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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  August 12, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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free text. now prime ministers,
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allies say that he does want to get to a deal. >> hamas is now casting doubt on whether or not they will actually attend and that latest round of talks. >> i wonder what kamala harris thinks about the fact that she supported policies that open the american southern border. >> we know our immigration system is broken and we know what it takes to fix the olympics. >> once again, showing that perhaps sport better than anything else can bring people together from all over the world live from london. >> this is cnn newsroom with christina macfarlane hello, and a warm welcome to our viewers joining us from the united states and all around the world. >> i'm christina macfarlane. max has the day off and it's monday, august 12, 9:00 a.m.
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here in london, 4:00 a.m. in washington us defense secretary lloyd austin has now ordered a guided missile submarine to the middle east. a message of deterrence to iran and its proxies. as fears grow of a potential attack on israel. cnn, political and foreign policy analyst barak ravid reports that according to a source, israeli defense minister yoav gallant told austin that iran appears to be preparing for a large-scale attack. and this will come days ahead of gaza ceasefire talks due to take place. this week in a joint statement, leaders of france, germany, and the uk are endorsing calls from mediators urging israel and hamas to accept a ceasefire and hostage deal. concern that a wider regional conflict could break out. cnn's paula hancocks is joining me here following developments and pull let's first talk about that missile submarine. it's quite unusual move for the pentagon to be so public in its arrival to the region. so what's the strategy here? >> absolutely. i mean, the very
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nature of these submarines is that they are below the water. you're not supposed to know where they are and they have the element of surprise. the fact that this has been announced so publicly shows that the main purpose of it being there is for a sign of deterrence to iran. the fact that this has been publicized that shows that it is a very clear message to iran that the u.s. is backing israel, that if they are going to carry out some kind of retaliation, that the u.s. will be right by the sight of israel. this is a nuclear powered submarine, its armed with cruise missiles. it was carrying out drills in the mediterranean sea and then was deployed here but it is highly unusual to be publicizing this, which shows that the u.s. is being very vocal in its messaging to iran. there's also a carrier strike group which is heading to the region that's been accelerated now as well, to make sure that they are seen to be very much by the side. it of israel because they
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are waiting for this iranian retaliation around on friday once again said that it will come because it's sovereignty has been violated. after ismail haniyeh, the hamas chief was assassinated on its territory regarding the ceasefire, we know mediators are meeting this week, but it's not clear yet if hamas or even going to attend that, or indeed if netanyahu as well feels the need to be present and part of these negotiations at this time so for months, both sides have been blaming each other for this, not progressing and this is no different than the talks according to egypt and qatar are still going ahead on thursday the u.s will be part of that as well as the mediation team. >> but what we've heard from hamas is a statement saying that they have already agreed to a proposal that president biden has very vocally put his support behind. and so suggesting they don't necessarily need to be at this
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meeting. i'll read you the statement they came out with, the movement demands the mediation to present a plan to implement what they have presented to the movement and agreed upon on july i second 2024, based on biden's vision and un security council resolution, and to compel the occupation to do so instead of going for further negotiation rounds or new proposals. so if you read between the lines that is effectively saying we haven't agreed to this proposal. what's the point in going back for more negotiations? we heard from the israeli side though that they are going to send a delegation, the prime minister's office saying that. but again, they're still speculation as to whether or not the prime minister is behind this deal, whether he fully supports it, given the far right wing pressure on his coalition. that's a very convoluted way of saying, we don't know if this meeting is going to go ahead or if anything, and if it does, it's thursday this week. it's expected to be on say, okay, we
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will wait and see paula hancocks. thanks very much. >> now with 85 days to go until election day, president joe biden says, he will do whatever he can to help vice president kamala harris get elected to the oval office. >> mr. biden's comments came during his first sit down interview since dropping out of the presidential race, three weeks ago will we see you out on the campaign trail for vice president harris? yes, he will. i could talk to her frequently talking to governor shapiro, who is a friend we have to win pennsylvania, my original home state. he and i put together a campaign tour and pennsylvania. i'm gonna be campaigning other states as well. i going to do whatever and combo thinks i can do to help most the president also shared new details about his decision to suspend his reelection campaign, saying his goal is to defeat donald trump. >> our vice president kamala harris is also promising to
