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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  August 7, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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expectation, of course, to be in one area, the excitement of course as well to be an astronaut, to be launched in this way. but what do you think they're going through mentally when you're on a mission like this. >> well, anytime the plan changes that can mess with you and we're all trained to deal with that uncertainty and to be professional about it. but, you know, i'll be honest. it does it does get to you at times and i think that when you're going into a long duration mission on space station, when you're expecting to be up there for six months and it turns into say, seven months or eight months. that's one thing. but when you're going up, they're expecting it to be eight days and suddenly it's eight months, right? that's a different thing. now, what sunny and butch have going for them is they both been space station crew members before. so they've been trained on what we call expeditionary behavior. how to get along, how to play nice. it's like all the things you learned in kindergarten. but maybe at a higher ed bit more advanced level. and they're good at it and so i think that they're going to be fine if this does end up
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happening. and again, that has not yet been decided. but if they do end up being up there for that long duration, i think there'll be fine. >> share that lesson with congress way if derek raisman. thank you so much for joining me my pleasure. >> laura, anytime. >> and thank you all for watching erin burnett outfront his next outfront next, the harris waltz ticket off and running. and we're now standing by for the biden as president and her new running mate to take the stage in a crucial battleground state. as it seemed trump steps up, its attacks on this move democratic ticket plus, i'll speak with a former student who calls to multiple role model, someone who protected him. this is bullying and school because he was gay. and breaking news, taylor swift canceling a series of concerts after police say they foiled a terror attack targeting her shows. let's go outfront good evening. >> i'm erica hill in for erin burnett out front tonight the breaking news democrats taking their show on the road, you're
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looking at live pictures here out of detroit, michigan, where vice president kamala harris is about to take the stage with her new running mate, minnesota governor tim walz thousands of people at that event, the two arriving in detroit just a short time ago after speaking to an energized crowd earlier in the day in wisconsin in the past 24 hours, harrison walton now hit three crucial battleground states, starting of course, with last night's rally in philadelphia, those three states, as i noted, crucial to a harris victory. and today everywhere harrison waltzed when they had team trump hot on their trail, trump's running mate, senator j.d. vance, holding events in wisconsin and michigan today as well. at one point, vance's plane and harris plane actually landed at the same airport in wisconsin at the same time vance making his way then to a manufacturing plant to speak with a group of blue-collar workers we have a country that's going in the wrong direction thanks to kamala harris and i think that it's important to say we could be doing so much better and not
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just that we could be doing so much better. >> we were doing so much better when donald j. trump was president of the united states fans really focusing most of his attacks now on harris, much like the former president who opted not to join vans on the trail. he did though, this morning, call into fox nobody knew how radical left she was this is a ticket that would want this country to go communist immediately, if not sooner. >> jeff zeleny is outfront live in detroit there at the harris rally. so a big, enthusiastic crowd for harris and walz over the past couple of days. this could also be a honeymoon, as we know, barely 24 hours and just over is there a sense from the campaign that you're hearing in terms of a plan to keep that momentum alive era in the plan basically is one day at a time and there are 90 days now until election day in november. >> and far fewer days until voting actually begins. but i can tell you, enthusiasm is
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certainly only one sort of ingredient in a winning campaign, but you can see behind me here, perhaps thousands of people have gathered in this hearing in this hangar, excuse me, and went vice president harris arrived, stepping off air force two. it was a different moment, so enthusiasm does not win elections alone, but it's a key component. and frankly, a month to ago, democrats did not have that. so talking to democrats here in this audience, they are overjoyed by other new ticket. >> vice president harris and governor walz of course, you would spec that. >> but when you talk to other voters who have been really turned off by the selection they too are suddenly now engaged and suddenly tuned in. but the vice president herself takes the. case. she did last night, i assume she will again tonight that they are the underdogs in this race. and that is how they are looking at all this. a bit, erica, $36 million i was raised in the first 24 hours. it is much more than that. i am told that also buys something else that by his television commercials and that continues to be inclusive yes.
