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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  August 5, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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let you choose what i pay >> sling lets you do that i wish my tv provider let me choose what i pay for it. let me pause lots of scripture when i was flying, what do you do that wish, tv but honor let me choose what i pay for and let me pause muscle question went i want through the channels to do choosing, customize your channel lineup will watch for free, sling, let you do that. >> i'm dr. sanjay gupta in atlanta. >> and this cnn with the middle east on the brink of what could be a wider war. >> president biden huddled with his national security team and what's expected to be minutes from now, likely discussing the scenarios if iran retaliates against israel for the killing of a hamas leader and how to keep the crisis from spiraling
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out of control. and we're waiting to learn who will join vice president harris on the democratic ticket. >> she is making one of the most critical decisions of her campaign. and that announcement could come at any time and tropical storm debby is bringing floods and catastrophic rain to the southeast some towns finding themselves almost underwater and the storm is now blamed for a second death we're following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here to cnn news central we're just moments away from a high-stakes meeting in the white house situation room president joe biden and vice president kamala harris are getting ready to speak with their national security team as tensions threatened to boil over in the middle east. >> now, iran is vowing vengeance after blaming israel for the assassination of a hamas political leader in tehran last week. >> in anticipation of a retaliatory strike the us has already begun maneuvering
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military assets in the region, while middle east leaders are scrambling to de-escalate the situation before devolves into all out wide scale war, the white house says president biden spoke with the king of jordan this morning about those efforts. >> we have cnn's kayla tausche is standing by at the white house, or a kayla, what more are you hearing about this meeting today? >> brianna the president is expected to arrive here back at the white house in moments from now and go to the situation room or he'll be joined by his national security team and vice president kamala harris. now, the disclosure of this meeting is notable in its own right to essentially put the world on notice that the last and the u.s. in particular are evaluating how to respond to the potential and bracing for these potential retaliatory attacks when president biden convened his national security team, the last time that retaliatory attacks were launched by iran, that was in mid-april. he was joined by his
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national security adviser sir, his secretary of state, his secretary of defense, as well as many members of the intelligence community and his cia director, bill burns this time kamala harris his vice president, will be joining him in person. whereas previously she joined by secure video, but it comes as you note, after days where the administration has and sprinting to figure out how to position itself and how to shore up its alliances in the face of the potential for those attacks to unfold in a call yesterday with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, there was an extremely tense discussion. i'm told over the dimmer prospect for the potential of a season it's fire deal because of that attack last week. and as you mentioned, president biden spoke this morning with the king of jordan to try to discuss ways to deescalate those tensions. we will see exactly what, if anything, they decide in the meeting today. that's expected to take place just in a few minutes from now
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as they discuss very high stakes and very volatile situation in an already fragile region, brianna and omar you tausche. >> thanks so much. a lot more to talk about here, joining me now is former defense secretary under president trump, mark esper. he's now a cnn global affairs analyst and serves on the board as a strategic advisor for a handful of aerospace and defense companies. secretary, welcome to the program. now look, you've been part of situation room meetings like this before. what is it like to be in that room at a time like this? what sorts of things would they be discussing here? >> shore omar first of all, it usually begins with an intelligence update by the head of the cia or the director of national intelligence, which who will give an update on what's happening in the regions specifically, obviously with regard to preparations by iran and what they're seeing, then it might move to the state department where the secretary of state in his case, tony blinken, would give his estimate of what what the
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israelis are thinking at a political level. >> and then probably also go around the region, whether jordanians doing and we know of course at the jordanian foreign minister was in tehran trying to talk down the road audience. and then what the saudis think and other players. and i would hope to that there's discussion about our european allies and what role they might play, play with regard to the secretary of defense, again, having been there, my update would be to assure the president that our troops are prepared that their positions are well defendant fortified, and that they were moving troops for planes are air defense systems in place which they are doing to make sure that we can support israel and to help him knock down what other missiles, rockets, or drones may be coming their way if that's the course that iran pursues. in the next day or two or three and just i want to get your perspective on this too, because one, what do you make of the timing of today's meeting, but not just the timing, the announcement of sorts. >> i mean, it is this is a telegraphing. they want people to know that this meeting is happening. i guess that's the best way to happen. what do you
