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tv   Laura Coates Live  CNN  August 13, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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on the ballot and that is going to make a huge difference in this election because women are going to save this democracy, going to be a factor trisha no one seems to want to talk about it, but joe biden is still in the white house and the cover up of his cognitive decline is a scandal of historic proportions. i don't think we're going to find out for another decade what really happened. but when we do and there's a bulk and then a film adaptation, my production is that mark rothko is could play joe biden that took a turn, right not all i have to call out the former president, president obama, who's trying to be switzerland when it comes to summer music, and took a nice, neutral approach. >> you did not have a drake song on there president obama? he didn't have a kinetic sol choose a side and it should be kindred because that's the song of the summer. what you can do is pretend like those two men do not exist as summer and not include them on your summer playlist. medical side messenger, seen that everyone. >> thank you very much and thank you. do you for watching newsnight state of the race. laura coates live starts right now a messaging meltdown from
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donald trump has his allies freaking out, but will they do anything to flip the script? >> plus tim walz says he's proud so there's military record that's a quote, as he tries to fend off a new controversy. and it was a startup backed by j.d. vance meant to employ local kentucky workers. those workers pledge nightmare conditions as the company went under, we've got the cnn investigation good evening, everybody. >> i'm in for laura coates. i'm jim acosta tonight, a plea from trump allies to trump himself. new cnn reporting shows that those closest to the former president are alarmed. he cannot stay on message. they acknowledged trump's race-baiting insults and conspiratorial rants are unproductive and the campaign has wasted an early opportunity. they say to blunt the momentum of kamala harris, one source close to trump
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saying this, this is a different race now the democrats are energized. they have a massive machine and she's raising money and she can put a coherent argument against him. it should be easy to talk about the economy and talk about immigration so what's the campaign for donald trump doing tonight? they're talking about immigration, except it's leaning into an old strategy that those same trump allies are worried about race-baiting and dehumanization. his campaign, war room, sharing this anti-immigrant meme online, it shows side-by-side images, one with an american flag flying outside out of a house labeled your neighborhood under trump. the other shows a 2023 photo of central american and african migrants in new york city waiting to get temporary housing labeled your neighborhood under camila. and the headline reads import the third world become the third world. it goes without saying illegal border crossings. we've for this over and over are significantly down the last six months though. the numbers also show violent crime has dropped
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across the u.s. during the first quarter of this year. but trump is clearly eager to exploit what he sees as a weakness for kamala harris. and it fits with the same divisive language he's used to talk about immigration throughout this campaign but they coming from africa from the middle east, from asia. they're coming from all over the world and they're coming in because we have very very stupid people running our country. they allowed it to happen. what happened is unbelievable. >> you have from africa, from the congo, they're coming from the congo. >> they're rough people in many cases from jails, prisons, from mental institutions, insane asylums, and saying this m, that's silence of the lambs these hannibal lecter, anybody know hannibal lecter. we don't want them in this country. they're poisoning the blood of our country that's what they've done all right, many of those things that he said that of course, are not true. politics reporter joining us now for some before kadia goba, friend
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of governor tim walz, and former democratic congressman patrick murphy on trump 2020, press communications director erinperrine guys ladies gentlemen. thank you. all of you for being with us tonight. erin, let me go to you first. i mean, what do you make of some of this reporting that we're getting here at cnn, new york times, other folks have been kind of reporting the same thing that trump. there are folks inside trump world who are kind of freaking out that over the last several days, the former president cannot stay on message of the message that they think he should stay on. and instead, he's sort of going being off the cup at press conferences on truth, social during this elon musk thing that they did on x last night and saying all sorts of wild things, getting himself in trouble. i mean, just put this up on screen went down in a helicopter with willie brown, didn't happen harris only recently identified as black, didn't happen january 6, grabbed was bigger than i've okay. it's not true. biden will try to reclaim the democratic convention nomination. no, that's not happened thank biden fake covid that didn't happen either aaron, your thoughts?
