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tv   Laura Coates Live  CNN  August 2, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT

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i'm be fine. but yes. >> but with all that being said my heartburn is i wish we could put this genie back in the bottle with this portal and nil change. it is just in my opinion, disrupted the game in a way that's just not normal. when you watch coaches like nick saban, who is talking about, they kinda longer talk to kids about grades and how they're going to take good care of him and keep him off drugs and keep them strong in the weight room and out of jail and all that great stuff. they just want to know how much money are you going to pay me? all right. it's wish the game was better jason, you get like jeff last night i gave a shout out to my daughter tonight. >> my son is also starting started football camp this yesterday or two days ago, or three days ago in college. so thank for you for that, but i do want to talk about texas and oklahoma entering the sec and it is a travesty much like the nil that we have texas and oklahoma thinking that they are part of the southern football is an arkansas razorback. >> i understand. thank you. yes. thank you. thank you for all being here on a friday night and summer. we appreciate
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it. thank you for watching newsnight, state of the race. laura coates live starts right now well the. >> spread for harris is running mate nears the finish line. we'll take you inside what is shaping? you have to be the most dramatic veepstakes ceremony ever. and the major news at the pentagon, defense secretary lloyd austin withdrawing a controversial plea deal for three alleged 911 terrorists. the abrupt reversal tonight on laura coates live all right. >> so kamala harris is a bad to have one of the most interesting weekend and political history. and by the way, a long line of interesting weekends in political history recently, hear me out on this she became the official democratic nominee for president today, as you know, even though the dnc convention is two weeks away. but she's got to pick her running mate. she's got to do it pretty
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quickly. i mean, as in like this weekend, it is arguably the most important decision any camp and a date, let alone she can make and has to make and sun and no one really wants to rush it, right? i mean, you think about trump taking what, 20 months actually announced who is running mate would be but hey, it's the year 2024 and nothing is normal. so instead of taking week to think about that decision, harris instead has to go and do it. the equivalent of a kind of political speed dating doesn't share to find the perfect match. now, we are hearing from sources that she has six face to face interviews that she has got to get done between now and the big unveiling on tuesday in philadelphia. now you've got the party's rising star, the battleground governor of pennsylvania yes. josh shapiro, the swing state astronauts, senator mark kelly of arizona the midwest, minnesota, nice dead governor tim walz, and a onetime political x rival turned biden cabinet member, transportation secretary pete
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buttigieg. now the democratic governor of a deep state, he is all still red state. he's also their kentucky is andy beshear, who seems to really want it and then you've got the billionaire governor, jb pritzker of illinois now look, no one knows will get the kind of political rose. but her choice will be critical. so what are you going to look for? well, there's the electoral map to consider, of course maybe swing-state governor can help her win one of those swing states. there's also the vibe she has to be able to trust that person and feel they can be her partner in all of this. and could one day possibly, as the line of succession is, there could serve as president and of course, before and first rule of picking a vice presidential nominee do no harm j.d. >> vance now, the buzz around josh shapiro, it's unavoidable and it's why the press today was really trying to get
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anything out of my mean anything out of them do you expect kamala harris to ask you to run with hair considering all your success here. >> so i think that's a question for the vice president are you planning on meeting? >> vice president harris was weekend. >> i think any process questions like that should go directly to the harris campaign the last time you spoke to president harris was last sunday if you're not going to the hamptons this weekend, what are you doing instead to tell you what i'm doing i go see dead pool obvious like everyone else go see deadpool over the weekend. >> i'm just saying right? i want to bring in national politics reporter for axios sophia cai democratic strategist jonathan kott and republican strategist john feary. i'm glad that everyone is here with me right now. it is kind of a speed dating political weekend of all weekends. tell me, i mean, you got names like senator kelly
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you've got governor waltz, you've got governor shapiro. who do you think republicans are going to fear the most about a potential running mate for harris will probably your ex boss, joe manchin, them would be the one i fear the most he be great, but on the list and he's not know okay. i'm going to say it okay wow go ahead. >> i mean, i do think that josh shapiro is interesting because he's from a swing state and he's a very effective governor and he's got to pretty high popularity ratings there. and i think he's pretty good on his feet the problem for the harris campaign is all of these selections are pretty untested on the national stage. so i really couldn't tell you which one's the best or which one's the worst, and we're going to find out because we found a j.d. vance. all of these people have to go through the wringer and none of them had the chance to go through the ringer and this is pretty quick compact timeline and we didn't even know kamala harris is going to be the presidential candidate until a couple of weeks ago. so this is, as you said at the beginning, all very fast, all very hard to figure out. and so i don't love to give advice to
