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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  August 6, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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prostate, find it at walmart closed captioning brought to you by if you or a. >> loved one have neizha helium up. we'll send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 800 a31, 3,700 good evening. from temple university in north philadelphia, where just a short time ago, the kamala harris, tim walz holes campaign began in earnest to 16 days since replacing joe biden at the top of the ticket and three months until election day, vice president harris showcase sure first big executive decision and it's a decision that left pennsylvania's governor and
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democratic rising star josh shapiro zero, the running mate, runner-up, and relegated to being a warmup act tonight. instead, she chose the governor of minnesota, someone arguably more progressive there have been josh shapiro, less less-known and less highly touted by party insiders. but someone the vice president to use a 2024 campaign term, fives with it has a story that she was eager to tell tonight to those who know him best. >> tim is more than a governor to his wife when he is a husband to his kids. hope and gus, he is a dad to its fellow veterans. he is sergeant major wall do the people of southern minnesota for 12 years, he was congress christmas to his
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former high school students. he was mr. wall and to his former high school football players, he was coach and in 91 days by another name vice president of the united states when governor walls took over the microphone, he first paid tribute to governor shapiro then gave out a shoutout to bruce springsteen
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and then to his wife, a longtime school teacher. and then he got down to the troop business of any running mate. we've ever seen again and again and again trump weakens our economy to strengthen his own hand he mocks our laws he saw chaos and division and that's to say nothing of his record as president he froze in the face of the covid crisis he drove or economy into the ground and make no mistake violent crime was up under donald trump that's not even counting the crimes he committed. >> coming out swinging showing why kamala harris chosen. but
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still, he is largely unknown. new polling shows a full 70% say that they're either unsure about him or they've never heard them at all. as for the other side, donald trump weighed in with this on his social network. were quoting him now quote, it's the most radical left duo in american history. i hear there's a big movement to bring brack bring back crooked joe, joining me now cnn's audie cornish, jeff zeleny, are both here with me in pennsylvania i feel like donald trump's projecting a little bit there because jeff zeleny you have covered so many campaigns going back to obama. jake tapper was talking about this. the level of excitement at this event that we saw is much higher than any democratic event. i've attended in recent years. what were your takeaways? you were down right in the middle of it. >> look, it was not a joe biden campaign rally. i mean, it just was different. this is a different moment. this is a different time for the party. people are excited it has a
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feeling of an obama eric campaign. i think we can draw a lot of comparisons that tim walz potentially as vice president harris, as joe biden. but i think separately of that, this is an entirely different moment. and what i was looking at there is this is a different than i was thinking back to the 2016 campaign, how she seemed so different to me than hillary clinton did she is already vice president of the united states. she travels in air force two. you can see her in the role and i think that is something that is just different. and time has passed when you talk to voters, they do not talk about ken, she as much as sort of wilshire, at least here. so but i was looking at how she looked at governor walz seizure to people who a couple of weeks ago did not know each other really at all. and she seemed very pleased by her choice and that chemistry that all of her to advisers were saying lester, excuse looking for someone with
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chemistry i think she found it at least in their first outing. it's always a bit awkward when these new presidential partners, a shotgun marriage, if you will, should they hug, should they shake hands? they did both. and they seem very at ease it's with each other. of course, the hardest work is ahead of them. and she said, we're underdogs and that's how they view this campaign. >> i like that you brought up what donald trump is doing because that's not understanding the assignments, so to speak. basically, your job is supposed to attack, right? this new pairing and instead, he indulges in this kind of fantasy conversation about whether or not democrats are interested in bringing back joe biden, which they are not. >> i will look here at night. they're not trying to pretend relitigate something like it's just like why why that's just not a good use of your time as the republican nominee and this is the thing that has been so fascinating in watching both the rise of the harris campaign, but also the kind of befuddlement that republicans
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seem to be experiencing in attacking her or even in a moment like this, having coalesced around something that makes sense as an attack against waltz and one other thing i want to say, everybody has been so preoccupied with midwestern governors, et cetera. but it's because democrats want to provide a vision of their policies that actually live in the world that have been passed, that have been executed, that people live with instead of having the baggage of saying, well clippers, from california, no one can afford to live there. that's a pipe dream like that doesn't work for the rest of us. tim walz brings with him the rest of us jeff. there was a lot of commentary from a lot of republicans, frankly, i also heard from some democrats that were disappointed that kamala harris didn't choose josh shapiro to be her running mate based on what you saw tonight, how do you evaluate this first executive decision? she's me. >> look, i think that we saw a
