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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  August 9, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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tensions on and off. >> the court and speaking of all, the court will what are we seeing in terms of what we see between the players, between the athletes? there is there any tension between the taiwanese and the chinese athletes? >> that's the interesting thing here. not at all. they speak the same language. they seem to have a very friendly rapport was actually kind of a heartwarming moment to see them chit-chatting and interacting and showing good sportsmanship. this extreme sensitivity, orka seems to come from a much higher level. the fact that china with its dozens of gold metals cannot stand to broadcast tiny taiwan's winning just one gold medal in these paris games this is the second time in a row that taiwan has beat china in the badminton men's doubles. they also want and tokyo that might have something to do with all of this. erica but certainly those two players got a hero's welcome when they came back here i mean, it is, it is really something great story will appreciate as always. >> thank you. and thanks to all
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of you for joining us tonight. ac360 starts right now. >> tonight on 360. kamala harris campaigning in a swing state, donald trump in the polar opposite, why he is where he is this evening and where each campaign stands and getting its message out. also, this may keep you up at night. cnn's donie o'sullivan on mike lindell and how his pillows or plumping up his efforts to peddle conspiracy election theories and later all we are learning about what may have caused the deadly plunged that since 61 people spiraling to their death good evening, everyone. john berman here in for anderson. i want you to look at this, the scene in glendale, arizona tonight that is arizona senator mark kelly speaking right now at a very big rally for vice president kamala harris and her new running mate tim walz, very shortly, they each will be speaking. mark kelly, of course, was on the very, very
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shortlist to be her running mate. but tim walz instead, is that man and again, he will be speaking shortly. arizona, a swing state. it is also one of several sunbelt states which seem to be slipping out of reach when president biden lead the ticket harris and walz are there trying to reverse that trend? this is new video of them at a campaign office in phoenix a little earlier today, arizona is also a border state. in this morning, the campaign released a border centric add as a border state prosecutor, she took on drug cartels and jail gang members for smuggling weapons and drugs across the border as vice president xi back the toughest border control bill in decades. and is president xi will hire thousands more border agents and crack down on fentanyl and human trafficking the former president, you will recall has sought to tie harris to what he says is the administration's border policy failures as for
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trump, he is not far away from the idaho and wyoming borders in bozeman, montana. >> this is a live look at the site where he will be thing is neither idaho nor wyoming nor montana are swing states. all three are reliably red, so why hold a rally at all tonight in bozeman? >> i'm here to do some fundraisers and most importantly, to support tim sheehy, who's running for the u.s. senate. and we think he's going to do really well. we're whenever rally and it'll be allowed to fund and we're leading and all of the polls now just about every poll has us leading. >> they found out that this is a phony that we're running against. >> so. the trump. event is at ten local time that harris-walz event in arizona, minutes away, cnn's eva mckend is there. what is the message in arizona tonight? eva? >> john, i'm going to get to that in just a minute, but i have to acknowledge what is going on here. this arena is packed completely, completely
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packed, filled to the brim here, you have people with so much energy in enthusiasm speaking to voters here, they feel a renewed sense of hope in arizona. they think it's possible for this state to turn blue in this election. and they weren't feeling that a few weeks ago, take a listen to what i'm hearing i want keep saying that's going out of my head from tom hanks i mean you know, poppy, but i'm optimistic she's a, white, man can think about women and john something
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else that i have noticed is the rich diversity in this crowd. >> you have latino voters. you have a leader from indian nation that spoke white voters, young voters he parts of the democratic coalition, as for vice president harris, she is expected to elevate reproductive rights tonight. and of course, she will have to address the issue immigration in this border state. but how she does it is what we are paying attention to she has a new ad out that you referenced where she really tries to characterize it's herself as tough on the border. she calls herself a border state prosecutor, a reference to her previous career. but you've got a lot of immigrant rights activists in this arena tonight. people who advocate for undocumented immigrants and a pathway for citizenship to them. so how she strikes this balance, we're all waiting to see john, eva mckend for us in arizona as we keep an eye on