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what do you make of that? >> what two things at first, i think it's important that the iranians know that the united states is meeting to discuss how it will support iran. it's important that there'll be no daylight between tel aviv and washington at this point in time. and that none is perceived by iran and its proxies, because my view who is it will be conducted by iran and its proxies secondly, i think the timing is important too, because we don't, you know, nighttime is settling down on israel right now. a typically these things are conducted at night, so you could see something beginning in the coming hours and then also to have the entire team there sends an important signal. again, i want to hear more about walter lateral approach in terms of defensive stance like we saw last time, not just with arab states, but with european partners as well. but i think this is a lot of this again, is messaging and signaling to the iranians don't escalate, don't do this. we will be with israel and we will beat back. you're attack and i want to expand on
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one of the points you just made because you said the most likely response here would likely be through iranian proxies what let's go a little bit deeper on that what is the extent of the response that you expect and how do you expect that response to be carried out? >> well, just to be clear, i think it'll be with iranian proxies, right? with hezbollah, hamas, to a lesser extent. but the shia militia groups, the houthis. but i think the iranians will conduct this attack. they need to, after all the killing of ismail haniyeh was conducted in tehran in a secure compound you know, just after the ceremony, bringing in the new iranian president pezeshkian. so they're going to want to push back because this is very embarrassing for them and it really showed the weaknesses continuing in their defensive system. so it'll be them then i suspect again, hezbollah will be another major player here. and others. and then the question will be, is will they orchestrate some? what type of coordinated attack which unlike in april will be
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less foreshadowing, more synchronized and probably produce a higher volume of rockets and missiles and drones, and more synchronized to hit at once. there go, i suspect would be to overwhelm israeli defenses if you're looking at the situation as it is right now, do you see a path to de-escalating the current tensions in any way. and if so, where would you start? >> well, i think it begins with iran. they're going to have to do something because it's the nature of the middle east. it's the nature of the regime to always forcibly want to pull back. but we also know they don't want a regional war. they continue to message that unofficially through people within our government. so the question is, will they? prime, pull off what looks like a massive attack, but which at the end of the day has really no serious outcome with regard to israel either killing israelis are destroying israeli facilities we won't know though until we see what happens at the end of the day. but will they kind of pull their punches a little bit like
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they did the first time around at orly signal the punch. i should so they did the first time around. we won't know that until we see it secretary mark esper incredible perspective. >> thanks for being here thanks omar as vice president harris takes part in that meeting in the white house situation room. she's also juggling one of the most consequential decisions of her presidential campaign. and that is picking her running mate which is something that could happen at anytime. now, yesterday, she met with three top finalists for the job governor josh shapiro of pennsylvania senator mark kelly of arizona, and minnesota governor tim walz tomorrow harris and her vp pick are set to hold a joint rally in pennsylvania as they launch a week long campaign tour across seven key battleground states. i'm joined now by robby mook. he is a former hillary clinton campaign manager robbie it's been awhile, obviously i covered that campaign and i'm sure you're thinking about it
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a lot as you look forward toward this one here, who do you think harris should be picking as her running mate and why? >> well, brianna, thanks for having me on today and what release has stood out to me throughout this entire process is the strength of all the different options that she had. i think it's hard to go wrong here you look at any three of those people being talked about walz, and, kelly have national security experience. walls and shapiro are both popular governors from you know, we don't talk about minnesota as a blue wall states a lot, but it's a blue wall state and all three of them are popular in their states. and all represent battleground states. so i don't think she can really go wrong. i do think that this is probably coming down to a sense of interpersonal chemistry. she probably as a vice president right now has some feelings about what makes somebody