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reform the u.s. immigration system. here's what she told her supporters at a rally in nevada on saturday we know our immigration system is broken and we know what it takes to fix it comprehensive reform that includes yes, strong border security and earned pathway h's citizenship meantime, a new poll by the new york times and sienna college shows a tight presidential race overall with no clear leader. >> but it also shows harris leading donald trump by four points in the crucial states of pennsylvania, wisconsin, and michigan over the weekend, harris returned to her home state of california for the first time since becoming the democratic presidential nominee. she attended a fundraiser in san francisco telling her donors that the real work for her campaign is still to come. cnn's kevin liptak has more vice president kamala harris is looking to extend the momentum that has
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surrounded her presidential campaign into a new week. she did conclude a five-city introductory tour of the new harris-walz ticket. it was followed by an enormous amount of susie asm in energy. all told, vice president harris spoke to tens of thousands of people at her rallies across last week. that is also extended to her fundraising on sunday, the vice president spoke to 700 donors in san francisco, bringing in around $12 million to her campaign war we're chest and her message to those donors was, don't be complacent. she told them she's never been one to really believe in the polls and that they can take nothing for granted. she does acknowledge that it's been a good couple of weeks. what we have a lot of work to do and i think vice president harris would be the first to acknowledge that good vibes alone on are not what it's going to win the election in november. and to that end, she did tell us on saturday that she plans to unveil new
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policy proposals in this upcoming week, specifically related to the economy and bringing down prices for americans in fact, she did unveil one new piece of policy at her event in las vegas on saturday evening saying she would work to eliminate federal income taxes on tipped wages. that's something that's enormously popular among workers, particularly where she was in las vegas it's also a policy proposal that donald trump has raised on the campaign trail and he wasted no time calling her a copycat, a harris campaign official said that her proposal would need to be worked through with congress. that it include income limits when it also include provisions to protect against fraud. now, in this upcoming week, she will continue this push on the economy. we will see her for the first time with president biden, their first official joint appearance since you replaced him? a atop the democratic ticket. and it was interesting interview, just this weekend, the president
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discussed how he would be campaigning for kamala harris in the months ahead, he said he was planning a tour of pennsylvania, his home state, and he said he plans to do whatever camila thinks i can do to help the most kevin liptack cnn, washington oh, republican vice president nominee j.d. vance claims that harris and other top democrats are anti-child here's what he told cnn's dana bash on sunday you called out kamala harris and pete buttigieg, in particular. kamala harris has two stepchildren. pete buttigieg and his husband have adopted twins do you recognize them as parents and more broadly as being part of families? >> will of course i do, dana i never dana criticized people for not having kids. i criticize people for for being anti-child in 2021, vance called some democratic politicians, quote, childless cat ladies. >> in recent weeks, france has tried to recover from the
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uproar over that comment. and on sunday, vance responded to being called weird by his democratic opponents. now in natasha lindstaedt joins me to discuss this. she's a professor of government at the university of essex so much to discuss in natasha, i want to get to vance's comments in just a second, but first can we just reflect on harris's polling numbers? i mean this is obviously a big boost for the democrats to have a slight lead in these crucial battleground stakes. but how likely is she to maintain this momentum given we just heard from our reporter, kevin there that good vibes alone and not really going to be enough that's true. >> we're still at days away and a lot can happen if you look at the polls from 20202016 in august, and then what happened in actual election in november, there was a lot of movement so this is not over. >> of course, she's enthusiastic about the recent
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new york times-sienna in college polls as the democrats are as well, because in three key swing states in michigan and wisconsin and pennsylvania, she's now ahead by four points. and this is a must-win either for trump or for paris. they have to win one of those states are all of those states in order to win this of course, is a huge change from when biden was running against trump. i mean, biden was down by four or five points in those states. and other polling is showing that harris is neck and neck in states like arizona and georgia. and apparently the new york times reported that there was private polling in ohio that showed that it was really, really close there. and that of course where j.d. vance is from and has been a state that has gone republican so the campaign has a lot of momentum that seems to be a big movement. the crowd size is huge. all of this is irking donald trump. >> and he's going to need to reset. >> and so far he hasn't he's