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>> i think that this campaign would be best served, stain targeted, and staying on message. it's very clear that the american people right now feel better about the harris-walz ticket than they did about the biden-harris ticket. so they are in a honeymoon and it's going to continue for a little bit. we're going into the democratic national convention they now democrats are going to maintain the speed they have at this point. and that is closing the polling gap and putting her ahead in some states, if he stays focused and on message, it's whatever republican is saying on air right now. and we talk about the economy right now, the american people are living off this vibes mentality going into the midterms. oh, thinks, feel good with the democrats and o, we really like camila this is what the trump campaign, he's be doing. talking to people where they are about how they feel because people still don't feel great about the economy. they don't feel great about safety in their communities. money don't feel great about the border. talk to people where they are about what matters to them, and they'll show up and vote for you. it's hard to know. >> but erin, i just because, you know, because you worked for donald trump for a little while i mean, the fact that some of these folks like, where's the scripting and i should try to find it here.
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there are alarm that he can't stay on message. is that i mean, you worked how many years ago did you work for donald trump five years. is this is this alarming? i don't know. are there alarm bells going? sounds like the same donald trump there is a lot of the same stuff. you're going to see from donald trump. this is a man well, and do a 70s who has a pattern of behavior and that's continuing out in this campaign. but that bombastic, brash style, that is what kind of brought people into the fold in the first place to, and they're like, oh, we believe that this man is telling us the truth, even if we don't love the delivery at the time. fast forward, we're almost a decade down this rabbit hole and to stay on message now would mean the opportunity for there not to be the distraction and noise that dampens your message when voters are starting to tune in right now as we get into the homestretch. >> well, and speaking of rabbit-holes, patrick, let's show this meme again that the trump campaign's war courtroom shared on social, social media earlier today. i mean, it's pretty ugly. this is what they've been doing. i mean, he has been doing this over and over again import the third
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world, become the third world your thoughts it's more of the same without on trump. i mean, that's why there's such a contrast in this race that you have one side, fear and loathing of fall americans and oversight, joy and hope about moving this country to move in the right direction. jim, i think, you know, i served in the military. i was in iraq and evasion. i love my brother's 82nd airborne division, one of them was actually a us citizen, yet he's trying to earn assistantship. he was just as american as you and i were austin stable. so we are a nation of immigrants and we have to make sure we do it the right way. but for him to be divisive like he is. i don't think americans want to go back. i think they sold how he acted for four years. they fired him for reason and they're not going to rehire them. just remember fifth and kadia, i mean, nikki haley was talking about this earlier tonight on fox was watch this i want this campaign to win but the campaign is not going to win. talking about crowd sizes,
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it's not going to win talking about what race kamala harris it's not going to win. talking about whether she's dumb, it's not you can't win on those things. the american people are smart, treat them like they're smart yeah. >> i mean, this gets back to i mean, this is not so much on the immigration thing, but on what trump has been doing over the last several days, which is, i mean, for aaron heard this time and time again, this whole notion of let trump be trump while they're letting trump be trump and it's not working in its freaking out his own people. >> yeah. i think just in general is very difficult to message on kamala harris for republicans, i saw it in 2020 when she was joe biden's running mate. what we see now coupled with that is a very prepared part. i'm very unprepared campaign. i don't think they will ready for this, which they did not pivot in time. and what you see is their main guy also not pivoting even if the campaign is ready to
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make that change. he's not there yet. it's like they're not even prepping him, although i'm sure they're cringing every time he makes those statements. but, you know, to your point, we were talking earlier at the nabj interview the other day the conference, the other day. i'm sure the message was hit kamala harris on her point of not inconsistencies that turned into well, she's not really a black woman. she has messaged on being like an indian woman but i think part of that was him and not somewhat something coming from the campaign i guess we'll see more of that down the line. who's who knows what last night patrick on x with elon musk. >> he praised elon musk for being the greatest qatar of jobs. let's listen to that this is shawn fain reacting to trump saying that let's i'm sorry, let's listen to that you know what? that ticket has just completely weird. >> if you listen to trump and musk, how they laugh how they
