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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  August 5, 2024 3:00am-4:01am PDT

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and ask about the bosley guarantee anderson cooper. 360. weeknight today on cnn it's monday, august 5, right now on cnn this morning
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harris, just hours away from picking her potential vice president. the three names on her list still plus this so we, have to work hard to define her. >> i don't want to even define or just wanted to say who she is. >> she's a horror show defining his opponent, donald trump and his team still working out. >> how best to criticize harris. and this when the supreme leader says he's going to live in, we have to take that seriously israel, bracing for retaliation from iran as hezbollah sends a barrage of rockets across the northern border all right, 6:00 a.m. here in washington, dc. >> we're giving you a live look this morning of perry, florida as hurricane debby, inches closer to making landfall on the florida coast, the storm strengthening to me
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category one overnight, it's been packing winds of 80 miles an hour, but it is the rain that is the issue or seeing some flooding along florida's big bend coast, debby could drop a months-worth of rain over the next several days expected to make landfall later this morning, we're going to have more on the storm's path and impacts for americans across the region throughout the hour good morning, everyone. >> i'm kasie hunt. it's wonderful to have you with us. we want to start today with politics. kamala harris has the biggest decision to make a pr campaign so far. she's giving herself just a few more hours to to make it. she spent much of the weekend meeting with the top contenders for her vice presidential pick, governor josh shapiro, pennsylvania governor tim walz of minnesota, and senator mark kelly of arizona. sources familiar with the process telling cnn it's not clear whether harris has made up her mind yet the full democratic ticket will make its debut on tuesday at a rally in the must-win state of pennsylvania. sources also telling cnn, harris expected to try to keep her choice a secret for as long as possible. this
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is stories oldest veepstakes has been a story her choice of course, going to be shaped by the need to keep her campaign's momentum going and they're going to have to balance that against trying to win voters in swing states. maybe the same may not be four in ten democrats say harris should choose someone from a battleground state that someone could be josh shapiro of pennsylvania in recent days, democrats have raised red flags about the popular pennsylvania governor. and this is how these things tend to go down pennsylvania. senator john fetterman is reportedly concerned that shapiro is too focused on his own personal ambitions. the national women's defense league has asked the harris campaign to look into shapiro's handling of a sexual harassment allegation against one of his former top aides and pro-palestinian groups have come out against shapiro, citing in part an op-ed that he wrote 30 years ago shapiro is trying to take this head on. here's what he said on friday, this is before his weekend meeting with harris
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something i wrote when i was 20. is that what you're talking about i was 20 i have said for years, years, long before october 7, that i favor a two-state solution. israelis and palestinians living peacefully side-by-side. the vice president has a deeply personal decision to make. she will make the right decision for her and for the country all right. >> our panel's here. let's bring in cnn senior reporter, edward-isaac dovere, matt gorman, former communications director for the national republican congressional committee, and tim scott's presidential campaign. and meghan hays, former special assistant to president biden welcome all lovely to see you this has been sort of i was off last week on vacation well, full disclosure. i am probably not as sick of veepstakes bridge as all of you sitting here. but look, it really does seem like isaac the knives have really come out in the course of the last 72 hours as it seemed as though shapiro was
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really the strongest contender for getting this nadh. people who he in fetterman have had this kind of home state rivalry for quite some time. what is the latest thinking? your latest reporting about what's going on in the harris camp as she makes this, but it's the biggest decision she has had to make so far. yeah. look it and the shapiro attacks actually started at the end of last week donald trump and j.d. vance also attacking him. it is very clear that a lot of people feel like he is the leading candidate. and there are a lot of reasons why shapiro should be seen as a strong candidate for vice president for running mate. here. he has won a lot of big victory is in pennsylvania. he is very popular with republicans and democrats alike. and pennsylvania is a state that if donald trump doesn't win it, it gets really hard to see his electoral math to winning and so locking that state up, if that's what you're pure, can help do for harris. there's a lot of reason for it, but shapiro much of the attacks that he has taken are about
