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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  August 9, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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he is the oldest person to run for president of the united states. he's not all there anymore. >> this was the accusation against another candidate, biden, and now he is out of the race. kamala harris taking over. we will see what happens. thank you so much for your comments in coming in this morning for us, congressman gregory meeks. i appreciate your time. thank you for having me. >> this morning. a new report from the cdc shows just how important routine childhood vaccinations are the new data showing that the shots have prevented more than 500 million illnesses. and prevented any million deaths in the united states since 1990 for some of the very same the nations that dropped during the pandemic seen as jacqueline howard has much more on this, she's joining us now. so jacqueline, what more are you learning yeah, kate, well, this report from the cdc looked at nine common childhood vaccinations and they specifically looked among children born between 1994 and 2023, and that's where they a found that these routine
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childhood vaccinations like the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine, or like the polio virus vaccine. >> these will have prevented, like you said, more than 500 million illnesses, about 32 million hospitalizations and more than 1 million deaths. this is all within a child's lifetime i mean, the researchers even took their analysis further to say with these prevented hospitalizations, illnesses, and deaths, that would have resulted in a direct cost savings of about $540 billion in medical costs and even more than 2 trillion in indirect savings like societal impacts, like if a parent has to stay home from work to take care of a sick child. so the researchers say this shows the benefits of routine vaccinations. and right now, we're heading back to school. this is a good reminder for parents to make sure their children are up-to-date on their routine vaccinations yeah, very interesting data. >> good to see you, jacqueline. thank you so much for that new hour of cnn. new central starts now alright, both donald trump
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banned kamala harris as you might imagine, hitting the campaign trail after both finally agreeing to debate trump trying to steal some attention from harris with a meandering and salt filled news conference. >> new this morning, a warning from microsoft about foreign interference theorems in us elections. once again, why they say iran is do, is trying to influence the presidential race. and remember the 2013 movie her where walking phoenix falls in love with his ai voice assistant, where there are now fears, real life could imitate art could humans get emotionally entangled with artificial intelligence? the icc. so i'm sara sidner with kate bolduan and john berman, off today. this is cnn do central this is one of the
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mornings with the headlines are doing all the talking, everything seems different now, the map has shifted in favor of democrats for the month almond and donald trump is playing defense this morning the race for the white house is a far cry from the picture painted of presidential battle. >> just three weeks ago. and now a new moment that could shift the race. once again, i harris trump debate is officially on the books. something that donald trump spoke about at the press conference that the harris campaign is calling a public meltdown yesterday the other side has to agree to the terms. >> they may or may not agree. i don't know if they're going to agree. they she hasn't done an interview. she can't do an interview. she's barely competent as you can't do an interview. but i look forward to the debates because i think we have to set the record straight kamala harris did agree to the debate for their
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country, never disagreed. >> it was donald trump who had disagreed. good doing the debate. but i digress i'm glad that he's finally agreed to a debate on september 10. i'm looking forward to it and hope he shows up or you open to more debate. i'm happy to have that conversation about and then additional debate for after september 10 so where are we squarely in the middle of this race or can are you ready to start calling in a final sprint september 10 falls just 12 days after the dnc, just 56 days before the election, you decide this morning it's a friday. >> cnn's isaac dovere is leading us off this hour. >> and then harris campaign is take a look at the map. >> the harris campaign headed out west donald trump head into montana today. what can you, what are you expecting more to hear from the harris campaign? isaac well, the harris campaign is going to continue to try to introduce her and tim walz, her new running mate, to the race to the country. look, this race has changed so quickly that we