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strong in qualified for this role. i will give governor walz some credit. he has really kind of come from behind here and we've really seen him take both trump and vance to task on cable, on social media. and i think his star has risen as a result of that. but i can't really say that one would be any better than the other. i think this is this is with her now. this is her decision. >> yeah. maybe waltz is a bit of a crowd-favorite. he's got a lot of buzz, right? but you did tell politico essentially, i'm paraphrasing here, robbie, but if shapiro buys her half a point and pennsylvania, that that may be worth it for her i wonder as you were looking at some of the headlines we know that ahead of things like this, a lot of apa is going to come out and that has certainly happened here. he has faced added scrutiny over the weekend with several media reports looking at his writings, for instance, in college about palestinians, how his office handled a sexual harassment fort criticism from
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pennsylvania, senator fetterman's team about his ambitions knowing that what do you think? does that impact things? >> i'm not particularly concerned about any of that. and look, we have to do a little bit of a comparison here. i mean any of these folks are going to be way better than j.d. vance and i don't think vance's problems are going away and i do think that shapiro has always had a little bit of a leader, a head start in this contest because pennsylvania is so important to the electoral college map, i'm sure many of your viewers are getting on and doing the calculations. the 19 electoral votes there are so consequential and really hard to replace with other states. and for a governor he won by, i believe it was a 20 point margin in a presidential midterm that really says something if you can get one 20th of that, one point extra, so to speak, by putting him in
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there. that could absolutely be the margin of victory. so i do think that's an important attribute of his but again, i just don't can't think of, an argument that any of these are bad choices if she doesn't pick shapiro, i do wonder what some of the criticism for not picking him will be. for instance, congressman jake auchincloss is morning condemned some of his fellow democrats for criticizing shapiro's positions on israel. he said there's a strong under current of anti-semitism to that. how much of that do you think factors into this decision when it comes to governor shapiro yeah. >> i mean, i look, i'm not concerned. i think that people are so look, let's put it in this context. think about how excited people were about harris. there were concerned earns going in while we did this poll and we didn't see that attribute and this or that thing. and people just coalesced behind her. i think the excitement is going to be so big that we will see the
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same thing. so i'm not worried about her being criticized for not picking him and i welcome a discussion with the republicans about israel for antisemitism because it was donald trump who said that there were good people on both sides when neo-nazis were marching in charlottesville so i'm not concerned either way on this. i think this is really about who she thinks is ready to serve and who will be a good partner for her? >> as you are looking back at your time managing the hillary clinton campaign, i wonder what your lessons learned from that might be applied here. what do you think? >> yeah it's an interesting question. i thought tim kaine was an excellent choice and he really was a terrific asset to us on the campaign trail. some people came up to us after the campaign and said, i really wish you'd gotten somebody younger or somebody who is going to get the base really excited. i think we've seeing
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some of that, for example, around governor walz. so i think that's something for her to take into consideration i will say at the end of the day, i think we get really excited about this choice because it's this unknown and we know we're going to learn soon. >> but i think the history on 't enormous. >> asli impactful, as we said, maybe in pennsylvania she could get a little advantage with shapiro, but we saw the rollout of jd vance's kind of flopped, but trump's numbers really haven't changed that much. she biden had dropped and so we had an advantage over him, but harris is filled up that gap and now we're back to a dead heat again. so you know, i i will say it's important, i think trump is a great example of someone who made a very tactical pick. he tried to get someone who he thought would do well on tv and get his base excited. and it's clear there's not a lot of chemistry there so that's why i honestly
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just hope that she's going with their gut and picking someone she's excited about because that's one of those intangibles that it comes through and it's going to come through the convention and i really do believe that's the most important element here. >> yeah, well, we will know soon enough, we can say that robby mook. thank you so much for being with us today. we appreciate it take, care. >> thanks ahead this hour on cnn news central stocks, nose diving is fears over the economy mount. >> why analysts are suddenly upping the odds of a recession plus entire florida communities are underwater as tropical storm debby is it's creeping inland. we're heading live to the panhandle were catastrophic flooding is predicted. and at least two people have already died sunday on the whole story, donie o'sullivan dives back into the world of missing, their computers that are using our election has software that