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that event there joining us now, mo elleithee, former democratic national committee communications director, actually etienne, who served as vice president. >> harris has communications director and bryan lanza, deputy communications director for the trump campaign in 2016. >> so actually we're watching this event here in arizona, which of course is the sunbelt, a lot of focus on the rust belt pennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan. >> what do you think the sunbelt strategy should be for the harris-walz campaign? >> well the harris campaign's internal polls show that about 70% of voters are still undecided i did majority of those voters are black and brown. younger voters. and so that gives her a leg up in places like arizona and nevada, they've those those states have now come on the map now as possibilities for her wares to your point earlier, they were not for joe biden, they weren't as promising for joe biden right now. she's doing incredible i don't believe well among those particular groups, she's made up the difference that joe biden had lost with those with those
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groups. the other thing that i find very interesting is she's now starting to lean more aggressively into telling the story about where we are with the border. the fact that republicans dropped the ball, that biden and xi took actions. and now we're seeing a decrease priess in border crossings by 40%. i would anticipate she's going to also start to talk about what she did on the northern triangle raising five to $10 to help address the root causes of migration, which has cut migration by 70%. the work that she did on the northern triangle. so i think what she's going to try to do today is appeal to those voters versus black and brown voters. she's going to lean into her success in record on the border and in addition to that, she's going to draw that contrast with republicans and with donald trump and make the point that donald trump could care less about protecting the border. he wants to use it more as a tool. >> and again, we have an eye on that rally right now, watching for governor walz and vice president harris, who will both be speaking soon. brian, i want to ask you, i get that donald
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trump wants to elect republicans to the senate. i get he wants to help tim sheehy in montana. but montana is not a swing state not even close at this point. every day you're not in a swing state or is it a wasted day? >> no, not if you're raising money and that's what he appears to be doing. like, remember there's a key component to this. it's also you have to raise money and he's in montana raising money. he's making them fundraising pitch in the west and that's what you need to be doing. you need to do in rallies in states that matter, you need to be doing rallies and states as part of your coalition, which the us senate seats part of his coalition. but you also need to be investing time and raising money, which is what they're doing is that he has at a rally this week what's that? he has ended a rally this week in a swing state and raising money all week. >> i mean, if you if you look at the numbers that just came out there, they're hitting record numbers. >> i mean, he has been raising money. he's had jd sort of take the lead. that's why you have a vp nominee sort of take the lead on the attack dog and start hitting your walz on his military record, start hitting harris on her her border record. i mean, i think the
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money that she's spending on the ad is laughable. you're talking about the least credible person on the border in the country is a harris biden team where they have very little credibility. so i encourage you to do more ads like that because it's just literally flushing money down the toilet because nobody believes her spot. i mean, she was the sanctuary diaz, san francisco, where she led a criminals who went on to commit violent and crime. so i mean, so you know, trying to sell this narrative that she is the border prosecutors, just something he's just not going to sell. >> so mo you've been listening to this right now and obviously the harris-walz team knows what the border attack is. they hear it every day and they hear brian saying right now, so how should harris on that stage tonight? address it i think brian is super smart. >> i couldn't disagree with him more on this one. this is one where it is democrats need to be able to go on the offense when it comes to the border democrats need to be able to have an answer when it comes to
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the border to tackle it head on, which if we're being frank, they haven't done in a very long time allowing republicans to control the narrative she can go into a border state like arizona, make the case like the one that you saw in that ad, make some of the points about her record, both as a prosecutor and as vice president, that ashley was just making a few moments ago and make the case that we could have done a whole lot better had donald trump not stopped by partisan a bipartisan border bill, the toughest bipartisan border bill we have seen in a very long time she could make that case in a way, democrats haven't been making in a while. now do i think that democrats will win on the issue as a result? maybe not. >> but if they can neutralize it even just by a couple of points that delivers a state like arizona. >> and that's why it is
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important that she's doing what she's doing in ashley again, we have our eye right now on that stage and tim walz, the governor of minnesota, will walk up there shortly. we imagine you can see his appeal in minnesota and wisconsin just over the border there michigan, maybe pennsylvania as well. >> does he have any connection you think that sells in the sunbelt states? >> oh, absolutely. i mean, i think the beauty of adding tim walz, so the ticket is he adds a layer in a depth to vice president harris. he compliments her in a lot of ways. he also brings to the table a deep understanding and sensitivity to the plight, the concerns of those in the very conservative parts of our country. so you can take tim walz in suburban areas, rural areas, and he's going to play incredibly well. i mean, i think the thing, the benefit that he brings to the table also is he sort of bridges that cultural the, by that democrats haven't yet been able to do. i mean, just the fact that he wears a camo hat and of itself
