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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  August 14, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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were not all originally mine. i did buy that copy of fearless that you've seen the there from taylor swift. i use these in my corvette, which was from 1989, has a working cassette player. i'll be candid if i didn't have one in this car, i don't know where the heck i would get one where do you how do you get? >> i play nowadays? >> i mean that gets to this story. so this is the, a head in the wall street journal for those people who are not familiar with the journal and how they do these great little vignette stories every day. it's amazing. and they said that they had to buy one on ebay for $40 a walkman you had to walk, man. >> i had a while. i had a sports walkman. the other one that you would bang your hip when you ran ran with it beside you i have to say little headphones went over your head. >> walkman? >> definitely superior to the disk man, which like that this man was my childhood and those things like they skipped like crazy vinyl to come back for ten years? >> yes. >> so why is great? because that's a great i don't think cds should ever come back, not worth it. >> all right, guys. thank you very much. i really appreciate it. thanks to all of you for joining us. i'm kasie hunt. don't go anywhere. cnn news central starts right now quit
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whining about her things that i say all the time to john berman about sara side. >> i'm just getting windy about are the top medicine that nikki haley is? offering up to donald trump and his campaign right now, haley warning the republican party needs to make a serious shift. >> it's going to be that kind of mourning who can make the best mcflurry or any the before it all, not donald trump says governor tim walz new reporting on the shift in the harris-walz campaign's economic mess and brand new this morning, new numbers show most women hurricane now say, they worry that abortion bans could put them or a loved one in danger. i'm sara sidner with john berman and kate baldwin. this is cnn news central okay. so
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privately both privately and now publicly top republican allies of donald trump are saying, not only is this quote a different race he's now, but donald, but that donald trump needs to recognize that he soon heads back to back on the campaign trail to talk about the elections. number one issue, the economy. one source though inside the trump orbit, tells cnn that trump right now appears to be close in a spiral that in reference to conspiracy theories, but there is also this from nikki haley now offering some advice and maybe some tough medicine to donald trump we are 80 plus days out. we need him to win, quit whining about the campaign is not going to win. talking about crowd sizes, it's not going to win talking about what race kamala harris's it's not going to win talking about whether
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she's dumb, it's not you can't win on those things. the american people are smart, treat them like they're smart cnn's steve contorno leading us off this hour. >> steve, the hope from allies is that donald trump can refocus what are you hearing from those around him? >> okay, there's a real concern that donald trump has not only squandered the opportunity to divide defined vice president harris, but that he is now risking alienating a lot of the people who didn't vote for him in 2020, that his campaign had hoped could be brought back into the mix with all these race space hitting attacks and the mean-spirited comments. all these off scripted remarks and especially also as well, his recent veering into conspiracies. kristen holmes and i have new reporting that that is an acute concern among his campaign these these accusations that harris has been doctoring photos about her rally sizes and they accusations that she has only been recently adopting
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her black heritage. those are coming from the far-right fringes of donald trump's orbit. and people who yet, even though they are conspiratorial, continue to have a pipeline into trump, and that is a main concern for people in his orbit. and privately, there are people telling him that he needs to stay on message. and lately, those concerns are being made publicly as well. take a listen you've got, to make this race not on personalities. stop questioning the size of her crowds and start questioning her position. they're winning formula for president trump is very plain to see its fewer insults, more insights, and that policy contrast i talked to one conservative radio host, steve deace, who said that when the race about issues republicans wind winds about personalities democrats win and right now, trump is making it too much about personalities. kate we're gonna hear more from him today is going to be in asheville, north carolina. what are you expecting from him today well,
