try to make. i don't think this is time top of mind for most voters, i think it's still the inflation, but i will
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say as a journalist, i'm trying to be very dispassionate and you watch something like this and you analyze what are the long-term consequences of prisoner swaps and all this as an american, as a human being, i stayed up all night watch out of watching the live feed, watching these americans and the russian-american journalist step off the plane, be reunited with their families. the fact that it came just hours after simone biles me, katie ledecky's like a great day for america is kind of an america i think we're going to see the biden-harris team tried to take that and run with it as any as any candidate would for running for president. >> but i think in this moment more important for that this was a deal that was years in the making and weeks in the closing of the deal and i think the impetus to get it dunn was not for the reelection campaign or the election campaign it was to bring these americans home and they've done it. yeah. >> i want to play some clips of
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president of former president trump and about talking about this, just talking about that contrast. let's listen to what he said about this. >> i heard that i heard he said, why didn't trump get them out and he was taken during the attack. i got out 59 different people, 59 and i didn't pay money. i didn't pay money. once you do that these deals are going to happen more and more because the amount of things including cash that we give up is so astronomical. this is a big deal and they allowed some really rough people out. you know that, right? and they did in the case of brittney griner also just to no, no, no cash but also he he posted and it's long but it launched into essentially what he was saying. >> there. when are they going to release the details of the prisoner swap and just kind of questioning there it is our negotiators are always an embarrassment to us i got back many hostages. you know what? i didn't hear or don't see any of that is i'm so glad these
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americans are home yeah. >> it is to just be just call it. it's very two different, very approaching two very different approaches here. >> well, for sure. but there needs to be an old saying that america, of that politics stops at the water's edge that has not been true for a while. you're seeing there's sort of extreme version of this now. it's just important for americans who are reading or watching her hearing these comments to understand that there is a lot of misinformation in the statements of the former president has made both on social media and in these media appearances. there were prisoner exchanges during his presidency this was not a financial transaction yesterday and it's really important for people to be clear-eyed. what happened yesterday is not about whether donald trump or joe biden would have done it better. it was about getting the americans home. cnn it has a very good fact check on how americans were brought home
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under the trump administration. and you can read all that. i can't do justice to it. and 30 seconds, but i think waited on but i think what we've seen in the last day or so by the former president and by senator vance, by his running mate, is just throwing a lot of arguments at the wall. to see what will stick politically but they're really conflicting messaging because one of the arguments is, was that putin would not give gershkovich back, except for if trump was president and the other was trump would have done a better and the other was that trump wouldn't do prisoner exchanges. but of course, he has and there'll a lot of these arguments that kind of bounce against each other when you examine them i think it it is it is difficult as an as an analyst to watch these conflicting arguments and not hear a message that's unified
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around welcome americans home. but i think it shows you the stakes of this election. and how cutthroat it's going to be between now and november in terms of messaging but the facts are available for anybody who wants to know them about how prisoner exchanges have worked across many decades of administrations, including the previous one in this one that we're in, margaret, always great to see you. >> thank you so much. >> up next, donald trump doubling down on his controversial comments about vice president harris, vice president harris is race plus the goat adding another gold medal. >> their her storied legacy it is crazy that i am in the conversation of greatest of all athletes because i just still think i'm simone biles from spring texas that loves to flip all the north is ready to conquer the world's. >> there is a general, in general can you mean chilling hope coming from people there
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is a legend here when you come i'm trying golan visit the queen's a river and drink from its water you'd never want to leave i icy, hot works first he makes it last know the power of contrast you can rise from paying i see kate made progress with her mental health, but her medication caused intentional movements in her face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia or td so her doctor prescribed bell said, oh, xr, a once-daily extended release td treatment for adults costello xr significantly reduced kate's td movements. some people saw response as early as two weeks with us seto xr, kate can stay on her mental health beds. >> my buddy or sadow xr can
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deaths to serious side effects may include ketoacids notice that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening kidney function and genital yeast or urinary tract infections are rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur, stuff jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction, you may have increased risk for lower limb loss, call your doctor right away. if you have symptoms of infection in your legs feet taking jordan's with this sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar reallyscak
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about the bosley guarantee hanako montgomery in tokyo and this is cnn closed captioning. he is brought to you by skechers, hands free slip-ins step in the future like i did when you hands-free skechers slip is the secret is slipping is have an invisible built-in shoehorn to your foot slides into place try skechers, slip in we now have the july fundraising totals for both vice president harris and former president donald trump.
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harris's numbers first released just moments ago, showing the campaign raising 310 million in july. that is more than double trump's total for that month. the former president's political operation, racing $138.7 million. last month and now have 327 million in cash reserves harris, his cash reserves sit at 377 million. most of the whopping total for harris came in just the first week of her candidacy, which remember, was toward the very end of july, bringing in $200 million in that time and two-thirds of those donations made by first-time donors. and we're small dollar amounts, meaning they can go back to them joining me to discuss this further, reese gorman, political reporter for note, notice and farnoush amiri, congressional reporter for the associated press. good morning to both of you. great to have you here reese, let's start first with you. >> these fundraising numbers. what are they telling us? what is the story that you find in these? >> i think it shows just the kind of excitement around vice
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president harris and especially kind of right when she was announced, obviously, there's in july, especially there was a lot of skepticism about joe biden's political campaign, about the political future. and obviously that skepticism is warranted as he did drop out of the race and then right when harris announced that there's a lot of excitement going her way. there's a lot more excited for the democratic base. obviously first-time donors, people that did not feel comfortable donate joe biden felt comfortable donate into harris. and so i think this kind of does just show that she does have more excitement that people are excited about getting out of voting for harris as opposed to what they were at joe biden, i'm running is we see, this momentum around the vice president, the trump team, the former president himself, his vice presidential pick. they're still trying to figure out exactly how to define her, how to attack her. we saw him sitting down with the national association of black journalists this week with those comments that she should quote, turned black. i want to play what my colleagues steve contorno, he interviewed j.d.
