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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  August 5, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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type of rain hovering over coming with the intensity that they tell us that it's coming it's going kept a whole lot of people by surprise and we have elisa back now, elisa, what do you expect next there? we are looking at a very slow moving storm. so heavy rain like this is going to continue to be a problem specifically in the low country of georgia and south carolina. we're up to 20 to 30 inches of rain possible, but just looking at what happened here today, we've got a trash can. you can barely see the top we have 15 inches of rainfall in just a couple of hours here. this is a community town center where they usually hold public events. it totally an undated all of that water making it to the doors of these businesses, taking debris with it in the streets. so much of this community looks like this. and again, the fear is that more communities will look like this in the coming days. dana just horrible. elisa, thank you so much for that report. thank you for joining us. ac360 starts
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now tonight on. 360, then there were three or is it down to new reporting as kamala harris narrows down her vp choices? >> also tonight after markets tumble on, recession fears, will the closing bell toll for shade? the latest on the political impact? and later we are tracking the deadly conditions in the south were tropical storm debby could dump two-and-a-half feet. that's right. feet of rain and cause major flooding before it's all over good evening, everyone. john berman here in for anderson and there is news happening or about to happen on many fronts tonight. let's start with this posted late today on social media from harris campaign spokesperson kevin munoz, quote, we understand the excitement and interest here. he writes, but vp harris has made no decision on a running mate yet. he was responding to a local reports saying she had now that was posted at for 20 6:00 p.m. we
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don't know whether that is still operative here at 8:00, 1:00 p.m. what we do know is the vice president spoke yesterday with these three of the governors of pennsylvania in minnesota and arizona senator mark kelly. and as sea cnn's jeff zeleny report momentarily, it could now be down to just two of the three. but whomever she chooses, the announcement will come at a moment when her two weeks of political good fortune may have run out, not with a bang or a whimper or a poll, which had been promising but a bell so i've markets here and overseas took a beating with the dow and s&p index is according to worst day since 2022, the slide began friday when the government reported weak jobs numbers for july. and even though markets are higher since he left office, and in fact they're still up quite a bit for the year. the former president was quick to pounce with a flurry of posts on his social media network, quoting one of them voters have a choice, trump
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prosperity, or the common law crash and great depression of 2024. not to mention the probability of world war three if these very stupid people remain in office remember trump he says, was right about everything. just a quick factual point according to government figures, the u.s. economy grew by an estimated 2.8% in the most recent quarter and has been growing steadily since the end of the pandemic. so we are not in a recession, let alone a depression or a great depression, or on the brink of world war three that said donald trump is not wrong in sensing that in presidential politics, very little matters more to an election, than how voters perceive the state of the economy. so with that, as the backdrop, let's start things off with cnn's jeff zeleny in his new reporting on the vp search. jeff, i was texting you a few minutes ago saying, who is it, who is it you told me i had to wait until you were on tv with us tonight. so what is the latest you're learning? >> john? one thing i can tell you by tomorrow night at this time in this program, we will have seen already vice president harris and her
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running mate and the chemistry that they either do or don't have after their first rally in philadelphia that is their first event, but i am told while we're going to learn who that candidate is, whoever he may be earlier tomorrow morning, the campaign i'm told is planning on releasing a video message delivering the biggest news of her campaign so far. why are they doing it like this? they are simply trying to build their list of supporters. look for the last two weeks or so, she's been on a rocket ride terms of signing up volunteers, raising money. they want to continue on that path. so who are the contenders are reporting suggests that the final contenders after she's gone through a variety of the democratic bench are two governors, minnesota governor tim walz, and pennsylvania governor josh shapiro, both of whom met with the vice president. we are told over the weekend at the naval observatory here in washington. she also met with arizona senator mark kelly, but i am told that she is focusing on these governors governors in
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particular from different parts of the country? yes. josh shapiro, as we know, comes from pennsylvania. that is where she is heading tomorrow. so that might be an indication that it could be him or perhaps not. she will need him regardless whether she picks him or not. but those 19 electoral votes so important and tim walz, i was a bit of a late bloomer in this contest, but has caught many democrats are the attention and imagination of many democrats here he is well known in the midwest and that is where she needs him she is going there on the second stop of her trip. this week across battleground states to neighboring wisconsin. so those are her top contenders. we are told, but again, this is her decision and her decision to make on the campaign is trying to approve its loyalty to her. this newly founded campaign gained by not allowing any leaks to happen and by allowing her to roll this out on her own terms, so they would like this to be unveiled tomorrow morning in a video message and then have their first appearance tomorrow night in philadelphia. >> i actually have to say given the tightly sealed nature of this, that's quite a bit of information you've been able to