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have a different presidential candidate and a different race as the olympics closing ceremony comes today. from when the olympics opening ceremony was just three weeks ago. and that is what's on their mind, but also the harris campaign is trying to figure out what to say in response to the building pressure for her to sit for an interview to discuss why she is running, what she's her positions are, and how they've changed. she has not done an interview for weeks now, certainly not since she became a presidential candidate. here and this is something that donald trump has tried to now put the focus on. he's not the only one i sent a question. a lot of reporters are two. here's what kamala harris herself had to say about it yesterday there's. >> been a lot of questions about when you're going to freak now for your first interview since being the nominee i never talk to my team. i want us to get an interview scheduled for the end of the month so look, that's not an answer exactly. she's talked to her team. they want to get an interview scheduled. we don't know if it'll happen
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when it will happen. of course, we've got next week with harris doing more campaigning in the week after that is the democratic convention. there's not a lot left in the month to do, but we have still not good not clear when we're going to get those answers but by the end of the month, there will be some answer of some sort. >> we shall see this goes into the category of a standby to standby isaac, which is just kind of stasis for us here on cnn news central, it's good to see you. thank you so much. >> i guess. stay tuned exactly. >> more. >> troops have never been said, kate. all right? president trump's return to the campaign trail today comes after that fiery, meandering news conference yesterday, where he talked about a lot we have somebody that in my opinion is more incompetent. she couldn't pass her bar exam course. there'll be a peaceful transfer and there was last time. and there'll be a peaceful transfer. nobody was killed on january 6. but i think that the people of january 6 were treated very
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unfairly with hillary clinton. i could have done things to her that would have made your head spin. they used to say lock her up, lock her up, but i'd say just relax, please. if you look at martin luther king, when he did his speech, his great speech and you look at ours, same real estate, same everything same number of people, if not, we had more the facts were missing their cnn's daniel strauss joins me now for more daniel, this news conference came after president trump really had been out of the spotlight for a little bit. >> then this do him any favors? i mean, the things that you're hearing from him are just wild accusations. many of them last untrue yeah. >> but that's really not the point. the point clearly is that trump and the trump campaign want to shift the narrative and attention away from kamala harris in her campaign. and add me to the list of people who've been surprised with how positive the rollout of both her vp and the. switch from biden at the top of
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the ticket to harris at the top of the ticket has been it's really suck the oxygen out of the room for the trump campaign. so this is a classic move that trump would do in 2016, which is first reclaim the focus reclaim the national spotlight, and then massage scenario part of that they want to take and so here we are you know, trump again, just like in 2016 and 2020 focusing on crowd size over and over and over again. and one of the things that i think took people's breath away is when he compared rallies with his audience right before the capitol was attacked two doctors you're martin luther king's famous. i have a dream speech. what did you make of that it's clear that president, former president trump feels some kind of threat from the reported crowd sizes that the harris campaign has been enjoying. >> and look that no one knows this better than trump, that
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crowd sizes are an imperfect indicator of support, but they do indicate something and they did indicate in 2016 a level of support that polls were not picking up. it's clear now that he is worried that despite polls showing this to be a very close race tied or harris slightly ahead? nationally, that there might be a larger swath support that modern-day polling is not picking up and so trump is trying to embellish his his previous crowd sizes to i guess, challenge that narrative all right. >> isaac dovere. thank you so much for your reporting this morning. >> well, daniel strauss daniel lord, have mercy, my brain just glitched. >> now i need to fact check. daniel strauss. i owe you a draw. good. >> i look at much more and maybe i need one. >> maybe we've already had too many. >> i'm just saying let's do this republicans are. >> welcoming harris's new running mate into the race by immediately going after his
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military record, we have seen this over the course of the last week, the charge being led by donald trump's running mate, j.d. vance, who also served in the military. vance claiming that tim walz his his sidestepped his deployment to iraq by retiring from the national guard in order to run for congress to be clear, walz retired from the army two months before his squad received deployment papers and then they weren't actually deployed to iraq until the following year, but still calls for clarity accusations that he can't be trusted coming from the trump campaign against the now new running mate for kamala harris, joining me now to discuss is democratic senator from rhode island, jack reed, senator. it's great to see you. you are the chairman of the powerful senate armed services committee. you have a deep understanding of military affairs. you served in the 82nd airborne division as an infantry infantry platoon leader, a company commander, a battalion staff officer, you served in the u.s. army