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just been focusing i'm personal attacks have been caught off guard. he's been talking about this idea that biden is going to join the race. again. >> he's been throwing out falsehoods about being on a helicopter. he'll have to focus a lot more if they're going to turn things around and thus far, he hasn't shown the discipline and on that comment about biden needing to rejoin the race, we heard from biden over the weekend that he intends to help kamala harris in any way she needs. but we know specifically that is hoping to help her win the battleground of pennsylvania. that is, of course what he won in 2020. it's where he is from how crucial will his help be to kamala harris? and is there a bit of a delicate balance to strike here because she is still trying to distinguish herself away from what has gone and the connection with biden so i don't think it's that crucial that biden is on the campaign trail. he will help just to provide unity and
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she's going to rely on the help of other surrogates like josh shapiro, who is going to be very important in pennsylvania as the governor of pennsylvania and was likely vice presidential pick but she has chosen a really good vice presidential pick of tim walz and the two of them have a lot of good chemistry and he's a lot more charismatic than i think people originally thought and so there on the campaign trail and they themselves as a duo, seem to be in lockstep. they seem to be really connected and they're also connected king with audiences and large numbers of people are waiting in line in the heat to see them. this type of energy behind the campaign is something that trump is lacking. and he maybe thought he would get that with j.d vance, j.d. vance turned out to be a terrible pick for him. in fact, they weren't even on the campus hey, trail together donald trump was doing a press conference, j.d. vance was sort of following harris's campaign, but we've yet to see them together, bring the type of energy that harris and walz
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have been burning yeah. >> and let's just show a view. is that clip of j.d vance again over the weekend kind of flailing in response to the weird comments. take a look at this so, i think that what it is is two people, kamala harris and tim walz who aren't comfortable in their own skin because they're uncomfortable with their policy positions for the american people. and so they're name-calling instead of actually telling the american people how they're going to make their lives better. i think that's weird. dana but look, they can call me whatever they want so i think there's actually this is kind of encapsulates how the republicans still haven't figured out and effective attack strategy against democrats that they all flailing in response, that they don't have the limelight how quickly do they need to sort this out? well, they need to sort this out pretty quickly because everything is moving in the wrong direction for them. i think that they should focus on issues that resonate with republicans, of course, but also those that are maybe undecided issues like
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immigration, issues, like inflation and they just keep hammering that home again and again. instead, they've been focusing on personal attacks, j.d. vance was questioning the military record of tim walz. how's that going to play well with veterans that didn't look well, that didn't go across very well to attack someone who served in the national guard for 24 years the past, comment of calling the leadership in washington that has been run by childless cat ladies. again, he could have just apologize for that j.d. vance also had a softball question of what makes you happy instead of saying something like, you know, paying, spending time with my children, he comes up with some convoluted response that what makes him angry are the policies of harris and walz so they need to reset badly and they have a really well well-run campaign. it's a lien machine compared to 2016 when they had a lot more people involved. but trump just isn't listed he's lacking the
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discipline and more importantly, he's just not on the campaign trail very much if you compare to 2016 and 2020, he was campaigning all the time. 2024. he just thought he was going to have to campaign against biden and he has very few campaign stops. he's going to have to campaign much more and be much more focused on the issue that his constituency would care about hanover. >> interesting to see how much of us misstep it might have been for him to be in montana over this weekend rather than those key battleground states as you are saying, natasha appreciate your thoughts. thank you. video circulating online appear to show ukrainian troops raising their flags in russia will get the latest details on this stinging embarrassment to the kremlin that just ahead plus firefighters are working to contain a rapidly moving wildfire, which is making its way towards the greek capital and has official audit officials ordering evacuations and vance these strikes again,
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retail at rula, at rubella you never faithful sees the deals are before there today. >> ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy is blaming russian forces for starting a fire at the largest nuclear power plant in europe. he shared this video online showing smoke coming out of one of the towers at the zaporizhzhia plant in southern ukraine. but russia times the fire erupted after a, you crimea and attack russian forces seize the nuclear plant shortly after the war began and have occupied it since zelenskyy says, moscow is just using it to blackmail ukraine and the rest of the world. he added that radiation levels in the area are normal in while ukrainian troops are pushing deeper into russia's kursk region. after launching an incursion last week latest report by the russian defense ministry indicates they've advanced up to 30 kilometers inside russia. on sunday, zelenskyy said his military is doing what's necessary to end