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dig up so far and also, you've got some info about what the camp the pain sort of likes or how each candidate has done well in the vetting right? >> i mean, look, i mean, these are conversations and chemistry that the vice president is looking for. and it's really extraordinary. we've not seen for 24 years a sitting vice president interviewing running mates of the rhone, it was back to al gore and joe lieberman in 2000. so of course she knows what she's looking for in a vice president in a running mate so those are the kind of conversations that she was having with them. and of course, history will show us a lot more about this extraordinary process over the last 15 days or so. she's been campaigning out with a lot of these candidates, these candidates have been campaigning in fact, tim walz tonight in minneapolis, right? now, is that a fundraiser for the harris campaign? so they are working right up to the end. we do not believe that they know her decision either, but again, john, history as you well know, often sheds more light on this very secretive process. but this is a decision that could really set into
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motion for the democratic party. should they win in november, i think it's going out years into the 2030s. think back to that 2008 decision by barack obama to pick joe biden that got us where we are today. had he picked someone else that night, maybe tim kaine for example, as he was thinking about, it, would have been an entirely different situation for history, all right. >> jeff zeleny, go work the phones, ron, here till 9:00 on back on the air at 7:00 a.m. if you don't get anything, now, come back, then we'll see yes with us now, cnn political commentator, senior political commentator, david axelrod also 2020 trump campaign press communications director erin perrine and cnn political commentator bakari sellers, david, let me start with you. tim walz, josh shapiro, and then there were two what is the fact that it being these to tell you? >> well look, i think one thing it tells me is she's got to distinctive paths here because tim waltz would be the safe driver award choice. he has no sharp edges he's well liked in
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the party. he's obviously, he's he's gone on a charm offensive over the last week has been on everything but the home garden network and he's done very, very well and you hear people talking about him. he's got this folksy style and so on. josh shapiro a little more edgy dynamic in some ways. but he's the governor of a state that has 19 electoral votes. a state that both republicans and democrats say she has to win in order to become president of the united states. highly unlikely that you'll take a different path. it could happen. highly unlikely. so he's a very popular governor in that state. she's going to win minnesota he's very popular in that state. and so it would be a math math decision in some ways to do it. but the left has been resistant to josh shapiro and they've run a very strong campaign to try and block him. so it would be also a kind of a declaration of independence on
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her part to say, i love you, but this is my choice. i'm going my own way. >> bakari sellers, you're pretty close to the harris campaign aide. do you have any special insight you want to share with us tonight be if tim walz is the safe pick? can kamala harris afford a safe pick right now we'll a i don't have anything to share with you all and b or a and to, as we say down in denmark, south carolina, i do think tim waltz is the, is the do-no-harm pick. >> and i love josh shapiro. i love tim waltz. in fact, the governor of minnesota was was he wasn't anywhere in my top three or four choices and i've echoed that two people who would listen, i my favorite choices is someone who jeff zeleny says out of the race, which is mark kelly, i think mark kelly, is resume. i think the things mark kelly brings to the ticket in the fact that he brings gabby giffords with there is probably the best choice of the three. and so
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we'll see if that holds up. but at the end of the day, david's right in the fact that there is no pathway that kamala harris becomes president of the united states of america without winning pencil the venue however, you have to look at the blowback that comes with josh shapiro being the nominee, and that blowback means that college students go back to campus. and the question is his response to the protests? you have to look at october 7, where in the. unique part about this is this is the funny part about this online conversation myself as a black guy from south carolina, josh shapiro in tim waltz end mark kelly. all had the same views on israel however, the blowback that josh shapiro has gotten is something that i deemed to be unfair but it is what it is. and so the question is, do you want to stop momentum or do you want to be able to continue the momentum you have? but at the end of the day i've said in the day vice, but this is what exit earlier. this is her decision
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to make. that's our gut. who are governing partner, who's our best governing partner? >> look and we should just know josh shapiro is the 11 of these things is not like the other. he is the one who is jewish. they're even though the four people you listed there all have largely the same view on israel erinperrine. great to see you tonight. you've been involved in vp vetting before. how much does it come down to the resume or electability or just chemistry a lot of it comes down to chemistry, but there is a very thorough vetting process that goes into the vice presidential selection. >> i was with paul ryan in 2012. i was on his team and help put all that information together for him to be it romney's running mate. we sent five binders of information full of financial information, family information, history. it took a long time to put together out to boston for the myths team to be able to go through. and then later on they asked for additional information. my concern for democrats here is they've a very truncated short runway here of 15 days since joe biden announced he was dropping now it to try and do a very thorough vetting process on a
