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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  August 12, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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le thought the problem was unsolvable. daniel doesn't take excuses. he holds himself accountable. and i know that he can do it for the city of san francisco. start watching at fubo anderson cooper 360 next on cnn a new twist tonight in the effort to strip us gymnast jordan chiles of her bronze medal team usa saying tonight, but it's appeal to restore the metal to chiles was swiftly denied and dramatic fashion, child's won bronze after her coach challenged her initial score, which led to this now iconic photo marking the first olympic gymnastics podium with three black women however, it turns out team usa's challenge came four seconds after the deadline this process though, maybe far from over thanks for joining us. >> ac360 starts now tonight on,
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360, how donald trump is responding for the first time in a long time to real competition on the campaign trail. >> his journey back to the twitter error, also to his self-made world of alternative facts also tonight, the candidate whose crowds he now envies and the questions for her, including when she'll get more specific about her plants elected. and later john king all over the map in the philadelphia suburb, which could swing the election. he's talking to voters still trying to decide good evening. thanks for joining us the last time the former president posted on the former twitter was on august 24 of last year he put up a mug shot of himself, was his first time on the network, now known as x since january 6, 2021. and his last until today when he put up a flurry of postings just ahead of tonight's online interviews you with x owner, a billionaire and trump supporter, elon musk. here's a portion of one of them we will drive out that globalist. >> we will cast out the top
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boxes and fascists. we will grow up to sick political i class that hates our country. >> we will route the fake news media and we will liberate america from these villains. once and for all so happy positive message separately, he posted quote, our economy is shattered, our border has been erased. >> we're a nation in decline the dark tone aside the facts do not support any of that anymore than the facts support his claim that these crowds that the harris-walz event last week at detroit's main airport, where the product of ai trickery. we're showing you four different shots from four different vantage points. so you can see for yourself. yet quoting now from him on his social network yesterday, look, we caught her with a fake crowd. there was nobody there. again, that is not true, but saying it seems saying it seems to matter to donald trump just as it matters to him to say that new polling from the new york times showing him down by four points in these battleground states is not by his description, real polling.
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quoting again from his social media feed, i'm doing really well in the presidential race, leading in almost all of the real polls none of this kind of talk though, is going over well with some republicans, your former house speaker, kevin mccarthy today on fox you've got to make this race not on personalities stop questioning the size of her crowds and start questioning her position when it comes to what did she do as attorney general on crime? >> question, what did she do when she's supposed to take care of the border or as czar well, technically, she was not the administration's border czar, but the point still stands. >> kamala harris, like any other candidate, is open to criticism of her record and her plans for the future, but that is not what our opponent is focusing on, despite calls from like that from kevin mccarthy and reportedly also from inside the campaign quoting from axios. now trump's aides know he won't change, so they're focusing not on the need for him to change, but on the need to adapt his message to win, the source said, adding what he has to convince himself to leave the other garbage behind will he do that in his
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interview with elon musk tonight, wilson find out. but as we've all learned over the years, including his closest supporters down, trump is who he is and he rarely changes. just look at what he said six summers ago urging people then just like now, not to trust their own eyes just stick with us, don't believe that crap you see from these people, the fake news just remember what you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening and then just like now, people close to him were talking to reporters who in turn were writing lines like this. and the new york times, mr. trump at a pivotal moment in his presidency is increasingly living in a world of selected information and bending the truth to his own narrative joining us now is cnn, political commentators from across the partisan spectrum, scott jennings, kate bedingfield, and van jones. scott, as you mentioned, the foreign president is saying that the photos and videos showing thousands of people thought vice president harris, michigan rally or fake. the polls are showing him trailing in battleground states or fake.
