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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  August 6, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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symptoms define you emerge as you with trump via most people saw 90% clear skin eye for months. >> and the majority stayed clearer at five years. from phi is proven to significantly reduce joint pain, stiffness, and swelling. >> it's just six doses a year after two starter doses, serious allergic reactions may occur, can fire, may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight that. tell your doctor if you have an infection symptoms if you had a vaccine, are planning to emerge as you emerged, trim fired, ask your doctor about trump via lactate is 100% real melt just without the lactose delicious to just ask my old friend kevin. >> now going like enjoying a cold one while watching the game who's winning no idea real milk real delicious
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wow smart out five good things. >> listen wherever you get your podcasts cnn, breaking news you're in just a few hours. >> vice president kamala harris will be appearing beside her own vp pick for the very first time. and that is minnesota governor tim walz, who just landed a few minutes ago in philadelphia. and we're told that when he did secret service officially took over his security, just one sign of how much life has changed here in just a few short hours for him. >> and he came down. if you were watching, he was the one in the khaki pants and the black shirt getting on ad for and against him are already running fundraising emails or landing and inboxes and merchandise is already for sale. it is in full swing and that's why we've got cnn's mj lee, who was part of the team that part of the cnn team, i should say that broke the
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news of vice president harris's pick, mj walz was a dark horse in the veepstakes. how did we get here? >> yeah, he certainly was. and this was somebody who clearly was meant to bring a serious contrast to the democratic ticket. she has chosen this second term, minnesota governor 60-years-old, who also spent over a decade in the house of representatives, had also served in the army national guard and was a high school teacher, was a football coach. this was a choice that was obviously aimed at trying to capture some of these midwestern white rural voters, some of whom had gone from supporting democrats in recent years to supporting donald trump and the republican party. and it is a pig that is squarely aimed at capturing some way those blue wall states that will be so critical to the outcome of the november election. we know that the vice president, given the circumstances of the last two weeks or so, really only had some days to deliberate over
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this process she was certainly presented with a ton of information, data, pulling information about their personal life and then of course, the conversations that she herself was able to have with these final contenders. and at the end of the day, there were a couple of assets that were really key to the vice president deciding on tim walz, we know that she was impressed by the record that he had built in minnesota and the story that that could tell including on the call on me and all of the policies that he had supported in his home state that could speak to a message about the middle-class. we also know that they believe that she he had he has a compelling by biography all of the things that we just talked about are things that the campaign has been pushing over the last several hours. but i will say one personal story and detail that the campaign has been putting out there is also the fact that the governor and his wife were able to conceive of their daughter hope, via ivf of
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course, reproductive rights is already poised to be an incredibly big issue and salient issue headed into november. so that is a key part of his biography. as well. we also know that the way that the governor has been able to successfully go on the attack and going after donald trump, going after j.d. vance, making that weird messaging stick that had great appeal to, but at the end of the day, one of the most important factors that we've been talking about a lot is just the connection that she had when she was in so room with governor walz, i was speaking with somebody who was directly involved in the vetting process as well, and they said that he brought such a joy and excitement to this whole process and all of that just meant that he had the winning ticket as she was deliberating between two or three people at the end of the day. and now we're going to see them in a manner i don't know of hours on the stage together as a joint ticket for the first time that is just going to be the beginning of the democratic ticket really hitting the road together in the coming days and weeks all right.
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>> mj. thank you for that. as we do watch, governor walz's travels there to this big event that we'll be keeping our eye on. he did come out of that plane in a i think it was a white t-shirt, but we also saw a white t-shirt, black t-shirt. >> yeah. >> we also saw some garment bags not far behind him. >> he's going up walz's wherein he will be spitting up no doubt for that event. we know that top democrats are reacting to vice president harris is running mate pick, including former president obama, whom she consulted with during the vetting process. he and former first lady michelle obama or calling harris his decision to go with walls. they're hailing it there, calling him a person with values and integrity. so let's talk about this now with cnn, senior political commentator david axelrod, who served as senior advisor in the obama white house alright, david, you surprised here well, not really.