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vp nominee, you're already seeing some of that opposition research blowback start right now on josh shapiro were a paper he wrote when he was 20-years-old at the university of rochester in my rochester, new york, is already being brought back out and he's having to try and defend that how much are they going to miss? in the vetting process due to the truncated timeframe that's going to put their vp nominee even if they believe it's safe into a heavy scrutiny phase that they weren't prepared for, you know, it's interesting, you bring a betting, sorry, go ahead. no, i just going to say there's no doubt with aaron saying is true and this is a hazard of the short timetable, but donald trump had months and pick j.d vance and there was a huge apo dump on jb vance, j.d. vance. so time doesn't necessarily guarantee that you're going to make the right to sort of just gonna say, i mean, they had all the time of the world. trump had all the time in the world. pick j.d. vance clearly, it looks like he probably missed some stuff in the vetting, like vance talking about child for him or ignored it. it's a good point. usha
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vance, the wife of j.d vance, had to come out today. this is what, two weeks after the pick was made, three weeks after the pick and tried to clean it up, listen to what she said the reality is jake, he made a quote, i mean, he made a quip and he made a quip in service of making a point that he wanted to make that was substantive. >> and i just wish sometimes that people would talk about those things and that we would spend a lot less time just sort of going through this three-word phrase or that three-word phrase because what he was really saying is that it can be really hard to be a parent in this country and sometimes our policies are designed in a way that make it even harder. and we should be asking ourselves, why is that? >> true? >> what is it about our leadership and the way that they think about the world that makes it so hard. sometimes for parents you know, erin, the old saying goes, if you're explaining, you're losing, i don't know what the saying is. >> if your wife is explaining something that you said i mean, she's right that's what it is. i mean, she's right someone married for 20 years. i can tell you. yes no.
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>> in general, barak car, you're laughing. what do you make of what we should vance had to do there? >> first of all, if i say something that done, my wife wouldn't she wouldn't go out there. she wouldn't role with me seem like you have to go explain this dump stuff on your own, but i think that both both both guests are correct and at the end of the day, this is a unique situation because we're big tent party and we're actually asking cultural questions and we're asking questions about how far this country has come in. so let's be extremely blunt i mean, let's think about pete buttigieg is the country ready for someone who is gay to be vice president of the united states who has an amazing husband and amazing children. you think about josh shapiro is the question, the question is, is the country ready for this? we jews are three individuals who are jewish to be in the white house. i mean, those are questions that people are asking. and at the end of the day, i believe the answer to both of those questions resoundingly is yes. and i think democrats have to embrace that, embrace that diversity, embrace where we are and brace that we can push back against the underbelly of the country, whether or not she chooses tim
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waltz, who is kind of a folksy midwestern governor or whether or not she picks josh shapiro or whether or not she she she picks a war hero and an astronaut and mark kelly or whether or not she peaked picks beat pete buttigieg. i think you're examining the diversity of the country and the answer to every question i just asked you is the country ready for it? i think the country is ready for the answer is yes. >> and we will soon see whether those questions will be asked because of decisions that have been made, guys stick around. we got a lot more to discuss here, including on the economy, including on the vp pick. we're gonna talk more about these past. we mentioned and what kamala harris has to choose from in search of the 270 electoral votes she needs to win. john king is at the magic wall for that, and later he's all over the map. john king is this time talking to voters in arizona about the new choice. they now have whether you're a professional driver or just a fan vehicle breakdowns are
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coventry direct redefining insurance. >> i'm elizabeth wagmeister in los angeles in this is cnn. >> alright, as we wait for her running mate rollout and the attention it brings were also talking about the potential challenges ahead for kamala harris. namely, that concerns about the economy could slow what has been a the two-week political role for her right
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now, cnn's poll of polls, which includes the four most recent surveys that meet our standards, shows no clear leader though polling it runs only through last friday. and of course, presidential elections are contested state-by-state, which could be why pennsylvania is popular. governor is the top thing contender right now for the vp spot. it is definitely why we are glad cnn's john king is at the magic wall for us 200 electoral votes. that's what you need to win. vice president harris, what's your best path right now? >> so let's walk through a couple of scenarios you were discussing with the panel. number one, what i've done here is the yellow states on the map. those are all states won by joe biden, nebraska is second congressional district won by joe biden in 2020. i've turned them into toss-ups here just for the sake of the conversation. so the blue wall strategy, right? that's the one say, democrats have to win. that's the one that involves pennsylvania. if kamala harris were to win pennsylvania, when michigan win wisconsin in the last five presidential elections, john, those three states have gone together. they've gone together. so 123 we'll get into too 69 if she
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could win those three, even if she lost, georgia lost arizona, and lost nevada, that would get into 269 and she would only need i'm saying only it would be tough, but she could win with nevada is second congressional district. so most democrats say that's the way to do it with the exception of 2016, when donald trump won those three, those have been reliably democratic states for the most part part in presidential politics, the last 20 years or so, that's why they say that. but is there another path if donald trump repeated his 2016 performance and took those three states there, he's at 279. trump would win with what he has now, this is where an axelrod knows this. well, this is where you would need the full and the new obama sunbelt strategy. obama won north carolina in 2008. he lost it in 2012, but he wanted in 2008 with historically high african american turnout. can you then do that in georgia as well? go over and get it in arizona, need latino voters here as well in nevada. you can do it, you can do it with the sunbelt strategy and lose the blue wall. but most democrats, i think all democrats would tell you it's more risky. it would require a much more