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i mean, when he started, it all started. remember with all those talks about the crowd size at his inauguration. i mean, it's just back to the futures are not you got to focus. >> i mean, you're not going to win the race fighting with the other campaign about crowd size and stuff that's not really on the minds of most americans. i mean, look, people are still in a sour mood about the country. people think countries off track. there are still mad about food prices. are still mad about the economic anxiety and their lives. they don't really care about the size of the crowds of any of these candidates. they care about. can you fix the problems that i'm currently having? you got to focus. that's the word of the day. focus if he focuses like he was against biden, like he did against hillary in 2016. he can win the race he's been chasing all these rabbits down these rabbit holes. that is a pathway to defeat why do you think he is doing it? >> other than it is who he is? >> i mean, i look how much time you got brother, i don't know. i don't know know. we have
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this conversation in 30 seconds. the reality is, he's got to focus on what matters to the people that he needs to get to turn out and vote for him. remember that the people are there 70% of the people think the country's on the wrong track kamala harris sits in the white house right next to the president that they blame for their problems the pathway is there. it is open and it is obvious focus, focus, focus would be my advice it is remarkable to have kevin mccarthy being sort of giving public advice to the trump campaign on what donald trump needs to do. >> i mean, he's i've been talking again. it's just remarkable to me was talking about crowd size when he began and he's now talking about crowd sizes again. >> yeah. i mean, he is who he is. he's also i certainly agree with scott. i mean, this is a losing path for him. i think there are elements to me. it seems like they're elements of he he's he's been thrown by the fact that vp. harris it is now at the top of the ticket. i think i have to imagine i'm not, you know, look, i'm not a psychiatrist. i'm not going to sit here an
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armchair, analyze him, but i have to imagine there's an element of personal frustration here. he wanted to take on biden he wanted to beat the guy who beat him. he's not going to get the chance to do that. and so now that has thrown him completely into a tailspin, but he's going back to all of these same lies that he tells over and over again and some of it i think that vice president harris and governor walz are de-fanging pretty effectively with this critique of weirdness there. kind of piercing the armor. they're not letting him be this sort of imaginary strongman. he wants to be which i think is smart, although the one thing i will say is that all of this, you don't believe your lying eyes stuff? it's also him very likely trying to lay the predicate if he loses to say it was stolen, it was stolen. so i think the democrats have to be vigilant about this argument. i think they have to take it on directly, but look, i have to imagine donald trump is going to be with elon musk tonight spouting a lot of garbage designed to fire up his base that is not going to appeal to the swing vote voters that he needs to win this election event in that post that we just showed, he's talking about his
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perceived enemies. a somewhat communists marxists. he said, we'll liberate america from these villains once and for all. he also framed the election is the final battle does that work still? i mean, it just feels like a very old line of attack he's he's he's feeling and flailing listen, they're saying that the worst three weeks of his campaign that's what the press is saying. this the year in which he got indicted, convicted, and shot at and actually he hit by a bullet and none of that to him is as bad as possibly not getting as much attention as kamabla. like that's the only thing that's happened is that he's just not getting as much attention as kamala harris. he is more freaked out about that. then being a convicted crook and someone who almost got killed so that let's, you know, the level of narcissistic a challenge that we have here meanwhile, kamala harris is doing exactly what she needs to
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do. everybody's okay. she's got to talk to reporters. she's got to talk to a reporter would do you notice that she's already done like 19 impossible things in a row to unite the democratic party she picked a vp, made everybody happy in the party. she's managed to actually get us on path to a convention. they were excited about. she's somehow gotten biden out of the way without him hating her or anybody else. she is a political mastermind, has been underestimated her whole career. she's doing amazing at some point you'll talks were reported in the meantime, this guy is falling apart in plain view. >> interesting van that whole talk to a reporter thing. i mean, do you think she should be talking with the borders? i mean, as you said, what she's said, what she's been doing just from a strategic standpoint seems to be well, i did i did a pretty tough interview with her immediately after the debate that i i'm sure well, she wasn't happy with how he actually did very well in that interview she held and she she actually it was actually a good interview for her i loved i loved the or
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others who walked out there people because somebody missed an episode here, right after biden had his melt meltdown, she had to walk and sit down and talk to anderson cooper on live television, cnn, global audience, not a whole lot of time to get any kind of cute cartoon anybody. >> and she held her own so i'm not worried about her talking to a reporter, but right now, if it ain't broke, why fix it? she's got a convention coming up. she's got she's going to go up another point or two. and as you can talk to talk to a reporter, but you are watching a masterclass in politics happening from the most underestimated politician in america. meanwhile, this juggernaut is falling apart scott. >> she is sort of, i mean, there are she's she's kind of borrowing things from the playbook of donald trump from years past. i mean, the whole not talking to reporters. i mean, it is a strategic decision obviously. and in the world where donald trump has already done pretty much anything kind of outrageous or