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feelings of where he stands on trail importantly, here, he is the only jewish finalist. it seems jb pritzker, the governor of illinois, jewish too, but has does not seem to be in this final stretch he has never taken a vote on any foreign policy issue in his life. that may be an issue for him being a running mate, but it is is to tag him with responsibility for the current administration's or any other previous american position on israel is something that has struck a lot of people as being at least ten with anti-semitism focusing on him in that way, calling him genocide josh, when other people well, who by the way, including tim walz in march have very similar positions on israel that he has. but you don't hear genocide mark or genocide tim there is a focus in that way and it connects to other things about how progressives now have used that as an entryway to raise other issues about him, the fetterman
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stuff is connected to long-standing issues between the two of them from when shapiro was attorney general and fetterman was lieutenant governor there's also for a lot of jewish voters and report on this last week a lot of jewish democrats, a lot of anxiety just in america ready for a jewish vice president and what it would mean to have kamala harris all the thing she is historically demographically , then with shapiro, they're well and of course, just the general rise in anti-semitism, of course huge part of that i mean, matt gorman, if you're republican, do you want her who do you want her to pick of these guys? >> i will say this when it comes to that whole thing, as you talked about, that israel is coming back. i mean, just a few short months ago we're talking about those riots in massive protests on college campuses. when college students come back, i would not be surprised if that becomes a story again, especially as you ties in the opening with new developments in israel and kind of a regional possible conflict, don't, don't expect that issue to go away. certainly. i will also say this stepping back, we are seeing the democrats craddock party
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remade possibly for the next 15 years right before our eyes remember joe biden was always supposed to be a jump ball among the coming fight between the liberals and the kind of the more establishment moderate faction and whether he served two terms or one. and now with camila coming in without a primary, and now picking a vice president that fight is being shaped in a way that without a primary with that kind of that battle being rage, if common wins and serves two terms, whomever the vp is. this is a generational battle that's happening and we don't know it yet, or weeks we're not aware to it yet. >> yeah. >> meghan, i mean, weigh in there because yeah, i know. i definitely agree with you, but i also think that we need to look at this. who's gonna be the best governing partner for her and who would be the next president? because as to your point of what's moving the democratic party forward, if they were to win this person is going to run for president and someday, and i think that we need to look at their policies and we need to understand because right now, i think that the vice president, it's also reintroducing herself to the rest of america. they don't know where she stands on a lot
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of things until bringing someone else and they're going to need to be closely aligned or it's going to be, we're going to see a lot of negative stories here. >> you have a really sophisticated understanding of how this, i mean, this is a campaign and its infancy that is having to grow up overnight, right? there are less than 100 days before november what is going on behind the scenes in in the harris campaign as they try to work out how to i mean, we've never seen a campaign move from one candidate to the other, ever really in modern times. and now they have to make this decision. who is really actually the person she is listening to here and what is your sense of what that means for this big choice? >> look, i mean, we saw on friday that he brought in a bunch of obama people that we're starkly obama people that now brought into the campaign. you have the biden team that was already in place. you have her brother-in-law? that's there within another group of folks. i think, you know, it's interesting because joe biden was sort of the north star on policies and sort of the north star of leading where the policies we're going? and she was the number two. she got to just execute on those ideas. so we're having to see her come up with a lot of her own
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new policies and there's been little back and forth on where she stands on things. so i mean, i don't know who she's listening to yet. i think she's still trying to figure out where she fits in all of this and trying to figure out her next 90 days, but they are going to need to do that very quickly and adding another person into this and their own ideas and their own record. it's going to be complicated we need to capitalize on the momentum to keep that going. >> unlike when it comes to the running mate choice is obviously a big decision if she's elected president is also a big decision just in the campaign i wrote in a piece over the weekend that leaps of faith or not kamala harris style. she likes to take a lot of time with decisions, go through a lot of data see things over and over again cross-examined. she just doesn't have that option she's got to 15 days ago, joe biden was still running for president in two weeks. she's had to get this campaign up and do all the betting and all of it. and she had she doesn't know any of the three people who she interviewed yesterday very well. she's actually known shapiro for about 20 years, but not in a deep way. and she's got to figure out like, how this is going to work, how's it
