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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  August 12, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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choose advil liquid gels for faster, stronger, and longer lasting relief than tylenol rapid release jailed because advil targets pain the source of inflammation. >> so for faster pain relief, advil, the pain away when you buy or sell your car exactly how you want with car gurus, you might begin to wonder, what if you could do things your way all the time some dreams do come true get your car, your way get it with gurus i'm lauren fox on capitol hill
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>> it is getting personal on the campaign trail as vice president kamala harris focuses her economic pitch to voters, former president donald trump sharpening his attacks on her and occasionally dragging the conversation back to one of his favorite topics. >> ukraine taking the fight to russia, a new offensive, putting the military in control of 28 russian settlements, forcing more than 100,000 people to evacuate and russia and leading to new questions about the kremlin's plan in this more and a warning for parents if you are letting your toddlers use tablets or other screens, you man and the paying for it later, we are following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here to cnn news central we are now just one week away from the start of the democratic national convention. >> and donald trump is scrambling to slow the momentum
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of his new democratic rival this week vice president harris will make her first joint campaign appearance with president biden since he bowed out of the race. former president trump also hitting the campaign trail. he's hosting a rare midweek rally in the swing state of north carolina and as here are surges, trump continues to be obsessed with crowd size. >> now falsely pushing claims that a photo of harris, his rally crowd in detroit was ai generated. and tonight, trump returns to x, formerly twitter, with an interview with x owner and fellow billionaire elon musk, the interview is being billed as unscripted and with no limits on the subject matter, we shall see all of this happening new polls show harris now ahead of donald trump among likely voters in three key battleground states, but still within the margin of error. and we're joined now by cnn's kristen holmes, eva mckend, and phil mattingly.
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kristen, let's start with you in this trump interview with elon musk told everything are going to cover everything. >> i mean, we know that one musk is one to peddling conspiracy theories. so this should be interesting particularly given as you said, donald trump himself has been doing the same now, this comes as a time where the campaign says that it is trying to go outside of the box. their excuse for not holding as many campaign rallies has been that they believe there is a small group of voters who they they want to reach, and they believe that this election is going to be decided by a small group of voters who don't get their news in the traditional sense, who aren't going to be necessarily engaged in politics, and they might be engaged with elon musk that might be a demographic that he could reach. so that's why you've seen donald trump instead of stumping and all of these swing states, or at least this is what the campaign says. that's why you've seen him doing streaming interviews with aid and ross sitting for podcasts, doing stuff with mma and now doing this with elon musk. they believe that this is an opportunity for him to reach a different demographic. and
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obviously as we've talked about, this is a very high risks, but possibly high reward type of campaigning. but that's what they are looking at. they want to reach she's people who might not be traditional voters, but they want to get them out and kristen, over the weekend, the trump campaign claimed that it had been hacked by iran. >> but there have been scant details since then. there's there's a lot at play here. what do we know the details around this are very murky. so here's what we do know. we know that on saturday, the trump campaign said that it had been hacked and they blame now this was on a direct response to politico saying that hit had obtained a series of documents that included vetting documents for j.d. vance, among other vp contenders. now, one thing that you should know is that microsoft did put out a report the day before saying that iran was ramping up, trying to be involved in the 2020 before election, that they actually had tried to hack into a 2024 presidential campaign, but they did not say that that was actually successful or not. now, we don't have a lot of answers around whether or not
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this was that hack other than the campaign's word, we've reached out to the fbi, says they're aware of the media reports we've obviously reached out to the campaign to see if they're in touch with law enforcement. they've been very vague about that. we've not really seen the extent of what this is other than this reporting from politico saying that they got these j.d. vance emails? yeah. >> it is really interesting because it's not unusual that law enforcement wouldn't wouldn't talk about but this but then you have also had trump be very critical of these law enforcement entities that he would need to enlist for help on this. so there's all kinds of things that we all kinds of dynamics here vice president harris, she's got a pretty big week before the convention. what does she have on her agenda? >> she does brianna, she is laying out her economic policy vision russian for america this week. i don't know how much this will quell the criticisms that we hear from republicans that she's running a policy thin campaign. but this is going to be the first major rollout in the mix. a lot of sense, because when you speak
