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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  August 11, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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would get so sweaty after a workout and my scalp would get so itchy, my friend recommended that jolie filtered showerhead. now joey, i don't have an itchy scalp anymore rahel solomon in new york and this is cnn you are in the cnn newsroom. i'm jessica dean in new york i'm wolf blitzer in tel aviv tonight new uncertainty here in the middle east surrounding the upcoming ceasefire and hostage talks between israel and hamas. >> hamas officials are not casting doubt on whether they will even attend the next scheduled meeting on thursday all this marks a step back in the process and comes with tensions clearly running very high here in the middle east, israel is bracing for a possible retaliatory attack from iran after the killing of a hamas leader in tehran with new intelligence now saying it could happen within days, we've
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got our reporters across the middle east and we'll have updates throughout the hour in the meantime, jessica, back to you. >> all right. wolf, we will see you very soon back here in the u.s. >> we are learning more about president biden's decision to pay pass the torch to his vice president, kamala harris, and his first sit down interview since dropping out of the race exactly three weeks ago today biden minute. he always intended to be a one-term president, but said when it came to running a second time, quote, things got moving so quickly when i ran the first time i thought to myself as being a transition precedent i can't even say how old i am. it's hard for me to get out of my mouth and but things got moving so quickly. it didn't happen. >> but i thought it was important because all the way it's a great honor being president i think i'm an obligation to the country to do what i most important thing you can do and that is we must, we must, we must defeat trump cnn
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senior white house course. our white house reporter, kevin liptack is joining us now and kevin did the president say what ultimately led him to make this difficult decision? >> well, he said that he abandoned his bid for president because he feared becoming a distraction for democrats, not necessarily just at the top of the ticket, but down ballot as well for those in races for the house or for the senate just get it's so interesting to hear from him in his own words about this decision, we really haven't heard from him in a fulsome way since he decided did to drop his bid for president. he doesn't reveal any second thoughts about this decision, but certainly he does say that a polls had shown him neck and neck with donald trump heading into it. but he said what ultimately led him to make this choice was a fear that he could be a drag on fellow democrats. listen to what he said what happened was a number of my democratic colleagues in the house and senate start to libraries can hurt him in the
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races and i was concerned if i stayed in the race that would be the topic you've been a very mount. >> why did nancy pelosi say why did so? and i thought it'd be a real distraction now, in this interview, the president denies that his poor debate performance revealed anything else about a larger health issue. >> he said he just had a really, really bad day in that debate because he was sick and he really does make clear that his decision originally well, decision to run again for reelection was rooted in this fear that donald trump could retake the white house. he talks about donald trump's potential support for white supremacists. he raises the issue of the charlottesville rally back in 2017. he said that even the kkk has seen trump as an act ally and really makes very clear that he doesn't believe a peaceful transfer of power would take place if trump were to lose the election and kevin the
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president also talked about some plans for hitting the campaign trail and supporting vice president harris. >> what do we expect to see? >> and this is going to be interesting to see just how welcomed president biden will actually be on the campaign trail. he said in this interview that he's making plans for a tour of pennsylvania that's a state where he's from. he's enormously popular there, but he says he's going to do whatever camila things i can do to help the most. now, just this week, we will see biden and harris at their first official joint events. she became the democratic standard bearer. they will be in maryland talking about the economy and that will be an important moment for this passing of the torch between these two democrats. >> all right, kevin liptack for us. thank you so much, vice president kamala harris appears to be taking a page from donald trump's policy proposals ending the federal tax on tips, speaking to thousands of supporters at a rally in las vegas last night, harris offered one of her first notable economic policies since becoming the party's
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presumptive nominee and it is my promise to everyone here when i am president, we will continue our fight for working families including to raise the minimum wage eliminate taxes on tips for service and hospitality worker now on trump first floated the idea during his own los vegas rally back in june, and he immediately responded to harris his pitch on truth social, calling her a quote, copycat the hospitality workers union and the culinary workers union, both of which have endorsed harris, have downplayed trump's proposal with the culinary union secretary, treasurer, saying, quote relief is definitely needed for tip earners. >> nevada workers are smart enough to know the difference between real solutions and wild campaign promises from a convicted felon as the harris walz campaign continues to