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chemistry work? who can cheat trust? what if they are elected? how is that going to work? that's really hard to do would be hard for any of us to do. and this is a super high high-stakes situation. >> imagine building a billion-dollar company from scratch that's how it is in the best of campaign of her two-year cycle, you doing it 100 days? >> yeah and again, the thing that i keep thinking about two and thinking about her decision-making campaigns. >> i think oftentimes more than companies are the embodiment of the personnel absolutely. >> ticket. >> and their ability to make decisions, their personalities as everyone that is underneath them is trying to give them exactly what they are living, breathing coca-cola you are and it really it's what makes it breaks campaigns in my experience. >> all right, coming up next here. donald trump's struggle to attack his new rival, plus a bizarre story. rfk dumped a dead baby bear cub in central park. he is admitting to it. we will explain it. >> and hurricane debby strengthening as it inches
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closer to landfall there's going to be a lot of trees that are going to fall down. you're going to have debris. you are going to have power interruption. so just prepare for that. >> sunday on the whole story, don't o'sullivan dives back into the world of misinformation computers that are used in our election have software that was illegal, will miss information cause chaos in november's election. >> the whole story with me there's in cooper sunday at 8:00 on cnn we've always love taking care of our health. >> but last year, grandpa here broke his arm. we realized somehow maintenance jobs aren't worth the risk. >> that's when we call lee filter to protect our gutters. >> lee filters patented filter technology keeps debris out of your gutters for good. >> they gave us a free inspection and we had the system installed that weak mile in regret is not calling him sooner. now, we can focus on what we really enjoyed. drawing millions of satisfied homeowners. gali 3-3 lee filter today or visit lee home where routine meets
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to four election season stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground. and the best political team in the business, follow the voters, follow the results, follow the facts follow cnn we're going to defeat crazy kamala kamala, you know, there's about, 19 different ways of saying if she only likes three, she was here a week ago, lots of empty seats. >> but the crowd's you got was because she had entertainers do reviews is to even say the
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words illegal, alien, or radical islamic terrorists. >> she is considered more left-wing than crazy bernie sanders, look at her she's worse than burning and she happens to be really a low iq individual a low iq individual that was a selection of the various ways in which donald trump is going on offense against his new rival. since joe biden's exit from the race a little over two weeks ago, donald trump has been trying to figure out how to define harris and even some of his biggest supporters are raising questions about how he's doing it every day. >> we're talking about her heritage and not her terrible, dangerous, liberal record throughout her entire political life is a good day for her and a bad day for us president trump to prosecute the case
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against his calm life i harris has bad judgment alright. >> panel is back. matt gorman, the low iq individual. that thing that he had to say, i mean, this is just like but can you just lay out what this is actually about? >> yeah. i mean, look, i think it was there was a common thread when sheet but 15 days going she was picked that we have to define her in the first week and it was so crucial i think that was always a fallacy because at that point that the media and the left who is just so exuberant that joe biden is off the ticket, wasn't you weren't gonna be able to find her in a week? so therefore, that got us for the first weekend of that political honeymoon then so you get the last week and i think i saw a lot of republicans openly frustrated especially after this weekend, exasperated because you saw the nabj conference leading into kind of the georgia conference and it's like, okay, we have a lot of good political apoe hit, so to speak, on whether it's fracking and a ton of there there are plenty of space to define where republicans could
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use her policy positions in ways that could influence voters? >> absolutely dead were going after other stuff. and i think there's a lot of exasperations among republicans that we are are wasting time and weeks much to lindsey graham that kinda, i think he put he put it well, a lot of poland has been very outspoken about this over the last, i would say 96 hours that we can go back on track and and candidly follow the paid messaging of the trump campaign. they're on air and a lot of these states with ads about this messaging, back it up with what you're saying on the stump and through foreign media. >> yeah. i mean, meghan hays, this low iq stuff. >> i mean, it's definitely race-related right and this is a thing that i mean, when when it was clear that joe biden was leaving the race, one of the notes i got from a republican in trump's orbit was that this is going to mean that he is not going to be able to resist going to these places what do you think? i mean, if you're if you're the democrats, are these the kinds of attacks in some ways, you would say, well, that's going to actually backfire. it's going to help us.