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we learn one piece of information today. the former president donald trump is interested in holding a debate, but vice president harris on a network potentially other than fox that. of course would be a big moment in this campaign. but for now, at least the harris campaign wants to keep this momentum alive as they continue their battleground tour. and of course that debris credit convention in chicago is now less than two weeks away erica, jeff zeleny. >> appreciate it. thank you joining me now to discuss we've got all the players here. david axelrod, i want to begin with you, you know, as jeff just noted, enthusiasm is only one ingredients, right? moving forward, we're 24 hours into this new team and team trump really working to label governor walz, in particular, as the most liberal, she could pick. this is the most liberal ticket you're going to see if you're managing this campaign where do you go with that? where do you take that messaging and how do you massage it to your advantage? >> well, look first of all, the fact that let me just say as an aside before i answer your question, the fact that trump
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is now changing his position on the debate tells me that they understand that they're in a real fight here and so he needs to debate, which gives you a sense of where the race is. look, i think that the proud, they've got to guy here who is from central casting like he drops out of a norman rockwell painting, right? he's small town america, incarnate. know, the teacher, the coach, 24 years in the national guard and so on. and people, a lot of folks in small town america recognize him as a neighbor and i think this is deeply worrisome to the other side. i think that what i would do with him honestly, is i would put them in an rv and i would send them to small towns and pennsylvania in michigan, in wisconsin because i think he'll relate well to people and if it's harder to caricature someone when you know them. so
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that that's what i would do with him you mentioned that, but the 24 years in the national guard has said this is already popping up as an attack point. >> actually, from j.d. vance going after, whilst today hey, on his military record, i want to play part of that moment he said we shouldn't allow weapons that i used in war to be on america's streets. >> well, i wonder tim walz, when were you ever in war? was this was this weapon that you carried into war given that you abandon your unit right before they went to iraq. and he has not spent a day in a combat zone so just to clarify, walz did serve in the national guard, as we noted for 24 years, he filed to run for congress retire from the guard months before his unit was deployed, but he did at one point say right. >> he talked about quote, weapons that he carried in war he was never in combat is, is this proving to be it's early, but it's, it's proving to be an effective line of attack. >> i think we it's hard to know, but i do know that we know the messenger has some problems. this is what j.d. vance was chosen for it to be the attack dog for donald
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trump. and i think that this is an early preview of where they're going to go with governor walz. but this is someone who is gay even though his life to service. i think it's going to be hard to character hutcher him as that, but i think to david's point, it becomes harder as the american people come to know him more. and so what the trump campaign is trying to do is try to do early definition of walls. but i think that will become more difficult as he gets more out there. but there was another point in that press conference with vance that stuck out to me. they asked them, what makes you happy? what makes you smile. and he said nothing really, because right now i'm angry. that's the contrast with whilst i think it's really going to jump out whilst having a good time. he's going to be the person who is out there, a recognizable teacher, as david says, and it's gonna be more difficult to not begun kind of paint him as a caricature if he's if he's following the kind of happy warrior mold, that thing came in. harris are trying to put it the out there. this is one attack line there, certainly putting out there, but they're gonna have to find something. i think they're gonna have to find something more robust if they're going to try to define him outside of the ways that they're already pushing to define themselves. >> david, would you agree with that that this needs to be david urban, a more robust line
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of attack on which part erica, that military service part yes. >> it said saying that may not be landing. right. and it may need to be a more robust attack was that the right attack or is there something that would be a better path? >> no, i think the best path is let's get the governor in a van or in a motor home and pennsylvania and let's let people hear about his record. i am all about the substance, about the issues. let's let him defend some of the policies he took and positions he took in and in minnesota, which a lot of people in pennsylvania are going to view extreme that sounded abortion law, which is pretty unfettered. and up to the ninth month in abortion on demand kind of, quote, unquote, he signed laws that provide illegal immigrants with driver's license educational benefits, health care benefits, which some people may see team extreme. he has a position that he'll have to defend and i think that more people like
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david said, he looks at a funkier looking fella, right? he looks like jim gaffigan defendants policy positions. >> this shouldn't be about what you look like, who you are, what your races, this should be about the policy. so the more people get to hear about his policies, i think the people in some of these small towns won't be so thrilled about them. they won't be so thrilled about some of the moment for socialist kind of progressive policies that the governor, spouse and putting in place while governor of minnesota, i liked that both davids are advocating for the same plan of attack, but seeing very different outcomes here from the conversations and from we have stuck in an rv, companies. >> i think you clearly do afterwards. >> you can take it on a tour of all the major league ballparks in the country. >> i wouldn't be listed donald donald trump is claiming that he's thrilled about walls as the pick. >> i want to play some of what he had to say nobody knew how radical left she was, but he's a smarter version of her. if
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you want to know the truth, he's probably about the same as bernie sanders. he's probably more so than bernie sanders. this is a ticket that would once this country got to go communist immediately, if not sooner, i do have to say, i'm still struggling to understand what sooner than immediately. that's a separate issue in all seriousness, when you when we hear donald trump say he is thrilled with walz behind the scenes how do you think the campaign is actually feeling about this pick of governor walz? >> well, listen, there was a sigh of relief down in palm beach when it wasn't josh shapiro a continent centrist who i think there were genuinely afraid of. but then i think they saw was performed and i think he outperformed expectations. somebody said it well, because a very progressive but he reads republican, he reads midwest or uncle your dad, a relatable good communicator. now, there are no centrist in this race on either ticket. that's just a fact looking at the record. but one campaign is running a disciplined message which is making overtures to the middle, to independents. and that's the harris walls campaign. you saw
