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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  August 14, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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people that you care about are taken care of create your state plan, not trust i happen to be the first union remember, on a presidential ticket. >> judge ronald reagan. can you simply picture donald trump working at mcdonald's trying to make a mcflurry or something
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very heavy rainfall coming down at this hour, he could lose him off what of power here. >> you know that from history and this storm is going to make a run to bermuda we'll try with swinging oh, this is the jewel of honey allen right here, right? >> that's the wonder wheel, is this one out? alan guys, places like home yellen are essential business live from, london. this is cnn newsroom with max foster and christina macfarlane hello, and a warm welcome to our viewers joining us in the united states and all around the world. >> i'm christina macfarlane, max is off this week it's 9:00 a.m. here in london, 4:00 a.m. in asheville, north carolina, where tonight former us president donald trump is expected to speak on the economy is team is hoping he'll stay on message as trump's
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struggles to regain its footing in the presidential race. often turning to conspiracy theories or racially tinged insults against his death democratic rival vice president kamala harris kamala harris, nobody knows her last name. >> it's harris. know. everyone thinks you have various kamala, so it's kamala harris recent weeks, trump has appeared frustrated and unfocused airing old grievances and launching attacks on his former opponent, president joe biden and even his fellow republicans, his allies fear his behavior may come at a cost. i want this campaign to win but the campaign is not going to win. talking about crowd sizes, it's not going to win talking about what race kamala harris's, it's not going to win. talking about whether she's dumb, it's not, you can't win on those things. the american people are smart, treat them like they're smart well, meanwhile, kamala harris is running mate tim walz, made his first solo appearance on tuesday, speaking to union
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members, he played up his harris's middle-class background i happen to be the first union member on a presidential ticket. >> church, ronald reagan but rest assured, i won't lose my way you heard the story. >> you knew vice president harris grew up in a middle-class family, picked up shifts at that mcdonald's as a student, i keep asking this to make a contrast here. >> can you simply picture donald trump working at mcdonald's trying to make a mcflurry. >> or something it's oh, he knows. >> he knows is he knows he couldn't run that dam fluorine mcflurry machine if it does too many things. so for her part, the vice president is set to deliver an economic policies speech in rally on friday, hoping to silence criticism from the trump campaign. >> cnn's kristen holmes reports on the state of the
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race. >> there are three different things that are happening here. when you have donald trump dabbling in these conspiracy theory that is talking about the crowds? sizes, talking about kamala harris is admissible, then you have him completely off message one instance that was pointed out to me by a number of conservatives was him at a rally in atlanta, georgia going after governor brian kemp, the very popular republican governor in what is now a very critical swing state. that's a message that they would not like him to be sending and then the third is that people are really paying much more attention now when you talk about him going off message on these fringe theories, he really runs a risk and this is what his allies are telling me. they're concerned about people remembering her voters, remembering why they shied away from him in 2020 when he was pushing all of those lies about the 2020 election. now if you talk to people who are close to him, who are outside of the campaign, they are encouraging him both privately and publicly to stay on message. and i want to read you one exchange between larry kudlow, who served on the trump
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administration and kellyanne conway, who obviously was part of the administration and led his successful 2026 or 2016 campaign. >> she says to kudlow, the winning formula for president trump is plain to see its fewer insults, more insights and that policy contrast, were larry kudlow says, don't wander off don't call her stupid. are all kinds of names and stay on message. >> now partially, what's been alarming to people who are close to donald trump. is this picking up of these fringe conspiracy theories? it is something they've seen before and they worry that he is particularly susceptible when he isn't state of vulnerability. obviously, donald trump has had a lot of upsets in the campaign recently, particularly as we have seen, the enthusiasm boost for kamala harris, the polling boost for kamala harris and his advisers really blamed the accessibility that people have to him that these kind of fringe conspiracy theorists have to him whether it be at martin mar-a-lago, whether it be on the golf course, whether it be the fact that they have his cell phone number many