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anything that would have crossed a boundary before i mean, she can do that well, the risk you run it, not defining yourself and laying out your positions, is that eventually donald trump figures it out and he defined you for you using the statements that you made in the past, her biggest vulnerability is what she said when she was running for president before way outside the political mainstream, every position she took, and that her second biggest vulnerability is that she's vice president to the most unpopular president in the modern era. >> and she said he was extraordinarily strong to you on the night of the debate, and she helped cover up his condition and she helped him plan and execute all of his policies. these are massive vulnerabilities. now what are these a bar? >> while she's in the world of donald trump who has flip-flopped on, you know, he's just, he'll say anything and j.d. vance, who has completely altered his policy positions, his hatred of donald trump to now alleged love of donald trump i mean, in a world
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where that has happened does it matter if kamala harris is now saying yeah, she's not tax tips as well. i mean, why not this is what you're asking me is i mean, what you're asking me is does it matter what the president united states would do once they get into office? i would submit doesn't matter what the weather changes there does it matter whether a candidate has changed their position from one year to the next. i mean, because it certainly hasn't mattered for the trumps it only matters whether you believe them. and i think a lot of voters are going to have a hard time believing that someone who was for defund the police permissive immigration policy and way outside the mainstream of she i mean, she was she was she was pretty all over it back in the presidential campaign, right? ahead. >> she's okay. well, i agree to disagree, but my point is you have to believe that she is no longer a left wing progressive and i don't believe
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that she spent four years. >> she's been spent four years in joe biden's white house working alongside him. i mean, you're having this debate about can she define herself? i'd argue she's defined herself pretty dang well, i mean, the country is embracing her. she is riding high in the polls. people were eager for a change and they see it in her and she has a record of four years serving alongside joe biden. she's not yes. if she less defined than joe biden was sure he was president for four years, but she's not unknown to the public and i think what she's doing here is smart. i mean, she's taking all of her advantages, her her energy, this positivity that she's infused a vision for the future, which by the way is not really what we ever hear from donald trump. we always you're grievance and complaint and the ways he has been wronged and she's out laying out are really positive vision and doing it effectively. she was barnstorming the country while trump was essentially silent over the last week, she was hitting all the key swing states. so i don't think it's fair to say she's not defining herself. i think she's defining herself quite well. and donald trump is clearly envious of the way that she's defining herself as evidenced by this
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meltdown that we're watching him have we gotten to get quick break? >> we'll have more from all of you coming up next. john king had magic wall with more on how the polling has changed over the last three weeks since the race was up ended. also, his reporting from several key pennsylvania counties, which could decide the state and the entire race, how voters they're making decisions. they never expected the dab when we continue thinking i'm thinking about our honeymoon, about africa so far hot air balloon ride swim with elephants 24 so far great question. >> like everything, it takes a little planning for what the mind towards a down payment on a ranch in montana with horses. >> let's take a look at those scenarios jpmorgan wealth management has advisors and chase branches and tools like wealth plan to help keep you on track when you're planning for it. >> all the answer is jpmorgan wealth management. >> i have type two diabetes but are managing its i take from
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that the free delivery when you add any base shutdown asleep number store near you i'm zachary cohen in washington and this is cnn we showed you polls at the top of the program for three battleground state showing kamala harris up by four percentage points in each. >> and we should point out that they are all within the margin of error, which range actually from four to 4.54, 0.5 points. so they are still technically tied. that said they do seem to have gotten under donald trump's skin, whether they have or haven't. certainly mark the difference between now and what the race looks like before biden-harris gateway to harris walz speaking of walz, john king is at the magic version with more john. so how's the vice president on the democratic ticket change the race in battleground states or has some numbers in a moment, anderson, but first let's just start with this. i have the map this way because we are now back in what we thought at the beginning of the year before biden's debate before the questions about his
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age, that this would be the state grace right. six essentially battleground states after that debate, remember the trump campaign was saying, we're going to put new mexico in play, were going to put virginia in play, were going to put new hampshire in play, were going to run away with this. that was the mood after the biden trump debate. well, biden's gone. harris is the candidate now. so at a minimum, we have reset the map to a traditional battleground state. but remember after those last debates, it because trump could win here trump could win here, and trump could win here. not only did the polls show that now bring them up to understand what we talked about that after all, my travels into those states. so let's just look a little. may and now trump ahead and pennsylvania, you're exactly right. this is no clear leader statistically within the margin of error, but trump had momentum this michigan polled new york times, he sienna had biden ahead slightly. i can tell you from my travels, trump had momentum there as well, and wisconsin tighter, but trump with momentum. the question is, don't believe any one poll which weighs the arrow pointing, who has the momentum? well look at this in august now, harris up a little bit within the margin of error. but in pennsylvania, up a little bit more in michigan, up a