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was illegal information cause chaos in november's election, the whole story with anderson cooper, sunday at 8:00 on cnn. i am tony hawk and like many of you, i take a statin to reduce cholesterol, but statins can also deplete cookie ten levels. that's so my doctor recommended qn all coc uten, kuno, has the number one cardiologist recommended form of coke uten kunal, the brand i trust was had trouble losing weight and keeping same discover the power of weibo to the beach gobi i lost 35 pounds and some lost the over 46 pounds we go and i'm keeping the weight off we go via help you lose weight keep it off i'm reducing my risk. we gouvia is the only fda approved weight management medicine that's proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events dealt with noon or disease and with either obesity or overweight, we go vision be used for semaglutide or glp-1
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>> we're very cautious about using the p word, particularly in financial markets and creating self-fulfilling prophecies, what you're seeing is fear. it's not panic. and i'll reiterate that again. i'm also very much watching the fact that we are off the market lows at this moment. so the market close today is going to be really important. putin to give us a sense of direction. you said it, brianna, there is a palpable fear that the u.s. economy is slowing more than we thought. and we saw that last week. it was exacerbated by weak manufacturing data by the jobs numbers two, and that of course then raise questions about why on earth the federal reserve didn't lower interest rates last week when it had the chance. my context on these, no one's talking about imminent recession. yes, the economy is slowing, but we are still overall adding bob's so even on this, i think we need to take a deep breath i even would be tempted to say if this were the only thing going on that perhaps stock markets are overreacting to the u.s. data the point is though it's not
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the only thing going on, we have seen tech stocks fueling the stock market rally or year and suddenly people are looking at that and saying, have they gone too far too fast? you can see the weakness in tech stocks today. that's also adding to this and it's been going on for days. then overnight we get the japanese please stock market falling 12% i'll allow you to use the p word on that now, that's panic. you don't see that kind of move in a big global market without seeing spillover effects into the u.s markets. and the other thing i'll add here is also geopolitical risk. you've been talking about it, it all fuels sentiment in mission to this being a summer monday. now, there are silver linings here. one, if you're a stock market investor in around 60% of americans are, then you're still up around 10%. and the s&p 500 and the nasdaq, we're just giving back games, at least for now. if you're a borrower out there, you're struggling with high prices which let's face it is
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everybody the conversation around the federal reserve now has completely changed. we're not talking about will or won't the federal reserve cut rates in september. we're talking about how much they're watching all of this. and we will continue to watch the data. and if they need to cut rates by more than a quarter of a percentage point in september they will do so i think it's clear to say help is coming even if it feels like it's late, guys at this stage yeah, that's a really good point to put it into that context, julia. >> thank you so much for doing that. and next horrifying acts of violence in the uk as rioters set fire to and break into hotels, used to house asylum seekers, the protests have been triggered by the deadly stabbing of three young girls and the false claim that the attacker was an immigrant we're live in england right after this who side are you on know was you to see me house of
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colleague 3-3 lee filter today, more visit leave >> i'm natasha bertrand at the pentagon and this is cnn parts of the southeast are bracing for when tropical storm debby slows to a crawl and is likely to dumped historic amounts of rainfall for days on georgia and south carolina. and in already dropped a month's worth of rain on much of western florida after it made landfall in the states big bend area this morning as a category one hurricane. now the storm is being blamed for the deaths of a truck driver and a 13-year-old boy. listen to how the city manager and savannah along georgia's coast is warning residents there with what's been forecast and what
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the national weather services called historic or unprecedented rainfall totals for our area with a probability of less than 1% happening on any given year in our area. >> this is a once in a thousand-year potential rain fall of that cnn meteorologist elisa rafah is in steinhatchee, florida where debby made landfall, at least like can you tell us what's going on there guys, we've had pretty relentless rain and wind, pretty much all day here. >> it's not until now that the winds have ease just a little bit as debby continues to push inland, and we've been able to come out and see if there's any damage around and we did find a tree cree that totally snapped here. you can see where it just got caught. the bark totally shredded. and it's laying down on this house here. all of the branches that even took down a piece there.