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times these advisers don't even know who donald trump is speaking to on a regular basis. and so that is where he's getting some of this and now he's at a point where he is promoting it and that is where they see a problem, particularly when they want him to stay on message as this race seems incredibly tight well, cnn projects minnesota representative democrat ilhan omar will beat back a primary challenge. >> and our defeated former minneapolis city council member don't samuel's for a chance? to return to congress victory comes as a relief for progressives, especially those critical of israel's war in gaza, pro israel groups have spent millions propping up challenges to progressive house democrats i'm okay, cool the campaign, the ugliest of her life the national hurricane center says tropical storm ernesto will strengthen and become a hurricane in the coming hours. right now, it's just shy of a hurricane with 70
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miles per hour winds and located about 40 miles north of san juan more than 100,000 customers in puerto rico are already in the dark. nearly all customers across the u.s. virgin islands are without power. >> flash, flood warnings have been issued across the area. >> now unnecessary won't make a direct landfall in puerto rico, but heavy rainfall and strong winds are lashing the island. the storm could become a major hurricane few days and could potentially impact bermuda. here's what we know. right now. a tropical storm warning is in effect for all of puerto rico, public schools are closed and dozens of shelters have been opened. people are preparing for widespread power outages, floods, and mudslides. this comes as the island's electrical grid is still being repaired after it was severely damaged by hurricane maria the seven years ago. and the national guard has been activated with the national weather service is warning that flash flooding is expected to begin shortly in puerto rico, people there, have been stocking up on both a walker water and gasoline and other supplies as they prepare for the storm cnn's chad myers has
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the storm forecast behind me here is ernesto. >> there's puerto rico, very heavy rainfall coming down at this hour in places could see four to six inches of rain. and with the wind, even in puerto rico, with even a 40 or 50 miles per hour, we're going to be can lose an awful lot of power here. we know that from history, maybe four to six inches even over the british virgin islands as that the tails, the outer bands is still come over parts of the u.s. virgin islands, the british virgin islands, and puerto rico proper temperatures in the ocean or one to two degrees, even three to four degrees fahrenheit above normal for this time of year. and this storm is going to make a run to bermuda it's, going to be left are going to be right. the american model is on the west side of the european model is on the right side. what you need to know is that this thing could be 110 mile per hour hurricane as it makes its way toward bermuda. that's only won two miles per hour or less than a category three hurricane with the waters being so warm, there's no way to know what
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whether it's going to be a two or three. but then where does it possibly go? well, if you're in nova scotia, are a newfoundland, i want you to pay attention because some of the models are trying to turn this back toward the west, not into the u.s. or into boston at this point, but still could be a brush with nova scotia and newfoundland now ron's threat of military action against israel is looming over the gaza ceasefire and hostage talks set to resume in qatar on thursday. >> i'm us is planning to send a delegation, but they will not meet directly with israelis diplomatic sources tell cnn the talks are not expected to stop iran from italian getting against israel for the assassination of hamas leader ismail haniyeh last month. but us officials say tehran has not yet decided on a course of action. cnn's mj lee is at the white house with the latest ceasefire deal in the israel hamas war that has been elusive for so many month, has clearly become more more complicated
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after the killing of hamas leader ismail haniyeh in tehran, president biden, who until quite recently, had expressed real optimism about those talks, told reporters, tuesday afternoon that those talks had in fact been come more difficult. take a listen to the horrible scene let's see what iran does, see what happens but i'm not giving up do you have any understanding? action if a ceasefire deal was possible expectation i am told by administration officials that at least as of tuesday, the u.s. >> still does not believe that iran has decided on a course of action against israel. and there are a furious diplomatic efforts by the biden administration to try to deter