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perfect campaign. and the thing that would require most is getting astronomical african american turnout and winning back on latinos who drifted away from president biden. >> it's like diving the technical difficulty goes the way up. if you try to do this on bell strategy opposed to the rust belt, their how much money are we talking about being spent right now in these key states after president biden dropped out. >> so forgive me for turning my back. i want to stretch this out. this is the thing to watch. the money goes where the campaigns think they can play so is north carolina actually going to be the play, right now, the harris campaign, this is ad spending since joe biden got out of the race. so this is spending aimed to help kamala harris when you see the blue side, this is trump spending here. if you're really competing in north carolina, watch in a week or two or three as that number gone up right now pennsylvania, michigan, georgia, wisconsin, arizona, and then to a lesser degree in nevada, the traditional battleground states, if you will, again, obama won north carolina in 08, democrats it's have wanted since, but they haven't been able to get there. so watch this as it goes forward, but you see, everyone says pennsylvania will decide it while the campaign seem to agree, look at how much more money is going into pennsylvania than anywhere else
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we've talked about a third party candidate, robert kennedy, the place of a dead bear in central park when he is in the polls where did things happen? so let me stretch this out again. forgive me and this is a little harder to see. here's my big question. these are four different polls, so i want to tell people at home, this is not apples and apples. so this is not, we have to be careful about this, but these are four polls taken going back to mid-july through just the other day, right? and you see harris has gone up a little bit trump. they're very close, right? appear their competitive. what am i looking at here to see if this continues? this is robert kennedy over here at 6% by the time you get over here, he's at 2%. again, there are different polls, different methodology. so be careful about this. i'm raising this as a question, not to say data shows this, but if this continues to go down and the other, these are the other third-party candidates, cornell west, jill stein, down just a little bit in the last several weeks, if that trend continues most people would tell you that is better for kamala harris because there's not or at least there's not yet proof that this majority support for trump or trumpism in the
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battleground states, right? and so if you come back to this map in 2020 and you look at it, what happened, right? let's come up to 2020 and look at the presidential race here. >> boom. >> joe biden gets to 49 for trump's at 48 in 2016. what happened? the third party candidates took hillary clinton down a 47 and trump wins with 48. so the third party candidates going down is at least at the moment, if it continues helpful to harris as we go into this next phase john king stick around, i want to bring the panel back with us and i want everyone to shout questions at john or each other as you'd like. i'm gonna do a subsidiary could prerogative, though here, because you're talking about this tight margins, john minnesota pennsylvania, last few elections shapiro versus the other elections in the state at the time, how has he done? >> so? if you go back and look at governors races, you'd have to go back a little bit. let's find a shapiro race here in pennsylvania. we got to go back and i hope it's loaded in here for me to come forward here. and you finally governor's race. well, here let me just you right. let me just bring out the state here and come up
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to 22 and we get to the governor's race in here we go. so here's josh shapiro. you just saw what happened there, right? again, a week people would say republican opponents, so be careful about this, but watch when i switch to the presidential map, just watch up in here. so you see the blue here right? now we come back to 2020 and bringing the presidential map. there's more red right here, right? so what is josh shapiro, do? he runs a little bit stronger in these white working class places, in places where donald trump does really well a little bit stronger know tim walz has done and the same thing in minnesota. this is one of the things your question does that transfer over that's one of the reasons that mitt romney pick paul ryan and they lost wisconsin. so let's be careful about this, right? let's, it doesn't always translate. but if you're thinking about going into those smaller communities, going on local television markets into pennsylvania or michigan, or wisconsin, that's one of the reasons you debate shapiro and walls based on their past electoral history, have they run in places where trump has hurt the democratic party for both of them, the answer is yes. does that translate to a presidential race? big question mark. >> alright, i heard some chuckling there in the background. bakari, you first no, i was just chuckling
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because what happens if both of those candidates only marginally improve your chance or outcomes in both arizona, mark kelly, or pennsylvania with josh shapiro, what happens with black voters in places like north carolina and georgia issued trending enough. >> are we seeing enough from black voters to get? their to the levels of 2008? and what are those numbers look like for her to be able to pull off a victory in what has been fool's gold david axelrod, messina, plus, they actually were able to win north carolina and florida. democrats have somewhat of a fool's gold mentality. is that something we can do? >> well, as you know, a bunch of obama veterans just went in to the harrison campaign. so we'll see how they look at the data going forward. and i would say this bakari, any conversation, you know, this everybody in this conversation noses any conversations today or theoretical, let's watch these conversations after the vp pick, after the democratic convention, after people process the olympics and we come out of labor day, but you don't, you can't waste especially because she started to lay. you can't waste any day between now and then so here's more of that. north carolina 2020 biden was pretty competitive, 50 to 49, right?