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on display last night. there was this it's moment on the campaign trail today where people started chanting, lock him up, and kamala harris had sort of a john mccain moment where she said, we're going to let the courts take control of that rather than encouraging that divisiveness that has consumed our politics, the trump campaign cannot land a message. i don't know why, because there to urban's point is plenty of content to attack them on policy is that are seen as too progressive and a lot of this country, but instead, it's personal, it's name-calling it longer kamala, i don't even know what that is she has truly confounded the trump campaign and they've got a short runway to really try to define her an effective way. and i've yet to see them do it, and they're facing a democratic convention in a couple of weeks that will be all about defining her before before a big audience. >> yeah. i think they they do have problems, but it's interesting to me that the presence not out there. i mean, you know, he's making sort of drop-ins on fox and friends, but i think part of the reason is he's not helping himself out there if i were his
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manager, i'd say i want you to take a rest because he goes to georgia and he takes on a fight with the most popular republican in georgia. and clearly he is confounded by this new challenge. he thought he had the race under control. he doesn't have the race under control anymore. and they're struggling. but in terms of this issue of communism, i mean i don't know that people in small town or big town america think paid family leave as communism. i don't know that they think that school lunches or communism paid free school lunches or communism. i thought i thought whilst did a good job of answering this question when he was asked this and one of his interviews. >> so you know, i think he i think he'll do okay. dave urban in those small towns when he has that back-and-forth, erica i'm going to be i'm going to be in those small towns acts. i'm going to be in there making making sure he doesn't do okay. >> all right. >> david axelrod in an in an rv. >> i'd love to see you guys
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together. that would be great. hey people. >> i listened. there's no one's going to mistake as brothers, but you know, erica david has a point there when you talk about things like communism, what does that mean, right? it does, it, does mean much to people, but you need you need to peel back the onion and talking about issues. well, you know, governor, what, how do your policies, who's going to pay for those things? who's going to pay for the free life? i just who's going to pay for these things? where does the money come from and let people explain it. let's have a debate on the merits and to trump's point about the communist apart, don't say as a communist, just say, look, bernie sanders is probably the most progressive, the most liberal member of congress this was bernie sanders pick for vice president. that's people should be talking about. josh shapiro, beloved in the commonwealth of pennsylvania, who would have given the trump excuse me, the harris campaign, a huge bump would probably probably won the state for her. they passed over josh shapiro for bernie sanders there's pick why? because the only guy could tell his josh shapiro is
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jewish faith i can't tell any other reason why you were there are political malpractice know something about this. hold on. that's like dave, i know something about this process and i think what we would cnn reported and what others have reported is the truth. i don't think they could get together on what the role was. i don't think josh shapiro unnecessarily was hungering for the vice presidency if the vice presidency wasn't going to be what he thought he would be comfortable with. and i am not sure that she was comfortable with what he thought the vice presidency should be. that is why i think he might well have ended up with a position, but that's what happened, but i understand the talking point. mean as a member of the jewish community, i'm not very compelled by it, but i understand you're making it. >> i also want to i do want it say getting here again, again erica, just say real quickly. >> it's hard to make the compelling case then that donald trump is going to end the world if you can't have two senior members of democratic party agree to get
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together to take down the existential the threat to the globe. >> you want i think if this thing devolves into a debate about judgment and vice presidential candidates, it may not, you may not end up on the losing end of that. >> so i'm going to throw up what i was struck by a state as you've been doing some reporting since this shifted to the harris campaign right before whilst was added about these so-called double-hater voters. so real quickly before we wrap this there is some movement there and there is some change. >> there is absolutely change and there's more upside to harris has specifically among the margin of others, biden was doing worse with he was doing fine among regular democrats the type of people who vote in primaries, they were the ones holding on. it was the people who are less and less likely to vote in presidential elections, people of color younger people, folks who only vote every four years, non-college educated voters, all of that upside is much higher under harris, we call people back from times polling who had said they weren't going to participate, and they almost universally that they are more engaged in the race and more likely to vote for harris because of
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this, this was also true in the wisconsin marquette law poll today. kamala harris is doing much better than biden, but even so they asked the hypothetical about what would happen if this race wittyngham change and charged with six points up, that shows the clear switch that this moving her to the top of the ticket to the upside opportunity think it's provided the party what, a month or really feels like a decade at his van. and there are still 90 days to go. appreciate it. thank you all for being here tonight. outfront next, the new reporting from inside the trump campaign, why they were doing everything they could to prevent pennsylvania governor josh shapiro from becoming kamala harris is running mate plus i'll speak with the former student who harris mentioned while speaking about her new running coach walz was approached by a student in his social studies class. young man was one of the first openly gay students at the school this hoping to start a gay straight alliance and it's a story you'll see first on outfront walls, no stranger to china in fact, catch honeymoon.