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a wide-scale attack and to de-escalate what is a very volatile situation? one official telling cnn that they do believe that the u.s. is public warnings against iran. do seem to have had some kind of effect. but it is clearly a waiting game right now for israel and the u.s. and other western countries that are bracing for whatever actions iran might take against israel, potentially in the coming dave and what is undeniable is that for white house officials close to the president, they will all acknowledge that getting a ceasefire deal is one of the biggest outstanding pieces of a part of his foreign policy legacy that is really top of mind for president biden, as he has just a number of months left of his first and last term at the white house. but as the president himself made clear, on tuesday, those talks, those ceasefire talks, that he has been so closely engaged in for a number of months. they do appear to be back in limbo at this moment in time, mj lee,
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cnn at the white house cnn's paula hancocks is with me and has been following developments about paula biden trying to strike. i think a bit of an optimistic tone there over these negotiations. but the reality is there going to be incredibly fraught. we've heard both hamas and israel accusing each other of stalling this deal. how much influence can the u.s. exert over these nuggets? >> well, i think certainly the u.s. can exert a little more influence over israel. but we've seen from recent months, not too much influence over israel. they're really going their own way. we're seeing, for example, two of the top middle east envoys from the biden administration heading to the region. this week, brett mcgurk will be in qatar and egypt. those two key mediation countries. and also, i must say hochstein, who is in and out of beirut trying to stop the simmering tensions on the israeli lebanese border. so they're doing everything they it can. but the fact is hamas has said that they have already agreed to a proposal. it's the
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one that was flagged last month and approved by the un security council. it's been supported by the u.s president, and they don't want to go back to these talks. they don't feel the need to go back and rehash but from the israeli perspective, we understand from the prime minister's office they will be sending a delegation and it doesn't appear as though they have finished negotiating yet. >> we have heard that the u.s. have also authorized the billions of dollars of an arms deal in the last day, just just days ahead of this ceasefire critics will say that is potentially a missed opportunity the on their part, to use it as leverage. you were talking about how limited that is against israel at this time. is this a bit of a missed opportunity here in terms of the timing of the agreement of that well, this is a deal that's been in the pipeline for some time. of course, the fact that it's announced just one day, left, just one day ago is going to be significant, but it is a deal where these weapons, some $20 of weapons will be delivered to israel in
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the coming years. it's not going to influence anything on the ground at the moment. but of course, the time is going to be looked at very closely. you've got, for example, 50, f 15 fighter jets. that's about $18 billion, potentially the biggest weapons deal that the u.s. and israel have done. so it is very significant. we have heard in the past that the biden administration has said that they are going to withhold certain weapons from israel because of what they're doing in gaza. but then at the same time, you have this very significant weapons deal that they are announcing as well. so depending on which analysts you speak to, it's the carrot or the stick what are. they trying to do with israel. but this particular deal has been in the pipeline for, for some time. all right. paula hancocks. thank you japan's prime minister says he'll step down next month, ending a three-year term marked by political scandals. fumio kishida made the announcement during a news conference earlier today, saying he will not seek
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reelection as president of the ruling party, the democratic ldp. he said, bowing out is his effort to restore people's faith in politics. it's party has been rocked by some major political scandals involving allegations of failing to properly declared income and giving kickbacks to lawmakers concerns about the economy, including a week and a weakening yen against the u.s. dollar. i've also undermine confidence in prime minister kishida's policies now ahead, a cnn investigation reveals nightmare conditions for workers at a startup that republican vice president nominee j.d. vance, helped fund plus residents in the suburbs of athens are struggling with the devastation left by a fast wildfire will have the latest on the blaze ahead and thank seas and all series is leaving a trail across london with this mural appearing in a very fitting spots good, usually
