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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  August 6, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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reason that tim walz went from being the darkest dark horse to be one of the finalists. and of course, now the pick as her running may it is because a lot of people have noticed that sort of down to earth likable quality to him, a number of people that i have spoken to throughout this process they have said that he is just a blast, but he has been to be with we in fact reported a couple of days ago that president joe biden has enjoyed spending time with them so much much so that advisors have joked. could we find a way to get the minnesota governor to spend more time with the president. because every time he does that, he seemed to be in a great mood. just one other your final thing that i do want to note and i'm just going to turn off my phone alarm, here. that is going off. sorry about that. >> i one thing i will note is what an incredible contrast we have have now on the democratic ticket with kamala harris and tim walz on it at the same time, we have somebody in
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kamala harris who embodies the dynamism that the innovation of a big cities, particularly in the coasts of this country, and then in tim walz, we have somebody who sort of embodies the proud the resilient, the hard working patriotic middle of the country. and i do think that we can easily imagine tim walz very much embracing and leaning into that contrast. he is somebody who can get up on the campaign stage and say to the american people, look, i might not have gone to law school. i was busy serving in the middle military. i was busy being a high school teacher. i may not be from a big city on the coast. i was born in a small town in nebraska, and yet ai chair are all of these fundamental values that kamala harris holds dear. and here i am with all of the, you withholding all of the same values and views as our vice president kamala harris. so you could imagine that being sort of a really complimentary
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ticket that is, again, aimed at speaking to the really wide the voters that the democrats are hoping to get to going into november as they're hoping to defeat the donald trump j.d. vance ticket cnn, breaking news top of the hour, and the breaking news is big in this unprecedented campaign this season likes of which we have never seen before. we have one more major development. vice president kamala harris, the presumptive democratic nominee. now for president of the united states, has selected minnesota governor tim walz to be her running mate. >> we week-and-a-half ago, two weeks ago, maybe seen as a dark horse. >> now he has emerged as the toys r, mj lee, jeff zeleny, john king, jamie gangel, all reporting on this mj just saying maybe walls of vibes
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picks seen as a midwestern happy warrior, john king is here with us in new york, watching this unfold before our eyes. let's just start reset at the top of the hour what tim walz means for this ticket now, but it means number one, the democrats have their tickets are about to go into their convention. and after kamala harris clinch the nomination with the most unorthodox nominee? a process of our lifetime, the president united states steps aside after winning the primaries. she wins a virtual voting among the delegates, and then she wants to make this decision. she wants all this cleaned up before they get to chicago. the convention. so that can all be about prosecuting the case against donald trump and j.d. vance and against the republicans. so a very truncated process, lot of pressure on the vice president. so if voters out there get to judge how she's handling this first, first big executive decision. so why tim walz we're showing pictures of him? right there in a jacket, in a shirt with no tie on early we had pictures of him in a t-shirt. i do think the contrast here is going to be striking. this is a small town, midwesterner this is a man who won a republican
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house seat and held him in very difficult years for democrats, he held onto it. so he has that small town rural appeal, which is why did donald trump pick j.d. vance sort of the same idea. can you go into small communities and make the case? he's the chairman of the democratic governors association the i can tell you his fellow democratic governors love him, love him. they think he's smart. they think he builds consensus. they think he's really funny and so they like being in his company and that matters in a campaign in terms of harris being out, are you confident that your do you have the loyalty and do you trust your partner out there on the campaign trail? does that person at tense moments and there will be a lot of tense moments in the next 90 days of this campaign make you laugh and make you smile and maybe take some of the pressure off you. can you do the small market television walls fits that bill. now, we're going to see how he plays out. and again, i'll be a broken record on this. there is no data in the 37 years i've been doing this that says you're vice presidential pick makes the difference in the end however, it can hurt you. some, we can have a conversation about his vance has vance hurt trump or at least stalled trump's momentum a little bit there and
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it can help you in the idea that again popular with governors helps, you raise money. the popular with governors that helps gets more people on the team. popular and small town america, create a little bus for democrats in places maybe we're there not always seen. and that is one of the democratic party's problems in the years i've been doing this, michael dukakis was my first campaign in 1988. he won ten states, massachusetts, miracle, iowa in west virginia, where states won by michael dukakis in 1988. those who are blue collar democrats who worked with their hands on farms or in coal mines are in factories. the democrats have lost those votes tim walz knows how to win those votes. again, the presidential candidate decides who wins the election, but a vice presidential candidate can help a little bit, and she's made a governing choice here to a progressive governor who has been who was in the military in the house, then elected statewide and reelected statewide. so you have governing experience here, again, in a, in a different but mix of midwestern mix. she's a west coast politician, so it's a, it's an interesting combination. politics i was going to casserole about you bringing all these ingredients are bringing all these