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little bit more in wisconsin. so what does that mean? that means if the election were tomorrow and the energy and momentum you see out there right now played out you would get that and even if harris lost georgia, nevada, and arizona, she could get to 270 electoral votes. so those three states, the blue wall, make all the difference in the democratic calculation. if she is strong in these, it opens up the possibilities across the sunbelt john, let me just ask you. >> i mean, when polling says that the more that margin of error though in those states seemed really big, aren't do those polls then matter? i mean, isn't it essentially still then a toss-up between them it is a very competitive race. >> we cannot say that enough. a very competitive race, and we lived through 2016. we lived through 2020. you should expect it's a very competitive race. polling is you pull 800,000 people in a state. some polls to 500 people. the statistician's run the margin of error that shows no clear leader where especially cautious here at cnn, how we characterize polling. so this is how i do it. do not believe anyone pull any one poll is a snapshot. but when you see a
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bunch of polling, which way, right? who does somebody have clear momentum? is it a straight line or is it going like this right now over in the spring when i was coming back in those travels, it was going that way for donald trump, right now. it's all harris everywhere when one significant change regarding police, the gender gap, right? >> absolutely. so there's a whole number of things we could break down, but randi kaye for your program is doing a great series on the 53%, right? the 50 he three, why women are 53% of the population, the voting population roughly. so if you want to get votes, wanted to go to the big buckets of votes, right? if you can get more women to vote for you, there a larger slice of the electric. look at this, may 2024. again, the battleground polls by new york times, sienna, trump and biden. trump ahead by 14 points among men running roughly even among the women. now, look at this harris up 20 points about the same margin among men. trump's still winning among men. but look at this, so you're talking now about harris, his vote in the cities has come up. harris is vote in the suburbs has come out. you have a woman candidate, a woman of color at the top of the ticket at the moment, it is making a very big difference in
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the change in the race and what about ad spending? how much of the campaign spent in ad sales since biden stepped aside and actual campaign stops has gone where, forgive me for turning my back to stretch this out, but there's been more talk today from a pro-trump super pac that you got to see even more money come in. but this is where we are right now. this tells you both campaigns agreed. look at all the spending of pennsylvania it's about evenly matched. it tells you both campaigns agreed pennsylvania is a huge battle to go, but then georgia, michigan, wisconsin, arizona, north carolina, and nevada are the democrats behind in north carolina waiting to see if they really mean it, waiting to see if the harris campaign will put significant money into north carolina, the trump campaign put more money into georgia today. we're going to watch this play out. this will change again, anderson, when you come out of the democratic debate. but right now, again, the campaign is essentially agree, the traditional six battlegrounds and maybe north carolina, although i want to keep an eye on that to see if the democrats, if they can see huge african american enthusiasm, they'll continue to play there, especially with the progress among women in the suburbs. but that's a test case watch that right, john stay with this. i want to bring in scott jennings, kate
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bedingfield, van jones. they also may have some questions for john as well, scott, you just heard from john when when you look at how much the trump team has changed their ad spending, what does that say? >> well, the maps smaller now, i think john is exactly right. they were envisioning a much larger matt. now it's smaller. we're back down to the core states that we all thought were going to be the battleground states. and really it's still the competition between the sunbelt and the northern blue wall. and if i had any question for john, it's really about the state of pennsylvania obviously, the person that wins pennsylvania is highly, highly likely to win the race and given her past stances being on both sides of the fracking issue, given biden's special personal connection to pennsylvania, i wonder if john has any commentary on whether he thinks she is going to run or be as strong in pennsylvania as biden might have been giving his personal connections as to the state and his connections to some of the older white working class voters where he had a little bit more strength than you might have expected. >> i think you raise you raised a critical question, scott, for what we will see, how does she
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try to play this in the democratic debate? what does she say under pennsylvania ads? are they different from other is we've essentially become a national electorate? but let's see what the differences are. but you are right. joe biden has a personal affinity here you see him get to 50 i can tell you this since the change was made, i've been to north hampton county, a swing county, and i just came back. you'll see the piece a little a few minutes right here from the philadelphia suburbs. and you see harris making progress there, progress there. she has a great opportunity but she also has challenges. there are a lot of voters who voted for joe biden. they thought he was more centrist. we were also in the middle of pandemic, who said it is harris maybe a little bit too liberal for me, but there's also a lot of voter scott, who do not want to vote for donald trump, moderate republicans, reagan republicans don't want to vote for donald trump. many of them, we're going to hold their nose and vote for trump if it were biden again, now they say they're gonna give harrison looks. so she has the opportunity. but with that comes a challenge. >> and van i mean, how is it you think that vice president harris hasn't been able to essentially run as a change candidate. john says, even though she is part of an incumbent administration with a track record of running herself in back in 2020 she looked like