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to voters, they often cite their economy as their number one concern. in nevada on saturday before culinary, union workers vital group that endorsed her. she did announce eliminating taxes on tips for hospitality workers. that of course got a lot of attention because the former president also endorse that policy and has been talking about it for weeks, but other things we can suspect so hear from her based on what she's been saying on the campaign trail is tackling high prices, take on price gouging, and banning hidden fees and surprise late charges. as well as pledging to take on corporate landlords and capping unfair rent increases when you speak to voters in nevada, they would often say you know, having one job should be enough. they lamented that in that part of the country used to be affordable, used to be able to afford things, but now the prices are comparable to major cities and living on the coast. so those are all things that she has to speak to phil
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don't we unfortunately, it would not have modern-day politics without conspiracy theories that ran rampant. >> and the former president now trafficking and those as he has previously, he continues to do this time falsely asserting that there was ai used to create a crowd at one of kamala harris israelis? yeah, i can give you a lot of death and explanation when it comes economic policy questions on this one, not going to ascribe these specific motivations behind it because i learned long ago, don't necessarily do that with the former president. >> look, i think the reality is, this is very well known at this point, so much so that you see democrats including vice president harris and tim walz, governor of minnesota, talking about it publicly. they know how to needle donald trump it's on crowd sizes. and this is clearly something that bothers him it's clearly something democrats know it bothers him and they have sought to continue to throw it in his face. look, the reality is, donald trump has gotten crowds for the past nine years that any politician would dream of. that is very true. his frustration has long appeared to be that he doesn't get credit for them. and when anybody else it's big crowds
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as the vice president is unequivocally getting at this point in time to appoint democrats save, haven't seen this since 2008 with a barack obama. it is frustrating to him if you needed any evidence, you could just watch the press conference at mar-a-lago that kristen attended where he's spent a good portion of that hour hour-long journey that we all went on with him talking about crowd sizes, talking about martin luther mr. king, and his january 6 crowd compared to it. i think the question right now that you hear from republicans constantly is what is this going to do to help us one republican texted me yesterday evening saying, this is how we lose kevin mccarthy, former speaker of the house, has been allied with donald trump for a long time, said this you've got to make this race not on personalities, stop questioning the size of her crowds and start questioning her position when it comes to what did she do as attorney general on crime? >> question, what did she do when she's supposed to take care of the border as czar question that they brought inflation and she was the title breaking vote when it came to
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inflation, when it came to irs agents and i think look, the reality is kevin mccarthy in that clip is every republican who wants trump to win every down-ballot republican who wants to focus on these issues, every republican who's watched the last three or four weeks as the campaign has said, these are the issues you want to talk about economy, immigration, inflation and trump says yes that but also these 13 other things that have nothing to do with anything that will help me that's the reality. >> the other reality is that this is something that trump has always going to care about and democrats are going to seek to push them on it as much as they can and distract him as much as they can i had shermichael singleton, one of her republican analysts on yesterday, and i asked him about this and he said this is where we're glad he's on truth social, because we hope no one pays attention to these sorts of things. this is not helpful, of course now he's going to be on x and he's back on x. which is part of the recent campaign, advisers didn't want him on x. and the first way so says it existed in a vacuum of truth, social, but here we are. >> all right. well, phil mattingly, even mckend, kristen holmes. >> our thanks to all of you more to come in the 80 some odd days will all be together.
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>> it's going to be great so just how much, if at all does crowd size actually matter? >> cnn senior data reporter harry enten is here to talk go about this, and harry look out that's a doozy asking you how he loves this story. do i can use tell you tell me what you know, harry, you're gonna do, what you're gonna do i'm gonna do, i'm going to do what where are we right now? >> what is going on there? we're arguing about ai generated crowd sizes. dear president trump, kamel tape poor for vor, my goodness, gracious alright, do crowd sizes actually matter? i think that's the real thing that's cooking here, right? you know, president trump likes to argue that crowd sizes matter, but candidates who had big crowd size it's a mixed record yet trump won in 2016, barack obama one and 20002012. but remember, trump had huge crowd sizes in 2020, he lost bernie sanders.