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democrats, but i do think that josh shapiro, because he represents pennsylvania and so swing state it would be probably the one we would fear the most out of this group john, when you look at it and thinking about, i mean that phrase rising star can be a really great thing for somebody trying to enter the political stage but then, you know that some people really enjoy a falling star as much as they do arising one and the small window to vet to figure out how they could be an asset is going to be a problem in this instance, in some respects what do you see as the most additive partner for harris? >> i think the three i would think at the most value to her governor beshear governor shapiro, and governor walz, i hear a theme, governors, because what you have is three moderate governors who have managed to get things done in a bipartisan way, have talked to republicans, have won over independents. that's what they're going to help her with. so i think it's definitely going to be one of those three. and i think what you're going to see is a quick rollout. you're going to get a
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bump from it because they're going to be very popular. all three of them have been sort of out there you know, auditioning for it and all doing very well. i think governor walz has come out of nowhere because he's so well in articulating the democratic message in a way that everybody can respond to people in northern minnesota who are pretty conservative our responding just as well as the people in minneapolis who are pretty liberal. so i think he's coming out of nowhere to sort of be maybe the front of the pack. but she's going to get the bump from that. she's going to get it bumped from the convention and then you're going to go into labor day and it's going to be a tough race. but i expect it to be he pretty even i think the one thing we'll know is there is no chance it's going to be as bad of a rollout as j.d. vance were one up there, everyone is now every person in the campaign is crossing their fingers and their toes at that very statement as we speak soviet we've seen and heard a lot more from vice president kamala harris in recent weeks. >> and we really have over the course, the administration. she's not giving interviews per say. what do you make of
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that decision? and does she need to incorporate that into her campaigning at this point? >> i think absolutely. >> i mean, the reason is like they've taken this sort of thing out of the box and they don't want to break it they they've done it quite well for two weeks and a part of that is preserving the risk factor and minimizing that when you put her in front of an entire gaggle of reporters that in some ways can be more of a risk than they wants another test for her is if she goes on foreign trips, we know previously that there have been moments where she made a made a mistake and they're trying to minimize that. and i think she's done quite well her campaign has told me that her speech in georgia on tuesday was one of the best speeches she's given that they've seen in her political career and that's the type of momentum that they want to keep. next week, the week after that, the democratic convention in soon
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after that will be the first mail-in ballots will be mailed out to vote there's really no time to waste and they most certainly can't to john's point of ford, a bad vp rollout. >> and yet who's going to be that? person who's going to be with her on tuesday. he will be on that official ticket. and what will it mean? i mean, standby because someone joining me right now knows at least one of the governor's very well governor shapiro, i'm talking about the former philadelphia mayor, michael nutter, mayor. thank you for joining me tonight. i'm sure you can imagine everyone is talking about this shortlist, this veepstakes, they were trying to get any information out of the governor shapiro that they could unsuccessfully, you think that shapiro would be the best running mate choice for harris? why? >> well, first and foremost this is clearly vice president harris's decision. i tend not to give elected officials advice on a public tv, but certainly cable tv that one
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given on cable tv, mayor, because that's where it really hits home governor shapiro would be an excellent choice vice president harris will figure this out. >> it, you know, it's a bit of a political marriage, if you will, when you have a presidential candidate and vice presidential candidate, the chemistry, the symmetry how they work together, how they get along. but certainly governor shapiro has been on arsine of for a good while a state representative the county commissioner, chair, attorney general, and now governor. and so he's an executive. he is experienced they seem every time i've seen seeing them together, they actually seem to like each other. they enjoy each other's company, but he's a serious guy and he will do the job. he would serve well and as somebody were guests have mentioned, certainly the opportunity, the ability to be not only well liked and respected in pennsylvania, a critical state of the many
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battleground states. i'm sure is a serious consideration. in addition to doing the job, remember, president biden i'm kamala harris to be his vice president because if you need somebody to do the job, you have to be prepared for that. that's the responsible thing to do as president. and so vice president harris. now has to make that same critical decision in terms of someone who's running mate, not just a win an election but the govern, the united states of america and take us forward. >> and of course to be one's partner while governing decisions are made. i mean, we infamously heard from the former vice president biden about wine to be the last person in the room when critical decisions had to be made, you describe the popularity perhaps in pennsylvania, but there are progressives there, a pro-palestinian groups who are sounding the alarm on shapiro stance on the israel-hamas war. but his take isn't really qualitatively all that different from other possible vp tenders. why do you think he