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>> how do you look at it? no, i definitely think it helps democrats, i think going back to this in five or six states with 10,000 people in each state that are going to do terminates election. >> and most of these people are independent women and they like the non-trump people, the nikki haley voters that we were calling them earlier in the cycle. these are not people who are going to take finally, kindly to calling a woman having low iq calling out her wraith, making personal attacks against her. that's not going to win you voters that energizes your base and it might be great it for fundraising, but it is not what's going to win the election in november. they need to go back to policy. people need to start talking. both sides need to start talking about the economy. that's what really matters here. and that is what it's going to win the election it's a question of wasting time. >> it's also a question of whether trump is repelling voters who are coming to them earlier in the cycle we saw a lot of polling and reporting that showed that, for example, among black voters, there was interest in trump. how much higher interest than ever before. and that, that was in part a reaction to how people were feeling about joe biden when we can bring up some polling on that if the, if the
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team wants to dig through, that will bring that up, continue. >> but what we have seen in, in some of the polling that's been done that shows black voter enthusiasm up over the last few weeks. and some of the reporting that we had, cnn and other people have done just talking to voters out there, that when they hear things like she's a dei hire, they are taking it personally about experiences that they have had, about being dismissed and that is bad news for donald trump. look, black voters, obviously an important part of the electorate any way and let me pause you for one second because i just want to talk through what we're seeing on this slide. >> distance from the cbs poll, which we're going to dig into in a little bit, but now 81% among black voters choose harris, 18% choose trump white. look at that. that's a sixt point swing from where donald trump wasn't going to, i'm sorry. >> go ahead. go ahead. it's a 20, but also, i believe it was a cbs poll over the weekend that had gathered there was another question in there that said likelihood to vote had gone up by about 20 points. and that look, pennsylvania,
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michigan, wisconsin to an extent, georgia, north carolina, huge concentrations of black voters. yeah battleground states if donald trump is not getting as much of the black voter share as he was. that is not good news for him. and if what he is doing to try to define harris continues down this road, it may continue digging the hole for yeah. >> and to your point, it's now under 20? >> that's the number to watch. >> yeah, very interesting. all right. let's check in on this hurricane debby is picking up steam. it's strengthened to a category one hurricane in in the gulf coast and it's set to make landfall any moment now, historic flooding possible as it makes its way into the southeast, cnn's elisa rafah is on the coast of florida. that's already feeling the impact. elisa. good morning. what are you seeing where you are? >> good morning, the winds have been howling here. kasie is we just came through the eye wall of this category one hurricane. they actually calm down briefly because we are getting into the the center of the eye is the column is part of the storm and
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then will pick up again as we get on the other end of that eyewall, we're standing here on this steinhatchee river in the big bend of florida with that landfall that exact center of the storm here happening pretty much right now. it's pretty imminent as we just came through that front and of the eyewall, parts of cedar key already seen storm surge over five feet at this area, just got hit by idalia last year. a lot of the locals were telling me that they literally just put up a lot of these docks just finished these projects from land dear as things were destroyed from intense storm surge and flooding, any dalia last year, and they were worried about if they're progress or was already going to be ruined by debbie this morning. so we'll have to continue to watch that storm surge as it continues to come in. this store also rapidly intensified in the last 24 hours. again, we have another landfalling hurricane that was a tropical storm, just 24 hours ago. and rapidly intensify because our ocean temperatures are near record warm. we're
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talking about upper 80s, a low 90s that as fuels for hurricanes and it allows them to intensify just before landfall and intensifying hurricane means how storm surge and higher rain totals as well. the problem as we go into the week is going to be a slow moving storm when you have a tropical system that crawls, we're talking about, you can even walk faster than this pace of the storm we're going to have program lithic amounts of rain along the georgia, south carolina coast possibly breaking all all-time records catastrophic flooding is a serious concern. kasie all right. >> elisa rafah for us, stay safe. stay safe out there, elisa, thank you very much for that report. >> all right. coming up here on cnn this morning rioters in the uk setting fire to hotels being used to shelter immigrants that's going to be maxed in our five things plus markets in asia plummeting could be a rough morning ahead for us stocks five things. ron to you