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signals to people and creates this this permission structure for disaffected republicans, independents as well as republicans that are trying to find a home to support kamala harris. >> so you do community occasions for your job for a very long time republicans are criticizing the vice president for not doing a sit-down interview, not doing a more fulsome press conference, you didn't ask her about six questions yesterday to the press pool. that's with her. what's the plus minus on her doing much more media right now is sit down interview. obviously, there are a lot of questions yeah, she should you should do some as she should do them soon. >> and i think she will write i mean, right now she's going through this process where she's introducing herself and introducing her running mate. and that makes a lot of sense in the world and is paying off for her. but i think she and her team know that she's not going to be able to go that much longer without doing them and i think she will. but she is doing she is out there campaigning. she is out there
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pressing the flesh and she is out there delivering a message every day. in contrast with the point you made earlier, john, right? donald trump doing that? yeah. he did a press conference yesterday in that press conference, went way off the rails. a press conference that i think team ought to probably think he shouldn't have done in retrospect but he's not out there talking to voters. she's doing it in montana tonight. first time this week she's doing that. and i think she will lay are in the interviews pretty soon. >> brian, i promise want to get more questions to you after the break, but i'm going to lose ashley here, so i won't ask one more question to you first. first, which is we just learned that the vice president will do an event with president biden next week. how much do you think we're going to see them together? >> i think i think you'll see them together quite a bit, but i think the strategy will be to break them, split them up and sin, president biden into areas and parts of the country where he has great right resonance. so i think that, it's going to be more effective to split them up, but they will do some
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events together. i'm excited to see him back on the campaign trail. i think the rest of the country and democratic voters are going to be excited to see him. but it's going to be a more effective strategy to split them up. >> ashley, great to see you. thank you so much. been a long time. nice to see you as well, brian, don't go anywhere. i've got more for you. i want your take on this story that donald trump told at his press conference and is now threatening to sue the new york times about it revolves around to what he said was a scary helicopter ride with former san francisco mayor willie brown. the issue is brown says, it never happened. we will hear from mayor brown himself next. also, the aviation disaster that sadly was all too real. a commuter airliner goes down in brazil. what we are learning about the crash and the troubling echoes it has to a disaster involving a similar plane nearly 30 years ago we just want to have enough money for retirement and traveled to visit our grandchildren. >> i understand. that's why fish that's why fisher investments. we start by
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i came to bayview hunter's point, where there was only one pediatrician to serve more than 10,000 children. daniel lurie said, i'm going to help. we opened a clinic for our most vulnerable children. i have worked shoulder to shoulder with him as we have brought solutions where people thought the problem was unsolvable. daniel doesn't take excuses. he holds himself accountable. and i know that he can do it for the city of san francisco. lee filter today, more physically >> i wolf blitzer in tel aviv, israel well, and this is cnn so donald trump is now threatening to sue the new york times at issue. >> they're reporting on this answer to a question at his press conference yesterday about this man, former san francisco mayor willie brown, a former mentor to vice president kamala harris harrison, some when she dated in the mid 90s i
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know willie brown very well. >> in fact, i went down in a helicopter with him. we thought maybe this is the end we were in a helicopter going to a certain location together and there was an emergency landing this was not a pleasant landing. and willie was he was a little concerned so the times today reported there just a few things wrong with this story. >> one, they say willie brown was not on the helicopter and two, it did not almost crash it was this guy then california governor jerry brown, who was on the helicopter says the times, which also reports that the former president was on that helicopter flight with the governor to inspect wildfire damage. then governor elect gavin newsom, who was also on board, told the times that there was no emergency landing and newsom's said, if anyone was talking about the hell look after crashing, it was donald trump well, late today, trump called a times reporter, claimed to have flight records to verify his story and shouted
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that he was quote probably going to sue. now, when asked however, to produce the flight records, he instead repeated the question back and what the times maggie haberman describes as a sing-song voice mockingly is how she describes it. so more to come on this shortly before airtime, i spoke with willie brown mayor brown. thank you so much for being with us this evening. just to clear things up, have you ever been in a helicopter that made an emergency landing with donald trump? >> no have you ever been in a helicopter with donald trump no he is apparently tonight getting angry about all of this, calling the new york times and berating them for their story on this claiming, he says, we have the flight records of the helicopter and apparently said the helicopter landed in a field you have no