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she looks like change she looked like you've never seen anybody like that doing what she's doing. >> and so it's just arresting. it's interesting what i want to know from john is how much of this momentum is just people coming back with democratic party who should have been with us the whole time. is this actually? heading into anything as she picking up people that were surprised by or is this just young folks and people of color and women coming back home. >> i think again, like scott, you guys are smart, you know, that's why you're here. you're hitting the nail on the head. that's why the harris campaign should not be overconfident they should be confident, they should be happy, energy and enthusiasm help when your party won the last election, if you can put that coalition back together, maybe you can win the next election. but they've made a lot of progress. like i said, they still have challenges. can you get the nikki haley voters or suburban republicans, the reagan republicans? can you get back a slice of those young voters are still holding out because they're mad at president biden over israel and hamas and palestine. and she is his vice president to scott's point, can she somehow find a way to thread that needle, find the right nuance? there are challenges going forward, but
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to the point about change, i don't have the numbers here go deep into the new york times-sienna polling. this country wants change. i can tell you that from traveling the last year when they had the biden trump choice, there are a lot of people who just exasperated by it. if you look at now and they asked trump versus harris, who's the candidate that would bring good change. the numbers have flipped dramatically people view her not just as change in how she looks, not just as different and governor walz helps here as well because he's different and his new people want new and different. they're tired after covid, after inflation, after biden and trump. so she has that advantage right now. it gives her an opportunity to pull people in. can she make take advantage of it? is the question kate, vice president harris and president biden are campaigning together later this week. do you think they're gonna do that a lot in the coming months or do you think she's going to keep some distance? >> well, i believe him when he says that he'll do whatever she thinks is helpful. and so i'm sure he will take his cues from her and from her campaign. he wants to do nothing but be helpful to her. i think he has a scott kind of referenced in his question to john. he certainly has a connection, particularly with white working class voters that other
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democrats have struggled with over the last couple of decades. and so that's a place where i think he can be really helpful. i would imagine we would see him out. imagine you'll see him speaking to pennsylvania. you'll see him in scranton. his hometown is a place where he can help put that bigger broader coalition together. i would imagine that they will use him strategically on that front john sort of touched on the question i had in his answer to van, but part of the discussion over the course of this last ten months has been about young voters, whether they can overcome some of this frustration that they have particularly around the gaza issue. i'm wondering if you if you see john that these young voters see vice president harris as aligned with joe biden, judge, does she carry that burden? i guess that joe biden has had with young voters over the gaza issue, or do they see her as a clean slate? you sort of touched on this, but i'm wondering if you're seeing that in your conversation. >> i think we get a much better answer that question when people returned to campus in just a few weeks, which is why i think the vice president has
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a tremendous opportunity with the democratic convention next week to try to tie this up or there were two big reasons young voters in my travels over the last year were just apathetic about biden. they agree with him on the abortion issue of lgbtq rights to climate and other things. they're mad, furious, anger great about palestine. they think the president has greenlighted a lot of israeli conduct that they find reprehensible, but they also had no connection to him because of his age, no connection at all. the younger part, the vibrant part, seeing the vice president out there, hur decided to go on to tiktok that has helped is it enough? that's the question for the younger voters who have made the israel hamas conflict are cause, that's her challenge. how do you get enough of them back because, you know the numbers an arab american voters, but michigan, georgia one of the reasons those states went democratic or younger voters. she's made progress, isn't enough big question kate bedingfield, van jones. >> thanks. scott, stick around john. thank you. we mentioned pennsylvania in philadelphia. next one all this looks like personal person on the ground more from john as he goes all over the map with a look at how voters, and there's all
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all over the globe. >> and that's well, you're going to see an awol whole different beast bst we wednesday night dynamite at 8:00 on tbs. >> vice president harris has been barnstorming through battleground states to try to re-introduce herself to voters since the ascending to the top of the democratic ticket, that includes pennsylvania our john king went back there for new installment of his series all over the map to speak with moderate republicans and former republican voters in the philadelphia suburbs about where they now stand, that president biden has exited the race bucks county, pennsylvania. this covered bridge, a local treasure. michael pacey often stops along the trail here to fish and to think not a great time to be a reagan republican, pacey supported nikki haley, but won't vote for donald trump ever. and he sees kamala harris as more liberal than he would like. >> i have doubts about her or she's going to be tied to the biden record, regardless of what she says or what she does does it impact your calculation for what you do know doesn't change anything at all. i still not going to vote for trump
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regardless. so i'm not excited about voting for kamala harris, but it's better than the alternative. >> every vote counts though enthusiastic or not big margins in the suburbs around philadelphia are critical for democrats, box is more blue collar and of late, the most competitive of the collar counties, if i were here the day after the debate and i asked you, you think biden could win pennsylvania, you would have said, no way. there have been no way. do you think kara's can win pennsylvania? >> i think she can. i think she can. i think the energy she's brought to the campaign, the fact that she's a woman and women's rights are going to be a big deal here in pennsylvania, and i think that's kind of where pennsylvania will go berks county is more rural and more trumpy just outside the suburban collar but margins matter everywhere in the battlegrounds. >> joan london is an attorney for local governments. blinn farm zoning permit status. we had a meeting this morning, very productive meeting.
