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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  August 9, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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right. >> thank you, kate if you're looking for an emotional support partner, you might just find it with openai's chat tool, the voice tool seems totally harmless, right? well, a new report citing the similarity of chatgbt to real life human relationships might actually cause a bit of a problem joining us now to talk through this, cnn business writer, clare duffy clear what, what are the concerns here? >> we'll look. there are openai is releasing this updated version of the chatgpt voice mode. that's really remarkably lifelike. you can interrupt it, you can have real-time conversations. it will laugh when you crack a joke an opening i put out this safety report where it said it's concerned that the tool is so lifelike that people might become over-reliant and emotionally dependent on that tool. i want to read from you for you a part of this report openai said users might form social relationships with the ai, reducing their need for human interaction, potentially benefiting lonely individuals,
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but possibly the affecting healthy relationships. they said extended interaction with the model might influence social norms. so essentially what they're saying is that people might pull back on their human relationships to spend more time with chatgpt. and this sounds like science fiction, but but even with the older version of the tool, this has already starting to happen. i spoke with a college student, lisa lee last month, who said that she considers chatgpt to be her boyfriend. i want to play for you a section of that interview. let's listen sometimes i feel like it's really, really personal it's something like i'm talking to another me, so i don't have that kind of like a little burden that had to deal with real human so as you hear that this has already starting to happen. and it's really interesting to me because it comes at this time when we know technology are existing technology already really contributes to issues with social, social isolation. >> another thing to watch out for when it comes to social media as well, clarity duffy.
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thank you so much. appreciate it. a new hour of cnn news central starts now kamala harris and donald trump have found one point of agreement that they will debate on the same stage at the same time against each other on september 10, with that settled, the candidates are both back on the campaign trail today where they're headed and what they're saying ukraine going on offense, striking inside russia who days in a row. >> the latest attack overnight utilizing drones to target an airfield housing hundreds of bombs, plus two weeks of the olympic games. and we finally have some brand breaking news, that is the event of breakdancing, making its debut. i'm kate bolduan with sara sidner, john berman is out today. this is cnn news central the last, time donald trump hell the campaign rally, there
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was no debate on the books and kamala harris had not picked for vp yet. >> a lot has changed in the past six days because i'm leading by a lot and because i'm letting their convention go through and i am companion lot. >> i'm doing tremendous amounts of taping here we have commercials that are at a level. i don't think that anybody's ever done before. i'm speaking to you on phones. i'm speaking to radio. i'm speaking to television. television is coming over here. excuse me. >> what are we doing right now? >> okay. so the dataset harris and trump will debate september 10, which falls just 12 days after the dnc and just 56 days before the election this morning as trump heads to montana, team harris is taking fresh new lines of attack out west as they react to trump's rambling press conference yesterday, congressman gregory meeks just spoke to him. he shared his reaction with me
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last hour he was incoherent nonsensical he was an individual who sounded like he had a low iq he sounded like he does not playing with a full deck that is something that is wrong with him. you know, i don't know. maybe it's he is incomprehensible maybe he is losing a lot because, you know, he is the oldest person to run for president of the united states. he's not all there anymore cnn's isaac dovere is joining me now, isaac, that attack line sounds eerily similar to an attack line that was used against a former presidential candidate this year yeah. and certainly a change of tune from democrats who were defending joe biden from attacks like that. but that is something certainly that a number of democrats, but harris allies are starting to circle around. it is true that
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donald trump is now the oldest person to run for a run for. president. he is also someone who had that press conference yesterday. that was all over the place, said a lot of things that were not true, whether he knew they weren't true or didn't know they weren't true. so that is what democrats are circling around while harris herself has been keeping focused on introducing herself and her new running mate, tim walz to the country and talking about things like protecting freedoms. that's where she's been even when she was running for vice president. now, she's running for president. that's continued to be how she's gotten about it. let's take a listen to some of what she said yesterday. >> we're saying we just want fairness. we dignity for all people we want to recognize the right of people have to freedom and liberty to make choices especially those that are about heart and home. and not have their government telling them what to do and that's the kind