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ingredients together and trying to make them work the last thing i'll say is in my travels over the last year one of the issues is people are so disillusioned with politics. that's why so-called double haters, people who don't like trump and don't like biden will now president biden is out of the race, so that gives the democrats opportunity to have this opportunity to shake up the race, to get people to look again. so somebody who's a little different a little on orthodox, kamala harris is different. she's a woman of color. she's different in a row. i did not to bring somebody else different into the mix when you're trying to get another look? it's an interesting pick. >> and you mentioned him being a happy warrior that is not something that you always hear in politics. there's been a lot of people who have been really, really annoyed off. it's probably the best word you could use at the candidates recently using very dark language, et cetera. that's right. he's not that guy though. he makes the case against trump and trumpism with a smile and he says make it, he urges people to make it with a smile, and he urges people to say, don't demonize the voters, don't demonize the people with whom you disagree,
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tried to have a conversation with him, trying to win them over with your own arguments and with your own details, not by saying you're a moron grenadian, or go away. >> i don't want to listen to try to find out how they got there minnesota. >> nice. and what is what is the what is the source of their disillusionment, disaffection, not just pushed them away because they disagree three with you let's go to jeff zeleny now, jeff, there is this question about what the relationship was before all this. how much did kamala harris know tim walz or have ever sort of talked to and had conversations with tim walz before the dark horse became the pick sir, i'm told not much. they did not have much of a relationship. but another source, just a moment ago pointed me back to visit that vice president harris took to the twin cities in minnesota in march, and she visited a planned parenthood clinic. of course, she has been the leading champion on the at the time, biden-harris campaign for abortion rights. and that has been one of the really anthems
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of her candidacy. and governor walls was at this planned parenthood clinic. it's the first time a sitting vice president has visited such a clinic. and i'm told that she walked away impressed by his demeanor, how he carried hurt himself, and she liked him, but did not know much about him. and of course, at the time, this would have been unthinkable. just 16 days ago she was the running mate. >> she was it's not looking for her own running mate. so that is what is remarkable about this. but i really in the last two weeks, uh, governor walz went from a third frontier, a contender in the views of someone who's close to him to one of the top three and they believe that was largely because of what he was doing. a very publicly he was doing every interview he could do trying to make the case at to some democrats and make the case why he is the type of course flavor of a democrat that could help win the voters back if you think back to an excuse me for that
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interruption. if you think back to sort of the democratic party how it was not that long ago when barak obama won in 2008 2012, they want a lot of areas that are now read. john was just talking about many of those areas. governor walz is someone they believe who can help win back these areas. there, of course, are limitations to this. vice president harris is at the top of the ticket she is the standard bearer. so we will see in the coming days how much he can sort of give some common and relief to some voters who are unsure about this. but the contrast is something i'm told the harris campaign and very much liked. and the chemistry is something that she also liked. in the final days of this search. >> guy that a lawyer, tim walz, all know, not a lawyer, which is unusual, right? i guess al gore wasn't a lawyer mean it's but all i didn't hear and, you know, often you see you know, politicians at this point who haven't had experience in the law, especially a democratic side. let's go to mj lee for more
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reporting on how we got to this point, mj, what are you hearing now? >> yeah, john, i do think we should just take an extra beat to take stock of really, really remarkable and extraordinary ordinary series of events that led us to this moment it was 16 days ago that president joe biden dropped out of the 2024 race. and as you've been talking about, vice president harris was able to lock up this nomination so quickly, but so much so that there was not even at any point many points, even a blip of a real conversation within the democratic party about whether the should consider anybody else other than kamala harris. and now we have not only kamala harris at the top of the ticket, but within a matter of days, she has deliberated on and chosen the running mate of her twice, and it is now going to be the harris walls ticket running against the trump trump-vance ticket so we have seen two remarkable and unprecedented
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transformation of the democratic ticket in just again, a matter of days. and i do think we should note that this moment but really marks in some ways, kamala harris defying president biden, as we have talked about so much for years and years, president biden and the u.s. pfizer's that are closest to him has made the argument repeatedly that the person at the top of the ticket had to be joe biden, that only he was capable of beating donald trump that with anybody else the country really risks a second term trump presidency. and in that they were at least implicitly please suggesting that the democratic bench of talent was inadequate. but now here we have kamala harris at the top of the ticket. now, tim walz, right there below her and the two certainly do. now represent sort of the future of the democratic party in a way that we would not have seen a hat joe biden remained at the top