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capitalize on its momentum, the trump-vance team is trying best to adapt to the new state of this race. trump spent the weekend campaigning and fundraising in red republican states of wyoming and montana. trump was able to bring in cash at a fundraising event with a $28 $28,000,000 haul. meantime, trump's running mate, senator j.d. vance pio, still spoke to cnn's dana bash, attempting to respond to the attacks that he's weird so i think that what it is is two people, kamala harris and tim walz who aren't comfortable in their own skin because they're uncomfortable with their policy positions for the american people. >> and so they're name-calling instead of actually telling the american people how they're going to make their lives better. i think that's weird, dana, but look, they can call me whatever they want to. >> they have done both they have both policies and they are trying to define him if you go to kamala harris's campaign page right now, they still don't have a policy. let's talk about what they're going to do. >> i think that's really insulting to americans hurricane joining me now to
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discuss the latest on this presidential race as former republican governor of minnesota, tim pawlenty and governor, thanks so much for being here with us this sunday afternoon. >> we're glad to have you good to be with you and your viewers, jessica, thank you. >> thank you. >> you you and governor tim walz, obviously on opposite sides of the aisle. but i'm curious, how do you think he's performed on the trail this week? and as as as as harris pick well, i don't agree with his politics, but i know tim walz, i've done a number of events with them over the years. he's likeable. he spoke see, he's friendly, but the catches this, he's extremely progressive. he's the most self self-declared, most progressive governor in the country. and you combine that with the top of the ticket vice president harris, who is ranked no as the most liberal senator in the united states senate. and you have an extremely progressive, some would say socialist ticket that may be a bridge too far on policy for many americans, but they don't like trump, those swing voters too much either. so there's
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going to be a real dilemma with those swing voters as to which way they go. >> you know, it's interesting i hear you and obviously flee that is the republicans and trump are trying to define them as very liberal ticket, but that new york times sienna poll of michigan, wisconsin, and pennsylvania came out only 44% thought that there too liberal, so it wasn't a majority so far that's not cutting through with a majority of voters yeah. >> and i think the trump campaign will have to do a better job highlighting things like their position on open borders. their role in causing inflation. the crime situation. what many people perceive as wokeness run a muck and more. but the trump campaign is going to have to do a better job at convincing those swing voters that those she's those policy issues are enough to repel them away from harris and walz and give trump a second look, a second consideration and so many people i'm talking to, people like you also consultants, also analysts, people who have been elected to office who are republicans are
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saying they want this to be about the issues just like what what you're saying that trump and his campaign need to keep bringing this back to the issues and keep talking to voters about issues that matter to them. >> and yet this week, we really saw the former president, even in his back-and-forth this question-and-answer with the press. and later at his rally, going off about personal attacks, there was really very little policy, if any, in a lot of what he was saying this week jessica, that's a great point. >> and i was disappointed that president trump didn't take advantage after the shooting of that convention speech to give a true and authentic and sincere speech that would be magically go something like this. i learned some things the country needs healing. i'm still going to be trump. i'm still going to fight like a dog. okay. i'm still going to say bold things, but i'm going to be better as a candidate and as a leader and show some more civility and some more focus, even within his own campaign. and i think also when made the vp pick, he could have picked somebody like nikki haley as a way to perhaps reach out to
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those swing voters soft republicans, independent voters but they doubled down. both sides have doubled down on the left. they've doubled down on the progressive perspective with that ticket. and president trump doubled down on his ticket. so now you're going to have a real base turnout race where each side is going to try to max the turnout on their base and try to convince the other side is evil and that they should it will swing voters should come the other way because he other side is so bad and senator vance did did a whole round of media interviews talking to a lot of press over the weekend. >> he talked to our dana bash earlier today. i want to play a clip of what he said about his attacks on vice president harris. let's listen to that. >> you called out kamala harris and pete buttigieg, in particular, kamala harris has two stepchildren. pete buttigieg and his husband have adopted 20 do you recognize them as parents and more broadly as being part of families? >> will of course i do. dana i never dana criticized people for not having kids. i