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the war jeep give it only from the beginning of this summer in only from the kursk region of sumy region suffered almost 2000 strikes. artillery, mortars, drones. we also monitor every missile strikes and each side strikes deserves a fair response. >> okay. clare sebastian is here to discuss this. clare, it's been some time since we've heard anything about the zaporizhzhia power plant so how concerning is it that this is now resurfacing at a time when ukrainian forces are making serious advances on russian territory? >> yeah, i mean, look, we have no way of verifying what's happening that it's been occupied by russia but since i think the second week of the war, the iaea has inspectors at the plan that they've had there for almost two years now and they are saying that they did observe a fire at one of the cooling towers. there's no radiation risk as of yet. but look, russia occupies this plant. it does, as we know and has throughout this war rattled the nuclear saber at various points. it did so back in the
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autumn of 2022, when ukraine is in the midst of a series of very successful counter offensives, we later learned via our colleague jim sciutto that the u.s. had been actively preparing for the potential use by russia of a tactical nuclear weapons. we don't want to cause alarm here. we don't know what's happening. there is no radiation risk, but russia pulls this lever on occasion and we have seen a pattern in the past where they've done it at points where ukraine has the initiative. so this is something that definitely bears watching as we try to figure out how russia is going to respond to this. now, week-old incursion by ukraine into its territory. >> i meantime, we heard from president zelenskyy there about the incursion into russia in the strategy here is to destabilized russia does string out russia's defenses. is that happening? and how likely are they to be able to maintain such a move? >> well, that is the big question, right? they've gone in, it's been as i say, the best part of a week now, we're actually monitoring this morning evacuations happening in a different region in the belgorod region, just to the south of kursk. there's unofficial reports there that
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ukraine might have potentially tried to attack on the border. that's coming from russian military bloggers and nothing official on that yet, but the governor of the belgorod region calling it a disturbing morning, enemy activities on the border. is this another attempt to try this? but a stretch, again, the russian forces, it's not clear yet. i think we don't know yet for ukraine whether this gamble has paid off, whether they've managed to draw at russian forces while not doing that to their own forces of course, we know that they were scarce and certain areas of the frontline manpower has been a serious issue, but they're in there. they're holding on. i think russia is clearly amassing forces and trying to push them that's probably why we're seeing these mass evacuations of civilians as well so it remains to be seen how much they can hold on, whether holding on is actually part of the strategy, or if this is just about disruption and distraction. >> brilliant stuff. clare. thank you. >> now, after the break and alarming scene out of australia after a helicopter crashes into a hotel, we'll get the latest details plus the paris games were not without some controversies will bring you
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the latest developments let minutes in the saga involving american gymnast jordan chiles is bronze medal. stay with us thank cnn is live from chicago as democrats unite to offer their support to a new nominee and her running fellow cnn for complete coverage the democratic national convention next monday at seven on cnn and streaming on max i had no idea. >> i was still paying for in-flight wifi until i finally check my credit card statement 14 months at $600 later.
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newsroom. here are some of the top stories we're following today. the united states is speeding up the arrival of a carrier strike group to the middle east and sending us submarine with cruise missiles to the region in preparation for rahm's possible retaliation against it? israel meanwhile, ceasefire and hostage negotiations for the war in gaza are set to pick back up on thursday, former us president donald trump says he'll be interviewed by he's the founder, elon musk today musk who also owns the social media platform x has endorsed trump in the 2024 election tropical storm watches are expanding westward across the leeward islands, including the u.s. and british virgin islands. this system is expected to become a tropical storm in the coming hours, not currently forecast to directly impact the continental united states officials are still keeping an eye on the track
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spectacular fireworks, aluminum painting the sky above the standard france, just outside the french capital this was part of the paris games has action-packed closing ceremony. who stayed up late to watch it not me actually after two-and-a-half weeks of exciting and historic competition harris chose to go out with a bag. the ceremony underscored the parisian flair for the dramatic kicking off the night's festivals, festivities with a musical performance in front of the olympic cauldron by french swimming prodigy. they'll marchand carried the final torch into the standard france. and actor tom cruise went into mission impossible mode at the ceremony where he repelled down from the stadium's roof and went all hollywood with the olympic flag into love. it and it wouldn't be proper los angeles hand off without a beach front concert featuring some of these top talents, including the red hot chili peppers, billie eilish, dr. dre, and of course the breakout
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star of these paris games, snoop dogg, i am going to miss that guy now the prince and princess of wales headlined a surprise star studded congratulations to team great britain. have a look greetings loved ones from flu, that's what you're paying congratulations, team gb. >> logan, roy, you inspiration? >> hey, team gb. we are so proud of you. >> congratulations. >> your performances have been absolutely fantastic, either been amazing. >> thank you so much. but everything needs members will last a very well done team. >> the video posted on x feature some of britain's biggest names in sports and broadcasting, as well as snoop dogg. you saw there applauding team gb's olympians who bought homes 65 medals overall, including 14 gold from the paris games, not bad at all. i speaking of metals, there were plenty to be one in the hours leading up to the closing ceremony, 13 gold medals were awarded on sunday. the u.s. and china who have been neck and neck the last few days made