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of the ticket. now, at one thing i will say as we are now talking about this ticket facing up against president trump and j.d. vance on the other side of the aisle. i do think there's something to be said for the way that walz has conducted himself in the last several weeks or so as he has made the case effectively, a lot of democrats would say against trump and vance. he is the guy that made the weird messaging really take hold, as he described the republicans on the other, other side of the aisle as those weird guys that has been a really politically the effective messaging. and he has clearly shown whether he was intentionally auditioning for this job are not, that he can be that effective messenger for kamala harris. and the democratic party. so all of these things would have gone into that decision making think process. i know that we were talking about this a little bit in the last hour, but i do think sort of that vibes
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decision. how much that factored into thing it's just the idea that this is somebody that she would have had good personal chemistry with, that he is widely described as somebody that people just enjoy spending time with. you can imagine that that would not have been that would have been rather a really big part of the consideration given what a big decision it is. and given that at the end of the day, the president is going to want somebody that they like, that they like spending time with, if at all possible very good points there. >> mj lee, let's go now to john king. as you're thinking through this whole scenario there was a possibility to have the pennsylvania governor, which has a lot of electoral votes that everybody was worried about. now, she goes to philadelphia and so does tim waltz having to go there into shapiro's nest? what happens here? how do you see this playing out? >> i have no knowledge of this because we've been reporting about governor walz, but my bet is that josh shapiro said that event today. josh shapiro, he said, good rising star in the
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democratic party, huge moment. many ways, in many ways. and he'll be on the battlefield helping this administration, helping harris. and was his path, helped him try to win the election and to just be out there again, as i said earlier, as the chairman of the democratic governors association, tim walz is very well liked and so the other governors love him and we yeah, there's a little bit of a bruised ego, of course you are. >> you love to be considered and then you're told know at the end. >> but josh shapiro, a rising star in the party. he's younger than both harris and walz and heal. i assume he'll take the first term. he'll take his first term, governor. and i was in pennsylvania last week, a lot of voters we'd love him to be vice president, but we just got them. we don't want to lose him so he can turn this into opportunity as well as you go forward and it reminds me a lot of wider brock obama pick joe biden but you wanted a blue collar guy with governing experience who would sort of balance you if you review, you reviewed as somehow more of a city person. right? so kamala harris is san francisco and oakland west coast tim walz, the midwest and more of a blue collar appeal. again, we keep seeing pictures of where he's in a suit right here, but i
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think the pictures you're going to see, you're going to see more of him in a, in a hunter's jacket and in a t shirt. and that state fairs. and in small communities and going out there because that's where the democrats need to reach if they can improve their stan, what joe biden joe biden strength and we've seen harris is brat back some of the young people she's brought back some of the african american vote she's brought back some of the latino vote that was disaffected from the incumbent president. one of the things they're worried about is that you see the pictures here you know, in the minnesota shirt there state fair hug you one of the things they've been worried about is white working class democrats and older voters. and so here you have somebody again, a happy warrior, good communicator he impressed everybody with his television appearances over the last several weeks or so there's joy in the democratic party right now. there's excitement of the democratic party right now the challenges they need to be near perfect for 90 plus days. and so, said, don't underestimate the vibes thing, but he also does bring a national guardsman who can talk
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about military experience. a guy who held onto a very tough congressional seat with a lot of headwinds in years where there are headwinds, adam, so he's proven he can, he can win in tough climates i'm not taking anything away from governor shapiro or senator kelly or anybody else, but that's an asset in policy it takes can you win can you win when the wind is not only in your face, but this monsoon in your face. >> well, let's talk about josh shapiro here because i do feel as if this meat less so unique because we have a person who was only been nominee or the presumptive nominee for wasn't even the race 16 days ago and vice president kamala harris but josh shapiro, the governor of pennsylvania, the commonwealth, that the democrats need really do need to win does harris does the harris team now need to explain either very, very directly or at least indirectly why you didn't pick josh shapiro as you are going to that state today to announce this pier. >> i think one of the fair observations about the vice precedent and again, this just happened 16 days ago. >> but one of the questions has been, what are we going to see her doing more interviews? so
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what are we going to see her out there? of course, he's going to get asked this question and she's going to have to manage this because you have a democratic party. if you ask democratic voters democratic leaning independents, do you want vice president harris to continue the policies of biden administration or do something new and different in breakout, it's almost evenly divided. so she's trying to manage this democratic families. she's done a good job so far. part of it, it's just with the energy coming forward, the improving poll numbers that makes people happy she's going to get asked these questions there were people campaigning against shapiro, not because he was the only jewish candidate in the race per say, but the idea being that you have so many young voters who are angry over the palette, over the israeli government's what they view as excessive a killing of civilians in gaza. do you want to risk angering those young voters when you're trying to get them back. is that fair to governor shapiro? i would argue not the policies have all these governors or even senator kelly policies have all the finalists on this. we're pretty similar that we think they think netanyahu has crossed some lines. they also think you don't, don't ever forget that hamas is a terrorist organization that started that