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memory of anything like that ever happening? >> no what could he possibly be thinking about i have no idea one of the things that new york times suggested is that there was a helicopter trip he took in 2018 with former governor jerry brown and governor like gavin newsom's. >> so governor jerry brown, how often do you get confused with jerry brown? >> not too often we've known each other for many, many years simply because i was the only person that endorsed his candidacy when he first ran for governor back in the 70s i then ultimately endorsed his candidacy again in early 2000s when he ran for governor after being know mayor of oakland. but i have never traveled anywhere with jerry brown or
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even them. the good man that's running for the republican nomination and any kind of allen kupka another thing that donald trump said at this news conference was that you had said derogatory things about vice president kamala harris to him in conversation. >> have you ever had a conversation like that with donald trump no, i have not. >> not. anybody else it sounds like at least according to you, this entire story, including the helicopter, the near emergency landing in the conversation about now vice president kamala harris, it just never happened never happened period. and i think my memory is probably better than his he also? >> in this news conference, criticized the now vice president for her work as a district attorney and an attorney general in california,
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saying she ruined san francisco. >> what do you say to those accusations? >> obviously, he does not know anything about san francisco. certainly not to the extent that he would say that a district attorney or an attorney general could ruin san francisco. we are very lovely, sunny and then when he references the looked, the person who is now the vice president, you got to know that she served california extremely well she defeated an incumbent district attorney in this city because of people loved her and she performed very well she ran for the attorney general when jerry brown left that job, and she wanted against an incumbent district attorney in los angeles county who had been there for a long time and he was another white guy she's beaten to white guys and then of course, she got the job of
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the u.s. senator from california. and at all times, she has been applauded. just says she is currently being applauded by people in this nation so obviously, you are over the last several decades have been a key ally by to kamala harris, especially in the early stages of her career, you had a personal relationship with her about 30 years ago. >> this is something that has brought up repeatedly in the right-wing media. why do you think they're so focused on it? what implications do you think they are making and how do you respond to it? >> i just to assume that as usual, the right-wing media is always trying to generate something negative about people, particularly people that are looked like willie brown and that have a color close to willie brown i frankly think that the motivation has more to do with who the two
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parties are than almost any thing else in the world. >> former san francisco mayor willie brown. thank you so much for joining us tonight all right. >> bryan lanza is back with us and joining us. anthony scaramucci, former trump white house communications director and author of from wall street to the white house and back the scaramucci guide to unbreakable resilience so anthony what's going on here? willie brown says, this never happened, never was it a helicopter than a maiden bernese landing with donald trump was never even in a helicopter with donald trump. what do you see here first of all, i want to blame brian for my white house career because if you didn't put me on your air during the campaign, i probably wouldn't have been a comms director, so the 11 day fiascos his fault. >> i just want to be on the record for that and then second, we thank you, brian. and then the second thing i would say is that's totally trump. he's in a reality distortion field he's saying
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that because he knows there's a group of people that listen to that, john that actually believed that. so even though you've ran this interview, and i believe everything that the distinguished members saying there's a lot of people out there, they're just not going to believe that they believe everything that comes out of donald trump's mouth. and so he's in this reality distortion field and he's trying to suggest certain things about vice president harris that aren't true. and so it's going to be up to her team and their rapid response team. do the best they can to parry all of that but he knows he's lying and brian actually knows that donald trump is lying because he lied every time his lips are moving, he's lying we all know that he's lying and it was a head-scratcher. there was one day in the white house where are we prepared something forum and the number was like 88%. and he went into the rose garden end. he said 96% and we can comes back into the oval why just say that? all i was, you know, it sounded better and