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it's a very competitive state, but you need that extra magic that turnout to do it. if you go all the way back to 2008, obama didn't crack 58, just, barely beat john mccain. look how close that is, but it's doable if you're near perfect in turnout when you start late the history of kamala harris, the first woman of color, does it match up with the first president of color? of course, it's not exactly the same, but can they create that kind of excitement? i can tell you i was on the ground in pennsylvania last week, arizona, just the other day at the moment, there's a ton of democratic excitement. can you sustain it for 97 days erin, very quickly, you add something yes. when you look at the map right now in states down-ballot and how that will affect the ticket upwards, you were going to see that there was going to be a split between biden voters and those down ticket. but in states like wisconsin, michigan, and pennsylvania, in the senate races right now, republicans are going to already reserve time for airtime, but they are being vastly outspent by democrats do you see that there will be more split ticket or less split ticket voting with harris at
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the top. and how much that spending in those down-ballot races might affect the saturation to help harris maybe bring that whole ticket together. >> so that is a defining question in the sense that just pop up a pennsylvania. you also have you, bob casey running against a strong republican opponent. we could go out to ohio i owe sherrod brown running against what most people believe is at least a decent republican opponent. the jon tester is. he's more trouble in a state trump's going to win by 151618 points. there has not been any ticket splitting in the last few years. susan collins is the last one and a presidential election to survive in the state of maine when the state went blue and she won. the question is, do the rules apply anymore? this is the question that's myself all the time. this is my tenth presidential campaign. so you say, my experience tells me sometimes you say my experience tells me nothing because we're in a brand new world. and so that is a huge one when biden was the nominee, all those democrats were going to argue for ticket splitting. they weren't going to run campaigns separate themselves for joe biden. now that harris is the nominee, they're going to give her a chance they're gonna give her a chance. and if she's competitive, they're going to try to ride with her. if they
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see that she's not that's when you'll see those breaks tax. >> i want to leave one question with you here. the economy, these the stock, the stock market, by the way, isn't the economy and lower is reacting to economic news here, how much of a concern is that? how much of a weight could stock market turmoil been? >> well, look, it depends what it leads to you know, you talk to smart people around the market and they say this was a correction that was long overdue. it's not a prelude to a recession if we were to dip into a recession obviously, that could very well affect the election. and so i'm sure that the folks over at the harris head coach quarters are watching this closely, but probably the fed will pretty quickly lower interest rates and things will stabilize. but, you know, you could see trump's already out there exploiting me the minute it happened, he was alright. >> david axelrod, erin for any bakari sellers. thank you. all. thank you. you're making my life so much easier to and thanks to john king who's sticking around for one minute more. can a new face at the top
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of the ticket re-energized democrats in battleground arizona. john talks with door-to-door canvassers as part of his all over the map series. next i have tied to diabetes, but i manage it well, it's a little bill with the big story to tell i take once daily john at each day as time went on you, please. easy to see a lowering my one see charlie has worked 24/7 in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type two diabetes and heart disease, guardians can lower the risk of cardiovascular deaths serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal dehydration that can lead to several worsening kidney function and genital yeast or urinary tract infections are rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur, stuff guardians and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this disinfection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction, you may have
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hotels. >> what if i took on one of the hotels? and you did the other one to deems. >> we have it big brian 100 days and the best don't tell when 100 day hotel challenged special series premieres tuesday the august 13 a day on hgtv wanted to get a better sense of how the change at the top of the democratic ticket is playing out on the ground in the states where this election may be decided. >> our john king went back to arizona as part of his series all over the map that tracks the election through the eyes and experiences of voters in battleground states and who are part of critical voting blocs john is still with us. here. what are the voters in arizona say? >> the democratic energy is real, it's off the charts. so when you hear people in washington in new york saying it exists, i can tell you, yes, it does exist on the ground. the challenge for harris, though, there are some young voters and some independents who drifted away from president biden in a place like arizona, you need them to win the big challenge is can she get them back door to door in the scorching desert heat hot out