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speech from governor shapiro that was a barn-burner in every way. i'm not sure that that's what vice president harris was looking for. i think was from a number one not necessarily from a number perhaps and we are told based on our reporting that their meetings on sunday, governor shapiro's and governor walshe's were remarkably different. >> that governor shapiro has did not go that well, was asking specific questions about what his responsibilities would be as vice president and giving some he had some thoughts on the matter. i'm told that governor walz said, how can i help you vice president harris made this first this choice because she currently holds the job and she knows who she wants to fill that job. and that's a very particular thing that is only happened in recent history trea, 24 years ago with al gore and joe lieberman was a black woman in leadership. you aren't necessarily looking for yet another person to doubt you that, you know, are yet another person to question, your judgment and your assignments
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for them or your authority. and i mean, arguably this is what she probably should have done with joe biden and baby the first few years of her her vice presidency would have been easier had she been able to lay out the, hey, what are we going to be doing here? but i think she also learned that like, look, i need to be number one on the ticket for this to work and i can't play a game with you in your ambition. >> he didn't question that at all today, but i think how he did overall but we'll see obviously the first day is the easiest, but something that he can do talking to a variety of strategists. they believe because his football coach has more than a title, we're entering into football season. it is going toward election day. and they believe he can bring men back to the democratic ticket, will find out camouflage hat that he warned that video. there already selling branded ones online. that's a big part of it. dana thanks, kasie. >> so much. and let's talk more with our panel here. political commentators from across the partisan spectrum. scott jennings, ashley allison, david axelrod alyssa farah griffin,
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and van jones. you might have caused caught us speaking off camera a little bit because that's what we do here david, i want to start with you about kind of the optics, the strategy, the messaging, all of this given the fact, that you have. done this before, how how do you think it played, right? >> i mean, i think they had a great night listen there to places you'd like to be in a campaign. you want to be about the future and you want to be about hope and that change. >> you mean yeah i mean, i've heard that but, you know, such an interesting transformation has happened. suddenly. donald trump feels like the embattled incumbent. i mean, that's the way he's behaving and they are presenting themselves as the turn the page age candidates and that's the field that we
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got tonight. but what walt springs is, you know, i prompt from the midwest, i live in the midwest and, you know, they talk about midwest nice he he delivered some heavy blows, but he did it with that kind of gentle humor that actually lands well, and i have to say trump is getting his unsettled by this change in the environment. you could see it in his tweets and so on. and there is a kind of grinding quality to the trump campaign right now. that plays very badly against what you saw tonight, which was very joyful and positive and there was this feeling of possibility and so we'll see it could be that it could be that a great crunching negative campaign depicting these people as far left and so on will succeed i think they're gonna have to figure out
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something else because i think that's yesterday's argument and i don't know that it's going to it's going to seize the day today. >> alyssa, do you agree with the assessment of just how the trump campaign is assessing reassessing, and the candidate himself will listen if truth, social is any indication, he he's melting down over this. he's wading into conspiracy theories. joe biden is going to come back but this is some sort of an effort by barak obama and others listen, i'm kind of stunned by how trump world has struggled to land a disciplined message narrative against kamala harris and now against walls it's not, it's not a hard case to make, but instead it's been name-calling. it's been calling her a dei hire in these things was that are absolutely radioactive with the swing voters, they need to win what i saw from the ticket tonight was this sort of trying to center themselves waltzes a progressive that's a fact kamala harris is a progressive that's a fact. but the message did not come across that way. they leaned into language that was very deliberate. you and i
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noticed they said laws countering gun violence rather than and gun control because that is a buzzword to independence and to moderates of whoa, whoa, whoa, they're trying to lean into a general election message. i think if they frankly largely repeated what they said tonight for the next 90 days, it could very much work, whereas they're up against somebody with very, very little message discipline. and you were not so sure about walz, you who are you can tell you if i'm not characterizing your your position this morning, right? i'm sure you will and because there were republicans who are shapiro republicans are worried about josh shapiro, the republicans were scared of josh shapiro. republicans were scared of mark kelly. they were not scared heard of governor waltz, but they should be they should be because what you just saw night was extraordinary this was somebody i've heard from my most conservative friends. am i most liberal friends and even my radical friends. everybody's like this guy is amazing because he talks like a
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normal person about stuff that people really care about. and it's effective. and to david's point trump was ready to go with strength versus weakness. i'm strong. biden's week giving the job. this is not that this is old and sorry and pathetic. and boring and doom and gloom versus young and exciting and fresh and new and that's a different fight. its the past versus the future. it's a completely different fight or the other thing is that attorney kamala harris has managed to do something without relying on donald trump. you do it. she is united this party. we just say that the only thing that unite this party is donald trump she's talking about donald trump she's talking about a future. you can believe in. she's giving people hope she picked somebody looked did not look like her. and from where she's from, and they fit together like legos. it is an unbelievable feeling that's sweeping through the country. and donald trump is scared and he should be i want to show our viewers something that our
