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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  August 10, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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>> you are in the cnn newsroom. i'm jessica dean in new york i'm wolf blitzer in tel aviv. >> tonight outrage spreading around the world as officials in gaza report a deadly israeli strike on a school in mosque killing at least 90 people, including children israel's military says it was targeting hamas and islamic jihad militants cnn cannot independently verify that. >> we're also keeping a very close eye on the tensions here in the middle east as iran and its proxy group, hezbollah in lebanon, vowed to strike israel following the deaths of some of its top military leaders. we've got our reporters covering all angles throughout the middle east. but what let's start this hour with jessica dean back in new york. jessica well, thank you so much. >> we'll see you soon. we're going to begin this hour with breaking news here in the united states where the trump campaign says it has been
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hacked, saying foreign sources intended to interfere in the 20 in the 24 election. cnn's kevin liptack has new reporting on how the white house is responding tonight. but first, we're going to check in with cnn's jeremy herb to talk more about this hack. what more do we know right now, jeremy? >> yeah jessica these documents, they were sent to politico, which reported today that it received documents from an anonymous email account, which that contained internal trump campaign materials. the trump campaign, they're blaming iran for this attack. trump campaign spokesman stephen chung he's pointing to a report from microsoft this week that said iran was increased it's activity related to the u.s. elections this year, he said in a statement, these documents were obtained illegally from sources hostile to the united states, intended to interfere with the 2024 election and sow chaos throughout our democratic process. now, this microsoft report, it said that iran's islamic revolutionary guard core that they targeted a senior high-ranking official on a campaign in june, with the
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report from microsoft does not say is which campaign was targeted or if this was successful. so it's not yet clear whether iran was behind this hack. we asked the trump campaign for any additional information beyond their statement and they declined to comment we also asked microsoft to comment and they declined. jessica. >> very interesting. and do we know what was in any of these hacked documents yet you political reported that some of the materials they've received, they included vetting documents for donald trump's vice presidential nominee, j.d. >> vance, with politico said they were able to authenticate these documents jim, it's though they have not published any of the materials, it is worth remembering that back in 2016 trump's or excuse me, hillary clinton's campaign chairman john podesta. he was the victim of a hacked and wikileaks published his emails in the days before that election. also, of course, in 2016, donald trump famously said russia, if you're listening you should find hillary clinton's emails, jessica all right, jeremy, thank you so much for that
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reporting. >> let's go now to kevin liptack. kevin, what are we hearing from the white house? >> or certainly the biden administration has been warning publicly for several months the potential and the risk of foreign interference in the 20 2024 election shan tonight, they are referring to the justice department for specifics, but a national security council spokesman telling me that as they have said many times, the biden-harris administration strongly condemns any foreign government or entity who attempts to interfere in our electoral process or seeks to undermine confidence in our democratic institutions. and they say tonight that they are taking any reports of such activity extremely seriously, and certainly for the last several months, biden administration officials have been gaming out internally. how exactly they would respond to potential foreign threats to the presidential election. but also lower ballot elections as well. they have run tabletop exercises to try and sort out questions like, how do you
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identify in response to these threats, but also determining how to notify a campaigns that they've been hacked or potentially undermined. they haven't necessarily come too easy conclusions on all of those efforts. i think when you talk to administration officials, the fear had not necessarily just been the potential for email hacking, but all of the other technologies that have advanced since 2016, things like ai, things like deep fakes. so certainly this has been something that the administration has been concerned about for a long time. have identified around as a potential actor in all of this along with russia, along with china, along with a number of other countries who could potentially have an interest in undermining the election. jessica, great reporting there, kevin liptack. thank you so much for that. and just about an hour, vice president kamala harris and her running mate, minnesota governor tim walz will take the stage at a rally in las vegas. this is the last leg of a five-day swing through some of the most critical battleground states of this