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this is supposed to be a speech that is focused on the economy, but as i just said, who knows what he's ultimately going to talk about, but he did preview a little bit of what he intends to unroll rollout today in an interview yesterday with univision, take a look. we're going to get rid of inflation and inflation has hurt the hispanic population so badly, but it's hurt everybody, she's never going to do anything about inflation. she has no idea. she is even know what it means. the word means and she is she's forced to go with my policies. you know, i came out a long time ago with no taxes on tips and two days ago she said no taxes on tips. she doesn't even know what it means. >> trump's rally today will be in north carolina. kate, one of those states that a few weeks ago look like trump had solidly in his favor, but has re-emerged as a battleground in this new, new race. >> as they're saying this is a
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different race. allies near him and your great reporting, steve. thank you so much. >> what you've got look, i mean, the entire republican party apparatus trying to will donald trump into doing things differently. how well did that work in 16 and then donald trump always does. it's a great point. we'll have to wait and see new this morning. donald trump can't make a mcflurry that is the message from governor tim walz is the harris-walz campaign begin to roll out its economic message, trying to target the middle-class and clear relatable ways in a press release this morning, they say, quote trump's record speaks for itself and this is more of what governor walz said donald trump and j.d. vance, they see the world very differently than we do. the only thing those two guys knows about working people is how to work to take advantage of them and cnn's isaac dovere is with us down when we are beginning to see the contours of what the harris economic message will be. isaac yeah, that's right. >> and we'll hear more of it later this week in north carolina where kamala harris will be herself talking about the economy should also be
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doing an event with joe biden tomorrow, talking about lowering prices for americans, trying to make that direct argument. but look, when j.d. vance was picked for the ticket by donald trump, part of the argument that they were hoping he would make is a connection to working class poor voters that are, those the upbringing that's the upbringing that vance had himself walz is coming at this saying that he has actually had the full working class experience over his whole life and representing people and also connecting back to kamala harris saying, as they've had an ads that she worked in mcdonald's when she was in college, and that's something if we can take a listen to how he talked about it yesterday bringing up that mcdonald's contrast can you simply picture donald trump working at a mcdonald's trying to make a mcflurry or something he couldn't run that dam flurry. >> mcflurry machine if it does seem anything and look, we will see how this makes a difference
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to voters, but this idea that donald trump is the rich out-of-touch guy is something that the harris campaign wants to have in voters minds, not just in terms of who he is, but the kinds of policies he's promoting, it's a lot of blood people wished hillary clinton had run on and that message in 2016. so it's interesting, the harris campaign is leaning into it now governor walz also really for the first time out loud address some of the questions about his military service. isaac yeah that's right like this is something that j.d vance went on the attack with last week trying to say that walz left his unit, that he was a member of the national guard for 24 years on the the belief that they were about to be deployed to iraq, that also walz talked about carrying weapons of war in war, the walls campaign to the harris-walz campaign, their aides have been trying over the course of last couple of days to clean some of this up, saying he misspoke when he said that he carried the weapons in
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war happened one time. as for leaving before he knew his unit was going to go to iraq. there's a murky business, but it does seem like a lot of it was because walz was running for congress that year and had filed his retirement papers maybe knowing that it was a possibility but walz himself hasn't talked about this until just yesterday and he said that it was not going to he was not going to make an issue of it he's just going to thank j.d. vance for his service and that he's proud of his service. vance kept on firing back though all right. >> isaac dovere for us in washington. great to see you. thanks so much. >> thank you. >> sara had tropical storm ernesto gaining steam as it slams puerto rico and is expected to be come a hurricane. today. and a cnn exclusive, hunter biden has hired a new high high-profile lawyer ahead of his tax trial of familiar face details some who and why now and breaking overnight, russia declaring a regional state of emergency as ukraine ramps up, attacks
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inside of russia all that more coming cnn is live from chicago as democrats unite to offer their support to a new nominee and her running mate fellow cnn for complete coverage, the democratic national convention monday at seven on cnn, and streaming on back when i want to be enacted. >> so why don't you actually get good sister and get ms somewhere both flowing and second, to be a director let's check go get you up and we get some more lemon pepper wins in the scene and honey karaoke to have you people call my people, appears to getting better with age, appears to be nice to every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein complete nutrition, you need. >> in the flavor you love. >> so here's to now. >> now available, boost max. >> i usually just take out, but i'm trying to be more of an adult learn how to actually cook overestimate it so much
