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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  August 4, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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black pill good to see you. thank you so much and thank you, everybody for joining me today on fredricka whitfield, the cnn newsroom continues with jessica dean right now you're on the cnn. >> newsroom. hi everyone. i'm jessica dean in new york, vice president kamala harris, about not to make what could be the most consequential decision of her political career so far right now, harris is deciding who will join her on the
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democratic ticket as her running we make today. she's meeting with at least three tawfeeq vp contenders, pennsylvania governor josh shapiro, minnesota governor tim walz, and arizona senator mark kelly elie earlier today we saw a motorcade with pennsylvania license plates are rolling out of the vice president's residence there in washington, dc. and last hour, former former attorney general all eric holder, who's been helping with this vetting process. he saw there giving the cameras a thumbs-up now, the big announcement is expected to culminate with a campaign blitz across multiple back battleground states that you see right there, it will begin tuesday in philadelphia, where harris will introduce her running mate to america for the very first time. so we will continue to follow this developing story and bring you course throughout the next couple of hours. in the meantime, former president donald trump and his running mate, senator j.d. vance, were in the critical swing state of georgia on saturday. they held a rally in the same place where vice president kamala harris campaign just few days ago but
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besides attacking is likely opponent trump blasted georgia's popular republican governor as well. cnn's alayna treene has more we'll just the former president really tried to sharpen and hone his attacks on kamala harris last night and it was interesting at one point, he kind of said the quiet part out loud and and admitted that they need to work to define her. >> take a listen to what he said four months ago, she was considered grossly incompetent by the fake news. >> now they're saying, oh, isn't she wonderful, isn't you want divide now she's got wonderful so we have to work hard to define her i don't want even define. i just want to say who she is. she's a horror show. she'll destroy our country now, just the reason i find that so interesting is because it really mirrors what i'm hearing from donald trump's senior advisers, which they are still trying to figure out which lines of attack are the most effective with the republican party and trump's base but also with the broader group of more moderate leaning conservatives that they're
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trying to target. >> and remember, this has been a struggle for trump's campaign. they've spent the entire election cycle thus far going after joe biden, they actually largely ignored harris on the campaign trail up until biden ended his campaign and so they're really re-imagine mentioning that playbook and trying to see what is the best way to define her. now, i also found it interesting that he tried to tie harris to hillary clinton. he noted and really mocked harris for having celebrity performers at her rally at the exact same venue in atlanta, georgia earlier in the week, should people like megan thee stallion performs? from and trump argued that he found the whole act to be phony. now, he also mentioned that it reminded him of hillary clinton having people like bruce springsteen performed for her on the campaign trail back in the lead up to 2016, he argued and joked that he has a bad trait and argued that he only likes people that like him. now another notable moment last night are several moments i should say, is when he repeatedly criticized and
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attacked the georgia governor brian kemp. remember kemp is very central to pushing back on trump's claims that the 2020 election in specifically the election results in georgia were rife with fraud. now kemp has said that he was not going to support donald trump in the republican primary, but he has said that he would support him in the general election trump called him disloyal despite that and said that he was trying to break up the republican party. jess. >> all right. alayna treene, thanks so much for that reporting and joining us now, cnn senior political commentator and former republic looking congressman of illinois, adam kinzinger, congressman, great to have you. thanks for being here on this sunday today. today you announced you are endorsing vice president kamala harris for president, and you joined a number of fellow republicans to kick off republicans for harris. tell us why well, i mean, it's really easy. >> look if you're a conservative, a real conservative that believes in things like the constitution and the principals this country
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was founded on i mean, you can disagree with kamala harris on policy issues, but really the threat that that's really near to us is does democracy he survive and i don't mean that like esoterically are to be dramatic. but when you think of the last election and the fact that donald trump convinced a significant amount of the country that trusted him, that put their faith in him, that an election was stolen when it wasn't stolen when you convince people that the system doesn't work and that your voice isn't heard. you do real damage to self-governance. it's really hard to self-govern if a significant amount of the country believes that their voices heard, their vote doesn't count. so in my mind, there's no doubt donald trump is a clear threat to the future of democracy, the future faith of democracy kamala harris has made it clear that she supports that even when we disagree on things that's what democracy is about. it's about disagreeing. and also by the way, another big thing she supports ukraine's victory against russia and donald trump has been very clear that he