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early investor in a farming startup that company promised to provide jobs for locals in kentucky ultimately, it fails. workers alleged they experienced, quote, nightmare conditions and were eventually replaced with migrant laborers. cnn's kyung lah has the story and that it was a nightmare that should have never happened that nightmare happened here at this nearly empty greenhouse in eastern kentucky, appharvest a failed high high-tech startup, promised local workers a future let's spiraled into broken promises. >> anthony morgan bought into the company's public pitch that it was for appalachia by appalachians, where he was being told that hi guys, he's from here. >> thank you he is j.d. >> vance, the republican nominee for vice president. >> i will be a vice president who never forgets where he came from, leaning on his personal
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rise out of poverty to reach swing-state voters as donald trump's running mate, i chose him, begun he's for the worker. he's for the people that worked so hard and perhaps word treated like they should have been. >> but before politics, vance was a venture capitalist and appharvest his first outside investor eventually steering millions of dollars. so the company dance was a lead pitch man for the vertical farming started tweeting. he was a supporter and investor writing, i love this company it's a great business that's making a big difference in the world. the company's investor presentation pledged a commitment to appalachia estimating thousands of new jobs to a poverty stricken area. >> a major amara because this was we want to bring work to eastern kentucky. this is why we are here. >> morgan left a stable job to join appharvest as a crop care specialist, pruning the greenhouse grown vegetables a
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single father was six-year-old twins. the job rapidly the turned when production fell behind under what, a dozen workers described to cnn as mismanagement, including dangerous conditions employees filed multiple complaints to the state and federal government alleging heat exhaustion, working in extreme temperatures and lack of water breaks well, the cases were all close with no citations. >> i think about the hottest that i experienced was around 128 degrees in science couple days a week you'd have i won't show up and you seen people leaving on gurneys to go to the hospital. >> the cuts came next to promised worker benefits and then born workers came in to fill those so-called local jobs. >> the second round of folks they brought airman was folk from work reasons and they didn't ryan just a veyron
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fall. >> they brought bus loads, documents, show appharvest hired contract workers from outside the region. at one point, as many as 500. the majority of its workforce, not locals but that's not the image appharvest wanted the world to see. this is kentucky senator mitch mcconnell visiting in 2021 mitch mcconnell come in through with a migrant workers there at the time you're laughing i mean, i look at the video, it doesn't look like there's any hid these guys. >> they took them out of the plant. >> i was gone and then mitch mcconnell's giving a speech about all this work that i have. harvest is brought eastern kentuckian's i liked the idea of thinking that debate of market away from the mexican so they were trying to hide them migrant workers, specifically, yeah, this worker who asked not to be identified says the hiring of migrant
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workers became part of a mirage that appharvest was helping the region he took this video as his coworkers clapped for visiting investors and anytime they did that they kept workers off the floor doing are like stationary parade while people come through and yeah, it was it was awkward having to stand there and just be a prop a prop for what you know, look at all of these these poor folks were employing the worker says, it's impossible to forget about his time at appharvest as j.d. >> vance, a ascends to national politics. >> he's gotten away with a lot of money and fame for pretending to be one of us. >> oh wait, i know. >> he's just another grifter. just another carpet bag another tourist who wants to tell us what we are dance, lift the
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board in april 2020, 12 went for the senate. >> shortly after shareholders filed suit claiming they were misled by 2023 appharvest's had filed for bankruptcy a little more than two years after its public launch. the workers in this failed startup say they are the real people in the vance story do you blame j.d. vance for any of this i'm all other original investors at ai appharvest the original board of directors know what was common you would have had to have been an idiot, not to. cnn's review of documents and interviews with a dozen former workers show problems emerged while vance was still a member of appharvest's his board now, after he departed, he was still an investor and head more than $100,000 invested in the company according to disclosures. now, spokesman for vance says to cnn in a statement, jd was not aware of
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the operational decisions regarding hiring employee benefits, or other workplace policies which were made after he departed, appharvest's board like all early supporters, jd believed in appharvest's mission and wishes the company would have succeeded credible reporting there. >> now, drone strikes and an incursion as ukrainian forces move deeper into russian territory, regionally well, leaders are sounding the alarm to moscow plus there's no end in sight to the heat wave in parts of europe, the latest details just ahead this fall,