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that is donald trump. that is the person that you're dealing with. >> if there are campaign people listening from the harris campaign, pay attention. >> he's going to lie for the next 88 days. and you have to be prepared for that and you have to not be astounded by it. you have to say, okay, that is part of the program when dealing with donald trump, bryan, first of all, i'm glad that we can have this reunion. i'm glad to be part of it tonight. second of all, you were smiling a lot during what would anthony was saying there? why i love his hair. >> it's good to see him. >> but listening, anthony's always entertaining. >> i'd love playing a role in getting anthony out there and i thought he did a good job for 11 days. my bingo card had 13, but he couldn't hold on to more day even hold on the weekend or he just barely hold on through the weekend? but let's just told time brian there, i may end up in the white house for another one or two days. >> father, you got we'll get, you know back, but listen, i would say whether it's willie brown or jerry brown. >> here's what i know about the both of them. they're both left this mayors from the bay
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area. so it's easy to confuse the both of them and so i'm not surprised a president trump did that oakland listen, i'll cheat could you graphy oakland and san francisco, our neighboring cities in the bay area under both left this mary's from the bay area. so you can try to push back, but it's not an effective way to push back on that one now. so it's easy to confuse the two. but at the end of the day, this is why donald trump is ultimately a loss for the president. as we're talking about this, or we're not talking about inflation we're not talking about immigration. commonly harris is in arizona day and we're not talking more and more about how she failed the border 15 million illegals have crossed the border under her tenure ship under her borders, our title that even the media gave her. and we're not talking about that. we're talking about whether president trump confused willie brown and jerry brown. like i said, both left his mayors from the bay area that conversation doesn't advance anything can raise your hand if you think that donald trump knows that jerry brown was mayor of oakland absolutely. all right. so 50% of the people joining me now think that they, donald trump
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never knew that jerry brown was near logan i appreciate the argument you're making there, brian, but you don't think that he's telling the truth to maggie haberman, by the way, now, that he has flight records of flying with willie brown, because if you're right, then he's lying to maggie now listen, i'm just saying it's very easy to conflate two left as mayors from the bay area. >> and that's probably what he's doing now, is it a lie sometimes you're right, sometimes you're wrong. but as vans jones eloquently says on this show, politicians are human too, and they make errors. maybe that was an error. but what we do know is a jerry brown is a leftist former mayor of the bay area and be willie brown is a former leftist mayor of the, of the bay area and see kamala harris is a leftist da from the bay area as well. and those are a bad recipe for american voters in michigan, wisconsin in pennsylvania. >> what does this all tell you? anthony, right now what does the whole news conference we saw yesterday tell you that bryan lanza, let me give you the bryan lanza, donald trump,
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decoder ring. you don't have to buy the cereal box. i'm just going to hand it to you on the show. crackerjack. well, brian is basically what mine is basically well, he's saying, please, donald trump, start talking about the policies are talking about the issues otherwise, we're going to really drop hard in the polls and hard on the poly markets and so forth. so that's what brian is trying to say to the president. but the truth of the matter is the president doesn't know what to do because he's up against somebody that he doesn't understand and doesn't know how to parry her there trying racist tropes are blowing racist dog whistles. that's not working with the current electorate. we've lost 21 or 20.2 million baby boomers says the 2016 election. so there's 40 million generation xers that have risen into the bowling ranks, voting rights. and he is nervous, he doesn't know what to do. he looked very, very frustrated yesterday. he looks slightly frightened and he's desperate and so brian's a good guy. he's on their team, wrong team, brian, we can talk about that after the show but he's trying to message the
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president right now. hey, man, you got to cut this out. you've got to start talking about the issues in the meantime, vice president harris is running some great ads about the border. she's explaining how donald trump screwed us up at the border. the american people is forced his colleagues in the senate, not the sign that bill so he was right a good job trying i appreciate that. >> all right. guys let me say, hey, i'm brian, i'm going to have to we actually going to have to let you guys take this offline because clearly afterwards you have to work some stuff out here, and i'll let you do that have this conversation that clearly call tonight. >> i mean, wait 24 hours anthony scaramucci you can't you both. >> being here thank. you. have a great weekend. both of you. thank you. at the top of the hour, stay tuned to the source with kaitlan collins, former democratic presidential candidate pete buttigieg joins that's at 9:00 eastern right here and then coming up, we have new video of this horrendous airplane crash in brazil today investigators on the ground looking for answers,
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video tonight of that brazilian plane crash, which killed all 61 people on board. >> thankfully no one on the
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ground appears to have been killed. we do want to warn you this new video is grim more now from cnn's brian todd a terrifying spiral from the sky, a brazilian passenger plane dropped straight down into a residential neighborhood the woman who filmed this video told cnn, the plane crashed onto the property of her next-door neighbors in the city of veneto the vote passed airlines flight 22, 83 carried 61 people on board brazil's president delivered the news of the worst possible outcome first, do i have to be the bearer? >> a very bad news is the plane has just crashed in the city of nato we saw paolo and it appears that they all died. >> according to the flight radar 24 website, the plane fell about 17,000 feet in just over one minute at this point where we see it in the video where the plane is falling, the pilots would have had no ability to control that plane, so they could not have directed