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harris and her new running mate, governor tim walz, about to take the stage in the key battleground state of michigan. and this comes as donald trump is out there celebrating harris's pick for vp he's a very, very liberal man and he's a shocking pick. and i'm thrilled. i could not be mozzarella. he's probably about the same as bernie sanders well new reporting reveals the trump campaign was really doing everything it could to hurt pennsylvania governor josh shapiro's chances of joining the democratic ticket, even forging an alliance with some of their enemies on the far left outfront. >> now, marc caputo, national political reporter for the bulwark. marc, good to see you tonight. one trump adviser actually told and i'm quoting here, we amplified the leftist on twitter. we fed shapiro opposition research to the media. we did what we could to create more noise and discontent why were they so concerned about shapiro on the ticket shapiro sort of a dual threat in the eyes of the trump
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campaign. >> one, he's a governor of pennsylvania, he's got a job approval in the 60s that's really good. pennsylvania is the biggest swing stay with 19 electoral college votes and it's very crucial to trump's path to victory. essentially, if the polling is right and he wins the south and sun states as most of the polling and indicated up until relatively recently that left pennsylvania's this big prize and going up against shapir on the ticket in the trump campaign's eyes just made it more complicated also, shapira is more of a moderate record. >> he is endorsed, supported some things that republicans have supported. >> one of the things, for instance, a school choice or vouchers and in the trump campaign's eyes, this made it more difficult for them to argue or would have made it more difficult for them to argue. and kamala harris was quote, dangerously liberal. whereas with walls in their view, it's a lot easier so what would be through a little bit more of what exactly this sort of strategy was behind the scenes to try to hurt
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shapiro's chances i think it's more tactics and strategy. and this is not rocket science, this is not 40 chess. this is what campaigns do all the time if they see an opponent, they don't want to face they do what they can to make sure they don't have to face him so i'm not at liberty to say exactly what they did, but i was made privy to certain things. where they made sure that the media reported a lot about shapiro's idf record, his better side is israel record, which was a big problem with progressives. and then made sure that some of their allies who are sort of go go-betweens, between them and the progressives would flag their social media posts to give it more amplification, to give it more traffic. now, the trump campaign will admit that his advisers will say like, look, we were not determinative in this effort, in this decision by harris not to pick shapiro but what's indicative of is the fact that they didn't want to face shapiro and that if they had to pick, they would take walls or someone else over him mark good
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to see you. >> appreciate it. thanks thanks outfront. now, democratic senator john fetterman of pennsylvania, senator, nice to have you with us tonight your state. i don't need to tell you this seen as a key to winning the election, does choosing governor walz over governor shapiro make it more difficult for this democratic ticket in november no, that's that's ridiculous. i'd like to remind that joe biden crushed pennsylvania in 2020 with harris as vice president by over 150,000 votes and harris can and will carry pennsylvania regardless of who she i chose for vice president as well. and that's how exactly how it's going to play out there is this very clear republican talking point that has emerged in the last 24 hours that josh shapiro was not chosen because of anti-semitism. >> and the more liberal wing of the democratic party. do you think there is an issue within your party? hey, of
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anti-semitism? and are you confident it's being addressed? >> that's just absurd and dumb. they know trump and everyone's talking about anyone other than vance. now, let's why are we talking about appointing the dumbest choice in a vice president ever? you, know it's strange. their walls isn't on record claiming that he hates the police, but vance does and vance now has confirmed in interviews that trump is a sexual abuser and he has referred to him as hitler's america and he is going after people that haven't have kids or, you cat ladies or nadh trump is going into rants about talking about who by ratios and things myo children are biracial, including senator fanciest children are biracial so if you really want to talk about anything, of course, they want to talk about anything trump would be more eager to talk about stormy daniel's than talking about vance and that's been a train wreck and it's just bizarre that we're still talking about some weird parlor
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game that's now it's been over that. we know what the ticket is and that's gone kind of wind pennsylvania president biden just sat down for an interview with cbs news. >> he was asked about his feelings, about a peaceful transfer of power. if donald trump loses here's what the president had to say i'm not coughing all immediately says we don't take him seriously. >> he means it how all this stuff about if we lose, there'll be a bloodbath donald trump was referencing and economic bloodbath that said, do you share president biden's concerns if donald trump in fact loses come november i mean, of course, he he's just he's a sore loser and he got smoked in 2020. >> and he lied and fox news had to pay $800 million in court because fox like carry that kinds of lies and of course