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here, though, not much of a shadow in the middle of the day, looking for votes in a place where every matters were just going out and talking voters. this is pinal county, arizona. it is rural republican. and the pre canvassing meeting, if they save hydrate includes a reminder, a lot of trump voters aren't happy when a progressive comes calling. >> you know, it's getting hot out there. we definitely know it's not just the temperature we just keep it moving. tell him, thank you. have a good day. >> pablo correa and jacob dials also walked these streets in 2020 when joe biden won arizona by just 10,000 votes. this year things were looking rough, but now this handout is a keepsake. >> ever have a campaign year like this? >> ever had a campaign year like this a new version with kamala harris is at the print shop. >> now we are hearing conversations about like hope, while already told my friends, my family, my neighbor to go out and vote versus yeah, i'm going to go out and vote probably the canvassers or more excited democratic voters to its palpable. >> now there's excitement and if you can throw excitement on top but duty, there is
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something closer to home with harris at the top of the ticket. >> it's way easier to support a candidate who can actually see go out and campaign and you like, you have the energy around, you melissa cordillera is proof of the new energy she's much more active. she says since her phone started humming at late july sunday biden stepped aside. >> i mean, just red dots all over my phone screen. you know, everybody's like did you did you did you see this is arrow is an air force veteran active in a group called common defense hagi. she was loyal to biden when we first visited four months ago, excited to work with fellow veterans and other friends to back harris now, not all veterans are for trump. >> now, all veterans are maga crazies, second amendment people. there are ones out there that truly believe in democracy. and we want things like reproductive freedom. i think kamala coming in in his brought this just just energy that wasn't there sustaining that new energy for three months is one giant harris challenge, according also hopes
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for contrast with trump on immigration and other pressing issues here, jobs, money, rent caps, all the things that cause a lot of stress. >> there's a lot of eco rios was too young to vote in 2020, but supported biden 19 now compares trumpism to fascism, eager to vote but not for harris. >> i can't commit to the democrats. i used to think that they were better. i just don't rio sees both harris and trump as too harsh on asylum seekers and other migrants his biggest issue is the hamas plus israel conflict. >> rio supports a socialist candidate who opposes any aid to israel. >> there's nothing that camila can do in the next one to three months that can washed that blood from her hands in my view, harris can't win battlegrounds like arizona if she doesn't reverse biden's slide with latinos and with young voters pretty much else does see some shift. but doubts. harris can do enough. >> i've certainly had friends
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asked me where i had conversations about what's camilla's deal issued better? they're issue this issue that and so those conversations are certainly happening. i just don't know if they're happening in the numbers that the democratic party was hoping for. to saunas pm county reliably blue but independence like ray flores help settle competitive races. he remains just where he was when we first met in march from the fore planning to vote third party, lose a libertarian party right now, flores sees both major parties is too focused on power and personalities as engines of division, not solutions it's not halutz when it's humiliation, its disruption. i kinda feel glad that the wind because that's going on right now i liked when i see our country shaking hands and hugging other countries and i wish that politics have the same respect for the competition that sports does. >> el charro stake is one of a dozen restaurants flores owens, he was in europe on a month long family vacation when trump was shot at well, what and when
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biden stepped aside, or brand is important, and it was it was being laughed at and i didn't like that we were the butt of the joke back now to catch up on business and a change just presidential race i do look forward to seeing some sort of debate between them. >> i think that would be more than good television. i think it would be eye-opening to see how they respond to each other this is a whole new game, right? so this is a fresh, new, and i think we can all should all kind of peel back and look at this as a fresh new way a race with more fire and more energy. >> now a new option, perhaps enough to warrant another look at the menu more fire, literally arizona, obviously not just a swing-state john, it's also a border state. >> how big of an issue is immigration there right now, it's a big issue, john, but it's a complicated as you look where that piece ended. pima county down here were two son is blue in the last president so election that's right along the border. >> two of the four border counties in arizona or blue maricopa, the largest population county is blue, so it's not automatically an
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issue that hurts the democrats, if you will come forward to 2020, mark kelly wins the senate race against blake masters. >> that was a trump immigration message from blake masters. look at the governor's race close, right? but kate the hubs wins the governor's race over kari lake very close race. but again, it's much more complicated when you go to these border states. yes, most even democrats say stronger border control, more agents stop illegals from crossing the border. however, they're much more nuance and they don't like a lot of them don't like anyway, donald trump's harsh language about immigrants because guess what? a lot of immigrants live here and a lot of families from here have relatives just south of that border. >> john king has been so great having you on going over all this and everything else. and i really appreciate it. thank you. >> are coming up more on the expected vice presidential announcement. the congresswoman who code shared this election committee that picked kamala harris as president biden's running mate he will join us. plus the repeated attacks by the former president and his allies on the by racial heritage of kamala harris five