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in particular is being singled out well, at least from what i've read, i mean, unfortunately there appears to be some focus on his faith and, you know, i thought in this 60s with president john kennedy we have gotten a little past the religion test to be an elected office, whether local, state, and certainly federal. >> let's stay focused on the job. i don't think anyone has been more outspoken in opposition to the activities of the government of israel as it relates to the war in israel and gaza. so i don't know all the details of why people are opposed. i've got an office it has been in office for a while none of us are going to get 100%. but there are many, many things going on in this country and in this world and the beauty of america of course, is
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that people can express themselves. but i think when you look at the totality of the job, the ability to get things done, to be a partner with vice president harris. certainly, governor josh shapiro has to be right at the top of that list. she will make that decision. that is her right? and responsibility. we need to fight, stay focused as democrats moderate, liberal republicans and independents. we need to stay focused on the one thing that would bring all of us together, which is keeping donald trump out of the white house. and nowhere near 1,600 pennsylvania avenue. >> well, we'll see if that is shared opinion among them. electorate in the states that will ultimately decided. but i have to ask him if he announcement is coming on tuesday and it's going to happen in philadelphia now philadelphia, pennsylvania governor, does this mean shapiro? would i mean, i can't imagine having the grace if you're the governor of pennsylvania and somebody else comes to your major city and it's not you next to him. what
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do you think well, first and foremost, no matter what vice president harris decides, i know josh shapiro well enough to know he is a good, strong, loyal democrat. >> he wants to win for this country first foremost, should he be the person selected i'm sure i'll be thrilled out of his mind about that. but when you start lining up the logistics here an announcement on tuesday, it's in philly, pennsylvania, critical state, and then on to a number of other locales. a lot of us have our fingers crossed we're but we're hopeful. >> well, we will see what ultimately prevails we've seen a lot of the olympics, a lot of people lower podiums who are smiling in spite of it all, michael nutter, thank you so much. mayor. back with the panel. now at this point in time, i do wonder about this, this truncated schedule. the fact that normallyeople are leaning in all the more by labor day, but they already had the ticket already said, you've got a trump-vance ticket that is trying to figure out how to pivot towards this new top of ticket when you're looking at
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this how much is the trump campaign you think going to be focused in strategizing according to the vp pick, as opposed to the top of ticket, almost none i mean, i think that if shapiro he's good on a couple of issues that republicans like he's good on education with school choice. republicans love that. he's been good on israel republicans love that. so they're not focused on them, they're gonna focus on and the, top of the ticket. and i think trump said last week and he's absolutely right in most presidential elections, i think almost all of them. the voters vote on the who's at the top of the ticket, not who's the vice president and vice presidential. i remember when dan quayle was the choice and everyone thought what an idiot he is. and has made no difference. he's still one hw bush won in 19 1998 and 19881 time ago. so i'm not sure if they're going to i also don't think almost inevitably who they pick is going to be more more moderate than harris. and so they're going to focus on harris because that's what they want do and of course, i know there has been some focus on vance, but if the democrats want to be successful, they're going to get to get there, just
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focus completely on trump, but it points speaks the idea that it could be a balancing and it could actually if there is common ground that republicans could see would say her second pair, her second in command, that could actually new to the bench the harris ticket, know the ticket is going to be balanced and centrist in the middle because that's where you win national elections. you're already seeing her changing her positions on a few things that on a few position issues that she had in the 2020 primary, she knows that her base is actually the 50% in the middle of the country that got joe biden to win the primary mary and win the election. so that's why i do think she's got you're going to have a centrist candidate and that will help balance her out. and it will also make it harder for the republicans to attack her as san francisco go liberal. because if you are standing next to andy, andy bashir with a gun, and a diet mountain dew and his hand. it's hard to paint him as some like radical liberal who is out of touch with america. >> it's a hell of a visual just saying things like you're like, wait, yeah, but i think