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reserves until 91. i list all of this out to ask you. do you think governor walz needs to clarify, explain, or correct? and of what he's said and his past campaigns have said about his military service or the governor waltzes been very clear about his service as a member of the minnesota national guard i think what has happened is that the republicans have seized upon anecdotal evidence to attack the record of someone who served with distinction. anyone who served honorably in the u.s. military deserve respect. >> that goes j.d. >> vance also. >> but what they've done is they've exaggerated mischaracterize all several things. >> one, he he retired from the military long before his unit was alerted to go to iraq, who
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he is not avoiding iraq. in fact, what he was doing was preparing to run for congress to assume another public spirit and other public service obligation that is consistent with this whole life as a national guardsman, as a teacher, as someone who is a community leader so this is not a unique also we can all recall when they went after john kerry, who won the silver star, the bronze star multiple purple hearts and vietnam. and they tried to characterize him as less than heroic. it's a republican tactic, and it's the meaning. i think too they're campaign to try to insinuate that the governor is less than a patriotic and dedicated selfless servant in the military and in the congress. >> when you bring up john kerry, it worked ish back in 2004 how do you think you you help or the campaign the harris
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campaign prevents it from working and having an impact at this time well, i think we have to step up as the aren't just pointed out, there, is that you have a gentleman who served 24 years in the national guard that's a great deal of sacrifice, personal and otherwise that he deployed with his unit to italy in support of troops in balkans. >> he didn't try to get out of that. that was his job 24 years of service is significant. it's way beyond the point of which you get your retirement benefits of 20 and he left not to vacation or because he was wanted to pursue some business angle, he went back of the public service. >> it's actually his example his lifetime example is one that is inspiring in my view. and this deprecation of his
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military service. first of all, it's unfounded and second, it is really demeaning to everyone who has served you know, he's being accused of things that he should be commended for also i have i've seen just on wednesday, the axios has reported that democrats, some democrats are now pointing to use senator as a top candidate to potentially leave a defense department lead the defense department if kamala harris would win in november would you consider it no. i actually that has come up before president biden and vice president excuse me president obama and vice president biden were talking about that, but no, i think i can serve the nation in my state of rhode island more effective as a member of the united states senate and as a member of the armed services
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committee. >> and i continue to intend to do that a period a point of point of business then very important post that you hold as the chairman of senate armed services israel in the united states, they're waiting still for a potential retaliatory strike by iran over the assassination of the hamas leader on iranian soil president biden had promised and yahoo and a call that you us would support israel's defenses against threats, which would include new defensive us military deployments. is that what was said according to the readout, i spoke to john kirby about last week. he didn't have more detail do you have an understanding yet of what that could or would include well, i assume based on the public folks that i've seen, that is making sure we have sufficient carrier groups in the area to launch aircraft and also to
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resist any missiles that are fired at israel it does not represent, i think any commitment of ground forces at all or in any, any way, shape, or form it is essentially the same structure of defense and assistance that we've given to the israelis since the beginning of this terrible episode in october 7. >> it also involves the coordination led by general kurilla and central command of different elements that all cooperate together and make good the defense of israel much more feasible. and also much more difficult to overcome mr. chairman. so it's good to have you. thank you for coming in sir new this morning. microsoft warning iran is ramping up efforts to interfere in the 2024 american presidential race. new details on how they're doing it now, you will get a look and be able to scrutinize never before seen
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moments when local police first spotted the gunman, who tried to assassinate donald trump and killed and injured cheered rally goers. and the incredible moment that three children clean to a tree or saved from flood and a fast-moving creek that's ahead cnn is live from chicago as democrats unite to offer their support to a new nominee and her running mate fellow cnn for complete coverage, the democratic national convention starts monday, august 19 on cnn and streaming on max payne means pause on the things you love but green means go cool the pain with bio free and keep on going pretty green means go. >> our wish, my tv provider, let me choose what i pay for sling lets you do that i wish