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>> i think the error was pointing this direction the last few days. listen, tim waltz has really emerged in the last couple of weeks. i mean, he's, he's been everywhere and we've all seen him and he's and we've seen what the appeal is. right? he is a he is a norman rockwell painting sprung to life. he is a portrait of middle america. he, you know, the whole history of coming from a small town and, enlisting in the national guard at 17 and high school teacher coach takes a losing team to the state championship and then his political career representing a swing district. so he knows how to run in those kind of contested areas in the midwest but i think probably in other rural and small town areas. so you can see the appeal and he has he was a
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moderate, a member of congress. he has been a progressive governor. but his achievements are ones that democrats are actually running on. things like paid family lee leave school food programs and all kinds of other things that just fundamentally speak to working class people. so it makes, it makes a good deal of sense. and as mj said, he will help strengthen them in some areas here's where they have to win. in in wisconsin, michigan yes. and pennsylvania as well. so i think it's a it's a sensible choice. i think there was an argument for governor shapiro because pennsylvania is the most pivotal of battleground states, there was an argument for senator kelly not just because he was from arizona, but because of his remarkable biography. but at the end of
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the day, comfort does matter. and what i understood bri is that they that when they came out of those meetings, she had in her mind a concept of what kind of relationship she wanted to have with her vice president. and waltz waltz, check those boxes for her and that's very important so he is a progressive, as you mentioned, he's been more progressive as a governor than he was as a member of the house. >> but he, you know, he just looks kind of like everyone's uncle, right yeah. he's just kind of has this sort of appeal to him. and i wonder if you can speak to that because right now you're seeing the trump campaign and allies of donald trump trying to define him and david, there are some things they can work with. i mean, if they look at some things about the response to the riots and the protests in 2020 he admitted that there was a bit of a delay and calling out the
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guard. there was a bipartisan report from the minnesota senate that found that he in the mirror, minneapolis didn't fully recognize the scope of problem they were dealing with and that they didn't didn't respond to it in a timely manner. why does that matter? that i think sort of like the vessel here his let's let's say his appearance and also his demeanor just kind of straightforward nis of him. is that going to trunk his record? >> well, look, i think his record is more than just that. and i'm sure that part of his responses the disarming acknowledgement that yes. we could have done better. we should have done better, which i think people actually respect in a in a public official, it's something that donald trump never mastered, but it does have appeal, but yeah, i mean, you don't look at this guy in any way, shape, or form
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and say, boy, this guy looks like a raving left-wing extremists. he doesn't and sound like good. he doesn't talk like it. and most of his initiatives are economically oriented and speak to a working class agenda or working people agenda that is what in fact, kamala harris is going to run on and probably should run on if she wants to win the selection something that unifies the party. but there is no doubt that there's going to be erased to define kamala harris and tim walz on the part of the republicans. and you can see donald trump sort of trying material out. all kinds of different epithets, all kinds of different arguments and so what is good for her? and good for it? tim waltz, a governor waltz is she's got a convention right around the corner. they are going to dominate the next few weeks and
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it is an opportunity to define him in them together in their own terms. and so they could go into labor day having accomplish that. but this is going to be a brutal war and it will be a battle of definition because everybody knows donald trump. and both of these folks, the vice president, to some degree, governor walz, certainly are newer, gives him it gives him an opportunity to be turned the page candidates, which i think the country really wants to do but on the other hand, they have to work hard to let people know who they are or what they stand for, what their background is yeah. certainly will see them attempt to do that here in the coming weeks. david axelrod. thank you so much for the conversation. we appreciate it. >> always good to see i yes. sure. >> and another candidate we're talking about pennsylvania governor josh shapiro. he will be at the harris rally in philadelphia several hours from now. and while shapiro missed
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out on the vp pick, his campaigning is far from over in a statement, shapiro said he will keep stumping for the new full democratic ticket. vice president common while harris has my enthusiastic support and i know that governor tim walz is an exceptionally strong addition to the ticket, who will help calm move our country forward. so joining me now is julia terruso, national political reporter for the philadelphia inquirer. she's covered josh shapiro for years. and so julie, i just want to start with what are you hearing from the shapiro camp? about harris skipping over him for this particular opportunity i think they would say that his his statements shows how how he feels in this moment, but governor shapiro is known as a very ambitious person in the state i think a lot of people expected him so potentially run for president in 2028 and he hasn't lost a lot of elections. >> so to the extent that this was a campaign of sorts a rare