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>> some of the metal and the shingles there, some of the gutter from this home, we had some intense winds this morning because we had the category one landfall with 80 mile per hour winds. >> this storm was able to rapidly intensify right before landfall because these ocean temperatures are just so warm. but really the story hit is here, is, that the residents are at least happy that this is not as bad as idalia was. idalia kit just nine miles away from here last year it's a category three storm we've even found some pictures of some homes, businesses, and buildings that have been hit by both a water, this area here has been hit by both seeing some of the flooding from a debby this morning and getting hit by idalia. a lot of the docks that we were at this morning, we're brand new, just put in place after they were destroyed last year. i now as we go through the rest of the day, we're really looking at a flash flood threat. let's take a look at the radar. you can see the intense heavy rain bands continuing to push north, getting into northern florida
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and parts of georgia as we continue as we go through the day today, we will continue to have a tornado threat. we have a tornado it will watch an effect for much of north florida going into georgia until 4:00 because we still had these outer bands that are twisting and spinning and can drop some brief tornadoes after that, the track is concerning because it doesn't go anywhere we lose all steering currents. this thing slows down and that will prompt some prolific rain totals we're looking at ten to 20, even 30 inches of rain possible parts of the low country of georgia and south carolina, which would be unprecedented and can again be catastrophic. guys please. rafah. thank you so much now in the united kingdom, a false story claiming an immigrant was responsible for killing three young girls at a dance studio. last week is stoking really the worst social unrest the country has seen in years now at one point, anti-immigrant riders broke into and set fire to two hotels believed to be sheltering asylum seekers. and the violence over the weekend
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prompting britain's prime minister to call an emergency security meeting earlier today, cnn's nada bashir joins us from where the hotels were set on fire. not i mean, the weekend saw massive riots. what are you seeing where you are, what's the latest well, look, i'm of course the situation is a lot calmer right now, but over the weekend, we are hugely troubling scenes across parts of the country, including here in brother. >> and this is one of the hotels reportedly sheltering asylum seekers. there are many hotels like this across the country. they are meant to be safe havens, providing vital shelter for asylum seekers, many of whom are fleeing war and persecution. but over the weekend, this became the target of violent and racist attacks. by far right, rioters. >> now as you mentioned, these riots were triggered by the killing of those three young girls last week in southport, there has been a huge disinformation campaign, claims the attacker in that incident was an immigrant. >> he was in fact, born in the
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united kingdom, but far right groups have seized on those false claims and have used these false claims to really spur on these riots that we've been seeing up and down the country. and of course, this is a huge concern for the government. we've been hearing from government ministers throughout the day, harsh words from the prime minister saying that they will be taking a tough action, take a listen to his statement earlier today following that emergency cobra meeting at downing street? >> what ever the apparent motivation that she's not protest it is pure violence and we will not tolerate attacks on mosques or are muslim communities so the full force of the law will be visited on all those who are identified as having taken part in these activities now, brianna omar, over the weekend on sunday. >> in fact, this hotel behind me was surrounded by far right protesters. some of the windows have been smashed boarded up. now, protesters, rioters rather
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attempted to torch the building at one point and there is a huge amount of concern around the safety and security of britain's minority ethnic communities. the government has pledged further support for these communities. they've announced further protection for moscow. for example, we've seen a lot of islamophobia being expressed at these riots. but of course, at the government has said that has already carried out a number of arrests hundreds of arrests. in fact, as some have appeared in court earlier today, but that they are still continuing to look for those involved that this is a priority for the government that being said, we have seen signs of support as well for minority communities community members, volunteers showing up to clear the debris following the unrest over the weekend, we've seen people coming out in support of immigration of asylum seekers and refugees coming to the united kingdom. but on the flip side, we are also hearing from far-right organizations calling for further riots throughout the week, including in the
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capital london. so this will be a huge concern and a huge focus for the government over the coming days and this dynamic, not unique to this story, something happens than the way the information spreads across social media leads people to do things. >> it's not always are based in reality, nada bashir. thank you for the reporting all right. coming up for us, the harris campaign launches a new program targeting republicans who don't want to support donald trump in november. we're going to tell you their plan to win over disenfranchised gop voters. next the sirens are going off and then bang, the tornado hit i'm thinking i'm going to die and i thought that was it. >> violent earth with liev schreiber back-to-back episodes saturday at nine on cnn they'd get it they know how it works and most importantly, it works for them. >> i don't have any anxiety about money anymore. >> i don't have to worry about a voyage payment every month.