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remember those huge crowd sizes in 2016 and 2020, he couldn't even win a democratic nomination. so the fact is when you're looking at these crowd size no, it doesn't necessarily equal winning. so went down, trump is arguing about this. i have to go, what are you talking about? i think kevin mccarthy is on the right path. talked about policy. don't talk about crowd sizes yeah, it just matters to him though. i don't think harry, you're going to dissuade him of that. i'm so sorry. i'm just sorry. >> you know, i'm trying okay. >> so crowd size mixed bag momentum. how much does momentum matter? >> yeah, you know, we're talking about enthusiasm, right? i think that's what we're really talking about, crowd sizes, right? he thinks that oh my god, harris has enthusiasm. there's an enthusiasm gap potentially building. and you know what crowd sizes are one thing, but let's just talk about the polls, right? let's talk about the polls and we'll talk about them in those great lake battleground states, right? michigan pencil so venue wisconsin. look at this enthusiastic about voting for
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harris. look at this, 86% of her voters say yes, they are enthusiastic about voting for her. that is way up from where joe biden wasn't an average in these states last year when it was just 72% and take a look at trump this, i think is the key nugget, because now what we see is we see that only 80 percent of trump voters say their enthusiastic about voting for him in these three states. so harris is leading on that metric. you go back to last year, it was in fact trump that was leading on the enthusiasm metric. so yes, we're talking about crowd sizes and those don't necessarily mean anything. but in this particular case, what we're seeing is it's backed up by the polling data, which shows that depth democratic enthusiasm is way up while trump level enthusiasm just kind of steady, it's pretty good, but it steady and harris is passing him by on the train tracks. >> and is there any indication that trump's kind of obsession over crowd size could actually hurt him? >> yeah. so i think this goes back to temperament, right? that's what we're really talking about, has the right temperament to be president.
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and i think that this kind of gets at it, right? the right temperament would be president and again, among likely voters, michigan, pennsylvania, and wisconsin, harris. look at this, the majority of voters say yes, she is the right temperament to be present what we see, what donald trump is 54%, the majority say no, he does not have the right temperament to be president. and i think when he's talking about these crowd sizes and these ridiculous conspiracy theories, he only feeds the idea that he doesn't have the right temperament to be president. and so if i were advising him as a political analysts, i would say stop it just stop it very interesting, fascinating harry enten. i mean, really, that was really worth your while in the end areas. >> so i'm glad that you know, you know evade your way through it, but we did it no, i'm always happy to be with you and i'm always happy to go through the numbers. i'm just watching this as a political analyst and going to myself, my goodness, gracious a campaign that was doing everything right up until
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about a month ago. now seems to be doing almost everything wrong and it's being led by the guy who should be running that campaign and putting his face forward. and he's doing it in a completely wrong fashion. if i were advising him, yeah. >> no, it's a good point. harry enten thank you for taking us through that. we do appreciate it. just ahead. ukraine is ramping up its offensive against russia as russian authorities tell, tens of thousands of people to evacuate, we're going to have the latest developments on kyiv's surprise, cross-border border attack into russian territory, plus realtors across the u.s. are preparing for a seismic shift in the way they do business. what it means if you're looking for a house and if you are a parent you're probably very familiar with toddler tantrums, but a new study is revealing what could be making those meltdowns more frequent. its try her to rectangular shaped. it glows they shouldn't be looking at it so much, just some hints there the democratic. national
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wow introducing new advil targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever with four powerful pain fighting ingredients that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source for up to eight hours of powerful relief. new abdo targeted relief from leading role leading remodels. >> i did. >> stars, may gut renovation to give back in a big way celebrity iou season premiere tonight at nine on hgtv today, ukraine's top military commander says his forces now control about 600 square miles in russia's kursk region, a russian official acknowledging the ukraine, the ukrainians have taken over 28 settlements in that area and as that stunning offensive appears to be gathering momentum evacuations now underway in the neighboring belgorod region cnn's senior international correspondent, fred pleitgen is
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following all this for us and fred evacuations now in two regions along the russian border there, this is all happening in the past seven days what's the latest along the russian border, but actually pretty deep into russian territory. >> jessica, you already mentioned those surround 600 square miles that the ukrainian say that they now control there. that's significant amount of territory and it inches also closer to actually some of russia's main military and logistics hubs that they're using for their war in ukraine, namely the city of kursk and also the city of belgorod as well ukrainians still pretty far away from there, but they do say that their forces are still on the move. the interesting thing about it is that the ukrainians are using a fairly small force. but when that's extremely mobile, and the russians right now don't seem to have the number of troops that they would need to try i had holed all of this subs are really difficult situation for them seems as though the russians were caught off guard by what the ukrainians are doing. as you can imagine, russian president vladimir putin absolutely irate