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loss for him, perhaps. but he said, he'll, he'll be on that stage today later today and stumping all around pennsylvania i've heard some people say that having him in the state could be could be really good for democrats. if you're the vice presidential candidate, you're flying all around the country. but overwhelmingly, pennsylvania is so important. i think it's really on a lot of people's minds as they process this decision. britain today. >> now, we've. >> got some reporting that polling conducted by the harris campaign didn't show significant national movement with any really vp finalist, both shapiro and arizona senator mark kelly were shown to improve the democratic tickets chances against donald trump in pennsylvania and arizona respectively. but those improvements we're only on the margin gins as far as the reporting goes do you you get the sense that shapiro was going to move the needle in any significant way in
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pennsylvania? >> well, look, cuba, very popular governor here and he's won statewide elections by some pretty big margins in a very narrowly divided state. that said, i think there's been a lot of research out there that it's really unclear what kind of an impact you can have. i think in a state that's that's just cited by such small margins though. it's a conversation a lot of people were having but i think it also comes as much down to electoral performance as personality. and i've heard a lot of people talking to me today saying they think well, i can appeal and a lot of the parts of pennsylvania that they were hoping shapiro would appeal in that shapiro did really well in in these past statewide elections that he's he's won big in and look the, the announcement has been out for a few hours at this point do you get the sense that people in philadelphia, let's just say are excited for tim walz i
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think the governor had a lot of democrats in the state elected democrats kind of campaigning for him and promoting him and there is definitely a sense of bitter sweetness among some of those people here today. but over well mainly they're saying they support the ticket. there'll be there and outside of that more establishment support, i think there were some progressives who had been pushing back against shapiro in the state who are happy today. i think there are a lot of people who may not be paying as close attention ball of wheat. all of us have who will see the rally and we'll make the decisions they make probably based on the top of the ticket and we've seen some polling even to this point that a lot of voters just don't know that much about tim walz. >> so it'll be interesting to see sort of this is the beginning of that introduction, especially to pennsylvania
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voters there's julia terruso really appreciate you being here thanks so much. of course. >> all right ahead this hour on cnn news central, boeing's top executives are questioned about that midair door plug blowout back in january as workers reveals shocking details about safety he practices inside boeing's factory and tropical storm debby has already dumped a month's worth of rain on parts of georgia and south carolina. >> but forecasters warn the worst could be he yet to come. we'll explain coming up cnn news central brought to you by stanley steamer from carpet upholstery, air ducks and more. >> it's not clean until it's stanley steamer brynn clean right now, pet dander skin cells, mold spores, politan dirt are being sucked into your air ducts, get cleaner air and system efficiency. now, with stanley steamer, your air ducts are clean until their stanley steamer clean his team were headed we're headed. am i just
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spying on them this is a secret, war. secrets spies now streaming on max we're learning more about why vice president kamala harris selected governor tim walz as her running mate. >> among the factors persuading her were walz's progressive accomplishments in minnesota, such as establishing abortion as a fundamental right, providing free school meals for all students passed singh paid family and medical leave for workers statewide and signing gun safety legislation that includes expanded background checks and a red flag law. now republicans are already targeting walz's record as governor of minnesota was supportive legislation didn't dangerous minors hurts women and puts radical ideology ahead of common sense now, walls defended his record last week on cnn do you think your record is an asset to the ticket or would it risks fueling trump's
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attacks as you being a big government liberal what, a monster kids are eating, eating and having full belly so they can go learn and women are making their own health care decisions joining me now is democratic congresswoman debbie dingell of michigan. >> congresswoman. you served alongside walls for four years. if i'm not mistaken, your late husband served alongside him for eight is walls the right choice here? how do you see today's news first of all, i want to say the vice president needed the person that she was the most comfortable with. >> but i know tim walz when walz there both very close friends. i've known them for a long time. grand is one of the for some of us that have been to the thickened thin of life together, we no matter where our lives have taken us, we stay close. we've all gone through hard times. tim and john punted together is skeet shocked together. they tried to bring people well together from both sides. listen to everybody and find common sense solutions