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criticize people for being anti-child do you think governor, that is an effective pushback and effective attack on the democratic ticket. would you rephrase it reframe it in a different way? well. as you know, when you're explaining, you're losing in politics. so when you have to talk about how your comments weren't anti-child or anti parent, you know, it's a losing argument. so as soon as they can get off those topics and get on the offense on some of the other ones i mentioned earlier in this interview, they'd be well-served, but he's dug himself a big hole that's not an effective way of digging out of it. but you never should have said that in the first place. >> all right. governor tim pawlenty, we really do appreciate your time. thanks so much you're welcome we have more news ahead and for that, let's go now to wolf blitzer, who is in tel aviv. wolf jessica, thank you very much. >> excellent interview by the way, there are major developments right? now. here in tel aviv and we'll discuss that report on that. that's coming up with ceasefire talks
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aimed at stopping the war in gaza set to resume this coming week. i'm thursday, it appears hamas. yes hamas, a baby holding out why? and could a ceasefire hostage deal still happen without hamas at the table plus, the israeli military with a new message to its citizens. idf troops are deployed and ready should iran and or hezbollah strike the jewish state, we have new information and we will share with you when we come back our team of reporters and experts are ready to explain what's at stake right now. there's a lot at stake. i'm wolf blitzer in tel aviv here in the cnn newsroom cnn is live from chicago as democrats unite to offer their support to a new nominee and her running mate fellow cnn for complete coverage. >> the democratic national convention starts monday, august 19 on cnn and streaming on max morgan stanley is
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jessica schneider at the federal courthouse in washington. >> and this is cnn tonight, new developments in the upcoming gaza and ceasefire. >> a hostage negotiations. hamas officials are now casting doubt on whether they will even attend the meeting scheduled for this thursday. the group citing the recent israeli airstrikes in gaza among its reasons for possibly pulling out. once again, the talks are scheduled for thursday. the change comes with israel bracing for retaliatory attack from iran and or hezbollah after the killing of a hamas leader in tehran, cnn cnn's international diplomatic editor, nic robertson is here with me in tel aviv and germany, journalist elliott gotkine is joining us from london. elliott was previously based for a few years here in
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tel aviv, nic, this is a major blow potentially to the hopes for a ceasefire and a deal to release the hostages. >> it would equals into the question whether or not the talks that were expected to happen on thursday can really go ahead. how can they happen in a meaningful way without hamas being present, it feels a bit like a pre negotiation, negotiation jockeying for position because in their statement, they list the reasons why they wouldn't attend the recent strike in gaza on the school that killed 90 people according to according to officials inside of gaza, the idf say that they were going after hamas senior figures there. caught, they call into question things that prime minister benjamin netanyahu, they say has tried to add on an embellish to deal for the benefit of israel, the one that president biden has spoken about in late july. so there it feels like there's sort of pre negotiating particularly when just hours before hamas had said they're willing to go for this deal.
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and of course, this whole situation is much bigger than the previous ceasefire. hostage talks that we've had why? quite simply because iran's retaliatory strike hezbollah's retaliatory strike also appear to depend on a positive outcome. at these talks. on thursday. and now the question will they even wait? now when you have this language from hamas, hamas? questioning whether they'll attend, will iran wait for those talks will hezbollah wait for those tools? will they have their retaliatory strike sooner? >> because there's a lot of concern here in israel that those retaliatory strikes from his balah and iran could start within the next few days will see what happens. a very dangerous situation, elliott, how do you think netanyahu is going to play? hey, these talks and could this be a tactical move by hamas to help improve their position at the negotiating table when these talks formerly resume on thursday well, if as far as hamas is concerned, it's
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important to note that in contrast to previous talks, this is our first ones where yahya sinwar, the head of hamas in gaza, the architect of the october the seventh terrorist attacks is now also hamas, the head of hamas's political bureau. >> so he may be looking to lay down a marker in terms of his negotiating tactics, let's not forget that he's seemed to be much closer to iran and much more of a hardliner than others in the organization that may have replaced ismail haniyeh, who was assassinated on the 31 july in a guest house in tehran, as far as prime minister benjamin netanyahu was concerned, i think it's worth remembering that even in the wake of president and biden's grand announcement that this framework agreement between israel and hamas was going to be agreed upon and everyone thought that a deal was going to happen imminently, prime minister netanyahu did actually come out and say he accepted what president biden had said. but at the same time, he at least from his perspective, his view was that what president biden? didn't was saying didn't preclude israel from
