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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  August 5, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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you or a loved one have mesothelial, will send you a free book to answer questions you may have called now and we'll come to you 800 a31, 37 100 taking stocks, maybe today today is the day you do not log in to your 401k as global markets take a nosedive amid fears that soft landing the fed was aiming for could turn into a crash landing. >> what's causing the panic on wall street and how will it impact the election and vice president harris facing one of the biggest decisions of her presidential campaign, who shall pick? to be her running mate decision could come at any second and debby, that is hurricane debby hits the florida coast as a category one hurricane, but the storm's worst may be yet to come as some places get a month's worth of rain in a single day, we're following these major developing stories and more all coming in right here to cnn news central hello i'm brianna
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keilar alongside omar jimenez today. >> great to have you and to see you and we begin with just an economic earthquake, an aftershocks that could transform the race for the white house house after a sell off overseas markets here in the u.s. plunge did the bill and it is ugly. here are the numbers right now, the dow, the nasdaq, the s&p all plunged before leveling off and this is leading to fears that the u.s. is inching closer to a recession and the election, by the way, is just 92 two days away. but who's counting counting this just adds into all of the locations that we've been following. >> this could obviously have a big impact here. cnn's julia chatterley is in new york for us. so julia, i mean, what's your analysis of what we're seeing this afternoon? >> okay. so i think it's an ugly day. you're using the right word. there's a palpable fear globally as important as the u.s. economy is another
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data, the jobs data that we got on friday. it's also important for our viewers to understand that this is not the only thing going on we've seen for now, a number of days, tech stocks which have been the big strengthen this market coming down those stock prices have been coming down. so that's been wobbling. then you can add in the fact that this is summertime, there's a lot of investors that aren't there, so it makes people concerned and it makes markets more choppy then what we saw overnight, the japanese stock market fell 12%. you don't see a big market in the world falling 12% without seeing some kind of payback in us stocks. so we're seeing that too. i think the important thing to note today is we're off the lows which is a good sign, and the silver lining for borrowers out there across america that are watching this is the conversation has changed on the u.s. economy. we're no longer asking if the federal reserve will cut rates in september, it's by how much. >> and we're already seeing mortgage rates coming down as well. >> so some of this concern is having positive effect but i do
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understand the fear, but i think we have to keep calm and just watch this. this is not panic, this is fear it is a very emotional response. >> so and of course, americans are going to be looking at that julia, should they be worried about a recession? is the markets are telegraphing that no one's talking about imminent recession. brianna, we're talking about rising recession risks. and we had one of the fed board members speaking earlier today and he said, look if growth weakens further from here, if we see further issues with inflation, if we see further market instability, and by the way, this isn't that at the fed will fix it. so i think it's right to be asking questions about whether they could have cut rates and why they didn't cut rate. but remember this economy is still adding jobs overall. it's weakening, but we're not at the point where we should be talking about recession. so again, it's a concern, but i do think people need to keep calm and joey, you touched on it a little bit, but
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obviously there was a lot of concern and what ended up being i think maybe rightful criticism in some respects about the fed not cutting interest rates last month, i guess last week when they had the opportunity, they meet again in september. >> but is there any possibility of an emergency rate cut before then? >> so they could cut rates before that meeting. i don't think they well, i think that would actually add to some of the fears that we're seeing with people going, what did they know that we don't remember they have a lot of tools that they can use at this point if they want to stabilize the market. but unless we, something significantly worse than this, or worse two points, let's be clear. i don't think they'll do anything and i think the wait till september. >> and then former president trump, because of course this is the biggest issue when it comes to the election. he's labeling this the camila crash, and he's warning of the great depression of 2024. your analysis i'm trying to refrain from eye-rolling. i think it's
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uncanny that when the stock markets are at record highs, he takes credit and then when they're falling, he blamed someone else that i think we've seen that before look, this is not a crash. no one's talking about imminent recession at this stage. and there's certainly not talking about great depression, quite frankly, that's idiocy. and i think that's fear mongering and we should avoid it. however, what we are seeing is important for the white house. we know that this white house has been given relatively little, if any credit when the economy was solid. and now it's slowing all the questions about the concerns about inflation, about people worrying about paying their bills they're only going to get more fierce as the economy slows yeah, huge issue julia. >> thank you so much for that and taking the throne, we do appreciate it. we are at a potentially pivotal moment in the 2024 presidential race because any moment now, vice president harris could be picking her running mate. this is a whirlwind search and it is now in its final hours with harris meeting at least three of the final contenders