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laugh about how musk fires people, and how donald trump loves to talk about his favorite two words you're fired i mean, who enjoys that? who takes pride and firing workers yeah. >> i mean last time patrick, i'm sure you saw this that trump on x with elon musk praised elon musk saying workers go on strike, you get rid of them. and so on. and the harris campaign is immediately seized on it. and one of the things that is sort of self-gift, getting back to this notion of trump just being self-destructive lately, the trump campaign and trump himself have been trying to make inroads with labor unions, with union workers in places like michigan, pennsylvania places they're gonna need, right here you have shawn fain go ballistic. yeah you should by the way, because here you have two billionaires cutting the fat on x, on twitter and basically saying, oh, we don't have to follow the law, is the law that you cannot fire workers if they're striking? >> yeah, it's part of the constitution, freedom of a stumble you know, donald trump
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doesn't believe in freedom. he doesn't believe in a woman's right to choose he doesn't believe workers right to strike and luckily, in america we have the rule of law and it's not billionaire who's doing what they want to do all the time. >> yeah. and aaron, i mean, the teamsters president, sean o'brien, who spoke at the rnc, told nbc news in a statement, firing workers for organizing, striking, and exercising their rights as americans, as economic terrorism okay, that's, that is strong stuff. but that is somebody who spoke at the rnc and it just goes to show you. i mean they're looking the workers out there listening there representatives are organizations are listening. and i mean, this could be a problem. i mean, i have to i have to imagine that the harris campaign is going to bottle that sound and put it on the harris campaign. great credit for that. they've done a very good job of being very quick and very reactive and being able to push the negative they want to and get good coverage of it. absolutely. there is a disconnect between the leadership of unions and the rank and file. and you do see that i'm voting as well. there has been movement in rank
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and file labor members coming over to the republican party and when you see that, it's really important that we continue to deliver the economic message remind people of how they felt four years ago when they thought man behind me feel stronger now, it's not as expensive to buy groceries. it's not as hard. i don't have to choose between maybe this item at the grocery store in that middle bit more gas in my car. we have to talk the way people live and that means not making fun of them are belittling them. it means having an earnest and honest conversation about the fact that, hey, if you think the country is going in the wrong direction, this is the economic policy, the tax for tips. hey, you know what common liked it so much she liked that. no tax for tips. she's taken it and running it with her honor these are good policies. talk about them with people. >> i think they i think american people are smart because they weren't put through the ringer during covid, the whole world was put through the ringer. >> i mean an american, we lost 1 million people and we did have double-digit unemployment. america without trump was president and joe biden and kamala harris brought back 25 million new jobs. the stock market at the highest rated
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ever been industries know there's a new job, but guess what, you still got to bring them back you just can't leave them there, that they're being left there. it should between new jobs and those were brought back up and there's also a lot of new businesses gone back, and i would say to you and also the stock market, the highest it's ever been, especially when you have 56% of americans have their pensions and their retirement locked in the stock market. so it's helping people now again, no one spike any football. we got a lot of work to do, but people short-sell, don't want to go back to how it was for four years, whether it's new jobs, their old jobs, nobody likes couple well, a rich guy was talking about firing people. i mean, that's just that's planes that transcends politics. yeah. yeah. all right. guys, standby. we're at what more on this coming up just second tonight. a rare sight and politics, a coalition of republicans it's not a rejecting donald trump, but actively campaigning for his defeat kamala harris and tim walz there the future we can't look back. i did not come to voice the blood of our country. >> an election is a choice. in this election, there is no
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choice. >> keep the label of republican, but vote to defend this democracy. >> you have to publicly out yourself. i am a republican. i'm a conservative and i'm supporting kamala harris all right. >> courage oh. >> all right. let's bring in cnn political commentator, former lieutenant governor of georgia, geoff duncan. >> he is a member of the republicans for harris coalition who took part in tonight's virtual reality. jeff good to see you here's a question i have and i earlier on my morning show, i asked ray lahood who is a republican obama cabinet secretary, olivia troye are these folks are taking part in these calls an obviously, they think they're doing the right thing. but are they simply just the never trumpers who weren't going to support donald trump. anyway. and at the end of the day, it may not make a huge difference. what's your sense of it? what was the reaction you got from this call earlier tonight? >> yeah. i think the 10% in the middle that are going to determine this election are all
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types of makes and models. there's some lifelong republicans like me that are extremely conservative, but just have seen donald trump act in ways that should never be rewarded with another job called president. and some folks that are just moderates and everything in between the vibe on the call was positive it was a bunch of republicans in my opinion that we're trying to figure out ways to share their story, why they're not voting for donald trump, but why they are supporting in voting for kamala harris. and also looking for ways to give some air cover. one of the suggestions i gave was i don't want donald trump to win. i want to get my party back and be able to build a gop 2.0. and the only way to do that is to let the democrats win the selection. but also i think it's important to reinforce the fact two republicans around the country that just because you vote for kamala harris in 2024, doesn't mean you're democrat it just means you're a patriot. you're doing your duty as an american to step up to the plate and reclaim this country's future and jim, i don't know if you heard earlier on in this program, we