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instead admirers russia. so that's why and what do you say to some republicans who might say to you and the others who are joining you in this endeavor. oh, they're not real republicans anymore. they don't believe in they're not members of our party anymore. what do you say to that criticism? >> well, look, i understand it because in a call, what you do is when somebody goes against the core leader or they go a little bit outside of whatever the cult norms are they get excommunicated, they get made an example of, and they get proverbially, politically executed. and that's what's happened to people that have basically said donald trump is not qualified it, doesn't, surprise me when people say you're not a real republican because you don't support donald trump. but i can say is this is over my 12 years in congress and then my couple of years since i've matured on a lot of things as i've grown older, but i'm still basically the same guy and i believe the same stuff if that all of a sudden makes me not a republican that says a lot more about the party than it does
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about me harris, of course, the goal here is to build a coalition that can win in november and that like 2020 for biden is going to include an frankly, 2016 for trump. >> independent voters who she can convince should come break her way, including probably republicans who don't want to vote for trump with that in mind, who do you think would make the strongest vp selection? and do you think that that selection will ultimately how powerful of a factor do you think that might be for some of these voters? >> look, if you take the three candidates waltz, kelly and shapiro that are being discussed. i think all of them are really good. i know tim walz from his time in the house, had a lot of great interactions with him. we have a lot of great respect for each other even when we disagree. mark kelly, i love because it's a pilot and a nasa guy. right? so that's a cool thing for me. and, then shapiro obviously, pennsylvania's very important. i think really any of them will be helpful because
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you just compare him to j.d. vance he talks about childless cat ladies, these folks will be talking about the future, which i think is a pretty big difference but i would say probably specifically for republicans, i'm not i'm sure if there's any of them will make a difference. but i think any of those three and probably a need the dark horse is being discussed will be helpful when you put up next to j.d. vance, will just continue to build this momentum that camila has seen. even though obviously there's a long and grinding campaign ahead. >> former president trump and the republicans are trying to figure out what their messages against kamala harris. but, but certainly they are leaning into a lot of the more liberal positions that she took, especially in that 20 2020 primary. this last go around obviously, she's trying in a way to reintroduce herself to lot of voters who know her as the vice president, but maybe don't know a ton about her beyond that, how do you think she can best defend herself against these republican attacks that she's too liberal
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well, look, i think she needs to an extent this is me put on my analyst hat. she needs to address these head-on and things like fracking first that she has changed her position on, which is good and she has a legitimate point of view to say that i mean, first off, j.d. vance, couple of years ago was super anti-trump and how he's his vice president. but she he can say, look, i was a senator and california which obviously is a pretty left-wing state. and then she became vice president, a representative for the whole country. and so you can see these issues from a different perspective when your vice president, i think it's important to take those head on to point out the number of donald trump does not even really have a true north star in terms of what he believes anyway, from the republican perspective, they would be smart politically to focus on the issues. the problem is, as you talked about in the lead up to this, donald trump can't help himself from going into attacking her race saying that she doesn't know what race she is, or he doesn't know what race she is. or then turning around and saying governor
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kemp, the most popular governor in a swing state, is a bad person. it just goes to show how entirely online they are looking at twitter, looking at truth, social, and totally disconnected with what the vast majority of republicans and americans really want all alright, congressman adam kinzinger, thanks so much. stay with us for just a second because we are getting our correspondent eva mckend, who's with us, who's going to talk to us more about the veepstakes of what the vice president is doing today as she meets with a number of advisers, eva, they're at the vice presidential residence in washington, dc. what more are you learning jessica, we just did see a former attorney plenty general eric holder. >> he came in here and he of course is so instrumental in this process. he is leading a team of democratic attorneys engaged in in this expedited vetting process for these candidates. he's in a small circle, the vice president is leaning on to make this
