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tv   The Chris Wallace Show  CNN  August 10, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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than the fact they've got to travel around france well, it's incredible team being here in paris, been to the olympic village yesterday it's honestly much better than i thought it would ever be. >> i just i still can't quite believe that we're in a gold medal final, but one that i'm very excited for. >> have you allowed yourself to i know you picture yourself kind of walking out at an opening the ceremony. have you allowed yourself to picture standing on the top of an olympic podium with a medal around your neck. gold-medal. >> we can dream about those things of course, there is something to aspire to and the fact that were in the position were in a guaranteed medal but of course we're going for gold teams are at the stadium kickoff an hour from now. >> if you don't mind, i'm going to pop off and go and enjoy the action. >> go have some fundamental because you haven't been having enough fine it all. >> go. >> thank you so much for being with us this morning. i told you it's going to be
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hello and welcome. i'm kara swisher are taking over christmas chair this week while he's out. >> i've never used the teleprompter, so i'm going to tim walz, this thing wearing my badass shoes and my start lady glasses. now well, let's break down the biggest stories with the smartest people we know today. we're asking as kamala harris and tim walz enjoy a campaign kickoff around the country. the new vp nominee is already getting criticized so did she make the right choice then the presser pivot donald trump faces reporters as he hoped he says attacks on harris but was it enough to regain momentum or was it meandering? and the metal moments, the panel votes on gold, the gold medal winning highlights from the paris olympics. everyone is here and ready to go. so sit back, relax and let's talk about it up first with the vp
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pick behind her vice president kamala harris is barnstorming the country with their newly minted partner as the trump campaign lays on the attacks and questions swirl about what harris needs to do next vice president of the united states, kamala harris, introducing minnesota governor tim walz as her running mate. and taking the new democratic ticket on the trail, going on a battleground blitz to several swing states even ripping a page from the trump playbook pulling up to her rally, right from the plane i couldn't be prouder to be on this ticket. the selection of walz, a former high school teacher and football coach, drew praise from democrats, practical problem solver, 24 years army national guard. i mean, just a heck of a guy. >> republicans quickly seized on something while said, and we can make sure that but those weapons of war that i carried in war is the only place where those weapons to say the retired national guardsman lied
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about serving in combat or water. >> tim walz, when were you ever in war? when was this was this weapon that you carried into war while the harris campaign wants to look to the future we're not going right now. >> it's what harris isn't doing, that trump is harping on. she's not doing any news conference. you know why she's not doing it, because she can't do a news conference here with me today, new york times journalist and the interview podcast host, lulu garcia navarro conservative pollster and opinion writer kristen soltis anderson in the chair. i usually sit in new york times columnist jamelle bouie and john mccormack, senior editor at the dispatch. welcome everybody so are you going to behave today? >> absolutely that's just assume we're not going to so kristin, did harris make the right choice with walz? >> nearly 90% of democratic voters says they don't know anything about him, which is maybe a good thing. and was apparently did tell the harris team about the military
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service. and so they were ready for the attacks. what are your thoughts? well, it's a choice that has made both democrats and republicans pretty happy. >> so remains to be seen, who is right about their assessment of the political impact that walz will have and this is definitely a pick that seems to have unified democrats. you are not really hearing any complaints from any faction of the democratic party about the selection which may be a benefit to having chosen them over somebody like shapiro, who i think republicans genuinely were more concerned about. i don't think it's just bluster when you hear somebody like say kellyanne conway tweeting, oh, he didn't pick shapiro. i think that was legitimate we're concerned about him but only one of those sides will be right. >> which one do you think? >> i think ultimately vice presidents don't matter that much, so party unity probably in the short term, was a smarter play, but he's very unknown, i guess as shapiro would be, a lot of vetting. that's going to happen in real-time in front of voters. >> who do you think of the controversies around him? >> what i think is that he's a