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more. >> it's still welcome back to cnn newsroom. here are some of the top stories we're following today. former us president donald trump is blaming technical issues, but his voice sounding quote, somewhat different and strain i'm during his conversation with elon musk on tuesday, at several points, trump's speech sounded as if he had a lisp or was slurring his words, which attracted quite a bit of attention online hi this november voters in arizona and missouri will weigh in on amendments that would establish the right to abortion in their state's constitution. there are now eight states abortion ballot measures. this ball tropical storm ernesto, is now
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close to category one hurricane strength as it lashes puerto rico and heavy rain and snow winds flash flood warnings are in effect there, as well as the u.s. virgin islands, where most people have also lost power and more than 100,000 customers are without electricity this is me in puerto rico greece's worst wildfire of the year has eased a strong winds died down, and firefighters worked to put out the last of the blaze more than 400 square kilometers or 156 square miles, for us in the attica region and up to the suburbs of athens have burned in the fast moving fire, at least one person was killed. and thousands of residents were evacuated as the fire came very close to the greek capital, where more than 3 million people live. emergency crews have been working to extinguish the fire, which began on sunday near the town of violence on averse, one resident describes the infirm it than me or six against it was hell. >> the fire started from very high and it came all the way
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down to the village. it was running at great speed. it was very windy. there was panic, there were sirens. a lot of people, police, people crying, screaming the main shouting, and it reached and burned all the way down to athens are local mayor told cnn at some point the fire was faster than the cars and trucks and he said that studies showed that in the next 30 years, similar fires could devastate everything under 300 meters, leading towards the middle of greece but across europe, there's no relief in sight for the heatwave, especially in the southeast, volunteers have been distributing water and ice pops, but some tourists in milan, italy say they were not prepared for the blistering heat. >> take a listen i mean, yeah, we expected it, but i didn't expect it to be like this form. and this overwhelming temperatures are expected to remain in the mid to upper 30s, even reaching 40 degrees celsius in some areas, or cnn's barbie latza nadeau joins us from rome and barbie,
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this is not good news this for those tourists queuing for that once in a lifetime opportunity to see the colosseum in rome no, that's absolutely right. >> there are 22 cities in italy are under a red alert. now, this red alert as defined by the italian health ministry is not just for people who are vulnerable, who have health problems. this is for everyone there saying that people, no matter what your health condition, your age, should stay out of the sun during the heat of the day, which is basically around now or 11:00 a.m. until about 6:00 p.m. and for the next few days, we've got civil protection people around handing out water, like you said, in these cities and it's so important for tourists to take heed to this, because so many of them come from places where they're not used to the heat. one thing you won't see though christina, is that the italians are not out during the heat of the day. people who live in southern europe do not go out during the heat of the day. they know how to handle this sort of whether they stay in their house i was there. they dress would like clothing. they don't drink
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alcohol. all the things that tourists attended to do yeah and we were talking just now as well about the wildfires in greece and how close that came to the capital of athens. >> barbie, i mean, this, the difference here is that these were residential homes, these where people have lived for years and years, not necessarily a tourist destination that was badly affected. i mean, how are authorities looking at this now? in light of the fact that this is only really going to get set to become worse yeah, you know, that is the issue. >> if we do this every year, we talked about how hot it is. it gets harder every year, but, you know, you're starting to see people think about changing the way they do their vacations, not coming during these incredible heat waves. now, two years in a row, we've had really, really, really bad heat waves in southern europe when you talk about athens he's in those homes in the residential areas, you know, people there are talking about prevention, about things that they could do. so via wouldn't spread so fast. we had a fire here not far from here in rome last week they've just spread