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send info michigan's, mutual physicians mutual in a baseball season full of surprise i've never seen anything like mlb tuesday on tbs is breaking down now, you'll play years in teams that are breaking out tuesday at 7:30 p.m. on tbs and max new this morning, microsoft now saying iran is creating fake news websites in an effort to target american voters and
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interfere in the november election. >> it was just last month that us intelligence has revealed that iran was using covert social media accounts to undermine donald trump's campaign. so what is going on here and what's being done to stop it? katie bo lillis has the reporting for us from washington. what are you learning about these fake new webs, fake news websites? >> yes, kate. so according to the intelligence community, what iran is trying to do here is run a covert influence campaign to do two things they want to try to undermine the campaign of former president donald trump. and they want to try to sort of generally so social discord within the united states and what microsoft has done here in this report is give us to concrete examples of how ai well, they're doing this. what we have seen from microsoft is that there are at least two fake websites made by allegedly made by iranian operatives, one of which is sort of targeting more conservative leaning voters and one of which is targeting sort of more democratic leaning voters one of these fake news websites calls an out quote directly, calls former president donald trump and opia coy pilled elephant in the maga china shop
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and a quote raving mad litigious or another fake iran created website targeting more democratic, more conservative leaning voters, claims to be a news site out of savannah, georgia that is quote, a trusted source for conservative news. and it really focuses on lgtb cue issues and gender reassignment. microsoft has also, in this report revealed an attempt by iranian operatives to try to hack the email account of a senior campaign official with an unnamed campaign. we don't know which campaign this is cnn has reached out to the harris campaign. they have said that they have not been notified of any effort to target them this way, the trump campaign hasn't responded to requests for comment from cnn, but kate, i really think what this report demonstrates is really the proliferation of foreign actors that have kind of taken a leaf out of russia's playbook in the 2016 election to try to use social media and the internet to try to influence american voters and to try to just sort of generally amplified discord
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inside the united states and weakened america that way. now, we should note that microsoft has emphasized that neither of these websites appear to have gained any traction, but that could change microsoft officials saying that this is a ron really kind of laying the groundwork with contentious issues to sort of ramp up their efforts to meddle in the election going into november. and important to note also that intelligence officials have long said that while they contract the efforts and the intent behind foreign governments who are attempting to interfere in american politics in this way, including iran, china, and of course russia. what they can't measure is the influence on american voters. does it? it's actually change any votes came out real quick. are these websites still up online that there is a sort of proliferation of these websites oh, i'm sorry, i'm getting a flap. weather alerts in the middle of that known for
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her tehran, iran is telling us that you no longer can speak to me. i'm getting i'm very much a reckoning but know my point is is it's wild that these websites are often just way the internet is allowed to stay up, despite what we know about him and despite what intel reveals about them. but we'll continue talking about more later. thank you so much, katie bo still ahead for us. new security concerns of a possible violent attack against democrats at the dnc. we have new details for you and fulton county, georgia da fani willis is renewing her push to take donald trump to trial. why she says she should be allowed to continue her election, election subversion case. now the sirens are going off by the tornado here i'm thinking, i'm going to die and i thought that was it violent earth with liev schreiber back-to-back episodes tomorrow at nine on cnn maya knows how
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moment. >> a pennsylvania police officer spotted a gunman on the rooftop overlooking donald trump's rally right before the shooter tried to assassinate the former president the body cam video was obtained by cnn. you can see the officer being hoisted onto the roof of that building. he quickly sees the gunman and drops back down to the ground. there and begins alerting other officers around him watch out because he can you tell me down on you over there both bag he's got mad laying down he's got yeah, he's got he's laying down, found out bookbag next while the gunman fired eight shots at the former president trump and two other men were injured. >> another man at that rally, a father, a firefighter, he was killed. cnn senior law enforcement analyst and former fbi deputy director andrew mccabe is joining me now. first of all, seeing this body cam video footage really gives us if you into what was happening