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consequential decision. we also earlier today saw a motorcade with pennsylvania plates. it could have been governor josh shapiro. it it looks awfully like the motorcade that he was with when he left pennsylvania earlier today, but it did not go through this entrance in addition to shapiro, though, we know that the vice president is also meeting today with arizona senator mark kelly as well as minnesota governor tim walz. and what we're hearing from democrats jessica, is that waltz is really a consensus pick that in the last several days they have seen him be really effective messenger for harris on the campaign trail and effective surrogate and good at connecting with key parts of this the coalition both progressive democrats as well as centrist democrats, also a new poll out today, jessica, just remarkable, it has harris and the former
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president in a dead heat with harris at 50% and trump at 49%, that really illustrates how much this contest has been turned upside down and how much less democratic shake-up on the ticket has changed the contours of this race. jessica yeah, it certainly has as eva a certainly a very different race than we had just on our hands a couple of weeks ago. >> it is a remarkable thing. even mckend, thanks so much. let's go back now to congressman adam kinzinger, who is very kindly stayed with us through that. we just wanted to make sure we're getting everybody the latest on that ongoing story is she selects her running mate congressman, i also wanted to ask you about this rally that the former president had last night in atlanta. he went after the very popular republican governor there, brian kemp, among other elected republicans in the state of georgia. what do you make of this strategy? and in a battleground state that likely it is now back in play well, i mean, it's the dumbest
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strategy because again, the vast majority of republicans in georgia, like kemp independence like kemp, and even some democrats like camp and voted for him to go after him as like and again, just from an analyst perspective, it's nonsensical, it's bizarre, but here's the thing. >> donald trump to his credit is really good at kind of sensing the crowd, knowing where applause lines are. you can actually, if you watch him, see him adjust what he's saying in the moment to get those applause lines and so he had a crowd in front of them that probably was the most hardcore stop the steal election truthers that actually believe the election was stolen. and he knew we could get an applause line like that. so that makes him feel good on the stage because everybody loves to be applauded but that's doing real damage to the campaign. and so from my perspective, keep doing it because it's not going to it'd be helping him. but just from a republican perspective, i'm sure his staff was shaking their head and just like mr. president,
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you've got to stop doing that kind of stuff, but he will keep doing it. >> it is an interesting strategy in georgia, a state that he would really do well to win and to go after a very popular republican there, congressman adam kinzinger always thanks so much for being with us. we appreciate it. >> you bet. >> they will we are following some breaking news as tropical storm debby is expected to dump a tremendous historic amount of rain on the southeast storm is expected to make landfall in just a few hours as a hurricane will talk more about it when we come back so are you on know, warren so good to see me house of the dragon streaming exclusively. to be on when you're the leader is disaster clean up and restoration. how do you make like it never even happened, happened all right
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bo lillis in washington, and this is cnn the breaking news off the florida gulf coast, evacuation orders. >> now in effect for thousands as tropical storm debby nears that storm is forecasted to pick quickly pick up strength in the next few hours becoming a category one hurricane. it's expected to make landfall tomorrow morning near the big bend region of florida and that was orlando this afternoon is one of the first of many squalls blew through debbie is forecast to dump a tremendous amount of rain as it moves north. meteorologist chad myers is in our weather center and cnn's rafael romo is following the storm preparations throughout that region, chad, let's start first with you. the latest on this storm, its track and all of this rain that it's likely going to dump on so many parts of us, really jessica, what i'm watching is that the file have a clock
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advisory that just came in, did not strengthen the storm at all, were still 65 miles per hour and that's great news because this storm has been that intensity now for the past six, pretty much not gaining and strength. and that's great because this is very warm water, probably as good of water is. this is going to get in but now as the sun sets, i believe that the ai will really develop into a hurricanes. eye, beginning to see the radar here you can see it from tampa. want to watch from home. you can actually use the tampa radar to see exactly where that center of circulation is down. but as this storm moves onshore later on tonight into tomorrow in the big bend of florida up to the north, we will see the threat of tornadoes, tornado watches right now are in effect. and yes, if you see a little pink box there, tornado warnings are in effect. these storms are rotating as they come off of the gulf of mexico. they're not large. tornadoes. ef-3 ef-4 tornadoes, but they can still do damage. this is what the wind has already pretty done to fort myers beach, blowing the