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colleague josh campbell just pointed out to me and i believe we have at its new merch all the campaigns get really quickly but this in particular is josh is pointing out is in orange blaze orange. >> it's a color used by hunters for safety purposes. and that's what tim walz is. he is a hunter and the fact that that is one of the first things that they are selling that tells you a lot about the way that they are trying to get the white i might get one way to sow that had him with the culture, you know, i think that is actually what is happening, is that it can already got you. i think that's what at my point is like there's a way to say the same thing and speak to a lot of people and that's what tonight felt like is that i know you don't agree and peptic, but i think that i think they give you one of those hats as a reward for when
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they confiscate your guns, they give you a heads right here. the thing he got on stage and talked about, he is a gun owner. he believes in the second amendment. he's talking to all of americans, i think in this campaign we've done this thing where we could say this word, progressive as though with a slur or it's a bad thing. the reality is, is that when you actually look at what progressive policies are now, all of them, but about 75% of them and whether it's paid family leave, whether it's the care agenda because we're here all have aging parents that we need to take care of, whether it's paying teachers a fair wage because they are teaching our future. whether it's feeding hungry children those are not issues that only affect one type of person. they affect every person we've all had teachers we've all had a coach, whether we were good at sports or not, we know what it feels like. they have a coach to lead and guide us. and that is what you heard tonight. >> i thought the rewriting of the whole covid narrative was just something to behold. i mean, this guy allies as easily
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as any national level democrat. i mean, he was up there talking about donald trump and, you know, causing covid and they've causing destroyed our economy. and so he had the most draconian lockdowns in the country. he talked about in our state. >> when did he say that he he did talk about it he said he froze pick your pick your euphemism. >> i mean, he so talked about here, neighbors respect neighbors. we mind our own business. >> he literally created a reporting system for people in minnesota to snitch on their neighbors if they saw them violating his draconian lockdowns, they kept the school's lock down. >> the business is locked down. they left the bars open, i think but they closed the churches and now to come back later and rewrite this. and somehow blame this on trump and rewrite this narrative. >> i was i was, you know what, he lied really fit right in. >> just take it laterally. >> you seem sad are today than
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you seem two weeks ago that are themes that good night. >> let me let me play a little bit. >> if you think if this is a contest about lives, that trump's going to come out of this. >> this has been my eternal question for democrats in the donald trump era. how many lies is too many? and what is the standard of lying is just telling one less lie that donald trump is that the standard to which you aspire? >> then i don't you know, i don't characterize you've chosen to characterize things as lives that i think could be debated. but i mean the whole donald trump, i mean, honestly kinda lives for practice. i mean, it's what he does and so that isn't the grant yeah, i'll tell you something. let me give you some free advice. >> if i want if i were if i were the strategist for the other side, i would i would not want this to be a future past debate. >> i would want to make her i would want to make kamala harris, the incumbent, and i
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would assign to her joe biden's record and i would run that. >> i want to get in i want to get in here for one second. then you can come back. i want to play a little bit more of what we heard this evening and this is a refrain about tim walz as a coach they're just getting the now coach walters story, coach walls taught social studies and to his former high school football players, he was coming oh it's like a matchup between the varsity team and the jv squad. >> coach walz was approached by a student when coach was and his wife, tim was the linebackers coach for the football team under those friday night lights coach walls i mean as somebody who listens to a lot of men talk about sports, yeah, it's nice to hear a woman get in there, talk
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about sports as well. but, but, but it's just whole underdog theme, which is so smart because they are behind. you guys should be less sad than you are because you're still ahead but it's this underdog things on a friday night lights theme that you know, what is clear eyes, full heart, can't lose, you know, it's, it's working, it's working. and that thought like a big pep rally for sports event and so i think the idea of them saying we are the underdogs but we come from small places. we come from modest places and we can get all the way to the white house with you. that is powerful and that's not the non-trump message. >> okay, everybody, we're going to take a quick break up next. john king is talking to voters in rural pennsylvania. we're also going to be talking to a campaign co-chair and later a former republican governor minnesota, who is also named tim tim pawlenty joins us. now go anywhere anderson cooper, 360. >> he is brought to you by tebe visit sounds like kate
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right. you are looking there at tim walz is motorcade earlier today, right here in philadelphia, secret service protection and all for the first time, even for a state governor with a regular security detail, it is a significant change of scenery late today, the campaign put out a video of how his journey officially began. >> listen i want you to do this with me. let's let's do this together. would you be my running mate? and let's get this thing on the road. >> i would be honored. >> madam vice president. >> the joy that you were bringing back to the country, the enthusiasm that's out there. there'll be a privilege to take this with you across the country. and as we talked about before the break, they both will be going places, lots of places this week. and for the next just 90 some days is that they have left until election day. cnn's john king joins me now from a small town outside reading, pennsylvania.