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at away from houses are populated areas. >> the plane had taken off from cassava, brazil for a flight lasting less than two hours and was only about eight minutes from landing at its destination near san paulo. the exact cause of the crash is under investigation. a man who missed the flight told the brazilian news outlet that at least ten people were waiting at the wrong gate and miss them flight before it took off. >> well, anthony at 9:40, the stop was closed i'm group ten. when i got here, i waited i argued with the airport workers and that was it he saved my life. >> as first responders swarm the neighborhood, a witness described the impact not a cocopah. >> when i heard the sound of the plane falling, i looked out my window at home and saw the moment a crash. i ran out of the house to see where it fell. i saw i fell on a house off a couple of elderly people but according to one local city official, no one was killed in the residential area where the plane crashed. >> john. >> all right. brian todd. thank
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you so much for that analysis. now, from stave on the mauna, our cnn brazil correspondent, and from cnn's safety analyst and former faa safety inspector, david soucie steve only if you can hear me. i didn't describe what it's like near the scene tonight. is it still the case that no one on the ground was injured exactly. >> good evening, john i'm here in front of this residence where the plane the crash at this afternoon here in va some powder braziel. the authorities didn't allow us to enter and see close the wreckage of the plane, but we are here, seeing the work of police officers and two army. what i can say is that i can few i can few in their neighborhoods some great sadness and station's on his face. at this is an accident
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that according to the fire department, out the vix of the accident were in the plane. no one was hit in the grounds. no one was hit in the house how the information that we have is that 61 people that in the plane alright, stable. >> thank you so much for that, david. i know you often say that quote, planes don't just fall out of the sky. but this video that we've seen it, it looks like this one sort of did what do you know about this type of aircraft and what does it's the publicly available flight data tell you so far well, john, some of the things that you look at, this aircraft has sort of a checkered past, if you will, about is saying and about some propeller things that have happened to it about trying to get the propeller back to where it's supposed to be. >> but the profile i'll hear the flight profile and how it went up and then down and then ended up in this flat spin. it
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doesn't fit any of those scenarios perfectly. but the icing is really suspect to me because that would have added so much weight to the aircraft, the ice just continues to build in those in those on the wings and the propellers and everything. and it just gets so heavy that it literally starts to fall and stall out of the out of the air. so that's where we're looking at. >> it is winter in brazil right now, obviously in the southern hemisphere, can you explain the difference between anti-icing and de-icing and why you think that may have caused a problem here? here that's a great question. >> and we've seen it before, but anti-icing, there's three phases advising there's no icing, there's potential icing and then there's icing conditions. when you're in potential icing, you turn on anti-icing. what that does is as the droplets of water hit the front of the wing it adds some heat and allows that water to continue over without icing. that's anti saying now, in
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de-icing, when you've actually started to accumulate ice, it's really critical that you watched that and look at the wing and c, you have to let it build up to a certain level and then you turn de-icing on and inflates and cracks away that ice. if you turn from the de-icing on too soon, then inflates already in the ice builds on top of the inflation. and then at that point you're de-icing doesn't work anymore at all, and it continues to build and build and build and again, we don't know what caused this, but based on the flight profile and how it entered that flat spin, i think this is the most likely thing in my experience. >> so obviously this type of aircraft is not flown by major us airlines, but are there takeaways that the u.s. carrier should take from that here yeah. >> again, it's not conclusive at this point, but icing has been something that needs to be an is trained from day one about airplanes went just because it's 60 degrees on the ground, does not mean it's that up in the air in fact, in this day, it was way sub-zero at the
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14 to 17,000 range and 100% humidity. so you can imagine what that does when there's small droplets of air, water ready to freeze and ready to grab onto whatever it can. so that's something that we study and make sure we make known. but this is a harsh graphic tragic reminder of that. if that is indeed what happened well, david soucie, i do really appreciate you helping us understand what we are seeing in brazil tonight. >> thank you so much for your time thanks, john knox. >> next, mike lindell serving up pillows and election denialism. >> donie o'sullivan spoke with him and joins us next stay to do the audit absolutely. >> go. tank wants to know because your printer run out of vague at the worst time. >> cartwright tiny dinky expensive cartridge switch to the catches up to me for combs of big bottles of ink, puts up the 5,000 pages welcome