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trump today, once again, attack the abc news correspondent to questioned him last week during a confrontational interview at a gathering of black journalists, rachel scott kicked off the interview at the national association of black journalists with a question about why black voters should support him after the language and false attacks he has long use against journalists and politicians of color this is what trump said about the appearance during an interview today i did it because i thought it was a good thing to do and they had a journalist. >> i don't know. i didn't know who she was, but she was nasty. she was a terrible person, diminish. she's with abc fake news, which is one of the worst abc's the worst, right? and she is horrible. so she was very nasty. and frankly, if i own that network, i would fire herself as it were so inappropriate. >> and i actually the attack on an excellent black female
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journalists comes a day after a top trump ally, congressman byron donalds went on national tv and defended the former president's unfounded birtherism like attacks on vice president harris and her by racial heritage. >> these comments occurred at the same conference of black journalists, the former president said harris quote, happened to turn black and that it was quote, all of a sudden george stephanopoulos or maybe see what have none of it she has a jamaican father, an indian mother. >> she's always identified as both. why are you questioning that well, george, first of all, this is something that's actually a conversation throughout social media right now, there were a lot of people who are trying to figure this out. >> but again, that's a side issue, not the main issue. the main issue. >> one seconds. you just did it just did it again of the united states. why why do you why do you enforce done questioning her racial identity? >> you want me to talk i want you to answer my question you, george george, now that you're done, yellen, i mean, let me
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answer. he talked about it on a stage yesterday in atlanta for what, two minutes. >> so questioning somebody's racial identity for your cup or a couple of minutes is okay? >> george, on mattel again, he brought it up. api is the one i wrote the headline when she first came in to the united states senate i'm joined now by congresswoman lisa blunt, rochester, a candidate for us senate and co-chair of the harris campaign. >> she was also co-chair of both the biden-harris campaign four years ago as well as the vp selection committee, congressman, i do want to ask you about trump and byron donalds attacks here in just a moment. but first i want to tap into your experience vetting vice presidential selections. you were in the room where it happens. so what is happening tonight at quarter of 9:00 p.m. the vice president's residence well, first of all, john, let me say how exciting it is to be on on the potential eve of an exciting announcement. >> and you know, as you
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mentioned, i had the opportunity in the great privilege of serving as one of the four members of the vp selection committee for joe biden. he was very clear. he wanted someone who was qualified. he wanted someone who would be ready on day one. and kamala harris fit that bill. she was ready on day one then and she's even more ready today. and he also wanted someone the word he used besides the vetting and making sure the background checks and that the person had the great qualifications. he wanted someone who was in his words, simpatico with him. and basically that somebody that they worked well together at the end of the day when the lights are about to go off and there they're leaving the white house this is the last person in the room that he talks to and gets advice in back-and-forth. and so kamala harris fit that bill and i know that she is looking for someone who will do the same thing that will be simpatico with her and only she can make that determination. but who also
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will be a strong acid? the kit for the american people were excited because all of the candidates are well-suited, well-qualified, and for democrats, we're in a very good position so he can't govern if you don't win, it, it's hard to win without pennsylvania. >> so do you think that gives an edge to governor shapiro just down the street from you well, it's funny because i was waiting for the question. >> if i wanted to break some news and the breaking news is that kamala harris makes great decisions. i think it's important even when we're looking at these candidates, you are thinking of bout who is going to be great and campaign and help you to win. but you're also think about who can govern because that's the most important piece of this, is who can govern and so i know that she's going to be looking at both who is going to be great on the campaign trail. but also
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again, that person who could be ready on they one, it's unfortunate that president trump couldn't even say that his own vice presidential pick would be ready on day one because he didn't think the vice president is important we happen to believe it is an important first decision. one of the first biggest decisions that you will make as a candidate. and it shows who you are as a president will have to get together talk about what really qualifies as breaking news. but we'll leave that aside here for just a moment congresswoman, look these attacks that president trump seems to keep making on the by racial heritage of the vice president and his campaign and campaign surrogates seem to be making what does it tell you about him and them you know, first of all, what i recall from the question was why should black people trust you and basically, he gave us more reasons to not trust him i thought about this.