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and tim is also one of the most loyal people i know and i'm glad to see that they picked it somewhat from the heartland to be her running mate because the heartland is a great place to live. and we matter. and i'm obviously decided and look, the harris campaign launched a new program yesterday, aimed at attracting disenchanted republicans. are you concerned at all about walz's progressive record on that front that it could hurt that effort. obviously, it seems the ideas are popular overall. but for this particular set of voter could it help him or hurt him i'm going to tell you, i hate labels and i've always said that because what i think when you care about working families and addressing issues that they care about, as you just played in the tape. >> you know, if we want to give every child the chant, we need to make sure they're not hungry. i don't think that's a
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progressive idea. i think those should be the values of america. i don't look, i'm a catholic woman i could never, ever have an abortion and i went through and future. we supported each other when we're going through these kinds of times. but at the government doesn't belong in a woman's health care decisions. and that's what you're protecting the right of women to make her own healthcare decisions so i, you know, i hate these labels just does not i think this is a man who cares deeply about working men and women. >> he comes from the midwest understand santos values. >> he's served in the national guard. he looks at that flag, knows what it needs to be an american, doesn't think of themselves as red or blue and look, there is no disputing the race now, i guess the ticket now looks very different than it did a month ago last month, you told us that michigan voters were shouting at you at parades and other places that president biden should stay in the race and in a few weeks, it went from biden now to harris
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and walz. >> i'm curious for your state in particular, based on what you're hearing from constituents, are they excited about this ticket? how can they take michigan? >> okay. so let me be very blunt, and i did tell you when i told you that there were some saying have bikes back there were other such sad time for a change. we were split. there were still a purple state. >> thanks. have you know, i was out all weekend and i was at farmers markets union halls, veterans events, senior events. i was with so the stakeholders. it and we're still purple. there is no question, but i think that tim false can come in and speak in everyday language. he also has a very diverse population in minnesota. he has an air of americans, muslims and he's got some in his leadership in both kiess allison and it will ilhan. >> so he's talked to that community. >> he understands how there's hurting he also has a jewish community. this is a man that
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knows how to listen, that tries to solve problems we need more people that don't do message and event, but looks okay. we've got a problem. how do we solve it? had we put everybody how do you at the table? and i think you someone that's going to be able to come into michigan talk to these different stakeholder groups and tried to get them see what the contrast is between divisiveness and hate. >> and making this country better for working men and women and look, you've known him a lot longer than i have, that back in 2020, might my team and i were handcuffed and detained while reporting in minnesota and take a listen to how he responded to us a few days later thank you, for the professionalism. >> thank you for understanding and deeply sorry. and can know that we've we've, we've made other mistakes on this as far as making sure that you have access, but protocols and everything else, we're learning how to change because we have degree at the space for you to doj shore. >> and i play that clip because republicans have already started to attack him over his handling over what happened in
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2020. and i play that because there was owning up what i think it's fair to say a mistake. and speaking very candidly with my team and me there is that concern? with who you've known him to be as a lawmaker and how do you think he handled what happened? there in minneapolis at here i want to say we've all been through really difficult part times. >> the recent this book that tells you how to live at by. >> he's not afraid to say he made a mistake. >> that's why and i think he's one of the most real people i know. and you know what he cared about, making sure that people were okay, that people weren't going to die how to protect everybody. he's been through, he's slips through black lives matter, is lifted. this is a man who's real and you know, the thing i love, about them the most is his loyalty she's never going to have to look over her shoulder and wonder what he's up to. tim, you know, i've gone through some hard times and there have been different things. tim walz and gwen are
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racked. they don't run not afraid to say. okay, i don't know what, how do we solve this? what have we done wrong? okay. this was a mistake we do. he wants to solve problems. he is not in very make clear. this is not a talking point politician. this is somebody who cares about people. it was school teacher. he was a coward. he's just he wants to represent people and help make the communities eight represent it's been a state now and now this country just a better place for everybody and governor or a congressman quickly before we go, have you spoken to the governor today i have not spoken to him today when i have checked solves a long long as, you know friends but i've not talked to him we took the gahr enough that fair for them. were girlfriends