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yesterday. >> and those interviews involves pennsylvania governor josh shapiro, arizona senator mark kelly, and minnesota governor tim walz tomorrow, harrison, her vp pick, are set to launch a week long campaign tour across seven key battleground states, starting in pennsylvania. but you got to name her vp pick before then. so we'll see cnn's mj lee is in philadelphia where harris will introduce her new running mate. so jay, where do things stand right now yeah, we are standing by here in philadelphia where tomorrow night, as you said, the vice president and her future running mate will hold their first put a political rally together as a joint ticket of the 2024 cycle sometime before then, of course, the harris campaign will have to unveil that decision. >> arguably the most important political decision that the vice president has had to make so far. i am told that even as of this morning, the vice president had not yet made that decision. it is expected to come sometime later today, at
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which point she would of course, in form a small team of advisers. and of course, make that phone call to her chosen running mate. but we are being cautioned that this is a fluid situation and this is ultimately her decision and hers to make alone. and that that decision timeline could ultimately slipped to tomorrow. now yesterday they as you said, the vice president was in washington, dc and met in-person with at least three of the finalists, pennsylvania governor josh shapiro, minnesota governor tim walz, and arizona what does senator mark kelly, based on all of our reporting, it would be very shocking if that ultimate choice did not end up being one of those three. >> and we know that the two biggest questions that the vice president has been making throughout this process have been who can actually help her win and who can be a helpful governing party? >> partner for her. now, after tomorrow night rally in philadelphia hear the two are going to hit the ground running, traveling to some
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seven cities he's in five different battleground states when we are actually going to find out that decision is really anybody's guess. but we do know that the campaign is obviously trying to keep this decision when it comes at tightly under wraps, the hope is that they're going to be able to keep this from getting out into the public until shortly before that philadelphia rally. and the model would likely be what we saw some four years ago when president biden revealed that he was choosing kamala harris as his vice presidential running choice within online message. so that is the model that we expect to see. again sometime in the next 24 hours or so. of course, this has been a sprint of a transformation for vice president and then harris over the last 15 days. and she is trying to keep that momentum up with this expected decision and news standing by to standby, but it sounds like we'll have answers pretty soon here. >> mj lee really appreciate it. let's talk more about this big decision with david urban. he's a former trump campaign adviser and a cnn senior political commentator, we're
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also joined by cnn political commentator bakari sellers. he's a former democratic state representative in south carolina. bakari, i want to start with you because i do think it's easy. maybe traditionally to think the vice presidential pick doesn't matter as much. but why is this so different? why is it so important that she gets it right here, set the stage well it's the first true big moment of decision that she has in the race. and i do think though and i think david actually speak to this a lot. can speak to this a lot better than i can. there probably is one candidate and josh shapiro who may help marginally in pennsylvania this is going to be a marginal race, and the other thing that matters, and i think every, you know, the four of us know it, but it's important for our viewers to know it. there's really no path that you can draw up for kamala harris to be president of the united states. that does not include pennsylvania in our column in the electoral college. and so that's important to note and we know we can go through the theories of the political science around how vice
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presidents are selected some people are selected a lot like j.d. vance was selected for donald trump or even probably more pronounced outboard selected by bill clinton it's a double down on your messaging. and others are selected to balance out the ticket. in this case, kamala harris is looking to balance out the ticket, but she has that unique ability because of that experience to choose based upon her services, vice president, that joe biden, david, is there a candidate in these top three that the trump campaign? would prefer well, listen, i'm not going to presume to speak for the campaign. >> let me speak for david urban i think josh shapiro is the best political athlete or the three, as bakari points out vice presidents don't really ever make a huge difference, but they do give you half a percent bounce generally maybe 1% bounce, and that may be all that's needed in pennsylvania to put her over the top if she does pick josh shapiro, look, mark kelly, war hero of