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were just playing some of that nikki haley sound. >> she was on fox earlier tonight, sort of saying, why, why is trump talking about all of these other things besides the issues we have this reporting coming into cnn tonight that his advisers are alarmed that he can stay on message correctly if i'm wrong, it's a little it's a little strange to me that folks would expect anything else from the former president mean this is what he does. this is what we've seen him do and i wonder if you detected any frustration when you're on this call earlier earlier this evening or do you think okay. note that's trump. that's par for the course know what i send some of the call was a bunch of folks looking around saying, hey, we finally got some momentum to beat this guy. >> we finally have a candidate that is 59-years-old, energetic, doing all the things that she needs to do to win the race now, certainly none of us agree with 100% of these policies that kamala harris or tim walz support. but i think the number one policy that we do do all support is democracy without democracy, none of this other stuff matters and so one of the stories i told was, what
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story do you want to tell your kids and grandkids about this? it's election. do you want to tell them that you voted for a woman iser, a convicted felon, a morally bankrupt individual, just because he had an r next to his name on the ballot. or do you vote for a decent person that has a steadier hand to get us through the next four years. for me that decisions easy. and i think it's becoming easier and easier because donald trump continues to just be an ultimate train wreck. i mean, he's his own worst enemy and the guy that got beaten 2020 is back on the scene now doing and saying all the wrong things, you can't explain it as there's something about being on one of these calls where you're with like-minded folks, you're talking to fellow republicans i suppose most of the folks on the call had not have not left the party they're planning on staying as republicans is there. >> i mean, is there a kind of a a therapeutic thing going on there? >> yeah. for me, yes. i mean, certainly like-minded individuals, but you know what the conversations i have, i was just at my son's football game earlier. folks are talking
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about these are hardcore lifelong republicans that are just sick and tired of making excuses at the water cooler at church, even at the kitchen table for donald trump and you're starting to see the soil soft the trajectory of kamala harris, although we don't agree lockstep on policies, the trajectory of stability is outpacing donald trump exponentially right now in suburbs, just like i live in here in forsyth county, georgia all right. >> and those counties are going to be vitally important. >> come november, geoff duncan. great to talk to you. thanks so much. really appreciate it coming up next. democratic vp pick tim walz defending his military record from republican attacks, saying he is quote, proud of his service but now he's facing some new questions. but once praising a muslim leader who shared anti-semitic propaganda we'll talk about that just a few moments. >> that's when it said red lobster's going away, your boy flavor flav said, not today as
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sleep i deserve more liebermann at the pentagon this cnn minnesota governor and harris running mate tim walz putting up a fierce defense of his military record during his first solo address in la i'm going to say it again as clearly as i can. i am proud of my service to this country and
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i firmly believe you should never denigrate another person service record. anyone brave enough to put on that uniform for our great country, including my opponent. i just have a few simple words. thank you for your service and sacrifice walz emphasized as 24 years service record that started when he was 17 republicans have blasted walls, were retiring and running for congress before his unit was deployed to iraq and 2005. >> but walz says he didn't know about that deployment. that was coming as walz tries to put the controversy too at a new one is bubbling up though. videos revealed by the washington examiner, she was appearing with an imam in minnesota who has shared anti-semitic posts on facebook in the past and defended the october 7 terror attack by hamas walz appeared with a mom, assad's amman at several events since 2018 and praised his work in the community. but war also has not met with some on, since october 7. they campaign spokesperson
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said that walz and the imam do not have a personal relationship, adding quote, governor walz strongly condemns hamas terrorism is amman saying tonight that he shared the posts, quote, without fully looking at them, adding desiring harm to people as against my faith and my personal convictions, a panel is back with me. kadia, what do you what do you make of this issue with walz? i mean, we knew this was going to happen. >> he was relatively unknown nationally. >> obviously the opposition research is going to kick in and anything that they find, they're going to they're going to put out there. >> i mean, it's good attack right? on a person's military back ground. you veterans, people who have served our take that very seriously, but also to his point, how do you denigrate someone who served more than two decades in militaries, who has served more than two decades at the same time, i think a lot of his peers and former combat combat, but former military personnel at come out in support of him.