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started all this back on october 7. she going to have to answer these questions when she does interviews, she will have to answer these questions and how she answers it. we'll show you how she's now the ceo of the democratic party. she wants to be ceo of the united states of america. so you get asked tough questions comes with the territory. >> i do have to say, i don't know if it was performative or not. but one did get the sense from republicans the last week that shapiro may have been the candidate that they feared the more is that fair do you think that republicans see more of an opening now with waltz? >> i think republicans understand the importance of pennsylvania. and if you could make the argument that in a state that's 80,000 votes if shapiro gets you a point or half a point or something like that, or if he just camped out in pennsylvania, does he help the ticket there? yes. look, you can see in the ad spending, you can see in trump's campaign reprehensible what happened at the rally in butler, but where was he was in pennsylvania. right. he trump understands how important pennsylvania was to him in 2016, and how just losing pennsylvania, the three blue wall states have gone
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together. and every presidential election since 2004. pencils novaya michigan, wisconsin, they tend to go together. and pennsylvania's, you could argue, is the most complicated one because you have the african american vote in philadelphia, then you have the suburban collar around philadelphia where i'm heading as soon as i'm done here today to talk to voters and then you have the, have the middle of the state, which is very rural. this is what so josh shapiro is the pennsylvania who in 2022 won a very impressive victory in pennsylvania. so you could argue, looking at the resumes today that he's your best candidate in pennsylvania, you can also make an argument. is we live in nationalized climate. now, we live in a nationalized election climate. it used to be the issues in one state fracking you know, it might not be an issue in another state, immigration arizona versus pennsylvania or ohio versus pick another one. now we live in this nationalized climate and if you look at minnesota and those small rural counties and where it was his house district was you can overlap those communities with pennsylvania just fine with wisconsin and with michigan, is he is well known as your own governor. of course not. but can you get
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into those communities? and i suspect when tim walz goes to those communities in pennsylvania, josh shapiro has got to be right there. >> all right. i'm going to quickly go to whitney wild. she is outside of the governor's residence as we are waiting to see when this phone call it's coming. what are you learning out there this morning? we've seen a lot of people going by taking pictures now that they know that he is the presumptive pick here right when. >> that news breaking, we saw more and more neighbors coming out. >> this is a big walker runner community. we've seen many people. this morning. again, they're morning run in, but right now, what we see people stopping, taking pictures chitchatting, we saw family come out with their children. people in this area at know this is a major moment on a absolutely perfect crystal clear blue day here in st. paul right now, we haven't seen the governor yet. we were seeing very little activity outside the house. we've seen a couple of aides come in and out the door and open to make an appearance. we have no idea. >> just just so you you can see
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one vehicle leaving we see one of the suburbans leaving. >> let's see, we can see it was inside sudan guys, i'm sorry. i can't inside but it's just one suburban got again, we're waiting for some activity. what we know we, been in communication with someone's here we go a year that energy taken up in this neighborhood what we're waiting for is for when he has media as his minnesota state troopers are going to hand off his security to the secret service. that doesn't come until after that announcement is formally made. so what we did see that oh, is it appeared that his detailed expanded this morning, right when we got here early this morning, there were four suburbans that expanded to about ten law enforcement vehicles later in the morning. and now we're waiting to see when the secret service is going to come and actually pick him up as one of their designated protectees that will be another huge moment. but for now, guys, the energy out here picking up neighbors, clearly
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taking in the media buys, taking in the moment and we'll keep you posted. >> yeah, they have been watching and they know what's going on in their neighborhood. they are cheering and we've been seeing them running by taking snaps right outside of the governor's home all right. let's go to jeff zeleny. jeff, can you just sort of break down who governor walz is? the entire country may not know who he is his, we know, he was a veteran, a gun owner, a hunter, a father but he also is unapologetically progressive yes sir he, 60-years-old and his first elective office was not the school border city hall. >> it was congress. think back to 2006. this of course, was the end the bush administration and tim walz, who at that point was a social studies teacher from suburban minneapolis, just south of there. and he decided to run for congress harris, who was a very, very good year for democrats, see unseated a republican, a member of congress and he served in congress in washington for more than a dozen years. he left a
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during the trump era to run for governor, and he is now in his second term is minnesota governor. and yes, minnesota is not a classically swing-state, but i paul, minnesota, the reddest blue state in the country. and here's why donald trump in 2016 narrowly won the state of minnesota over hillary clinton in this campaign, they have been trying to also put minnesota into play. >> in fact, donald trump and j.d. vance were campaigning in minnesota just a week or so ago with joe biden on the top of the ticket polls showed that minnesota was indeed in play. that is snapped back a bit. so even though minnesota has not voted republican since 1972, it has been much closer than that. but tim walz back to him? yes, he served in congress on the veterans affairs committee and other things. he wasn't a prominent member of congress. he was it is a workhorse, not a show horse in the words of one of his supporters. but through that he did gain relationships, through that he showed that he worked across the aisle in a bi-pop partisan way back when