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decorated combat veteran navy carrier pilot astronaut waltz speaks to the progressive base. i mean, i can make the case for and against all three of these gentlemen to be on the ticket. but, you brianna, i am hoping that we get past this pick and we can start talking about the things that matter to americans. i can inflation in crime. i just noted what a good friend of mine, sent me a thing this morning about it is kind of interesting. the denny's grand slam breakfast at 1977, the denny's introduced a grand slam breakfast in honor of hank aaron. it was $1.99, it 43 years. it went up it went up $4 in price and in the four years of the biden-harris administration, it's gone up seven bucks, 599 to 12, 99. those are the things that matter to pennsylvania's. you can't go you go to soccer with your kids you can't go to denny's afterwards because it cost 50 bucks now, as opposed to $10, inflation is going to be foremost up people's mind,
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the border. so i want to get past this irrational exuberance is our friend, david axelrod says, and let's talk, let's talk, talking about the issues that matter to pennsylvanians and let's hear from the campaigns about what they're gonna do to make people's lives better. i want to hear debate on the merits bakari, what do you say to that? when i say in 1977, my parents were actually sculpting out and thinking about me. i was about seven years away from actually being born. and so i was probably on their radar screen as the amazing child. >> they have. >> but david david's right. i mean, inflation is something cost is so important to two individuals. my father had the same concern about the price of whiting at piggly wiggly down the street from our house. and so that is a true concern. but the fact is commonly harris has built this momentum. she's built this energy, this exuberance. i disagree with with david axelrod is not irrational. it's something that xi cultivated it's here is present and a lot of that has to do with this simple fact.
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and i think that david would probably agree with me this week. we just own the news because of this simple fact that she's going to announce the vice president and then she's going to hit seven different swing states. on the schedule this week for donald trump today, he is with a streamer sensation aid and ross down at mar-a-lago. and then he has one event in the swing state of montana. i'm saying that facetiously and so while kamala harris is hitting every single swing state, talking to voters, meeting the voters where they are donald i'll trump, i'm afraid of showing the fact that he 78-years-old in a swing state but i see your point yeah. well, so i a breon said bakari is right. if republicans if republicans don't start talking about the issues that matter to people, right? if we don't talk about what we're going to do if donald trump doesn't say this is, what i'm gonna do to make your lives better. how i'm going to reduce your taxes, i'm going to reduce inflation. your life is going to be better. we don't talk about the
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issues we will lose. we need to start talking about the issues that matter to people in their homes, not about grievances out about who you're mad at are who you like or you don't like how are we going to make people's lives better if we don't do. bakari is going to be really happy guy on november 5, bakari, david urban, both happy guys today. yeah. anyways, i seem great to me but look, it's going to be an interesting week. >> so we'll keep talking you guys. thank you so much for being with us. and soon president biden is going to hold a meeting in the city tuition room as fears of a larger war in the middle east are escalating ahead. we'll show you how the u.s. military leaders or how us military leaders are preparing plus trouble hochul, storm debby makes landfall and slows down over florida and georgia. millions of people now dealing with more than a month's worth of rain that has fallen in just a matter of hours and a deck okay. >> you'd old mystery has been solved. we now know who left a dead bear cub in new york central park. we're going to have the bizarre confession. just add and it is bizarre home
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paid for and let me pause my subscription when i want and have hundreds of free channels when left to do that to mr. fish choosing, customize your channel lineup for watched for free sling, let you do that i'm thinking if i'm going to die and i thought that was it. violent earth with liev schreiber? number back-to-back episodes saturday at nine on cnn a little under an hour from now, a major meeting is expected in the white house situation room. >> president biden and vice president harris are gathering at their national security team as tensions escalate in the middle east. now, iran says it is determined to punish israel over last week's assassination nobody hamas political leader in tehran, now, leaders in the region are scrambling to de-escalate the situation as axios now reports, that secretary of state anthony blinken warned g7 allies that an iranian strike could happen as soon as today. cnn's kayla tausche, she is at the white house for us. kayla, what more are you learning about today's what i would call high stakes meeting? in the situation room