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election. and new polling out today from new york times and siena college shows further signs of harris gaining momentum in three key states, michigan, pennsylvania, and wisconsin now as you look at those numbers, there's no clear leader within that within the margin of error, but it is a sign that is indicative of the harris campaign's momentum and how that's energizing voters with less than 90 days until the election. let's go straight to cnn's eva mckend, who has been traveling with the harris campaign and joins us from the rally in las vegas is getting much more full behind you, eva, as we get closer to this rally, we're also hearing vice president harris saying that she's going to unveiled her economic policy sometime next week yes. >> yes. hopefully, you can hear me. i'm competing with a celebrity dj but listen vice president harris, governor walz, what of their argument is it they're principally concerned about the working class and they're going to we'll now policies to address
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working class voters they got a boost for that argument. today will be endorsement of the all important culinary. >> here nevada represents 60,000 workers in that unit not home here in nevada democrat in supporting the vice president, didn't listenunifying donald trump, i think has been so divisive to our country. >> and what he stands for is not what i stand for in any way and i think she uber intelligent inclusive, and could unify our country former president donald trump and his allies have signed by the president for not giving extensive media on some
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republican operatives are arguing that the campaign doesn't that next, week, once you now economic policies and how to put this on it kick off is going to speak in about an hour about an hour? alright. >> even we were looking at video there of her plane arriving in las vegas, nevada. >> so should we make her way as you said to you all, there in about an hour and a half. but again, the vice president there on the ground in nevada. thank you so much. eva for that reporting. and joining me now, cnn senior political analysts and senior editor at the atlantic, ron brownstein. ron always great to see you. i want to backup for a second to the top of our program where we were talking about the trump campaign being hacked and start with that because this isn't the first time it's happened to a presidential campaign. obviously, we've been talking about 20:16. and of course, the government and and as kevin liptack was reporting, the
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biden administration trying to guard against any sort of interference in the lead up to the election. but it's concerning that this is happening again yeah look i think for foreign governments that want to interfere in us elections, they saw a pretty good return on investment in 2016. and the ability to sow chaos and, and enhanced division in the u.s. and so you've got to expect that from multiple directions. they will be back attempting to do this targeting both campaigns in all likelihood and probably promoting false voices on various kinds of social media. all with the goal of increasing division and just kind of sowing chaos. and it is just an unfortunate reality that i think that all actors and the political system are going to have to be prepared for hello and this is coming on the tail-end of what's been a very turbulent, not enjoyable three weeks for former president donald trump's campaign. >> we now have this new polling
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from the new york times and sienna college that the takes a look at it look it's still within the margin of error. this is still a very close race, but it does joe momentum yeah. first of all, i mean, if vice president harris wins those three states and all likelihood she is president, right those three states plus the omaha cd, we get her to exactly 270 electoral college votes. and by the way, also worth noting those three states have voted together in every election since 1992 they were part of the blue wall from 92 to 2012, and trump won all three. then all three move back to biden. all three have elected democratic governors and both 18 and 2022, when harris replaced biden one way of looking at the big questions were could she shore up where he was weak? and could she hold where he was strong and if you look at these polls, the answer to both is a qualified yes. she is doing better than biden was with black voters and young voters in all three states.