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very quickly too. you know, it is really a lot about carelessness of people. so many of these fires are started by seven flicking a cigarette or not taking care. when they're putting out a campfire or something like that. these are the things that people have to learn and these are the things that the authorities are, are trying to say is that many of these fires are preventable once they start, they are so, so hard to get control of because there's so much of southern europe right now and under drought conditions as well, no rain in sight, hot winds, incredible heat and you can just imagine for these firefighters have difficult, it is under those conditions really extreme. >> barbie. we appreciate you reporting for us there, live from rome. thank you. now, the federal emergency management agency, disaster fund has run out. it's the second year in a row. the fund has been depleted before the peak of hurricane season. a trend one official tells cnn is because of climate change the agency shifted into so-called immediate needs funding last week, while it waits for congress to pass a 9
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billion supplemental funding request, a family spokesperson says the agency does have enough resources to respond to impending disasters like an sdo, but will need to pause long-term recovery from previous disasters and realtors across the u.s. are bracing for a seismic shift in the way they do business began saturday, new rules will overhaul the way realtors get paid to help people buy and sell their homes. cnn's karin caifa reports new rules for realtors will eliminate the longstanding 6% commission paid by a home seller and potentially lower overall home prices for a century, the industry is essentially set commission rates, the changes effect of this saturday, august 17th are part of a settlement announced in march by the national association chen of realtors for decades is seller's agent typically charged the seller five or 6% of a home's purchase price intended to be shared with the buyer's agent. >> at what sellers on the hook for an additional cost. some
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experts say inflated home prices. now sellers will no longer be expected to make commission offers to buy her agents vanessa perry, interim dean of the george washington university school of business, has the new rules provide more transparency, but don't necessarily simplify the process increase transparency does not mean increased understanding. additionally, homebuyers will have to sign a representation agreement with an agent before even during a home, which could be challenging for less experienced buyers, they're trying to navigate an already complex set of transactions. maybe the biggest transaction they'll ever engage in in their lives. >> that's why steve rollback of the consumer federation of america says it's more important than ever to find an agent who knows the new landscape consumers talking to agents who don't really understand the new marketplace need to find another agent. >> homebuyer is already a very complex financial process and both bro back at perry sad that consumers should not hesitate
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to ask questions realtors are going to be navigating this new process as well. the consumer federation of america says to feel free for you to ask an attorney or another independent expert to review any documents in the process before you sign them in washington? i'm karin caifa comcast and nbcuniversal may have been the real us. >> when is the paris olympic games? the american media giant says their coverage drew an average of more than 30 million viewers it's a across platforms that's a whopping 82% jump in viewership compared to the tokyo games nbc streaming app, peacock featured more than 3,200 live events over the course of the games, including generative ai, daily recaps, and a multi-view feature where viewers could watch several events at one time how it's been a busy few days for these street artist banksy for anyone that's been keeping up the new artwork has appeared in london, the ninth in his animals series. a mural showing a guerrilla freeness seal and birds appeared at
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london zoo on tuesday the street artist has posted an uncapped and picture two of the artwork on his official instagram account. and of course, discussion abounded on social media about the meaning behind it. something to do with caged animals, and whether that's the right thing to do. no doubt. now, us president joe biden is promoting a cause that's close to his heart still ahead is multi-million-do llar pledged towards fighting cancer in the u.s clear so it's just one of the artists on barak obama's summer playlist. >> we'll tell you who else made the cut i don't want me to say my cnn is live from chicago as democrats unite to offer their support to a new nominee and her running mate fellow cnn for complete coverage, the democratic
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business easily with freelancer. >> fiverr the governor of belgorod, russia has declared a regents regional emergency, saying ukrainian forces have launched drone attacks there.