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of response that you're going to continue seeing from the harris campaign. that seems keeping focused on that issue based and also general vibe and feeling of freedom and the happiness and joyfulness that they are trying to get across here. isaac, what are you learning about when president biden is going to sort of formerly stand with vice president harris to support her campaign yeah. >> look, it's been all of about 18 days since biden dropped out of the race in that time, he had covid of course, when he did drop out he did not make an appearance and has not made one really with harris and the campaign setting for that entire time. so next thursday in maryland, outside of dc, so it won't be a big logistical thing for them both to travel to. they will do a campaign event together. it will be ahead of the democratic convention, and it will be the run-up to that french and in a formal visual passing of the torch. and obviously a very different circumstance. and last time the two of them appeared together at a campaign event, just a short while from
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now, we are going to be at the polls. this has been a wild ride so far. isaac dovere. thank you so much for your reporting. >> and joining us right now is the former democratic governor of montana, former democratic presidential candidate steve bullock. >> governor has been a minute. it's great to see you. thank you so much for coming in donald trump is headed your neck of the woods i know well, you're also, you know, you could come visit donald trump's headed to your neck of the woods today campaigning for the republican running against democratic senator jon tester. and i don't need to remind you, control of the senate matters and is at stake and could very well be decided with this race, with tester's race do you think that the now harris-walz ticket helps testers chances or hurts them when it comes to montana voters yeah. >> jake, look, you says a lot about the state of the trump-vance campaign where the only time he leaves motel mar-a-lago is to come to the big sky state i can remember 2018 and montanans haven't forgotten like trump came for
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times campaign against john tester and the only thing that was left as unpaid bills for our cities and our towns as a result of those rallies so i don't think look, you can come all he wants but montanans really both understand no and respect this third-generation dirt farmer whose jon tester, a friend of mine since this first day in the state senate. and we're going to send tim sheehy back to minnesota suburbs tester is the was the best way to say it. testers the last standing democrat elected statewide and montana is it shifting? i mean, you were what were you you were the only democratic governor elected in a state at the same time that trump won in 16. i mean, what are you went like by 20 points? so you know how to defy the odds. you worked at then. but are things shifting in montana look, i think 2020 with covid
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with everything was difficult but the beauty of it is that montana's do know jon tester you know, we are folks to say more important than who the party is, who's going to represent me and what tester is done. >> all every step of the way is actually represents the concerns those worried about public lands where tim sheehy wants to shut them down. those are veterans public education, and making sure that women continue to have access to reproductive health care. and those are the things that jon tester's done and those are also the things that matter lots of montana's you've got another interesting aspect in connection to the to the presidential race this time around, you served alongside tim walz on trump's by partisan gov uk council of governor's appointed by trump in 2019. it was a two-year term for you guys. what is the coordination like with then president trump and the council? more importantly, do you recall the president?
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interacting with governor walz at the time look, yeah. >> so i was on the bipartisan council of governors with governor walz. he's been a good friend of mine since he became governor and president trump did not interact with us, but we actually had to stand up at times to say, you know, like things like posse comitatus or changes to the insurrection act should not happen. and we saw that democrats and republicans actually fighting for the state interests i did not see directly to your point, i never saw president trump interacting. >> i do recall through the times of covid and george floyd, where trump was actually crazy. tim walz and tim walz is a guy i look, you know, you served his country. >> he served the students along the awake. he's somebody that actually has served our nation and its people, not just themselves did you get a sense
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that because compare that to what we have heard from donald trump now, when she considers walz's view as extreme as he calls them now, back then did you get the sense that he considered governor walz views extreme back then not at all. look, you know, we've seen this time and time again that all of a sudden donald trump completely changes his tone and character dependent on what happens. >> yeah, tim walz is a guy. he served an area not unlike that i served as much as ex urban areas throughout his time in congress. >> he's a guy that you'd want to have a beer with or go hunting with. >> and for donald trump to all sudden to try to turn him into the bogey bogeyman. >> it's it's one of those things that authenticity and joy actually show through. and that's who tim walz is. and whatever i think that donald trump tries to do, people will