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good pick. i think he has shown himself to be pretty deft in his messaging. i think that the term controversies isn't the right one. this is the usual attacks that happened. this is a man who served his country for 24 years in the military and then tried to serve his country in another way by going into office. and so i think these, these issues are very important to veterans. i don't know how important there will be to the general public. >> what about this swift voting attempt, which happened to john kerry most people think it's going to work this time yeah, i don't think that it's really equivalent to you know, exactly the swift budding attack i thought the real issue there was curious testimony came back. >> i think it's wrong to question service in general i do think that accuracy matters. i think that people, veterans who did serve in war when people say they serve in war, they feel offended goodbye that so i do think it matters and that he can be held accountable. i don't think it's going to be a huge issue like it was in 2004 because i
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mean, carries vietnam service was at the heart of his at the heart of his campaign and war, the iraq war was at the center of that campaign as well. so i think that it's a minor hit on him and a legitimate one but jamal, what do you think? >> because it does sometimes we went to work but they had j.d. vance doing it, who himself wasn't really in combat either. i mean, he did serve in iraq, talk a little bit about that yeah. >> i'm not entirely sure that i find be hit all that impactful for the simple reason that the response which the harris campaign has had is that like listen, this guy served in nashville for 24 years. he served for years past when he could have retired and his decision to serve that it is now for years, shows his commitment to serving his country. and so the notion that this is somehow stolen valor for doesn't really, i think land, right? i grew up on a military basis like my parents served terri and i when i think about whether my parents would feel offended by that particular language, i don't think they would. i don't think that's something that would
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get their hackles up. i think you asked i have not asked them. >> yeah. but i think their first response the first response to walz would likely be like it's not just good that he served, but that he enlisted as well. right? not an officer. he didn't go right now to fancy. he served he enlisted and he worked his way up the ranks so let's talk about something that is getting a little bit more purchase or at least among journalists and pundits is, does harris do an interview? >> a press conference which trump was n vance and gop complain that she hadn't done a formal interview press conference, others say she doesn't need to do it. lulu, you, of course, want and soda. why i want an interview? of course. so do odu. but the reason we want interviews as members of the media is not because we're greedy, is because we represent people people. we are there to inform the public and there are a lot of questions that actually she needs to answer. i mean, if i'm a strategist, i would say no. of course not. she shouldn't be giving interviews because at this point, she has a lot of goodwill and what's going to happen in any
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interview that she does is that's going to be clipped. it's going to be pushed up by the opposition and right now, she's riding a wave. so if if i was a strategist, i understand why they're not sort of running towards that. but as a journalist, i mean, we don't know her positions on i don't know the supreme court. we don't know her positions are on statehood for dc. i mean, just because i happen to live here, i'm curious loads of things that are really important for the general public to know. and so therefore, she does have to sit down and we do really need to hear from her in that form. >> does that matter? do you think it matters i hate to turn in my journalist thing, but if i were her, i wouldn't do it until after the convention, at least. >> i mean, it's been good politics for unknown can i have to set a good couple of weeks, but she did skip the traditional media vetting process. company's a primary campaign. i mean, so which of these prisoners? missions that she took in 2020 that she no longer hold? she's been putting out statements through aides, background, quote, what changed to put this in her own words, tell us where she stands as lula said, i reached out to the campaign last week, she endorsed this idea of supreme court term limits. now that could be an idea that's a
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constitution mammoth. i would take, you know, three quarters of states and bipartisan biden, or it could be from my view, a fairly radical plan effectively pack the supreme court and remove conservative justices. i think she needs to put that be clear on those things like that. >> but does it matter with voters, kristen, i think it will matter. i think eventually i think eventually she's going to have to answer these questions. i don't know if it matters. if she answers them this week or next week, or the week after, but at a certain point, it does begin to seem like, wait a minute, what are they? hiding and remember for a lot of voters that didn't like joe biden and very much wanted him to step aside the hit on him was what is being hidden. hear from voters who essentially it became clear, oh goodness, he is not in good shape and nc had to step aside. right. so we've harris is also sort of it's still kind of being concealed from the public in some way. now, i don't know if your median voters going to see it that way, because share is there. you see her alive. he answers questions. >> and so i think but it will be a shame if we have to get all the way to the september 10 debate before she's actually asked, hey, you opposed fracking. now you support it