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although she's not back to the levels that democrats had in 2020 with them. she continues to gain among college educated white voters, not totally surprisingly, as we've talked about before, roe was not overturned until after the 20 election so democrats clearly i think have an opportunity to grow there but what maybe most important was that in these polls, at least she is maintaining the strengths that biden showed relative clinton important for biden winning all three of these states in 20 was the improved over hillary clinton in 2016, among working class white voters without a college education. and also older voters. and harris, right now is running in these polls at least better than biden did in 2020 among both groups, better than biden among working last, whites, better than biden among seniors. obviously those are target audiences for the republican cultural attacks on her as a san francisco liberal or weak on crime and immigration. but in his first introduction, you are not seeing some sort of inherent
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pullback from her and in fact, she is moving as i said, pass where biden was not only in this race, but even in 2020. >> and for so many americans, she is, she is undefined still, even though she's been vice president for years that you have a new piece in the atlantic. you talk about the unique position she's in to define herself to voters specifically at the dnc, which is coming up here next next in about a week. and you say, even he could learn from bill clinton's own speech back in 1992 well, she is probably less firmly defined than any nominee going into their convention in decades, you know, not since yogurt humphrey in 1968, have we had a nominee who was either not an incumbent president or had to run through primaries or basically a year-and-a-half or two years accumulating all the scars they come from that all the trials that come from that pollsters in both parties will tell you that the initial reception to harris has been
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very positive, but it is not very deep. >> i mean, the negatives that republicans want to attach to her are not really firmly bolted down at this point. and voters know relatively little about her career and particularly what she's been doing as vice president, which is often something like going into the witness protection program. so she isn't a position. >> i think similar to clinton in 1992, clinton came out of the primaries and 92 as you because of the democratic nominee, but battered by revelations of extra marital affairs and dodging the draft. and he used the period leading to the convention and the convention itself to basically describe reposition himself as a child of the middle-class who would defend the middle-class because he emerged from it. and in many ways, that is harris is opera tunity to connect the policy agenda that she is going to begin laying out more next week with her story as the daughter of immigrants, a multi-racial woman herself, who worked as they've been pointing out in ads, worked at mcdonald's and the summer to
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basically argue that her background equipped, sir, to champion and lead increasingly diverse multicultural, multiracial society. so in many ways she has the opportunity to clinton did in 1990 to just precisely because opinions on formed, by the way, if she can't lay down some of that armor at the convention, republicans are going to have, i think an enhanced opportunity to go after her post-convention because what we just said, the impressions of her, the canvas is relatively blank at this point, even though the initial response has been very positive. >> and we're looking live at her and governor tim walz arriving there in las vegas, meeting with local officials there as she gets ready for this rally and ron and as someone who has seen a lot in american politics i want to know what you think about these rallies that we're seeing. and just the size of them, and look there, there's been the talk that maybe this is just a sugar high, maybe this isn't going to go on. we are seeing some data
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that shows it moving her way. but just what does it say to you that she's filling up arenas? i mean, look, we're showing it right now. it's wild i think it's i think it's a couple of things. >> first of all, as we've talked about before, the political strategists, mike pod horrors are as calculated using data from one of the democratic targeting firms, catalyst if there are 93 million separate human beings who came out to vote against trump in 2016 and 2020 and against republican candidate or against republican candidates in 2018 and 2022, there is a large constituency in the country that is resistant to the vision of america that trump has put forward there, obviously he's a large constituency that is very enthusiastic about it, but that anti maga, coalition, as democrats call it, was fundamentally depressed by the prospect of trying to carry a clearly diminished president biden over the finish line and in effect, pull him through a
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very difficult race. here's his replacement with her has unleashed all of that energy. you see it not only in these enormous crowds, but at the incredible fundraising numbers, the number of volunteers and so forth. but it's not just that it's i think the opportunity as several pollsters i talked to this week said that part of what is happening here is that harris is embodying the desire to turn the page on this perpetual polarization highly intense conflict that we've been living through, through the trump era as a woman of color, immigrants, multiracial parents, she symbolizes the changes unfolding in america in a way that biden simply could not. and i think you're getting a response to that as well from the coalition that welcomes the way america is evolving. >> it is fascinating to watch ron brownstein, thanks so much, great to see you thanks for having me we have much more news ahead, including wolf blitzer live in tel aviv,