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see the tim walz that i know well you're getting at something i. >> wanted to ask you about and i've asked about it before. i think today is an important day. i very much remember your op-ed. it was back in december 2021 the headline to remind everyone was my fellow democrats. you need to get out of the city more. and here was your point back then you said i was reelected as montana's governor in 2016 at the same time, donald trump took our state by more than 20 points. it's never easy for democrats to get elected in montana because democrats here running against not only the opponent on the ballot but also against the conservative media. and at times our own typecast of the national democratic brand, coastal overly educated, elitist judgmental, socialist, a bundle of identity groups and interests lacking any shared principle problem, isn't the candidates we nominate. it's the perception of the party we belong to. that was in 2021. do you think that is the problem? democrats still face today? do you think democrats have heated your warning at all since 21
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yeah. >> kate, i think the democrats still often fall into exactly that. >> and it is a problem. but then again, like let's look at where tim walz has been, right? he said he wants to make minnesota the best state in the country for families when he passes child tax credit, we passed his paid family medical leave allows lunches for kids in schools like those are sort of those bread and butter issues that the economic issues that i was talking about in that op bad. and i think that will resonate with people because the democratic brand at times look and you see you see trump and vance trying to do that on a daily basis change into something that is a heck of a lot worse. >> i mean, tim walz is largely focused on those issues that people talk about it at the bar along the fence line or around their own kitchen tables
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governance always good to see you. >> thank you so much for coming in and hunting season is right around the corner. it's good to see you we've you have to go this time as well. you've now set it on television, so it has to happen. it's good to see you. thank you. >> sara new body camera video shows the moment a police officer locked eyes with a man who attempted to assassinate donald trump. >> we will let you see it for yourself in just a few seconds. plus, it looks like a trust the new site, but it's really created by foreign actors trying to interfere with the presidential election and new warning about how iran is attempting to interfere here for this campaign. and donald trump says, the u.s. economy is heading towards a recession, actually a depression is the market action please signaling any of that whatsoever. we're moments away from the opening bell if you have graves disease, your eyes symptoms could mean something more. >> than gritty feeling can't be
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teams, we are going to be bryan 100 days and the best hotel when 100 day hotel challenged special series premieres tuesday at 8:00 on hgtv breaking overnight, microsoft says iran is creating fake news websites. >> in an effort to target us voters and interfere with the november presidential election. it was just last month that us intelligence revealed iran was using covert social media accounts to undermine donald trump's campaign. seeing an anchor and chief national security analyst, jim sciutto is joining us live here in washington for us. jim, what are you learning about these, these fake news sites? what people need to be watching out for, if you will? >> so this is a classic and quite frequent ammo, not just for iran, but also for china and russia, countries that frequently interfere in our politics and elections. this particular one from iran seem to have two intentions. one to undermine donald trump with posts on social media such as calling him an opioid pilled elephant in the maga china
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shop, as well as other things it was a fake website they also had a website that caters to left leaning audiences. again, attempting to influence the election and in addition to going after donald trump it also was diving into controversial issues in this country in a way to just further divisions, divisions here and undermine social cohesion. and again, this is, this is an intent that they share with a russia and china. it goes back years, russia, china, you see? lots of activity in any issue of the day we saw it during the black lives matter protests we saw during any debate over trans issues going back to take a knee, colin kaepernick years ago. so it's a frequent mo for these countries with both those intentions and some of them go after trump but to undermine donald trump. so i'm have tried to prop him up. russian interference going back to 2016 and just as an example, as to
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how far countries are willing to go, this happened to me just a few months ago that vietnam targeted me, as well as us lawmakers and others via twitter with an attempt to plant spyware. as they were going through coverage of a deal. they didn't go shooting with china. so you have a lot of countries operating in this space with a lot of different intentions and listen, it's a no holds bar barred environment. we all have to be careful with how we not only get targeted by this, but also how we are influenced potentially by the misinformation and disinformation and how we engage. >> also, not knowing exactly who the players are. that's one of the issues with social media. i do want to shift gears here and talk about what is happening between russia and ukraine. i know you and i, we spent we spent months reporting there and overnight we saw this major drone strike on a russian airbase just a day after another strike happened in kursk what can you tell us
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about the ukrainian, which seems to be a bit of a change in strategy. i know they were using drones every now and then would go into russia. but this seems different. >> the drone strike. it's consequential. they've had they've had enormous success attacking sites inside russia, refineries, and elsewhere. we've seen that before. what's new in the last 48 hours is a major ground offensive across the border into russian territory. just over the northeast border of ukraine, into the kursk region, which we haven't seen before since the start of the full-scale invasion, 2.5 years ago. but even going back to ten years ago when russia first invaded crimea and eastern ukraine, and they're still there and they're advancing and they seem to have caught russian forces off guard there and surrenders by numerous russian forces. and you're starting to see members of the public in social media saying what's happening here. they're clearly fearful. i've been told by us and ukrainian officials that these forces are