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doing the things that it said it wanted to do and that hamas said it didn't want to allow to happen, namely for israel to have the option if you like, to go back to war after this six week temporary ceasefire. but certainly prime minister netanyahu, when he goes into this negotiations or his negotiators, are there even if whether they do or don't have someone to negotiate with via the mediators he will want to be able to insist that he is sticking to his war objectives are not giving up on the mainly to destroy hamas's military and governance capabilities to get all the hostages home. hundred and 15 or so still in gaza, about a third of whom are believed to be dead and to prevent the gaza strip from posing great to israel in future. and if he can stick to those, then he will feel that he can sell it to the israeli people, even if he can't, the most right-wing members of his coalition, wolf all right. >> nick, there's also new reporting. i know we're getting on a possible iranian retaliatory strike against israel, where you and i are right now. >> yeah, there's an intelligent assessment. we
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don't know what all the details that bringing into that assessment, but an intelligence assessment in israel that says iran could strike as early as tomorrow when that would have a symbolic value for fool the iranians, because this is a major and important day in israel commemorating some of the saddest events in israeli history of the destruction of the two principal temples. so this is a day that might be suspicious for iran in their mind to strike and why did, why can we analyze perhaps for this the ground behind this assessment? iran has said, and this is contrary to what they were saying last week. they've seemed to accept this principle that if there could be movement on gaza than they could hold off their retaliation, they're now saying that their retaliation and gaza a two separate issues so add to that the possibility that hamas is signaling that these talks are going to be just like every other set of talks. so the
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iranian leadership is going to sit there and say, well, what are we waiting for? because nothing is actually changing. and the premise of all of this getting around to hold still was that something was changing in these talks that there would be a new position from the israeli side that as you pointed out, tuesday is the jewish holy day of tisza, about which marks the destruction of the holy temple in jerusalem. a few thousand years ago, a very sad day of fasting and prayer for the jewish people. all right, thank you very much. we'll see how that unfolds. nic robertson, elliott gotkine to both of you. thanks. very, very much. right now. i want to turn to the former us defense secretary william cohen, secretary cohen, thanks so much for joining us. i want to get your reaction now. take your assessment on where these potential ceasefire talks between israel and hamas appear to stand right now, what do you think? >> well, it's getting very frustrating for i think the world community who look at what's taking place, who keeps
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moving the goalposts is if the israelis hit the hamas and the palestinians and so i think we have to do is say to the israelis this is a chance, you need to take. and that is there, say, i'll show up or i'll send my negotiators to show up on thursday and put the burden on the iranians and hamas and hezbollah just say no, we're not interested because this really we're at a crossroads right now. and i think when i was a young student, in high-school in grade school at a crossing, we used to say stop, look and listen. what we have to do is stop the killing. we have to look at ways in which we can provide for a peaceful approach to getting the hostages back in a path forward for the palestinians to have a state. and if we don't do that yet, the lesson lost on our part and a kind of march to folly, a new chapter in the march to volley we're learning today,
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secretary cohen, by way of egyptian and qatari mediators, that the leader of hamas says he wants to reach a deal. >> does the israeli prime minister benjamin is ten you in europe? opinion wanted deal. what's your, what's your view i don't know. >> i've known the prime minister for many, many years. i don't know what his position right now. i will say this wolf, the united states, has indicated that we are fully supportive of the state of israel and its its right to exist as a jewish state free of terrorism and free of any kind of assault upon their, their territory. we have also demonstrated that we are willing to send our men and women in uniform to fight on foreign soil to protect our allies who are fighting for freedom what we are not, i think, eager to do is have our men and women come under attack when there is an opportunity for a peaceful resolution or a path to peace. and our allies fail to take that, putting our lives on the line are men and
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women in uniform on the line when there was a path to peace so i'm hoping that the israelis understand that we are with them, but we are not going to be with them to the extent when they have a, an element in their government, who said we don't want any peace, we don't want any deal. but we're willing to risk a regional war, which by the way, is not regional. it will be global in its consequences. it will affect the lives of every person on this planet in terms of inflationary pressures joblessness, and despair. so nothing is regional. it's global an impact. i want to make sure that the israelis and the palestinians understand there's an opportunity here for pursuing peace. let's not take think the path down to more war, more for tat. and finally, the escalation of warfare to the point that we're entering dante's inferno of hell you're a former defense secretary, as you know, the u.s. has been moving