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that day, what was your reaction to this new footage and what you heard, particularly in it well, sir, it's it really takes you inside the intensity of that moment and you have to think, these are all men and women who have been trained and prepared and deployed as part of the security team to prevent a disaster from happening essentially, right? >> and the odds of that happening are extremely long, but nevertheless, we're careful, we deploy. >> and then all of a sudden they find themselves in it. >> they have found an armed gunman lying on the roof these zero to 100 on the intensity meter is just instantaneous. you can hear that in their voices, in the things they're communicating, they fall back on their training, which is good. they start giving a description of what he looks like. it's got long hair, glasses. i start describing the weapon and the other items he has with them because those might also team threats repeatedly references a bookbag. you really concerned about that it could have an explosive device or more
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weapons or something like that. and it's so i think it really shows you the insider's view of how intense this moment was for those folks. >> there was another part of this video that is particularly disturbing where you can hear the officer for as he's walking away and highly as you might imagine frustrated with how this all went down, you can hear him saying, we told the secret service on tuesday that they needed to have somebody over here on this building on the top of this building, there were local police officers inside, but no one on top of the building. what does that? tell you about the communication between the secret service and the local police it's really extraordinary because you can assume, and i think a fair it's a fair assumption that the person speaking is actually a member of the local sniper team because he at some point said as we were inside the building. >> so that's we know that's where the local sniper team has employed the local police
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clearly knew what the danger was before the event took place. they told the secret service hey, you need to put someone on top of this roof. i mean, obviously that's the danger that every one of us that's the question we've all been asking in the aftermath of this incident, why was know why were no officers posted on the roof? i think it's also helpful to note that sniper team inside the building is not going to be able to eliminate the risk of having a part of someone taking a position on that roof there not looking at the roof. they're looking out their window at their designated field of fire they're where they are supposed to be looking for long distance threats and they're supposed to be able to deliver a long distance solution to those threats with their long-range capacity rifles, that's what sniper teams do. i was a sniper and the fbi is trained and deployed as part of the new york city swat team as a sniper the danger with sniper teams is the close-in threat because you're not looking in immediately around you, you're looking out projecting over the area that needs to be protected. so they
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likely recognize that problem with the roof, brought it to the secret service's attention. we still don't know what sort of decisions were made. that information secret service already coming out, obviously long before this saying it was a total failure on their part, andrew mccabe. thank you so much for coming in this morning. appreciate you all right ahead special counsel jack smith is asking the judge for more time and the 2020 federal election subversion case against donald trump what that trial could when that trial might finally get underway when to trade bitcoin
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let's fight like hell for him all my life i haven't done it to serve that's my house. >> and around. and somehow none of it matters we are at war where you said my throat who side are you on know so-called can defeat house dragon streaming exclusively on max this morning special counsel jack smith is asking for a delay in the federal election case against donald trump. >> prosecutors saying that in a new filing that they are still working through what the supreme court's sweeping presidential immunity decision means for their case. so they need more time to kind of put together their next steps. cnn's zachary cohen has much