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about this situation, has said that there would be retaliation by russia against the ukrainians also ripped into ukraine's western allies. i want to listen into some of what he had to say it appears that the enemy, with the help of the western masters is fulfilling their will in the west is fighting us what the hands of the ukrainians. >> so it looks like the enemy seeks to improve this negotiating position in the future so the russians think the ukrainians want to improve their negotiating position in the future really is unclear what the eventual aim of this operation is going to be, whether the ukrainians believe they can hold that territory certainly will be difficult if they don't put more troops on the ground there. >> but one of the things that the ukraine's of course have wanted to do it's trying to divert some of those russian forces that are putting a lot of pressure on the ukrainians in eastern ukraine. there are signs that that's happening, but of course right now, we are still very much in the early stages. jessica alright, fred pleitgen for us. >> thank you so much for that
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reporting. we appreciate it, brianna all right. >> let's talk more about this now with retired us air force colonel cedric leighton what is ukraine's end game here? do you think well, brianna there are several possibilities, but i think the most likely one is to really increase their negotiating power. >> is kind of what putin just said in the piece that we just saw. because what they need is territory to exchange for the territory they have that has been taken from them in the donbass region. and of course, crimea. so that's, i think the most likely reason for ukraine to do this, but they are also putting pressure on the russians military sense and they're doing this in a very unexpected way for the russians, which is a major achievement for them at least so far, is this an area they can hold? >> well, that's a good question because when you look at the map, there kind of put in an area where there between belarus and other russian units that are in the belgorod region. so it's going to be difficult for the ukrainians to
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hold this but i right now, the russians are scrambling to try to get reinforcements into the area around kursk. and that's going i think takes some time for the russians to do this. so the ukrainians can hold this for a bit i of course, remains to be seen what the russians are going to bring in terms of firepower, in terms of troops, things of that nature. so it's going to take a while to really sort this out. >> does this snarl any russian efforts to advance on kharkiv? >> yes, absolutely. because the russians who have been trying to get well, right now, they're not really threatening kharkiv as much as they used to. but kharkiv could very well be a place where they he could go. and if they did that, if they did take if they move toward kharkiv, they would find it a lot more difficult to do that because of the ukrainian pressure on them west of this area. >> i wonder how much of this is about inflicting a psychological toll on vladimir putin, on russians to also, as they the war might not really be on their mind. it's kind of
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happening over there sometimes, right? i mean, they of course are paying the price they have lost a lot of russian soldiers and yet there hasn't been a huge mobilization of public opinion in russia against the ukraine war. do you think that this is something that embarrasses putin? >> yeah, i figured most certainly does. and from a psychological standpoint, i think we can see that it's already taking its toll on food and and it may mean that he makes more irrational decisions the longer this type of pressure lasts. but in terms of russian public opinion, i think it's going to be take a little bit of time, but the more reports that they hear through the grapevine that russian territory has been lost. those kinds of things happening to russian civilians. they're going to take another look at what is happening in ukraine the other thing is we see a lot of russian troops, a lot of russian conscripts who are surrendering on mass to ukrainians that is a significant development and that could portend some really grave dangerous for the russian military zelenskyy is claiming
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credit for this. >> he's, he's out there. we did this that's we should note that's not always the case when you have ukrainian forces doing things. for instance, with special forces why is he been so out there about this that i think there are several reasons at first, he didn't take any credit for this. >> in fact, there was a lot of operational security, shall we say, a lot of silence around this particular? hit or military move. but what we're seeing now is the ukrainians are owning it because it's successful. the other thing to keep in mind, these are not special operations units in the sense of se, russians who are fighting for ukraine or belarusians who are fighting for ukraine. these are regular ukrainian units coupled with ukrainian special forces doing a lot of damage you russia's ability to hold its border cedric, thank you so much. >> it's a really interesting time. so we appreciate you taking us through it still to come real estate agents facing a major shake-up that will overhaul the way they get paid for helping people buy and sell