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trump is going to try to do anything thing you can. but i don't think it's going to be possible now because i think harris is going to have definitive kinds of a win. and that's why i'm proud to be part of that team. harris and walz now, as they raised $36 million just to in 24 hours on that and look at what happen in philadelphia. look at what seeing right now in michigan, you look at the kind of energy that's across the nation right now. and what really sucks for the republicans, while it's, it's just a regular dude like his net worth is like a couple of hundred thousand dollars, which is much just like a lot for your average americans and talking about communism like that dude that was on here. like, that's just dumb talking about communism and that kinds of its, it's bizarre and it's talking about school lunches and standing up for lgbtq community are talking about making insulin cost $35 or les,
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i mean, talking about communism, it's dumb and it's all just a weird kinds of a, of a strategy because everybody wants to avoid talking about what a hot mess. vance is as vice president and how he's, even marching up to vice president's plane on. i mean, that's that's bizarre. like who does does that kind of stuff and thinking you're going to just march over i mean that's, that's what and it's like if we want to talk about the vice president and the choice, and there's some kinds of you know, we're going to have some kinds of like we can avoid picking somebody like let's talk about why you picked that guy because vance is his superpower is sinking and that's why he won in ohio and he has a terrible campaigner any barely got buy-in ohio, which is a hard red state, and he sent so hard
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to be now picked after saying terrible things about trump right now. and now, he's been nothing but a drag on the trump campaign. and the republicans are really eager to talk about anything other than, you know, how terrible of a vice president selection of vance is a senator, john fetterman. we appreciate your time tonight and i think it's clear where you stand on j.d. vance your fellow senator, as well, sir. thank you. again thank you very much. well, outfront. next, you are looking at live pictures here out of detroit. we are waiting on harris and walls there just about how to speak. we're going to bring you that live. also ahead here. i'll speak with one of tim walz, his former students, someone who actually reveal to, whilst wife that he was gay before telling his own parents why he calls tim walz his role model. plus the breaking news tonight, taylor swift canceling a series of shows after police uncovered a plot the terror plot to attack for concerts the sirens
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be the group's faculty advisor well joining me now, that student jacob, right rattan, who was the first openly gay students and advocate, it was high school kim huemer, a longtime teacher at that school, also with me who taught alongside walt it's great to have you both was jacob ino a lot has been made of the governor's time as a teacher, as a football coach is i understand it. >> you were subject to a fair amount of bullying you said from some of those football players in particular, having their coach as an adviser to this new gay straight alliance was really important. i know in your view, it sent an important message why? yeah. i mean, i was bullied in high school from different folks and it was a different time, the 90s was a
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time when the word gay meant stupid and having the support of teachers like tim and gwen walz and mrs. hamer, she was also my speech coach, was important did you have any idea in that moment last night that the vice president was going to share your story i didn't know that the story was going to be in the speech, but so it was surreal. >> i was actually at a watch party at a that was put on by the human rights campaign. in here in minneapolis. and i was in another room and people said, she's talking about you, so very surreal. >> as you're in my head has it all sunk in yet? >> it's a little overwhelming. but at the same time, i'm more than happy to tell the story of tim and glenn walls and all they did to support their students, gay and otherwise, they were involved in their students lives in so many
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different ways from football coach to speech coach, deteriorating coach to the gay straight alliance adviser to prompt committee so they were involved in all manner of students lives at west came to speak of noted this was the 90s. this was 19 99 were talking about don't ask don't tell within the school and within the community how much was there for this alliance were jacob frankly at that time? >> i think we always focused on activities for students and we know as teachers that we really want to connect with students and we want students to feel like they belong somewhere. for students who were gay. that was probably the only thing that was there. again, the 90s, something were learning. we certainly are glad that we were a little bit on the forefront. does that we're proud of that. and we're proud that we still