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so i mean, it's tricky, it's a really good talking point. not sure if it's going to go away or do you want to talk about the item about the imam bit patrick you're friends with tim walz used you've served for your thoughts? served we roommates in congress together. let me tell you something our nation just got done the longest wars american history, two decades tim walz, who joined the army 17, served his country after its first unless he relisted again after 20 years, you retired. he stayed x or nation was attacked. then he deployed on their operation enduring freedom the army made him leave his wife, his kids, his job to be an assistant soldier in the national guard to oversee he's for j.d. vance or any veteran to attack his service after he deployed less than 1% of america, answer the call tim walz answered the call. it's shameful and aaron, you worked in republican politics for a long time. we all remember the 2004 campaign. they went after john kerry on some of these allegations, by the way, a lot of that was a
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crock but getting back to what's happening today, does this you think this is going to be effective going after tim walz in this fashion mean this is somebody who served in the national guard for 24 years. >> so two points on that. one, chris lacivita is one of the chief people over at the trump campaign, and he was a senior individual behind swift votes against kari. i mean, this is something that they have seen succeed before. and i thought that senator vance did a very good job over the weekend when he was talking about he says, i'm not criticizing his service. i have questions about him embellishing on things and he did do that on the sunday shows. i thought that was a good measured tone to say no, no, no. i'm not criticizing the service. i have questions because they have updated the weapon site regarding what his actual title was. it's easy to perhaps embellish a little bit as a candidate running for congress. that's the kind of stuff that apoe researchers will find and will come after you about. do i think that this is the ultimate in the armor that's going to take tim walz out and make him not a likable guy that people seem to really i mean, patrick can't be saying nicer things about him right now, like just even we're all fair chatting, you really ought
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and i certainly seems about j.d. >> vance, which i didn't come off like myself. you don't attack other combat veterans. and for j.d. vance to do that and then him to look the other way. and the guy who works, chris. so you mentioned, who worked for it's more personal question, did this foot-boat act support veterans for truth against john kerry, who earned it was a genuine war hero here is the same guy who by the way, who's working for donald trump, who when he was a young man, got five deferments he got to health care to form it for his foot from his family doctor. he didn't remember what photo was. so i have a hard time. j.d. vance is not letting it go. look, we we showed this tweet to our records, right? >> we were just showing this a few moments ago jd. >> no better. jd he vance, you know, better to tack another veteran, especially one who deployed after 9-11, he should know better because j.d. vance deployed and people like me don't criticize his service in
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camo, stand up there and criticize him and come after his service stand up, and said, i it's how dare some how dare anybody question my loyalty to this nation and who i would be loyal to. >> and i actually think this is his best line so far in the campaign is when jd has stood up, senator vance, let me be respectful here. when he stood up there and he said i you know, i deployed in service of this country. i built a business in service of this country. those are great lines for him to talk about and service it has come from both sides and it's completely unacceptable on both sides but i disagree with you because i think we're completing things. >> it's okay to criticize j.d. vance on his policies are what he is done. it's not a okay. nic service i think i'm trying don't know. i know. i know. i think it changed him on doing a flip-flop on. he said that you've referred to trump as hitler and private messages and some other things that might try to recreate what he would only be loyal to donald trump demands already shown his loyalty to the nation is not
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attack. >> his military service. that's conflict maybe bonollo but if that's how said as a veteran took it and that's how he perceived it. >> and you wanted to talk about it then that's a snowflake and he's a sensitive salary for theater that way because that's not what she said in that was it is we can pull it back up okay. maybe we'll do that in another segment another time, but that's all the time we have you guys but thanks. there was a spirited discussion. kadia, thanks for coming in as well. really appreciate it. we do have some breaking news to tell all of you tonight. the new york times reporting that president biden's son, hunter, as the u.s. government in 2016 to help the ukrainian energy company, burisma with an energy project in italy, biden was vice president at the time, and the white house says tonight, he knew nothing about it. a hunter biden's attorney, abbe lowell called the request proper and added, quote, no meeting occurred though project materialized a request for anything in the u.s was ever sought and only an introduction in italy was requested, kind of vogel of the new york times broke the story. he joins me now. can what are the implications here? i mean, obviously there's not as much
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of a focus on hunter biden now, the president biden is no longer the candidate, but there are still these stories and folks like yourself, digging them up. what can you tell us yes. >> we actually requested these documents back in 2021 when this was as you point out, jim, a lot more politically relevant. but because republicans were spotlighting hunter biden's foreign business dealings as a way to try to sort of bring down president biden president biden, presidency, trying to impeach him actually, but also because of israel actually yeah and we were seeking this information then we didn't get it. we actually sued the state department for alleging a violation of the freedom of information act. they started dribbling out this information and it wasn't until after president biden dropped out that they actually released that particular information, these records that led to this story. and so all that time it seems coincidental and certainly was worth noting. if you talk to folks who specialize in the freedom of information act, they will tell you that these, these processes