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>> london cast her primary vote for haley, then switched her registration to independent she worries about trump's course tone and what she sees as angry populism. a new worry since our last visit in may, trump running mate j.d. vance no cats, but married and childless. now, even more proud, she left the gop. >> i've led a very full life that way and to say, i don't have a stake in the future contrary, i had i had some difficulty with that and all i could think of, senator vance, are you going to tell and colder or condoleezza rice, are elizabeth dole their miserable cat, ladies? i don't i don't think so. >> london plans to write in a conservative, but she leaves the harris window open just a crack if donald trump or j.d. vance really says something so outrageously offensive that could drive me to vote for vice president harris, but it's highly unlikely she just doesn't she doesn't represent my values, my beliefs about policy media is in delaware county, sophia sabatini knows a
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lot about the change here. my street was rock rock-ribbed republican now, you have to shake a stick to find the republican. >> teeny is also never trump and i watch his campaign rallies. it's all about him it's not about the country. this is now the third campaign in which these never trump voters hold significant sway. in 2016 and 17, he wrote in a republican senator trump narrowly won pennsylvania in 2020. >> she voted for biden. >> was that hard? >> no, because i didn't want to see trump elected after the chaos of the prior four years, sabatini says she's read things that worry her about harris, about immigration policy and about being tough on her staff probably another right in this november, but the 2016 result it still stings. >> i'm trying to keep an open mind about harris. if the wrap on her as i read is correct, bella kingwood is in montgomery
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county. >> it was very republican, you know, i was growing up and as democrat now kevin mccarthy is an attorney, a registered republican. she's angry that trump constantly attacks courts and judges and election results. >> i'm now turning on 80 songs to go back to the 80s in my lifetime, the republican party has changed with donald trump, clinton, 2016, biden, 2020, a never trumper. she thought. >> but inflation and immigration soured hur on biden. >> and then she watched the june debate when biden was on the ticket, i was going to vote for trump. but now it's it's a harder call just because i have not a fan of donald trump nor now of senator vance, not a cat lady. >> i was a child, ms dog lady because i didn't i didn't meet the right person to tell us over 40-years-old. so i could very well be one of those childless women and i found the comment insensitive and narrow-minded. >> this is near cardi summer
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home on maryland's eastern shore. she says the conversations back home among her philly suburban mom friends are crystal clear. >> definitely i have more friends saying that they're leaning towards harris, but she still has reservations and hopes harris trump debate helps tell me what you did exactly at your last job and what are your goals for this job if you get the job? and that's what i want to hear from kamala harris, scoring the campaign, just like a job interview in the suburbs that usually decide who gets hired john does the polling support with the voters told you? yes, the trend lines support vice president harris is momentum in the suburbs and everywhere else. let's just say look at some of the numbers and again, forgive me for turning my back when i stretch this out though, comparison, new york times, battleground state polling in may, biden and trump essentially tied in the suburbs do york times, sienna college, battleground polling right now, harris up 11 points in the suburbs. so clearly momentum on her side, you notice it anecdotally when you visit, especially with republican women who don't like donald trump. and again, this is where
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the j.d. vance comments in the past about childless cat, ladies and all that have hurt him. there's no question about it. the challenge anderson is, if you can win, if you come down out here at chester county's out here, then you come into delaware county and montgomery county and bucks county. those three the last three really the collar counties around philadelphia, then chester, then you go up to berks, the ecmo ex-urban counties. if you have good margins there and you went big and philadelphia, you win pennsylvania. if you're doing well in those suburbs, you probably doing well in the detroit suburbs in walkie suburbs, the atlanta suburbs, the phoenix suns i was the vice president is making progress enough yet that's why we have weeks left to campaign, months left to campaign. but again, trump's going to go after her on liberal and on crime she needs to go after trump on tolerance. and on a plan to go forward on abortion rights and on the j.d. vance comments, this is the struggle for the suburbs that will decide who wins all right, john king, thanks very much. next breaking news on the x livestream with donald trump and elon musk that was supposed to be happening. now, what musk says is causing the hold up next we don't call
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0 4, 8, 9. >> i wolf blitzer in tel aviv, israel. >> and this is cnn elon musk seems to have just begun to start his livestream. >> the former president, there has been a delay and must just took his own network took to his own network with an explanation quoting from his post, their players to be a massive ddos attack on x working in shutting it down ddos stands for distributed denial hello, service. he went on to say worst-case, we will proceed with a smaller number of live listeners and posed the conversation later. now this is reminiscent of the glitches on florida governor ron desantis is owned livestream with musk to launch his failed presidential campaign. >> just keep crashing, i think we've got just a massive number of people online. >> so it's servers are straining somewhat. >> all right, sorry about that. we we've got so many people here that i think we are we are kind of melting the servers, which is a good sign joining