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john, you of course, were part of the team that broke this news here on cnn you've been out spending this campaign talking to voters. what are they telling you about the selection of governor walz, especially in shapiro's home state governor shapiro's home state okc. the point that you heard the governor maker about joy, remember 16, 17 debt days ago democrats were out of energy. they were despondent. they were holding their breath they were worried about joe biden at the top of the ticket. they were worried he might lose in a landslide and take them all out. now there is unmistakable joy in the democratic party. does that mean they will win 90 days from now know it does not but where am i? i'm in berks county, pennsylvania. donald trump carried this county about 54% of the vote. but you know, their state, it's your home state, the commonwealth of pennsylvania margins matter. there's a hunt club up the street. there's a gun club up the street. there are farms here. a guy called coach, a guy who hunts the guy who in congress had a good rating from the nra can talk to people here. he speaks their language, and that's what the harris campaign is hoping not to win. berks county, but but to just get a good margin and then run it up in the philadelphia suburbs where they're talking
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about health care and abortion rights and things like that. so that's the test. look, people vote for president but if you have a happy candidate on top of the ticket, as opposed to a candidate who is not out invisible. and then you have a vice president whom go into some communities and be a little different. it might help the one thing i would say about this as in my travels in the last year, we find so many people who don't trust either party they say all politicians are in suits and they make promises and they don't follow through. so to see a guy who's comfortable in a t-shirt and a camouflaged hat, who can go to a gun club and shoot some targets. will it work? it's a little different, so i think that's the test and i think that's a potential appeal of governor walz in places like this. >> john, what do you think are any vulnerabilities that he might add here at to the ticket areas where the harris campaign is kind of i have to shore him up, if any i think this is a fascinating challenge about the communications challenge in the messaging challenge. >> and i think both vice president harris and governor walz today handled it quite well. the question is, can they
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handle it through the sustained with the campaign, which is we know the trump campaign has gone the double down on this dangerously liberal kamala harris is set for san francisco. she's liberal. tim walz got to make what are the democrats do today remember you remember this? well, when obama was president and obama care hurt the democrats in those first couple of elections because it hasn't kicked in yet. so how did the democrats handle that when the republicans say dangerously liberal, you heard governor walz today. you mean i use government power to help poor kids get free meals or reduced price meals. you mean i use my government power to make abortion rights, the law of the land in the state of minnesota, you mean donald trump would take away the affordable care act, which is now quite popular. obamacare, we're going to protect it. so when the liberal charges come, can a make the case for their kind of government because tax and spend liberal, you know, that doesn't work at a place like this. but those individual policies, childcare, school lunches, things like that. they're quite popular. so who ends that debate about defining liberal it's really
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interesting because you saw walls making those arguments on tv as this selection process it's what's going forward. >> he was making them and to hear them here talk about them in terms of freedom, right? framing abortion rights in terms of freedom, choosing healthcare in terms of freedom is kind of flipping that old school republican message. judging on his head, john king. thank you so much as always dana, back to you thanks, kasie and back with me here. >> david axelrod, alyssa farah griffin, and van jones david, i always like to tell our viewers what we're talking about when we're not on tv. and one of the things that i do wonder bring it is the reality check. yes, this is as people have maybe said, too much, this is a bit of a sugar high because of the shift, because of the very real enthusiasm. >> but 90 days is a long time. >> it is. first of all, i don't think i think sugar high now, maybe a thing of the past because that was the first week, the second now we're i mean, they've gotten out of the
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gates very, very well. the nature of presidential politics, however, is that the better you do, the better you have to do the bar gets raised. there are more tests around the corner and, you know, unveiling a running mate is getting the right person has obviously putin but this was kind of a lay-up. i mean, this was a an event that you can control. there are things you can't control. so the question is, what happens when there are debates? what happens when she gets into a regimen of interviews as i assume that she will what happens when the unexpected happens? these campaigns are oral exams that get harder and harder. so the message to democrats who by the way, if the election were today, i can say with certainty that she would win because of the electoral map and so on is that yes, you should be very excited and you should go to