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trust your health to the amateurs. choose doctors preferred leading role leading, remodels. >> i did. >> stars renovation to give back in a big way celebrity iou, all new monday night at nine on hgtv this morning, tropical storm ernesto on the edge of becoming a dangerous hurricane as it barrels through the caribbean, ernesto pounding puerto rico and the u.s. >> virgin islands, power out for hundreds of thousands of people there. >> let's bring in cnn meteorologist derek van dam. derek, what are people being warned about seeing those pictures now of the whipping wind? since that are happening at this hour well, right now
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the immediate threat sara is certainly the flash flood potential from this. >> it's dumping a tremendous amount of rain. we'll get to that in just one moment. even though ernesto is a tropical storm officially, it's still acting like a hurricane for many locations across the british virgin islands and puerto rico so as it starts to pull away, these are some of the latest wind gusts that have exceeded hurricane strength. remember 74 miles per hour is that low-end category one, but that needs to be stained for it to be classified as a hurricane. so it's not quite there just yet, but certainly getting its act together. we'll get an update at 8:00 am from the national so hurricane center, maybe that happens regardless. anyway, you look at it, it is producing tremendous amounts of rain and the strong gusty winds across this area. here's the latest radar and i want you to see san juan right there. we've been monitoring this band of very heavy rain that's got about one to two inch rainfall per hour clocked across the eastern sections of puerto rico. that's why the local weather service office
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has included san juan and the eastern sections of puerto rico under that flash flood warning that extends right through about noon local time. and you can see the additional rainfall that will occur from the storm before it slowly starts to pull away. so where's it going from here? great question. lots of open-water over the next couple of days. that doesn't mean we want to take our high off this system because it will strengthen likely become a major hurricane before it approaches bermuda. late friday into early saturday. what kind of impacts here on the u.s. no major impacts with the exception of large waves and rip currents that will emanate out from this expanding hurricane as it takes in the fuel from the warm ocean waters of the western atlantic nick, but really bermuda, this storm needs to be monitored very closely because it could be a major hurricane as it approaches the island here by the weekend and lots of wind associated with the system, of course, with a major hurricane exceeding 114 miles per hour, sara yikes for bermuda, those
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pictures disturbing. thank you. so much, derek van dam. appreciate you. okay. >> with abortion bans now on the ballot in several states. this november, there is a new study out this morning showing up. most of women, most women in the united states are worried abortion bans could put them or their loved ones in danger. and cnn investigates a tech startup promoted by jd vance as a way to help people that he grew up with. what actually happened to the company, the workers the future. they were promised will be back this fall comedy us coming to cnn good go wrong i got news for you for me or saturday, september 14 at nine on cnn she random plays like a puppy again, is number jews is a brand new dog when people
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planning to emerge as you emerge trim fired. ask your doctor about trump via football season already and not a satellite dish in sight. >> hardly recognize a ruse. i grew up in that squad thank you all the one and where everyone else is watching nonstop football on directtv. tell me whose houses this air house. >> i think they're renting. >> listen, listen i'd noted get easy access to all this football. would you know what you got? >> like coach across boehm ayin
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the cold rocket money? >> the athletes, nato. your pushing the limits of what is capable ready to share the world how good i am. i train all over the globe. >> and that's what you're going to see an awol whole different be a cw wednesday night dynamite tonight at 8:00 on tbs. new this morning, the secretary state of missouri has certified that voters will get to weigh in on abortion access
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come election day in that state, the initiative is now the newest and latest state to put abortion access on the ballot. one of several similar measures and over a half dozen states that would establish a fundamental right to abortion. and also with that this morning, a new survey showing that most women in the united states now fear abortion bans could put them or loved one in danger. cnn's meg tirrell joining us now with more information about this new survey. what else did this survey find yeah, gate, this is a survey of almost 4,000 women of reproductive age across the united states, done by health policy group kff. >> now, overall, they find about 14% of women in this sample report we're having had an abortion and that's fairly similar across party lines from republicans to democrats and women who don't report being part of either party. now, they also note that attitudes and fears about access to abortion have changed a lot after roe v. wade was overturned they say in