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that was more the norm in washington, of course, it is not been in recent years. but the question here going forward, there's no doubt republicans already are taking a close so look at his record. we're going to learn a lot more about governor walz, his record in the coming days, but it was after his reelection in 2022 when democrats had full control role of the house and senate in minnesota, where he began signing very progressive pieces of legislation before that, republicans control one chamber. so his first term what's not nearly seen as progressive, but he was signing these bills into law. and unapologetically so talking a lot about free and reduced lunches for school children across minnesota. but what she brings to the ticket, the harris campaign believes talking to a source just a few moments ago is a contrast with vice president harris. they believe he balances out per ticket in a way that is certainly different. but certainly has echoes of the 2008 campaign with barack obama. and then senator joe biden. of course, governor walz
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did not run in the primary. he did not even and have national ambitions, but when this opening came just about now, 16 days ago, this has been an extraordinarily fast whirlwind in whiplash he became part of the national conversation because he is intent on trying to expand the base of the democratic party. again, we should point out this is a vice president harris's ticket. she is at the top of the ticket. that is what the majority of voters vote on. but they believe that he is a contrast in not only the vice president, but also to j.d vance let's. talk about rural america john and jeff zeleny in philadelphia, mj lee and philadelphia. >> john king's still working his phone here in new york, stick around everyone. we are not i've done yet. we're at this new phase of the campaign. the breaking news this morning, vice president kamala harris has selected minnesota governor tim walz as her running me. >> this unprecedented election season continues, stay with cnn
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coming and going and clapping and taking pictures and yelling out in support there in st. paul where he has his residence. we are also looking at the markets right now. but the bell has just wrong yesterday. it was a mad crazy show. the dow down 1,000 points when it started. now, look at those numbers. it's up, up, up up not great. a great, but up, not down. like it was yesterday. some things have changed there. but what the big story is this morning really is that harris has picked her running mate before the convention, and we will hear more about that soon. let's go to mj lee mj lee, we've been talking to you about how this happened. we've also been talking to you about whether or not that phone call has happened and a lot about who walt is and what he brings now to this ticket. what can you tell us this morning? >> yeah you know, particularly as you were talking about just the economic news and volatility of the last 24 to 48
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hours or so. i mean, you think go about the three people that we have been reporting on as having been the final three contenders for vice president kamala harris, tim walz mark kelly, and josh shapiro i do think you could make an argument and perhaps this was a part of the thinking for the vice president and her team that tim walz is somebody that could be an effective messenger broadly when it comes to the economy, we were talking about just his roots and what he records presents on this ticket for the vice president. and serving as such a contrast to her and everything she brings to the ticket. going back to his mid western routes the fact that he can really speak to roll america, talk to those white working class voters, the more moderate voters, particularly in the middle of the country. you can look at the news of the past 48 hours and make the argument that he can be a successful sort of wide spectrum economic messenger when it comes to
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these issues, he is generally good at talking about the lives of everyday americans he has certainly had a record and defending sort of the center left economic policies. he has been effective at doing that. a lot of folks would say in his state of minnesota and his political salesmanship on that very point has been exemplified by what we have seen him do in his home state you know, up until this point, the biden administration particularly in the last year or so, has really trying it's a tell a story of an economic turnaround, particularly after the covid, pandemic. and of course, at this point, anything that is a record of the biden administration's that goes directly to and speaks directly to the record of vice president kamala harris as well and i do think you can imagine the volatility of the last 24 hours if that extends to something greater, more economic i'll make bad news for perhaps more
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volatility in the coming weeks and months, particularly heading into november. if we are in a situation where the biden administration and democrats as a whole are more on the defensive on this issue. again, i do think you can imagine a scenario where our kamala harris and her team would have thought, let's go with somebody or certainly at least give points to somebody who can be an effective messenger but when it comes to the economy and can speak broadly about this issue on not just on the coast, but again in the middle of the country as well. so just something one of the many things we should keep in mind as we are we're talking about this. tim walz choice, guys. >> yeah, he's worked on that one, minnesota budget which has a lot in it. we will see how he will do as the presumptive vice presidential nominee. thank you so much. mj lee for all your reporting this morning. it's been growing right all right. >> with us now, cnn political director david chalian, david, we've been through a few of these over the last 25 years or so what jumps out at you this