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work. this is going to be a battle that is going to be a battle. and i said this the other day online and i said, don't get consumed by irrational exuberance for which i was rewarded with a lot of opinions but just the reality that anybody was it's going to campaign will tell you this. there's a lot of hard work and heart ache ahead before the final goal yes. >> well, okay. we want to add to the work. >> yeah. yeah. we got fight. i mean, look, now we have some fighting. we got somebody to fight for the long side and width kamala harris has proven to be a political phenomenon she, she has everything that she has done has been incredibly difficult and she's done it incredibly well. and we are still behind in the polls the lines may be crossing, but we've got to, we got to overperform if you're a democrat, you have to win them popular vote. you got to over win in order to win the electoral college and so i think you take this energy, it takes us enthusiasm, everybody
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on the whatsapp groups, everybody's holland and dancing get to work volunteer, put some money in and get to work. it's going to be a fight all the way you know, alyssa, one of the things that i have brought up several times is looking back to 2016 and one of the big differences between the trump campaign and the hillary clinton campaign was trump made people feel i mean, he made people feel scared and he made people feel that he was with them. and hillary clinton wanted to talk about policies this is a different kind of matchup because everybody's feeling now they're feeling different things. this is fundamentally different and i think that what the kamala harris campaign has done wisely as they have leaned into making this forward-looking the chants of we're not going back. she's been a cheerful warrior when donald trump's come after her with attacks that she could spend time litigating the her biracial heritage or the dei tax instead, she makes it about people. she stays big picture. she's not leaned into, you
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know, i'm the first black would be the first black female president. she's made it much more of an all-inclusive message. >> i am stunned and i am repeating myself here, but donald trump trump, all they need to run is she is joe biden, but a woman and relitigate his record. >> the border inflation and just hammer that two americans were dissatisfied with biden and make her own it. but he's failed to do that. and i think it's because he is so taken by what a pop culture phenomenon she's been. the fact that young people are energized, that celebrities are getting involved here he's really flailing and i think he's he's not really used to ever coming up against something like that. >> all right, everybody. thank you so much. appreciate it. coming up. how vice president harris came to select governor tim walz. we're going to talk more about that and we're going to be joined by one of her closest advisors. that's next
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answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 800 a31, 3,700 hundred what kamala harris got in tim walz as her running mate, was apparent in his folksy manner and his sharp attacks against donald trump, even when discussing republican opposition to abortion minnesota, we respect our neighbors in their personal choices that they make even if we wouldn't make the same choice for ourselves, there's a golden rule. mind your own business all right i'm joined now by cedric richmond, a harris walls campaign co-chair. >> he's both former congressman and adviser to president biden at congressman, you are one of the few people in the room in the vice president's inner circle as she was making this critical
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first executive decision as the person at the top of the ticket. can you shed some light on the decision-making process and we're also reporting here that one of the things that governor walz said was that he actually didn't have ambitions to be president himself. is that the case? and what role did that play in her decision well, i'll tell you what the most important thing was. she wanted someone who would always put the american people first she wanted someone who understood the role of the vice president of the united states, and she wanted someone she had chemistry with because they're going to have to do a lot of bold things and they're going to have to be on the same page. and governor walz fit that mold and he expressed that he didn't have ambition to be president. what he expressed was he had a desire to improve the lives of the american people. and he understood that what they were going through. and he talked about what he was able to do in minnesota and what he wants to be able to do
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in conjunction with vice president harris soon to be president harris on what they would do for the american people. and i think that that was something that really resonated is that something that was different from what she experienced with governor josh shapiro, even though shapiro, of course, from a battleground state, she elected not to choose that potential advantage here but governor shapiro is immensely talented. >> he cares about the american people. he's devoted to the people of pennsylvania, and he loves his country dearly. and so did senator kelly and governor bashir. >> it was she couldn't make a wrong choice with the options that she had but there was a great connection between of governor walz and not to mention that there's a great contrast. >> i mean, she was an attorney general. she's a lawyer and she became a senator and a vice president governor walz is