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this poll that about two thirds of imane are concerned that they are someone close to them would not be able to get an abortion if they needed them to preserve their life or health. 64% are concerned that abortion bans may affect the safety of a future pregnancy and gate already 8% of people in this poll said that they had difficulty accessing needed abortion, and that was 13% and in states with abortion bans, now, they also surveyed women's attitudes toward policy on abortion, 70% of women in this survey support a nation wide right to abortion across political lines. you also see a majority of women of reproductive age saying that this should not be left up to the states that way up to more than 80% for democrats. and 53% for republican women in this age group, kate, what did the survey fine or show about women in these specific states where abortion is likely to be on the ballot as we were talking about
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yeah, so we know that as you said, with missouri joining this list, there are about eight states that are going to have abortion on the ballot in november. >> some of those states that people are watching really closely are florida and arizona. and the survey looked at women's attitudes in those states and they found that in each of those states more than 70% of women of reproductive age say that abortion should be legal in all, or most cases so people who are invested in this issue specifically are watching this very closely in november people more broadly though of course, are wondering, is this going to drive people to the polls and influence the election in even brought our ways than just voting on these specific initiatives, cape yeah, meg, thanks so much for bringing us the reporting. >> john. >> all right. he has represented diddy michael jackson, and now hunter biden. we've got some new reporting just in on the new lawyer that joined hunter biden's legal team, new polls show voters in battleground states it's losing
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moment for hunter biden. he's been convicted in the federal court of delaware for gun-related crimes. he had a legal team that was very prominent out of washington, dc, taking him forward in that trial, a lawyer named abbe lowell and the partners around him at a very large firm. but they're based on the the east coast and there really expensive and there's a lot of people at that firm that were working for hunter biden. and so now three weeks away from a tax trial in california's federal court, hunter biden is enlisting mark geragos, this other lawyer in california to essentially take the lead there, abby well, it's quite busy and mark geragos may be able to do things a little bit more nimbly over there in that court gets court quicker. he may be a little bit cheaper. >> and all of this comes at the same time where hunter biden is in a moment where he has had ongoing feeling out plea possibilities with the justice department, with the special
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counsel's office. >> they really went nowhere, but there were some initial discussions after that conviction in delaware. was there a way for him to avoid going to trial in california? it hasn't gotten very far, but this is one of those situations where it's very possible well, hunter biden would be open to a plea deal if the special counsel's office was able to do something that he feels could really help him get through the next couple of months. and sort of keep his exposure to a very limited way but right now, they're full steam ahead going to trial in california barnea, he is potentially open to a plea deal, and then of course, on the table is the possibility that his father has that presidential pardon power. but joe biden has been explicit so far, saying he is not interested in pardoning his son or commuting his sentence it'll be interesting to see what geragos is able to do with the tech stuff in california, you are times overnight kaitlan
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reporting on specific outreach from hunter biden to us officials in 2016, over burisma. what's going on here? >> yeah, john, this is coming through the state department and information that they are releasing basically in 2016, there's just another new incident of hunter biden and what he was doing on behalf of the ukrainian energy company, burisma, where he was a board member at the time his father was vice president and in 2016, he was capitalizing or trying to capitalize on his father's role in this prominent position in the us government. and hunter biden did reach out to the u.s. ambassador to italy, according to the new york times, he was asking essentially for a little bit of networking help. but the eu plus government balked they were very hesitant to want to do anything that hunter biden was requested. we've seen this over and over again in different instances with him