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battleships, aircraft, carrier, battle groups into the eastern mediterranean, not far from where we are here in tel aviv. what's behind these moves? what's your assessment? is this a good idea for the u.s. to be doing so? >> i think we have to i think if the iranians now are planning a major attack or asking that hezbollah and lebanon to plant a major attack. it could overwhelm the israeli defense capabilities. so we are there as a deterrent, were there to tell the iranians don't do this? well, i don't do this because you are now calling upon. you will be having united states respond and we will respond in a way you may not anticipate and the risks to us is that not every power is going to sit on the sidelines so if iran were to come under attack from us or the israelis, you don't know whether the russians are going to sit on the sidelines and wait it out to see how it happened. you don't know whether china will have an interest in trying to pursue
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peace there and take some other measures. you don't know whether the iranian terrorist network around the world will take action against so americans here at home or abroad so this is very serious and that's why i say there are lessons to be learned from history, from those who have pursued folly instead of sitting back and looking at how do we calculate the opportunity for peace versus pursuing a hateful dialogue? fog i'm sorry, hateful ideolog coming from the from the hamas and the hizballah. you can't kill an ideology with bullets or bombs. >> you can restrain it to go contain it for a while. >> you can't kill nazism, you can kill nazis, but not nazism. you can kill hamas leaders. but there's always going to be somebody coming up behind them. so we have to look at the long term and say, how do we pursue an opportunity for the palestinians to have a state that lives in peace with the state of israel. that's the
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goal. i think that the president biden, who laid it down as an opportunity, i think the israelis have to look at it and say, we willing to pursue this, we're going to have to have a partner in this. we're not going to deal with hamas who dedicated to our destruction, but we're willing to sit down, get our hostages back, and stop the killing in terms of the for tat missile launches against innocent civilians, as well as the hamas leadership. and then maybe there's a chance for peace without it. we're facing a catastrophe in the making yeah, it's a very, very dangerous, very scary situation here in the middle east right now, as you correctly pointed out, the former secretary of defense william cohen, thanks so much for joining us well, if you're one of our olympians and we want you to be safe you are one of the year. >> year ago champ fbi in our opinion, and one of our leaders internationally, so be safe? >> i will be safe over here. thanks so much, mr. secretary,
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always good to have you join us here on cnn and jessica back to you. in a secretary is right there wolf, you are our olympic champion. thank you so much. i appreciate it. up next for us a day after the trump campaign says it was hacked, possibly by iran. we're going to look at what efforts are being done to keep this election safe and secure and i'm going to be joined by andrew mccabe, former deputy director of the fbi, and now a cnn senior law enforcement analyst. when we come back here in the cnn newsroom tonight on the whole story, donie o'sullivan dives back into the world of misinformation no computer crews that are using our election have software that was illegal. this information cause chaos in november's election. the whole story with anderson cooper tonight at 8:00 on cnn with cargo ruse, filter millions of listings to land the perfect deal only you could do things your way all the time imagine that you get it with gurus meet the jennifer's gen
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sheets. it's time to make the switch at earth anderson cooper 360 weeknights at 8:00 on cnn closed captioning brought to you by meso book if you or a loved one have neizha, the ileum up, we'll send you a free book to answer questions you may have called now and we'll come to you 800 a31, 3,700 the trump campaign is blaming foreign sources for a hack of its internal documents, politico is reporting it got emails from an anonymous account including a
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dossier on j.d. >> vance, a spokesperson for the national security council's and the biden administration, quote, strongly condemns any foreign government or entity who attempts to interfere in our electoral a process. cnn senior law enforcement analyst and former fbi deputy director andrew mccabe is joining us now. andrew, nice to see you. how significant is this? >> i think. it's incredibly significant it's not new. >> i mean, this is something we have seen in the last series of presidential election cycles infamously in 2016, we were focused on russian misinformation and russian cyber activity. that was a clear effort to undermine and influence what's the election. but in 2020 we saw it again and this time we saw the iranians enter this space. and that appears to be what we're seeing again now, you have an iranian group affiliated with the irgc the military intelligence part of the iranian government actively trying to steal