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when did you change your mind and why? right? hey, you support it? this now you oppose it. when did you change your mind and why it would be a shame if we have to wait all the way to shame though. >> i mean, i will say just as a counter argument, we are about to have the democratic convention. that's going to be a big ad for democrats. so that's in two weeks, that's momentum up to that. then there's the the hate, the glow that comes out after that we're already into september early voting starts in september in many states. and then we'll just in the last push to the election. so, you know, this actually short run has worked in her favor because it's all momentum. yeah. yeah. exactly. so jimale, one of the things that dnc the conventions next week shift dems packet with celebrity he how should it go here? i mean to me, they should be talking about policy, but should they packed with celebrities some have speculated you know, taylor swift or beyonce or something like that. what do you think should happen? >> i think it would be a mistake to pack it would celebrities, i think that when you look at what the message the ticket is, clearly trying to clear, trying to portion
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that's an apparent with the choice of walz, which is that this is a ticket of normalcy. these are, these are normal people. walz's attack on republicans, that there are weird that trump and vance are weird. i think you would want to emphasize that in the convention by focusing on normal people. i think one of the strengths of the walz pick it since it's clear message that you can be a regular white guy. >> nothing abnormal about taylor swift go ahead and keep going. >> you can be a regular basic white guy and still be a loyal democrat. you can still, you're still have a part in this party and not just apart, but you can be at the very top of the leadership and sort of emphasizing that kind of message, i think is the what they should do with that convention donald trump spent an hour taking questions from reporters this week, but only holding one rally as he struggles to regain his post-convention momentum. >> what can you do to find the big mo and get people looking at them again? then that's not true. elon musk's flurry of misinformation, which some fear
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could impact the election and later, what's that smell? the trend among teenage boys that's costing moms like me a ton of money cnn is live from chicago as democrats unite to offer their support to a new nominee and her running mate fellow cnn for complete coverage, the democratic national convention starts monday, august 19 on cnn and streaming on max thanks. that's how you may like it never even happened, happened sir. pro introducing new advil targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever with four powerful pain fighting ingredients that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source for up to eight hours of powerful relief. new
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ruby red, montana and a press conference that had a little bit of everything most dangerous period of time i've ever seen for our country dire warnings from donald trump to kick off an hour-long press conference that included attacks on kamala harris, the least admire, least respected, and the worst vice president. a focus on issues like at the border crisis, millions of people coming in and our country cannot sustain it and talk of crowd sizes, including comparing his january 6 rally to martin luther king's. >> i have a dream speech. >> same number of people. if not, we had more. >> and although trump claimed, i'm leading by a lot, the latest cnn poll of polls showed a statistically tied graced with harris who trump spent most of the week bashing on social media including misspelling her name several times. obviously, he loves to give people nicknames. >> and i think that he's going to keep on doing that, but that's not what some fellow republicans want president trump to prosecute that case
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against kamala harris, bad judgment a case he hopes to make on the debate stage after changing his mind and agreeing to three debates with the vice president. but i look forward to the debates because i think we have to set the record straight. >> so john what can trump do to regain the momentum? >> i think the first thing you do is stop digging last weekend to georgia and decided to attack the very popular governor brian kemp is a very disloyal guy. i went, brian kemp has been completely oil except for on one issue which was saying that the 2020 election wasn't stolen or rather not i'm trying to do anything to overturn that election the week before that. he questioned whether kamala harris said always identified as authentically african american, just very stupid, quizzical look on your allies about this going why he should not be doing that. so i say stop this, stop digging. i do think that the press conference, despite some of the again, wacky things that happened in that did serve his purpose of at least getting everyone talking about well, why isn't kamala harris doing these precedents, right? >> but jamal, do you think how do you get the momentum?