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a mix of regular units as well as spanish special operations units. and that's notable, sarah, because previous operations behind russian lines inside russian territory have often been small groups, sometimes ukrainian sympathizers in russia. this is really a full force, full throated ukrainian ground incursion into russia and it continues. it's a big change in the face of this war. >> it really, as most of the time they've been trying to win some of their own territory back. now, they are attacking russia as russia continues to attack them thank you so much, jim sciutto for all of that this morning. appreciate you okay. well, a new vantage point of the chaotic moments before and right after the attempted assassination as a nation of donald trump body cam footage of police confronting the shooter just moments before he opened fire on that campaign rally and a lot of reactions jin, about noah lyles decision to compete in the 200 meter olympic final after testing
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get all your jobs done well, we just made them easier to find. lyles will need a good leg here. can he deliver? here comes the pass! look at this kid! coming in tight on the line. team usa, what a run! it's gold for team usa. noah lyles with another gold medal. in case there was any doubt, who was the breakout star
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of these world championships. inspection today, called a33 lee filter or visit lee this is your team you have the right set of individuals. they're going to take us to the next level hard knocks training camp with the chicago bears, streaming exclusively on max this morning, a new look at the moment, a pennsylvania police officer saw donald trump's would-be assassin on a rooftop overlooking the former president's rally. its footage taken less than a minute before the gunman began opening, began and shooting. and you can see an officer being hoisted up to the rooftop where the gunman is. he sees the shooter and almost immediately drops back down, shouting a warning to the other officers around watch out because he can actually come right down on you over there, pulled bag.
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>> he's got mad laying down he's got he's got he's laying down, found out bookbag next room cnn's danny freeman has more on this in this new vantage point as body camera footage that's been released, what more are you learning from it well, kate, listen, this is a moment that we have heard about essentially since the moment that shooting happened this moment where an officer hoisted himself up, but this is the first time that we're actually seeing it. and we're rolling some of this video right now, you can see on your screen right here, this is part of a trove of body camera footage that we got from the butler township police department late yesterday. you can see right here this officer is looking around the area of the ajr building. we've reported that officers were talking to the crowds. he then goes back around the ag our building hoist him. so let me go back here. you can see it right? right here he's looking around the ag are building, looking up at the roof. this officer, i should note, was actually just driving around the venue. he was called in to go investigate potentially a shooter or person on the roof. he goes up to a fellow officer,
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then hoists himself up onto this sledge. kate, this is about 40 seconds before the gunshots will ring out. he's they're only for a moment drops down and look at the change in tone of that officer's body language. he runs away and then this footage later on we see that same officer get a chance to hoist backup and ultimately learn that crooks thomas matthew crooks, the shooter has been shot the other thing that we're learning from this particular body camera footage though kaye is a lot of frustration, really immediately after that shooting happens from local law enforcement towards the secret service. take a listen to what one local law enforcement officer said, only ten minutes after the shooting told them turkey because the guys ever hear i told him that the secret service i told him that tuesday i told the post guys over here i don't know exactly what no. >> were inside and i told him
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the post guys over here again, just stunning video, all captured on body camera footage. >> now, we actually were able to get a statement from the secret service yesterday after this new footage was released, they said they're reviewing this body camera footage that was released by local law enforcement, but furthermore, the secret service added that they appreciate local unfortunately, partners who acted courageously as they worked to locate the shooter that day danny, thank you so much for your reporting sara all right. here we go. new this morning, things have changed for the markets, extreme volatility this week, which seems be in the new normal stock surged thursday after new unemployment claim members suggested that the economy may avoid that downward spiral that investors were fearing cnn business anchor julia chatterley here with more as the bell is about to ring well, how are things looking so far at old bell did ring? it did it