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now. >> vice president harris is in the final hours of her self-imposed deadline to choose a running mate and the selection will kick off a new whirlwind phase in her bid for president, part of which includes the launch of a group called republicans for harris which is going to hold kick off events in key states today, trying to rev up support from republicans who are iffy on trump. and they're touting a number of former cabinet members, governors, congress members, and even ex trump white house officials backing harris, despite being staunch conservatives, former georgia lieutenant governor geoff duncan is one of them, part of republicans for harris, he joins us now along with lee carter, former republican pollster and president of men as lansky and partners good to see you both. all right. jeff, i want to start with you because donald trump went after georgia governor brian kemp over the weekend. let's take a listen your governor kemp and raffensberger. they are doing everything possible to make 2024 difficult for republicans
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to win. camp it's very bad for the republican party. he wouldn't do anything. he could have ended the travesty with a phone call because i did nothing wrong and i think, you know, as well as many brian kemp has not always seen eye-to-eye with donald trump, but bottom line is this opening up a lane for kamala harris to be competitive? >> in georgia, not just with democrats, but also with anti-trump republicans yeah, absolutely. >> i mean, the volume of text messages and posts and phone calls of folks trying to play word salad as republicans sitting in that room trying to defend brian kemp against donald trump. i mean, it won't take very many more of those around the country so this be a landslide win. i mean, republicans are right on the razor's edge wanting to support donald trump. they want any reason in the world did not have to support somebody is guilty of felonies and moral just all types of stuff. and so i think at the end of the day, this is making our job as republicans for harris easier
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and he's going to continue to be our best weapon what do you think? >> because after the republican convention, there really seemed to be this feeling of unity in the gop, despite the thousands of people who voted for nikki haley and against trump in the primary. do you see harris is having a real opportunity to interrupt that? >> here's a real opportunity to be sure. and i think it's surprised the republicans in a very meaningful way. i think most people looked at kamala harris is someone who was not a big threat. i think she had very unfavorable numbers and for the last two weeks, she has done nothing but close the gap but where trump was really leading and i think i think she's done that for a number of a number of reasons. one, she's run a very smart campaign. we haven't really heard a lot of conversations whether we haven't heard a lot of interviews with her, but she's done some really smart campaigning and number two, we're watching the republicans in many ways. just hurt
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themselves more than anything with j.d. vance, with donald trump's comments about kamala harris and now about the governor of georgia it's just unfortunate instead of acting and talking about what's important to most americans, which right now is the economy, which is immigration, which is women's freedoms and women's rights those are getting totally left to the side as people are trying to defend or explain away some ridiculous comments that have been made by the former president and his vp pick and you mentioned the economy, lee i mean, geoff, we have seen stocks taking a nosedive today. >> there was the disappointing jobs report last week, and trump has hit harris for this what does she need to do on the economy and how vulnerable is she on this issue i think the most important thing she needs to do is just be a steady hand. >> this country is so desperate for just a steady leader that is able to act like a president, talk like a president tweet like a president i really feel like that's going to be a huge opportunity for her as these
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markets continue to go back and forth. you know, i think just acting like a presence, a big deal. and this has really been interesting to watch. this, i guess donald trump's the latest illustration of mike tyson's famous quote. everybody's got a plan until they get punched in the face. last two weeks, kamala harris has punched donald trump in the face with hundreds of millions of dollars worth of fundraising with incredibly strong momentum and energy and messaging she's quite she, she's on quite the roll. >> and we look, we're all waiting to see who kamala harris will pick as a vice president. but we also heard a, what i would call gleeful nancy pelosi talk about the vance vp pick this weekend. take a listen did donald trump make a mistake when he chose j.d. >> vance? >> i think it was a great choice so obviously, she's a fan of that pack. >> but if you were advising harris who would you suggest for vp so that someone on the other side doesn't have the reaction that pelosi did look, i think there's two really