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that's also why i think this vp decision is so key. for her because i think there's added pressures on her because of who she is and, i think for the same reason, day one, after biden announced he was not going to run again i heard from republicans, including trump republicans that they were concerned about shapiro because, you know, his the republican running in the senate in that state was very much putting him together let's shapiro. i mean, that tells you everything you need to know well, we have a couple of days and decision will be made. >> we'll see what happens. thank you all ahead. defense secretary lloyd austin now, revoking a plea deal with the alleged mastermind of nine and 11, why he made that sending reversal. and what happens next in just a moment i want a lot of business this is why, where about a half. >> my restaurants, my cat to shop, and i also have a non-profit, but no matter what
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>> go to deal right now and see how much you can save i'm coy wire in paris. >> and this is cnn breaking tonight, defense secretary lloyd austin has revoked a plea deal made with the alleged 911 mastermind, khalid sheikh mohammed commonly known as ksm, and two other coconspirators. >> that agreement would have taken the death penalty off the table for ksm as an attempt to
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that didn't seem to prison in exchange for pleading guilty to all charges against him. but in a quiet friday night release, secretary austin declaring this in a memo directly to the senior defense official in charge of that agreement, quote, responsibility for such a decision should rest with me joining me now, former associate counsel to president george w bush on national security pretty jamil jaffer. first of all, why was this plea deal made in the first instance? this is all pretrial. there has been no trial. the death penalty off the table. what would have gone into making that decision in the first instance? >> well, you know, this conversation about whether you might do a plea deal with the nine, a lot of defendants has been going on for a while for a number of years. a number of the prosecutors involved in the case and said, it's going to be hard to get the death penalty. it's gonna be hard to convict them at all. we've been tied up in pretrial hearings for years, months, and months and months? and there's this issue of evidence coming in, right. we know that enhanced interrogation techniques were used with some of the detainees, including ksm, who is subject to waterboard.
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there's a question about how much that evidence can come in at trial, given the military commission procedures and rules because of its coercion, it would be thought i've obviously that's the theory. >> yeah, exactly. >> well, the idea that there would be a plea deal offered, secured, and then austin would be able to revoke it. why would he have the authority, unlike a judge, a prosecutor? and normal course of business? >> well, these are military commissions. and so under the military commissions act, the person who convenes the commission's is the secretary of defense. now, he typically delegates authority to in this case, a one-star brigadier general, retired susan escalator, right? she had the authority to bring the charges can be the commissions and make plea agreements she made a plea agreement two days ago. defense department announced it, and then two days later, search offense says, i'm taking away your authority may plea agreements, and i'm withdrawing from these three deals. >> how is it possible that he would have two days afterwards revoked it as opposed to beforehand said no that is i think the million dollar question i did he not know that this was going on. >> i mean, they put out a press release writing to secretary of
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defense. did they find out about after the fact it's not clear. it appears that these that the prosecutors were telling the judge judge in the military commissions, hey, we're looking to make a deal. this is going on, this conversation has been happening for a while back in 2022. there was potential deal on table decision was made not to do that. right. so it's really unclear why this is happening now in a normal prosecution, you'd have to alert the victims or the family of the victims about a plea deal you're making it necessarily witnesses he changed the course of that plea, but at least informed them they definitely have opinions on this. we are saying that the families, in some respect and survivors as well, and families of those who were killed in the tax. some called it a gut punch of sorts could that contribute to the pressure to not have this plea deal on the table? >> well, certainly there's been a lot of pressure to force these guys to go to trial, allow all the testimony come out at trial, allow the witnesses to speak at trial. now, this plea deal, the theory was that there'll be a long sentencing hearing where there'll be victims statements. they'd have to they have to sort of hear all the
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victims testify that being said, there are those victims and families who say, we want a trial. we want the death penalty on the table. there are other victims, families to be fair that has said we want this thing over, we want done what you want, whatever the deal is, let's get it done, and let's just move ban with our, with our love being able to say what we want to say about our family members. >> there's been 23 years. why hasn't there been a trial to this point? >> well, we've had a number of cases go all the way up to the supreme court's supreme court's forced congress to go back and redo the military commissions, commissions legislation. a couple of times. and then ultimately, there's been these issues in these pretrial hearings. we're at prosecutors leave. we've had we've had, you know, multiple convening authorities leave. so there's been a lot of turnover, a lot of back-and-forth. and at the end of the day, when these charges were finally brought, we're just hotter in pretrial proceedings. can you bring in this testimony? right? can we listen in when the lawyers are talking to the defendant's because of course you don't want these defendants getting information out of gitmo right