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for up to 70% off designer brands, it has the designers that get your heart racing inside a prices knew every day curry, there'll be gone in a flash designer sales at up to 70% or so of today sorry, 20 minutes past the hour, five things you have to see this morning, violent riots across the uk after a deadly stabbing spree last rioters deemed far thugs by prime minister keir starmer, set several hotels on fire. those hotels being used to house asylum seekers. the riots fueled by rumor first that the knife attacker is an immigrant, but british authorities say the suspect was born in britain a boat off the coast of florida lost its sails as hurricane debby was approaching the area, leaving to voters adrift at sea us coast guard mhc 60 j hawk helicopter crew that's a lot of information about that helicopter. ultimately rescue the two voters. no injuries were reported a small plane made, it crash landing on a golf course in sacramento on sunday. it skidded to a stop
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next to the pro shop the pilot on board walked away with minor injuries, no other injuries were reported. matt gorman, that's for you know, a lyles is the fastest man on earth capturing olympic the gold in the 100 meter dash, but not by much the u.s. french are won by five thousandths of a second the blink of an eye takes 20 times longer than that just look at this photo finish. it took nearly 30 seconds for the judges to figure it out and declare lyle the winner with a time of 9.784 seconds. >> wow all right hurricane debby expected to make landfall in northwest florida sun the outer bands of the storm already causing flooding in fort myers beach, historic flooding expected in parts of georgia and south carolina with up to 30 inches of rain possible. >> let's get straight to our weatherman, derek van dam. derek good morning. what are we seeing yet? >> kasie landfall is imminent and thank goodness, it's happening because it's run out of time to strengthen just
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before could really get its act together completely. still a category one atlantic hurricane, 80 mile per hour winds cedar key right now reporting six feet of storm surge. so the surge that was forecast from the national hurricane center been realized just a couple of feet shy from hurricane idalia back in august of 2023. and we all remember how impactful that was for the big bend region. the eye wall making landfall right now, you can see just as the center of the storm actually crosses land, that's when the official landfall will be made near the steinhatchee region are just two points to the northwest. there is a lot of rain associated with the system. flash flooding already occurring and will continue today and will extend right through the early parts of this work week think we're ahead. we've got a heads-up. hear from savannah to charleston, particularly on tuesday when this system feeds into some atlantic moisture, we could see record setting rainfall totals that causes catastrophic flooding. so a big, big story for us. >> all right. our weatherman, derek van dam. derek, thank you. i really appreciate it.
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coming up next here. democratic congressman jake auchincloss joins us to discuss rising tensions in the middle east, plus new polling showing just how much has changed in the presidential race over the past two weeks hen to trade bitcoin plus oil plus gold plus so much more. >> let me introduce you to class 500 the intuitive's and easy to use trading app that gives you a glimpse into the future a futures trading see a
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innovation today, president biden, set to meet with his national security team in the situation room to discuss developments in the middle east. several countries including the us now advising citizens to leave lebanon as fears of a broader regional conflict are growing axios reporting, secretary of state antony blinken told his counterparts from the g7 countries on sunday than an attack by iran and hezbollah against israel could start as early as monday, national security council spokesman john kirby reiterating the u.s.'s support for israel now, i don't know what they're going to do or when they're going to do it. but we got to make darn sure that we're ready and we have the capabilities in the region to be able to help israel defend itself. and quite frankly defend our own people, our own facilities, our own national security interests plus the idf says, israel's iron dome successfully intercepting several projectiles fired from southern gaza, just a short while ago, joining us now to discuss is democratic congressman jake auchincloss of massachusetts,
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who's a member of the house select committee on competition between the u.s. >> and china. congressman, always good to have you on the program. thank you so much for being here. how concerned are you about this broadening into a wider conflict at this tricky moment? >> good. morning, thanks for having me on concerns since october the president has been walking a tight rope in the middle east on one side, doesn't want to let terrorists when we have to defend israel and make sure that freedom and democracy can. flourish, in that region. on the other side, don't want an all-out war with hezbollah, with iran, with proxy terror forces in iraq or syria trying to contain this onto one front and that fundamental dynamic has not changed, although it's gotten to be an even skinnier and more swaying tight rope in the last couple of weeks here, i think the united states is going to happen they continue to be ironclad in its defense of israel's security. the idea that israel has somehow culpable, right now, i think is absurd. israel assassinated two