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background is he was a teacher he coached kids. he volunteered to serve in our nation's army and it's a great contrast to what she brings to the table. and what's consistent between governor walz and all of the candidates is they have a deep love of country and they were going to put the people first unlike donald trump but she had a connection with governor walz and she made that decision and i think it was a great decision that she made and it's no slight on anybody who was not picked. but that connection was strong. that contrast was strong. and i think that like she always does. i think she put a lot of time, energy effort thought, and she put a hard into it and that's where we ended up congressman the trump campaign, republicans already out labeling this ticket as liberal, labeling the choice to pick walz as doubling down on liberalism, on
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progressivism. >> and one of their lines of criticism is that governor walz waited too long to call the national guard into minneapolis and the wake of protests around george floyd that turned into something else in governor walz is words, how do you respond to that criticism? >> very easily. >> i will not be lectured about law and order from donald trump, who led an insurrection on the united states capital. >> i was in that building. >> police officers died that day because donald trump only thinks about itself desk, all he ever thought about. >> and that's what a future trump administration would look like. and so a person like governor walz, who has given his life to public service and in advance of other people, not himself, i'm not going to listen to donald trump, not j.d. vance, about any nature of
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law enforcement. but what i will tell you is that governor walz has been a strong governor if you look at his record on cutting taxes, if you look at his record on their climate for doing business, if you look at the vice president, vice president harris's, and you look at what we've been able to do in terms of reducing violent crime and reducing crime, we're not going to take a lecture from a criminal with 34 counts of felony convictions and i don't think that people look on by that either all right. >> congressman cedric richmond. very grateful for your time on this big night in politics. thank you very much. >> thanks for all right. coming up next more on how the trump campaign is trying to frame walls and his record as governor the. >> day you get your clear choice dental implants changes your struggle with missing
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before governor tim walz introduced himself tonight as a veteran, a school teacher, and a football coach. >> the trump campaign laid into him at his record it's initial statement called him liberal once and dangerously liberal twice and trump as we've mentioned, called him part of the quote, most radical left duo in american history, senior trump campaign advisers tell cnn, they plan to frame walls as more liberal than harris, and that they will attack him specifically on issues including the boarder guns and policing. i'm joined now by tim pawlenty, minnesota is last republican governor also a former republican presidential candidate. thank you so much for being here. governor. i appreciate it listen, you are governor. you're critical rather of governor waltzes policy but the first thing you did in an interview this morning was congratulate him, talk about what an honor and accomplishment it must be to be chosen for the ticket. donald trump sent out an email with all caps saying tim walz will
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unleash hell on earth do think that's the right strategy that's a classic trump, a trump state. >> but i suppose, well, governor walz, as you mentioned, i know him, i like and we've done things together. we don't agree politically, but he's a folksy, friendly, engaging person. and so we're going to have this debate about his policies and worldview and vice president harris, the same. and i hope we can keep to that and as you know, he is his worldview is one thing. >> but now he's at the bottom of a ticket where it is kamala harris is worldview that matters and what his job is going to be to sell that is to sell that policies, you say he's folksy, you say he's likeable and you personally like him and know him so given all of that do you see that he could have appeal in swing states, particularly in states around where you are and midwestern states that
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democrats certainly need to win american. >> i think dana, what this selection does have governor walz for the harris ticket is this. it gives her a philosophical and policy soulmate. they mirror each other so they are in fact doubling down on the progressive agenda. there's no question about that. they admitted governor walz proudly says he's one of the most accomplished aggressive governors in the country. and so he's not backing away from that label. that's not debatable, so they're going to double down on that. >> but as she gives off this california's san francisco vibe, he has this sort of bernie sanders in hunting gear vibe with the midwestern flair to it. >> and so the ticket isn't philosophically and policy balanced, but she did bring some geography and some style balance into it and he's fully capable of both being folksy and thrown hard punches. he can do both, like most politicians that he can talk a lot, that we all do but he's good at it and so yeah. can he go out and to