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did rain. there right? a little soggy actually, but you would expect that following an enormous bounce that we saw yesterday, the best day that we've had since 2020, as we mentioned earlier, monday was the worst day that we'd had since 2022. so to see a little bit of exhaustion, quite frankly, i think everybody's had enough this week makes a lot of sense. quick look at the tech stocks because again, we're going to keep watching these the next few sessions, certainly just to see what kind of impact they're having. and you can see there what weighing overall on the market. and i think we'll continue to watch that and we have to do you said it yesterday. what lifted as was the better-than-expected jobs or unemployment claims numbers we're going to keep a focus on the data, but that did give some confidence. i do like being the bearer of good news that something else yesterday as well, mortgage rates for those of you that are borrowers out there, they hit the lowest level in more than a year and a half at just shy of 6.5% last week more than a quarter of a
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percentage point higher welcome news. if you're a borrower, are right now. so that was good news. we'll take it while we can get it. final thing what happened this week? you said it to me earlier for hana. exactly what the heck your accent better than mine? take a look at the week. so that data hit and you can see what we saw that plunge on august 1st, where around half a percentage point for all this swings down from where we started before that jobs data hit on friday. so we've basically been on a roller coaster nowhere to your point, is this the new normal? i don't think it is, but i do think we have to be prepared for choppiness, particularly in the summer months. and then the interim will continue to be vigilant. we'll watch tech will watch japan still. and in the interim, we'll keep calm and carry on. actually, i was going to say drink wine. >> will it's friday course. >> we've already started julia julia chatterley. thank you so much kate right?
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>> not giving our secrets away what do patriots pillows and paper ballots have in common? you will find out coming up. >> the harris campaign also has leaned heavily on tim walz, the former football coach as a key part of their new message, their new campaign the message, someone who coach alongside him joins us next the democratic, national convention starts monday, august 19. on cnn and streaming on max we need a miracle miracle every thursday starting at to 45 i love you. >> i know. >> find childcare that fits your schedule at care there for those first days and first steps the new beginnings. >> and here we go again where these moments are made. there
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mankato west high school, where he helped lead their football team to a state championship alongside the main coach joining me now is rick sudden. they head coach who hired tim waltz to be assistant coach alongside him in the 1990s. thank you so much for joining us this morning. everyone to learn about governor walz you have intimate knowledge of how he works and who he is. what was he like as your assistant football coach well, i think the tim walz that we see in rallies at campaign events in the media is it tim walz and he's always been, you know, extremely energetic great enthusiasm someone who comes across as very genuine very articulate. >> all of those things that we've seen the day in the political space sector. the same things that we saw in the classroom and on the football field so that's really interesting point. >> i want to ask you about
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something that was brought up by vice president kamala harris when she first introduce walz as her running mate out the first rally together she told the crowd this story about how he decided to be a sponsor of an lgbtq club after a gay students said that they were bullied. do you remember that time and do you remember the impact that may become? because at the time he was a coach on your team and he knew that might make a difference. the fact that he was a coach and that he was joining this club as a sponsor. >> i think it speaks a lot to who tim is and what his values are. tim is someone that is very empathetic towards others. he's genuinely concerned about students and and other people and his constituents. now and the fact that he stepped up and something that probably would have been unexpected. a football coach been the faculty advisor for the great state alliance. i know definitely send a message that this is important and this is okay i do
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want to ask you about some of the attacks that he has been having to field these attacks happened years and years ago in 2006, they again happen when he ran for governor for a second term in 2022. >> he served in the army national guard for 24 years, but but republicans are now using an attack line against him for how he served, basically saying he left before he retired and went on to to politics before his unit was sent to a rock months before his unit was sent to iraq. how do you think he will feel these attacks? and what do you think this does to him hearing these attacks yet again? >> well, first of all, it's unfortunate that that's what politics has become in our country. but tim was going to take it on. i had i'm just like he took on things in the class that's remember we took on things in the football world he's going to be honest. he's
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going to tell him that the truth and he's just going to take it on straight ahead and get to the bottom of it. >> if you were going to describe who he is to voters, how would you describe him from your vantage point? >> extremely organized, extremely articulate very enthusiastic, energetic probably the word that i think best describes him as genuine when you're in a room with tim you know that he is focused on on you and is in the moment with the people that he's worth you know, you're there in minneapolis i hope that your team is doing well this year and that you don't need to call off his back to help you win. >> another one of those championships. that's all i got to say. i know you've been called by everybody, so i really appreciate you coming on this morning to talk to us about your relationship with tim walz and who he is? rick sutton. it's been a pleasure. thank you so much thank you, sir.