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it absolutely is omar president biden is on his way back to the white house where the biden administration writ large is bracing for the potential for retaliatory strikes on israel. >> after those attacks last week shook the already fragile status quo in the region, that high-stakes national security meeting we'll take place in the situation room and just about an hour's time but it's a departure from the norm that the white house chose to disclose it so far in advance, that puts the world on the high alert that the west is very closely monitoring the situation and preparing its potential response. it also serves to telegraph publicly the role of vice president kamala harris at president biden's right-hand in discussing these very developments and crafting the u.s uss response. now, just a few months ago, when they the us was evaluating the retaliatory strikes by iran on israel back then, the white house disclosed that situation room meeting at nearly and currently, as it was happening,
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as well as the participants in this meeting which just goes to show you how much of a departure it is for the white house to have laid this out, but it also comes as at least one source believes that those strikes from iran could come as soon as today or tomorrow. and there was a very real near-term risks of but an intensifying violence in the region. and it also comes after president biden and his top deputies have had a series of very tense calls in recent then days yesterday, president biden spoke with israel's prime minister, benjamin netanyahu and a source described that call as incredibly fraught as the two leaders discussed, but potentially dimmer prospect for a ceasefire deal between israel and hamas. and then today, president biden spoke with king abdullah of jordan where they discussed the need to de-escalate skule tensions. omar, but certainly the situation is only intensified in recent days is that us and the west at large are on high alert as you, laid, out
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incredibly wider implications here for not just what comes out of this meeting, but what may happen in the days to come, kayla tausche, she really appreciate it. >> brianna. >> all right. let's take a deeper look at this. we're here with retired air force colonel cedric leighton. he's a cnn military analyst. thank you. so much for this. and we should note, obviously the us very involved here. they have been in the past when iran has responded. so what are the assets that the u.s. already has in the region? and how are they preparing? >> yeah. brianna, there's a lot going on in this department. first of all, the uss abraham lincoln this aircraft carrier, and the associated carrier battle group are steaming into the persian gulf and excuse me, into the mediterranean and other assets are in the persian gulf, as well as other places you've got the uss was, you also have destroyers and cruisers about 11 of them that are capable of ballistic missile defense and also offensive missile capabilities, plus a squadron of f22. so what they're going to do is they're going to be parking themselves in places like this off the
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israeli and lebanese coast, potentially in the red sea because of yemen and the houthi he's down there. and of course here in the persian gulf. and that of course impacts iran. plus there are other assets that we can look at. for example, in qatar were potentially the extra squadron of 22s would be based he's or the uae where something similar could happen there. so all of these assets are designed to contain any theater iran would potentially throw at israeli or us assets. >> and then back, of course, in mid april, iran launched an attack on israel which was in retaliation for israel strike on that was really like a consular annex in damascus and killed two iranian revolutionary guard commanders. israel never claimed the attack. we should mention that that's not unusual. but when iran responded, it fired about 300 projectiles what does that instance tell you about what we may be looking at here so this was kind of, i think a dry run for the iranians. >> what happened in april,
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those 300 projectiles that they through included missiles, rockets, drones, i, and a lot of those capabilities were designed to be used in tandem. now the radius didn't quite synchronize everything that they needed to synchronize. so when you look at back at the map again you can see that they were we're targeting areas all throughout israel. they hit one airbase, right about well, right about there but the basic idea was that this would allow the ukrainians to blanket israel. they were not successful at all in doing that. at one person was injured very little damage except to that airbase. i and that was in essence what iran could do with that amount of firepower if they tried to do this again, the israelis are going to be prepared for it. but the iranians will probably try to synchronize things a little bit better this time around. >> interesting, a dry run there over the weekend, if you were listening to benjamin netanyahu phrase this possibility again, of a multi front war. how dangerous would that be? >> there'll be incredibly
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dangerous. so let's take a look a little bit here, for example, this is it's the golan heights and this is where that attack occurred that killed those children, those druze children that started a lot of what we're seeing now. so this is the within border right here. you have a lot of hezbollah forces here. now in gaza, right off the coast here. i just put the note here because this is of course where hamas is active plus you have elements that could potentially be active from the west bank. and anything else that you see here could potentially be impacted in israel itself. so they could get attacked it's from this area, from here, west bank. and then of course, all the way from, from western iraq. and even from iran and syria, that could potentially blank at all of israel this case, we have a really interesting graphic here to look at because what you see is as you look at gaza, you see where hamas has reconstituted in place, where the idf had