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wind and the water already on onshore a couple of feet deep, maybe even three in some spots. they don't need this in fort myers beach. that is for sure. but farther to the north, this is where the real problem is going to be eight to ten feet of salt water inundation in an area here from about st. marks all the way down cedar key are pretty close and that's the area that's going to see that influx of water. and then it's going to rain. and it's going to rain for days because this storm isn't going to move very much. it will likely be a hurricane at landfall, likely somewhere around 85 plus or -10% going to be plus 20% if it really gets its stuff together overnight. but for now, i don't think that that is likely the case. we'll have to see if you wake up tomorrow and it's 100 mile per hour storm. that's still certainly a possibility the threat with this is wind, yes. and surge. yes. but over the next about 72 to even more than that hours, it is going to rain heavily. we are going to see significant flooding from the storm ten to
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15 inches of rainfall in places that are already pretty wet. so it is going to be a flash flood storm for sure, jessica. >> all right. chad myers, thank you for that update. let's go now to rafael romo, who is there watching monitoring all of these preparations? phil, what are you saying though jessica, in the last couple of hours, florida governor ron desantis, as said, his government has for months that a federal disaster declaration adding that it has been approved, governor brian kemp here in georgia, they declared a state of emergency saturday because it's the state is expected to get potentially historic rainfall according to the national weather service south carolina governor henry mcmaster has done same in his state at these actions jessica, tell you a lot about the concern authorities have about a potentially devastating impact of tropical storm debby here in the southeast and florida as several coastal
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counties located in the big bend region are under mandatory evacuation orders and others i have issued voluntary evacuation orders in his latest message to the state of florida, governor ron desantis said, everybody should be aware that the storm form is expected to intensify. >> let's take a listen it's a tropical storm now. >> it's possible that you could have serious intensification between now and landfall it could get up to 85, 859095 mile an hour. sustained when that is absolutely possible particularly in parts of the state like here in tallahassee there's gonna be a lot of trees that are going to fall down. you're going to have debris. you are going to have power interruption. so just prepare for that. if you're in the path of the storm soon, that that's going to happen jessica, earlier, governor desantis said the florida national guard is standing by with 3,000 service members who
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will be ready to assist the state versus the response team in south carolina. >> and here in georgia, the national hurricane center is predicting ten to 20 inches rainfall through friday morning. >> back to to rafael romo with the latest on that. thanks so much. also the tensions rising in the middle east hitting another concerning spike this weekend israel and hezbollah continue to trade attacks there on the northern border, prompting growing concerns that those actions could lead to a regional war you're in the cnn newsroom that was his eighth in the american spirit i shall not seek, and i will not accept the nomination are you sure my party for another term as your friend, 1968 tonight at nine on cnn it's almost time horizon small business days are coming august 5 to the 11th meet with our experts, get a free tech jack and special offers don't
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with g7 foreign ministers amid fears of a wider war in the middle east blinken emphasizing the need for all sides to calm rising tensions. but israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has tonight warning iran that israel will quote, respond and an exact, a heavy price against any attacks iran has vowed to retaliate following the killing of a top hamas official in tehran last week blaming israel for that attack, israel has neither confirmed nor denied involvement and happening overnight, israel and hezbollah, again, exchanging attacks across the northern israel border with lebanon on israel saying it's struck a rocket launcher in southern lebanon after intercepting 30 projectiles. let's go now to cnn's jeremy diamond, who is live in haifa for us and jeremy tell us more about the state of play at this moment as everyone is waiting to see how this unfolds waiting to see in the these really military jessica is actively preparing not only to potentially defend israel
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from a multi-front attack by iran and its proxies, as has now been threatened, but also preparing the potential retaliatory actions that israel might take in the event of an iranian attack on israeli soil, which would be only the second ever open iranian attack on israeli soil in history, the israeli military on a heightened state of alert with the top military spokesman daniel hagari saying that they are reviewing potential retaliatory actions, but at this hour, there is still no change in that home front command guidance 22 israeli civilians to warn them of potential attacks, but several cities, including haifa, where we are now, jerusalem as well. those municipalities already urging residents to begin to take the preparations to stock up their bomb shelters to stock up on essential goods and prepare for that potential coming action. as all of this is happening, there's also a lot of rhetoric coming out and part of that is about the israeli prime minister, for example, projecting strength in