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sort of take on a life of their own, tend to be quite glacial in their progress. and it would be unlikely for them to be able to turn it around quickly enough to be able to peg it to his dropping out. nonetheless, it's frustrating for us as journalists to be unable to get this information more quickly. and certainly this will be frustrating for republicans who no longer have. this as an issue to use against president biden in his reelection campaign. >> and so what does this all mean for hunter biden? i mean, you heard what abbe lowell your reporting, what abbe lowell is saying? hanging in a statement where does it go from here well, he stands trial is set to stand trial next month in los angeles on charges that he evaded taxes on millions of dollars in foreign income, including income from this ukrainian gas company, burisma, that is the entity for which he sought this meeting italy that we write about in this story tonight, that said prosecutors are not currently charging him with violating the foreign agents registration act, which requires it anyone who lobbies
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the u.s. >> government on behalf of a foreign principal register as such, with the justice department. now the prosecutors have suggested that they have evidence instead, he reached out to the u.s. government on behalf of foreign clients. they didn't specifically mention this one instead, they were focused in a filing last week on his work on behalf of romanian real estate magnate, reaching out to the u.s. embassy in romania. so it's really unclear as to whether any of this stuff because going to make its way into the case against him, which really focuses narrowly on taxes. >> yeah, i can i can just hear the biden people saying, you know, will donald trump is no longer on the hook all that much legally because of the supreme court. and yet hunter biden is still sort of going through the legal meat grinder here. i suppose that that isn't really going to help a hunter biden all that much legally now that his father has no longer the candidate or might it what do you think yeah i mean he said president biden
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has said that he would not pardon his son regardless of the results of these cases. >> he already has a conviction and a gun case out of delaware. this is the second trial that he's facing and you know it does seem as if some of this some of the legal jeopardy he faces is a result of the politics that you remember there was a plea deal that would mean all this stuff go away and it seemed to have been scuttled at least in part because new information came out that that lead to and was incorporated in some of some of these new charges. and so whether this there's no evidence that we've seen that the stuff that we reported tonight is in any way part of any of these legal proceedings, but again, the prosecutors continued to suggest that they have this evidence and even as they're not including it within the four corners of the case, that they will introduce evidence that on the less could i mean, if you look at it from the outside, you like that seems to me like it could support a fara charge. they say
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that is not their intent to bring a fara charge, but, you know, we have this a request outstanding and we're going to continue to get documents from it and we'll continue to report them if they are newsworthy. >> all right. can we know you'll keep jason those documents. thanks a lot. really appreciate it. just ahead. it was supposed to be a high tech startup employing local workers from kentucky. that j.d. vance helped fun, but workers say they were left out to dry us in an investigation of yet not seen this yet you want to stay tuned. that's gotten away a, with a lot of money and fame for pretending to be one of us erin burnett outfront tomorrow at seven on cnn cologuard. cologuard. >> cologuard screen for colon cancer at home, like you want either man cologuard is for people 45 plus at average risk, not high-risk, false positive and negative results may occur. >> ask your provider for cologuard i did it my way. >> what are you say? it's the
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trump's vp pick j.d. >> vance has proclaimed he is a champion for the working class. a new cnn investigation finds that before entering politics, vance was an early investor in a farming startup that company promised to provide jobs for local residents and kentucky the ultimately it failed and workers alleged they experienced, quote, nightmare conditions and were eventually replaced with foreign migrant laborers. cnn's kyung lah has the story and that meir it was a nightmare that should have never happened that nightmare happened here at this nearly empty greenhouse in eastern kentucky, appharvest, a failed high high-tech startup, promised local workers a future let's spiraled into broken promises. >> anthony morgan bought into the company's public pitch that it was for appalachia by appalachians way was being told that hi guys, he's from here. >> thank you he is j.d vance,
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the republican nominee for vice president. i will be a vice president who never forgets where he came from, leaning on his personal rise out of poverty to reach swing-state voters as donald trump's running mate i chose him because he's for the worker. he's for the people that worked so hard and perhaps weren't treated like they should have been looked before politics, vance was a venture capitalist and appharvest is first outside investor eventually steering millions of dollars. >> so the company dance was a lead pitch man for the vertical farming startup tweeting. he was a supporter and investor writing, i love this company. >> it's a great business that's making a big difference in the world. >> the company's investor presentation pledged a commitment appalachia, estimating thousands of new jobs to a poverty stricken area a major emphasis with them was we want to bring work to eastern kentucky.