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israel. wolf jessica, thank you. >> straight ahead from here in tel aviv, we'll get the reaction from across this region of the middle east to israel's deadly early morning strike on a school and mosque in gaza. dozens are dead. what we're hearing from the israeli government right now will update you on that plus sources say lebanon's militant group, hezbollah, is ready to strike israel in a matter of days days is hizballah coordinating a potential attack with its main ally, iran will have a live report from beirut that's straight at i'm wolf blitzer in tel aviv. and you're in the situation in the cnn newsroom. i should cnn is live from chicago as democrats unite to offer their support to a new nominee and her running mate fellow cnn for complete coverage the democratic national convention starts monday, august 19 on cnn and streaming on max first time no biggie we recommend to
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>> i'm wolf blitzer in tel aviv is drill more countries are now calling for ceasefire talks after a devastating israeli attack on a school in gaza, a warning in the images you're about to see are disturbing gaza officials say at least 93 people are dead, including children. and more and more are injured. after an israeli strike on a school and mosques in gaza. many displaced palestinians were sheltering speaking moments ago, the israeli military spokesman, defendant, the attack. listen this military facility was embedded inside the ultra been school building in gaza city after we received clear intelligence of the threat posed by these terrorists. >> and in accordance with international humanitarian law we took numerous steps to mitigate the risk to civilians. the idf conducted a precision strike against the terrorist in one specific building of the
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compound the idf also says a top islamic jihad commander was likely at the school, but it's not clear whether he was hit. cnn has not yet verified any of these claims. you're cnn's clarissa ward with more on the attack the strike hit before dawn as worshippers gathered to perform the fuzzer prayer shortly after rescue workers arrived to a scene from hell does not have the meeting was daddy it's girl screams. where is daddy amid the carnage? there is no way to know the answer. the ground is covered with blood and bodies but it is the whaling that is perhaps most harrowing gaza's civil defense says that around 6,000
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people were sheltering at the altai by an islamic school compound in gaza city. many had recently arrived from the north after the idf issued new evacuation orders, there mohamad comforts her son, sobbing over the loss of his father they were all in pieces and dismembered. she says, i went to look for my husband and i couldn't identify anybody. they were all dismembered israel defense forces claim the strike targeted hamas and islamic jihad fighters and says approximately 20 to 25 militants were killed cnn cannot verify the number of casualties or if any combatants were among the dead but video from the scene shows the remnants of one munition used a us manufactured gbu-39, small diameter bomb. the strike comes just a day after the u.s. agreed to release $3.5 billion
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in military aid to israel what did the people people do to deserve this? >> this man says, where is the entire world? the whole world is seeing these massacres and staying silent it is a stinging reminder of the international community's collective failure to protect innocent palestinian civilians at the al-ahli baptist hospital families gathered to claim their dead and to say a final goodbye diplomatic efforts to reach a ceasefire agreement have intensified in the past week for the people of gaza talk of peace rings hollow clarissa ward reporting for us, clarissa, thank you very much right now israeli firefighting teams, amidst all of this, are battling multiple fires in northern israel after the idf intercepted multiple drone launches coming into israel from his balah the israeli
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military says several areas are effective affected, but no casualties have been reported, at least not yet. >> this comes as sources tell cnn, that his bulla says it's ready to strike israel independent of iran, as fears of an imminent iranian attack continue to threaten to widen this conflict into a much, much wider regional war. cnn's ben wedeman is joining us now from beirut. ben, what more are you hearing? what's the latest? >> well, what we saw today, wolf was that there was a continuation of this exchange of fire between israel and hezbollah along the line that separates the two countries. his butler claiming ten separate strikes on targets near the border and israel striking many times, various parts along the lebanese side of that border. we also saw this afternoon at about 5:30 israeli planes flying over
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beirut, breaking the sound barrier twice that's the third time in the last five weeks everybody here is anticipating waiting with a good deal of trepidation that his bulla will make good on its vow to strike israel. but as they wait people become more and more nervous this evening, we spoke to the lebanese woman, an expat who had come here with her two small children for the summer holidays she wants to get out, but she can't get a flight out until the end of the month. and so she waits not knowing what to do and for those lebanese who can just leave, there really is a growing sense of anxiety about when this strike will place will take place, and more than that, the fear of what will israel's response to that be wolf yeah, enormous fear in beirut, enormous fear here and tel aviv as well. ben wedeman, thank you very much for that report. jessica, back
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to you. >> all right. well, thanks so much and still ahead. what was supposed to be an eight-day mission to the international space station is taking far longer than sonny williams and butch wilmore expected why it's taking so long to get these astronauts back to earth. you're in the cnn newsroom violent earth with leon for him we're back to back episodes tonight at nine on cnn. i wish my tv provider let me choose what i pay for cause my subscription when i walk and have hundreds of free channels, sling, choosing customized what can alina will watch for free? >> sling, let you do that. >> when i was diagnosed with hiv, i didn't know who i would be. but here i am being me. >> keep being you and ask her health care provider about the number one prescribed hiv treatment big tare. >> but garvey is a complete one pill once a day treatment used for hiv and many people, whether you're 18 or any with one small pill, pick derby fights hiv to help you get to undetectable and stay there.