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girlfriends are there for each other in the good and the bad. >> and we didn't know how this was going to go, but you're just there for whatever it's going to be. and we're going to make sure she's never alone that we got her back. and we're going to tell her the truth. she said you've got to promise to tell the truth. and you know what? i'm which was teller. >> yeah. yeah. congresswoman debbie dingell really appreciate you being here. thank you thank you. all right. coming up, a boeing employee told investigators they had to work too fast to avoid mistakes, saying, quote, we were replacing doors likely we're replacing our underwear that's shocking detail is one of several revealed at a hearing today involving top boeing executives. that's next sunday on the whole story don't o'sullivan dives back into the world of misinformation computers that are used in our election have software that was illegal, will miss information cause chaos in november's election the whole story with anderson cooper, sunday at 8:00 on cnn they're back. verizon small business
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>> this has been testy at times, brianna, in fact, the ntsb chair just blasted boeing, which is in the hot seat today. the scope of this hearing is huge along with the thousands of pages of documents that are coming out along with this hearing. what is really interesting here is the headline that is emerging right now. workers say they were forced to work very quickly and we felt like they would make mistakes i want you to listen now to ntsb chair jennifer homendy who said that boeing was essentially on a pr campaign here because boeing was insisting it has made so many changes since the door plug blow atlas this isn't a pr campaign for boeing what i want to know, what we want to know is what happened in march april may, june, july, august,
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september, leading up to this leading up to what happened in january. you can talk all about where you are today. there's going to be plenty of time for that. we want to know the safety improvements but what is very confusing for a lot of people who are watching, who are listening is what was going on then this is an investigation on what happened on january 5, understand. for everybody great now, before this hearing, the national transportation safety board lead us behind the scenes into its lab, its materials lab, where they showed us door plug itself that fell off of alaska airlines flight 12, 82, that boeing 737 max-9 from 16,000 feet, you were able to see the marks? >> on the door plug itself that showed it shimmied out over time or a member that boeing factory workers of the renton factory near seattle took out the door plug but then
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re-installed the door plug without the four critical bolts. then of course, the blowout took place on january 5th. something else that has been injured interesting here is that elizabeth lund, head of boeing quality control. and since that so many changes have been made. she says the changes have occurred not only in trying to hire new workers with more experienced, but also trying to reduce something called traveling work. something is that the center of these issues that have been on boeing's factory floor. still a lot to own volition here, brianna, we are only at the first quarter of a two day long hearing. very rare that the national transportation safety board does something like this. and by the way, this is it's not about pilots or flight crew. this is not going to be pilot error. this is focusing primarily on what took place at boeing while this airplane was still in the factory? >> yeah sounds like some tough questions. they're getting. pete, thanks for following this for us. we appreciate it. omar a lot to talk about here. >> let's discuss with cnn safety analyst and former faa
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safety inspector, david soucie. now, david, i want to read a quote from one of the boeing workers saying that as far as the workload, i feel like we were definitely trying to put out too much product. right? >> that's how mistakes are made. people try to work too fast. i mean, i can't speak for anybody else, but we were busy. we were working a lot, end quote, that's from one of the workers on the boeing 730 that's from one of the workers we've been hearing from, i should say over the course of this hearing what's. your reaction to hearing a little bit of that testimony well, working on airplanes is never easy. >> building airplanes isn't easy. it is a high pressure job is not for everybody that's for sure and so to understand that and to know that as important what's most important those to understand it's not that you're just working for that company like you would in any other job, you're working for your own reputation, your own license because you're licensed to do that work and you're working for the faa as a representative of the regulatory environment. so you have to look beyond what you're doing right there and make decisions about what you do as
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a person based not only on what boeing selling you to do, but also on what you're reading as and what you're going to do in the future. >> and i want to hone in on something that we just heard from chair homendy there that clearly frustrated with at least some portions of boeing's testimony saying this is not a pr campaign for boeing, that she is more interested and what happened leading up to this as opposed to what they've done since then. and as a former investigator for the faa, can you just talk about the relationship between those two periods of time before an incident and after an incident and maybe why one is more important than the other in certain contexts. >> right? so that's a really good question when things happen and the ntsb's job is to find out what happened. what is the proximate cause? the thing that went from this point to that point, and that's what this investigation is all about and i admire homendy for making sure that everybody understands that it's not about what's happening now and that's all boeing has been focusing on is how do we fix the problem and