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the face of a possible iranian attack, warning that israel will exact date, quote, very heavy price on iran. should it choose to resign? bonds? some of that is also intended to try and make iran recalculate, rethink what it is preparing to potentially carry out in terms of an attack on israel. and also of course, projecting future actions that the israeli government's may take. we are already seeing flights being canceled to tel aviv in and out of tel aviv and in lebanon, american citizens and citizens of other foreign countries being urged to get out of lebanon. now, as this region is really very much on the edge of a potentially major escalation but as all of this is happening, the israeli military has certainly not abating its actions in gaza. we witnessed today, yet another very, very deadly strike more than 30 people were killed when the israeli military struck two schools in western gaza city. that's in the northern part excuse me, of the gaza strip where hundreds of civilians
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were sheltering at least 30 people were killed, more than 50 others were injured. and while these really military says that it took steps to try and minimize civilian casualties there the images that we are seeing of that strike are absolutely devastating. yet, again, many children included in the dead and the wounded from that strike you should know that this is not the first time that israel has carried out a strike on a school compound they say they were targeting hamas terrorists who they say we're operating a command and control center in those two schools. but as we can see from these images, these devastating images civilians were impacted very severely impacted by these strikes as well. jessica, right? >> jeremy diamond with the latest reporting for us. thanks so much. and let's talk more about this with cnn, national security analyst beth sanner. she's the former deputy director for national intelligence. beth great to have you here with us this afternoon. back in april, iran really telegraphed its attack
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which israel along with the help of us and other allies, was able to defend itself against pretty successfully, very successfully. i think a lot of people are wondering what this attack from iran might look like and how it might be different or not different from not one yeah, this is the million-dollar question. >> is this going to be performative or is it going to be really, really serious and i lean toward the serious side even though i think that when you look at the strikes that israel took, they were designed to deter iran from taking a very serious strike. i mean, they used intelligence, they got in there, they did this incredible thing and netanyahu is warning today, also designed to deter, but has blocked in iran have been humiliated they're intelligence has been completely penetrated and they worry that if they don't retaliate that they will lose the support of the rank and file and they will lose the
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ability to deter iran from from attacking them again, more in the future. so i think that they have to do something pretty big. and unlike last time in april or probably will look like a lot more coming from hezbollah. and maybe the other proxies in addition to iran, right? >> and just so people were looking at a map now, but, but those proxies are on various borders there with israel in addition to iran, of course, which is, which is farther away from israel we know that the u.s. has sent a number of fresh military assets to the middle east in advance of any strike. how do you think that if it is factoring into irans decision how they're calibrating, what they might do right? >> i mean, there's clearly a deterrence, but at the same time, i think that iran doesn't expect the united states to directly strike it if it attacks israel, we are there to shoot things down to provide added air defenses but we are
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not going to and i think the biden administration actually has pretty much said this out loud. so i think that yes, it helps on air defenses, but i'm not sure how much it helps on actually deterring iran there is deep concern among all us officials and others that this situation is it's closer than ever to developing into a full-out war in that region. >> what is your opinion well, look, i think that we already have a regional war in which the united states is directly involved. >> we are shooting down houthi missiles. we are okay. sees directly in iraq and syria, this past week when they attacked us where we are involved in this war. but it could definitely get worse. and i think that really netanyahu's actions here show that, you know, where his head is, that is, it's a complete disconnect between us objectives and interests in
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this region. and what netanyahu wants and just before i just want to clarify, sorry. i thought we lost her signal there for one second, but what would those two things be? what is competing? what are those two competing interests? >> well, look, i mean, the united states wants this war to end quickly. they want the hostages back, and they want to put use that to put the region on a path to long-term stability including a two-state solution, netanyahu clearly does not want a ceasefire quickly with hostage releases. otherwise, he would not i have killed the chief negotiator. his interests or to continue this war. end. he basically has used in my view, look haniah is not a moderate, the guy they killed in tehran, not a moderate. i disagree with that. he's a terrorist but this will turn out to be very counterproductive to us interests because we are now on cost of a regional war rather than being on the cusp of a