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at the same time. do they have a right to talk to their lawyers or private? so all of these issues, every single issue that can be litigated as being litigated and so it's slowing everything down to a crawl prosecutors saying, let's get a deal, get it off table some nine all have families, a lot of a lot of elected officials are saying, we want to see a trial. >> well but us and does not want this plea. and that's where it stands today. how much it will set back. the proceedings will have to wait and see egn jaffer. thank you so much. >> thanks, laura. >> well, not everything is coming up. roses for vice president kamala harris will tell you about the one bump in the road appearing today for her next it's almost time verizon small business days he's are coming august 5 to the 11th meet with our experts, get a free tech jet and special offers don't miss out get started today hey, you've seen in this light was the main one
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to come after weeks of hearing, the biden administration speak about the strength of the economy. a crack emerged in the form of the july jobs report, the unemployment rate ticked up to 4.3% my panel is back with me now on this point, first of all, jahmy, you look at this. i mean, there is his way of excitement, the common momentum people are calling it. you've got 300 plus million dollars has been fund raised. but the biden-nomics issue has not gone away and voters having a disconnect between how he wants them to feel and how they do feel about it. whereas the harris campaign to do to course correct that so i think she has to run on the record because she was part of it. >> but let's also point out, prices are coming down, wages are going up. this was one bad month in a series of like 11 great months that shocked even most economist. so she has to run on that, but she has to give a vision for what the next four years of her administration will look like. and you're seeing it. look, she's the first candidate who's talked about like rent
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prices, something that affects millions of people around the country. and she's talking about how she's actually going to a lower prices for everyday americans. what she's going to do on prescription drugs, stuff like that and you contrast that with donald trump's policies which seemed to be just another round of massive tax cuts for very rich people that does little to help anybody else on top of the massive tax cuts that he passed in 2017, that only balloon the deficit. so i think she's going to have to lay out her vision and separate a little bit from joe biden, but it'll be a contrast of what the trump years versus what the biden-harris hears looked like. >> and i think to trump excuse me behind trump seized on that moment well, he talks about how good his economy was and how bad the biden economy is. and i think that the fact is that economists might say this all great. but the american people haven't felt that they felt a crunch. they felt the inflation, they flopped. interest rates going up. they can't buy houses, they can't buy food they're struggling and they've been struggling for
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quite awhile. and when the president, the current president, wants talking about bidenomics she has to make a choice. does she run on bidenomics as you pointed out, or does he come up with something new? and it's comics it's so hard because she hasn't run a real campaign at any campaign. so she's got to define that campaign right now. and trump pals, trump has to say is, hey, i got my record. people still feel nostalgia for the trump years. the trump economy is very, has a very positive impact. people have a positive view of the trump economy and they don't have a positive view the biden academy, and that's going to hurt kamala harris. >> well, this most recent campaign, she's developing obviously been a little less than two weeks now that she's even been named the presumptive nominee at this point in time. but speaking of donald trump, at the nabj and i meant that was overshadowed. i think a lot by all the things that took place during that that long interview session, he talked about the economy, the grocery bad economics, talking about vacant and the price of ham sandwiches and gas prices and beyond you had some reporting though about what took place before he actually got on
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stage. what happened so trump on stage mentioned the audio issues and we had x you spoke to the energy president and he told us that yes, there were some audio issues. >> those are resolved but in fact, the issue that prevented trump from going on stage on time was, in fact, the fact checking issue and we were told that this issue was so prolonged that the nabj president was in the process of drafting a statement to tell the 2000 people who had assembled to listen to trump speak why trump could not go on stage. and in that moment, 75 minutes after when he was supposed to go on stage with trump, just walked on what was the fact check the issue you're referencing trump did not want to be fact-checked live and essentially his aides told the nabj president that, oh, no, we don't want this fact checking
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situation. >> and otherwise it's not going to go on stage and so that is the reality of what happened vestager, i think it shows us just how tricky it may be for trump to sort of engage with black journalists and also potentially with the larger black community. and black voters. >> very fascinating to think about how that was described versus what the behind the scenes may have brought as well. thank you all so much. glad you're here with me. >> next. an olympic boxing match that lasted just 46 seconds and fueled the culture war over gender and women's sports, not dimension online abuse against the winner. but it's not what her detractors are making. it seem to be at all. we'll explain what's going on next it's almost time verizon, small business days are coming august 5 to the 11th, meet with our experts get a free detect check and special offers.