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history in paris, finishing in a tie for the most gold with 40 each team usa finishes with the most medals overall though, with june 26 our coy wire has more now from paris what an incredible ending to the summer olympics here in paris, the us women's basketball team going down to the wire with host nation france in the gold medal game the americans entered with an olympic winning streak had dated back to 1996, but they win by maybe the tip of a tow, france hitting a buzzer beater as time expired, the crowd erupted, thinking the host nation had just shocked the world, sending it's overtime. >> but gabby williams foot was on the line. it was only two two-pointer, so heartbreak for france elation for the u.s claiming an eighth straight olympic gold. and with that team usa dominates total medal count, but it ties china at 40 gold medals each on the very last event of these olympics, a tie for golds has never happened in the history of the
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summer games. now, at the closing ceremony, to show respect to all the athletes and their people people from around the world. it was a celebration for the ages, snoop dogg billie eilish, red hot chili peppers, her, and others performing marking the official handover to the 2028 los angeles games and the end of these incredible and unforgettable summer games here in paris, the olympics once again, showing that perhaps sport better than anything else. can bring people together from all over the world, no matter their differences to embrace and celebrate one another thanks to coy. >> there was however, one controversial moment, the u.s. is appealing the international olympic committee's decision to strip gymnast jordan chiles of her bronze medal in the individual floor routine. the ioc that it would reinstate the metal to romania's ana barbosu who was knocked off the podium after team usa filed a score inquiry on charles, his behalf at the court of arbitration for sport ruled on saturday that
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the inquiry was filed after the one-minute deadline. but team usa pushback on sunday announcing it had submitted evidence, the court that purportedly shows the inquiry was submitted 47 seconds after the publishing of charles's school now, economists warn the international olympic committee needs to take drastic action to make hosting the games in the future more financially feasible. and oxford university study found the cost of hosting continues to grow with host cities investing billions, but seeing less in return by over the past six olympic games. but summit winter had final cost of well over 100% of their initial bid estimates when adjusted for inflation, economists argue the olympics, we'll have to look much different than what we're used to in order to make them truly sustainable, they believe the ioc may need to move towards a permanent host city in the future. or even a small list of rotating cities and in
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the not-so-distant future climate change could also make it too hot for many cities to even be considered as summer olympic host. cnn analyzed data from carbon plan, a non-profit climate science group which predicts that rising temperatures in the coming years will make kit unsafe for athletes to compete in some regions is not looking good for the olympics, is cnn meteorologist elisa rafah take a look at this data and some possible solutions as paris wraps at the olympic games this weekend, some new data is telling us that for some host cities like paris, it may be too hot for them to host ever again. >> we know that in the last 100 years since paris hosted the last time in 19 in 20 for those summer months have warmed by 5.5 degrees fahrenheit or three degrees celsius. we have added more than 120 scorching hot days and more than 80 sweltering nights to the mics, just really not getting relief at night. while a new study shows us that as we look to the future towards 2050, we're
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really going into lose some safe cities to host the olympics. him, they looked at wet bulb, globe temperature, and that looks at temperature, but also with humidity, wind speed, shade, sun angle to really understand how heat is impacting the body. it looks at his dress and they used at two degrees fahrenheit or 27 degrees celsius as that thrush trolled of it being just too dangerous and too hot to host visitors and athletes. and you can see that by 2050, look at how many cities are in that too hot to host threshold. beijing, rio, athens atlanta, all looking like it will be too dangerous to host the olympic games when you broaden it out, either even more, look at the map, all of these kind of really dark red or brown dots. a lot of the eastern us, india, eastern asia, all i thought threshold, where it will be too hot or too dangerous to host. so what are our options while we can pick host cities that are in higher elevations where
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it might be cooler we can, host the summer games, not in summer. does that really make the olympic games though? or if we want it in the month of june, july, and august, we may have to rely on our friends in the southern hemisphere where it's your winter and those temperatures may be a little bit cooler for us it's to safely get out there. but unless we decrease our emissions, this could be the reality for the olympic games going forward speaking, hate greek officials have ordered evacuations north of athens as they fight a wildfire, tearing through the region it started sunday this morning. >> fire officials said it spread rapidly overnight, damaging some homes firefighters worked throughout the night to contain the flames and 29 water bombing aircraft are assisting greek officials warn that extreme heat and other dangerous weather conditions will continue through thursday and a wildfire broke out in northeastern spain on sunday, spreading quickly because of hot winds authorities ordered people in a nearby town to stay inside due