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what she's focusing on is her report which says this is the proximate cause. this is what caused this to happen. so it's important to remember that the ntsb does is not a regulatory body when this is all said and done, they can't say, okay, we're going to slap sanctions on boeing or we're going to put people in jail that's not the purpose of the ntsb. that goes to the faa. they make recommendations based on their investigations which are incredibly thorough and they've found some very disturbing things and those need to be reported. they need to make recommendations to the faa. the faa then we'll make those either sanctions, they'll they'll put fees and fines on it they'll come back and make sure that it's fixed, it's up to the faa to make that regulatory compliance decision as to what needs to happen to make it safe going forward. so that's where the responsibility is going to lie after this investigation has done we've been following just what's been a what's expected to be a two day hearing on this particular front? >> as well. david soucie, i really appreciate you being
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here we're also taking a look at some live pictures right now. that's vice president kamala harris at this point, it seems to be her husband, doug emhoff behind her. we expect her to be at a rally. of course, tonight where we'll see the formal introduction of her vice presidential pick, tim walz, as well. we're going to see if she says anything. let's take a quick listen in something, but for anyone who's ever been on those he's airstrips is pretty loud over there, but that question was, why did you pick walls? we've already seen some aspects of that come out from the campaign at this point, including how she felt vice president kamala harris, she would be able to work with tim walz, the team clearly felt at ease with his presence, but of course, we are going to see the introduction of that later this evening and we'll bring you those headlines and those pictures when we've got them, we're gonna take a quick break. more
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lower back. so now that's really when they announced they'd be raising their prices due to inflation. we decided to deflate our prices due to not hating you. if this were one of their ads, they ended here with a happy customer so we'll end with an angry you get to the angry go closed captioning is brought to you by sokolov law mesothelial more victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. >> you may be entitled to a portion of that money all when 808 5-9, 2,400. that's when 808, 5-9, 2,400 we do have some breaking news. >> the justice department is now charging a man after foiling assassination plots against us politicians. but ten chile including former president donald trump and other current and former us officials investigators believe the suspect has ties to iran. >> yeah, we've got cnn's katie bo lillis here with the details. so can you just tell us what more are you learning here? what, what do we know? yeah. so here's what we know right now. the justice
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department has charged a 46-year-old pakistan any man with ties to iran for allegedly plotting to carry out a political assassination or political assassinations, plural, inside the united states. now, according to the justice department, a cif merchant, this pakistani man traveled to new york city where he met with purported hit-men to discuss carrying out assassinations of american political officials potentially in late august or early september. unfortunately, for merchant, the purported hit men that he were meeting with was in fact undercover law enforcement officials and he was arrested trying to leave the united states and he is now currently in us custody and has been has been charged now important to understand here that the charging documents do not actually name former president donald trump. but we do know from a us official briefed on the matter who spoke to cnn that fbi investigators do believe that former president trump and some current and former senior us
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officials were potentially among the targets that merchant was interested in hiring a hitman to who to potentially take out. now, the fbi was investigating this plot in the weeks leading up to the near assassination of the former president by 20-year-old man at one of his, one of his rallies in butler, pennsylvania, the fbi has since investigated to see whether or not there are any links in between this alleged iranian plot and the effort by thomas matthew crooks to take a shot at the former president they, according to a law enforcement source who spoke to cnn, they have not actually found any ties in-between those two episodes. the timing is believed to be a coincidence, but because the fbi was investigating this iranian plot, this alleged iranian plot, they did warn the sequel but service that there's some threats against the former president. you should maybe up your protection of him and so it really underscores, i think some of these questions that we're hearing from both republicans and democrats on capitol hill about the level of protection that the secret service service was offering the former