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us. samantha, you described this as a seismic shift. i know certainly realtors are feeling that and they're very apprehensive about this. explain the changes yeah. >> brianna. so basically some big changes are coming to the way that buyers and sellers basically transact in the u.s. this rule change affects 1.5 million real estate professionals who are members of the powerful trade association, the national association of realtors. these rules are designed to shake up that traditional five or 6% commission that was usually paid out by a home seller when their home was sold so that meant that if you sold $1,000,000 home, you could be on the hook to pay about $60,000 in commission payments minutes those payments were usually split between the agent that represented the seller and the agent of represented the buyer but these new rules are designed to kind of shake that up and they go into effect on august 17. the first rule
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prohibits offers of buyer compensation or buyer agent compensation to be advertised on the centralized databases that realtors used to look up listings the second rule affects the relationship between a home buyer and they're real estate agent. it requires homebuyers basically to sign a legally binding representation agreement before even go into tore a house with their representation now, these changes, it remains to be seen what's actually going to come of them and how this is actually going to affect transactions. but many experts say that this could ultimately lower the cost that home buyers and sellers pay when they transact. and it's unclear, basically what's going to happen, but it could be the biggest change in a generation, at least that's what experts are saying brianna, how realtors preparing for this yeah. >> so i spoke to a number of realtors and, you know, there
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are varying degrees of in panic mode and many are also looking at this pretty commonly. they say that real estate is a tough business and people are dropping out at all times. anyway. and so the ones that aren't willing to adapt to changes they're going to be the ones that maybe don't survive this. but ultimately you know, some say that they don't think that changes are going to affect them, that much at all. i spoke to one of the ceos of the biggest brokerages in america and he said, this is basically briana going to be a grand experiment and it remains to be seen all right, we will see it is a really seismic shift as you say, samantha, thank you for that. well, it is mudslinging season for politics, but will donald trump's personal attacks on kamala harris wins him votes? or could it cost him in november, we'll have that nex t
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formula to help reduce the risk of moderate to advanced amd progression. >> thanks, depressor vision. i feel better that i'm doing something about it, like millions of others, preservation, closed, captioning brought to you by meso if you or a loved one have mesothelial not we'll send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to 14000 donald trump taking on kamala harris, not just on a policy level, but on a very personal one. >> listen to this kamala is grossly incompetent and in my opinion, has a very low iq. >> if comrade walz and comrade harris win this november, the people cheering will be the pink haired marx's, the looters, the perverts, the flag burners, hamas supporters, drug dealers, gun grabbers, and human traffickers. i didn't know she was black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn black and now she wants to be known as black.
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>> so i don't know. is she indian or is she black? >> let's talk more about this with tia mitchell, washington correspondent for the atlanta journal constitution and margaret talev, senior contributor at axios. it's great to have both of you here. tia, let's actually start first with you do you see these attacks as a strategy or a lack of discipline on the part of the former president well, i think they are part of a strategy, but they're part of a strategy that a lot of republicans have warned him against. >> have said is misguided, have said what won't work, and therefore, it also it is a sign of a lack of discipline that he's not listening to people who are telling him this is not the way to go, but i think what he's trying to do is a just plain old insult. the vice president's intelligence be, you know, a well-worn, conservative notebook of painting democrats as these, you know? communists marxists,
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far left liberals that are out of touch with a lot of voters. >> and then the third thing that's probably the most controversial is he's trying to signal to certain voters that harris is not one of you. >> harris is a pretender. harris is not someone you can trust. so that's it's a lot of, you know, talking to black voters and saying, well, she just now started claiming she was black before that, she didn't claim her black heritage. that is a strategy again, i don't think it's a working strategy we're not seeing black voters respond to it at all, but it does appear that that's a message he's trying to portray to certain voters. >> yeah, it is. >> it is certainly interesting, an interesting tack to take. margaret i want to ask you about these, yet again, we're talking about the foreign president and conspiracy theories that he is trafficking in. the latest being that he's claiming falsely that the vice president used ai to boost the crowd size and photos of her michigan rally. her headquarters responding to that
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accusation by calling out the former president for not campaigning in a swing state in over a week, which i think is interesting too, to keep seeing how they're responding to his attacks like this. they're not getting down with him going for tat they bring it back to people and also to what he's doing in his spare time. but more broadly, margaret, what does it say to you that someone who is running for president who has been president continues to traffic in these conspiracy theories well jessica, right now, i would say follow the numbers because what we've seen coming out of the weekend is new polling, including that new york times sienna poll? >> that does show harris vice president harris overtaking former president trump. not just nationally, but in three really crucial states as crucial battleground states. michigan was the august yes, the election is not till november but that suggests a