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and see how much you can save closed captioning brought to you by if you or a loved one have neizha, helium will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 800 a31, 3,700 what was supposed to be an eight-day mission aboard the international space station has turned into a real space odyssey with boeing's two astronauts, sonny williams and butch. >> butch wilmore now possibly stuck up there until february of 2025? >> the reason a technical issue with the starliner's thrusters, which nasa fears could jeopardize the astronauts
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safety on their return journey home here now to talk more about this with us is retired nasa astronaut leroy chiao. >> leroy, thanks for being here with us february 2025. they've already been up there a while. that's one while from now, how do you think they're feeling about all of this? they've always wanted to be up there for a few days well, that's true. >> nobody likes surprises and certainly the unexpected delays and the continuing delays have to be met with a little bit of furrowed about, but, you the sunny and butch are professionals are consummate professionals plenty for them to do. i'm sure the planners, schedulers are really happy to have the extra hands up there. that means a lot more research work can get done and they're not in any kind of stressor or anything like that because there's should be plenty of supplies on board to support them. so an astronaut's like being in space. so i think they're doing okay. i'm sure they he had some personal plans that had to be changed around, but these things happen. you never know what happens on a space mission in this case, you
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get to stay in space a little longer and there could be a lot worse you probably have to just be willing to roll with the punches and know that it sounds like they really, of course, want to keep their safety top of me mine as the top priority. >> we know the engineers you've been working on the thruster issues. they all but one of the 28 thrusters seemed to be working. okay. but you got to have all of them. i would imagine, and they want to make sure that they're safe well, it's not that you have to have all of them. there's redundancy built in so you can certainly tolerate failures of things like thrusters, you know, five of them failed during the approach and docking to the iss, but everything was still fine and there were still plenty of reserve left. the issue is the engineers about a week-and-a-half or so ago? they, had their arms around the problem and understood the root cause. and if you understand the root cause, then you can kind of figure out what your strategy is going to be to keep that thing from happening again. but then the problem was later they came back and said,
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you know what, we really don't fully understand what happened. if you don't understand that root cause. how can you put the crew back on the vehicle? oh and bring them back? you'd have no technical rationale for doing that. so right now, i'm sure boeing and nasa engineers are working very hard to try to determine that root cause. and if they're able to do that, than to figure out a work around. but failing that they may have to come down later when seats are available on it a spacex dragon which is flown many flights, space six been flying for around three years, flying astronauts to and from the iss and so that would be the ultimate backup option. >> all right. well, we are wishing them the best as you make a great point astronauts like to be in space and that is a wonderful thing and a good mindset, i think at this point, astronaut leroy chiao, thank you so much for your time. we appreciate it. >> my pleasure. thank you. >> still ahead. we're going to show you new video from inside it in torreon detention facility in israel reports of abuse. the u.s. is calling
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department says, israel must investigate all of this quote fully and swiftly. cnn's jeremy diamond brings us key video from inside this facility and we must warn our viewers. you may find this report disturbing this is a rare look inside israel's new notorious stay tim on detention facility in cctv footage obtained by israel's channel 12 news masked israeli soldiers select one of more than two dozen palestinian detainees lying on the ground and take him away behind a wall of shields obstructing the view of security cameras. >> the soldiers allegedly sought him is the detainee their victim was taken to a hospital in life-threatening condition with injuries to his rectum and upper body according to physicians for human rights, israel weeks after the early july incident, military police detained nine soldiers on suspicion of aggravated sodomy, abuse and other misconduct for