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apparently information from former president trump's campaign. >> and the trump campaign is citing this report published by microsoft that said iranian operatives had ramped up their attempts to influence and monitor the presidential election. the iranian mission to the un has responded saying the iranian government neither possesses or harbors any intent or motive to interfere in the united states presidential election do you believe that of course not. >> that's exactly what any intelligence service would say when they were caught with their hand in the cookie jar, which appears to be the case here. now we can't say for sure that what the microsoft threat analysis center report, which is how we know about the iranian activity. we can't say for absolutely sure that that's what the trump campaign campaign folks are describing. but the facts seem to line up. there hasn't been a confirmation there, but it appears that it is the iranian group that has attempted to hack into the trump campaign so
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far, all we've seen are a few documents that quite frankly don't seem to be that that big of a deal. but the question of course, is how much did they take and is this going to be an extended campaign of periodic releases designed to have a bigger impact over time, right? >> like a drip, drip, drip of sorts. and more broadly to i wonder about your thoughts that they're taking essentially a page out of the russian playbook. if it is in fact iran they absolutely are. does it gets this is what intelligence agencies do. right? they follow the lead of the bigger better funded, better trained agents. sees that execute in new directions. once you see that happens successfully as it certainly was for the russians in 2016, you can expect smaller services to follow suit in the years that in the years to come, that seems to be what's happened here with the iranians. as i said, they tried it in 2020 among very similar
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lines. and they seem to be following the same playlist today. >> yeah. and it's very good context for us. thank you so much, andrew mccabe. we appreciate it thanks we have much more news still ahead. cnn's wolf blitzer is in tel aviv. and will be joined by congressman jared moskowitz of florida. that's coming up next this fall comedy is coming to cnn what could go wrong i got news for you for me. >> or saturday, september 14 at nine on cnn they're back verizon small business days are here. august 5 to the 11th. get a free check check, and special offers like a free 5g phone when he switch, don't miss out, gets started today can you do this as early as your 40s? you may lose muscle and strength proteins supports muscle health in shear max protein has a 30 grand blend of high-quality protein to feed
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>> i'm wolf blitzer in tel aviv or ron has decided to attack israel directly and may do so within the next few days, that according to cnn analyst and axios reporter barak ravid, citing two sources, adding to that reporting, hamas is casting doubt over whether it will participate in ceasefire talks scheduled for this week upcoming in on thursday taken together both developments certainly represent a major setback to truce talks that have not made any major headway for months now congressman jared moscowitz is joining us now from his district that includes parts of fort lauderdale in florida. congressman, thanks so much for joining us. can i first get your reaction to that reporting you just heard? >> well on the hamas front about them deciding whether or not they're going to agree to a ceasefire talks. i mean, we've known for months now the reason we don't have an agreement on a ceasefire is because of sinwar, the head of hamas in gaza. he is refusing
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to agree to a ceasefire. he continues to move the goalposts on what he will accept for a ceasefire deal and so that doesn't surprise me that they're continuing to hold out and not release the hostages in exchange for a ceasefire. he wants hamas to stay in control of gaza. that is never going to happen. on the iran front. obviously, it's disturbing news. i know the biden administration, along with all our allies in the region saudi arabia, jordan, everyone working egypt, trying to make sure that this does not become a regional war, but obviously with iran making that decision, it's becoming more and more concerning. i also don't necessarily believe the latest threat i think hezbollah will also join in and we will see both hezbollah and iran, both going after israel hopefully this can be contained wolf, because obviously the israelis have made it clear should they go after civilian targets
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israel's response will not be proportionate. so it's a very concerning time right now. >> so if this conflict, were to expand and we heard president biden express that fear earlier today in the cbs news interview, how might america's role change potentially if in fact this conflict escalates into some sort of full-scale regional war. a lot of people are worried about that yeah, well, look, obviously, you know, we have the russians and the chinese in the background, don't forget about them. obviously, they're still very mad about what's going on in ukraine. maybe they're helping us behind the scenes. maybe they're not. it's a very unclear at the moment, but obviously this would become a major headache for the united states. he would become a terrible thing for the entire region. obviously, all options should be on the table. that's what the president should be communicating, but it's his decision. it's the biden-harris administration's decision to figure out what we want to do, but you can be sure that
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president biden, vice president harris is going to make sure that israel's security but he is protected and that iran is not going to get a win here. in fact, that's why they built this coalition the first time around, tried to do this. and as i said previously, wolf, it's interesting right? israel had specific strategic targets, people who are responsible for october 7 they went and they killed those specific murderers and now iran wants to come with a completely disproportionate attack on the entire country so that is the escalation, that is the real concern. how the israelis respond to that. well, look, this will be the second time iran does a major attack on the court contrary, that just cannot continue to go on for free without israel deciding that it's a time to eliminate the nuclear capability of the iranian regime, which is what i think the israelis are probably thinking about. >> this could really escalate