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election denialist with his pill hello, money. >> he spoke to our donie o'sullivan for new installment of anderson's other show, the whole story, which airs on sunday i don't trust me on a golf cart, i want to scroll one right into a problem. this is mike lindell or as he is better known, the my pillow guy he's also one of the country's best known election deniers $5. >> we have to secure do you have evidence that was stolen in 2020? >> yeah, absolutely. >> we evidence we mike is still wrongly convinced than election machines we're hacked and use to steal the 2020 election. we've got a big problem here. we are in our election might bow to get rid of the machines and get to people ballots counted to get you getting views without getting taken down. and it's a constant, constant battle when companies like twitter and facebook kicked users off their platforms in 2021 for spreading election misinformation. it's spawned a whole new world of
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alternatives, so-called free speech platforms the number one thing is frankspeech platform because it all centers around that appeared via a voice. i can pretty much guide anything anywhere. >> but a thing like set up his own social media and video streaming platform, frankspeech platform, just reach out to all of you with my pillow products and then also to keep our voice going. >> and that's got its own slate of tv show. welcome to the broadcast. glad you are with us in november number they're going to steal the election. >> and now it's just one part of a growing universe of online maga, media pushing election lies yours. >> my original invention, mike, is an american success story. >> he went from crack addict to see, you that picture there is where the drug dealers did an intervention on me in 2008. >> your drug dealers intervention, but his insistence on promotion shang in pursuing election conspiracy theories has cost him.
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>> and the box stores and stuff kicked you out after january january 9, one that bothered me this was caused because 90 some people lost their jobs because the crowd scroll, but jury is what you're doing when it comes to elections it risks all of this like the word has really stalled out, but i can't risk our country. >> i won't back john. >> there's no moment where you say, you know what, i should just go back? >> never never. i will never look back. i can't unsee what i seen that i can't i know what i know. >> and that's where the pillows come back in so i can take the law the my and use promo code. trump. >> thank god. for my pillow. >> maga influencers everywhere are pushing mics, pillow codes as they spread their conspiracy theories. for every pillow they help sell, they get a cost of the cache. >> i absolutely love my but mike isn't the only one selling something. >> a whole economy has popped up around the maga universe from patriot phones to patriots
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hey, mike lindell, as we know, we all need the best sleep of our lives during these attacks and this time ran, mike seems to genuinely believed the election conspiracy theories that he is peddling. but the misinformation he is spreading is undermining trust in american elections. >> i'm passionate about it because if you knew what i knew, you wouldn't stop either. >> i think you mean well but i think what you're doing is probably pretty dangerous i don't agree with that. i know and senior correspondent, donie o'sullivan is with us. >> first of all, you looked very comfortable on a pillow factory. i have to say this maga product, media universe that you reported on there, how big is it? >> yeah. there's this maga misinformation industrial complex basically happening it is so, so vast and, you know, we mentioned in that peace, you go back to january 6, 21. >> that's when day after course russian media platforms finally cracked down on a lot of the election conspiracy
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theories when they kick trump off and everybody else. and it just really spawned this whole new social media universe, right? including of course, truth, social that is really where a lot of the influencers, if you want to call them that, that you saw on that piece, there are thriving these platforms it was really before anytime somebody tried to launch a right-wing or so-called free speech platform, didn't really take off. but it really hasn't. 2021. you saw as part of it there that pillow codes are a big part of us and you saw just a critical role of mike place and i do think mike there's a lot of people in this who i think are don't believe the bs they are pushing, but i think mike seems to genuinely believe what he's pushing, but of course it doesn't make it any less dangerous it's something to see all those faces there that he's supporting rudy giuliani among others, being funded by pillows. >> i fellows doherty. thank you very much. sleep world. again, you can watch the full report on the whole story with anderson cooper. >> that's sunday night at 8:00 p.m. eastern here on cnn. and
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still look what new questions for the republican nominee to run north carolina's public schools. so was last in the headlines for calling for the execution of democrats, including former president obama amelia turn off alarm. emilia, whether reasons emilia, and locked the door. >> i'm afraid i can't do that why not? did you forget something i protein shake the future isn't scary. not investing in it is so dramatic. >> amelie yeah jim nasdaq, 100 innovators, one etf before investing carefully reading, consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges expensive more in perspective, said invesco duck. i told myself if i was okay with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just okay. isn't okay. >> knows john suddenly, if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel.