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us. >> now cnn's kristen holmes covering the former presidents. so what's the campaign saying about all this? when this thing was supposed to start at the top of the hour, wasn't yeah. >> i mean, over 40 minutes in here and the campaign is saying that trump broke the internet. i'm going to show you a tweet here. this is obvious spin from donald trump's team. >> we see a right-wing activist posting. >> let's time to break the internet and then you see chris lacivita saying donald trump, did i do want to point out, you noted what elon musk said they're in the tweet then he went on to say that this was a giant server attack and that this shows how much opposition there is to even hearing donald trump speak. >> the reason why this is interesting is given the fact that elon musk is a supporter of donald trump's. >> he has endorsed him and now he's given him this massive platform to speak, essentially saying that people are against even having donald trump out there speaking, feeding into yet another conspiracy theory, which was one of the things that we were watching closely to see how this played out when it came to donald trump sitting down with elon musk. obviously you have seen the way we've all
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seen donald trump really play into these various conservative far right wing conspiracy morrissey theories of late re-posting pictures that he says that the crowds that harris event where ai generated that there's really not those kind of crowds that was something we were watching closely to see and it seems like even we're starting off here. elon musk saying that part of this attack is because there's so much opposition to even hearing donald trump speak how was the trump team framing this conversation with musk earlier today one of the questions i asked donald trump at our press conference last week when we were down at mar-a-lago, when he took questions was why he wasn't out on the campaign trail. >> and i'd pose that same question to his campaign senior advisors and they said that they believed that this election russian was going to be decided by small margin of voters. and of those voters, a lot of them were low propensity voters, meaning people who don't usually turn out are first-time voters who weren't going to get their news the traditional way, meaning they weren't going to necessarily sit and engage with politics in
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terms of watching a rally in a swing state. but those same in voters might tune into a podcast. they might tune into an mma event and they might tune into an interview with elon musk. so that's part of the strategy here. obviously, it's some traditional, we'll see if it works as we get closer to november kristen holmes. >> thanks so much back with us. scott jennings also joining us is 2020 biden-harris senior campaign official. official ashley allison scott trump's co-campaign manager tried to put a positive spin on the situation, saying that trump broke the internet to kristen's point is that do you think this interview with elon musk is going for those people who may not normally vote those low propensity voters, just like having hulk hogan ripping shirt off at the convention, which i know was a high point for you what was reaching a different audience and having dana white intro the president, the former president of course, i mean they're obviously going
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to be people who follow elon musk that may not be as politically engaged is your average five out of five or four out of four voter, i was just listening to the to the space. >> there's over 1 million people in this thing according to, according to what's on the phone here and trump was recounting at the beginning of the space what it was like to be shot in the ear. and so maybe there are people who find it kind of intimate to hear directly from trump about this and a platform that they're most comfortable in i mean, ultimately this is about reaching people where they are ai kamala harris by the way, to do things that are non-traditional communications devices as well, don't know what it will be. but you just can't rely on the same old stuff anymore. you've got to do everything you can do. and obviously he's not coasting anymore. he's in a dog fight now to try to win this election. and so he's now having a conversation with a massively influential and massively wealthy person. who supports him in front of over 1 million people. i'm gonna give it a provisional good idea. we'll see what the content produces. but at provisionally, i think it's wise to try to talk to as many folks as you can actually elon musk is
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claiming there was some sort of cyber attack on the site that caused the technical problems we have we have no evidence of that at this point. >> we obviously saw similar problems, technical problems with the launch from florida governor ron desantis, his presidential campaign god bless elon musk, you know, like you could have figured out the issues that when your campaign has are your side has a surge that you need to expand capacity. >> i was actually just paying attention what it seems like donald trump has been doing to the kamala harris campaign. they would have realized that there are people who are engaging in this election in ways that they haven't engaged before. kamala harris broke the internet when they had over 100,000 light women join a zoom the only person who has actually it's hard to say this out of respect for the call for all the person who was actually really broke the internet is
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beyonce. so i know that chris lacivita is going to try and say that this is because of the overwhelming influx of folks, but the difference between what donald trump is doing on x and what kamala harris was able to do spontaneously is that donald trump is going to a platform that already has tens of hundreds of millions of people who already engaged as saying come pay attention to me because i can't get you at my rally. the difference is since joe biden decided he wasn't going to run for the race, kamala harris had people who organize this organically and got some of the same numbers that donald trump is getting on a platform that is curated for them to show up. so i don't think donald is breaking the internet, but good. try scott, do you think i mean, is elon musk somebody that the foreign president wants to be? i mean, he clearly he feels there's value and associating with him despite, the super rich guys yeah, super wealthy, super influential has an audience that they're trying to