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>> this is why we are here morgan left a stable job to join appharvest as a crop care specialist, pruning the greenhouse grown vegetables a single father was six-year-old twins. the job rapidly turned when production fell behind under what, a dozen then workers described to cnn as mismanagement, including dangerous conditions. employees filed multiple complaints to the state and federal government alleging heat exhaustion, working in extreme temperatures and lack of water breaks. when the cases were all closed with no citations i think about the hottest that i experienced was around 128 degrees in science couple days a week you'd have i won't show up and you seen people leaving on gurneys to go to the hospital, the cuts came next to promised worker benefits, and then four when workers came in to fill those so-called local
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jobs. the second round of folks they brought him was focused on work visas and they didn't ryan just a veyron fall they brought bus loads documents, show appharvest hired contract workers from outside the region. >> at one point, as many as 500. the majority of its workforce not locals but that's not the image appharvest wanted the world to see. this is kentucky senator mitch mcconnell visiting in 2021 mitch mcconnell come in through with a migrant workers there at the time you're laughing. i mean, i look at the video, it doesn't look like there's any way he had these guys they took them out of the plant why was gone? >> and then mitch mcconnell's giving a speech about all this work that i have. harvest is brought eastern kentuckian's i liked the idea of taking the
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debate of market awaiting a metric tons so they were trying to hide them, migrant workers specifically, yeah, this worker who asked not to be identified says the hiring of migrant workers became part of a mirage that appharvest was helping the region he took this video as his coworkers clapped for visiting investors. >> and anytime they did that they kept workers off the floor doing are like stationery while people come through and yeah, it was it was awkward having to stay in there and just be a prop a prop for what he know, look at all of these these poor folks were employing the worker says, it's impossible to forget about his time at appharvest as j.d. >> vance ascends to national politics he's gotten away with a lot of money and fame for pretending to be one of us. >> oh, wait, i know.
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>> he's just another grift just another carpetbagger, another tourist who wants to tell us what we are. >> dance, lift the board in april 2021 to gun the senate. shortly after shareholders filed suit claiming they were misled by 2023 appharvest's had filed for bankruptcy a little more than two years after its public launch, but the workers in this failed startup say they are the real people in the vance story do you blame j.d. vance for any of this? >> i blame all of the original investors at appharvest the original board of directors know what was common you would have had to have been an 80 not foods. cnn's review of documents and interviews with a dozen former workers show problems emerged while vance was still a member of appharvest's his board. now, after he departed, he was still an investor and had more than
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$100,000 invested in the company. according to disclosures. now, spokesman for vance says to cnn in a statement, jd was not aware of the operation racial decisions regarding hiring employee benefits, or other workplace policies which were made after he departed, appharvest's board, like all early supporters, jd believed in appharvest's mission and wishes she was the company would have succeeded. jim zhenhua. >> thank you very much for that excellent report. just ahead in arkansas, police officers fired after physically assaulting a detainee in the back active as cruiser. now, the police department is communicating with the fbi, will show you the dramatic footage that's coming up in just a few moments. stay with us cnn is live. from, chicago as democrats unite to offer their support to a new nominee and her running mate fellow cnn for complete coverage rich with the democratic national convention monday at seven on cnn. and streaming on max. >> hey guys, glass streak,
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washington. this is cnn and arkansas police officer has now been terminated by the jonesboro police department after videos surfaced of him assaulting a detainee in the back of a police cruiser in the video, the detain man who appears to be handcuffed and wearing a hospital gown tells the officers he swallowed a bag of fentanyl, adding that if he is not taken back to the hospital, he will die later in the video, the man is seen with the seat belt wrapped around his neck, at which point the police car pulls over and we have to warn you what you're about to see is it's incredibly disturbing. >> take a look john yeah what