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>> someone said lisa, why aren't you so horrified upset, and maybe because i wasn't surprised you know, you can either look at it as political that this is birther 2.0. and this is what you do when you're trying to distract because you don't have good a good track record and you don't have good policies for the future because you're thinking of project 20 you 20 25, and gutting social security and medicare and, you know, taking away a woman's right to have bodily autonomy, or maybe it's personal, it's really who he is. and either of those events. it makes clear to the american people why he should not be on the ticket are back in the white house. and as jim clyburn, my good friend said, this race is not just the most important, it is the most consequential the decision of who we put into the white house will have consequences for the next, not just decades, but possibly generations for our climate, for jobs, for all of it. and so we're telling people, especially now we got demo but credits for kamala
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harris, we got white dudes for kamala harris. we've got republicans for commonly harris were telling everybody we got to do our part. we're moving from worrying about all of this to work. we got to work so that we can win. that's our goal. >> congresswoman lisa blunt, rochester from delaware. thanks so much for being with us. appreciate your time. >> thanks next, a new advisory just released on tropical storm debby. >> and what it looks like on the flooded ground as parts of the south brace for what authorities warn could be catastrophic rainfall he was at trouble losing weight and keeping same, discover the power of weeks the march to the rigobi. i lost 35 pounds as some lost over 46 pounds hey and i'm keeping the weight off we go be help you lose weight and keep it off i'm reducing
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tic two ask for it by name. so clearly you so tick two this tiny home trend not for me. >> now, this is more like it. the same goes for my foot worth why want hands-free with white fit sketcher slipping, just step in and go without bending down or touching my shoes, why byd hands? pre-scheduled slip ends when it said red lobster's going away, your boy flavor flav said, not today, grab this a boy and they got two s
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customer makes it so easy. she gets started today at the source with kaitlan collins. next more breaking news tonight. >> a slow moving tropical storm debby is bringing torrential rain to parts of the southeast tonight, the national weather service's warning and they're just released 8:00 p.m. eastern advisory quote potentially historic rainfall and quote, catastrophic flooding for parts of georgia and the carolinas in the days ahead, forecasters say
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up to 30 inches of rain could fall in some areas that's two-and-a-half feet this is what debbie left behind and western florida after coming ashore as a hurricane, at least four deaths are reported there, one in georgia in connection shan with the storm. cnn's isabel rosales has more on the damage done by debbie and the ongoing threat. it still poses pounding rain whipping winds powerful currents the water has made it up tropical storm debby, no longer a hurricane after making landfall this morning as a category one storm, the big bend of florida, seeing first impact, we have seen significant storm surge. >> we have seen inundation we have seen and will continue to see flooding in very parts of the state of florida. >> but debby is still bringing life-threatening storm surges and rain as it crawls inland. more than a month's worth of
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rain has already fallen in florida, triggering at least ten flash flood warnings. hundreds of sarasota residents were transported from flooded homes by water rescue teams. >> there's going to be a lot of water what are that's going to be dumped throughout the state and we're going to see effects of that not just today, but in the ensuing days though rain will likely be debby's biggest danger, strong winds and potential tornadoes will continue to be a threat. for storm-related deaths now confirmed in florida, a teen crushed by a tree that fell on his mobile home and multiple driving fatalities including a tractor trailer driver who lost control on the wet roadway near tampa, plunging off the bridge and into a canal the second death blamed on debby severe weather conditions the storm did wash. one rather unusual find $1 worth of cocaine near the florida keys. according to the u.s. customs and border protection, this is a once in a thousand-year potential rain fall of that debby is slowing down and speed and officials
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are expressing concern over the amount of rain forecast as it continues into georgia and south carolina in savannah, emergency crews are already receiving their first call for a water rescue. >> you just saw one of our marine units or water rescue teams rollout to a vehicle stalled with people trapped the vehicle after preparing for the impact of 20 inches of rain in just two to three days, there's been a lot of behind the scenes prep work working with the city as a whole, with them clearing out the obstructions of drains, working with the city to make sure we have sand for the residents. we've left so easily here residents and savannah heeding the warnings and bracing for unprecedented flooding multiple sandbag stations ran out of supplies sunday night and resupplied by the county. >> the storm staying on top of us for 24 to 48 hours. and i know that's just going to be a lot of precipitation, a lot of rain coming down. it's just gonna be is gonna be unheard of really. >> and isabel rosales joins us now, isabel so much rain. what
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can we expect in savannah the next couple of hours? >> hey, john, so the concerns are for potential tornadoes historic rainfall, and coastal flooding so if forecast verify when it comes to all of that expected rainfall, that water has to come from the west here into the savannah waterway. so the big question here is, can the river have an handle the capacity for all of that water to get out. if not, that's a big issue. that is when you get serious flooding and that is what has officials here so concerned to the fact that they've instituted a curfew that is set to take into place here in just under an hour. officials warning residents here to prepare for flooding. they have not not ever seen in their lifetime. i spoke john to the mayor here of savannah. he says that he will not sleep while debby is knocking here. and the moral of the story is that this is not a sprint. this is a marathon debby falling