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cultivate in this kind of tech bro innovative space. >> yeah, i mean, of course, i mean, look, when you're when you're donald trump you know, what range you sort of exist in with, most voters. what you got to ultimately do is change the composition of the electorate to give yourself a little bit more of an advantage. that's trump's superpower is that he may actually be able to reach people, maybe their followers of elon musk, maybe they aren't, but he ultimately may be able to reach people who aren't political plea engaged except but for someone like him using the musk platform and using him and getting the transference of his credibility to you with that kind of voter mean, it's a it's a total no-brainer. now what he says when he gets on there will have to analyze after the fact but just to reach people who may otherwise be unreachable. yeah. i mean, it's a worthwhile thing to do actually, really do think this is a return to x for the former president if he thinks that will help him win? >> yes. you know, for so long donald trump's stayed on truth,
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social because he wanted to build that platform. remember just a couple of months ago, we were talking about how much truth social was worth, so that he could sell it and that kind of fell flat. but if donald trump thinks i asked for him on x, he will definitely be there. same as the vice president. i mean, i think the reason why donald trump actually came back to x was because of the virility and the viral moments that the vice president had around bratt and the coconut memes. and he's like i want to be over there too. so yeah, i think he'll stay if he thinks it's by it makes his campaign more viable. >> scott jennings, ashley allison, thanks so much coming up more on crowds, crowd size, and the former president and his love of crowd size the source with kaitlan collins next what is circle surplus? field to take flight circled isn't energy that gets you to the next level? circle is which
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underscore, she did not. it's just one more example of his longstanding obsession with crowd size is the measure of a candidate aid and how he reacts when fantasy and reality collide. randi kaye takes a look back i made a speech. >> i looked out the field was it looked like 1 million million and a half people that was donald trump in january 2017 boasting about what he believed was the size of his crowd on inauguration day he falsely claimed that his crowd was the largest ever. >> his press secretary at the time shared the same untruth this was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration period both in person and around the globe. the national park service never provided an official crowd count, but aerial photos taken during trump's the naga ration and barak obama's show, obama's first inauguration attracted a larger crowd. also, donald trump drew 570,000 writers on the metro system in 2009 during
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obama's first inauguration, there were 1.1 million riders trump's fixation with crowd size is not new. >> i've had the biggest crowds. they never say how big the crowds are on the line was like 30 blocks long ago when all the way back to a highway, we have 7,000 people outside trying to get in in 2015, trump took issue with my ac360 report about him speaking in south carolina in a ballroom that was two-thirds empty, the ballroom had hundreds of empty seats. trump was furious when he called in to cnn's morning show, the very next day, your reporter in south carolina, who is absolutely terrible and the room was full, every seat was filled, every seat was most definitely not full take a look at these pictures and video from the event. the washington post ran a story about our story with the headline, donald trump says he didn't speak to a half empty room, but he did the paper posted pictures of
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the half empty room and summed it up this way. cnn's assessment appears to have been the correct one more recently, trump bragged about the size of his crowd at the january 6 rally preceding the attack on the capitol. >> the biggest crowd i've ever spoken, i've spoken to the biggest grads. nobody spoken to craft bigger than me. >> trump went on to claim his crowd on january 6 was larger than the crowd for martin luther king junior's. i have a dream speech in august 1963 if you look at martin luther king, when he did his speech, and you look at it, and you look at the picture of his grabbed my proud we actually had more people know he did not trump drew about 53,000 people on january 6, while around 250,000 people showed up for martin there killing. >> at that same press conference, trump also bristled when asked about vice president kamala harris, is crowd sizes. i'll give me a break listen. >> i had 107,000 people in new
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jersey. you didn't report it? i'm so glad us. what does she have yesterday? 2000 people. if i ever had 2000 people, you'd say my campaign is finished. >> harris, his team says 14,000 people were at her rally in philadelphia and 15,000 in detroit. >> it's not as if anybody cares about crowd sizes or anything. >> and anderson is not just crowd size, its crowds style to remember, cassidy hutchinson, the former white house aide, will she testified before the january 6 committee under oath saying that team trump would arrange for their crowds to be in long at long and narrow fashion to make for better picture taking. she also he testified that on january 6, when he gave his speech before the attack on the capitol, the former president was very frustrated because the crowd was more spread out and they were obstructions in the way that made photographing the crowd very difficult. so here you have these very pivotal days, anderson and the concern is about the crowd. it's truly remarkable randi kaye, thanks so much. >> the new