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to heavy smoke. both spain and greece has suffered intense heat waves and dry weather this summer, making wildfires like these even more dangerous when extreme drought in sicily is threatening the italian islands, goat farming industry with, with and without enough water almost could be forced to send their animals to slaughter. cnn's barbie latza to nadeau reports roaming under hot temperatures. these goats to search for food and fields turned brown by the heat in central sicily. shortage of water and little food make it hard for these judge in tana goats to survive and the prospects for their survival leap goat reader, luca cammarata in despair past the grazing land is zero as we can see, nothing has grown on the land this year. the animals take a walk. he, what they find, and then we try to supplement their diet with water and food qatar earlier this year, sicilian forced water restrictions when the
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region declared a state of emergency. italy's environmental protection and research institute says, while other parts of the country are experiencing drought, only sicily's is considered extreme when he is on the land is dry. the lakes we have placed in the pasture priests are completely dry it is difficult to satisfy the animals with the drinking water we had. and we are forced to plug the problem with water tankers sent one of those we arrive wherever there's an emergency. >> the water doesn't arrive. so farmers are forced to take the animals to the slaughterhouse they don't have water and can't quench their animals thirst. so it's a big problem the cheese and dairy products made from these goat's milk has been prized for thousands of years. but that may soon come to an end deprived of water, these animals may be sent to slaughter anybody. >> but if we cannot, at least satisfy the animals demand for water, they run the risk of being sent to slaughter. there is no other way, no other solution. there is no market
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for live animals nor can we give them to a fellow farmer, another redlands, because there is currently no market for live animals. they're destined to go to the slaughterhouse. and this would be a considerable loss of livestock and a loss of production models doing what needs to be done to save the goats will take time drilling new wells, reactivating dormant desalination plants importing water. but time like water is another thing that is running out for these goats. >> barbie latza nadeau, cnn, rome now after. the break, family members search for answers as investigators tried to figure out what caused last week's deadly plane crash in brazil ryan and mikah are taking on to hotels. >> what if i took on one of the hotels and you did the other two teams, we are going to be brian 100 today's and the best hotel when 100 day hotel challenge special series premieres tuesday at 8:00 on
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duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine, like google, but it's r and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browsel but it blocks cookies and creepy ads that follow youa and other companies. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. activity and less pain learn more. it's still a second person has died as a result of an apparent house explosion in harford county, maryland firefighters responded to a call about a gas leak early sunday morning, but on their way, they received word
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of the explosion second victim found in the rubble is believed to be the owner of the destroyed house. >> official identification and cause of death have not yet been completed explosion has displaced at least 12 nearby families the pilot of a helicopter is dead after crashing into a seaside luxury hotel in north east australia stand, guests were evacuated off the chopper, slammed into the 70s story building roof and caused a fire. one witness talked about what she saw and heard we just heard a bit of a a swirling noise like a whirlwind. and i was on your band. i actually thought he was dreaming and then about two seconds lives there was like a very loud bang. a couple of banks actually the room started rattling and the doors and everything and yeah, quicker read to the kids that were up screaming in you only what was that? all thought were under attack or something? >> oh, police say the pilot was the only one aboard the helicopter. no other injuries have been reported. helicopters
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charter company says it is investigating investigating unauthorized use of one of its aircraft with officials authorities in brazil sec could be weeks before they have an initial report into the cause of friday's deadly plane crash near sao paolo. they say all of the voice and data information has been pulled from the plane's black boxes meanwhile, authorities are working to identify the bodies of the 62 victims with the help of family members more now, on the investigation from journalist steffano pozzebon reporting from sao paolo the process of identifying the bodies of the victims or flight to two three here in sao paolo, brazil is still ongoing as awesome sunday night. >> these ease the institute of forensic medicine, where all the bodies have been taken from the kirchhoff's of the plane. and here is where dozens of relatives family members have arrived on sunday to participate in these investigation, only to bodies that were possible to have been