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terrorists, masterminds who had spent decades killing israelis and americans and the world is safer because of it. and now we need to work with israel to ensure their security. we all also need to put pressure on israel to architect a day of governance strategy in gaza that is palestinian lead, and that is consistent with palestinian security and economic development. so that we can get to a negotiated ceasefire and hostage release. that's ultimately going to help cauterize this conflagration congressman. i want to also ask you about politics as it relates to the ongoing conflict between israel and hamas in gaza. and one of the places where this is showing up is in the vice presidential search that kamala harris is undertaking right now, the pennsylvania governor, josh shapiro, who is jewish, had been considered to be at the top of the list and is now has been the subject of a number of criticisms in the
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media from left-wing groups in different instances, there has been a focus, for example, on an old opinion piece that he wrote when he he was younger about this issue. i'm wondering who you think kamala harris should select her vp and what you make of the way people are approaching and criticizing josh shapiro in this moment? >> those in overly online left who are attacking josh shapiro's pro israel positions in a different way than they are attacking non-jewish beat contenders positions. they're just telling on themselves there's a strong undercurrent of antisemitism that it's unacceptable every contenders positions on all policy issues, their track records in elective office, all of that is fair game. that is totally open to be subjected to interrogation. and two questioning by the harris team, by observers, but holding him to a different
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standard ended because of his religion just simply isn't who we are as a democratic party, who we are as the democratic party is an institution with a ton of talent, but it's been the most exciting thing for me these last few weeks is just how deep this benches and this is just a very small preview of it. people like gina raimondo haven't even really been able to the demonstrate their talent. my own governor maura healey. this party has so much to offer for the future, for a future of more freedom for future of more breathing room for americans as they make their way through an economy where costs have become a critical issue. and on the other side of the aisle, you just got donald trump and j.d. vance offering during the past offering to take us backwards as a country offering to insult millions of americans, particularly women who are going to be the decisive votes in this election congressman, when we look at this swing-state polling, we can put some of this up for people. >> there has been a clear shift
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in harris's in democrats favor when joe biden. so this is, this is harris. look at those numbers on the right for trump in swing states, this is the model from cbs news. you're seeing a mix of 48 and 50s for trump in these swing states, we can put up the previous look at this when biden was at the top of the ticket and every single state has trump above 50%, which is of course critical. so this race has changed in terms of the veepstakes pennsylvania, in particular, is one that josh shapiro could potentially help with. do you think that's what the harris team should be focused? john winning pennsylvania or do you think another factor should be foremost in her vp search i mean, the harris campaign staff knows the electoral map math extremely well. >> i'm not going to lecture them on how best to achieve to 70. i know they, they know all the numbers, what they need to do is present somebody. number one, most importantly, who is ready to be president? on day
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one, that's the fundamental promise to the american people. and the number two is to help draw this fundamental contrast between the future and the past. it was nikki haley actually who said that the first party to change the top of his ticket was going to win democrats, did it, republicans didn't. and because democrats that we now get to make this election about going forward are taking ourselves back and drones fine contrast on cost of living and our plans to provide more breathing room drawing contrasts on freedom and the rule of law, and the fact that they have a lawless administration and waiting, drawing contrasts on respect for faith, family, and the flag and jd vance's just litany of insults against the american people and the institutions we hold dear all right. >> congressman jake auchincloss versus morning congressman. thank you very much all right. coming up next here on cnn this morning i said, let's go put the bear our make it look like he why rfk junior's says he dumped a dead bear, dead baby bear in central park and an
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equipment can fire short-range ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads the los angeles police have released photos of the suspects involved in the fatal shooting of general hospital actor johnny wactor. the images also show a black four-door infiniti 50 sudan, which police say it was stolen. wactor 37 was shot after leaving work at a downtown rooftop bar in may belgium withdrawing from the mixed relay triathlon at the olympics after one of its athletes claire michel fell ill after swimming in the sen. an athlete from switzerland also sickened concerns over the water quality in the river causing a delay in a prior competition olympic officials are claiming it has improved. isaac, would you go swimming in the sun? >> i would not anyone anyone? >> well, our melissa bell did i almost asked him to pull that video absolutely critical thing ever.