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have been released. but a military court extended the detention of five others, saying there is reasonable suspicion they have use the detainee it marks an extraordinarily rare pursuit of accountability at the state tim on facility for months. now, there have been allegations of torture, of abuse of these palestinian detainees, but this is the first time that israeli soldiers have actually been detained and are now set to he tried for these allegations. >> unfortunately, it's not a one-off incident information we are gathering on the ground indicates that there several cases, at least ten cases that we know of of people who are sexually abused in static man alone. >> why is this the case that is resulting in these nine soldiers being detained for questioning and potentially about to be indicted. >> this got out, this person was hospitalized in a civilian hospital where doctors and nurses and other staff members could see what happened to the person while he was
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incarcerated. instead, taking on the information leaked out. and i don't think the military or other apparatus in israel were able to keep it silent. anymore the right-wing blowback has been swift and ferocious. a few weeks ago, hundreds of protesters, including members of parliament, storm states him on and the base where the accused soldiers were being held and the lord daimyo end in israel's parliament debates like this in sued last lecture, she has been a good it will not make my shot their family members decry their arrest today. it's my brother. yes. today, them back tomorrow. it's his brother, her sister he's father here. this is our red line. we are here to stand
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and to talk and to say that this is not allowed anymore. we are not allowed to investigate our soldiers were not allowed to let any nakba talk or to ask him did you get a good time in our prison? >> her brother, who she says is innocent, has been released for the time being. the allegation that stitt him anz detainees are nukhba terrorists, the commandos who led hamas's october 7 attack is the basis for nearly every defense of abuses at the facility. doesn't hold up. >> their military released a third of the people it arrested and incarcerated incident, a man realizing they have no connection to military action, auto hamas. they're ready thing, tortured, and then released without charge back to gaza. >> and we'll the israeli military declined to comment on that surveillance footage from inside that state tame on facility, but it's just the latest piece of information
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pointing to ramp into alleged abuses at that facility earlier this week, israel's high court actually convene to consider a petition to close down that facility all together. they've given the israeli government in ten days to provide more information about conditions at that facility. >> will our thanks to jeremy diamond for that report and we'll be right back. >> the democratic national convention starts monday, august 19 on cnn and streaming on max. what is circle? circle is what you hope for lying tosses limited way so-called frost to tree for the sweet you could confidence so-called as the epr less entity that gets you in the zone available that walmart drinks as a cardiologist, when i put my patients on a statin to reduce cholesterol, i also tell them it can deplete their co queue ten levels i recommend taking cute all coke uten, q and all has three times better absorption than regular folk putin, kunal, the brand i trust
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developing story out of paris were american gymnast jordan chiles may have to return the bronze medal. she won for the floor exercise after a ruling for the court of arbitration for sport. remember the bronze medal was originally awarded two romanian teenager ana barbosu chiles had finished fifth but then successfully challenged the difficulty score which added 0.1 to her tally that put the american in third behind simone biles and brazil's rebeca on rajhi, who won gold. but earlier today, we're learning the court of arbitration for sport ruled the initial inquiry made by the usa was filed late four seconds after the one-minute deadline, the international gymnastics federation said it would restore third place position to barbosu following the cas decision, but said it would be up to the international olympic committee to restore the bronze medal. now to the latest and team usa's gold medal haul, steph curry and lebron, leading them men's basketball team to their fifth-straight gold defeating host country france