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big time and there's enormous concern. i can tell you, congressman, here in tel aviv, israelis are very, very concerned that they're going to be hearing sirens pretty soon and telling everyone to go to bomb shelters and stay safe. we're watching and we're waiting to see what happens. congressman jared moscowitz florida. thanks so much for joining us thanks. >> will jessica, back to you. well, thank you. and still ahead, gymnast jordan chiles ordered to give back her bronze medal. what the u.s. is now doing to appeal that decision you're in the scene in new newsroom. did read this. >> didn't i get where i'm at keys memory and thinking issues keep piling up. >> it may be due to a buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain. visit more than normal from meat-free monday to sunday so many ways to save
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plastic jugs. so it's time to make the switch which at earth, i'm coy wire in paris and this is cnn closed captioning brought to you by if you or a, loved one have mesothelial mac will send you a free book to answer questions you may have called now and we'll come to you 800 a31, 3,700 developing now us gymnast jordan chiles, now ordered to return her bronze
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medal for the new gymnastics floor exercise by the international olympic committee that metal instead going to go to romanian competitor ana barbosu. and it comes after a court of arbitration for sport ruling saturday which said the initial inquiry made by the u.s. over child well, score was filed four seconds too late after the one-minute deadline cnn sports analyst and usa today sports columnist, christine brennan joining us now live from paris. christine, there's so many questions about this. is the u.s the olympic committee is appealing, but who were they appealing to? >> do they have a strong case. have you ever seen in anything like this jessica? >> actually, they do have a strong case. they are appealing to the court of arbitration for sport that is the same group that just issued that ruling yesterday. this is very similar for anyone following the kamila valieva figure skating drama over the last two-and-a-half years where it kept going back to cast court of arbitration for sport, the supreme court for sports and the world that's what's going to happen
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here. the united states, us olympic and paralympic committee is going to throw its full weight and might and money at this. >> and they also have some new evidence jessica usa gymnastics has announced in the last couple of hours that they have video timestamped evidence of the coach putting the appeal and at 47 seconds not at 64 seconds. so it's a lot of minutiae here for what that means is that's within the one-minute 47 seconds, 13 seconds before the midnight deadline and if that evidence is what the u.s. >> says it is, and i'm certainly believe it would be then that would prove that the u.s. did file the appeal, which then i'd ask two sources with the court of arbitration for sport. what on earth were they looking at? if they in fact had the appeal filed before the minute deadline that apparently the u.s. had failed to meet when the u.s. now has evidenced that they did meet that deadline? >> yeah, absolutely. i think so many people, of course, such
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cheering her on it and hoping this all gets resolved, she hits keep that metal on a happier note. the final medal of the games going to team usa and women's basketball. and it was a great game it was, it was a little too close for comfort for the united states, only one-point, one-point win over france. france playing at home those french crowd have been amazing. >> anyone watching swimming and leon marshall and you just know that the french get that extra boost when they're on the court or on the pool because of the french crowds that have been but boy boisterous and lovely and delightful. >> and the u.s. do not play well for the us. did not look good, but they hang on and they want a veteran laden us team. and that is the eighth consecutive gold medal for the united states. they last slots jessica in 1992 in barcelona, that's how much they have than winning. this is the most dominant team, men's, women's any sport on the planet. >> they are that good and unfortunately, they don't get
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all the attention, say over the women's soccer team or the men's basketball team? >> i think in large part because they're almost too good for their own good, which sounds ridiculous. but in an olympics where there's so many others thanks to cover, often, journalists have to make a choice or editors have to make a choice and his team does not get as much attention as it should, but certainly we now know they won that gold and it was great that the women ended the olympics. usually the men and the olympics prepares, switched it all up and allow the women to have center stage at the very end. and the u.s. women delivered with another gold medal. >> when we celebrate them today, christine brennan, thank you so much thank you. >> jessica. >> and we'll be right back. >> my grandfather's run my other hat or for over 75 years now, 99-years-old and he come five days a week. >> if we let them shape his grave nice at the swell live for you bathing, finding the exact date on ancestry at that our family business was founded
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