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you saw. there was a detained man beaten to the point of losing consciousness. the police department saying in a statement following an internal review of the incident, it was determined that the officer involved, joseph harris should be terminated effective immediately. now, the police chief is saying he has been in communication with the fbi, the bureau's little rock field office is going to be opening a case. let's get right to cnn, senior law enforcement analyst, chief charles ramsey, chief. good to see as always i mean talk about this video. if you can. i mean, it's remarkable to be in you and i've had these conversations many times that these things happen, even with the body camera footage, even with the police cruiser footage, it's extraordinary to me it is. >> i mean, there's absolutely nothing in that video that follows any acceptable police procedure at all. >> i mean, the moment he says
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that he ingested fentanyl or any drug for that matter, even though he's in a hospital gown, you take them back to the hospital. >> i mean, you know, you have to protect life above everything else he's not properly seat belt in the car when you watched the video, it looks like the seat bell is actually tied around him as opposed to being properly buckled in. and somehow he's able to get this around his neck and begin to strangle himself it's unbelievable. >> and there was another officer on the scene, his seen in the video checking on the detainee i suppose he might face some disciplinary action too, because he's not stopping the other officer from doing what he's doing well, he should face disciplinary action in my opinion, should be terminated as well. >> i mean, a duty to intervene is something that's critically important if you observe a police officer acting outside of policy using excessive force or any kind of inappropriate behavior, you have to
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intervene. that is your obligation and he is clearly assaulting this individual who was already choking. he it may have ingested fentanyl. you could very he could very well have killed him doing what he did in terms of punching him in, striking him with his elbow and the things that took place then we've seen cases like this where the person does die and charles, the police department says the officer received a 20 hour suspension without pay for excessive force complaints. >> he has also been named in a wrongful death a suit filed in june it sounds like this officer should have been pulled off the force sooner and again, you and i had this conversation in the past. these these are bad cops and they just they don't get they don't get dealt with well, they take the entire profession. i mean, it's individuals like that. would that kind of history and you can tell from his actions that's not the first time he's done something like that at all. and for him to still
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wear a badge and be a police officer i mean, somebody needs to be held accountable just for allowing that to take place, that whether or not they terminated him in a union got him got his job back, whatever it may be, he had no business being a police officer. and when you see cases like this, it really points to a big problem that we have in policing and that is is achieves the ability to really be able to hold an individual accountable or keep an officer from moving from one department to another, fired or almost one, and they wind up in another police department. it should not happen. >> and how do how is there a way to solve that problem? i know. i'm probably tilting at windmills here, but shouldn't there be? database of national database where police departments can say, hang on a second. i'm going to type this statement and see if this guy has had complaints and other departments that should exist. that's what's needed it needs to be a national database where an individual's name can be
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entered. >> and if there's a problem, anywhere else, it doesn't mean that you might not necessarily this is certainly higher, but at least it's a red flag and you contact that agency and you find out exactly what took place for that individual to be in the database to begin with that doesn't exist. so we have people that just move from one jurisdiction to another. that was the case in sangamon county in illinois with that particular shooting, the an individual who had gone had been in four different police departments in about a six-year period. i mean you have to wonder, what are you thinking when you hire people like this is just, it's bad for the entire profession and as you said, it highlights the problem that exists in a lot of these departments where you have supervisors, you have chiefs of police, you have sheriffs who just aren't dealing with the problem, the way that they should. >> and it's causing the entire profession to suffer as a result, charles ramsey, i suspect we'll be talking about this again it's a shame that we have to keep talking about
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this, but we'll keep doing that, chief. thanks very much for your time. we appreciate it. enemy thanks to everybody for watching. anderson cooper three sixth have a good this fall comedy us coming to cnn. what could go wrong? >> of i. got news for you. >> for me or saturday, september 14 at nine on cnn, when it said red lobster's going away, your boy flavor flav said not today, grab a boy and they got to flavors, rose, garlic and new cage and butter when you got to have food to have red lobster, was outdated. dmv has two forms of my id think of all the plane places like an expose your inference lifelock monitors millions of
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