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>> russia claims its air defenses shot down dozens of ukrainian aircraft type drones. and for tactical missiles over kursk. that's the region where russia has worked, where ukrainian forces have been advancing. it's been one week since their incursion, shocked and humiliated moscow and put russian president president vladimir putin on the defensive. ukraine claims it's already taken control of more than one thousands glad kilometers, 40 of those in the past day alone are seen as clare sebastian has been tracking developments and i think for the first time since we heard of this bold move by ukraine into curse were beginning to learn new details now about the motivation behind this and what they intend to do next. what's the latest? yeah. i mean, look, first of all, on the speed of the advanced 40 square kilometers, that's the size of bakhmut, more or less, which took russia ten months to gain. so it's not quite the same, right? in ukraine is making it clear they don't want to annex anything, but they are. it seems if you believe their reports obviously impossible to verify at this point, moving with some speed,
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but you're right, initially, we've got enough thing from ukraine on this shrouded in secrecy, than sort of cryptic details came out. and now much more direct comments, both from the foreign ministry we got yesterday and from the president on why they're doing this foreign ministry as saying that the sooner russia agrees to what they call a just peace, according to ukraine's peace formula that it's laid out the sooner the raids on russian territory we'll stop. so it seems there is some kind of end game here. i think there's also a clear pr motive. this is coming in the context of waning ukrainian morale when it comes to the war. and president zelenskyy very much trying to leverage this moment here. take a listen she, all of us in ukraine, you to act as unitedly and effectively as we did in the first weeks and months of this war, when ukraine seize the initiative and began turning the situation in favor of our stage we have done the same now we have once again proven that in any situation where ukrainians are capable of achieving our objectives of
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defending our interest and our independence so he's comparing it to the beginning of the war where of course we saw ukraine really defy expectations and take back territory. >> and i just want to bring it because another point, the president says he made in his speech on tuesday, was that his troops, he says, are quote, replenishing the exchange fund essentially taking russian prisoners of war. and we have this new video in this morning, which shows you can see it there, a truck, this is a track heading away from the kursk region on the ukrainian side of the border was filmed by afp. and we've had to blow them out because it seems that there may be prisoners of war, but we believe russian soldiers in the back of that truck who have been blindfolded. zelenskyy is saying that everyone is being treated according to international law. but we have seen many, many exchanges of prisoners over the course of this war between russia and ukraine, the russians on their side and reporting that they've taken some ukrainians prisoners. this is this is another part of what's happening here. >> all of this continues to be very humiliating about him and putin, especially videos like that. i mean, do we have any idea about how this is being
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viewed by the wider population of russia are indeed what they are being told we know what they're being told for sure because the propaganda has taken its cues very much from president putin himself. >> we saw him come out earlier this week, prepared remarks to his, which we believe by the way, because state media have showed that his notes were handwritten, that he basically wrote those remarks himself that that these calling this a terror attack, he's blaming the west. he's trying to sort of make it clear that it's isolated to these few regions. all of the sort of human interest stories and are creeping through on russian media. they're not so much talking about the military movements and he's trying to claim that he's back in control. and so that's what the russian people i'm being told and we see the chief propagandists to do these influential nightly news shows, pick this up and threaten revenge and make it sort of the new veiled threat towards the west. so that's what the russian people are hearing in terms of how they actually feel. i think it varies. i've spoken to people who say that this was a huge surprise that they're not sure what to make of it. at this point, that it
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is potentially a problem for putin, but it's one that through this control of information, he is clearly trying to manage 120,000 now fled the region in kursk and that's undeniable, isn't it? okay. clare. thank you. >> just into cnn and other political shakeup in thailand and h shocking court decision, the country's prime minister shredded to this sin was removed from office. the court ruled he had violated the constitution by appointing a lawyer who had served jail time to the cabinet. and the decision comes a week after in court dissolved thailand's popular progressive move forward party. and your government must now be formed us president joe biden has announced more than $150 million in new research awards as part of a program amid helping reduce cancer deaths in the u.s. the cancer moonshot program was founded while mr. biden was vice president and has been bolstered with billions in new funding since 2022 the initiative aims to provide cutting-edge research to halve the number of cancer
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deaths in the coming decades now when we come back the stand out of the coney island skyline and cnn's richard quest rides the century-old wonder. we'll alongside the man carrying on its legacy. plus from the breakfast table to the bedroom and new cologne with an exotic increase is selling out on the internet. stay tuned for that home where routine meets remarkable with unexpected moments of inspiration around every corner through every window my mornings in the sun with porto's to new world and fine dining with a view. your window treatments, va's inspiring is your home. and the remarkable routine of your daily life. three dave lines a heart heart-attack. >> do they have life insurance?