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president on that day? >> yeah, it certainly does, katie, thank you for all of those details. we do appreciate it. and next cnn goes one-on-one with the goat simone biles sitting down with coy wire. state tuned for this can't miss interview jealous you know, if you were killed as back and you could earn on everything which is one car chase freedom and limited. so if you're off the rakin or grabbed fracking your cash back in, cash back on flap jacks baby backs, or tacos at the tackle we'll i'm working on my six pack switch to a king suite silent retreats zayla retreat on it answers this back, kids. all right. now, medicine and of cash back on every day you bob chase, freedom and limited with no annual fee. how do you cashback. >> jays make more of a job from starting strong to it's been a week so many ways to save life
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direct redefining insurance i'm elisa rafah in live oak, florida and this is cnn what's it like to be in the presence of the goat of us gymnastics? don't give me i wouldn't know what a coy wire knows. coy. you just talked to simone biles. how are you feeling i mean, i used to fan boy around you and brianna, right. >> but this was a whole 'nother level i got to interview the goat. no one wants to hear me talk. so let's get right to my interview with simone biles, the goat or is it the slaw someone you just seemed like you want another level of excitement of gratitude for
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this moment, this time around, why were these games so important to you? >> what was important to me because nobody forced me to be out there on that stage. >> i solely did it for myself and i'm in a row really good spot mentally and physically. >> so doing this for chest me, admit the world and you overcame a lot to get here. we all know that. >> did you feel any of those demons start to come creeping in the mind? >> and again, and if so like, how to deal with them. >> yes, i dealt with them in therapy obviously, you always have those thoughts coming in the back of your head, but just trying to say as positive as possible, going back to what i know, thinking think about my therapy tactics and it worked that's so important and iconic moment. the podium, bowing down to make it their young girls out there today are getting torn apart left and right right torn down. how important was it for you to show the world? it's okay. to adjust each other's crowns? >> no, absolutely. i think it was really important for that moment. obviously, it was just me and jordan being me and jordan. but i know it was really especially when it was very impactful for kids to see that you went with grace, you lose with grace now this iconic
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moment out, his games, in my opinion and it was when you clap back as some people talking about your appearance and young girls deal with that all the time. >> the stress that to fit in. what is your message to those young girls out there who might be sure? fell in like, they're not enough or they're not fitting in you guys are beautiful, confident. >> you guys are so smart, stand in your power, believe in yourself, and you guys are going to be just fine. i'll be here to support you every step of the way. i know it's hard, but you guys are going to do it and you're going to do big things, incredible. >> alright? >> this time stop when you're 12 feet in the air, flipping through the air. >> for us florida is can we just close our eyes and you walk me through what you're fair, what's your sense? and as you're flipping through one wildness maneuvers, honestly sometimes it feels like time goes really fast, like the floor comes sooner than it should. but most of the time it does feel like you're up there for a awhile and you're just waiting they come back down but exciting. >> what would you say your spirit animal or spirit character that switch that flips when you have to go out there and dominate and nothing has allowed do you love and olympic medals would actually
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be a honey badger honey badger in the gym, slough outside sloppy simone. >> i think you need a new chain now that was very don't all right. >> now you've got some time to enjoy your family especially your husband, jonathan, always you get to enjoy some football. >> he's been here supporting you. are you going to be at his gains being hype hype woman for him? >> absolutely. i feel like i'm his biggest supporter besides some of our other family that we have, but it's always exciting watching him play on that okay. >> if they played the falcons are my bills this year, please don't show up. we don't eat it any more juice for them. >> that's actually played the bills this weekend. and good luck he's good. >> luck yeah. >> we're done. yes. sorry, buffalo love you. well, simone was going to be the lookout. listen, i what i love about this, brianna and omar is that simone called this a redemption for all the adversity she's been were only made her stronger and now she's not only an olympic champion, multiple
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times over again, she's become this incredible champion for mental health, lifting up everyone around her redemption tour, complete and my olympics is complete. whatever happens from here, we're good. >> we've got the interview with the goat meat coy that was amazing. >> thank you so much for bringing that to us. appreciate it and we are following the latest from the campaign trail where vice president harris is about to appear with her new running mate, stay with cnn violent earth. with me and freiburg back-to-back episodes sunday at nine on cnn. >> i have moderate to severe crohn's disease now, they're sky resy things are looking up afghans him control. >> macron's means everything to me feel significant symptom relief at four weeks with sky rosie, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements. >> sky resy is the first il-23
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