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changing of the graph found strategy versus discipline it certainly is a strategy, but there are many republicans who are telling the former president, either behind closed doors or in public settings that he should set a more focused and disciplined strategy on going after areas where she is it has been weakest, including the border and the economy one of the emerging challenges for him seems to be in this most recent polling that even on the economy president biden's decision not to seek reelection. and her ascent as the democratic nominee has given a bit of a fresh start or reset button to the democratic ticket. and they're now voters who are more confident that she has the ability to both tackle the economy and sort of be honest or be a change or be reliable. >> he's needing to shake up
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his whole playbook. >> and so he's going back to some of the things that worked in 2016 in the landscape has changed dramatically since 2016, including who votes. so this is obviously a period of a trial and error for the former president. he's back on twitter. that definitely tells you something as well and we're going to see his efforts with x and this elon musk interview to try to shake up a narrative that has turned against him in recent weeks right? >> i absolutely there's no question about it and tia harris is expected to roll out her economic policy platform this week. it is interesting those put those polls that margaret notes. she doesn't seem to be getting tied to what biden was on the economy. uphold those still finding that americans trust as trump over harris to handle the economy. but you see it's not a huge split there what, what do you make of all of this? and we saw her adopted. we don't know much about our economic policy yet. we just heard over the weekend say she's on board with not taxing tips. >> but what do you expect to hear from her and what do you
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think can be effective? >> in convincing some of these americans you might be skeptical that she can handle the account? >> yes, she did tell reporters today that part of her agenda will be coming out soon, and that will include her economic agenda. >> i think right now, she's right now been able to navigate kind of having her cake and eating it too. so she's benefiting in she's able to say, i'm lockstep with president biden. we've done great things. we've been working hard for three-and-a-half years, but she hasn't necessarily been blamed the same way. biden has been blamed for some of the ways the economy has kind of had fits and starts with the rising cost of goods its most prominent in people's minds, that being said, i do think people want to hear what parts of the biden economic agenda which she continue, where what xi pivot? you mentioned her somewhat echoing former president trump on wanting to not tax tips that is notable you know, that's a
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real policy strategy that she can discus and give the give her reasoning behind it and we're going to be looking for more. she has talked about the fed and she has contrast herself with former president trump and saying that the federal reserve should remain independent so that's a small piece, but more, she says moore is to come. i do think people are going to be looking at that, but to your bigger point she's benefiting from the fact that the enthusiasm around her campaign is kind of separate from the policy. this is she's getting good vibes she's getting good energy. she's getting people who are behind her because they don't want trump back. and for them, it's less about policy than it is about just her showing a hopeful and positive campaign. but i think that could run out if she doesn't back it up with policy alright. >> well, unfortunately, we are
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out of time so much more to discuss because it is such an interesting time. tia mitchell and margaret talev thank you both very much. if you have a toddler at home, here's one thing. a lot of parents do. they could be making those tantrums worse. we'll talk about that next cnn is live from chicago as democrats unite to offer their support to a new nominee and her we're running mate fellow cnn for complete coverage, the democratic national convention next monday at seven on cnn and streaming on bat. i won't let my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis symptoms to find me emerge. >> as you with trump via most people saw 90% clear skin at for months. and the majority stayed clearer at five years. >> cvs allergic reactions may occur, can file may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight that. tell you, doctor, if you have an infection, symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to emerge as you emerged trim phi it, ask your doctor about trump via xhr tech allergy relief
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but it's under siege from big out-of-state media companies and hedge funds. now, california legislators are considering a bill that could make things even worse by subsidizing national and global media corporations while reducing the web traffic local papers rely on. so tell lawmakers, support local journalism, not well connected media companies. oppose ab 886. paid for by ccia. coventry direct redefining insurance laura coates live tonight at 11 eastern on cnn well, we all know about the terrible twos we've all heard about them, but a new study examines why some toddlers may have a higher tendency to explode into those angry tampa and drums, and it may be their tablet screen time, a new study surveyed hundreds of parents of preschool age kids and the parents self-reported their kids tablet us from ages three-and-a-half up to age 5.5,