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thought the problem was unsolvable. daniel doesn't take excuses. he holds himself accountable. and i know that he can do it for the city of san francisco. source with kaitlan collins. next tonight a striking new report from cnn's kfile. and it once again involves michele morrow, the republican nominee to run north carolina's k through 12 public schools. k file has now uncovered comments she made on video after attending the january 6 riot at the u.s. capitol, those details in just a moment. first, a reminder prior to this, cnn tried to get answers from morrow on comments she made online calling for violence against democrats. this is cnn shimon prokupecz, back in march do you still stand by your comments about former president barak obama and that he should be executed calling for the
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death of other presidents. >> do you stand by that? we're doing do you stand by those comments? >> have a good night. >> do you stand by? what you've said about the public education system and that it needs to be destroyed. know, do you stand by that? >> no. >> no. do you understand the concern that people have with this nomination that you now have a whole lot of no comment there. she obviously did not want to answer. shimon is questions with me now, is andrew kaczynski of the kfile senior editor, who has the details on this new item on covered on morrow tied to january 6. so andrew, what have you learned here? >> so meryl was at january 6, first at that rally, were then she proceeded to the capital where she was in a restricted area that had been cordoned off by police. now, in these couple of images, i want people to look at x0 that were from videos that we uncovered. she was there as rioters were breaking in to the building. now, there's no evidence that marrow engaged in any violence
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herself her went into the building, but later that night in her hotel, she went on a live stream and essentially called for president trump too institute a military coup. take a listen to those comments. >> president trump is still president until the 20th so he can still invoke the executive order against voter fraud and now he has every player that participated in his sights and they can all be arrested for treason and if the police won't do it and the department of justice won't do it then he will have to enact the insurrection act in which case the insurrection act completely puts the constitution to the side and says now the military rules, all okay. and let me tell you president trump
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president trump has the military on his side because the military and many leaders in the military who loved this nation and who love our constitution and who have put their life on the line. >> to protect the freedoms of people in the united states that they will never meet they chose president trump to be their candidate. >> so as long as he invokes the insurrection act before the inauguration then he's going to be reinaugurated is going to be put back in so the constitutional scholars that we spoke to you, by the way, also said what she said there was complete nonsense, but i think it's also important to remember that this is a person who is going to be controlling and $11 billion budget in the state if she wins that race and education priorities for the state's $1.3 million children,
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school budget, handling 3 million so yes. kids were there ever any consequences for her calls for violence against democrats? state party is supporting her. mark robinson gubernatorial nominee at the top of the ticket. he's also supporting her and this is someone who not just called for the execution of obama, but a lot of prominent democrats, north carolina governor roy cooper, ilhan, omar andrew cuomo hillary clinton, chuck schumer, anthony fauci, bill gates, and barak obama, who she even said, quote, i want to see a paper of him in front of a firing squad. now we did reach out to her campaign. we asked about this stuff and what she said and they said they didn't respond to it, but they said what? north carolina voters are concerned about is the education of our children. >> it's pretty extraordinary video and it pretty extraordinary record there. andrew kaczynski. thank you so much for your reporting. everyone of the kfile, great work on this. have a great weekend. >> the news continues, so we're gonna hear it over to kaitlan collins, the source starts right now