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>> it was sparked by this moment in just 46 seconds, algerian women's boxer imane khelif beat her italian opponent, angela carini, in an olympic boxer singh match. that carini says she stopped because of the intense pain in her nose after the opening punches, she burst into tears after the fight and did not shake. he leaves hand. that led to a flood of online abuse against the leaf including from elon musk, jk rowling, jake paul and former president trump, who posted this to truth social quote, i will keep men out of women's sports, but as it turns out, the reality is more complicated the international olympic committee says he leapt, was born female, has lived her entire life as a female box, as a female and has a female passport in algeria, being gay or transgender is illegal. so what's going on? many of the detractors are pointing to a 2023 decision to
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disqualify her from the boxing world championship. now the host, the international boxing association, iba, said both belief and boxer at least you ting, who represents taiwan, failed to meet the criteria to participate in the women's competition. the iba cited undisclosed tests that said the two women had competitive advantages over the other female competitors. now, that organization that's, that has since been says fended and discredited by the ioc for corruption and financial related issues. the ioc spokesperson says lin, and he leaves participation is quote, not a transgender issue. and the italian boxer angela carini, she has since apologized for her treatment of relief after their match. >> i want to bring in jamil hill. >> she's a contributing writer for the atlantic and the host of jemele hill is unbothered podcast, jamil. so good to see you. i have been seeing this headline and following it for
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days now, thinking about all that's been taking place and all the speculation, people jumped the gun on this before knowing the full story. why were they so quick to come out against her? >> it's really simple the reality is that people in this country, certain people, certain groups of people, the conservative right being at the top of the list are weaponizing trans women and trans community and using that as part of their ongoing culture wars. and this young lady unfortunately was the victim of what is a gross american mentality is not adapted by all mentality, but we're talking about that there is certainly a huge issue with transphobia and our country. and if people understood for two minutes what the dynamics of this was, it for should have got out of hand in this regard. and i feel so sorry for this young woman who has been subjected to these attacks when all it boiled down to, was that
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the woman that she competed again realized after getting hit, she couldn't compete. and rather than accept that gracefully as a competitor she chose to weaponize this further by crying and by saying it was unjust, there was nothing and unjust about it. i mean, to be frank, you just got your book beat and that's the that's the, that's the end of what happened. and seeing how all this ugliness and hatred and bigotry balloon as a result, i think there's a lot of people that really need to take our hearts i'm looking at themselves about what is it that would drive so many people to denigrate a try to destroy this woman. i mean, you mentioned the layers to this and i'm glad you laid this out for the people that are watching. the other part of this to this same young lady competed in the 2020 olympics in tokyo she was not a gold medalist and if you look at her record, she has been beaten by other women before. in fact, i think there's something like
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only 10% of the fight, the fights that she's fallen in have actually she's actually knocked someone out. so if she had this competitive advantage that people initially claimed we a lot more successful and she wouldn't get beat at the rate that she did it just i felt really awful for members of the trans community who are watching this unfold, who know that there are so many people out there who are willing to just use their worst possible instincts and worse possible degradation against that community. it shone a light on something that is just a huge problem in our society. >> and to be clear, this is not a transgender woman. this is a woman who is now used as a vital the try to convey some other culture, war and the fact that she is being used in that way is something that is just so unbelievable to so many
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people. and we've been here before in a way i mean, when i heard about this it brought to mind the south african runner caster semenya. and obviously these are distinct scenarios, but the idea of competitive advantage, if you've just read her guest essay in the new york times from last year, it is unbelievably compelling and it's reignited a lot of debate about fairness and women's sports. and you have to wonder why is it such a polarizing issue? why is it so hard to believe that someone could be in exceptional athlete and a woman well, is not. >> we have to peel back some layers. let's, let's pay them all back because there, there, there are some commonalities here and it's the commonalities that women of color face who are athletes always, constantly having their physique there appearance compared to men. we saw this with serena williams throughout her career because she's strong, she's powerful unlike other tennis players that she played against, or were part of her era, she had one of the