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recognized through faith sure recognition due to the violence of the impact when the plane crashed to the ground for mat for all the other bodies, it's necessary to go through dna identification and other techniques in order to correctly match their identity. and for some of these family members. today was also so the opportunity to say goodbye i had dna collected really identification of my daughter and i don't know what state she will be in. >> my daughter was 1.7 meters tall a strong and beautiful woman. you will see her photos on the internet. there will be the case i saw my daughter burn live on television. >> a mother seeing the plane on fire with my daughter inside. guys, there's no greater sense. there can't be for a mother i'm going to fight as long as i have life, as long as i have like, i'm going to fight because i know that she
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would be fighting. if i had been killed because this wasn't an accident. don't label it as an accident don't use that narrative jost like that. >> mother the entire brazil is still waiting for announcing sir, to the question of what could have happened to cause that plane to fall from the sky and crash onto the ground on sunday, investigators it's from france where the plane was manufactured there in the first place arrived in brazil to participate in the investigation. they are unknown flies in and going through to black boxes that were successfully retrieved from the carcass of the plane to identify a probable motive. for cnn. this is stefano and i'll puts a ban. >> sao paolo, brazil stay with us. we'll be right back if you work in spaceflight this is the worst thing that could happen space shuttle columbia, the
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speculating about their meaning. take a look. >> banksy strikes again an ordinary glass police box on a street in london has been re-imagined as a tank full of toothy fish that look like piranhas the fish followers stream of animal theme murals confirmed to be the handiwork of the infamous street artist that have popped up in london didn't in the past week drawing crowds but in a good way. the fish are painted in translucent aquatic colors. a departure from the other works in this theories that were done in black silhouettes including a black cat stretching on a billboard, which has since been removed to pelicans perched over efficient and chip shop, a howling wolf on a satellite dish, which was quickly stolen. three monkeys swinging on a railway bridge to elephants, giving each other at trunks up and a goat on a precarious perch it's been a guessing game for londoners to try and figure out what might appear
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next and what message banksy might be sending, possibly linked to all the riots in the uk recently, obviously the olympics going on at the moment, lots of people talking her, goat, greatest of all time, maybe it's symbolic of that even an expert on world affairs who regularly appears on cnn is weighing in what banska is trying to do is to really get us to think and reflect about the ecological crisis that really threatens humanity or maybe like all the meaning is in the eye of the beholder i think he just paint the animals i don't have it to be a meaning. >> it doesn't have to be here for is just animals. >> there is speculation. the murals are just a way to cheer people up. and sunday's edition was just that with people taking photos in and around the artwork until contractors placed plastic barriers around the box while the city of london says it's
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looking for options to preserve it a fleeting and fund distraction from an artist who is not really known for explaining himself through those you'd have to be bank but it's very nice to have it particularly it is foreigners now i actually live quite close to some of these murals. >> so i think i'm going to come off the show and do a little tour of london and going visit them all the way is bringing a small to people's faces, no matter what the message behind it now to the stories in the spotlight this hour, important stories. mcdonald's, france has an olympic beef with team usa, steph curry after the front, after france has lost to the americans in the men's basketball final on saturday. now, carry was the key to that when hitting eight three-point shots in just over two minutes in the fourth quarter of the game, mcdonald's france shared this post line featuring their classic curry dipping sauce and saying that for obvious reasons, we are considering removing this sauce. i'm sure kerry is devastate good about
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of course their response yet on social media from the nba superstar, of course, not eat too busy enjoying his gold medal but as you know, his nickname is of course, chef curry now what's old is new again, is the message disney is sending after unveiling a slate of new projects over the weekend at its d23 fan convention among the new films and shows, a large number of sequels, including the coming release of moana, two take a look my job as finish what he started how people how far will go so excited about this one? disney's latest animated feature were released, released in november 8 years after the debut of the first it's no meantime, actress jamie lee curtis, and lindsay lohan are teaming up more than 20 years after the remake of freaky
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friday for a second entry titled freakier friday night, what you've done there at disney executive also announced new sequels or tv projects for other animated franchises, including in the incredibles toy story, an inside out, i'm only doing the devil wears prada as well. i thought that was one that was on the cards very excited for that. and that will do here at cnn newsroom with me, christina macfarlane, stay with us cnn this morning is up to this quick break cnn is live from chicago as democrats unite to offer for their support to a new nominee and her running mate fellow cnn for complete coverage the democratic national convention next monday at seven cnn and streaming on max. take a pea
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