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they then assess their children's vision so here's what they found. the earlier the child's tablet use, the higher number of expressions of anger and frustration after one year also, a child's proneness to anger and frustration at age 4.5 was assists seated with more use of tablets by age 5.5 dr. scott hadland is a pediatrician at mass general for children. doctor. thanks so much for being here with us. this is the interesting stuff. what's your take on this study? >> yeah, thanks so much for having me. i was really fascinated by the study. i think it's really important and impactful because it showed kind of that cycle that you just described. the fact that you know, more tablet use when you're younger, a year later when you're four, leads to just these issues with anger and frustration which then feeds into when you're five more issues looking at tablets all the time. and so it seems like there is this cycle that's going on that we really need to try to break and what is it about? you know, i'll
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talk to us about the correlation versus causation here what it is about tablet usage that could be problematic. and i always think of the things that kids are not doing. of course, when they're on a tablet, they're not learning how to use their words and doing a lot of things that might help their sort of like emotional growth right? yeah. i think that that's really key here, right? is what's not happening when a child is in front of a tablets and i'm not just a pediatrician, am also a dad and i'm a parent of a six-year-old and a three-year-old. and so i understand how hard it can be when your child is having frustrations, when they're angry, and it's really easy to hand them a screen right? to put them in front of a movie, to hand them an ipad, give them your phone as a way to distract them, right. but when that is happening, your child is not learning the right way to deal with their frustrations. and so they're sort of being sued by buy a device and we really want them to learn healthier coping skills. i guess the other thing i would say is that we're now coming up on many years of research. they are showing that
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the more time that children spent in front of screens, the more at risk they are of having changes to their brain development, right? and so we also can't rule out that one thing that we might be seeing in this study the is that the tablets themselves are sort of changing brain development in children in a way that showing up in their emotions that is so interesting why is that? >> what is it about the two that are connected, the tablet and their emotions? >> right? well, again, when you're, when you're in front of a tablet, you're not really learning the right way to take on life's frustrations, right? so healthy way when you're frustrated as a child to cope is to seek comfort from a parent or to find a book or a toy to play with. and i think that town it's really just sort of give this this very easy escape for families. and so it's no surprise then that we as pediatricians always recommend that for as long as possible, parents are delaying the first time that they're introducing tablets and other screens. two children because we're really trying to push
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back the age at which kids start to turn to tablets as a way to be distracted. and even then we want to try to minimize as much as possible the amount of time that kids are spending with tablets we really say i think these are actually kinda high limits that when a child is it's a work week for a child or monday to friday that they should be spending no more than an hour in front of a tablet or other screens. and then on the weekends, no more than three hours, i try for less than this as a parent it's really tough to do, but i think it's really important to do what, what about the kind of thing they're watching? >> i mean, you sit, you have a three-under 60. i was six and in an eight-year-old and i've just noticed how different the content can be in terms of quality. for instance, if my kids watch something stupid on. on youtube, like a video that has no narrative arc versus if they watch something like bluey, i actually see it kind of almost revolutionize there imaginative play. these are
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very different kinds of things that they're watching. how does that play in? to this? what they may be watching or may not be watching i think that's really critical. >> so this study was really looking at time on a tablet, just sort of all time spent on a tablet. but the truth is, you're right, there's an enormous amount of variability putting what kids can watch and we tend to think of shows like sesame street for example, which has been around for decades as producing really high quality educational content that actually in studies has been been shown to teach kids things and actually to improve educational outcomes for children shows like sesame street and other educational shows actually can be beneficial and very different from, as you said, there are other shows that are really flashy. you have a lot of action you know, i again, as a dad, just watch one of my kids see these shows. you can sort of see them rev up. you can see there energy level rising, which is very different from the sort of calm educational time that they get. from other programming. >> yeah, you really can see the difference. i think that's the key is you're watching your
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child i know parents everywhere and will stop in their tracks for a story like this, dr. hadland. so thank you so much. much for taking us through the research. we really appreciate it thank you. with one week until the democratic national convention, the race for the white house is heating hang up ahead. how former president trump is trying to find his footing against a surging harris campaign and the potential impact of his interview tonight with elon musk last there's fall comedy us coming to cnn what could go wrong i got news for you for me or saturday, september 14 at nine on cnn this wants to get back to eating the food she loves. >> so she's been thinking about getting dental implants, but the cost seems like it's out of her budget a clear choice. we specialize in permanent teeth
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