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around this time where they're saying we're not going to be actively advocating in this way, especially with this ukrainian company involved and a lawyer for hunter biden didn't abbe lowell did say to the times that there was no meeting that ever actually occurred. there was no project that materialized. and of course, crucially, jon hunter biden has been investigated for years and has never been charged with any illegal foreign lobbying activity. and there's nothing where we have found his father doing anything it could have helped him whenever he was sitting in the vice presidency, john katelyn polantz. >> thank you so much for sharing your reporting. great to see you this morning. sir. >> i will take i saw sarah's over there. i know my defense defense, he's over there. you're over the debt to it. you have to get up, get your ticket vegetables before you get your dessert the economy remains gotten me remade this. you'd ever won among voters this election very clearly, both harris and trump campaigns are trying to make the case that they're the better to
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handle it today. donald trump will make it make his case to voters in asheville, north carolina, and then kamala harris has to raleigh, north carolina on friday, where she will be rolling out. she's he's expected to roll out her economic plan in her first major policy speech, cnn's harry enten has been looking to set the table for us, looking at how some of the messaging has been landing with voters so far, let's talk about donald trump because he has been leading on this issue with voters threw out, what are you seeing now? >> what are we seeing right now? zero point perhaps i can make the medicine go down a little bit easier on this particular topic all right, this is trust more on the economy, those key great lake battleground states, michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin, and what i want you to take it away from this is twofold. number one, donald trump still leads on who they trust more harris versus trump here in august, he leads by six points. all right? so what does a good issue for him, but it's not nearly as good of an issue as it was back in may. and who do you trust more on the economy in these key great lake battleground states when it was biden versus trump, when trump was ahead by 14 points. and this is
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something that we've generally been seeing in the polling that is the strength for donald trump had becoming less strong. he is not ahead by as much on these issues and this of course is so important because this has been the number one issue that he's been hammering away at. and when you're up by 14, it's much easier to make that economic argument up to those key great lake battleground state voters than when you're up by six and it's just part of the larger picture that donald trump has been struggling once kamala harris has gotten into this race overall, and on his number one issue as well, still leading, but leading by not as much correctness issue what about kind of digging into not just among all likely voters how about among the key constituency for donald trump in the past and present, which is white working class vote, exactly right? >> so you know, white working class voters, non-college white voters have been donald trump's core constituency. and so it's not really much of a surprise here that when we're looking trust in the economy, trump has a larger lead with them overall. 24 point lead over kamala harris. and who is more trust in those key great
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battleground states. great lake battleground states. but look at this, look again at the trend line. a trend lines here are so important because don trump at a 36 point lead laid back in may that has been cut by 12 points. and again, this is the real problem for donald trump because elections are not just about winning groups. it's about driving up the margins with the group's your strongest with enclosing the margins among the groups, your weakest with. and this is his strongest group in the electorate. and his lead simply put, kate is not any we're near is strong and this goes in part with the fact that he is actually not leading as much overall in the horse race with white working class voters. once kamala harris gun race, and i think this has kind of one of those interesting sort of nuggets because one of the reasons joe biden had been arguing to stay him was he felt that he could reach voters that kamala harris couldn't reach specifically non-college white voters. but in this particular case, he is doing donald trump is doing worse, gets kamala harris online work for both of them to do on this front. we shouldn't see they're going to be heading on the trail this week. that is the focus that's
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great. see you, harry. thank you sir. >> all right. for more on this discussion on kamala harris has strategy. i'm joined by democratic congresswoman debbie wasserman schultz of florida welcome to the program. thank you so much for being here. i don't know if you were able to hear what harry was saying about the data indicators despite the economic indicators that have been fairly good, americans still say, look, they're feeling really, really bad. they're struggling personally because of high prices during this administration. and in these key battleground states, donald trump still gaetz higher numbers when it comes to how he handles the economy mr. vice president harris, part of this administration, does she need to differentiate herself from joe biden on the issue of the economy. now well, look, i mean, i represent a congressional district in south florida and out talking to my constituents all the time.