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the both the sales job on the policy from their perspective, and also punch-back? yes, he can you have not endorsed and correct me if i'm wrong, but you have not endorsed donald trump. >> the trump-vance ticket. you've said you hadn't been prepared to do so. we vote for them i'm not voting for vice president harris and tim walz. i'm just not for that. i think they're taking would take the country significantly to what about sanders view of the un as to trump i have voted for him in the past. i have all kinds of reservations about him, but like a lot of americans, if i have to vote for socialism versus sort of the trump model? i probably will end up voting for trump with reservations. and that's what it is when it's like a lot of americans were faced with this choice. i'm not for socialism, i'm not for many x been in the white house, but those are our choices. >> so you really think that the kinds of policies that kamala harris espouses are socialists. i mean, i certainly democrats. she is a progressive, but
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socialist is it whole different kettle of fish? >> well, there's a group that you're familiar with called the democrats social alliance, socialist alliance. they put out a checklist of what they want done at a state level governor walz embraced and pass the most of any state in the nation on that list. and so whether you call it progressive or socialist or democrat socialist, clearly they want to take the country further and faster left, however you want to particularly described that. i don't think that's debatable. they say it themselves before i let you go real quick. i covered you in 2008 and 2012, you were on the shortlist to be john mccain and mitt romney's running mate, didn't, didn't work out what do you think if the bills like to be those? >> others who weren't picked right now well, it's disappointing because you get your hopes up, but i also think underreported in this story is the campaign within the campaign to sort of take out those other competitors for the vp slot. >> and why down in arizona you had mark kelly get taken out by
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organized private labour. the guy from pennsylvania, shapiro got taken out because it was for school choice and to pro israel and a party that is increasingly pro-palestinian. and that sort of revealed some wounds and some fissures in that party. and if i were those folks know the lesson is either you better told the line or you don't get promoted, i guess former minnesota governor tim pawlenty. thank you so much for being here. good to see you. appreciate it. >> good to see you happy to be with you and a deeper dive on governor tim walz and his personal journey to this historic moment is next in our family, there was a passion for glass making that's passed down through the generations we stood on some pretty broad shoulders to get to where we're at today. >> on ancestry i, was able to actually put together our family tree. each person is a glass worker. >> that's why we do what we do. we can't help it glass glassblowing. that's a part of our dna. >> it's in my blood, my
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limited edition smart plus 0% interest for 20 for months jumped out at asleep number store near you i'm melissa bell in paris. and this is cnn the moment we've been talking about tonight, kamala harris introducing her running mate, minnesota governor tim walz in philadelphia. >> here's whitney wild with a closer look at his biography the national spotlight is shining on humble roots as minnesota governor tim walz becomes kamala harris, his vice
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presidential running mate. >> i couldn't be prouder to be on this ticket before running for office, waltz was a geography teacher and public schools and a football coach from rural mankato high school geography teachers don't you? >> usually think that look, it is, it is humbling, it's a privilege. it's surreal, is resume also includes more than two decades in the army national guard, including a deployment overseas after the 9-11 attacks. want to thank the gentleman his two term governor previously served in congress for 12 years representing a rural district that voted for trump weiss and 2006, he won his first congressional race, ousting a six-term republican incumbent. they liked me, they trusted me. they said tim, i think you're trying to do it right. >> his first term as governor, i saw some of the state's most turbulent times when riots broke out after the murder of george floyd as parts of the city burned, republicans blasted democratic leaders response in recent days are nation has been gripped by professional anarchies violent
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mobs are soon as looters criminals, rioters, antifa, and others. a number of state and local governments have failed to take necessary action to safeguard there residents after days of riots, walls called in the entire minnesota national guard. >> let's be very clear, the situation i didn't minneapolis is no longer in any way about the murder of george floyd it is about attacking civil society instilling fear and disrupting our great cities he's record of progressive policies such as codifying abortion rights, adding protections for transgender and are people passing paid sick and family leave and implementing free breakfast and lunch programs in schools makes him appealing to some on the left and a target for republican criticism, which he has begun to push back on what a monster kids are eating, eating and having full belly so they can go learn and women are making their own health care decisions early here this