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skechers, by snoop dogg sketches by snoop dogg now for the latest los nokia step new york city, you may be famous for its bustling streets and skyscrapers. >> but over in brooklyn, this something of an oasis. coney island is home to one of america's best-known boardwalks and the famous wonder wheel, which has now more than a century old cnn's richard quest stopped by for a ride this is the jewel of honey allen right here, right? that's the wonder wheel. it's 140 for years old, but it's not a ferris wheel. >> it's an us-centric ferris wheel because it's part ferris wheel, part roller coaster. it's part of the whole coney island, united states ingenuity what is the attraction to it hitting the its full of history it means what makes the wonder wheel so special is it means
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different things to different people it could be a first date it could be a proposal, it could be an anniversary. >> it's the most romantic right in the world. and in 1920 was the most thrilling ride in the world you're looking to a good summer this year. >> what's your gut telling your dj? >> my gut is telling me that people need not one people need a place to unwind. i mean, we're always looking down on our devices were not actually living anymore. so i think places like hometown are essential. businesses people me to people media. my grandparents used to date right on the beach out here in 1948 and usa you usa can follow me round tell me what's you're his command. >> what's your history by parents met here on the beach. your parents met her on the beach? they live they lived here in brooklyn and they would take the train in. >> they came as two groups of
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friends and they met right here on this beach 19-20, we have the whole neons oldest attraction when covid came by everybody was cutting and running, we doubled down, we open coney island newest attraction because you either believe in what you're doing or you okay? >> we believe in this place. we believe in its future right? >> should we go on this i mean, i'm i'm ready. you're ready to we haven't killed anybody all day. >> let's go you know about saltwater corrosion? yes we're constantly repainting are constantly resurfacing, will constantly x-raying all these pieces of metal make sure there's no cracks at some new stuff that's been around now, but the wonder wheel is definitely stood the test of time. i'm not going to tell you when it's going to swing. we're just going to keep talking and we'll see what happens. >> what on hands up. >> no i'm wasn't make that town looks i was swinging oh here it is. >> this, is crony allen guys right what do you need? what do
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we need? >> what do you need as you look around at it? what is it that you actually now need in coney island? >> think we could use a little more investment. i think people are still a little afraid. i think we need more people to not be afraid when covid hit, we knew the future of this place and that's what always kept calling yellen coming back. is there was always somebody who knew this place is potential. there was always somebody who believed in its future. and honestly, i believe if we remember who we are, then our best days are ahead of us there's so much potential coney island always had that reputation of being a little you know old new york, right? let's say old new york jury in your face, joe in your face and you know, at some of it's still is like that and we don't want to lose everything that we are who we want to kind of find that middle ground i think we're slowly getting there but i think it's quite charming as this richard quest. >> now we know that former president obama is reading as
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releases, reading this this summer, but now he's released his playlist at listen to this the shadow party downtown every body at that is a bar song from shaboozey and it's one of the many students obama is listening to this summer. >> and as usual, he's got a wide variety of genres from pop, country so this classic from the rolling stones still a classic, what a choice. and the other artists on his playlist include charli xcx, common, etta, james and bob dylan now a hot, new sent for men is spreading across the grid. ron, this football season two to
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find but you are the ingredients to your success tennessee titans quarterback will levis announcing his new cologne collaboration with hellmann's mayonnaise. >> that's right. the fragrance is inspired by his love of the condiments. it features notes of top lemon and parsley with coffee, musk, and vanilla undertones. >> and of course, mayonnaise the cologne sold out within 90 minutes online. >> knots, where you can get a second helping, starting today. but obviously this now let's see, catch up. let's see mayonnaise. let's see mustard. i want to say, oh, i love it. this is cnn newsroom pegs are watching cnn this morning is coming up next russia were
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