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soccer team, also bringing home gold for the first time since london 2012 cnn's coy wire has highlights now from paris another huge day of competition here at these paris olympics. so many headlines, it's impossible to pick the headliner. >> so we'll just start with a men's basketball gold medal match at bercy arena. behind me. the stack us men's team taken on host nation france at a raucous crowd france getting a stellar game out of their phenom nba rookie of the year, victor wembanyama, a game-high 26 points and the french kept it close down to the final two minutes. but that's when steph curry said his first ever olympics on fire, hidden for dagher threes, putting the french to sleep, usa wins 90 87 wembanyama, heartbroken, emotional afterwards, getting hugs from both sides, team usa has now won five straight olympic golds us, women's
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soccer team won its first olympic gold since 2012, facing powerhouse brazil, america's mallory swanson, scored the u.s goal in the 57 a minute. >> and that goalkeeper, alyssa naeher, make a huge save in stoppage time, sealing the deal. >> one mills, the final coach emma hayes has only been at the helm for two months, but his brought the us back from years of frustration from players and fans. swanson missed last year's world cup with an injury. now she's the hero crying after the game, haven't scored the biggest goal of her career. team usa's sweeps, the women's and men's four by 400 meter relays. shamir little, sydney mclaughlin-levrone, he, gabby thomas and alexis holmes, shattering the american record, torching the field in three minutes, 15 good point 0.27 seconds, more than four seconds ahead of the netherlands who took silver, team gb took the bronze, the men's team of christopher bailey, vernon nor would bryce dedmon and rye benjamin set an olympic record.
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two minutes, 54 54.43 seconds, and they needed every bit of it to get the gold. benjamin held off a challenge from botswana to win by just one-tenth of a second breaking news, canada's phil wizard wins olympic gold in breaking in front of a party he's seen here in paris, the 26-year-old put on his show in a hyped up battle against france's danny danon, who took silver wizard. he danced his way through 15 grueling rounds throughout the day to earn that gold, american victor montalvo danced his way to bros. and just like that, it's almost time for the music to stop from for this part already the end here in paris as sunday brings the final day of competition and the closing ceremony at these 2024 olympic games in paris all right, coy wire. >> thanks so much. we'll look at the medal count on this next to last day of olympics. the united states in the lead with 122 metals including 38 golds, 42 silver, and 42 bronze. china has 90 metals and most gold with 39, great britain and france, and australia rounding
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out the top five. there. conspiracy theories about the 2020 election led to the storming of the u.s capitol. and now four years later, cnn senior correspondent donie o'sullivan travels the country and finds that alternative media continues to spread viral and dangerous lies. and he shares his journey in this sunday's the whole story with anderson cooper misinfonation, patriots pillows and paper ballots. here's a preview the election was stolen. >> it's six battleground states. those six states were decided by the votes of illegal aliens who came in through our open border these false beliefs about the last selection are being used as a pretext to cause chaos and confusion about the next election. and they've spread far beyond this room in vegas this is not a fight between democrats versus republicans. come all this is a
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fight against good and evil. and you think it'd be a fair election i think they're going to try and cheat, are voting was always are you concerned if trump loses? >> that there'll be another january 6, no. i think it will be civil war be sure to tune in an all new episode of the whole story with anderson cooper, one whole hour, one whole story. it airs tomorrow at 8:00 p.m. eastern and pacific only on cnn thank you so much for joining me this evening. i'm jessica dean in new york, along with wolf blitzer in tel aviv. we're going to see you again tomorrow night, starting at five eastern. have a great night. all right ext, the rise of
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misinformation. >> donie o'sullivan reports from the front lines. >> farah knows taylor swift as a government psyop i don't know what to believe the whole story with anderson cooper next on cnn. >> why do couples choose asleep numbers? smart bet. >> i need help whether snoring sleep number does that thank you. >> during our biggest sale of the year, say 50% on the street number limited edition smart been jumped out to sleep number store near you the smooth running, longest lasting pilot g2 has long been the hero. >> gelling and would erode it doesn't have a dark side introducing the g2 edge. >> the same number one selling gelling pennant america. now with an innovative laser edge design cushion welcome for grip and durable tungsten carbide
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