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because there's a lot of it his, the hand waving old hits these trials over and over again the only way i think trump could reestablish momentum is by establishing a real campaign yes, like actually doing the kinds of things that could benefit him, especially in 2016 and 2020 you know, being an active campaigner and i think what the press conference demonstrated is that he is much diminished from four years ago or even eight years ago and in being much-diminished, i think it's just more difficult but for him to maintain that pace of campaigning, right? kristen day, she has no other public campaign events scheduled this week that felt that press conference dealt a little like one of those pandemic ones. it felt like i was like, oh, that again, normally somebody who is running for president of the united states who spends a week with less than 100 days to election day just doing nothing in any of the battleground states, raising some money in montana and that's it you'd say that's political malpractice. what's going on? but let's
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consider the rest of the year donald trump has had a republican primary that he largely sat out and went in his favor even though he really didn't participate in it. >> and then a presidential race it's against joe biden that he also barely participated in and that worked out very well for him, i think right now what you are seeing is a campaign that's kind of flailing a little bit because the sit back and do nothing. >> let donald trump campaign from his basement effectively, strategy was very successful for him up until the moment that kamala harris became democrats presumptive but if nominee and he seems to not be able to retool that strategy, not wake up get back out there, but let me give you an easy one. i mean presidenting is hard, right? are becoming a presidential candidate as heart, what should he do? >> i'm not sure. i'm going to give foreign president trump any advice simply must because you're wearing those find shoes. >> i'm sorry, i want to say first of all, yes, i'm wearing sneakers in, your honor. >> but no. what i would say is
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this he is much-diminished. you cannot but look at this press conference and see that he cannot keep focus anymore. he cannot prosecute the case as has been the demand of republicans. he made up an entire story about being on a helicopter that crashed and that there was some congress station. it's like fanfare almost crashed, almost crashed. it was like fanfiction i mean, this i think what we're seeing is fatigue. the more voters that i talked to. there is this sense that we've seen all this before. and there is a desire to turn the page. i mean, in my family, i have people who support trump. my stepfather voted for trump twice. he's going to vote for kamala harris this time and so it is a small story, but it is something where you are starting to see people look at donald trump and wonder, is this man actually capable in the same way that
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they were looking at biden and wonder bring us this man really capable? they're looking at trump, but he's an excellent politician when he wants to be right, when it's more fun though, when, when, when he's like kind of freewheeling and seems like he's into it and he's quote, unquote playing the hits. that's different than what i feel like we've seen this last week. he does not seem to be someone who's out there, enjoying it i think because he knows his lead has started to evaporate. i think he has much more fun. wendy's ed, he's anybody is behind him and he's and he's not he's not disciplined and never has been he's never been someone who can actually execute a plan at the very, most of the very best he can sometimes lay low when he's a head, when he's headed can kind of be like, okay, i'm going to win a backup, but this situation of being behind and needing to make up ground and do so in a disciplined, in coordinated manner that by all indication, it beyond his capacity. so you're seeing the oldest, his son, johnny kinney, stick to policy so your shoes, do you do see him capable of it? you know, lots of issues.
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>> he's ever been able to i mean, i think it's really going to come down to how he can handle the debates. i think despite the again, the crazy next, mixed in with a policy arguments his debate performances in 20202016 were wildly disparate and i think if he can put in solid debate performances that could album moot, turn things around. >> so what should he do? what you don't do it. >> i have a prediction though. i actually think that the next debate is going to be another one of these very defining debates. and i think he's going to lose and i think he's going to lose badly. and i sit and i think simply because of the comparison but to talk about the debate's kristen, what is it? what what both of them need to do and what do both of them me to avoid? >> well, what trump needs to do is stay on policy. again, easier said than done, right? understanding is donald why we're talking about, but the economy is still an issue where when you ask voters, which party do you trust more, they still say republicans on the economy. >> are there. >> it's still say republicans on issues like immigration. there are a lot of issues that trump, if he can stay focused on them, he could put some points on the board and especially if you presses harris on, look, i've always been in the same place on immigration and you haven't he