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initially cleared them from the u.s. >> military is certainly familiar with this idea of you clearing something that they ultimately cannot hold. but what does this tell you about whether israel is really capable of degrading these groups as simple answer to that brianna is they are not capable of degrading these groups using the time that's our permanently it's not going to go away. almost any military tactics that you would use against a group like hamas, especially as it's constituted here, shows that this is more than just a military unit this is a terrorist unit that is embedded within the society of the 16 that the american enterprise institute and the institute for the study of war analyzed you had basically about two that were destroyed just to degraded nine of them that you see here, mainly in the north and a little bit in the center. but then you look at this five or combat effective, the fact that these units are combat effective now means that they can do stuff against the israelis, whether in gaza,
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where even outside of gaza and seven of these units, maybe not as effective as the others are totally reconstituted now, so this mean instead, hamas, it can able, is able to regrow itself. it can do things that you would not expect it to do. if you bring a whole bunch of forces to bear on a particular place? it's like that. what it proves is that those forces are not as effective as the ideology. >> yeah, very interesting fascinating. look there, colonel. thank you. we do appreciate it. and still ahead, emergency officials warning of a life-threatening situation that's developing in portions of florida and georgia. tropical storm debby is bringing historic flooding to the area. we're going to be taking you there live next and we are continuing to watch the market after a nosedive this morning. why fears? our surging on wall street today tv on the
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and finally, free take back control with lipo flavonoid closed captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law mesothelial more victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. >> you may be entitled to a portion of that money all when 808 5-9, 2,400. that's when 808, 5-9, 2,400 slow-moving and sopping wet. that is tropical storm debby over florida right now. and it is expected to crawl over parts of the southeast and dropped just catastrophic amounts of rainfall. it's already brought more than a month's worth of rain too. much of western florida, and it's wins, killed a 13-year-old boy after a tree crushed his mobile home we made landfall at seven this morning, eastern time as a category one hurricane near steam and how ci in florida's big bend area. just listen to how it's wins lashed horseshoe beach where a 95 mile per hour gust was recorded today meteorologist
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elisa rafah is in steinhatchee, so elisa tell us about these tornado watches that are underway because of debby yeah i mean, a hurricane is multifaceted. multi hazard is herge tornado watches are in effect because you have those little bits of the storm that can spin and drop tornadoes in those outer bands in seeing that as a thread plus water has been a threat old days, so many streets around dear look like this totally inundated impassable. we were not able to drive through a lot of these roads here from oval that water that came in, part of it is the ocean water, the gulf of mexico is right behind us. so some of that is that pushed the storm surge, push of the ocean water, which did get to about six feet
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in places like cedar key. but a lot of it is the heavy rain tuesday places around here got eight inches of rain and you can see just the combination of all of the water that i'm standing in. what the storm surge and the heavy rain people really worried about this one they still have that scar from me, dalia, which was last year they needed to redo the docs because they were destroyed last year and they're brand new. so they were worried read because they just finished them and they were worried about them getting damaged again after they just finished all that progress and boats have been coming out of the water here for the last day, multiple days, and you can see where they're parked up in some of those in that building there in that shed where they're trying to store away a some of the boats. all of those docs were empty again as they're worried that they could get damage similar to what idalia did the good news is it's the storm surge kind of kept around six feet at dali, had that storm surge a little bit higher. but again, a lot of the flooding from the heavy rain and that is
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certainly going to be the case as this storm heads to georgia and south carolina, brianna all right. readily so we'll be watching elisa rafah live for us in steinhatchee. thank you. >> i want to get back to the breaking news on wall street, the seismic stock market plunge triggered by fears that the u.s. is on the brink of a recession. here are the numbers right now and it's a whole lot of red. the dow nasdaq and s&p all deep in the red, the dow started the day down more than 1,000 points before clawing back some earlier losses. let's talk about all of this with catherine rampell, cnn economics and political commentator and columnist for the washington post. i mean, i just want to start with your initial read on what we're seeing here. >> this is all a reaction to what happened on friday when we got a jobs report that was worse than expected, not abysmal. i think that there has been a little bit of catastrophizing of this report, but it was worse than expected. and in some sense there are a