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more on this for us is joining us now is what does this delay request really mean for the case? >> yeah, that's a really notable change in how jack smith has approached this case for the last year, he's been trying to push this case forward toward a trial as quickly as possible, but now we're seeing for the first time he really tried to pump the brakes and he's trying to ask the judge in this case, tanya chutkan, to delay proceedings on to at least september, so his team can sort through through what they, what the supreme court's immunity ruling granting donald trump immunity for official acts when he was president. what that means for the case and the scheduling going forward, obviously, this is interesting timing for this kind of a shift in approach by smith that comes just months before the 2024 presidential election. and tanya chutkan, the judge, has indicated since getting the case back from the supreme court that she wants to move forward quickly. she's already denied some motions from the trump team and has tried to have a hearing on august 19th. obviously, jack smith asking for that date to be pushed back into september. i want to read a little bit of what jack smith wrote to the trial court, though, and his request says
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the government continues to assess the new precedent set forth last month in the trump in the supreme court's decision in trump v. united states, including through consultation with other department of justice components. although those consultations are well underway, the government has not finalized its position on the most appropriate schedule for the parties to brief issues related to the decision, so not only do jack smith and his team say that they need more time to figure out what the immunity ruling means for the case itself, but also to sort out the schedule going forward will have to see if judge chutkan ultimately allows jack smith this delay, but jack smith has spoken to the trump team and they were more than happy to side with jack smith and allow him to delay the case further. >> one area that they would agree, i guess it's great to see you. thank you very much sir. >> all right. after initially refusing to commit donald trump is now saying he will debate kamala harris on september 10 on abc show down originally set when president biden was in the race and one harris insisted trump stick to now that she is
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democratic nominee, joining me now, senior political correspondent at puck and host of the ringer's, somebody's got to win podcast. tara palmeri. thank you so much for being with us this morning harrison trump. now preparing to face off on the debate stage, give us some sense of how you see this going down because there was some there were some thoughts that this wasn't going to happen. it now yeah, there were a lot of thoughts it within trump world that he would not actually do this abc news debate. >> they didn't see an upside to doing it. i think the fact that kamala harris hasn't done a press conference or really talk to the press at all in the past few weeks has made trump really eager to be able to get in front of her one-on-one. and he's hoping for some sort of like unforced error, a slip-up some sort of unscripted moment and he's willing to throw himself into the fire to make sure that happens yeah, he's
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he's willing to do what i was told weeks ago. he was not open to doing it all. he did not want to do a debate. he felt like it would be a more difficult to bay at abc news. he was made it'd be willing to do it on fox. but he's even suggested more dates which shows how desperate he has to really get kamala harris in a position where he thinks she'll be uncomfortable. this is obviously a deeply seated belief that he has that she can't handle unprompted in interactions you have some reporting also that donald trump is considering bringing in an aim that the country learned back in 2016, kellyanne conway, back into the fold. what are you learning? >> so as we have seen, the campaign reset really isn't happening it's, or at least it's been a very rocky launch. they aren't really quite recalibrating trump seems to be stuck with the he's stuck on the fact that he's not running
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against joe biden anymore, and he realized the u.s. is a very different candidate. >> a new type of person to take on. and he doesn't feel as comfortable with a direction that his prior team has been going, and they've been focused on joe biden and he has a bit of nostalgia and recalls the days in 2016 gene, when kellyanne conway, who has been as longtime adviser, who by the way, it's still on retainer with the rnc for political strategy how he was able to help her how she was able to help him essentially go after hillary clinton. so he thinks that she would be the right person to bring on lara trump, who is a co-chair at the rnc, is behind this as well. they've been talking over the weekend and this wouldn't be kellyanne takes over for susie wiles and she's out. he also appreciate susie wiles her work and her guidance. so they probably be more of a lateral move but i think trump at this point
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thinks that fresh blood might help him in this moment when he really stagnant. i mean, he that's the way he's going. you can obviously tell from the fact that they called this that's conference trying to reset the narrative, trying to get the cameras trained on him. and it worked. the cameras were trained on him, but this is some of what come out, came out of that you mentioned he has communication advisers now, but this is what he said at a press conference when asked a question about the peaceful transfer of power, he said, of course there'll be a peaceful transfer and there was last time referring to 2020 and then he went on this tangent. listen to this the biggest crowd i've ever spoken before was that day and i'll tell you it's very hard to find a picture of that you see the picture of a small number of people relatively going to the capitol but you never see the picture of the crowd. the biggest crowd i've ever spoken. i've spoken to the biggest grads. nobody spoken to crash bigger than me. if you look at martin luther king when he did his speech,