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vance and this is what j.d. vance said. they're doubling down on those comments. let's listen to what he said. >> as a father of three biracial children. do those comments give you pause at all? they don't give me pause at all. look, all he said is that kamala harris is a chameleon. she goes to georgia two days ago. she was raised in canada. she puts on a fake southern accent. she is everything to everybody and she princeton's to be somebody different depending on which audience she is in front of. i think it's totally reasonable for the president to call that out. >> they really do want to make her other it seems like where they've landed as let's make her other to anyone who might be afraid of something like that. yeah. >> i think like, you know, as a person of, you know, but who is an american in an iranian code-switching as a part of your daily life. i think something that a lot of americans, you know, america is a melting pot of a bunch of different identities and backgrounds. and most people have to switch when they go into work, when they go into a
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family into a family party, this is like a normal part of the identity of people of color and people have different nationalities. i think it's really interesting obviously the divide between jd vance, how he's just describing trump's comments and obviously trump doubling down on his own comments. it's very clear that he's saying that kamala harris is using her blackness. now that she's going to be a presidential nominee the way that she hasn't done, which is obviously false. >> alright, well, unfortunately we're running low on time, so we'll have to leave it there, but reese and farnoush, thanks to both. we appreciate it and turning to sports now, simone biles making history with her second all-around olympic gymnastics title, eight years after her first cnn international sports anchor, amanda davis is in paris with the latest amanda. >> everyone back home is so excited to see this happen and rightly, so i mean, 80 years
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after the first time she's done it, just put it that is an unbelievable amount of time in gymnastics. >> well then there's not many who can get away with celebrating with a diamond encrusted goat necklace around your neck. but if anybody can, simone can that's a pretty ap saying when it comes to her gymnastic performances as well, isn't it? i mean, i felt really really privileged to be there last night the atmosphere was everything you've been hearing about. >> the game has changed so the likes of vogue and vanity fair, their seth rogen, steph, curry, kim kardashian, everybody wanting to get in on the action and see history play out. >> and she overcame well able on the uneven bars with a huge intake of breath, but she put in a great performance on the beam and floor as you can see, ultimately stepping up and doing and what she does to become the first woman to win non-consecutive all around titles, the first woman to win two since 1968 has sick olympic gold medal so it's really cement her status in that goat lineup my necklace is just kind
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of an ode because the people love it. >> and then some people hate it so it's like the best of both worlds. and i was like, okay, if it goes well, we'll where the goat necklace i know people will go crazy over it, but at the end of the day it is crazy that and in the conversation of greatest of all athletes, because i just still think i'm simone biles from spring texas that loves to flip i'm deservedly was a go to necklace. >> i was a double celebration. and of course, within the team tokyo gold medal winner suni lee finished in bronze position as well with rebecca and raja brazil taking the silver from the most decorated us gymnasts. so the woman with the time glover, usa's most decorated female olympian across the board, katie ledecky, who racked up an incredible 13 medal last night in the pool, helping team usa so, silva in the full by 200 relay behind in australian for that set a new olympic record on route to their goals for ledecky, it
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completes her set of medals for this gang james, each one color. i want to each color, i should say later this evening, she's got a chance of another in the event she dominated for so long, the 800 free style i'll meanwhile, canada's 17-year-old sensation summer mcintosh, for her second goal of the games last night in the 200 fly even have moms swam in the la games in 1984 and worryingly, xi declared she is not done yet and somebody who is just getting started as well well sha'carri richardson, finally making her olympic debut after she missed out on tokyo, having tested positive for marijuana, rather, those 2021 olympic trials she is the favorite. she's the reigning world champion around the fastest time of the year at this year's trials, 10.71 and is determined to end the jamaican dominance solve this event sugary is a in days gone by as always gone big and bold with hair and nails, you can see the nails are still there, but she's got more low-key and
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she's i meant that it's her performances are going to do the talking amazing will be watching. >> all right. amanda, thanks so much and our next hour on cnn this morning getting off the plane and seeing the president, the vice president, that was nice. >> it was a good homecoming a heroes welcome is three freed americans landed in the u.s. resident and greeted by the president and their families. plus a tough decision for the harris campaign, who will be her role? running mate. it's a decision now, just days away luma phi. it's kind of amazing. >> wow, my go-to is lima fbi eye drops, luma fact reduces redness in one minute and look at the difference. >> my eyes, the brighter and wider for up to eight hours, lima five really works. see for yourself nexium 24 hour prevents heartburn, acid for twice as long as pepcid get all
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