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hostage deal that could lead to a long term solution. our interests are not aligned all right. >> beth sanner as always, thank you so much. we appreciate it thanks. >> jessica, still ahead. >> the delicate balancing act. one democratic senator is walking right now between and acknowledging vice president harris's candidacy and wedding over some trump voters in a race that could determine control of the senate more on the other side here in the cnn newsroom everything you want there's right tear disney plus hulu max bundle. >> here we are driving down the road all of a sudden there was a crack in our windshield. you know, where we can do now though, right i want to say and we're good to go yes. >> i'll be replacing the windshield for you. >> could we go in there with you knew has come with cameras that would control your automatic braking systems and
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november, democrats are fighting to keep control of the senate majority pretty and was several senators at risk of losing their seats? >> many are asking if the vice president kamala harris will help or hurt those down-ballot races. >> cnn's manu raju, who visited the swing state of ohio, where democratic senator sherrod brown is facing a tough reelection battle. as democrats rallied behind kamala harris in red states, it's more complicated, like, you know, ohio were democratic senator sherrod brown faces stiff challenge from trump-backed republican bernie moreno how race central to the fight for the senate majority? are you able to defend kamala harris's record and my job is to fight for ohio workers you can talk about presidential race. that's your job. my job. >> an impact on what your opinion. i know that what will matter is people vote for me
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because i stand up for workers and will continue to fight for workers. >> ohio has become a gop stronghold with trump carried the state in 2020 by eight points and a heavy favorite this fall plus brown is trying to defy this daunting trend is 68 of the 69th senate races in 2016 and 2020. voters elected a senator from the scene in party has a preferred presidential candidate, backed much of the harris-biden agenda. so how hard is that going to be drawn that far ahead at the top of the ticket as you know, and i'm i've said i'm not upon i'm not i'm not a commentator i don't think a politics as left or right. i think of it as whose side you're on. in ohioans know i've been on their side. >> were you campaign with kamala harris if she comes here, i door by? >> i mean, i have not i've got my own schedule. she's got her own schedule i will focus on my race, my strategy is perhaps different from hers. talking about differences on abortion rights and on minimum wage between bernie moreno and me
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and how i fight every day for the dignity of work with joe manchin retiring in west virginia, democrats likely have to run the table to keep the senate at 50, 50, hoping to hang onto two of their three seats in red states and they'll six other competitive seats and ohio democrats have ported nearly $50 on tv ads since march including $25 million from brown's campaign compared to less than 1 million for marino's being a car dealer worked out well for bernie moreno. but what's it like to work for him? >> brownsville because marino's ownership of 55 car dealerships and a court fight that forced the republican to pay more than $400,000 to two former employees plus 14 other settlements we follow the law. always. we did absolutely nothing wrong saying of brown, the only tool he's gotten his toolbox is the disparage me. i'm extraordinarily proud of the company he built but even if you're ordered to pay back money, $410,000, you must have
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got something wrong. no. >> well, that's what that jury decided. i disagree with the verdict we paid it marino now, hoping to ride the co-tales of trump and fellow ohioan j.d vance, speaking at the gop convention, a vote for trump and merino is a vote to america first. >> his brown has no plans to go to his. >> we've got to the convention on to commit your life. often skipped conventions. i don't plan to marino's says is a reason why brown is keeping his distance. >> what impact does kamala harris have? down-ticket in this race? >> oh, it helps great, tremendously. so maybe scranton joe had a little bit of credibility here at ohio, san francisco camila absolutely does not put marina has been so aligned with trump that he even cut a 2022 accusing big tech of rigging the 2020 election president trump says the election was stolen and he's right. but why did you decide to do that in the primary cut an ad saying the election was stolen. >> well, he said it was right.
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like i just said, because it was for what do you think that biden was legitimately elected? >> he's legitimately the worst president of the united states. absolutely the jimmy, i elected legitimately the worst present united states his, his reign of terror in america is almost over. >> to defy the odds democrats planning a familiar playbook, hammering marino on abortion. >> absolute pro-life, no exception. >> you still support a fift week federal abortion ban is a word that media and the democrats use. i've never said the word banned. >> if you had to vote for 15 week restriction, would you do that? yeah. common sense restrictions, sharp brown meantime, has been under different offensive on immigration. >> ohio knows illegal immigration is a problem. and brown is the cause. >> as he criticizes the gop for blocking a bipartisan border security bill. >> we're here to call president to step up. >> brown also blames the biden team. do think that the biden and harris administration have done a good job at the border. i think presence of both parties he's a failed at the border. >> all as the gop aims to remind voters of brown's past rhetoric about trump.