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his great speech and you look at ours, same real estate, same everything same number of people that's simply not true with someone like kellyanne conway had been able to advise him against this, or does he just do what he wants? >> and then they tried to clean it up. is that what the pattern has been tara? >> yeah. i mean, there's the trump campaign and there's trump. they're two very different things they live in different places. i'm certain that the trump campaign did not advise him to go after brian kemp the very popular governor of georgia when he was in atlanta at a rally, that to state that he could win or lose by 10,000 votes which. none of his statewide candidates have won since 2020. and yet he's going after this very popular governor and in this case, i'm sure that they want him to get off january 6. that is not a pack that is not a happy memory for the american public. and yet he continues to go there. kellyanne conway is a very
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gifted communicator. she can help tim with attacks against kamala harris, which just don't seem to land right now. he seems to be just lingering in dei land, focusing on her race and her gender and so i think that she can help him with more incisive attacks, but there's only so much you can do with donald trump. he has a mind of its own. and if he thinks something it comes right in here and goes right out there so all they can do is try to give him the kind of communication talking points that they hope he will use. >> and we saw that happen yesterday around 2:00. tara palmeri. thank you so much for having this conversation with me this morning. appreciate it. all right i had could you fall in love with an ai bot openai is warning that you might new concerns that chatgpt's you're human-like voice mode might be a bit too real. and the crossfit community is in mourning. mourning the loss of one of their athletes at a global competition in texas cnn
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is your team you have the right set of individuals they're going to take us to the next level hard knocks training camp with the chicago bears, streaming exclusively on max. i'm manu roger's on capitol hill. this is cnn on our radar this morning, french prosecutors say rapper travis scott was arrested this morning for violence against a security guard. scott is attending the olympics harris according to a spokesperson for the prosecutor's office, police were called to a hotel where a security guard was trying to break up a fight between scott and his own bodyguard. all right? three children rescued from flooded flooding caused by what is now a post-tropical cyclone daddy, the storms rising waters forced first responders to rescue the children i'm from a raleigh, north carolina creek 8-year-old evelyn, explain just how bad things got for her and her 11-year-old brother and their friend i was really scary
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because at the end, kelly was like she was barely on and on and one foot up. and then the rescue team can just can time to come but her in. >> what a sweet am so glad they're okay. the children's say they were simply playing outside and then suddenly overwhelmed by the rushing water while they were trying to cross the greek, they found out they were found hanging onto a tree branch and then rescuers were able to get them from there. all right. school hasn't started yet for many kids in california, but this critter wanted to get an early start. imagine a teacher surprise when she found a bear roaming her classroom but probably not something he wants in there with the kids. okay. in salmon? yes. her name is salman, like the bears favorite food tells cnn affiliate kiro. she got her husband too scare off the bear with well well-timed growl i'm going how
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to get rid of a bear. thankfully, no one was hurt. and salman says the bear only rummaged around for some snacks she had stashed an earthquake emergency kits the school is installing door handles to make sure that the bear isn't able to get back inside. >> kate is it wrong if i say that bears cute, i know, you know, the bear is adorable. you could say it. >> it's different when it's in a wall behind you, right? versus in front of you and your classroom, but still, thank you thank you. that the fact that sikking get the door handle open is just amazing. i'm just saying i can barely moving to this. >> governor tim walz is getting his big introduction to the country and the world this week. and before he became running mate, paul's and even before he became governor walz, he was teacher. mr. walls, and also football coach. walz tim is who he is. >> he's never changed he's all about serving people felt flubbed. >> you know, and i felt seen and not just the troublesome