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great picks and governor shapiro of pennsylvania and mark kelly and arizona. they have different appeals. i think shapiro really helps with that blue wall rust belt, really would help shore up pennsylvania given that he's got 61% support in his state, he is very, very popular. >> and then mark kelly brings i think that table and arizona in that the whole sun belt that is really rid critical to the race. >> so i think both of them very, very favorable figures. people really like them. i think they could bring a lot to the table imbalanced are out and some meaningful ways and jeff, before you go, you wrote a new opinion piece, the harris presidency will get the gop time to purge trump ism, if they had the chance to move on during four years of joe biden's presidency. >> why do you feel like this is different well, i think the biggest go to excuse for a lot of republicans, tens of millions of republicans like me that are just completely done with donald trump. >> we see through his, his thin layers was the fact that joe biden was elderly and we've now eliminated that. we've got
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a 59-year-old energetic smart woman that is ready to rock and roll and for me i think the most important thing we can do is give air cover for republicans all across the country to say, look, just because you're going to vote for kamala harris doesn't mean you're going to become democratic, just means you're going to do the right thing to give us the air time the break, to create a gop 2.0 that is conservative, but just not angry geoff, duncan, lee carter. thank you so much for the conversation. we appreciate it thank you and next, despite multiple athletes falling sick after swimming in the sen. the mixed relay triathlon i know i know you're thinking if fuels it does that was a go this morning and the risky swim well, paid off for team usa. so go for them. we're live with the bears olympics next news with abby phillip tonight at ten eastern on cnn hi, my name
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11:53 am who side are you on know warren foegele to see me house of the dragon streaming exclusively on max diving into uncertainty in the quest for gold that's uncertain. uncertainty is that we you'd call is my sanitized version. >> but hey, i'm not not the one doing tests in the river hours ago in paris olympic athletes from around the world took the plunge into the sen. river for the mixed relay triathlon, the race was a big source of concern going in because of pollution in the water. >> in fact belgium withdrew and switzerland actually had to reshuffle its roster after athletes from both countries got sick after races last week we have cnn's coy wire in paris and khoi. today's event got the green light after official said the water quality is actually within acceptable
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limits. >> that's right, brianna and omar, this uncertainty has been so much added stress to the biggest moment of his athletes careers, australia's team doctor said they've been using prophylactic antibiotics, skin washes, ear washes, eyewash is on they're triathletes, end marathon swimmer is after each swim. germany one that mixed relay event ahead of great britain and usa, who took the bronze and a photo finish. still two more events to come though. so in the river, send the swim marathon at the end of the week, and simone biles phishing out her 2024 olympics with a silver to add to the three golds she's already won here she missed on meddling and been today, but her floor routine was jaw dropping. she stepped out of bounds a couple of times, likely costing her the gold, but are difficulty level was on such another level that so won the silver. tom brady was there in the stands at one point he said that is ridiculous brazil's twenty-five-year-old start, rebecca and dr. jay won her first gold of these games in that event incredible moment afterwards with simone and fellow american jordan chiles bowing down to and jada on the
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podium. that's a frame or five gymnastics metals and offer biles here for an american record, 11 in her career. american swim star caleb dressel racked up three more olympic medals. he was full of smiles and positivity here at our wbs bd house studios after what may have been his last ever olympics, he was also heartbroken after missing out on the final for one of his best events and i asked him how well, tough that moment was listening you train whole life for the race boils down to a couple of seconds yeah. and then when it's over, it's over it's devastating. it's heartbreaking. you put all that effort to something and you want a different results and then all of a sudden there's, there's guys that are better than you on that day. and there's nothing you can do about it. so yeah, i was i was heartbroken. i needed i needed to cry. yeah. and i'll probably have a couple when i get home. i'm reflecting on the me and then hoping it'll
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subside and i can enjoy enjoy we my friends, my family when i get home now, caleb, did win two more goals here, making nine career olympic golds. >> tainan with carl lewis, mark spitz, katie ledecky for second. most of any american ever. and you can see there in that moment there with his wife, meghan, his baby boy august who got a nickname by the way, from snoop dogg. he's called an agi dog so incredible well, moment there for the dressel family here in paris that's a good one. >> agi dog. >> that's solid. i liked that. i like i'm not going to i'm not going to beat out snoop dogg for nickname. we'll take it for now. >> coy wire. appreciate it. >> all right. coming up, we're following a lot of news including closely watching the markets as analysts see an increased risk for a recession, where tell you what has investors most concerned? as we explore the numbers russia for trying to spy on us, we were spying on them i'm sorry,
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