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could mix it up and score some points, but that's a really big if what about this? it's going to be very did about vice president harris. so what i think she needs to do is not let donald trump rattle her. i think she needs to for those voters who are saying, i've heard that you're very very progressive. i've heard that you are way outside the mainstream. i've heard that you hold some views that seem like i just can't go there with you. >> i think she needs to speak to the those voters because she's clearly she has locked up the democratic base. >> she does not need to speak to progressives and rally them anymore. she's going to have to speak to that middle and the tweet about what do you think she needs to do? >> i think that's exactly right. i think that the beta it's an opportunity for her to introduce herself to nationals. he's really say this is who i am. here's why you should not be afraid of me being president. i think it's an opportunity to lean into her background and persona as a prosecutor, i would say on sort of a tactical level, don't get bogged down in whatever trump is saying. i think democrats it's habitually make this mistake and debates of trying to answer when the goal is to
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attack and present yourself and also finance is working for her font. she was, of course, is now, what do you think june is very quickly? >> yeah. i think she needs to really stay on message. i think she needs to try address exactly that this sort of median voter. and i also think she does need to show some joy and some personality and to lean in to her gender you know, because that's a place where donald trump is very weak, alright trump is also cozying up to elon musk, just as the ex-owner isn't a war of words with one of america because top allies will discuss also ahead, golden moments will pick our favorite olympic highlights as the paris games. prepare to come to an end, giant sigh tomorrow on the whole story dot, dot, dottie, donie o o'sullivan dives back into the world of misinformation
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computers that are using our election have software that was illegal and it's connected to where china has conspiracy theories intensify on both sides. >> how did you feel when you saw these examination attempt? >> do you really want to know? yes. >> we'll misinformation cause chaos in november's election. >> our voice is seeing stolen the whole story with anderson cooper tomorrow well, at 8:00 on cnn this is a keepsake frame. >> this is actually a photo from my wedding i'm adam weiss, founder and ceo of keepsake, the mobile app that makes it easy. have your photos printed, framed, and shifting your doorstep. just choose a photo that you log. you can preview it and over 100 the phrase. and in a couple of days, you're going to receive your photo in a beautiful handmade france. so if you've got a special photo on your phone installed, the free keepsake app. we would love a chance to frame it are you ms outdated, dmv has two forms of my id think of all the places that can expose your info.
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like did for me you can covering the harris-walz campaign is cnn closed captioning brought to you by meso if you or a loved one have mesothelial mac will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 800 a31, 3,700 from chief executive to agitator-in-chief. elon musk is facing increasing backlash over the use of his x platform to push his own political agenda. this week, musk was accused of fueling massive anti-immigration riots engulfing towns and cities in the united kingdom after he promoted anti-immigrant rhetoric and posted that quote, civil war was inevitable. there the british prime minister responded with this let me also say to large social media companies. and those who run
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them violent disorder, clearly whipped up online that is also a crime musk is also pushing his agenda here at home. >> he's posted a deep fake video of kamala harris in which he appears to call herself a deep state puppet. oh elon. he's boosted unfounded conspiracies that joe biden's withdrawal from the race was a type of coup. and he's falsely suggested that the secret service may be behind donald trump's assassination attempt. since his re-branding of twitter into x, musk has been giving a voice to right-wing conservatives and tearing down liberal media. much like rupert murdoch did with fox news and his media empire decades ago lulu is elon musk, the next rupert murdoch no. >> okay. because elon musk is someone who bought twitter and has used it as zone personal megaphone rupert murdoch is someone who built up an entire media empire from the ground-up. and it has many,
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many different interests. and i don't think is, you know, i mean, whatever you think of rupert murdoch, he is a serious businessman and takes the values of his company, media asleep because he has been successful in obviously in other things. >> but i mean, he's not rupert murdoch in the sense of like he's not a media mogul and he wants to have his own personal brand on everything, but he's just using twitter as his own sort of playpen for these very disturbing attitudes that he's adopted. >> kristen, what do you think? do you think it's effective or is he like that or is he trying to do that? what to me, it seems like for rupert murdoch, the goal is to make money. >> first and foremost and viewed reaching a conservative audience as a way to do so there was this vacancy in the market for something that would speak to that more conservative voice. i feel like with elon musk, it feels like he bought twitter on a dare. and this is like a hobby, a pet thing for him that is not on the same
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tier as the other very successful things he does in terms of spacex, tesla. so i just don't think of him as being the same as even though it is this identification. hey, conservatives want something different. i would push back. it has impact grok is the ai search assistant on his platform on the x platform and suggests that kamala harris admits the ballot deadline nine states, five secretaries of states, and open letter to musk this week urging him to immediately implement changes to grok the wall street, you know, there's all kinds of things going on that he's doing, all kinds of things john, how do you look at this i just don't think that he in terms of the murdoch comparison, i don't see him as making stars. >> fox news could build up political stars like a buildup media stars, and everything on the internet just much more organic. so i don't see him as having the same kind of star-making power as totally disagree after elon musk bought x suddenly the men's wear guy at my work, where became the chaos? >> getting musk is of chaos as you're going to take some glue