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>> we have a president who's a racist do you stand by those passed, but there is, there's no room in american politics for divisive rhetoric and i will continue to speak out against this kind of device of rhetoric we've seen as manu raja reporting for us in ohio. >> thanks so much to him. a triathlon team is dropping out of olympic competition after one of its athletes got sick planes. are you hear why that was akin? >> the american spirit i shall i will not seek, and i will not accept the nomination of my party for another term as your 1968 to tonight at nine on cnn, you ever worry we wouldn't get to enjoy this? >> seriously. i'm on the green and all i can think about as all the green, i'm spending on three kids and only within power, i get all my financial questions answered. so i don't have to wear empower. >> what's next?
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exclusive heat stroke guides your foot into place. skechers, slip and sandals a big day nine for team usa at the olympics in paris, the u.s. dominating and the overall medal count over china and france, just less our american track star know lyles adding his first gold medal to that tally in an incredible photo-finish to the 100 meter dash, we're also learning the triathlon mixed relay race will go ahead tomorrow, despite an athlete falling ill days after swimming in the sin, causing belgium to pull out of the event completely. cnn's coy wire and melissa bell both live in paris for us. melissa, let's start first with you official saying the water quality and the sin will be acceptable for tomorrow. what are you hearing? >> well until now, what we've seen jessica was authorities announcing in the early hours of the morning whether or not these races in the river said we're going to take place in order to answer some of the criticism, parents 2024 have announced even now that this relay race will go ahead tomorrow. but of course, without two of the triathletes
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who had taken part in law most weeks, individual races. >> booth a belgian athlete falling ill with the entire team's. >> he said just now putting out, but also swiss athlete that we know has gastro gastric condition, illness that is preventing him from taking part. they've changed their lineup. we don't know for sure whether these illnesses those are linked to the races that took place in the center with admin. a lot of questions about whether this was a wise decision on the part of paris authorities. >> it is the worst for sure levels, the rain that affects the bacteria levels in the river seine. some days it's possible to do it. sunday's, it's not tomorrow. the relay race will go ahead regardless. and they say the water quality is such that it can. but of course, lots of questions now as a result of these two athletes getting ill so quickly after there there dip in the senate jessica. >> all right. melissa bell, thank you for that update at coy. i was just letting that also again the swimming and and
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what the river might be like, but give us some of the highlights from today. >> first of all, but a bone to pick with you, jessica, how are you going to put me on a split-screen with melissa bell she is paris right now. he go after her intrepid reporting and i mean, come on what is producing this show america is no alliance has solidified himself as the fastest man on the planet. when i talked to him ahead of these games, jessica said he already knew he was this was just more for everybody else and now a 20 year drought in the men's 100 meters for the usa is over years of training for about a ten second moment came down to that photo finish to make his twenty-three-year-old, kishane thompson thoughts he won, but after about 15 seconds, it was determined that allows out lynda met the line, personal best 9.79 seconds, just 51 thousandths of a second ahead of thompson, usa's fred kerley took bronze as well allows didn't win as qualifier or the semifinal. but when it mattered, he delivered he's the first american mandel when the 100 meters since justin gatling
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20 years ago and in his fifth olympics novak djokovic has finally snagged the one thing that seemed to allude him winning gold for the first time he beat carlos alcaraz in a 7-6, 76 thriller at roland garros. and that 37-years-old joker has become the oldest man to ever win a singles gold american swimmer bobby think defending his title, setting a new world record in the 1,500 meter free of 14 30 30.67 seconds. he's back-to-back, bobby, and he put the entire men's program on his back. this was the first individual gold for the american men at these games in the pool. and he did it on their very last race. finally ukraine's yaroslava mahuchikh will be bringing a high jump gold back coleman, it'll be a huge moment for a while now, she's been without a home when the war started. she lbd as much as she could into her car, left as quickly as she could, lived in portugal poland, belgium, jim, as stoney had germany just to name a few of the places she's had to
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train. and despite all the frustration and pain, jessica, of what's happening in her home country, her commitment has paid adolf, an olympic champion for ukraine. it's their second of these games amazing. >> alright, coy wire in paris with melissa bell, of course. thank you so much. appreciate you both for we'll be right back on the edge, moments that shaped our culture coming this fall on cnn we tukey swamp, i'm sorry. >> there was a long line at the time place you get this outside like with a man i wish the future isn't scary, not investing in it is nasdaq 100
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