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most powerful serves, if not the most, that you had seen in tennis and constantly she had to face character, caricatures and stereotypes that she was a man these are very specific attacks that are often directed at women of color, especially black women and then beyond all that, i heard a whole lot of people who were ready to be loud and wrong about this chiming using women against other women's. and we need to protect our daughters. we need to protect women's sports. meanwhile, the dutch, they have a volleyball player who was a convicted rapist, convicted of raping a 12-year-old who was playing at the olympics. >> i didn't see any of them both saying people with those protect our daughters, protect women and girls in sports and often, when it comes to issues of equity, when we're talking about financial investment, or we're talking about given female athletes and women's sports appropriate media coverage. >> where's that protect women's sports crowd then
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where, where's donald trump? trump's tweets about protecting women and protecting women's sports when we're talking about how women are underinvested and when it comes to sports the things that are damaging women's sports and are damaging participation or lack of investment, lack of resources, and lack of media coverage those are the things that hurt women's sports. it is not the press since of trans women and using trans women as a weapon in what is a broader issue about women's sports is frankly disgusting and of course, using her as a boogie man to convey all of those things. >> and you know, when you said what you said if you want to protect women and daughters she is a woman. she is somebody's daughter, and she's a woman in sports. it gets concept that old statement. >> an i a woman jamelle hills, thank you so much thank you well, look, you have heard the pundants talk all week about trump, paris j.d. vance. but what do the voters actually
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think? you know what i'm going to check back in with some folks from my michigan focus group next, but first, this week cnn hero has lived a nightmare that is familiar to many americans. >> her daughter died from a fentanyl overdose at 26, and now she is turning that pain into healing for women who are struggling with addiction in her own hometown of johnson, vermont are johnson always had a lot of life in community. and i was seeing that just go away this whole street was one of the hardest hit places for gangs moving in and drug dealing i don't think a lot of people realize it's here. it's embedded in your community but with jenna being so involved in that, i really learned so much about the places we did, everything that we're supposed to do as a family, but it
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>> go to deal right now and see how much you can save i'm thinking i'm going to die and i thought that was it on earth with the we have schreiber now streaming on max closed captioning brought to you by if you or a loved one have mesothelial not we'll send you a free book to answer questions you may have called now we'll come to you 808 to 14000 all eyes on who harris will pick for her vp with those interviews happening this weekend. >> but i can't be torn from the vp, donald trump already picked with senator j.d. vance making pr mess after pr mess for trump
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to gloat the portion proportion of americans who are viewing him unfavorably now, since the end of the rnc and eight point jump, this is unfavorability. that's what the polls say. but what a trump's supporters think about all of this. well, here's what some hold cnn he could be a little hard-coded some of his policy. >> he's got the fire that trump has, maybe two business men in the white house would be, would be a good pick i think he's a hot as i'm a military guy, ties another man is going to have to prove himself and he's nice and young son will happen for a long time i want to hear some more bad. >> this with briggins, some voters from the battleground state of michigan, who i spoke with in the immediate aftermath of the defining debate between biden and trump a lot has happened since joining me now, jeanine martinez, she says she plans to vote for trump. felicia johnson, who plans to vote for harris and jenna. all ahmad says she isn't fully decided yet, but is leaning towards voting for harris so good to see all of you, ladies
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again, thank you for joining. let me begin with you. janine. what do you make of senator jd vance's comments about people without children? >> well, i believe we've sometimes it i'll take stuff out of context i'd like to hear the whole story, not just bits and pieces of it. and i would say we all have, sometimes we say stuff in the past, we might regret and we've all changed and learn from it. so i have a feeling he might have said some stuff out of context, but i'm feeling he's learned from it and it's 2024. and i think he's ready to do the job and support trump jan let me bring you into this conversation as well. >> do you agree with jeanine or do you see things differently? >> i see things very differently when you have somebody who is a leader, i agree with you know, janine sentiment that people should have the right to express their opinions. however, my disagreements lies in the fact that when you are leading a country there are implications to what you say. when you make