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morning? >> well, what jumps out to me is that this i have heard all the excellent reporting about their chemistry and the like. but this to me seems to be a pick that is trying to double down on the energy that the harris campaign has created in the democratic party for the last couple of weeks. this is a pick that is likely to excite the democratic grassroots that is likely to keep younger, more progressive people engaged. now, there's a flip side to that, which is the frame that we're already seeing from the republicans, john, as, you know, this is a far-left radical, liberal ticket. and we do know that walz has a pretty progressive record as governor, largely in part to the fact that he has a democratic legislature trifecta there and was able to sign a lot of democratic policy priorities into law. but that is part of what is going to keep the democratic enthusiasm and excitement rolling into chicago. and then they hope rolling out of chicago and into
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the fall campaign. and when you have a moment like this in american politics that kamala harris is happening. you want to lean in and do things that are going to compound the positive aspects of that. and i see this pick as their attempt to do that well he's known as a happy warrior, right? he, he's smiling, he's putting his message out there without being combative, but say here's what i'd like to do. but one thing i am curious about david is independence that the party is one thing the democrats are one thing that 0progressives. you can be, can be very loud and forceful he is a bonafide progressive but what about the independent voters? what about those voters who are not in the party, who they are trying to bring to the party because she's going to need them at some point here with this tight, tight race. >> yeah. well, in a state that is pretty closely politically excuse me, divided like minnesota tim walz doesn't get to be governor and get to be a popular governor, went not
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bringing some of those independents around. i would also note that in 2006 when he won his congressional race to become a member of congress. and that was a democratic wave year he did so in a republican leaning district again, dependent on independent voters like you're saying, sara, so while he has, the progressive record and while the republicans will attempt every day to paint him as sort of an out of the mainstream liberal. he's that folksy charm we've been talking about that, that able to communicate with everyday folks. that is what he's going to take on the campaign trail in places like pennsylvania, wisconsin, and michigan, where i think we are basically going to see him live in those three states. and try and take what he was able to do successfully in minnesota and tried to translate on that on behalf of kamala harris and the entire ticket in those critical upper midwest rust belt states, right? >> david standby for a minute, if you will, with us now is cnn political commentator jamal simmons, who was the communications director for vice president kamala harris,
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jamal, as you are watching this unfold, what is it that you think pushed walls over the line here? >> well, you know, i was with the vice president. when she went to minnesota a couple of times back in a couple of years ago and as she and the governor wallace seemed to have a not very familiar relationship, but they had an easy way about them as they were interacting and doing the events together. but what i'll say about him is i've been asking some of my democratic friends, but they think and you hear pray, you heard terms like good guy, solid reliable. he's somebody who i think brings together people. he's enlisted man, he's the highest ranking listen man. >> and the house. >> so we haven't really had someone who's listed officers. >> and let's not an officer who was in the military it was in the vice presidency. it will all time. so this is going to be a really, i think a balancing choices people have said you know, he, she could have gone all aggression it could have been like mark kelly
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fighter pilot, astronaut could have been shapiro on the stump in people's spaces, like really coming at them. i think she went for maybe a little more of a cuddly choice hey, like maybe somebody who everybody feels is going to make everybody feel safe and make everybody feel like this is something that this administration can do and they're not going to knock want to just be in the middle of always bang, bang, bang on the republicans. but let's bang and then let's govern as bang. and let's govern the fact that he is a veteran, as you mentioned, the fact that he is openly a gun owner and talks about that, but that's also pass legislation for things like gun safety in his state, passing different kinds of legislation to try and keep abortion rights in his state how will those things be used, not just within the party book, outside of the party as well i'm a hearing these reports that some republicans are right they come in i'm trying to go after his record on some of the stuff, but i think democratic voters, first of all, they're voting for kamala harris.
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they're excited to get rid of donald trump, isn't going to be that big of a none of that is just gonna be able to get a deal. but also as the vice presidential nominee it's not his policies that are going to look really matters is going to be kamala harris policies because what she learned when she ran for president or vice president is weighing 20. is that she's got to side with the president of united states, find her way to his policies, and then find a voice in those policies. and convey that message. that's what people are going to vote for. it's really the top of the ticket. now, what this does do is this is a choice and all the choices are, this is sorry, i'm banging the table around. this is a choice that i'm producing while i'm talking but this is a choice. is it shows you how the vice president is making decisions. and i think that's the thing about all these vp choices that always matters is, what is it that you think he's going on here? and i think if you look at her career right here's somebody who was a local officials, she was a da she was
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a statewide official. she was a federal a senator that she was vice president. she moved up very methodically through the political process. i think she understands order. she likes to have a fair amount of order i think this is a choice that enforces that and says, not only are we going to go out when this election, but i'm going to have a governing partner that can help me govern this country. and keep us on the right path, like joe biden had assad just optically, it looks like the flip side of the biden-harris choice, right and did the same age, but governor was a little bit like he's a little grayer he's gotten a little bit more of that let western appeal. >> i think that he is kind of a biden niche figure in terms of how it looks. so i think they're going to offer america kind of a very similar and good choice to make versus donald trump and j.d. vance, who seem the offering a bunch of weird things that nobody understand. >> and to be fair, tim walz was the one that came up with this sort of weird line and that