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lot of investors who may be thought that stock values were too good to be true when they were waiting for their cue for the party to end and that report was it that a lot of trader is looked at it and said, okay, maybe this is a sign that the u.s economy is actually in trouble. we should help our stocks and how much of it along with the jobs report there, which as you mentioned, does show job growth, but not to the level that folks were expecting it to be. but how much of it is also fueled by other factors like the interest rate not being cut, not as strong. a tech sector as far as showings go fears of war in the middle east much are those factors playing into what we're seeing here all of those things, of course matter and the federal reserve met last week a few days before this jobs report and looked at the data and said, you know the economy is slowing but doesn't yet warrant a rate cut in fact, chair jay powell said that he
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wanted more data to justify a rate cut. >> seems like he got it on friday and i think that a lot of investors, market traders, etc, are saying, you know maybe the fed waited too long maybe they are behind the curve they should have gotten ahead of this report, which of course they didn't know about and started stimulating the economy earlier. i want to caution, i want to emphasize that this is one report. there may have been some weirdnesses in it related to hurricane beryl temporarily putting people out work. its one report, a lot of the other data are actually much stronger and the gdp numbers that came out not that long ago were better than expected. so i don't want everyone to freak out. i know markets look pretty pretty. murderous right now. but i don't think that we should read too much into this one report especially since we'll get another jobs report in a few weeks and plenty of
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other data between now and then and it sounds like what you're saying lines up with we were talking to the acting labor secretary, julie su last week and she was saying that it's not just about this jobs report that happened on friday overall, indicators, when you look at averages over multiple months go to what you were talking about that maybe there should not be a word three of an incoming recession, but politically, we're obviously in the middle of a campaign season right now. >> does this complicate a campaign like kamala harris's, when people will be looking at her economic record coming from the biden administration the stock market is not the economy, always good to emphasize that, but yeah, people are going to look at the market, look at there for one k. and if we continue to see markets decline, which we may or may not, that will certainly not be good for the presumed democratic nominee. in who is associated with the current
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administration, the vp of the current administration. none of that would be good again, we don't know if this was a blip in the jobs numbers. other data have come in. generally, okay. sometimes better than okay, sometimes not great. and it's kind of a mixed bag, right now. the real weakness i think for kamala harris is that even when the numbers are fantastic and they have been quite a few months over the past two years or so consumers are still really bummed out so even when the numbers are really good consumers seem pretty grumpy and there are a lot of different ways to interpret that. but if the number is in fact, do start to look more unequivocally bad. consumers are already grumpy. that will presumably read force negative attitudes, negative perceptions of this administration's leadership and yeah, that could definitely tarnish kamala harris's campaign. >> and i think we sort of saw the opposite effects of the
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market not being the economy when the market was up, people not necessarily feeling a lot of those effects throughout the economy as well contributing to some of what you were talking about? catherine rampell really appreciate you being here. thanks thank you. all right. coming up for us ten years ago, a dead bear cub was found in central park, but nobody knew who put it there. until now. the mystery is solved, and you're have to see it to believe it. next sunday on the whole story, donie o'sullivan dives back into the world of misinformation no computers that are used in our election have software that was illegal, will miss information cause chaos in november's election. >> the whole story with anderson cooper sunday 8:00 on cnn. ga, the advanced form of dry age-related macular degeneration can irreversibly damaged your vision. it can progress faster than you think. when ga threatens your eyes. take a stand. slow, ga with tsai ovary. saif ovary isn't
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ever i'm arlette saenz at the white house. >> and this is cnn alright, everyone, we finally know who dumped a dead bear in new york's central park ten years ago. >> and i did not have this guess. but back in 24 14, a
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woman walking a dog discovered the bears carcass resting on a bike wheel now the discovery caused a commotion, making news around the country with everyone asked him, who did this, and i want you to listen to our john berman reacting to this mystery when the news first broke they've been no bears in the park for a long, long time it seems as if somewhat brought the thing there was just really sad so cnn's john berman is joining us now and ten years later, john, you can also tell us who's responsible, but i do want to play to your strengths here and do this jeopardy style. >> this is the clue for presidential candidates for 400, his campaign slogan might best be described as a worm ate my brain. no, i didn't eat a dog. no, i didn't eat a baby bear, but i wanted to instead, i staged a baby bear murder your answer, john berman i only wish this were a daily double. >> who is robert kennedy jr. in