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statements that essentially put these labels on two people who choose not to have a family might be targeting people who have chosen family regardless of the situation. it's pushing people into a further divide. and for most parts, you don't want a president who's going to further divide as you want somebody who's going to unify us when you have somebody who seems like he doesn't really respect a majority of women unless they have kids. it's really hard to stand behind that and hear somebody make women only out to be mothers felicia, i want to hear from you on this. i wonder what this all tells you about the trump-vance ticket given these statements that have been made we gone back to 1950 with the beaver cleaver, added ideology. they wants to go back where women aren't the mrs. degree two had to get married, stay at home, have babies in that set so we are the category that we're not human beings. that good thing for ourselves. >> and that's this asterisk
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because j.d. >> vance, it's an attorney he's a he's a he's a congress person, is political. so he, nobody was saying when he said, i'm not giving him a free pass on anything, janine, let me bring you back into this point. democrats, they are preparing obviously the nominating a new candidate, kamala harris is last time we spoke, she was not on the top of the ticket. now she is that presumptive nominee? you plan to vote for trump. you say, do you think that harris poses a bigger challenge to donald trump? than president biden i would say yes in what way i would say i was concerned with biden's age and being coherent and able to lead this country so i believe would now harris in that i've been, i've issues more coherent, but we're concerns me is i don't think she's ready for the job yet we need this is one of the most important jobs in this country is to lead us. >> so i need somebody who's got a backbone ability to stand up
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against other world leaders. and i think trump has more experienced than chew does i'm curious as to what do you think you would need to hear from her too solidify that opinion or change your mind i would say you just time and experience. >> i haven't really seen much in the last four years from her more than more of the on the coats guns of biden. so i haven't seen her come to be more of a leadership role. and i'm not really interested in a trump and the president that's more interested in joining tiktok and being hip hop. that's not something i needed my presidential leader to be the number one priority i need you to leave the country, be able to talk to other political leaders when it comes to real debate and concerning issues that are revolving around the united states let me bring you into this for lisa, please. yeah. as several in many candidates, of course, are on social media, are using it as a vehicle to get out to the people there trying to reach to geneina earlier point, but you
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plan to vote for harris. you say and democrats seem very energized. did it concern you in any way either the way in which she has embraced either social media or conversations about enveloping voters who are looking to that source or the way that democrats have really, they have coalesced around her without having her name on the top of a ticket at the primaries. what do you say to all that? >> so tomorrow on the view, you have to beat people where they are the gen z's. >> that's what they on. >> the millennials. that's where they are. >> so i'm a big boom that's the way we were paper. so many people where they are so i have no problem issue within the maintenance, get people to vote. that's the issue. at the polls in november. >> really quick. i want to so each of you because last time we were all together, i asked you all to raise your hands about who you would intend to vote for it. but now i want to
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ask you to raise your hands. if you are looking forward to a debate between harris and trump absolutely. >> i see shadows. i think everyone's hands went up right there and i got to tell you last time the hands were a little bit slower. want to ask you is there must be some new energy and all of this. thank you. all geneina in felicia, jenna, great to see you all and meet you each where you are. thank you so much thank you for watching anderson cooper 360 is next tonight on 360, kamala harris makes history as her party's presumptive nominee and gets ready to make more history by picking her running mate also tonight after supreme court detour the election interference case against donald trump is now back in front of judge tanya chutkin look at how quickly she could move and how the case made he changed to please the high court later, our gary tuchman and appalachia talking with people who know j.d. >> vance, not just as donald


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