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went viral. >> i mean, jamal simmons, so happy about the picky is destroying the table in front of him. hulk smash vp pick right there. jamal. thank you very much. stand by if you will. look, we've got a lot more information coming in kamala harris has selected tim walz of minnesota to be her running mate hey when will we see him first? when will we see him? maybe emerge from that fenced off house in st. paul, minnesota state with us or lie breaking news coverage continues the five things podcast from cnn day's top five stories all in one podcast the five things you need to hear in for five minutes. prime members can listen to fight things at free on amazon music the smooth running, longest lasting pilot g2 has long in the hearing. >> gelling. and what erode doesn't have a dark side introducing the jeju edge, the
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max alright, our sources, just to recap, telling us that the vice president is now the presumptive presidential nominee, kamala harris has picked her vice presidential running mate, and that person is tim walz of minnesota, the governor there we are watching his home to see any movement there as he is going to have to make his way to philadelphia where she is having a rally. but i am curious to our jeff zeleny, one of the reporters that helped break this story. >> tell me why walls what is it about him that really attracted the campaign? >> and kamala harris to bring him to her side well, sara, we are piecing together these puzzles that have been really underway for the last 15 or 16 days here an extraordinarily quick search. >> but talking to a variety of sources, they say the governors authenticity that word comes up again and again as authenticity impressed, vice president harris and her team of course,
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a lot of vetting goes into this. so a team of democratic lawyers by eric holder, the former attorney general were going through the financial backgrounds of all of the candidates. he of course, passed event, but they were taking a specific civic look at all the bills he signed as governor. all of these statements he made, but it was the authenticity. i'm told that broke through to vice president harris in the final days of this search, he really elevated from being one of the contenders to a final contender because she found him genuine. she found his appeal interesting and the chemistry is something we also heard a lot. but sara, this is also interesting. we've talked so much about the district that came from when he first was elected to congress back in 2006, it was say, red republican district. he won that and he would go on to hold that for a dozen years. but a source close to walz tells me this. he talks and looks like a lot of the voters that the democrats lost to trump. and that of course, speaks to not only minnesota, but really across the midwest and indeed
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western pennsylvania. that many democrats have now become more of an urban party they believed that the gunman when he was on the ticket sort of opens the door back up to a broader party. we shall see again vice president harris is at the top of the ticket. it is the harris walls campaign not the other way around. and vice presidents often do not make a huge difference. but on the margins, perhaps, but we're going to get a look at that here tonight and philadelphia. >> but then on the road in the coming days tomorrow is a key stop in eau claire, wisconsin. that of course is in western wisconsin, not far at all from minnesota. and that is where he is we're going to appear with her. and then later in detroit and meeting at a uaw headquarters on thursday as well. so it's the labor support, it's the progressive since support really the tenants of the democratic party coming together and the intent here for the harris campaign is to keep this momentum alive. don't do anything to slow it. >> but we shall see see how
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that falls into place. she's been on a bit of a rocket ride here. there's no doubt about it, and they're hoping this choice continues that on. but we shall see. but again, it's his authenticity a word we hear over and over. that impressed her. and indeed won a rover has done all seven said, he's cuddly and he is happy and happy warrior jeff zeleny thank you so much for all of your great reporting. >> this morning. we couldn't have done it without you telling cuddly it was the first time people, touting that has something on the ticket. >> i want to go back to philadelphia, but a different part of philadelphia that's where cnn, kristen holmes is outside the location where jd vance, the republican vice presidential nominee, will be holding a rally later today. >> chris and i think it's safe to say that the republicans were going to criticize whomever vice president harris pick. but what are they saying so far this morning yeah, that's right, john. >> i mean, look, they had been preparing opposition research
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on all of these top contenders aid and talking about governor shapiro. they have been talking about governor walz, but i will tell you moments before we broke the news that governor walz was the pig. >> they did tell me source told me that as close to donald trump that he hoped that it was governor walz over governor shapiro saying that they believe that shapiro could help in the critical battleground of pennsylvania is something that they worried about because pennsylvania is going to be so tight. they also said that they had hoped it was going to be governor walz because of the fact they could paint him as a liberal, one of the talking points that we've already started to hear from republicans is that the harris walls ticket is one of the most progressive tickets or one of the most liberal tickets in modern history. that is because of the fact that walz has emerged as the favorite among progressives. and as we heard, david chalian say that of course, walls have had a history, particularly in minnesota, of reaching out to those independent voters, reaching out to those moderates. but none of that is going to be coming through in this republican messaging. and we did he just get a statement from donald trump's campaign.