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>> i really don't want to call up i like to stroll passed, but i know it's beautiful to look at yeah. >> okay. >> just so we're all we're all on the same page all right. >> let's turn back now. >> to the 2024 race. and that incredibly consequential choice, harris at kamala harris is expected to make some time in the next 48 hours. her running mate four years ago this week, biden named harris his vp pick. donald trump, j.d. vance, both insisting that her choice has no impact on them i don't care. >> let him do whatever they still want to have open borders. if she picks shapiro, she's going to lose the palestinian vote and that's fine. everybody has their liabilities. >> i don't really care who she chooses as a running mate. it's not going to be good for the country and we're ready meaning president trump and i are ready to take the case to the american people all right, joining me now, mark mckinnon, he served as former adviser to george w bush, john mccain, also the creator of paramount's the circus. >> mark wonderful to have you on this monday to talk about all of this. let's start with
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the vp pick, especially what's been going on with josh shapiro. you've heard the republicans there obviously there's been a lot in the press about shapiro is coming from democrats and the potential consequences of that choice. what do you make of all of it and what do you think she should do hi case. >> what, what a big week ahead, man, this race is so much more interesting, isn't it so it's so consequential this first pick, kasie for lots of reasons, if you don't think about vp, pick matters, look at j.d. vance. he's, you know, he's he's violated the first cardinal row, which is do no harm is doing a lot of harm. yeah. shapiro, i like shapiro law. he's a baller. he's a natural man. i've had we had him on her show and he's just he's got instincts. he's just he knows he knows how to have a role and i think that he's additive you know, you asked me who i like. i'm a political guy, right? and you had sort of the egg as saying, well look, who's going to go? well, you got to get there first shapiro can get you there. is
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controversy. sure. but you don't throw deep without the possibility of interceptions and that's, and that's, that's why i like it. i'm a gambler. i think it's a great pick so listen, i think kelly and waltz or good choices, but they're obviously safe choices. i just don't think he played it safe in an election like this. you gotta go for it. >> do you think there's any risk in terms of deflating some of the enthusiasm that has been on display for harris or ramifications in places like michigan i think just the opposite. i think shapiro again, i think he just has such incredible instincts and he's so good and when you see him on the ticket to see him and so he's a guy that can go i'm campaign by himself. i don't think waltz or kelly are i mean, they're good solid number twos, but they're not people can go out there and light it up on their own. shapiro can and that's what you need in a vp. a particularly in this election and i listened, i think this is also interesting because a compressed schedule is going to say a lot about how harris makes decisions. this is
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a tough, tough decisions. she's got to make it in such a short period of time. so it's going to say not a lot about not just who she picked out, how she makes her selection. so it's really important i'm like i said, it's you know, she picks shapiro now, i think it's going to it's going to say a lot about her confidence level and our ability to go out there and like i said, kind of, do some flea-flicker place to do the to the big bold thing yeah. that's what i would do, but listen, i'm you know, i'm not in the hot seat so it's big i want to talk for a second about a time when you were doing doing this kind of work and how it contrasts with what we're seeing today. >> i want to ask you about what happened with donald trump at nabj and the way he was talking about kamala harris i want to first play that and then we're going to look at another moment from a campaign pass. let's, start with nabj she was always of indian heritage and she was only promoting indian heritage. >> i didn't know she was black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn black
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and now she wants to be known as black so i don't know. is she indian or is she black so that's the current republican nominee for president and how he is talking about the first black woman to top a presidential ticket. >> this was the former senator john mccain. in a moment when he was campaigning against the man and who would become our country's first black president talking about his heritage, let's watch this i can't trust obama i have read about him and he's not he's not, he's a he's an error he is not no, no, ma'am. no, ma'am. no, ma'am. he is a he's a decent family man citizen that i just happened to have disagreements with on fundamental issues and that's what this campaign is all about. >> he literally reaches over and takes that microphone to say no, that's not what's going on. >> talk. >> can you just give us your