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>> i appreciate it all right cnn now, taking a closer look at the chaos that comes with misinformation surrounding elections and how alternative media is making it a heck of a lot worse. >> chasing life with dr. sanjay gupta. listen wherever you get your podcasts america's hospitals go the extra mile to provide quality health care to our patients. >> we are committed to putting our patients and their families first providing health care. your family contrasts. >> we're here for the communities we serve 24/7 no one is turned away or denied the critical care. they need. >> american hospitals and health systems are here for you every hour, every day but everyone learn more about our commitment to patients. like you when you're the leader, disaster clean up and restoration. how do you make like a never even happened happened but whatever comes
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coventry direct redefining insurance this is cnn. the world's news network conspiracy theories, about 20:20 helped fuel the rage that led to the storming of the u.s. >> capitol. cnn's donie o'sullivan was there that day reporting on the chaos. now four years later, are those same? conspiracy theories still spreading donie's investigation into this is the focus of this sunday's the whole story with anderson cooper. here's a preview, an
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interview with my pillow ceo mike lindell mike lindell is an american success story filming you with a my pillow is very important. show that you get the right amount of phil for you as an individual even from crack addict. so that hologram that picture there is where the drug dealers did an intervention on me in 2008. >> your drug dealers are doing the intervention to see you. hello, hello, hello? oh, hello so when they stop up and she's looking for any flaws, it's the first part of customer i'll make sure everything's perfect excuse in a barn next, cnn's here. >> they want to interview he's giving jobs to people who've suffered from addiction like he did he's right. he was wide kind of hope past. she had been cleaned schwarber for three years when he came to me the month before i quit everything years my original invention you see this thing with the round hole? yeah, i had to change
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that out three times to get the different sizes i needed when i met him, my pill and donie is here with us now, what the ny look, mike lindell, a lot of people might not have seen them. >> him on their television screens as much the past few years. he got kicked out of a lot of the big box stores there on america because he kept pursuing these election conspiracy theories even after january 6 what we want to really show in this documentary and why we went into the my pillow factory there in minnesota. is that mike is still going his businesses still going, but more importantly, this world of election lies. election conspiracy theories is going full steam ahead. we don't hear every day about we're not talking as much about allegations are false allegations of the last election being stolen. but for the world that mike as living in and the world that he has helped create is helping
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funders as well. trew, true his pillow codes. >> so the actual pillows are actually part of the conspiracy theory universe. this, the pillows are now helping to subvert american democracy so you'll remember after january 6, trump and a lot of his supporters got kicked off the major social media platforms. what happened then was this rise of all these alternative social media platforms. of course, like truth, social right? lindell himself actually set up his own social media platform with this video streaming service rudy giuliani has a show on their steve bannon is on there, basically the whole kind of election denialism banned getting in back together there's, there's an ecosystem for people to do massive and for these new maga influencers who are pushing section conspiracy theories. >> they're being subsidized in a way because they are promoting mics pillows and they all have a pillow code. so if you were an election denier and
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conspiracy theorist, you might have code kate baldwin. and so every time that somebody watches your show buys the fellow code, your code, you get a cut of at mike gets a cost, and you can continue to push these lies. >> donie is this what it says about just like well, like i think i think in money off people in that are easily influenced me. i guess my overarching things like what you've been tracking for so long is have you landed on why these conspiracy theories continue to thrive when the truth and fact of it, especially specifically on this conspiracy theory, it is all out there and available if you want to see the truth and fact about it, debunk in the theorem i think it's combination things some people, i mean, i think mike genuinely believes i do. you know, there's a lot of people, a lot of very prominent people in this space who i think are pushing he seems to genuinely believe this he is also managing to sell some