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and i want to skip some of the name-calling part of it, but get to a little bit of what jeff zeleny was saying and david chalian was saying about this idea that the walz has an ability to be one person said cuddly, but also reach across the aisle potentially reach out to moderate this folks, the idea yes, they seem to be addressing that not only in this statement, but also in the kind of attacks that we've seen from republicans overall. this one says, walz has spent most of his governorship trial hi to reshape minnesota in the image of the golden state. remember, part of their argument is that kamala harris is a radical liberal from california, while walls pretend to support americans the heartland, while the cameras are off, he believes rural america is mostly cows and rocks link to an old video from 2017. and then he go, they go into some of his agenda items saying from proposing his own carbon-free agenda to suggesting stricter emission standards for gas power korda cars. again, one of their biggest talking points is that they want to get real of
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electric vehicles. other mandate around electric vehicles and embracing policies lowe convicted felons to vote. walz is obsessed with spreading california's dangerously liberal agenda. far and wide just remember this whole entire talking points for donald trump and republicans have been that kamala harris is this radical liberal that she is far left of president joe biden. the other part is that all of biden's policies, particularly the ones that are less popular when it comes to immigration, when it comes to inflation, when it comes to crime for now. harris's policies as well, they are now going to bring walls into that saying that he is behind all of those kind of liberal policies. >> if it works, obviously we will wait and see walz has to get out there and talk to the voters as david chalian was say, he has had a history of being able to reach out to independent voters in this climate. we'll see whether or not it works. >> kristen holmes and philadelphia. thank you so much. all right. joining us now, cnn political commentator,
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maria cardona and doug heye, former communications director of the rnc. thank you to you both for coming on. you now know who they pick is it is tim walz, according to our sources, we do not know if he's gotten that phone call yet, but that is coming and then he will head to philadelphia where there is going kamala harris will be on the stage talking to a group of potential voters. maria first to you what think about this pick? tim walz the governor of minnesota. this is his second term. he also served in congress i'm so excited about governor walz as vice president kamala harris is due vp pick sarah, i don't know him well, but i did get to know him a little bit when we serve together on the debt democratic national convention's rules and bylaws committee. >> he was a co chair and i got to tell you when we did the very first meeting and i knew governor wells was the co-chair. i looked onto the
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zoom and i was looking for a gentleman who was in a suit and a tie, right? the kind of image you have of a governor, a sitting governor and i didn't see any that i'm like, where is he? and then all sudden he started talking and it was this guy in a car, in a t-shirt with a baseball cap ban and he looked over and he's like, hey, maria, i mean, it was so authentic he was so joyful and he has a heart of gold from everything that i hear of people who know him well, who have worked with him. and that is what one of the few great qualities that he brings to the ticket. but i do want to answer a couple of things that i know republicans are going to, like kristen said, are going to to go after him on supposedly his liberal policies and look, we have to remember he won a republican seat and held it for a dozen years as we are seeing and hearing and all the reporting, he governed as a centrist when he had a
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republican legislature. because as you have said, he knows how to reach across the aisle. and then when we when he had a democratic legislature, he started passing policies that were incredibly popular to the vast majority of minnesotans. and so that is not going to be i think an attack that's going to land credibly at all. they're going to do everything republicans will do, everything they can to try to paint him that way. but it's just not going to work because he's going to be able to speak to the authenticity of who he is he grew up in a town of 400 people. he went to school and graduated from a class of 24 people, 12 of whom were his cousins so that is just not something that is going to it's going to land i will say it is a victory for the humanities as governor walz was a social studies teacher, a setback for stem doug heye for a moment here doug waltz versus
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the other possible contenders here, you are republican. >> do you think this makes it a harder or easier democratic ticket to be? >> i don't think it matters all that much, and i met congress when he was in congress, i met congressman walls several times. i can i won't confirm cuddly, but i'll say definitely affable, a very nice person, somebody that's real unrelatable to talk to. but i think of past presidential nominations, think of that debate when lloyd bentsen eviscerated dan quayle and what happened, we only remember lloyd bentsen for one question, one answer. that ticket lost. i was at the first event that john edwards and john kerry had in raleigh, north carolina after edwards was picked the race in north carolina was over as soon as that rally was over, and we know john edwards and john john kerry didn't have much chemistry, but i got an email just a little while ago from the republican governors association. obviously, tim walz is a governor. there not
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talking about bears in parks. they're not talking about cat people or even electric vehicles. the first thing they talk about is the biden-harris. and now walls economic agenda. if it's the economy stupid, if that's what matters, the economic anxiety that people are feeling in this country about anytime they go and spend money at a grocery store or a movie theater, or anything like that. and certainly what we saw at the stock market yesterday that's what's going to be top of mind for voters. that's what republicans are going to focus on. and we remember, yes, he's the vice presidential pick, but this is kamala harris against donald trump. this remains the movable force or the other this remains a very real race. and i'm so tongue-tied because i thought it was going to be josh shapiro doug heye. i think that a lot of republicans thought that as well. doug heye, former communications director for the rnc, and maria cardona are political commentator. thank you both so much for coming on this morning the big news today. kamala harris has picked her vice presidential
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contender. >> we are standing by to hear from governor walz for the first time. we are standing by the governor walz and vice president harris together later today in philadelphia, this is cnn special live coverage. stay with us i'm not i'm not even in a doctor's office. i'm standing on the street and talking to real people about their heart. >> how your heart, my heart is pretty good. you sure. >> i think so you're driving a car, you have the check engine light the hardness have behaved check heart sign. i want to show you something. >> both fingers right on those pads. there you go. in 30 seconds. we're going to have a medical grade ekg reading. there. >> as you look with cardio mobile, you can take a medical grade ekg and just 30 seconds from anywhere cardio mobile is proven to detect atrial fibrillation. one of the leading causes of stroke and it's the only personal ekg that's fda cleared the detect normal heart rhythm bradycardia, and tapped and tachycardia how much do you
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