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from must die work where has been doing men's wear stuff for very long time, right. >> so he doesn't get the credit because he should just said he's a chaos agent. >> so he bought twitter to post. he likes to post. he's not very good at it. and he bought twitter. so that he could get his post out there. and part of the thing but his business sense from it comes to social media. twitter, although it hasn't entered any kind of terminal decline, has declined significantly from where it was, right. if you were envisioning musk is someone who wanted to use twitter or x or whatever to really influenced things he wouldn't have made the kind of drastic changes at drove away so many people from the platform created alternative, some of which are quite viable to the platform. but as it stands, he's made it this right-wing echo chamber and i suppose within be heavily online right wing echo chamber, there are some influence, but to my mind, it's not, it's not all that much for the general public because a lot of people feel like look what's happened in britain, though. how would you argue that if it's not that big a deal? what, happened in britain. >> yeah, i mean, i think that
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there's i don't think that elon musk is a perfect job of regulating contents on twitter, but i also think that it can go way too far. in the other direction of labeling things misinformation mean we all remember back in 2020, twitter basically shut down links in new york post story on hunter biden's laptop. much of which are meant to be true. that was a big mistake. so there's a balance there shut their other platforms that also i think have a lot potentially more influenced, such there's something like tiktok mean right now, if you look on tiktok, the vast majority of content that is about vice president harris. >> winds up being pretty positive. the vast majority of content people are seeing about donald trump being pretty negative. you can argue, is that the tiktok algorithm is bias or is that just the people on tiktok? this type of stuff they're creating. i would just suggest a different they're was different in that different before you start the wall street journal investigation, like 91 tiktok accounts to overseas networks are pushing blatant political lies to most americans especially about, i mean, i absolutely think that he all social media has been used for misinformation. i think the fundamental question
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about elon musk and x is, is elon musk actually the source of this disinformation because he has this huge platform. he's using it as a megaphone or is twitter x itself actually hosting a lot of what i'm saying is what i would say is that musk is incredibly influential because where he sits in the culture, he is incredibly wealthy he, you know, all of his other business interests, spacex, et cetera. he's and he has used that for his own benefit. i think exit itself has become less influential to jamal's, to him so much gemelli he's interviewing trump on monday on the x platform. let's hope it works. remember what happened with rafah? desantis? is that what has to happen? there? is that important or is it just kind of a clown show? >> i that's my sense, is that it's more likely to be a clown show than it is to be important that it's going to be musk being very deferential to trump and trump kind of doing it's trump thing. i'm not sure how much he can take away from that. i want to say real quick and just the misinformation point that's all bad
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misinformation, not good. but i sometimes think we get a little too caught up in the potential impact of it. there's never been a period in american political history where most americans were like reliably and well-informed about what's happening in the world not how american politics has ever operated. and so we should discourage misinformation and i'll put seeing what's happened at the a lot of places you see the mob happening and that's i think one of the issues. last question, john, do you what should he is elan good for trump or bad in terms of this particular interview? i think it will probably be more likely than not bad. i mean, just look back at the ron desantis interview. yeah. there's a problem when people start talking about sort of esoteric issues that aren't really interested the general public didn't work out well for desantis will see how our suffering yeah. >> i'm gonna go here. he's going to say something bad and both of them will, and it will be disastrous probably that's my take. anyone anyway, from elon musk to actual musk, the growing trend among teenage boys. i know i had to do it. that's causing a lot of
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parents a lot of money plus big bucks at the box office with deadpool and wolverine success r movie theaters back in business again laura coates, live weeknights at 11 eastern on cnn. >> do picks. it can help people with asthma brief, better. and as little as two weeks or so days is better. he didn't this depicts him as an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate to severe asthma that's not for seven breathing problems depicts him can cause allergic reactions that can be severe tell your doctor right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening, shortness of breath, tingling, or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about newer worsening joint aches and pain or parasitic infection, don't change stop asthma medicine is concluding steroids without talking to your doctor, ask you are a specialist about to pick said when you anything looks like this before i got what will you