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view of what trump said last week, how it impacts this race and what it says about where we are as a country as compared to where we once were great contrast case. you can great, great clip i've never been prouder to be associated with john mccain in that moment and it really is a contrast between how, how radically the republican party has changed with trump and how he's transformed it and taking it backwards. i mean, the thing about mccain and george w bush and compassionate conservatism as it was a forward-leaning party that's looking to expand the republican tim trump is all about contracting and he's run into a demographic cul-de-sac but his message from the very beginning and making america great again, is about going back to the past and it's the first time in history where a republican president has picked that locke and where the american public is that i am afraid of the future. and let's go back to the old ways. and that's how trump is doubling down. he did in 2016. the question is right now, and that's why it's so interesting. again, it's
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harris because and how she's framing this election. and i love the freedom message in the future versus pass measures because she's saying, you know what, we're not going to go back again. we're going to go forward and trump is making it really clear. he wants to go back and he's not afraid of it. and he in fact, he's proud of it. >> all right. mark mckinnon. thank you very much for coming on this morning. i hope you come back next week ticket kasie, i'll be there all right. sounds great okay. now, there's this story. and i can't believe that this is a story that we're telling. but here it is. it's a ten-year-old new york cold case it has been solved the bearer of the news may surprise you new york central park, a bear cub. i know. did underneath some bushes, a dog walker stumbled upon the animal monday morning. officials at the central park zoo are sure the bear didn't napa long today. >> i didn't have any bears at the time. >> they say they are three-foot cup showed signs of trauma and lacerations are not sure whether it wanted in the park or someone put it there has
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been no bears park for a long, long time behaved seems as if somewhat brought the thing there was just really sad we now know the person that brought the dead bear cub to central park in 2014 was independent presidential candidate robert f. >> kennedy jr. apparently he could not bear to hold his confession in any longer. he is now admitting why he put the animal there. >> he walked through it in great detail is dropped. maybe you know, really early like seven woman in front of me hit him. there and killed it a young bear so i pulled over and i picked up the bear and put him in the back of my van because i was gonna skin the bear and it was very good. and i was just going with them, meet my refrigerator and you can do that in are going to barrett tight for kill bear
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what in the actual f is this what is this? >> what is this the 2024 presidential election robert f kennedy freak show candidacy because also the hidden that he was going falconer he was on the way back to focusing and on his way to a dinner at the peter lerner stakes. exactly along the way and get a bike in the car. i haven't the whole thing is so bizarre. the screams privilege of in a way that you just can't even explain also, look as far as campaign tactics. >> the reason why we know about this is because robert f. kennedy's campaign thought it was a great idea to hook them up with roseanne barr and video there exchange. and then from whatever else happened that conversation that's the part of the video that they clipped, which includes him saying all the things we've talked about also, that he was doing this as a praying to show that bike lanes and it work in central park. the bear was found in the bushes. it wasn't even found in a bike lane it also includes him saying that he has a little bit a redneck in him, which i
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think would probably be a surprise to the other people that he's hung out with. hana's boris is next section of cape cod yeah and then they posted it on his twitter cat. that's this is all because kennedy's campaign thought, well, the new yorker had gotten it to sound as tracing it. the strikes in effect is barbra streisand had a bad story i mean, how she got it on her own and essentially drew more attention to these small anecdote. and now it's become this cool thing. if you draw more attention to something that would have been a minor thing, they called the strikes in effect, robert f. kennedy is learning that in spades today and then on top of it, tatjana schlossberg that was caroline kennedy daughter, was the product that you're times article. i know it's all it's all it's all too much okay. >> i want to leave you with this because this is actually awesome and way better than this rfk junior bear story snoop dogg is continuing his absolutely epic olympic tour. this time it was with the
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equestrian team. he had on the phone regalia and he was joined by his friend, yes. that was martha stewart, snoop fed some of the horses. he complimented their hair. watch like if break i can't get over. >> i'm going leave me. i mean, i like his braids not just the horses. snoop has gotten swimming with michael phelps. he is trying out a new gig as a soccer announcer. watch this man hold that thing oh, that thanks so long i don't know if you guys have been watching the olympics, but this is become like my absolute favorite part of what is going. no one had a better summer than snoop dogg and there's a whole 'nother week left seven more days? >> yes. he is an absolute legend. >> thank you. >> thank you to our panel. thanks to all of you for joining us. i'm kasie hunt. don't go anywhere. cnn news central starts right now


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