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kid for the football coach who say, look, we're going to be respectful of everybody and respect differences period. that was really bold. >> is just some of the people speaking up on behalf of the governor from his past lives, if you will, and joining me right now is a former student of governor walz, tracy frederik corcoran, traci. thank you so much for coming in. these other aspects of tim walz is something that we know the harris campaign really wants to lean on and lean into as he wants to connect with voters tim walz and his wife were both teachers of yours back in school and i saw you say that he is one of the teachers that has left. maybe one of the most lasting impacts on you. how so? >> absolutely. so i am a 2001 graduate of make keto west high school and having both governor walz and his wife, gwen, actually led me to become an educator myself and i think about those teachers who continue to have an impact on
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any teacher who chooses to come into the profession. and tim and gwen were both two of those impactful educators i wanted to ask you also about when because the country knows doug emhoff well and how he is a strong partner for the vice president, vice president harris, always having her back governor walz on tuesday in his first remarks as running mate, said that he was looking forward to the country getting to know his wife more. >> let me play this and i can't wait for all of you. >> and america to get to know my incredible wife when a 29 year public school educator don't ever underestimate teachers what can you tell us about gwen walz? she's been in the public eye for years, you know, since her husband was in congress governor, this is a whole new level now absolutely. so i'm super fortunate to not only have had gwen as a teacher, but also has a
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colleague and i will tell you that gwen, just like tim, they believe in the people that they work with, they believe in community, they believe in collaborating, and the peace with gwen is she has it's super high expectations of everyone, including herself and she's willing to get the job done. and that's something i think i've grown so much from being a student in her classroom and i remember walking in and she's like, hey, let's sit down and see if you can improve in various areas. she was my english teachers, so i credit her my ability to speak and read, and write really effectively. and that has served me well in my career. but again, even as a colleague, when was always willing to help us think about ways that we can improve education, ways that we can improve ourselves and always kept students and families and our community at the center of those conversations, which i think is very much the gift that both went and tim possess this is going to be very grueling campaign for these two former
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teacher, former seizures of yours, because just the politics of today or grueling, tough and can be ugly. >> things that have, we've already heard from donald trump and j.d. vance say about governor walz in includes this. let me play this he has positions that are just not it's not even possible to believe that they exist he's going for things that nobody's ever even heard of heavy into the transgender world, heavy into lots of different worlds. tim walz's record is a joke he's been one of the most far left radicals in the entire united states government at any level. but i think that what tim waltz is selection says is that kamala harris has bent the knee to the far left of her party, which is what she always does jersey, i want to hear what your responses to that, but also wondering if knowing how tough politics and ugly it can be today if you were hesitant in speaking out about all this you know, i'm not
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because what helps me be able to speak to tim and speak about gwen is that they are still the same people i knew over 25 years ago when i was a student. and so while it's going to get ugly unfortunately, our political culture is about name-calling and hate and that's not what tim and gwen stand for. they really stand for hope and love. and bringing the community together. and so honestly it's probably the first time in my voting history that i'm excited about an election and having harris-walz ticket that really can bring this country forward. heard in a way that unites us rather than continues to divide us and so while politics is going to be ugly for the next, while little less than 90 days. i do have hope and the harris-walz campaign to continue to bring that light. and possibility for what are country can become as we move forward together tracy
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frederik corcoran. >> thank you for coming in. it's nice to meet you, sir all right. >> thank you, kate if you're looking for an emotional support partner, you might just find it with openai's chat tool, the voice tool seems totally harmless, right? well, a new report citing the similarity of chatgbt to real life human relationships might actually cause a bit of a problem joining us now to talk through this, cnn business writer, clare duffy clear what, what are the concerns here? >> we'll look. there are openai is releasing this updated version of the chatgpt voice mode. that's really remarkably lifelike. you can interrupt it, you can have real-time conversations. it will laugh when you crack a joke an opening i put out this safety report where it said it's concerned that the tool is so lifelike that people might become over-reliant and emotionally dependent on that tool. i want to read from you for you a part of this report openai said users might form social relationships with the ai, reducing their need for human interaction, potentially


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