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checkout visit omaha slash tv today, choice hotels is a family of brands were the hotel for any traveler you want to be like number one chef dad cooking up a free hot breakfast for the entire family and a comfort hotel. >> mom i added the garnish stay twice and get a $50 gift card when you booked direct right now, pet dander skin cells in dirt are settling deep into your carpet fibers stanley steamer removes the dirt uc in the dirt. >> you don't you're corporates aren't clean until there is stanley steamer clean your friends are turning 30 and tbs is hosting the ultimate friends celebration. >> 30 celebrini, 30 years of friends, all month long on tbs once again, it's time to get our group's yea or nay, on some big talkers first, the merch with a mouth is leading a cinematic resurgence deadpool
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and wolverine is expected to hit the billion-dollar mark this weekend in box office sales, making it the summer's biggest blockbuster. >> and the movie momentum is likely continue when we hit the fall. >> that's when wicked and gladiator two are scheduled to be released on the same day in november, and many fans, myself included. so please do not call me that day can't wait to watch in theaters so christian, are you yea or nay, on the movie, come back i'm very yea on this. >> i think that the utricle experience matters. i think a world where everything is immediately dumped onto a streaming platform just is not nearly as fun. and i think the economics of it are also challenging to, if you're spending hundred million dollars to make a movie and then you just dumped it on a streaming platform that can't last forever. so that theatrical experience thriving is necessary. i think for us to continue to have great movies to go. >> would you agree because there's not many of these. i mean, barbie, the barbenheimer was last year's i mean absolutely hollywood is struggling. >> the economics are really difficult lane jake, a lot of
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layoffs. we're seeing things like paramount being put on the block. i mean, there's a lot of trouble in hollywood and yet when the lights go down and it's the flickering screen i think there's nothing like it. i'm a huge movie buff. i go to the movies by myself in the middle of the day. sometimes don't tell my employer and i love it you, just told your employer that's call. next. let's call this obsession for young men were talking about the growing trend that's all the rage on social media called smell maxing. although my son tells me it's fragrance massing and it comes from looks maxing. i don't understand any of this, but it's when tween and teenage boys are urged to buy expensive designer friend prigozhin's costing hundreds of dollars by using their allowance, are getting their parents like me to pay for them. here's an example of what we're seeing on tiktok the smelly trend is impacting sales with fragrance sales to teen boys jumping 26% in the last year, 13% was may john as one
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of the two men on the panel, are you yea or nay on smell maxing? >> well, i'm i'm a yea i'm personal hygiene that i'm on strong curmudgeon lee elder millennial nay, on the idea that you have to come up with a new word that general does he have to come up with new word for every single thing in the universe. i will credit them for coming up with cringe and i do think they're going to look back and think that's still maxing was kind of cringe. >> okay. oh, wow. wow. you're doing i made a similar places, john yea on personal hygiene on wanting to smell nice, nay, on the terminology, nay, on just one watching those clips on how they're actually applying the fragrance. >> like doing all that doesn't really work. you want to get behind your ears, behind your neck, maybe right here, so you get a nice throughout the day said you never have a look snacks experience and your day when you were young man, never, never looks max for me, but i i applaud young men for karen pelvis melt. >> all right. now, finally, the paris olympics is ending
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tomorrow with a closing ceremonies for many of us, it's been the feel-good event of the year with huge wins for the us in gymnastics, swimming, track, and field, and so many other events. it's also been a huge win for nbc, which says its viewership is up 79 i'm percent from the tokyo games. maybe snoop has something to do with that kristen, let's start with you. what metal do you give the game and what was your favorite moments quick, gold-medal. >> i think the way that they've broadcast this, including the gold zone is amazing. and i loved pommel horse, sky, pommel horse guy. >> all right, lulu gold-medal also, my favorite moment was when jordan chiles and simone biles of course gymnast ended up bowing to rebecca and draghi, who is the one to gold for brazil john gold medal favorite moment was noah lyles establishing that an american is the fastest man and the world again, for the first time in two decades with his photo finish winning by 5,000 of a second. i think you can watch that clip on in slow motion. i
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repeat many, many times i've already done that myself and i expect to. it's more about gold and just snoop and martha stewart, like commenting on the games was utterly the life. >> and they have to come back, they have to come back all right? the panel is back with their takes on hot stories or look at what will be in the news before its news. >> that's right after the break this election season, cnn has you covered, no matter the question from more about the candidates to rules in your state, to casting your ballot. >> the cnn voter handbook has your answer visit slash vote for yours which is want to have enough money for retirement and traveled to visit our grandchildren. >> i understand. that's why at fisher investments, we start by getting to know each other. so i can learn about your family lifestyle, goals and needs allowing us to tailor your portfolio. >> what about commission-based products? >> we don't sell. those were a fiduciary obligated to act in your best interests.