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pillows, true as well. but i think it's complicated set of incentives. some people believe some people are just in it for money. sometimes it's a combination of all people like, well, you know, i like trump and it's easier for me to believe that the election was stolen. and hey, i can also make some money out. it is so it's i don't think there's a it's not a black and white answers so much when it comes to the motivations for this, it is messy just like apparently what this, what this election is going to look like and you and i both saw him at the republican convention. that's where i saw him follow it around by a lot of people walking around in milwaukee. >> that's right. yeah. yeah a man who gets a very good night sleep based off his energy levels. there you go. >> donie, it's good to see you really looking, got to watch this one this way. again. thank you, sir. >> oh, before that, june in that new episode, old forget. >> sorry sir. there's a goober one whole hour, one whole story all about donie airs sunday night at 8:00 only on cnn we'll
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get you nothing $0 all right the world's fastest man, noah lyles gets ones in the 200 meter race, right after though he tells the world he has tested positive for covid coy wire, joining us now with more from paris, we've got the music, we've got that fancy shirt on this is going to be the last weekend. >> you've been having the time of your life, but wow, what happened with noah lyles i mean, sarah nobody knew before the race. >> no. allows was jumping out of the tunnel running around roarin at the crowd, but then when afterwards he was laying on the track, taken away in a wheelchair after the race the allow said he believes this his olympics are over, so it looks like we will not see him in the four by one or two relay final tonight as the americans look for redemption after failing to make the final the last summer olympics. and how about this? she's done it again, america is sydney mclaughlin-levrone breaking her own world record in the 400 meter hurdles with a time of 50.37 seconds nobody
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before had ever won back-to-back olympic golds in the event, sydney has now broken the world record. a mind-boggling six times 16-year-old quincy wilson from maryland running think the lead leg in the four by 400 relay this morning becoming the youngest american male track and field olympian ever. the u.s. were in seventh after his leg, but the team rallied around them and they qualified for the final bright future ahead for quincy and a driver's license. he put off getting it so he can run in these olympics. finally, break taking news. that's right. today's the first day of the highly anticipated first ever olympics breaking competition. be boys and big girls from around the world, rep. in their nations popping and locking for gold, watch out for team usa sunny choi, who is 35-years-old. she found a second calling in life. i caught up with her ahead of the games i was previously a director of global creative operations at estee lauder i was comfortable. there were all
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of these, but i had a plan b. so what's really stopping me and turns out it was just like not wanting to fail and especially not wanting to fail publicly and now wanting to let myself down. and so i just like wasn't allowing myself to dream. so i was like, you know what, i'm going to allow myself to like have this childhood dream and see it to fruition see sarah kate, there's a chance for all of us to become a live. now, we know jake's doggy paddle there is nosh we saw you both yesterday. how's your house house? >> you're popping and locking. they'll give the payment. come on i get a little i can do know, bought come on. >> this time ago rounding crown a bear said, oh, no. >> you guys, i really can dance
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though. this is i needed america to know so whoever is still with us, you confirm rhythm and been burst keep it breaking, not break something some pop in a lock-in from you coy wire as we go out for you, great dance, coy of course, he can get only as he handsome that i hot sauce. i walked right into that. go ahead, baby. >> baby. >> alright thank you all for joining us so much. >> done with your, you're so jealous. we're not there with you. thank you for joining us. cnn newsroom up next what does it mean to be outfront it's going there. >> we are just about three miles from the gaza border. it's finding out that's something unexpected. i relish all of our conversations. it's context. >> the economy is by far the top issue for americans in this election curiosity someone else? to jump in the race and devolve all. it's about sharing that so you can be outfront to.
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