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>> and there's no question that even though there's been remarkable progress and the economy, we have your post-covid, the best economy in the world more than 15 million jobs created during this administration. you have jobs that have been reassured thanks to the chips and science act for computer chip manufacturing. but investments in infrastructure. but when i talk to my constituents and folks around the country, it is really tough when that grocery bill is still too high. it's really tough when they ask prices. we want them to continue to come down. but the contrast that the campaign, vice president harris and tim walz will present over the course of the next few weeks is clear. donald trump is someone who, when he was president prioritized tax cuts for the wealthiest, most fortunate americans they deposed, making sure that we can continue the affordable care act. health care costs are often the most significant price point when it
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comes to family budgets that can kill families when they have a health care crisis. kamala, harris and tim walz have focused on making sure that we can continue to invest in working families to fight proust, price gouging like kamala harris did when she was attorney general in california successfully, she'd beat back the pharmaceutical companies on their on their prices thing, on cosmetic companies and many others. so the contrast is clear. donald trump took care of the rich kamala harris and tim walz and their leadership roles have taken care of making sure that they focus on middle class and working families and making ends meet i want to ask you about another policy issue in 2019, when harris was running kamala harris said illegal border crossing should be a civil enforcement issue, but not a criminal enforcement issue. >> and she said she would close migrant detention facilities on day one. do you expect her? to change those policies or for those to be her policies now
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what i expect from a president harris is what should already have been law, but isn't because donald trump pressured as successfully the maga republicans in congress that i started with not to pass a bipartisan immigration reform deal that would have addressed so much of this border crisis because the republicans really don't care. donald trump doesn't really care about solving the border crisis wears that wall that mexico was supposedly going to pay for we are focused under vice president harris and president biden on trying to really get things done. you've seen a huge drop in attempted border crossings thanks to the policies of biden and harris that have brought down the that have brought down the motivation to have migrants approach our border. they know that they're not going to likely be able to cross and is successfully into the united
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states. and we've invested and vice president harris lead those efforts in countries like guatemala, where you've seen a huge drop in attempts to come come to our border because life is getting better there. that's the balance we have to strike donald trump wants to deport and has committed to support mass deportations as soon as he becomes president. >> let me ask you about something that has come up with her vice presidential pick, governor tim walz of minnesota. he appeared multiple times with a cleric and leader in the month some community who has posted anti-semitic con, content. the imam asad zaman had shared a link in 2015 to a neo-nazi propaganda film that portrayed adolf hitler in a positive light and three years later, this is what walz said about him i would like to first of all, say thank you to the imam i am a teacher, so when i see a master teacher, i know it and over the time we've spent
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together, one of the things one of the things i've had the privilege of you're seeing the things in life through the eye of a master teacher to try and get the understanding listening today to the stories and what it means now fast forward to now and after october 7, attacks by hamas on israel, the imam shared some anti-israel party posts the governor's campaign said that walz doesn't have a personal relationship with a mommy the has been with him several times at public events. >> is the man says that he shares things without fully looking at them. are you concerned about this we're walz is showing up with a mom over and over and over again with this relationship i known tim walz and served with him in congress and he's been a dear friend of mine for many years. and if there's anything i'm confident in its that tim walz is going to continue to give voice to the voiceless to fight back against hate, particularly anti-semitism as he has
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continually done he spoke out immediately after october 7, condemned hamas hamas's attack has insisted that the hostages come home and has always had a strong pro israel voting record alongside vice president harris when she was a us senator this isn't administration under vice president harris that adopted the first national strategy to combat anti-semitism, making it a top priority for every federal agency and has been focused on implementing that i want to make sure that we have a president and vice president, harris and walz in office so we can continue to ensure that there are people running this country that actually care about fighting hate and reducing anti-semitism instead of hosting not neo-nazis for dinner like donald trump has done. and instead of sitting down with an anti-semite himself, elon musk who has promoted anti-semitic trump, trump's on his platform tim
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walz, kamala harris, they fight antisemitism and donald trump sits and j.d. vance sit down and dine and cohort with anti-semites, pretty big difference congress from wasserman schultz, thank you so much for being here this morning. >> appreciate you sweetener. good new reporting this morning on ukraine's incursion into russia, there is new video that shows ukrainian truck carrying blindfolded men in russian military uniforms. you can't see them right now because they're blurred out in that video we are learning the belgorod region inside russia has declared a state of emergency. now cnn's clare sebastian joins us with the very latest. what are you learning? clare yeah, good morning, john. >> that video i think it's worth noting what we're learning about that and it was filmed by afp, is that it appears to show a ukrainian pickup truck carrying what appeared to be russian possibly prisoners of war away from the russian border the into
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ukraine. and seeing that some ten days ago would have seemed virtually impossible. but this comes as ukraine is becoming having said very little for the first few days of this operation is becoming increasingly explicit about its motives here, the primary motives seem to be to sort of pull russian troops away from the vulnerable areas of the frontline. and ukraine ease pressure there and they say to try to force russia into peace. but another part of this, according to president zelenskyy, is to do what he calls replenishing the exchange fund. so essentially capturing more russians so they can then he traded for ukrainians still in russian captivity in the last hour or so, we've heard from a call that was recorded between zelenskyy and his commander in chief. the commander-in-chief saying that they've captured some 100 russian soldiers. this is his claim since the beginning of the day. if you're looking for metrics of success for ukraine in this operation, this part, at least seems to be working though of course this may well come at a pretty heavy cost
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also for ukrainian troops, they are still though on the advance. john still on the advanced. >> as of this morning, clare sebastian. >> thank you so much for that update coming up next, a cnn investigation into the quote, nightmare conditions at a failed farming startup that was promoted what'd and partially funded by republican vice presidential nominee j.d. vance cnn is live from chicago as democrats unite to offer their support to a new nominee and her running mate fellow cnn for complete coverage, the democratic national convention monday at seven on cnn. >> and streaming on max with car gurus, you can start your financing from home if only you could do things your way all the time maybe someday get up with gurus if you're shopping for a hall, real commute tool lets you find homes close to work, school.