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continue with that today in that we hope all of our students find a home at mankato west and that all students find a home in their schools i'm kate a westwards a special place. so many teachers were involved in students lives. i didn't know that i was going to be speaking today with mrs. armor, but she was my tennis coach. she was there's another one of my speeches, speech coaches. i was at a wedding and so it was a special school. >> but the walls is we're certainly special within that school. i remember when they were coming as teachers to west, they were heralded as these impressive, newly married teachers from nebraska. and we thought, boy, how lucky that we got these new teachers at west title school. >> and now we are looking at your former teacher right there who just took the stage and we do need to take some of this. but your former teacher there, of course, and now a candidate for vice president, quite a trajectory. thank you both. let's listen in real quickly about caring for your neighbors. thank you for showing on michigan look, we
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share a lot of things that's one of them we're neighbors some were not weird. that's for sure. but what i got to tell you something else we share is a care for the incredible natural resources we in the upper middle head west in our states, we care for 20% of the world's freshwater in those great lengths and the great lakes have no better friend and then your senator centers staff now i got some members of congress. i had the privilege of serving weapon, some that are new to that blaze. let's be clear we got to put gavels in the hands of these democratic representatives so that we can get some more parked. don my friend dan kildee, debbie dingell haley stevens, alyssa slotkin, hilary stalled representative dander, i believe just one a primary year when gang executive warren evans and the chair the
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michigan democratic party, lavora barnes. thanks and i want to just take a moment it's been a pretty interesting 24 hours for me. i'll have to be honest i don't know what how i can explain to you walking into that arena in philly or that field out in wisconsin, or right here to what i have been told is the largest rally of the campaign and look and look this is a place of working false students, both to care. and i think about this, you came out here early found a place to park, stood in the song, said here and wait. and you did it.
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you did it for one simple, an eloquent am beautiful reason you love this country i couldn't be prouder to be on this ticket and to help make kamala harris the next president of the united states every day of her life vice president harris fights for the american people. she's taken on predators, fraudsters, and transnational gangs. you heard it? >> she stood up to powerful corporate interests and she has never hesitated to reach across the aisle, try and find some common solutions. >> and she has done it and this is what we know. >> all the things that wake me mad about those other guys and all the things they do wrong. >> the one thing that i will not forgive them for is their tried to steal the joy from this country they try and steal
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but you know what you know what our next president brings the joy she, evan governor tim walz, there have forced on the newly minted vice presidential nominee on the ticket there for the democrats is speaking at a rally in detroit. >> we're also waiting to hear from the vice president stay with us. we're going to fit in a quick break here. we'll be right back with clients need style, expertise in a transformative touch. >> but i wanted to as open as possible, love that. >> they call christina. >> i'm gonna give it a ten gorgeous christina on the coast on new thursday night at nine on hgtv farm. >> you sleep at night according war police get matched up mattress firm, sleep at night
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great. >> now that i have inspire, i'm free from struggling with the matter i ask him the hose fire inspires of sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body with a click of this button where you go? >> i'm going to get inspired, learn more and you important safety information is inspiring when you're the leader is disaster clean up and restoration. >> how do you make like it never even happened, happened all. right whatever comes your way. >> there's a pro for them. serve, grow, like you've never even and happened the breaking news you're looking at live pictures out of detroit vice presidential candidate governor tim walz speaking to voters in michigan in just a few moments, vice president kamala harris set to take the stage there in detroit. all of this comes, of course, as people are learning
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more about tim walz son as he's facing some questions about his long history with china republican seizing on his dozens of visit to the country over the past 35 years, taking students on annual school trips, even going there on his honeymoon, will ripley is outfront in the summer of 1989, about two months after china's military massive pro democracy protesters in tenement square tim walz and american teacher fresh out of college, traveled halfway around the world well to china, paying respects in beijing, where so many people die, i felt it was more important than ever to go to make sure that story was told and to let chinese the chinese people know we were standing there, we were with them president of the united states 35 years before becoming the democratic nominee for vice president was volunteered to spend a year in china teaching english and american history to mainland chinese students. the nebraska native, later telling