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for our panel's special takes on what's happening or predictions of what we should be looking out for all right so lulu hit me with your best shot. >> i'm looking this week at venezuela. and what has happened there in the wake of the election the leader there, nicolas maduro, essentially stole the election. that is a general consensus from most democratic countries. and what has happened is there have been hundreds of arrests and the reason americans should care about this, which i just do not see them really engaging in this. and the way that they should is that venezuela has been over the past decade, the largest push of migration in the region over 6 million people have fled that country a huge portion of them have come to the united states it is a regional crisis. it deserves a lot of attention. i'd like to hear all candidates for the presidency, including president biden, talk about it more great, one john, you're also
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focused on an important international story. >> i'm keeping my on ukraine and russia this week ukrainian forces cross the border into russia. this obviously presents risks that putin could escalate the situation, but it also can strengthen the ukrainians hands at the negotiating table. there's been this notion out there that they're going to have to cede all the occupied territory by russia. but if ukraine has at least occupied a slice of russia that's not going to be the case. >> so as the incursion, a good thing or a bad thing, i think it's too so tsa say jamil, what's your best shot the past few weeks have been like the longest ten years in american politics. >> and so i think we should expect next week too, maybe provide a little bit more of that in trump's conversation with elon, i think may end up being the thing that jumps off the week with a at least a big scandal for the trump campaign. >> so no, october is a september surprise august surprise, or september surprise. october 1. lots of surprises this year. >> what's with the surprises? all a surprise. >> we angered some trickster god and here we are. >> yeah, you think that it'll start early and continue? yes,
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that's the new cycle, so short. that's right. right. exactly. alright, kristen, bring us home. you're focused on something in your wheelhouse? >> yes. i'm coming to you today with news from the polling world. so for the last year or so. as donald trump has been both in the lead in the republican primary. and then once the general election began, you have not heard a lot of what i would call poll trutherism from republic blinken's were poll and skewing the idea that, oh, the polls were all wrong. they're biased against us. they're not actually contacting our people. that has now begun now with a new batch of polls in the last week or so showing vice president harris either tied with or slightly ahead of donald trump in many of the battleground states, you've begun to see the trump campaign put out memos. trump find to discredit individual polls that say even things like alleging that the race is tied and so now it's just fascinating to me to watch how the tables have turned. those who said that the polls we're all flawed. you can't believe them now suddenly by them and republicans are now the ones saying that the car's broken, shocking hypocrisy. i would
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just say take all polls with a grain of salt, right? >> right. so whatever, when it's in your favor, you're for it. >> when don't just change based on which is your side winning oh, now the poll is great, or your side is losing, or the polis terrible. try to be consistent. yeah, good luck with that. >> good luck anyway, gang. >> thank you all for being here and thank you for spending part of your day with us. as chris will be back with you right here next week. >> and i'll be writing finally, earth with leon freiburg, back-to-back episodes tonight at nine on cnn look at you. you're doing everything you can to get your blood pressure in check. you're exercising, you're eating right? and now you have super beats, heart shoes by human on your side to paired with a healthy lifestyle super beats heart who's polyphenol compound is two times more effective at promoting normal blood pressure which means more energy, better circulation, and blood pressure support that is easy and convenient. in a leading clinical study, super beats heart choose polyphenol
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come to you 800 a31, 3,700 hundred hello, and welcome to the alan for our i'm bianna golodryga in for christiane. here's where we're headed this week if he wasn't born in this country, he shouldn't be the president of the united states, but i don't know. >> is she indian? >> rishi black from birtherism to questioning color, the racist attacks donald trump weaponizes to undermine his opponents. harvard law professor randall kennedy on how race is shaping the election also this hour keir starmer versus elon musk in a showdown over free speech as race riots royal the u.s. okay. >> then the afghan youth orchestra that rose from the ashes after the taliban's brutal crackdown on music and


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