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kentuckian's. the company ultimately failed and workers alleged they experienced, quote nightmare conditions and were eventually replaced with foreign migrant workers. cnn's kyung lah has the story this morning not where it was a nightmare that should have never happened that nightmare happened here at this nearly empty greenhouse in eastern kentucky appharvest, a failed high-tech startup, promised local workers a future that spiraled into broken promises. anthony morgan bought into the company's public pitch that it was for appalachia by appalachians, where he was being told that hey guys, he's from here. >> thank you he is j.d. >> vance, the republican good nominee for vice president. >> i will be a vice president who never forgets where he came from, leaning on his personal rise out of poverty to reach swing-state voters as donald trump's running mate, i chose
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him because he's for the worker. he's for the people that worked. so so hard and perhaps word treated like they should have been. >> but before politics, vance was a venture capitalist and appharvest is first outside investor, eventually steering millions of dollars so the company dance was a lead pitch man for the vertical farming started tweeting. he was so supporter and investor writing, i love this company. >> it's a great business that's making a big difference in the world. >> the company's investor presentation pledged a commitment to appalachia estimating thousands of new jobs to a poverty stricken area a major emphasis with them was, we want to bring work to eastern kentucky. this is why we are here morgan left a stable job to join appharvest as a crop care specialist, pruning the greenhouse grown vegetables a single father was
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six-year-old twins. >> the job rapidly turned when production fell behind under what, a dozen workers described to cnn as mismanagement, including dangerous conditions employees filed multiple complaints to the state and federal government alleging heat exhaustion working in extreme i'm temperatures and lack of water breaks. when the cases were all closed with no citations. >> i think about the hottest that i experienced was around 128 degrees in science coupled as weak you'd have, it won't show up and you seen people leaving on gurneys to go to the hospital. >> the cuts came next to promised worker benefits, and then born workers just came in to fill those so-called local jobs the second round of folks, they brought airman was folk from work visas and i didn't ryan just i am full they brought bus loads documents show appharvest hired contract
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workers from outside the region at one point, as many as 500. the majority of its workforce, not locals but that's not the image appharvest wanted the world to see. this is kentucky senator mitch mcconnell visiting in 2021. >> mitch mcconnell coming through with a migrant workers there at the time you're laughing. >> i mean, i look at the video, it doesn't look like there's any hid these guys they took them out of the client was gone and then mitch mcconnell's giving a speech about all this work that i have harvest is brought eastern kentuckian's. i liked the idea of thinking that made a mark. the away from the mexicans on they were trying to hide them. >> migrant workers, specifically, yeah. >> this worker who asked not to be identified says the hiring of migrant workers became part of a mirage that appharvest was
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helping the region he took this video as his coworkers first clapped for visiting investors and anytime they did that they kept workers off the floor doing are like stationary parade while people come through and yeah, it was it was awkward having to stand there and just be a prop a prop for what he know. look at all of these these poor folks were employing the workers says, it's impossible to forget about his time at appharvest as j.d. >> vance ascends to national politics he's gotten away with a lot of money and fame for pretending to be one of us. >> oh wait, i know. >> he's just another grifter. just another carpetbagger, another tourist who wants to tell us what we are dance, lift the board in april 2021? >> glenn for the senate.