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his hometown newspapers, he was treated like a king and there was no anti-american feeling whatsoever. walls moved to minnesota teaching high school there for years. he got married on june 4, 4, 1994, the fifth anniversary of the tenement square massacre. he wanted to have a date hill always remember, his wife told a local paper at the time, they spent their honeymoon taking students on a two-week tour of china, hong kong, and macau. those student trips became a summer tradition. >> i would go back in a heartbeat in a heartbeat because it wasn't political for us. it wasn't any of that. >> it was it was an educational trip with one of our favorite teachers, carrer rome health says, she and her classmates still talk about their trip to china with mr. wallace in 1998 it felt very, very comfortable and we went all over you know, train rides a whole bunch of different places, just seeing a different culture and having respect for it. wow, seen it knowing that it's different, but knowing that that's okay
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too. >> since entering politics in 2006, walz has consistently criticized china's human rights record in congress. he co-sponsored a resolution condemning the arrest of nobel laureate you shabot. he also met with the exhale dalai lama in 2016, and even hamas governor tim walz hear happy chinese new year all the while advocating empathy for everyday chinese people. supporters see his understanding of the country could lead to more informed, pragmatic policies critics like republican richard grenell, a former trump ambassador to germany, label waltz pro china. and on china's tightly controlled internet, some question was his reasons for traveling to china in the same year as the chairman protests. 1989. great timing. the years he was in china make him suspicious comments on touch by government censors but tonight they are censoring cnn's live signal inside china, going to bars and
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tone the minute this piece began. and this is he's the challenge that they face in trying to portray tim walz? yes. he made 30 trips to china. he speaks some android. he humanizes the chinese people and knows how things work over there. but he's also co-sponsored a series of resolution supporting human rights in china and hong kong and has been a fierce critic of the government erica, which is why we're being censored right now. >> censored in real time. will ripley appreciate the reporting as always? thank you outfront. >> next we are continuing to follow this event. you're looking at live pictures here out of detroit, of course, tim walz there we are standing by for remarks from vice president kamala harris. >> stay with us absolutely. >> go he wants to know does your printer run out of thing? got the worst time? >> cartwright is tiny dinky, expensive cartridge to switch to the catchy such an legal term combs a big bottles of ink prints up to 5,000 pages welcome to chew over.
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it's piled high with tender beef that's slow cooked and smothered in tangy memphis style barbecue sauce. it's no fuss, no muss. just tons of flavor. the best barbecue beef is only a togo's. try one today. 775383 88 to or visit home the situation room with wolf blitzer tomorrow with six on cnn vice president kamala harris just taking the stage there in detroit let's listen thank you okay.
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>> we got we got to handle we've got new never weird amazing he's got to be the most incredible vice president all right. >> so it is good to be back and to be with so many incredible lead as i loved governor
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gretchen whitmer. >> thank you your friendship and your leadership, and we are going to do this together lieutenant gov garlin gilchrist. >> thank you so much fares are over there. and the members of congress, including senator debbie stabenow now my dear friend and you're next denied states senator representative elissa slotkin we're going to get that done mayor mike duggan, thank you for the warm welcome. always. and of course, it is so good to be with the president of the united auto workers. my dear friend shawn fain and.
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>> last year, last week, it was mine. >> it feels like last year last week this is my great honor to accept the endorsement of the united auto workers and the uaw has always worked to lift up the working people of our nation i needed we need a medical over there, pleas. there should be medics in each corner we're good okay all right. >> look, let's all i'll take care of each other and looked look out for each other, right that's where we are. we look out for each other okay so as i
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said as i've talked to sean about this this election is going to be a fight we like a good fight why me know what you stand for? do you know what the 5-4 we know what we stand for so proud to have uaw by my side because you all know how to fight the, you know, how to win today. >> i also bring greetings from our incredible president joe biden that's. >> right and i know we are deeply, deeply grateful to joe for his lifetime of service to
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our nation. >> and we thank you joe biden. and every day for all you are all you still have yet to do thank you i'm going to tell him what to say michigan this has been a big week on monday, i officially became the democratic nominee for president yesterday i announced my running mate in this camp