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how do we know because he confessed to roseanne barr in a video he posted overnight explaining that he dumped the bear cub and posed it to make it look like a bike accident in central park after eating at peter luger steakhouse and before going to the airport, everything i said just now is true listen to this video so i pulled over and i picked up the bear and put him in the back of my van because i was gonna skin the bear and it was very good condition and i was just going with them me, my refrigerator. >> i said let's go put the bear in central park and we'll make it look like i didn't play so we did that music for whoever found it or something so not so
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amusing, he was something of a scandal at the time. so scandalous that appeared on early start with john berman and christine romans ten years ago as you saw, it. and just to reiterate what happened there, kennedy says he came upon the bear. it was hit and killed on the road. he picked it up, he planned to take it home and skin it and i guess eat it, but he didn't have time. it turned out after going to peter luger is where he ate when the bear was still in his car. so he decided the dump it in central park. that's the story as told to roseanne barr in this video posted last night, which he posted because the new yorker was on to the story in the new yorker apparently was going to report it today. and did did come out with a story, kennedy tried to get out ahead of it last night with this this thing on video to roseanne he tried to get ahead of it by saying, let's see how you spin this new yorker. when i watching the video, i don't know how else. i mean, it seems pretty i would
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agree under no duress by roseanne barr, it seems it seems like he was just saying it. john berman thanks for the decades-long perspective here really appreciate it thank you. >> as a longtime coming vindicated. >> exactly right. he's the truth is john berman's always, right? yeah. >> i learned that a long time ago. yeah, long time thank you. briana know that that was the happiest part of the story for me, was that a right to be right about some bye don. alright. still ahead for us, louisiana's governor and attorney general, say the state's new law requiring the ten commandments be displayed in classrooms can be enforced course constitutionally, and they're giving visual examples of how they might look. we're going to bring you the latest next if you're, living with hiv imagine being good to go without daily hiv pills good to go unscripted good to go on a whim with kevin uva. there's no
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captioning brought to you by meso if you or a loved one have neizha helium, okay, we'll send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 800 a31, 37 hundred there are new developments in the push to have the ten commandments displayed and all public school classrooms and louisiana, the state's governor and attorney general spoke out this morning and gave us a better sense of how they'll fight those trying to stop it in court and cnn's jessica schneider is following this story for us so jessica obviously lots of developments over time at this point. but what did we learn in today's press conference? >> well, state officials, the attorney general, the republican governor, digging in their heels today because right after this bill was signed into law saying that these ten commandments have to be displayed in all we'll public school classrooms, kindergarten through college. there was a lawsuit filed at the end of june. well, what happened today is the agm. the governor said
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we are filing our response brief later this afternoon and we are arguing that this is completely constitutional. and in addition, they're saying that the plaintiffs who filed this lawsuit they claim have no standing since the law hasn't actually gone into effect yet. but you know, we're right on the cusp of the school year it starts any day now, what's interesting is this law is not set to go into effect until january 1 as a result of this lawsuit, the parties have agreed to not enforce the law until at least november 15th. so some of these legal issues can get worked out. it'll be interesting to see if a court puts a pause on this law while these legal issues are figured out, the last time something like this directly like this was before the supreme court was in 1980. a similar kentucky law that the court struck down because of violations of the establishment clause. but of course, the supreme court has changed dress sickly since then, and it was just two years ago that they allowed a football coach to prey on the field after games. so who knows if this might might be a
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challenge that the state could win as it moves up through the courts. and that's something that state is banking on. this. here's how the governor talked about all the controversy today. take a listen what i would say to those patches if those posters in school and they find them so volga fell to child not to look at it. >> so the governor was pretty incredulous that anyone would have a problem with this. but of course, many people do. the lawsuit that was filed has several parties of multiple faiths, christian, muslim, et cetera. so there's obviously great opposition to this. we'll see what happens in the court and if any of the court if the court puts a hold on this law while works its way through. yeah. really interesting stuff. we'll be watching it, jessica, thank you for that report. fear, but not panic. the markets take a plunge after the opening bell bester's are feeling very, very nervous. we'll break down what's behind the fall and whether you should be worried. have that after a quick break car this
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