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shortly after shareholders filed suit claiming they were misled by 2023 appharvest's had filed for bankruptcy a little more than two years after its public launch but the workers and this failed startup say they are the real people in the vance story. do you blame j.d. vance? for any of this i blame all of the original investors at appharvest the original order directors know what was common you would have had to have been an idiot, not cnn review of documents and interviews with a dozen former workers show that problems emerge while vance was still a member of appharvest's board. >> now, after he departed, he was still an investor and had more than 100 we're thousand dollars invested in the company according to disclosures a spokesman for vance says the cnn in a statement, jd was not aware of the operational decisions regarding hiring employee benefits, or other
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workplace policies which were made after he did part of appharvest's board, like all early supporters, jd believed in appharvest's mission and wishes the company would have succeeded. kyung lah, cnn, los angeles all right. >> new this morning, a manhunt in hillsborough, north carolina searching for a convicted murderer who was serving a life sentence for killing a one-year-old child. he escaped custody tuesday during a medical transport officials say he freed himself from leg restraints in ran into the woods still in handcuffs. there is a 20th $5,000 reward for any information that helps lead to his capture overnight, minnesota representative ilhan omar won her primary in minnesota. she ran in her deep-blue who district on a platform of defending abortion rights and her legislative record, but she also drew sharp criticism for defendant campus protesters against the war in gaza. two other members of the so-called squad jamaal bowman of new york and cori bush of
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missouri. they lost their primary bids earlier this summer. >> is that that date he went like cuban born singer and for time latin grammy award-winner syria cruz is now the first afro latina to appear on the u.s. quarter next year marks the centennial of her birth quite enough okay. >> so a new twist in the battle for bronze, there are now new questions of a conflict of interest among the panel that made the decision to strip jordan chiles of that bronze medal that she wanted the floor exercise cnn's andy scholes has more details on this. so what are you learning well, kate, you know this latest twist kinda makes you turn your head and go you know, because we're now learning that the head of the court of arbitration for sports panel that ruled against chiles ultimately awarded third place to romania's ana barbosu has actually represented romania in legal cases for almost a
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decade. >> so dr. hamid gharavi, i was one of the people on that three-member panel that rule that the original us appeal of chiles score came four seconds late now, we just got a statement from the court of arbitration for sport about the potential conflict of interest. and they said dr. garage avi made the disclosure in writing during the proceedings and his disclosure was sent to all parties and interested parties, and none of the parties are interested parties. if for example, usa gymnastics or jordan chiles objected to his appointment as panel chair during the cas proceedings? so they're basically saying that the objection needed to come before this conflict of interest has arise, but usa gymnastics disputed that the ruling at the time they presented that timestamped evidence that their appeal actually came 47 seconds, but gravi in the panel said the rule of don't allow them to reconsider their initial ruling. now, usa gymnastics say they will continue this fight. they're gonna be appealing to
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the swiss tribunal for chiles to keep her bronze medal in the meantime, rapper and olympics hype man, flavor flav. he's trying to help. he posted a video of a bronze clock on x with the caption. i got your back. jordan chiles. so if for some reason she does end up losing this bronze the metal kate flavor flav has got taken care of with a replacement flavor flavor of what are they? >> awesome surprise, surprise stars of the olympics as well. so let's see what comes of that. but i do want to ask you about your favorite sports related topic, which is manet's. yes, i said manet's something about a manet's add now, grabbing attention starting with nfl player showing off his unusual take on his coffee recipe. please bring me up to speed. i'm missing some tie-ins. quarterback will levis, he's a big fan of manet's and you know, sometimes when you really love your condiment, maybe you want to smell like that condiment. well now it is a possibility because titans quarterback will levis and hellmann's getting together for, for an ad for a manet's smelling cologne


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